New update on h815 Vodafone - G4 General


What update is that supposed to be?

tashum said:
What update is that supposed to be?
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We'll see after Al0N give us a link and some info about those updates.
Edit: another firmwares were added on
Above link is not working to me but if you install a download manager it should work
I haven't tried it yet but looks like branded and jan patch.

So it is not Nougat update and then we don't care anymore about this firmware?

kouzelnik3 said:
So it is not Nougat update and then we don't care anymore about this firmware?
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I'm afraid it is MM. v20 firmware. At least jan sec patch. Hopefully it will come to unbranded roms too.
I can't believe how bad is LG aftersales. If I knew that before I would have bought a different brand.

If it is v20, it is MM.. Unfortunately. And now we have February, almost March so it will be nice if LG releases february update... I think it will be success if LG give us Nougat update at all...

kouzelnik3 said:
If it is v20, it is MM.. Unfortunately. And now we have February, almost March so it will be nice if LG releases february update... I think it will be success if LG give us Nougat update at all...
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Yeah, terrible LG support. Samsung officialy said that S6 And S Edge will get Android N in a few days/weeks.
I would recommend everyone to generate their unique unlock.bin file on LG G4 unlock website in case of that LG shutdown LG G4 software support completly or Its unlocking page. All of you can easily unlock bootloader and flash custom ROM then (Lineage 14.1 for example).

I have already done that unlocking procedure and I've installed root and twrp. So if LG closes the support, I'll be able to change ROM if necessary.

kouzelnik3 said:
I have already done that unlocking procedure and I've installed root and twrp. So if LG closes the support, I'll be able to change ROM if necessary.
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I haven't done it yet, but I think this will be myh duty for next weekend.

Can someone try to post latest LG G4 KDZ with January 2017 security patch here? That kdz file from this page is offline for me. Thanks.

use xdm download manager
heroutm said:
Can someone try to post latest LG G4 KDZ with January 2017 security patch here? That kdz file from this page is offline for me. Thanks.
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Using XDM download manager to download kdz firmware from LG server is faster. and You can make sure it is original from LG.
---------- Post added at 01:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:09 PM ----------
heroutm said:
Can someone try to post latest LG G4 KDZ with January 2017 security patch here? That kdz file from this page is offline for me. Thanks.
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You need to set “LGE-ActiveDP/0.9” as your browser’s user Agent., if you want to use browser to download firmwares from LG server.
To change the User agent settings in Chrome browser, Please User-Agent Switcher plguin.

Error while flashing with LG UP.
CEFS::Initialize() lg up error code 0x2000
I'm unable to flash this KDZ.

Is some unbrand firmware with january security patch, I suppose that vodafone firmware is branded thats right?

jurastefo said:
Is some unbrand firmware with january security patch, I suppose that vodafone firmware is branded thats right?
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I'd like to try that, but error while flashing at 9%. I had to remove battery and turn on my phone again. I tried that four times with different USB ports with no luck.
---------- Post added at 03:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------
heroutm said:
I'd like to try that, but error while flashing at 9%. I had to remove battery and turn on my phone again. I tried that four times with different USB ports with no luck.
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This might fix that error, but I haven't tried it yet.
There must be a reason why this KDZ cannot be installed normally.

After using 0x2000 fix KDZ flashed sucessfully. ROM has Android 6.0 with security patch from January 2017. It just has custom Vodafone boot animation, anything else stock, no bloat.


[KDZ] SEA Asia SE/Singapore - 19/4/2017

When I was looking at lg-firmwares site, I've founds the newest KDZ which has probably the April security patch because it has been released in 19. 4. 2017. It is Singapore KDZ for ASIA. Is there anyone who has got this KDZ installed and can provide us more info?
The link to the KDZ's site is:
Direct link:
Installed but I dont see any news only april security patch. For more info is very soon. Only error after reboot phone after click is error gone
jurastefo said:
Installed but I dont see any news only april security patch. For more info is very soon. Only error after reboot phone after click is error gone
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Screen with error
Telephone work normal , I think that error is maybe some country restriction, I dont know.
Was waiting to see if someone tried this one out
Are there any bloatware or custom bootlogo etc on it?
No any bloatware, I will testing and always is possible to make rollback☺
can some one give me the initd file from this kdz? pls.
Does anyone have rooted image?
Sent from my LG-H815 using xda premium

Which is the latest firmware version available for S8 SM-G950U1??

I just updated my SM-G950U to SM-G950U1.
I downloaded the latest july released firmware from
After flashing my device shows that i've the latest updates but when i searched net there are many updates available for other countries S8 like in india, uae...etc
Find attached my firmware details.
Can anyone tell me which is the latest version available??
that's the same version I currently have
underground9 said:
that's the same version I currently have
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Please update if you receive any updates
I don't think any US model has been updated yet. I'm hoping for sometime this week.
kingersj1 said:
I don't think any US model has been updated yet. I'm hoping for sometime this week.
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That's what i think but rest of the world is getting updates.
parkarintl said:
I just updated my SM-G950U to SM-G950U1.
I downloaded the latest july released firmware from
After flashing my device shows that i've the latest updates but when i searched net there are many updates available for other countries S8 like in india, uae...etc
Find attached my firmware details.
Can anyone tell me which is the latest version available??
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All of the US models (U &U1) are still stuck on July.... No August updates yet. You really are on the most current version for U1.
I suspect the carriers will push out the August patch in the next few weeks (and most likely plugging the recently published root exploit and updating the bootloader), with the U1 following a few weeks after that, as that's how it's gone so far.
It has now AQH3.
The most recent is August 30
What is the difference between U and U1?
It's QH3. is where I always search for firmware. They're pretty up to date and have good download times.
---------- Post added at 09:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 AM ----------
Szarko said:
What is the difference between U and U1?
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U are the carrier version models
U1 are the unlocked models.
You can flash U1 fw with Odin and have smoother, no bloat firmware but you lose volte and wifi calling.
I have U1 and have VOLTE on Verizon. Just have to enable it on your account online... Then the option shows up in settings after a reboot.
Sent from my SM-G950U1 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Please Reply!
And since my dumbass deleted the account I used BEFORE resetting my U1 im trying to figure out how to get past FRP since google wouldnt help! And hoping i can still root and try other roms but i seriously just want to get back to samsung stock s8 U1 firmware and not brick it
Can anyone point me to a relevant thread or share your experience, pm me if need be, i understand the stigma of this situation.

LG G6+ US997U kdz or updates

Hi, any ideas who needs to provide system update or original firmware to LG G6+ US997U? (Amazon or LG USA?)
Indiant said:
Hi, any ideas who needs to provide system update or original firmware to LG G6+ US997U? (Amazon or LG USA?)
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As it is not carrier specific I would think LG.
patruns said:
As it is not carrier specific I would think LG.
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But Lg says the opposite:
"For the unlocked version, software updates will be coming from the current carrier of the device as well. They will be the one who is going to send the updates to you OTA."
My current carrier, not selling G6 phones. Therefore they will not provide updates for Amazon G6+. (specially not in Europe)
The phone's fw. is 10A quite old.
So I'm searching owners of LG G6+ US997U live in USA.
Still no updates from amazon.
Lg g6 updates
Will the lg g6 amazon version get oreo update
JSantos17 said:
Will the lg g6 amazon version get oreo update
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Don't thinks so.
I currently own this device and I just received an update today February 27th it was 500 megabytes download and it had the December Android security patch
This update would make me think maybe, just maybe, we will get Oreo update too... Hope so.
I love this device but it certainly would be even better with Oreo. Let's hope so.
danymart94 said:
I just received an update today February 27th it was 500 megabytes download and it had the December Android security patch
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currentVersion : US997UA10A_03, newVersion : US997UA10C_03
(USC version has US997U16b_00_1127.kdz)
In 10C the lockscreen can be disabled.
Just a FYI...
I received the Oreo update on my LGUS997U last week: US997U20a (includes May 1, 2018 Security Patch)
banksc said:
Just a FYI...
I received the Oreo update on my LGUS997U last week: US997U20a (includes May 1, 2018 Security Patch)
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If you plug your phone into the computer and use LG Bridge to update error recovery does it download the 20a KDZ?
johnwayne007 said:
If you plug your phone into the computer and use LG Bridge to update error recovery does it download the 20a KDZ?
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Mine does not. I still get 10c_03
banksc said:
Just a FYI...
I received the Oreo update on my LGUS997U last week: US997U20a (includes May 1, 2018 Security Patch)
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What carrier are you on? I still haven't received it and I"m wondering if AT&T is the problem since they don't technicaly support this model.
I expect you will see it soon.
---------- Post added at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 PM ----------
johnwayne007 said:
If you plug your phone into the computer and use LG Bridge to update error recovery does it download the 20a KDZ?
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Been out of town... Will see if I can do it this week.
what is the correct model number for the LG G6+US model
LG G6+ US997U = is this correct?
Am interested in getting back onboard w/ LG after my time with Axon7. But need version for TMo & the quad DAC.
NVM, indeed it is .
Sorry for the noob question, it's probably been asked on here, but have not been able to find a solid answer. I have a US Cellular LG G6, which by now I know bootloader can't be unlocked. But, is there any way to update to Android Oreo? Currently on Android Nougat 7.0. thanks in advance.

LG Stylo 3 root

Hi. I just got an LG Stylo 3 on Virgin Mobile. Although I like this phone Id like to root it to have better functionality. Like to delete bloatware, and have ad-blockers.
Has anyong found root for the LG Stylo 3- LS777??
I see theres root for the LG Stylo 3 Plus. Can that method also be used for the Lg Stylo 3???
If anyone has root or finds root please contact me at [U][I][email protected][/I][/U]. Ill donate to you.
Getting the bootloader unlocked will be the biggest trick on this device. As usual, LG is following a longtime tradition of blocking fastboot mode on its budget devices. Without a working exploit to zero out the /laf partition and force fastboot mode, root on the LS777 is going to be extremely difficult. Root and custom Android development are already ongoing on the LG Stylo 3 Plus because the bootloader is readily unlockable on that variant.
This is the latest firmware for the LG Stylo 3 (LS777) with July 1, 2018 security patches. This package consists of partition images and is not in TOT or kdz format. The engineering version of LG-UP can be used to flash the individual partitions (using Partition DL mode). Or, the images can be used with a kdz firmware package compiler to create a kdz package.
These partition images are untouched stock.
Android Version 7.0
Software Version LS777ZVE
Build No. NRD90U
Kernel Version: 3.18.31
Security Patch Level: July 1, 2018
So no root for this phone yet?
MotoJunkie01 said:
This is the latest firmware for the LG Stylo 3 (LS777) with July 1, 2018 security patches. This package consists of partition images and is not in TOT or kdz format. The engineering version of LG-UP can be used to flash the individual partitions (using Partition DL mode). Or, the images can be used with a kdz firmware package compiler to create a kdz package.
These partition images are untouched stock.
Android Version 7.0
Software Version LS777ZVE
Build No. NRD90U
Kernel Version: 3.18.31
Security Patch Level: July 1, 2018
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Zve that don't sound right is to be zv8 or zv9
I'm wondering, I was reading another thread in this forum and read something about possibly achieving root even with a locked bootloader. It said that something would have to be patched and a insecure aboot flashed. I would attempt this, my issue is the LGUP tool. It keeps telling me unknown model. And I have tried about everything I can think of. I even used uppercut along with it to try to get the program to recognize my device. Any ideas?
roadkill42 said:
Zve that don't sound right is to be zv8 or zv9
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It is definitely ZVE
Virgin Mobile variant
But now it is not the latest. An OTA rolled out last week bringing the software version up to ZVF
---------- Post added at 02:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 AM ----------
hydroman202 said:
I'm wondering, I was reading another thread in this forum and read something about possibly achieving root even with a locked bootloader. It said that something would have to be patched and a insecure aboot flashed. I would attempt this, my issue is the LGUP tool. It keeps telling me unknown model. And I have tried about everything I can think of. I even used uppercut along with it to try to get the program to recognize my device. Any ideas?
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You'll need the modded version of LG-UP. Contact @Astr4y4L here on XDA. He can assist you with getting it.
MotoJunkie01 said:
It is definitely ZVE
Virgin Mobile variant
But now it is not the latest. An OTA rolled out last week bringing the software version up to ZVF
---------- Post added at 02:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 AM ----------
You'll need the modded version of LG-UP. Contact @Astr4y4L here on XDA. He can assist you with getting it.
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Still no root? I'm on zv7 now okay thanks @Astr4y4L is disabled
roadkill42 said:
Still no root? I'm on zv7 now okay thanks @Astr4y4L is disabled
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Use a lower case "l" at the end.
MotoJunkie01 said:
Use a lower case "l" at the end.
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OK is try that
roadkill42 said:
OK is try that
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I'm talking with him now on PM so he's online.
hydroman202 said:
I'm wondering, I was reading another thread in this forum and read something about possibly achieving root even with a locked bootloader. It said that something would have to be patched and a insecure aboot flashed. I would attempt this, my issue is the LGUP tool. It keeps telling me unknown model. And I have tried about everything I can think of. I even used uppercut along with it to try to get the program to recognize my device. Any ideas?
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Did u try the new uppercut
Has anyone tried this?
**I cant post links because im a new user**
---------- Post added at 06:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 PM ----------
Possible Root for LG Stylo 3/ LS777
Has anyone tried this?
**I cant post links because im a new user**
The developer of this is ysh.aslsager
I googled his name and hes on many developer and android websites so it should be legit.

G6 US99715a still on Sept2017 patch

I have the LG G6 US99715a which I got from a developer on Amazon in 2018. The phones starting to slow down and lag a lot and I'm just trying to update it to the latest version. LG Bridge says I can update to October 2018 but my update center says its out of date. I downloaded the US99715a firmware from the LG website and flashed it with LGUP but nothing happened.
How do I update my phone? Was I supposed to flash the US99716a instead of the 15a?
Thanks for helping. I learned that I needed to flash the latest firmware instead of the 15a. Quick 10 second answer, people just ignore it. If anyone wants to know how, lmk ill post link.
