TWRP bootloop after flashing TWRP Solved - Google Pixel XL Guides, News, & Discussion

Don´t know if anybody had this kind of Problem before. Couldnt find anything.
Was on Stock V image with cutom kernel flashed via fastboot and SU flashed via fastboo boot to root.
bootet TWRP via fastboot with newest drivers. Flashed RC via booted TWRP.
Wanted to reboot system, but was stuck in a TWRP bootloop. No chance to boot into bootloader also. Even tried changing slots in twrp but still only bootloop to twrp.
Than I thought about sideload because that's what I did with latest ota image from Google.
Here is what I did:
sideloaded the via TWRP from PC "adb sideload" ota_file should be the name of your ota file
It gave me an error, but after rebooting system all fine again. Back to stock V and bootloader is there again.

Easier thing to do is flash boot.img from the factory image to boot_a and boot_b if you are having issues.
This problem occurs when you flash TWRP if you have root installed. To avoid, remove root before installing TWRP.
Oh, I should mention to get into bootloader from TWRP, simply use the adb command "adb reboot bootloader". Should work, worked for me.

I just have avoided flashing TWRP altogether. I rarely need to flash anything, so it can wait until I am at work or home to use a PC to BOOT TWRP each time I need it, instead of flashing it.

Nitemare3219 said:
I just have avoided flashing TWRP altogether. I rarely need to flash anything, so it can wait until I am at work or home to use a PC to BOOT TWRP each time I need it, instead of flashing it.
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Until it gets a little more stable on the Pixel, this is probably a good idea.

Good idea. But I M sometimes flashing when I am at or on the way to work.
Flash junkie needs his daily dosis

mikaole said:
Don´t know if anybody had this kind of Problem before. Couldnt find anything.
Was on Stock V image with cutom kernel flashed via fastboot and SU flashed via fastboo boot to root.
bootet TWRP via fastboot with newest drivers. Flashed RC via booted TWRP.
Wanted to reboot system, but was stuck in a TWRP bootloop. No chance to boot into bootloader also. Even tried changing slots in twrp but still only bootloop to twrp.
Than I thought about sideload because that's what I did with latest ota image from Google.
Here is what I did:
sideloaded the via TWRP from PC "adb sideload" ota_file should be the name of your ota file
It gave me an error, but after rebooting system all fine again. Back to stock V and bootloader is there again.
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I know its already solved, but here is what helps (for future):
Just flash SuperSU (latest Version)
Done. This will patch the boot.img so your phone boots in the OS again.

Shadow of Destiny said:
I know its already solved, but here is what helps (for future):
Just flash SuperSU (latest Version)
Done. This will patch the boot.img so your phone boots in the OS again.
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I have this issue and flashing supersu didn't fix my problem. Will go to factory image flashing.

Shadow of Destiny said:
I know its already solved, but here is what helps (for future):
Just flash SuperSU (latest Version)
Done. This will patch the boot.img so your phone boots in the OS again.
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Thanks! This worked for me.

EDIT: Never mind, I missed the comment guiding ppl to flash SuperSU. I suppose that when this thread was posted, that SuperSU was still being used instead of Magisk, so solution is essentially the same thing I'm recommending.
I think this thread is missing the much easier solution here:
I just ran into this issue with my Pixel 2 XL when I tried to update my TWRP version from 3.2.1-2 to 3.2.3-0. Here's how it went:
1. Downloaded the TWRP zip, md5 and so on from the official TWRP website for the Pixel 2 XL
2. Booted to TWRP and installed / flashed the zip of TWRP 3.2.3-0
3. Wiped dalvik and then chose Reboot to System from TWRP -- the phone booted right back into TWRP
4. Tried again to reboot the same way. Same result.
5. Installed / Flashed the 3.2.1-2 TWRP zip which was still on my phone, in order to revert to the previous version, and then Rebooted to System -- same result
6. Flashed 3.2.3-0 zip again, then flashed the Flash Kernel that I've been using, and then Flashed the Magisk v16.0 zip that I used to root, then chose Reboot to System -- AND IT WORKED; the phone booted normally and now I'm updated to the latest TWRP successfully.
tl;dr - The solution is to flash Magisk again after updating TWRP. Pretty sure this goes for kernel updates too.

cognitivedissonance said:
EDIT: Never mind, I missed the comment guiding ppl to flash SuperSU. I suppose that when this thread was posted, that SuperSU was still being used instead of Magisk, so solution is essentially the same thing I'm recommending.
I think this thread is missing the much easier solution here:
I just ran into this issue with my Pixel 2 XL when I tried to update my TWRP version from 3.2.1-2 to 3.2.3-0. Here's how it went:
1. Downloaded the TWRP zip, md5 and so on from the official TWRP website for the Pixel 2 XL
2. Booted to TWRP and installed / flashed the zip of TWRP 3.2.3-0
3. Wiped dalvik and then chose Reboot to System from TWRP -- the phone booted right back into TWRP
4. Tried again to reboot the same way. Same result.
5. Installed / Flashed the 3.2.1-2 TWRP zip which was still on my phone, in order to revert to the previous version, and then Rebooted to System -- same result
6. Flashed 3.2.3-0 zip again, then flashed the Flash Kernel that I've been using, and then Flashed the Magisk v16.0 zip that I used to root, then chose Reboot to System -- AND IT WORKED; the phone booted normally and now I'm updated to the latest TWRP successfully.
tl;dr - The solution is to flash Magisk again after updating TWRP. Pretty sure this goes for kernel updates too.
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This is a Pixel XL forum.

Homeboy76 said:
This is a Pixel XL forum.
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Aren't the two systems (Pixel OG and Pixel 2) extremely similar? If they're not, then my advice should be ignored for anyone using the Pixel OG.


Help withAndroid N Preview 5

Hi Guys, i have 1 little problem.
im on the last Android N Preview 5 and i wannt to root it.
i have downloaded SuperSU 2.76 and TWRP
I rebooted to bootloader flashed thw twrp via Terminal, now i wanna boot into recovery because of the SuperSU zip, but i am stucking on TWRP Logo.
Phone is working normal, but i cant enter into recovery, anyone else has the same problem?
Thanks and best Regards,
You have to flash another version of TWRP... But, dude, i'm on the exact same case, same preview, and i can't get it to work. TWRP doesn't seem to work :/ I always got the god damn "no command" even if i follow some of the tutorials here...
EDIT : Try flashing the 3.0.0 or 3.0.1, and when all will be working (if you achieve, tell me how xD) update it.
EDIT 2 : I may find something, i'll let you know !
TWRP doesnt work with the developer previews without modifying the boot image.
If you want to root, you can use CF-Auto root.
You will still have the stock recovery.
Taker18 said:
Hi Guys, i have 1 little problem.
im on the last Android N Preview 5 and i wannt to root it.
i have downloaded SuperSU 2.76 and TWRP
I rebooted to bootloader flashed thw twrp via Terminal, now i wanna boot into recovery because of the SuperSU zip, but i am stucking on TWRP Logo.
Phone is working normal, but i cant enter into recovery, anyone else has the same problem?
Thanks and best Regards,
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This is a known issue, Search the forum for the resolution. Basically TWRP won't work on the Android N on Encrypted device.
The solution is pretty simple. You need to decrypt your device's storage. TWRP currently doesn't work with encrypted N preview.
This could be easily done by flashing the modified boot image, that will disable forced-encryption. After that, you will need to format the current userdata partition to decrypt the storage.
fastboot format userdata
fastboot format cache
Once that is done, you can flash TWRP and then use SuperSU to root.
Another way to direct root is by using Cf-Auto-Root. But I am not sure about that specifically. While some users have succeeded, there are a few who have failed to root using Cf-Auto-Root.
Just use CF-Auto Root, it will do all the things.
Make sure you have unlocked your Bootloader and downloaded the good version of CF for your device.
Reboot your phone in bootloader mode, plug it to a computer, and just open the .bat (if you're on windows, or the equivalent for Mac / Linux). It will install SuperSU. When it's done, don't forget to download the TWRP Manager on the Playstore, and you'll have a working Recovery ! I did that, i know have a rooted nexus 6P on Android N preview 5
Also, lot's of Root's only apps will not work properly, because lots of changes took place on Android N. So make sure you follow some guide out there (exemple : Ex Kernel don't work if you don't tweak some things, same with Ad Away, so make sure you're googling)
I followed the premise of this thread here so all credits go to the OP I flashed the latest Marshmallow vendor.img via fastboot, then flashed TWRP via fastboot. Booted into recovery from the bootloader then side loaded supersu using adb side load in TWRP. After that I rebooted to bootloader from TWRP and fastboot flashed the DP5 vendor.img and recovery.img. All is working well.

OP2 cannot upgrade from Oxygen OS 2.2.1/Cannot flash TWRP versions newer than 3.0.2-0

So.... Pokemon Go has a lot to answer for......
I have run into a really strange problem when trying to install an OTA on my *unrooted* Oneplus 2. I have been trying to fix this for days but I have completely run out of ideas.
I originally had a working stock Oxygen 3 (Marshmallow) rom with TWRP recovery on my device (not sure of the version). The device was rooted and apart from not being able to install OTAs, I was fairly happy with the setup. Then along came the Pokemon GO update that banned rooted devices. Ok, "big deal" I thought. I was quite content playing Ingress instead (a far better game by the way that doesn't rely on a "pay to win" structure). I really wasn't too worried but then I found out about "systemless root" and "Magisk". I thought that if I installed this correctly I could still play a bit of Pokemon GO when I wanted to and could toggle a root button in Magisk Manager to install OTAs when they became available.
This is where the problems started.
I followed a guide on how to unroot and install Magisk and "Phh's Superuser". The problem was that the Phh Superuser was being denied permissions for Magisk Manager, there were no pop up notifications prompting me to give it access, just toast notifications. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to give it permission so the "enable root" slider button kept sliding back, not allowing root. This is when I used SuperSU ver 2.76 (Magisk version) and it seemed to work fine. I now had a stock Marshmallow rom with TWRP and Magisk Manager all working exactly how they should be. I could toggle root and play Pokemon GO, then return to a rooted state when I needed to.
"Awesome, mission accomplished." I thought. Now I just need to toggle root off, download the latest OTA and install it through Flashfire.
First I made a complete nandroid backup (as I've done with other devices many times before) through TWRP. I even copied the backup folder to my PC in case something went wrong.
Well, this is when the nightmare started.
The first mistake I made was to use Flashfire when it clearly stated that Oneplus devices were currently untested. Not sure if it was a big issue or not, but it was a mistake none the less. The second mistake I made was to not stop the stock recovery being replaced when prompted before the reboot. I assumed (and it even states in the app) that the custom recovery should be reverted back to the stock recovery when attempting to apply OTA updates.
So I went ahead and rebooted, waiting for the OTA to install. I'm fairly sure from memory that it went into the stock recovery, flashed the OTA and restarted.
This is when the phone soft bricked.
"Oh well, that is why I made the backup." I thought.
I reflashed TWRP in fastboot mode and attempted to restore my backup. No dice, the phone was still soft bricked.
(And by "soft bricked" and "boot looping" I mean the Oneplus logo was in the middle of the screen, "Powered by Android" was at the bottom and the two blue LEDs for the buttons either side of the fingerprint scanner/home button remained on. This for me was the tell tale sign of the soft brick because these two light go off after a few seconds after rebooting usually.
So from here I have tried EVERYTHING. All I really want now is a working stock (rooted) Marshmallow rom with TWRP. I have downloaded many different full rom zips and attempted to flash them through TWRP with no success, I have returned to stock recovery and tried flashing signed roms with no success, I've even tried flashing the official CM13 rom for Oneplus 2 (with the correct GAPPs and kernel) through TWRP with no luck.
But here is where it gets interesting......
There are a few things that are really weird...
1. I have always been able to get into Fastboot mode and ADB and Fastboot commands "work".
* Operations succeed but don't stick (for example trying to flash TWRP versions 3.0.2-1 and 3.0.2-2 through Fastboot mode result in no recovery being there at all.
2. I can flash TWRP recovery though Fastboot mode but ONLY VERSIONS 3.0.2-0 and lower. I can also successfully flash the stock recovery.
3. I can flash OxygenOS 2.2.1 but NOT ANY VERSION RELEASED AFTER THAT. Doing so results in the soft brick "bootloop" I mentioned earlier.
4. Attempting to flash the official CM13 rom for Oneplus 2 doesn't work either. Originally I got the error 7 message, but after editing "Updater-script" in the rom and re-zipping, the process seemed to work fine in TWRP but the reboot gave me... you guessed it... a softbrick.
I have flashed custom roms on a few different devices before so I'm not a COMPLETE newbie when it comes to this stuff, but I am by no means a developer or even anything close to one. I have bricked this phone in the past (long story, involved getting it without an invite and it being shipped to me with spyware on it) but I used a guide very similar to this and it worked a treat.
So, thinking that this process would format all partitions and start me from scatch I tried it. It worked fine but I was still unable to upgrade from Oxygen OS 2.2.1 or install TWRP versions 3.0.2-1 or 3.0.2-2.
I have tried all sorts of things. I have wiped, flashed and wiped again. Factory resets, dirty flashes, clean flashes.... everything. All sorts of different sources for the TWRP images and Oxygen roms... nothing seems to work.
It's just so weird considering it's not a hard brick... just a soft brick.
So I really need my phone so I am sitting on this current build because it is the only one that works.
Here are some details of the current build I am using. (using CPU-Z app)
Model: Oneplus 2 (ONE A2001)
Android version: 5.1.1
Oxygen OS version: 2.2.1
Bootloader: Unknown
Build ID: ONE A2001_14_160226
Java VM: ART 2.1.0
OpenGL ES: 3.1
Kernel Architecture: aarch64
Kernel version: 3.10.49-perf+ (56)
Root access: Yes
Super user app: SuperSU Free v2.46 (Chainfire)
OEM unlocking: Enabled
USB debugging: Enabled
And these are some of the ZIPs and IMGs that refuse to be flashed to my device.
Grarak's TWRP recovery IMG for Oneplus2 (modified to install CM13) according to this guide:
And also my TWRP backup named 2016-09-16--09-44-09
I am really at a loss as to what to do next. ANY help ANYONE could give me would be greatly appreciated. I have been all over the net looking for ways around this bt have had no luck.
As I've said, I'm not a huge tech head, but I'm not a newbie either. The only thing I can think of is that somehow one of the partitions (maybe boot? ) may have been corrupted somehow when messing around with systemless root. But I don't know how considering it's "systemless". If anyone knows how to check for corrupted partitions on the Oneplus 2 please let me know and I'll try it. Maybe formatting these partitions might help (????), but I don't want to permanently brick my phone.
But I don't know how I've got this particular build working if one of the partitions has been corrupted. And the corrupted partition thing is just a guess.....
Please, anyone, someone point me in the right direction. Again, any and all feddback is welcomed and would be very much appreciated.
This is all Pikachu's fault.
Kamakiriash said:
A very long post...
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The normal way too update from OOS 2 to OOS 3 is:
Flash the OOS 3 signed flashable zip via TWRP to update the bootloader and firmware
Flash TWRP 3.0.2-2 via your current TWRP's recovery image flashing option
Reboot recovery via TWRP so that you now have a recovery that's compatible with the new bootloader
Wipe data, cache & dalvik-cache (but not internal storage)
Flash the OOS 3 signed flashable zip again to update the system
Flash one of the modified SuperSU zips if you want root
Reboot system
All the files you need are in post #1 of this thread.
Thank you so much Spannaa!
I was clearly missing a vital step here and let it be a lesson to anyone else in this situation....
As Spannaa said......
1. Flash the OOS 3 signed flashable zip via TWRP to update the bootloader and firmware
2. Flash TWRP 3.0.2-2 via your current TWRP's recovery image flashing option
4. Wipe data, cache & dalvik-cache (but not internal storage)
5. Flash the OOS 3 signed flashable zip AGAIN to update the system.
Again, thankyou Spanna for your quick and accurate response.
The order in which you flash zips and imgs is very important it seems.
You really saved me.
I restored the TWRP backup and I am back to where I started.
Is it now possible to apply OTAs when I toggle the root off in Magisk manager and install using the stock recovery? What do you think would be the best way to do this?
And would it be worth moving to the official build of CM13 for Oneplus 2?
Thanks again, Spannaa. :victory:
Kamakiriash said:
Thank you so much Spannaa!
I was clearly missing a vital step here and let it be a lesson to anyone else in this situation....
As Spannaa said......
1. Flash the OOS 3 signed flashable zip via TWRP to update the bootloader and firmware
2. Flash TWRP 3.0.2-2 via your current TWRP's recovery image flashing option
4. Wipe data, cache & dalvik-cache (but not internal storage)
5. Flash the OOS 3 signed flashable zip AGAIN to update the system.
Again, thankyou Spanna for your quick and accurate response.
The order in which you flash zips and imgs is very important it seems.
You really saved me.
I restored the TWRP backup and I am back to where I started.
Is it now possible to apply OTAs when I toggle the root off in Magisk manager and install using the stock recovery? What do you think would be the best way to do this?
And would it be worth moving to the official build of CM13 for Oneplus 2?
Thanks again, Spannaa. :victory:
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Glad you're sorted.
Not sure about Magisk as I've never used it.
CM13 is OK but whether it's worth you moving to it is your choice. Personally, I prefer TipsyOS!
I face the exact issue with same Oxygen OS and TWRP versions mentioned, I have tried the above steps but there are some problems:
1. Flash the OOS 3 signed flashable zip via TWRP to update the bootloader and firmware
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when I checked the option (Zip signature verification) in TWRP, the installation failed with error "Zip signature verification failed! Error installing zip file '/sdcard/'", but it's successfully installed when I unchecked (Zip signature verification) option.
2. Flash TWRP 3.0.2-2 via your current TWRP's recovery image flashing option
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second problem is that after installing the TWRP 3.0.2-2 (or above), then reboot recovery, I can't access the recovery again and the phone stuck on bootloop.
any idea ?
Aood said:
I face the exact issue with same Oxygen OS and TWRP versions mentioned, I have tried the above steps but there are some problems:
when I checked the option (Zip signature verification) in TWRP, the installation failed with error "Zip signature verification failed! Error installing zip file '/sdcard/'", but it's successfully installed when I unchecked (Zip signature verification) option.
second problem is that after installing the TWRP 3.0.2-2 (or above), then reboot recovery, I can't access the recovery again and the phone stuck on bootloop.
any idea ?
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I don't have a OP2 anymore but that post was seven months ago and the instructions worked for numerous users.
Don't enable zip signature verification in TWRP - it's unnecessary.
Flash TWRP 3.0.2-2 via your current TWRP's recovery image flashing option and then reboot recovery directly from TWRP.
thanx for replay Spannaa,
Flash TWRP 3.0.2-2 via your current TWRP's recovery image flashing option and then reboot recovery directly from TWRP.
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I have already did that, but same issue once I reboot "directly from TWRP" , the TWRP doesn't show up and bootloop start again.
Aood said:
thanx for replay Spannaa,
I have already did that, but same issue once I reboot "directly from TWRP" , the TWRP doesn't show up and bootloop start again.
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Last chance and then I'll leave this for someone that has the OP2.
Are you rebooting recovery "directly from TWRP" or rebooting system?
Is your bootloader still unlocked?
Last chance and then I'll leave this for someone that has the OP2.
Are you rebooting recovery "directly from TWRP" or rebooting system?
Is your bootloader still unlocked?
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Yes, rebooting recovery "directly from TWRP"
and bootloader loader is unlocked,..
anyway it's not important to fix the phone, it's almost one year since last time I use it, yesterday I saw it in the drawer and try to figure out the issue..,

How can I remove Magisk?

I've flashed Magisk, but because I can't get Xposed to work, I'd like to remove Magisk and install SuperSU, but I don't know how. I tried to flash the uninstaller via TWRP and it says everything is fine, but after rebooting it just stays installed. If I try to flash SuperSU anyway I get stuck on boot. I have to flash stock boot.img via TWRP and then Magisk magically reappears. I tried using MiFlash but it refuses to do anything. It says no permission.
One possible solution, I guess, would be to flash stock ROM via TWRP. Can this be done? Any other ideas? Or am I just stuck with Magisk until a new version is available?
Filip013 said:
I've flashed Magisk, but because I can't get Xposed to work, I'd like to remove Magisk and install SuperSU, but I don't know how. I tried to flash the uninstaller via TWRP and it says everything is fine, but after rebooting it just stays installed. If I try to flash SuperSU anyway I get stuck on boot. I have to flash stock boot.img via TWRP and then Magisk magically reappears. I tried using MiFlash but it refuses to do anything. It says no permission.
One possible solution, I guess, would be to flash stock ROM via TWRP. Can this be done? Any other ideas? Or am I just stuck with Magisk until a new version is available?
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Magisk is pretty much "useless" for now. Because it is based on system-less root, and cannot be updated (because still in testing phase! Newer Xposed module from Magisk requires latest Magisk root binary, which is pretty out of option atm as we can't update to the latest binary). The only solution if you want to have proper root access is:
1. Head over to Xiaomi MIUI website and download the full stock ROM again, and then flash it via fastboot (choose flash_all_except_storage.bat if you want to preserve your data).
2. Once flashed, reboot back to bootloader and unlock it.
3. While still in bootloader flash the correct CF-Auto root boot image for your ROM (contains SuperSU 2.82 binary,
4. Wait patiently and it will automatically reboot. Install SuperSU from Play Store if you want root management app.
5. If you need Xposed, download the Xposed apk from XDA and then install it normally (not via recovery).
6. ??? Profit
*DO NOT INSTALL permanent TWRP as it will cause your phone stuck in boot loop.
Thanks for your help, but no luck. I understand what I'm supposed to do, but I can't get MiFlash to work. When I try to flash stock image I get a "Permission Denied" error. (I have unlocked my bootloader successfully). I tried flashing modified stock image from here But then I couldn't boot. My only solution is to flash stock boot.img via TWRP and I can boot, but I stay stuck with Magisk.
So far, the only options I can think of is to wait for a recovery-flashable ROM, a new software update or a new version of Magisk.
Filip013 said:
Thanks for your help, but no luck. I understand what I'm supposed to do, but I can't get MiFlash to work. When I try to flash stock image I get a "Permission Denied" error. (I have unlocked my bootloader successfully). I tried flashing modified stock image from here But then I couldn't boot. My only solution is to flash stock boot.img via TWRP and I can boot, but I stay stuck with Magisk.
So far, the only options I can think of is to wait for a recovery-flashable ROM, a new software update or a new version of Magisk.
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You couldn't boot, are you using permanent TWRP?
Have you tried download the Full ROM from here and run this (as attachment)?
Btw, place the folder under 1 directory only eg: as attachment. (I tried in multiple directory eg: "D:\Phones\ROM\Stock ROM", it just wouldn't flash)
OMG!!! I can't believe it. MiFlash refused to let me flash because I tried to do that from the wrong location. Weird??!!
Good. I’ve managed to follow your instructions and success!! Just a minor note, I couldn't flash the modified boot.img directly via fastboot, it still won't let me. But I just booted TWRP (without flashing) and then flashed it from there. Again, THANK YOU!
BTW, yes, I had flashed permanent TWRP and then unsuccessfully tried to remove it.
Filip013 said:
OMG!!! I can't believe it. MiFlash refused to let me flash because I tried to do that from the wrong location. Weird??!!
Good. I’ve managed to follow your instructions and success!! Just a minor note, I couldn't flash the modified boot.img directly via fastboot, it still won't let me. But I just booted TWRP (without flashing) and then flashed it from there. Again, THANK YOU!
BTW, yes, I had flashed permanent TWRP and then unsuccessfully tried to remove it.
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Oh you manage to fix that? Good for you then. And yes you cannot have permanent TWRP and SuperSU at the same time. The CF-auto root for me I just click root.bat and done. btw side note, you will lose root after each update, besure to check out the new patched boot image. I m sure in the future we will have automated process, don't need to re-root manually after each update

Re-Rooting 1+5 after OS 5.1.1 Update

So I tried updating to Oxygen is 5.0 ran into an install issue, stuck in boot loop. Lucky I had done a Nandroid back up and restore everything. The other night I decided to update to 5.1.1 thinking why not get Android 8.1.0 on my AWESOME phone. Downloaded update, placed in internal storage, booted into TWRP to do a Nandroid back up (due to issues with past update). Back up failed needed to clean drive. So I decided, phone works in Android 7.1.1, why can't what's not broken. Rebooted phone and somehow the update activated. I freaked since last time it failed and not stuck in a loop. This time update was successful but still got stuck in a boot loop. I plugged my phone to my computer and noticed all my files were gone on their install storage, no files / foldersI recognized (e.g. DCIM, DATA, DOWNLOAD, etc). Emailed One Plus and chatted with them. TWRP was gone and was back on stock recovery. Since all was lost I was asked to "Erase All". I did, rebooted and I'm now on 8.1.1 but all my stuff was lost. So I've done since searching and found FlashFire do to a Nandroid backup but need root. So my question is...
Can I re-root my phone without using TWRP but stock recovery and use FlashFire for my back ups? I am not going to flash custom ROM but if I need to flash something, wouldn't stock ROM flash anything on my phone (Magisk)?
If so, can anyone provide me with assistance on re-rooting my phone without TWRP.
Thank you
As far as i know you can't flash anything with stock recovery so you can't root. After flashing the stock os is normal that twrp is been erased by the stock. Just re flash the twrp. I mean, maybe i didn't get the problem, why you can't reflash twrp? If you do that flash twrp codeworx Universal with fastboot in the bootloader, boot in twrp, wipe cache/dalvik, flash magisk 15.3, wipe cache/dalvik, reboot system, update magisk to 16 with the app. I do that way and it worked
To root your OnePlus 5, you must to follow carefuly the steps below and take your time.
1 - Make a full backup of your data
2 - Unlock the bootloader (Note that'll erase your phone)
3 - Install another recovery : TWRP. This one :
4 - Flash the full rom Oxygen OS 5.1.1 :
5 - Install magisk :
6 - Clear cache / Dalvik
7 - You're all done, reboot the phone
8 - Once your phone has booted up, install magisk manager :
Check this tread, that'll help you as well :
vanzant83 said:
As far as i know you can't flash anything with stock recovery so you can't root. After flashing the stock os is normal that twrp is been erased by the stock. Just re flash the twrp. I mean, maybe i didn't get the problem, why you can't reflash twrp? If you do that flash twrp codeworx Universal with fastboot in the bootloader, boot in twrp, wipe cache/dalvik, flash magisk 15.3, wipe cache/dalvik, reboot system, update magisk to 16 with the app. I do that way and it worked
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Hello, thanks for the info and yes, I did try flashing Magisk with stock recovery, while waiting for a reply and can confirm installation failed. So if I reflash TWRP, flashing Magisk using TWRP will work. Therefore, do you have instructions (step-by-step) on how to install TWRP. I have downloaded the latest TWRP image from their website (twrp-3.1.1-1 cheeseburger) onto my desktop. Bootloader is already unlocked as I was previously rooted under Android 7.1.
Thank you.
This is the official guide step by step, scroll down until you find "flashing twrp" if you had already unlocked the bootloader ( you already did that right??? xD). Anyway about the recovery and magisk version. The guys in the 5.1.1 thread advised to flash magisk 15.3 instead the 16 and only after the system reboot to make the upgrade to 16 with magisk app (dunno why). But when i tried to do that the last version of twrp (3.1.1-1) failed the flash. So i flashed the twrp 3.1.1-0-universal and 15.3 magisk. I can confirm this combination work, i can't tell for other combinations.
vanzant83 said:
This is the official guide step by step, scroll down until you find "flashing twrp" if you had already unlocked the bootloader ( you already did that right??? xD). Anyway about the recovery and magisk version. The guys in the 5.1.1 thread advised to flash magisk 15.3 instead the 16 and only after the system reboot to make the upgrade to 16 with magisk app (dunno why). But when i tried to do that the last version of twrp (3.1.1-1) failed the flash. So i flashed the twrp 3.1.1-0-universal and 15.3 magisk. I can confirm this combination work, i can't tell for other combinations.
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Hello, I finally got some time to re-root my phone and was reading the instructions you provided and clicked on the download but they are TWRP 3.2.1.x and Magisk 16. Do you have the links for the files you used
jmoricone said:
Hello, I finally got some time to re-root my phone and was reading the instructions you provided and clicked on the download but they are TWRP 3.2.1.x and Magisk 16. Do you have the links for the files you used
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Sorry man i typed wrong, the one i meant was 3.2.1-0 Universal codeworkx, the fourth from up to down. About 15.3 magisk i dunno where you can find It, maybe try some google research, otherwise i can send It to you by email, is a little file
Try this link, get the ZIP file from the version you want:
In case you need, this the official section:
vanzant83 said:
Sorry man i typed wrong, the one i meant was 3.2.1-0 Universal codeworkx, the fourth from up to down. About 15.3 magisk i dunno where you can find It, maybe try some google research, otherwise i can send It to you by email, is a little file
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Hey there, sorry for the late response..but thank you for the is rerooted..all is good..thanks again

Installing twrp on moto g5 plus. Indian variant.

I have been using many custom ROMs in the past months on my phone. I flashed stock Oreo just for fun. Now I lost my TWRP. It got replaced with Stock recovery. The main problem is I am unable to flash a recovery on my phone since then. I set my phone on USB debugging and open powershell & run the command " adb fastboot reboot"
Things get weird here. After flashing the TWRP image using fastboot flash recovery "mytwrpname.img" . Recovery shows a pattern(3×3) and asks me to decrypt. I do it and flash magisk but CTS/ Safety Net keeps failing. I wanted to reflash and again TWRP is gone.
What should I do. Sorry for the long story. Rules wanted me to be descriptive.
Help me out!!
Yeshu_bablu said:
I have been using many custom ROMs in the past months on my phone. I flashed stock Oreo just for fun. Now I lost my TWRP. It got replaced with Stock recovery. The main problem is I am unable to flash a recovery on my phone since then. I set my phone on USB debugging and open powershell & run the command " adb fastboot reboot"
Things get weird here. After flashing the TWRP image using fastboot flash recovery "mytwrpname.img" . Recovery shows a pattern(3×3) and asks me to decrypt. I do it and flash magisk but CTS/ Safety Net keeps failing. I wanted to reflash and again TWRP is gone.
What should I do. Sorry for the long story. Rules wanted me to be descriptive.
Help me out!!
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Same problem happend to me , what i did
1. After decrypting , i flashed masgisk and lazyflasher
2. Booted to system , opened magisk manager and got root
3. Downloaded official twrp app from playstore
4. Opened official twrp app ,granted the supersu permissions
5. Downloaded and flashed the same twrp recovery from which i decrypted the device(very important to download and flash the same recovery version )
6. Boom you have twrp recovery forever :good:
shibbu18111997 said:
Same problem happend to me , what i did
1. After decrypting , i flashed masgisk and lazyflasher
2. Booted to system , opened magisk manager and got root
3. Downloaded official twrp app from playstore
4. Opened official twrp app ,granted the supersu permissions
5. Downloaded and flashed the same twrp recovery from which i decrypted the device(very important to download and flash the same recovery version )
6. Boom you have twrp recovery forever :good:
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Is it important to flash lazy flasher?
Yeshu_bablu said:
Is it important to flash lazy flasher?
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I don't think so. I'm on latest TWRP by just decrypting and flashing Magisk 16.
Sent from my Moto G5 Plus using XDA Labs

