Huawei Firmware Finder (Team MT) - Honor 7 General

Short description:
Look for software on Huawei servers, the data found integrates common database.
The program is looking for warehousing and firmware for Huawei's devices. At this point in the common database contains more than 10000different firmware for different devices. In the future, the base will be supplemented by team Team MT and ordinary users who want to find the latest firmware for your device.
Search firmware in different ranges
Search firmware in a shared database
To begin your search you must specify the value ranges G g and start the search, if you do not know what range to choose the easiest way to find it by clicking on the tab the total base in the filter field, enter the name of your model from the menu Settings-> About telefone-> Model then click search.
About threads
On streams are divided value v, ie, v n is the number one stream. The more potokv, the higher the load on the processor and the network does not make sense to put in 1024 at a low flow speed internet connection, as it will not speed up the search speed of firmware, perhaps even slow down.
Added a drop down menu with various information (FAQ, changelog)
Deleted wand :< miss her
Copying the elements of the table with the right mouse click
Again turned green backlight firmware previously absent on the common database
Fix English
Changed repeated requests methon
Added English/Russian CHM help(HELP/help.chm)
Download version for Windows
Download version for Android
Page for download Firmware Finder (Team MT)

works with any huawei device?? downloading now.. thanks for sharing..



List of officially supported devices is at the bottom of this post.
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
This patch provides a worldwide solution to GPS issue for multiple devices. Using a general ROM without this has resulted in 10+ minutes of GPS delay. Also, GPS lock kept being lost. By using this patch, most people experience a GPS lock within 10 seconds (2 - 20 seconds range can be expected). Typically, a device using this patch will lock onto 7 - 9 satellites. Users have reported up to 11 satellites being locked at once. Without this patch, the average satellite count is 4.
HOWTO INSTALL: (Remember to make a backup. See Notes section for what this patch does.)
Method 1:
1. Download the "ADB Push Installer". This contains all versions for the latest build and old v1.3 versions.
2. Extract the files into a specific folder.
3. Plug your device into the computer and get it ready for adb pushing. Nothing out of the ordinary required.
4. Open the batch file called "ADB Installation Script - RUN THIS" if you use Windows. Otherwise, run the Linux SH script if you use Linux.
5. Select the version you want from the list.
6. Follow the prompts to reboot. You're done.
4. Review the NOTES section.
Method 2:
1. Download the patch
2. Copy all file(s)* into /etc/ of the system (not sd-card) using ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, or some other form. You must have SYSTEM set to Mounted and Root enabled. Check your explorer app's SETTINGS to do this.
**Files will be: gps.conf & SUPLROOTCERT -OR- only gps.conf for NO-SSL builds.**
3. Reboot the device
4. Review the NOTES section.
*Files are located in the /system/ folder of the ZIP. Do not copy the other directories or folders.
Method 3 (easiest if you use a compatible version of CWR or CWM)*:
1. Download the patch
2. Boot into CWR (Clockwork Recovery)
3. Mount /system/ partition (on the main menu, select the "Mounts and storage" option, then "mount /system")
4. Flash the patch (on the main menu, select "Install zip from sdcard," then "choose zip from sdcard," and find the zip and select it)
If you receive "(Status 0) Installation aborted" this Method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods.
5. Reboot the device
6. Review the NOTES section.
*This was built for and works on Inspire 4G and DesireHD versions of Clockwork Recovery. The Google CWM Flashable Build has binaries known to work with CWM on the X8. It may work on other devices. Please message me your success if you try and flash with recovery version and phone model as part of the message.
Recommended Builds (pick either):
Download the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Confused with all the options below? As the Notes section dictates: I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all devices. Other builds have changes in their SUPL server information and/or other variables pertinent to that manufacturer. These builds do not appear to operate as fast as Google build's but are available for your enjoyment.
3.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v3.1)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
2.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v2.2)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
Changelog: (I'll try to keep this correct and current)
v3.1 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
introduced my own NTP pools
repaired the LG Alternate build (was same as standard build, compilation error)
based on v2.2 configuration
has my own XTRA/AGPS server instead of Qualcomm
re-added two AGPS variables from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
re-added on USE SUPL variable from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
variables are now divided into sections and sections have descriptions
v2.2 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
v2.2 (additional builds added)
added a new SUPL version using data from Sony Ericsson
added an alternate release using LG SUPL servers
added an alternate release using Google SUPL servers
updated the ADB PUSH to include new versions
fixed broken download links for the patch
removed local AGPS variable
removed local XTRA_SERVER variable
created LG Build with LG SUPL servers (some LG ROMs fail to work with non-LG SUPL servers)
reduced redundancy in NTP and XTRA (unnecessary entries)
added newly located SUPL server to T-Mobile build
v2.1 (encompassing changes between 1.3 to 2.1)
removed two NTP server pools
removed xtra1 server
removed multiple SUPL_HOST entries
aligned SUPL_HOST with SUPLROOTCERT in each package
increased QOS timeout from 89 to 100
removed QOS standalone timeout variable
removed extra AGPS variables
Old Versions:
3.x Trunk:
v3.0 ADB Push Installer
v3.0 Google Build
v3.0 Google Alternate Build
v3.0 Google CWM Build
v3.0 AT&T Build
v3.0 T-Mobile Build
v3.0 LG Build
v3.0 LG Alternate Build
v3.0 Sony Ericsson Build
v3.0 GPS Only Build
v3.0 GPS Only Alternate Build
2.x Trunk:
v2.1 Google Generic Build
v2.1 AT&T Specific Build
v2.1 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
v2.0 Google Generic Build
v2.0 AT&T Specific Build
v2.0 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
1.x Trunk:
Worldwide 1.3
Worldwide 1.3n (alternate)
North America 1.2
Worldwide 1.2
Worldwide 1.2n (alternate)
North America 1.1
Worldwide 1.1
Worldwide 1.0 (not recommended)
North America 1.0 (not recommended)
Rules For Posting Questions:
Read the Notes Section first. I will refuse to answer questions that can be answered by some reading. If it is based upon something in the Notes Section, REFER TO THE NOTE when asking.
Answer the following questions: What ROM you are using?, What kernel are you using?, What GPS apps you have installed?, Where is your general location?, Are you using a case?, Has your GPS worked fine before?, Does it work fine with some apps and not others?, What else happened around the time your GPS stopped working? -AND- Have you reviewed the Notes Section?
DO NOT criticize the user of custom third-party NTP pools and xtra.bin data as dangerous. You obviously HAVE NOT read the Notes section OR reviewed the concurrent branch 2.x to discover it offers the standard NTP pool and Qualcomm-based xtra.bin server.
Don't indulge yourself in ignornat posts. Provide information that may be relevant to helping. Simply stating "this stopped working" or "I can't get it to work" helps nothing and only annoys other readers AND those who may be willing to help you just will not do it.
NOTES Section:
This patch will work with virtually all Qualcomm, Android phones and has been reported to work with other chipsets as well. That means hundreds of devices could see a benefit to GPS performance from this patch.
This patch has various objectives to ensure stability and efficacy with GPS. Locally, the patch will replace your /system/etc/gps.conf and your /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have this file. You can compare the difference in what you have to this one to get an idea of all the changes. V3.1, onward, contains section descriptions for variables in use. Most notably, starting with v3.1 the aGPS Patch uses my own central NTP DNS pool and my own central xtra.bin server by default. The xtra.bin does have fallback servers should mine fail. But, that is very, VERY much an unlikely scenario. These two imperatives allow for better stability and speed by providing top-rated NTP servers and prime-routed network access to transmit the xtra.bin to your phone.
I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all trunks. However, you can use any build with any phone. You may have good luck with specific builds that do not fit your phone or carrier criteria. If you're curious, test it and see.
This works with ANY ROM unless the ROM has aGPS and/or GPS disabled in the code. This happens with CMx nightlies and some betas! I cannot fix this, neither can you.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs.
Short patch history: The 1.x trunk only flashed a modified gps.conf file which relied solely on Qualcomm and NTP.ORG. Starting with 2.x, a gps.conf and a matching SUPLROOTCERT file for SUPL server authentication is included. The 3.x trunk offers the same as v2.x but adds better sourcing for NTP data and for the xtra.bin file; it utilizes my own server to do so.
Why toss out SSL?Whether or not you have a current SUPL certificate is questionable. Some have expired. Some will expire soon. Either way, the servers may provide SSL access without proper certificates depending upon configuration. That aside, I have found that SSL and secure communications over data networks slows the response times. I see no reason to use SSL for location information. If someone has a logger to obtain your location, SSL will not assist in stopping it. The bad app will continue to obtain your information by "stealing" it and you have more problems than a simple SSL-SUPL communications leak.
NO-SSL Builds will not have a SUPLROOTCERT because these builds do not use SSL. The SUPLROOTCERT is a certificate used for authentication of SSL connections. There is no need for this file for the GPS at this point.
IF you have issues with v2.x or v3.x, your ROM might require more variables. Try the old worldwide v1.3 version in this instance.
IF you still are facing issues, it might be that your GPS hardware is very much outdated. Try any "Alternate" build to see if this helps.
CMx ROM users may not experience benefits from this patch. However, we have had good reports from CM users with one negative one. Remember to do all of the steps when flashing and the following notes are important too!
Reports indicate that this patch DOES WORK with the next iteration of Android, Jelly Bean. This patch has worked from Android 2.2 (Froyo) up through Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Therefore, it works with all iterations on the market. I will remove support as soon as it is confirmed to NOT work with a new version of Android.
Reports show that certain ROM's including some CM builds require a modification in the build.prop. You need to change " = 2" or " = 0" to be " = 1" in order for aGPS to properly function. Only do this IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS after attempting the standard patch.
Your phone "learns" about the individual GPS satellites. This is part of the aGPS design. Don't be surprised if the first time you use GPS Status that it takes 20+ seconds to "lock".
I have read a lot that indicates that it is best to let your GPS run using any application for a while to "learn" aGPS information. I let GPS Status run for about 10 minutes (it has an option to disable the screen timeout, which I do) each "first time" to learn. I say each because I test a lot of tweaks and fully reset/delete GPS cached information to start retesting.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs. Each ROM will have its own gps.conf, normally not suited to all devices.
I use GPS Status to test my signal strength. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives a very good sense of how the GPS is performing.
If you're wondering why GPS is slow on certain apps? Or, you show up as on a street when you're 6 meters away from it? Well, those apps process GPS data differently which is out of anyone's control except the app developer. Certain apps will force your location to a street until you pass the app error threshold. Food for thought.
DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GPS FIXING APPS with this patch. If you do, and you still have problems, I cannot help you. A number of these Apps will overwrite what my patch does dynamically.
Variables are described starting in v3.0. Open up gps.conf in a text editor to read about what variable sections are for. It isn't in-depth, but should be enough to help you get a general understanding.
Still having weak GPS reception? Take your case off. Cases have been known to affect signal, though some argue against it. Personally, I get 3 more sat's when I remove my case.
There is a reported variable that can cause some GPS units not to work as well as it should with this patch. This is very odd as it's hit-and-miss and only seems to cause problems on less than 10% of handsets. This doesn't mean it screws up anything! It's possibly an older piece of GPS hardware incompatible with this variable. Have no fear, v1.2 will remove this variable for the worldwide version. This issue is more prone to occur in DHD.
Tried taking the battery out for 30 seconds? Some have reported that their phone required the battery to be removed. First, power off the device. Second, remove the battery for 30 seconds. Third, put it back in and give it a try. I cannot explain this except for possible cache clearing.
Some Inspire 4G and DHD devices have hardware problems. There is a known problem that the spring connectors to the GPS antenna sometimes are out of place or quit touching. provides a video on self-repair.
An error in flashing this patch means that this method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods for flashing this patch. Don't ask why or for a fix. There are hundreds of variations of recovery systems and update binaries. I do not have the time or desire to support them all. This is why I describe other install methods. Reference error: E:Error in /sdcard/android apps/ (Status 0) Installation aborted.
Location is way off? Like, not near you at all? This means your GPS is not actually being used. Try the following to resolve it: Goto Settings -> Locations and disable ALL options. Reboot into recovery. Clear Cache and Dalvik Cache. Reboot normally. Go back to Settings -> Locations and only enable GPS. Reboot once more and try your GPS again. If this didn't work, did you read all of the Notes such as the one about the battery or RIL?
Donations: If you wonder why I asked for donations, it's simple. Users of v3.x are gaining extra, noticeable benefit over v2.x. This comes at a cost to someone. I pay the bills to provide a reliable data setup to transmit the xtra.bin data file and to provide the top NTP SERVERS in one DNS pool. To help keep this going, I just ask for the user to consider a donation. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for your consideration.
AGPS Patch Officially Supported Devices:
Acer Iconia
Asus Transformer Prime
Asus Transformer (TF101)
Asus Transformer TF300T
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Incredible S
HTC Salsa
HTC Flyer
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Desire S
HTC Wildfire
HTC Wildfire S
HTC Droid Incredible 2
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Desire
HTC Desire Z
LG Optimus One
Motorola Triumph
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
Samsung Galaxy S II (I9100)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-T989)
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9000
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Sony Ericcson XPERIA X8
* I do not officially support all devices that this patch is known to work on at this time. You may private message me your success story for official support considerations.
Thanks Section
While this has gone a long distance since its inception, I want to still send thanks to Angeldeath for permitting me to take his early work and start tweaking it for HTC Inspire 4G users. This inevitably led to what we have here today.
Thank you to all those who joined and participate in the testing community. Without their help, I couldn't get enough data to know how well this works on different devices and in various regions of this planet we call Earth.
Thank you eagleeyetom, husky69, and tamagotono for their work in building an ADB pushing environment for Windows and for Linux respectively.
If you are happy with the patch and find this thread useful, please consider pressing the "Thanks" button on any of my posts on this thread. You may also consider rating this thread with five stars if you're satisfied. You may do so just below "Search This Thread" on the right-side at the top of this post. Donations are appreciated (See last NOTE)
Currently: this is a tentative supporting thread for my aGPS patch. Assuming more report success, I will start officially supporting this device.
Please let me know your success rates. Thus far, a few people have sent me messages and emails stating that this patch works great on this device.
As such, I'm thinking it would be good to provide this officially for this device.
This has been used on over 40 devices successfully. I don't offer official support for all devices. Rather, I offer official support once users convince me to do so for that particular device. That happened here.
Statistically, here is part of my post from mid-December on all official threads:
So, let me give you a general update directed to those 3.x trunk users:
My server has automatically generated an xtra.bin file for your GPS excitement 3,980 times since September 26th when the first beta went online to test it out.
My server attempts to build a new version every 30 minutes. Depending on what it can decypher from other xtra.bin sources, it provides a totally fresh xtra.bin approximately every 1.2 hours.
My server has served up over 500,000 xtra.bin files to users like you on XDA since v3.1 was released.
My server continues to provide a reliable NTP pool to v3.x users by directing your phones to a handful of RELIABLE and FAST-RESPONDING NTP servers around the world. This ensures you can travel and not have to switch NTP pools.
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Which one do I pick if doing cwr?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Turd Furguson said:
Which one do I pick if doing cwr?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
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Any of them should flash with CWR. Almost all were built with CWR binaries. CWM builds use its binaries and are the only ones different from CWR flashables.
I use and recommend the Google Build to all users. Others are just for those wanting to be more in tune with their cellular network. That's a false hope usually.
Any tips to see how many satellites I am hooked up to prior to this patch for verification?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Turd Furguson said:
Any tips to see how many satellites I am hooked up to prior to this patch for verification?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
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If you have not flashed yet, you can run GPS Status (app from the Market) to see. Then, run the same app afterward.
Does the patch need to be installed each time you change a ROM or is it a permanent change?
Turd Furguson said:
Does the patch need to be installed each time you change a ROM or is it a permanent change?
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It has to be reinstalled each time as the ROM will require a partition format OR will replace the patch files with its own.
Any testers out there with results positive or negative? This is the last device I have to determine to support or not to support officially.
I'd like to do so, but I need to know that it's good to go and helpful.
I will look in to this a little more tomorrow. I never had a chance today.
I can confirm this patch works. Great job on this!!!
nowetdio said:
I can confirm this patch works. Great job on this!!!
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Very glad to hear that my suspicions are being confirmed!
I hope to add this to official support soon, like I said.
Otherwise, the first post has been updated to include some more information especially in the Notes section.
All threads have had an overhaul that was way overdue.
High points:
Note discussion of what the patch does and what it replaces.
Note confirming ICS support from various users.
Note section has gotten long, but covers most questions I am repeatedly asked.
A total of 9 officially supported new devices.
Download section reminds people to backup their settings. You only need to backup /system/etc/gps.conf and /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have one. But, I never had to revert!
That being said, welcome to official support. Thank you all who confirmed and worked with me to ensure it was proper to offer official support to this device.
As always, please don't forget to click Thanks if you use or like this patch -AND- don't forget to Rate the thread. Donations are always welcome.
EDIT: Method 1, the easiest of the methods for those unfamiliar with file managers or recovery, has been updated. Some people required that the script also mount the partition. I have added that line to all options available and updated the ZIP file. Thanks enigmaamit for confirming that the new PUSH script works.
Using shifts3nse ROM, stock kernel, wifi off. All 3 GPS options ticked.
Stats via GPSstatus(with out patch)
6-7 Sats locked
With patch
No lock, 0 Sats.
I installed the google build, for CWM. I changed the mount to /system, everything installed fine.
Thacallmehess said:
Using shifts3nse ROM, stock kernel, wifi off. All 3 GPS options ticked.
Stats via GPSstatus(with out patch)
6-7 Sats locked
With patch
No lock, 0 Sats.
I installed the google build, for CWM. I changed the mount to /system, everything installed fine.
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I'm quite curious why you installed this patch. The first post, third line and in bold, I quote myself:
crypted said:
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
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What was your issue with your GPS reception prior to flashing it? You say you locked on 6-7 sats. Was there a large error range?
You say you have Wifi disabled. Do you have a data connection at all?
Where are you located and what are your surroundings like?
Can you try and flash an "Alternate" build version to make sure you aren't being buggered by a known issue with older GPS hardware? This is
discussed under each download section and in the Notes.
How do I check how many sat I have?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Upstreammiami said:
How do I check how many sat I have?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
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Download and view them via the Android Market app "GPS Status".
I have 9/9 using zues rom with Ziggy kernel without this patch
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Upstreammiami said:
I have 9/9 using zues rom with Ziggy kernel without this patch
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Consider yourself lucky and happily a part of an extremely small minority to not have problems!
As the third line of the first post on this thread states, this is to assist those who do have issues. Unfortunately, many of us are plagued by a crap GPS without doing something to fix it...
crypted said:
I'm quite curious why you installed this patch. The first post, third line and in bold, I quote myself:
What was your issue with your GPS reception prior to flashing it? You say you locked on 6-7 sats. Was there a large error range?
You say you have Wifi disabled. Do you have a data connection at all?
Where are you located and what are your surroundings like?
Can you try and flash an "Alternate" build version to make sure you aren't being buggered by a known issue with older GPS hardware? This is
discussed under each download section and in the Notes.
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1. I'd lose signal from time to time.
2. I'm testing this- thats why. Your curiosity isn't important.
3. This is a sat test right? No need for wifi connection.(All tests were done with wifi off)
4. I have good 3g service where I live.
5. I flashed 3.x google and 3.x google alt. As well as, 2.x for both. Still the same result.

[ROM] [VIBEUI2.0-1437] Lenovo K910 Rom + Cleaner Patch [Out 1st]

Please check THIS thread for new versions!!!
This is my first work on Lenovo K910.
This 1st Rom doesn't have as many tweaks as i usually do on my previous works (Sony X10 & Samsung S3).
Check post 2 for major tweaks.
Make sure that you use TWRP for this. I didn't try on any other recovery.
Go here if you don't have it and follow the step-by-step guide.
This rom is for K910 only so if you try to install on any other than K910 version it's your resposability (i.e. K910e, etc)
What to Expect From this?
Based on VIBEUI_V2.0_1437
Clean many apps as possible [check 2nd post if you want something back] - Only 482Mb!!!
Slightly tweaked build.prop file
English as default
Do not expect Multi Language for two reasons. 1st: VibeUI came out in in short periods. 2nd: Don't have time and/or patience.
To Do List
Make system faster
Change Kernel to support init files
OTA Updates
Super tweaked build.prop file
Step-by-Step Install procedure
Do a backup
On TWRP Wipe > Factory Reset
Through TWRP install
Wipe Cache & Dalvik Cache
At this moment you have a very clean and stable rom. Now check 2nd post to build our own personal rom. Enjoy :good:
Android File Host
When you finish the install procedure, you'll find some files related to system apps left behind on your launcher. You could delete them by long press
Due many system apps have been deleted and mostly KK had some bugs (i.e. check here) Play Google may cause you a bit a work.
Usefull Links
Check post #5 for usefull links where you could send me your opinions, bugs, review, requests, etc
XDA:DevDB Information
Lenovo K910 Rom + Cleaner Patch, ROM for the Android General
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
Based On: VibeUI2.0
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 1.0
Stable Release Date: 2014-10-01
Created 2014-10-01
Last Updated 2014-10-01
Build Your Own Version of Lenovo K910 Rom
Here i offer you a tool to build your own rom as you like.
In the future i'll add more stuff but for now you only have the option to install some of the Lenovo apps that you might need along with a short list of usefull aps.
This uses Aroma Installer witch is a very simple yet powerfull way to install something on android phones.
Please read carefully through all the proccess. Despite this won't do any arm on your phone you may ended with duplicated and deleted files that you might need. For example if you delete Lenovo installer and don't install another one you can't do nothing.
Removed apps that could be installed:
Data Folder
Baidu Map
Baidu Music
Baidu Search
Lenovo Phone Msr
Mobile QQ
Reading Joy
Sina Weather
Sina Weibo
Sohu News
Sohu TV
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Step-by-Step Guide
Enter in TWRP
Choose VIBEUI_V2.0_1437_Config_File
Follow the promps
Check Clear Dalvik Cache after installation
Download File
VIBEUI_V2.0_1437_Config_File [version1.0]
A huge thanks @Nikhil for his tool
[Reserved Again]
Usefull Links
In order to deliver a better rom in the future you may visit the following links and leave your thoughts.
Thank you
Downloads Repository
Bug Report
More than 400 dw and nothing?!
This k910 community is asleep or something?!
Does this ROM support Google Voice direct dialing?
Thanks much for your work. I would like to give this a try. Before doing so, I have a quick question - does it support Google Voice direct dialing? I mean, after installing the Google Voice app and choose the option "Use Google Voice to make all calls," will a call then be dialed out using Google Voice?
I ask this question because Lenovo must have done something to break this desired behavior. What happens on the Lenovo official ROM is: an error message of "call not sent" is displayed, and the native dialer keeps dialing out, so the receiving party will see the phone number associated with the SIM card, but not the Google Voice number.
wxppro said:
Thanks much for your work. I would like to give this a try. Before doing so, I have a quick question - does it support Google Voice direct dialing? I mean, after installing the Google Voice app and choose the option "Use Google Voice to make all calls," will a call then be dialed out using Google Voice?
I ask this question because Lenovo must have done something to break this desired behavior. What happens on the Lenovo official ROM is: an error message of "call not sent" is displayed, and the native dialer keeps dialing out, so the receiving party will see the phone number associated with the SIM card, but not the Google Voice number.
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Click to collapse
I'm sure that issue still remain in this version since i didn't change anything related with that.
That's i don't use so...
If you try this rom and if that bug is present please report on "bug report" and i'll look into that in the next version
So does this ROM come with google services and root or do I need to install those after flashing the ROM?
This one is w/o both but tomorrow will be available a new version
Crowds said:
This one is w/o both but tomorrow will be available a new version
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please keep on update clean version.
This is the fastest and longest battery life for my K910.
My current config which is very stable is...
i install this version plus lenovo theme center from AROMA (need it for disable annoying bubble lockscreen)
i use Titanium backup to uninstall LeNote and Lenovo calendar.
i apply GPS patch from Tedulus.
i tried 2.5.1 but i believe that DPI config drain battery and i prefer to have stock font than custom font from author.
New version available today
Please check THIS thread for new versions!!!
This thread will be closed.
Thank you!

Honor 7 (UL00) B304 Marshmallow Update [EMUI 4.0] [India]

Firmware Details
Device: Huawei Honor 7
Model: PLK-UL00
Android: v6.0 Marshmallow
EMUI: 4.0
Firmware: B304
Build Number: PLK-UL00C675B304
Required Version: B160/B170
Status: Official
Type: Full firmware image
Date: 28.12.2015
Region: Asia Pacific
Country: India
File Name: Honor7_Marshmallow_version_B304.rar
Upgrade Instructions
This update is only intended/suitable for the Indian Honor 7 (PLK-UL00). Your device has to be running C675B160 or C675B170 in order to be able to flash this firmware. Here are the main steps to installation.
Download the RAR package from the above-mentioned mirror and extract it using any archive utility.
You’ll get a folder ‘dload’ alongside a PDF or two.
Copy the ‘dload’ folder to your Honor’s external microSD card.
Make sure the SD card is formatted in FAT32 filesystem and doesn’t contain any other dload folder.
Finally, unplug the USB cable and open the Updater app. Go to Menu > Local Update, select the full package and flash it.
Sorry guys but i don't understand.. is official or beta test for india device only..?
Sound strange 3 days ago a twitter post for beta and now is a Global Roll out?
vobiscum said:
Sorry guys but i don't understand.. is official or beta test for india device only..?
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Looks like an official release.
rizxda said:
Looks like an official release.
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Click to collapse
Mmmh is same build of beta test.
PLK-UL00C675B304_India honor 7 Marshmallow beta test update
Can someone clarify? And why need to register for official OTA.. ?
my device got B121 without registration.
vobiscum said:
Sorry guys but i don't understand.. is official or beta test for india device only..?
Sound strange 3 days ago a twitter post for beta and now is a Global Roll out?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Status: Official
Type: Full firmware image
linus2014 said:
Status: Official
Type: Full firmware image
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Click to collapse
Whats means official? Full firmware image?
Beta is official and full firmware...
All user in india get OTA without registration your IMEI? Why same build of beta? No change or fix before release a official release?
MM in this day appears on Malesia but on beta...
Huawei rollout H7 and not your topgamma Mate S and P8..
Your device get OTA without registration IMEI?
More information please...
Post screenshot of device info and changelog that appears on update app.
however i disagree that guys open update/mod post without device and test before or in this case share beta test. Not usefull for user because if ask a question about installation, issue or other you can't help.
But if Community agree no problem for me.
Only one thing post MD5 for your download because on drive sometime package is not complete or bad download... and std user can brick your device.
Have a nice day.
Do I need a stock recovery to flash the marshmallow update
Jagermeister02 said:
Do I need a stock recovery to flash the marshmallow update
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it says that is
Required Version: B160/B170
linus2014 said:
it says that is
Required Version: B160/B170
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry I dint get u. I have unrooted B160 with TWRP so can I flash it or not.
Can anyone post a link to B160 stock recovery
Jagermeister02 said:
Sorry I dint get u. I have unrooted B160 with TWRP so can I flash it or not.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
First Copy the ‘dload’ folder to your Honor’s external microSD card, after with twrp make deep wipe, lastly vol + ; vol - and power.
Smart voice features FC
Any one facing issue with hivoice fc error with emui 4.0?
PLK - UL00C675B320 Available
PLK - UL00C675B320 available in India now. Please read my post on all the Changelog for it
linus2014 said:
Firmware Details
Device: Huawei Honor 7
Model: PLK-UL00
Android: v6.0 Marshmallow
EMUI: 4.0
Firmware: B304
Build Number: PLK-UL00C675B304
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Click to collapse
AmitJordy said:
PLK - UL00C675B320 available in India now. Please read my post on all the Changelog for it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
in website not report change log
I've found this on fonearena
New added professional mode. Under this mode, you can use professional parameters in any combination to achieve the desired effect
New Added document readjustment function. When enabled, you can clearly capture the text content appearing the lens.
New added Paint filter, Feminine filter and Photo filter. You can get more amazing images now.
New added various labels, you can change the font size, color and location now.
New added creating memo on images supports you customize the unique memo for every image, and then set it as unique lock screen wallpaper.
New added sport watermark element. Now you can add altitude data and your note on your travel photos.
Optimized album functions. Now you can bulk add photos for new album. This greatly simplifies the process of creating an album and then adding photos to it.
Support you to print multiple images one time. It can save all selected images for printing as PDF and print them together.
New added Smart group function will help you to group your contacts according to company or organization names. If you want to group your contacts by this way, you just need to add company or organization names in contacts’ information. Your contacts will be automatically grouped.
New added quickly reclaiming sending message, within 4 seconds after sending a message, you can reclaim it if you regret.
New added a compass application, it integrated the functions of level gauge and compass.
New added alarm ring duration selections, now how long the alarm will ring all depends on you!
New added screen recording function, with it enabled, you can easily record your screen operating steps, then make it to a small course and share with others.
New added eyesight protection mode in Display settings, when enabled, the backlight will be soft. It’s very helpful to relax your eye muscles keeping your eyes healthy.
New added scheduled power on and power off functions, when enabled, your phone will auto power on and off, you will have a regular lifestyle which is very important to your healthy.
New added notification panel and status bar will be convenient to look up some settings.
Optimized tone settings adding power on tone, screenshot tone and emergency tone switches.
but when the update will come

Latest official Zuk z2 zui version as per the zuk official

Link yo download
Download it named it
Den flash it through stock recovery
Change log
PrincE.. said:
Change log
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Click to collapse
Update log
Aspect upgrade
ZUI 3.1 emergency fix version, mainly to solve the Caton in specific scenes, and some of the calendar does not show the 2018 holiday issue. Thank you for the strong feedback, to help cattle found a different dimension problem.
Make sure the phone is not root, power and storage space sufficient. We recommend that you restart the system again after the upgrade is complete. If you have any problems during the upgrade process, please go to the official forums ( for support or ask us questions through "I want to feed back".
During the upgrade process, the phone may heat up. For the first time after upgrade, there will be a short response time and power consumption increase. These are all normal conditions. Do not worry.
Repair games, songs and other specific scenes Caton problem;
Update 2018 holiday information;
ZUI 3.1 upgrade points
Desktop and system interface
New design style, so that your ZUI, such as windmill smart;
A new negative screen, key information and quick pay to master a screen;
New lock screen and desktop wallpaper synchronization push function;
Add find phone features, go to Settings -> cloud services open;
Added QQ article reading and chat back and forth switching function;
Security center
Add list search function, management application more convenient and quick;
New ZUI calendar
Added yellow calendar, solar terms, grab votes calendar;
Added birthday import function from contact
Add credit card repayment reminder
Added calendar backup and recovery
Optimize conference schedule management
Added memo cloud synchronization function;
Optimized notes editing function;
U healthy
Added spring rain doctor health advisory function.
Iam using Gizrom based on 3.1.117ST. Its very stable and getting an SOT of 6-9hrs. Waiting for the new Gizrom release.
hatithekua said:
Link yo download
Download it named it
Den flash it through stock recovery
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can i use it on my lenovo z2plus indian version stock rom 2.5 using system update app
Faceless Sprit said:
Can i use it on my lenovo z2plus indian version stock rom 2.5 using system update app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No..only works on chinese rom

[MOD][4.4+] MifitTcxExport based on oficial Mifit to export workouts to file/Strava

MifitTcxExport / ZeppTcxExport / MiFitness(previously WearTcxExport)
Mifit v5.5.2_HR / Zepp v6.4.2_HR / Wear v2.14.1i GPlay - 2.14.4 Chinese / MiFitness v3.5.1i GPlay - v3.4.0 Chinese​UPDATE 2022/07/09 Published quick patch mod versions of MiFitness based on official chinese 3.4.0 and 3.5.1i Gplay.
UPDATE 2021/12/23 Published new mod versions of Wear mod based on official 2.14.1i, chinese 2.14.4, Zepp 6.4.2 and Mifit 5.5.2. Exported gpx/tcx files will be saved on Download folder.
UPDATE 2021/11/28 Published Wear version v2.14.1i. Exported gpx/tcx files will be saved on Download folder.
UPDATE 2021/11/14 Published Mifit version v5.5.0HR and Zepp version 6.3.4HR.
UPDATE 2021/10/30 Published Mifit version v5.4.1HR and Zepp version 6.3.3HR.
UPDATE 2021/10/11 Published Wear version v2.13.2i. exported gpx/tcx files will be saved on Download folder from now on.
UPDATE 2021/10/02 Published Mifit version v5.3.2HR with AuthKey of device dump.
UPDATE 2021/09/19 Published Wear version v2.12.3i.
UPDATE 2021/09/18 Published Zepp version v6.1.4HR with AuthKey of device dump.
UPDATE 2021/08/08 Published Mifit mod version v5.3.0.
UPDATE 2021/08/06 Published Wear version v2.11.1i Google Play and 2.10.0 Chinese version.
UPDATE 2021/07/10 Published Wear version v2.9.1i. From now on, the MiFit and Zepp versions will no longer be modified, because the manufacturer has activated protections that prevent it from being manipulated. MiFIT 5.1.0 and ZEPP 5.12.2 are the last versions that allowed to add my mod patches.
UPDATE 2021/06/12 Published Mifit version v5.1.0HR.
UPDATE 2021/06/11 Published Wear version v2.8.1i with Alexa for compatible devices.
UPDATE 2021/05/09 Published Zepp version v5.12.2HR with Alexa for compatible devices.
UPDATE 2021/05/05 Published Mifit version v5.0.2HR.
UPDATE 2021/04/22 Published Wear version v2.6.3i.
UPDATE 2021/04/14 Published Mifit version v5.0.0HR.
UPDATE 2021/04/08 Published first Wear Chinese version v2.6.4 for Chinese devices.
UPDATE 2021/04/05 Thanks @jfulgen for your video about our mods:
UPDATE 2021/04/04 Published Mifit version v4.10.0HR and Zepp version 5.11.1HR.
UPDATE 2021/03/27 Published first Wear version v2.5.1i.
UPDATE 2021/02/06 Published Mifit version v4.9.0HR and Zepp version 5.9.2HR.
UPDATE 2021/01/11 Published Mifit version v4.8.1HR and Zepp version 5.8.1HR.
UPDATE 2020/12/19 Published Mifit version v4.8.0HR.
UPDATE 2020/12/07 Published Zepp version v5.6.2HR.
UPDATE 2020/11/08 Published Mifit version v4.7.0HR.
UPDATE 2020/11/02 Published Zepp version v5.4.1HR.
UPDATE 2020/10/25 Published version Mifit 4.6.5_HR.
UPDATE 2020/10/20 Published Zepp version v5.3.1HR.
UPDATE 2020/10/08 Published Mifit 4.6.1_HR version, and from now on i will mod Zepp too, first patched version is v5.2.1HR.
UPDATE 2020/07/13 Published 4.2.0_HR version, Added options to open with external app gpx and csv of HR data files after exporting. Google Fit working again. You can select field separator for csv files.
UPDATE 2020/05/11 Published 4.1.0_HR version, Complete redesign of the mod, export to gpx/tcx/Strava our workouts, allows to update AGPS when OTA and LOCAL firmware flash is disabled. Google Fit OK. Added AGPS info on firmware info. You can export heart rate information now.
UPDATE 2020/04/13 Published 4.0.17_Covid-19 version, that allows to update AGPS when OTA and LOCAL firmware flash is disabled. Google Fit OK. Added AGS info on firmware info and you can force agps update now.
UPDATE 2020/02/07 Published version 4.0.15_Revolutions that allows to update AGPS when OTA and LOCAL firmware flash is disabled. Google Fit OK.
UPDATE 2019/12/28 Published version 4.0.14_Revolutions that allows to update AGPS when OTA and LOCAL firmware flash is disabled. Google Fit OK again.
UPDATE 2019/11/03 Published version 4.0.11_Revolutions that allows to update AGPS when OTA and LOCAL firmware flash is disabled.
UPDATE 2019/08/12 Published version 4.0.7B_Revolutions_AGPS-OK that allows to update AGPS when OTA and LOCAL firmware flash is disabled.
UPDATE 2019/08/08 Published version 4.0.7_Revolutions with firmware update of devices disabled + corrected crash on adding new devices
UPDATE 2019/07/13 Published version 4.0.6_Revolutions with firmware update of devices disabled
UPDATE 2019/07/07 Published version 4.0.5_Revolutions with firmware update of devices disabled
UPDATE 2019/05/18 Published version 4.0.0_Revolutions and 3.6.0B_Revolutions fixing app crash showing devide type info
UPDATE 2019/04/28 Published version 3.6.0_Revolutions containing all the functions and improvements of previous versions
UPDATE 2019/03/28 Published version 3.5.9_Revolutions non-grouping notifications and emoji support + Amazfit Bip firmware detail info + More Android Pie compatibility
UPDATE 2019/02/08 Published version 3.5.8_Revolutions non-grouping notifications and emoji support + Amazfit Bip firmware detail info
UPDATE 2019/01/17 Published version 3.5.7_Revolutions non-grouping notifications and emoji support.
UPDATE 2018/12/31 Published version 3.5.6_Revolutions non-grouping notifications and emoji support.
UPDATE 2018/12/15 Published version 3.5.5_Revolutions non-grouping notifications and emoji support.
UPDATE 2018/11/21 Published version non-grouping notifications and emoji support.
UPDATE 2018/11/18 Published version 3.5.4_Revolutions non-grouping notifications and emoji support.
UPDATE 2018/11/07 Published version 3.5.3_Revolutions.
UPDATE 2018/10/29 Added information about laps and published version 3.5.2_Revolutions.
UPDATE 2018/10/28 Added explanation of configuration options.
Using this mod you can export your workouts to gpx/tcx files or upload them automatically to your Strava account.
It is based on the official Mifit application with modifications that allow data extraction and import to other platforms.
About Firmware update of devices:
From 4.0.5: Only one version of MifitTcxExport will be published when a new version is released from now on. With a flag (explained later) you can enable/disable firmware update on devices.
Previous to 4.0.5: Normally I publish 2 versions of the mod, one that includes firmware and the other without firmware. If you use the one that includes firmware I do not take responsibility for possible bricks of your watch / smartband. To update the firmware should be done with the official Mifit application and after updating uninstall oficial Mifit version and install my mod. Although I always use my mod with the included firmware to upgrade my Amazfit Bip when there are new firmware versions and I have never had problems.
The way to use the tool is very simple, when we are visualizing a training session, by clicking on the upper right button to share our training we will see a list of the trainings that we have loaded in the Mifit cache. The first item in that list leads to a dialog that allows us to change the mod's configuration.
In the latest versions after researching the Strava API, studying the Java threads and many other things, I have already managed to allow the automatic upload of the training to Strava when the users selects an activity to export.
You also have the option to continue exporting the files to gpx / tcx format and upload them manually (or using other tools) to your favorite sports platforms (Polarflow, GarminConnect, Runtastic, Endomondo, Strava, etc.)
Here I leave a gif image as a tutorial so that you can observe how easy it is to use:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Explanation of configuration options:
Information about creating laps with small pauses on your workout and converting it to Laps on Strava website:
Added support for non-grouping notifications and support to display emojis.
It is important to know how to upgrade firmware files (.res, .ft and .fw) using Gadgetbridge or a similar tool to upgrade font file that includes emoji images. Thanks to ASMUser from for the code used to this modifications and to renzettis from ilgruppotester that helped me to test several .ft, .res and .fw files to achieve this modification. Special thanks to xCape for sharing ideas and testing last versions of Mifit and to ASMUser for help on deco and reco and other tips:
2019-02-08 Added support to display detailed information about firmware on Amazfit Bip device:
2019-02-08 Corrected display of contact information when receiving call on native-Ukrainian and other languajes.
2019-03-28 Added more compatibility to Android Pie, detected new file names on sqlite databases with extensions -shm and -wal.
2019-05-18 Corrected bug on my detailed firmware function that was crashing app. Implemented Google Fit sync on all my mod versions including previous versions.
2019-07-07 From version 4.0.5 to Enable firmware update of devices at the moment create the file allow.fwr on mod folder, located in /sdcard/Amazfit_Jps1x2. On next versions it will be placed on mod dialog configuration.
2019-08-08 Corrected crash on adding new devices
2019-08-12 Enabled updating of AGPS while firmware flash is disabled.
2020-04-13 I have called this version Covid-19 due to the many hours I have been able to spend being confined at home. I have investigated in detail the operation of the AGPS update and now we have the possibility to see on detailed firmware info section the last date and time that the AGPS has been updated and force the update whenever we want.
Added on firmware info of device last AGPS update date and time:
Now you can force AGPS update. If you create a file on folder of Mifit mod /sdcard/Amazfit_Jps1x2/ named force.agps and close Mifit app. When you open again and your device is connected using Bluetooth it will update AGPS and this file will be renamed to force.agps.ok
2020-05-11 Complete redesign of the mod in its version 4.1.0 here you can see in a gif an example of the new interface:
2020-07-13 Two gifs to expain new options added:
2020-10-08 From now on you will have available too Zepp (formerly Amazfit) with my modification to export gpx, tcx and HR information of your devices.
2021-03-27 From now on you will have available too Xiaomi Wear mod with my modification to export gpx, tcx and upload to Strava.
2021-09-18 Now on Zepp mod, Authkey of our device is saved on file /sdcard/AmazfitJps1x2/ZeppAuthKey.txt
Other details of this mod:
-You can create laps on your workouts making small pauses and they are displayed on Strava website.
-Notice by vibration to the watch from the first second of call
-Show the name or number of the person who calls us on the device.
-It only works with Mifit accounts, it does not work with facebook or google login. The mods seem to have a restriction that by changing the signature of the apk do not allow this type of login.
-Google fit does not work (I'm investigating the cause)
-Non-Gps activities are exported too as Crossfit (Treadmill running for example).
-Non-grouping notifications enabled and emoji support.
-Detailed firmware information of Amazfit Bip device.
-Added more Android Pie compatibility
-Google Fit sync enabled on all my mod versions
-Enable/Disable firmware update of devices.
-You can see las AGPS date/time update and force AGPS update.
-You can export heart rate data to csv files.
-Zepp mods save AuthKey on file /sdcard/AmazfitJps1x2/ZeppAuthKey.txt
-Mifit mods save AuthKey on file /sdcard/AmazfitJps1x2/MifitAuthKey.txt
You can download the latest version and previous versions on my AndroidFileHost host, here:​
I hope you enjoy it!
Good job!
But i can't see configuration/setup.
Can you help me?
Bladebb said:
Good job!
But i can't see configuration/setup.
Can you help me?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
When you are viewing details of one workout click on upper-right share button and it will apper a dialog with config options and workouts on cache ready to export.
Added information about lap capture and display on first post and published on Android File Host version 3.5.2_Revolutions.
jps1x2 said:
When you are viewing details of one workout click on upper-right share button and it will apper a dialog with config options and workouts on cache ready to export.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry but config option is not present for me.
I juste see "escoge track a exporter"
Bladebb said:
Sorry but config option is not present for me.
I juste see "escoge track a exporter"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Which version do you have installed?
Configuration options are only available on version 3.5.0_Revolutions or newer, on previous versions (3.5.0_Reloaded and lower) you can only select one track to export workout.
Thanks so much for this app. I have spend almost one year of searching for such a app with tcx/gpx export. Works like a harm with amazfit pace. Thanks!!! Even non gps activities are transfering to Strava !!!!
non-GPS activities export?
I'm just trying to use the APP to export swimming pool activity logged with the Amazfit Stratos (function not supported by the clock... ).
I can see the activity present in the "export selection list" as "Croosfit" and distance. But then, when I press it to be exported, it remains blocked in the "Progerso 10%", and file is no generated.
Does the tool supports the non-GPS activities export?
Thanks a lot!
ciafe said:
I'm just trying to use the APP to export swimming pool activity logged with the Amazfit Stratos (function not supported by the clock... ).
I can see the activity present in the "export selection list" as "Croosfit" and distance. But then, when I press it to be exported, it remains blocked in the "Progerso 10%", and file is no generated.
Does the tool supports the non-GPS activities export?
Thanks a lot!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hey, amazfit pace don't have swimming so i can't help you, but indoor running, crossfit etc - non gps are transfering to strava. And from strava with syncmytrack i transfer this to endomondo.
In setup i have:
Published on Android File Host version 3.5.3_Revolutions.
ciafe said:
I'm just trying to use the APP to export swimming pool activity logged with the Amazfit Stratos (function not supported by the clock... ).
I can see the activity present in the "export selection list" as "Croosfit" and distance. But then, when I press it to be exported, it remains blocked in the "Progerso 10%", and file is no generated.
Does the tool supports the non-GPS activities export?
Thanks a lot!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
@ciafe / @apacz93 ,
I have one Amazfit Bip that only has following 4 type of activities:
-Running Outdoor
-Treadmill Running
All these types of activities are tested on development, and Treadmill Running is exported as Crossfit to GPX/TCX/Strava to obtain at least heart rate, other activity types are exported like gps activity.
I don't have in my app database other type of activities and can't work on it.
If you have a rooted device you can access to your Mifit Database app, extract it and send it to me and i will see if i can do something on future versions about new activities.
Path to Mifit Database is the following:
And the file is named something like origin_dbXXXXXX. You will find 2 files, i need the one that do not has "journal" on filename.
Send me a private if you can extract database with other activity types.
jps1x2 said:
@ciafe / @apacz93 ,
I have one Amazfit Bip that only has following 4 type of activities:
-Running Outdoor
-Treadmill Running
All these types of activities are tested on development, and Treadmill Running is exported as Crossfit to GPX/TCX/Strava to obtain at least heart rate, other activity types are exported like gps activity.
I don't have in my app database other type of activities and can't work on it.
If you have a rooted device you can access to your Mifit Database app, extract it and send it to me and i will see if i can do something on future versions about new activities.
Path to Mifit Database is the following:
And the file is named something like origin_dbXXXXXX. You will find 2 files, i need the one that do not has "journal" on filename.
Send me a private if you can extract database with other activity types.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the feedback, now it's clear what is going on!
I had a Bip and I've just changed to the Stratos for the swimming capability, but I was really surprised when I realized they can't be exported by the clock itself... Now I discovered you APP trying to extract the activities.
Unfortunately I don't have a rooted device, but I'll try to get one, or root mine, and provide you the files!
Thanks a lot for your support and great job!
Published version 3.5.4_Revolutions enabling non-grouping notifications on Amazfit Bip and enabling emoji on notifications. Thanks to amsuser from for the code used to this modifications and to renzettis from ilgruppotester that helped me to test several .ft, .res and .fw files to achieve this.
Thanks for your mod, you did a great job!
I have only a question: how to enable emoji?
I haven't found any option in MiFit, is a custom fw necessary to enable emoji?
Published version on my Android File Host, with all previous improvements. Version 3.5.4 aparently was having hight battery consumption and is corrected on this Mifit Beta.
bellabax said:
Thanks for your mod, you did a great job!
I have only a question: how to enable emoji?
I haven't found any option in MiFit, is a custom fw necessary to enable emoji?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Emoji is enabled patching several function on Mifit app, from version 3.5.4 of this mod it is enabled. You only need to have installed some font firmware file that contains emojis and it will be displayed on your Bip. This font file must be compatible with your firmware type and your resource type. There are two types of firmware: latin and normal.
The problem is that updating firmware with GadgetBridge is dangerous for your Bip if you do not know well what you are doing.
Thanks for reply.
Using GB is not a problem at all.
Got a font file and successfully flashed to watch; all is working fine!
No problem at all with notifications or emoji
Hi just downloaded the latest version. However upon installing it says app not installed. Tried updating mi fit app from google play first but again the apk says app not installed.
thanks for this app i can finally upload my activities to strava.
but i cannot see custom watch face in watch face settings.
Japakz said:
thanks for this app i can finally upload my activities to strava.
but i cannot see custom watch face in watch face settings.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same here, any solution?

