Need from MM ROM - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, i debloated my note4 and now screen rotation isn´t working anymore.
I have found the problem. I have removed samsung hub and samsung hub updater, so the file from system/lib is gone.
Please can someone share this file to me? I´m on the lateststock samsung rom from 02/2017 - MM 6.0.1 on my 910f.
Please can also someone tell me, which file is included in facebook app, which also affects the screen rotation, if i remove facebook completely? This file i also want to have.

You can find it in FBAppManager.apk in stock mm rom.Just extract it with 7zip.
But dont know about screen rotation issue.

Bib_x said:
Hi, i debloated my note4 and now screen rotation isn´t working anymore.
I have found the problem. I have removed samsung hub and samsung hub updater, so the file from system/lib is gone.
Please can someone share this file to me? I´m on the lateststock samsung rom from 02/2017 - MM 6.0.1 on my 910f.
Please can also someone tell me, which file is included in facebook app, which also affects the screen rotation, if i remove facebook completely? This file i also want to have.
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Attached lib file from N910G QA4 firmware, should work

can someone remind me what folder this file goes in again

Here is the file from latest N910F stock DRI2 unbranded UK firmware. Put it in /system/lib/, with perms 644, and root 0/root 0 for user/group. Any root file manager can do this. Reboot, rotation should work.
This isn't a flashable zip, so don't try to flash with TWRP. Just extract the zip and put the file where I've specified.

AnonVendetta said:
Here is the file from latest N910F stock DRI2 unbranded UK firmware. Put it in /system/lib/, with perms 644, and root 0/root 0 for user/group. Any root file manager can do this. Reboot, rotation should work.
This isn't a flashable zip, so don't try to flash with TWRP. Just extract the zip and put the file where I've specified.
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thanks much appreciated


Need Browser from EB01

I am on ED01 running Community ROM and LauncherPro Plus 0.8.6
The stock browser with ED01 conflicts with LPP's Bookmarks Widget and causes FC
Could somebody please post the browser from EB01? (The widget worked with EB01, perhaps newer updates work as well...I wouldn't know) I did a long search, but couldnt find anything.
If anyone knows of any other way to fix the problem please let me know.
There's a patch in post 2 of the ComRom thread. Flash in CWM.
Need an apk file from a specific ROM?
Download the CWM flashable ROM zip file. Extract the zip file. Look in the /system/app directory of the extracted zip. Find the apk file you want. Put that apk file on your phone. Use a file manager to install the apk.

[Q] I cannot install in S4

I try to find in system/media but I only found .qmg file.
So I paste that I want in this folder and reboot but it does not work.
Can anyone tell me how to fix it please?
note:I already root my device/ I use custom rom Omega last ver.
I used root expo to look my file.
sorry for my english , I am not good in it.
shanatoki said:
I try to find in system/media but I only found .qmg file.
So I paste that I want in this folder and reboot but it does not work.
Can anyone tell me how to fix it please?
note:I already root my device/ I use custom rom Omega last ver.
I used root expo to look my file.
sorry for my english , I am not good in it.
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You need to flash bootanimationsenabler zip. You might find it on Omega files app but not sure. If not just search it
Then you will be able to flash bootanimation zip files

[REQ] Stock Browser for 4.4.2 NB2

Can someone help me to give me the stock browser apk or flashable zip? I was Flash the bloatware script but didn't noticed that in the script also deleted stock browser I have the app backup with TB but it give me nonstop fc when I restore from tb or maybe somebody can tell me how to restore from tb without giving me fc, thanks.!Lp4FBISS!DbOXEaS4VQTj4Agqcla39smpJa2_dfKni5Lme6nbcGs
Use Chrome if you on PC and mega client app if you on mobile
This is NOT flashable zip, extract them, put 2 .apk files into /system/app and .so file to /system/lib , 3 of them must be set permission into rw-r--r--
If you are on odex ROM, delete corresponding .odex file first
Better wipe dalvik/cache before you do so, to avoid any potential problem.
I don't know if we are on same firmware, but give it a try

[HELP][APK]Need mms.apk with odex file for 2.3.6 [S5360]

i accidentally deleted mms.apk app and its odex file from my friends phone after rooting it (i thought it was for MMS and not SMS ), so how can i get one??
i tried lot of stock rom links, but almost all are would be great if someone can send me the apk and odex file
Phone Firmware : S5360DDKJ2 (if it matters..)
I dont have that specific firmware files but I have ones from ddmd1 to hand - I have added them to the attachment - just unzip and push to system and set permissions to rw-r-r and reboot
if you want any apps from any stock firmware you can simply extract the files from the pda file of the firmware using my method in the thread below

[Q] TWRP flash failed

I have LG G2 32gb, D802, 5.0.2 V30a, rooted + TWRP.
When I flash some zip files TWRP says that everything is okay, but did not.
Apps that I flashed crashes when power on the phone.
I noticed that Root browser don't see that flashed files at all. ES file explorer see files but not as it should be. And size of files is 0.
Look screenshot from ES file explorer.
Looks like ordinary theme apks ?
Just install through es file explorer or any other file manager. OR flash the zips (if it's flashable at all) through twrp directly.
Did you read what I wrote? I flashed zips through twrp but files not flashed properly. Not just themes, and other files too.
Size of files is 0:00 B. Root Browser can't see them at all, ES file explorer see them but not as folders, as it should be.
Were those any flashable zips for your D802 LP? Or just normal zipped file..?
It also can be possible the files flashed weren't compatitable with your ROM. U better try asking in the thread from which U tried flashing these Themes.
And everything u flash is giving u error? Any popular keyboard zip (G3 keyboard for G2) or Tried flashing Dorminax Kernel for D802?? Do they flashe successfully?
I found files on this page:
I did not try keyboard and kernel because I don't need that.
I just wanted G4 smart notice and home...
Themes are part of LG Home flashable zip.
I asked where I found apps, and all zips working fine for them.
When I copy themes and LG home with Root browser then works fine.
Do you have some flashable zip for G2 5.0.2, to try? Keyboard or something that 100% works for me?
