Remove the ugly icon backgrouns - Xiaomi Mi MIX Guides, News, & Discussion

(credit to karvindi from this thread)
Download this file;
*requires root
Extra the rar and copy the icon file to the sd card
copy the icon file to /system/media/theme
edit the permissions to be rw-r--r--
copy that file to /system/media/theme/default (overwrite the old file, you may want to make a backup of the old file first)
apply the default theme again


I'm sad to reactivate this old thread but I'm searching for a resolution for exactly this issue. On my new Mi MIX 2 (running with MIUI 8.5) it's the same ugly style.
So I replaced the attached file with the original version. The white background is gone away, but the icon for "Clock" and "Mi Account", too. Only the app label is still visible.
Is there a way to remove the ugly background and keep the icons for these two apps?
PS: Maybe this thread should removed to a better place, if there exists one for device unspecific MIUI questions
Best regards

It removed the icon for Calendar in MIUI

Here I've prepared the file "icons" from MIUI9 with some alternations:
folder "res" comes from MIUI8, it doesn't give transparent background but sort of adaptive colour depending on the icon itself, i always liked it in MIUI8 that way
removed folders:
as they still gave white background for Whatsapp and FB Messanger
- drawback: google play store doesn't have white background now, folder needed with icons with white background would be:
download link:
apply as described above by loudog3114
it is also easy to reedit the file from loudog3114 with transparent background and add the missing icon for calendar from my file but i'm not interested, as stated before i like the "adaptive" background for icons from MIUI8


[Q] picking and choosing what you want from a theme?

hey guys,
just curious if you could some how choose what you want to have in the theme and if you can mix themes, if so how? for example i installed epic unleashed 2.5 and i loved the battery indicator and i installed the 982dark theme for the droid 2 and it's great with a couple exceptions... personally I think i'm going back to the Kangerade Blue for the Droid2 but i still want the original battery indicator from the epic rom.
As far as I know, we don't have this level of customizability on D2 as of now. However, we are starting to see this. Like this, for example:
I used to use a ROM for the old Touch CDMA that did in fact have this level of customizability - there was a thread that had pretty much every individual piece available to customize. But again, I haven't seen this for D2 yet.
damn... ok well hopefully we get there eventually... until then I'll just stick with the theme I overall like the best lol
I have this problem with themes too, and the solution is simple. Take the theme that you are going to install, open the zip, and just remove the apps, fonts, or framework you don't want altered.
For example, I despise the font changes alot of themes force on you. Makes my twitter streams unreadable, so I just open the zip, and delete the fonts folder. That way it won't override the stock fonts. I've never tried deleting individual files, but that method should work for icons as well.
Just open the framework.res (rename the .res to .zip or .rar if you have WINRAR installed, or just use the "open with or choose default program" option) goto the res folder, then drawable-hdpi and just delete the battery images from the folder before you install the theme.
An easy way to do this, is to make a copy of the zip first so you'll have a proper version of the theme to view. Open it up with winzip, WINRAR or whatever archiving tool you use on your computer. Then browse the files in thumbnail view to find the images you want to get rid of. Make a note of their file names, then open up the other zip, locate the files in question, right click, delete em.
I'm not quite understanding what you're saying Natty
For example, right now I'm using the Revolution Remix theme. If I unzip it, there are 2 folders: META-INF and system.
Under system there are 3 folders: app, fonts, and framework. In the framework file there are 2 .apk files (framework-res.apk and blur-res.apk) and the systems.jar file.
In the app folder there are all .apk files, and the font folders are all .ttf
I'm not seeing any pictures to be deleted, unless you mean to actually delete the respective app .apk files (for example, I dislike the Talk app icon and the Market app icon)
So I guess you're supposed to just rename the .apk to .zip, but for some reason the files are not allowing me...Could these files be locked? (I don't know if that's a stupid question or not lol)
Edit #2:
So I got 7zip (yay for google), but when I go to open the .png files they don't want to application opens to view them, but it just sits there saying "loading"
Natty_lite said:
I have this problem with themes too, and the solution is simple. Take the theme that you are going to install, open the zip, and just remove the apps, fonts, or framework you don't want altered.
For example, I despise the font changes alot of themes force on you. Makes my twitter streams unreadable, so I just open the zip, and delete the fonts folder. That way it won't override the stock fonts. I've never tried deleting individual files, but that method should work for icons as well.
Just open the framework.res (rename the .res to .zip or .rar if you have WINRAR installed, or just use the "open with or choose default program" option) goto the res folder, then drawable-hdpi and just delete the battery images from the folder before you install the theme.
An easy way to do this, is to make a copy of the zip first so you'll have a proper version of the theme to view. Open it up with winzip, WINRAR or whatever archiving tool you use on your computer. Then browse the files in thumbnail view to find the images you want to get rid of. Make a note of their file names, then open up the other zip, locate the files in question, right click, delete em.
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I'm not sure if that would work for png files inside of framework-res.apk.... I would think that would cause a bootloop
It will work for the fonts folder and for any app you dont want to get altered in /system/app.
So just remove the app from the system/app folder? That's what I'm somewhat confused about.
DGalt11 said:
So just remove the app from the system/app folder? That's what I'm somewhat confused about.
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Click to collapse
If you dont want a themed app to overwrite your current app, then just delete the apk file from /system/app inside of the themed zip file. Or if you dont want a themed font to overwrite ur current font, then just delete the fonts folder inside of the themed zip file.
But deleting files from inside the framework-res.apk... I doubt that would work.
Any idea how to edit the Market? It's not under system/app.
Edit: Never mind, didn't know "market" was actually vending.
removing the png specifically will cause an issue however if you have another png that you would like you use you can just replace this and it will not overwrite then.
theecho said:
removing the png specifically will cause an issue however if you have another png that you would like you use you can just replace this and it will not overwrite then.
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Click to collapse
yeah that's what I did. just copy / replace.
DGalt11 said:
yeah that's what I did. just copy / replace.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So did the install go smoothly without the M logo freeze or bootloops? I hope so.
I'm Glad others came to pick up my pieces, lol. That's why this forum is so great. To summarize for those joining the party late, just take the .png's from another theme, and replace the unwanted images with those. Don't just delete them
It's working fine, no reboots or stuck in boot loop or anything. Didn't even need to wipe data / cache.
Now if I could just figure out a way to remove the font they used from just the browser and my apps and nothing else (b/c it looks really nice in the notification bar, the menus, on the widgets, etc. but makes reading email or reading stuff in the browser really difficult) I'd be golden.
So I started removing one font at a time, nothing changed.
So I removed the whole fonts folder, and still didn't get any change in the fonts in the theme.
Thats exactly why I got rid of it. What good is a font that you can't read? I'm not sure if you can just remove it from the statusbar specifically.
Remember, removing them prevents it from changing the fonts that are currently installed. So if they're already different, then they'll just stay that way when you install the edited version of the theme. You're gonna need to flash to the stock theme first, then flash to another theme (like the NexTheme for example) with all the edits that you made.
I see, so those files in the fonts folder aren't actually fonts. They're more like...where the fonts you want get stored. So you need to actually replace the file.
From what I've figured out, the majority of the fonts are derived from DroidSans. If you change that, you change most of the fonts including those in the apps, widgets, etc. So is there no way to specifically change a font in, lets say, apps vs. widgets? And what are all those other files in the fonts folder for
I have no idea. I just deleted the whole folder prior to installing to ensure I kept all stock fonts.

[GUIDE]Ultimate Guide[Decompiling][9 pngs][Theming]

The Ultimate Guide​
Preliminary Requirements:-
PC with Windows(Please avoid Windows Vista)
Java JRE or JDK
APK Multitool
framework-res.apk, SystemUI.apk, twframework-res.apk, for installing
Android Device for testing
Photoshop or equivalent image editing software
android-sdk(for 9 png editing)
Lots and lots of patience and mind
What this guide includes:-
Main Part:
1. Easiest Decompiling and Recompiling Guide *Must Read before continuing*
Theming Part:
2. APK png resources(General Location of General pngs)
3. Explanation of 9 pngs and how to edit or make them
4. How to Batch edit pngs (Not 9 pngs) (Changing color, etc)
All of us like if all things are present in one guide
This guide covers topics like decompiling, 9 png editing, theming in a very newbie friendly manner.
I have worked upon this guide to make it so that no problem arises during performing certain tasks which I faced.
I have covered workarounds such that they ensure LEAST no. of errors while performing these tasks.
However, if even then any problem arises, I am always there to help you out :laugh:
Main Part:
Decompiling: [MUST READ]
We are assuming that you have installed JAVA, Android SDK and apk-multitool without any problems
1. Copy your mobile's framework-res.apk, SystemUI.apk and twframework-res.apk in others folder in directory where you have extracted apk-multiool
2. Open Setup.bat. Choose 2 :- Installing Framework-res
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Choose 1 (framework-res.apk)
Choose 2 (twframework-res.apk) [similarly install OEM specific files such as , etc]
Choose 4 (SystemUI.apk)
Window will close each time you choose an option
You will have to restart Setup.bat each time
3. Now place the apk you want to edit in place-apk-here-for-modding
4. Now open script.bat. (If you see any error, either you haven't installed JAVA and SDK[adb] or they aren't implented, Please install them properly before continuing). Click any key to continue
APK-Multitool Window​
5. You will see the above window. Now, make sure you have installed all frameworks and Compression level is set to 9.
6. Now, we will choose our project. Click 24. A list of files present in place-apk-here-for-modding will be in front of you. Choose any file
7. Click on 9. Now decompiling will be in process.
8. After it is complete, go to projects folder, you will see a folder with the name of apk you decompiled
Decompiled apk example​
If it is decompiled properly, then there will be apktool.yml file in it
9. Do your modifications. Now, you can edit .9.png files (they will be discussed later) and xml files which were uneditable first
You will notice that there will be many new folders which weren't present in compiled form of apk. These all folders are generated from a file called resources.arsc present in compiled form which is absent in decompiled form
Such an example is of values folder which contains crucial xml files like styles.xml, strings.xml, ids.xml, etc
Always open xml files with Notepad++, it will mark commands and syntax making it look aligned and making it easy to understand
Example of decompiled xml file ​
Also, you can edit 9 patch files also which will be changed from now on
We will discuss 9 png in detail later on
10. After you have done your modifications and you are ready to recompile the app, choose 11 (Compile System APK) if you are editing System App or 12(Compile Non-System App) if you are editing other than System App
11. a) If System App:-
After some time it will ask that if you want to copy additional files other than signatures to ensure less amount of errors, then choose y
After extracting some files, it will ask you to delete files from keep folder
Simply go to keep folder,
If you edited any pngs and there are many and you are lazy enough to delete one by one, then delete the whole folder in which you edited pngs
If you edited any xml file, then delete that xml file AND ALSO DELETE RESOURCES.ARSC
Why? Because we told that values and several other folders are generated from resources.arsc while decompiling
Now, if we don't delete resources.arsc, the modification we did in values folder will be reverted to original state
After doing this, go to script.bat again and press any key to continue
11. b)If its not system app:
Just recompile it and sign it man through the menu in apk multitool man.
It is easy as hell. Tutorial of non-system app has been ended here
12. Now, you will get another apk name System_ apkname.apk
Open both apks as archives by 7-zip
13. Last and most important step:-
Just drop the files you edited from new apk to old apk in correct folders. By now, you may have understood that resouces.arsc INCLUDES your edited xmls
14. Now, the final apk is not System_apkname.apk but apkname.apk (the original file you started with). Push it and enjoy
This is a work in progress.
Will add more things soon
Don't hesitate to ask any questions about anything
@d3cka for teaching best about 9 pngs
@deathnotice01 for helping me
Miscellaneous Google and xda posts
Theming Part​
General APK png Resources
Here I will tell you where to find some pngs to theme your Phone
Note: Here I will tell location of pngs but that may differ based on modification done to your ROM by OEMs or devs. These pngs are found after decompiling or extracting the apk files. For more reference, read this.
In this part, there is only brief information, but for a very good guide, please go here. I haven't covered it all up as d3cka himself has done a marvellous job in making that guide. All the things present in that guide should solve all your queries.
General location of apks:
SystemUI.apk - /system/app/
framework-res.apk - /system/framework/
twframework-res.apk - /system/framework
framework.jar - /system/framework/
lidroid-res.apk - /system/framework/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Variable list:
I have referred to some locations as drawable-xdpi. X here stands for
X: m, l, h, xh
Meaning pngs can be in drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi, drawable-ldpi, drawable-xhdpi depending on resolution of your phone
In some places, I have just added * in order to fill spaces that are not common in each png
[?] means maybe only for GB or Samsung
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Battery Icons -
(i)Ice Cream Sandwich/Jelly Bean: SystemUI.apk/res/drawable-xdpi/stat_sys_battery**.png
(ii)Gingerbread: framework-res.apk/res/drawable-xdpi/stat_sys_battery**.png
Status Bar icons - SystemUI.apk/res/drawable-xdpi/
Note, some, however very few status bar icons are also present in framework-res.apk
Platlogo - framework-res.apk/res/drawable-nodpi/platlogo*.jpg
(image that pops up when repeatedly clicked on Android Version)
In Gingerbrad, its a single file but in ICS and JB, they are many images.
Default Wallpaper - framework-res/res/drawable-xdpi/default_wallpaper.jpg
Default Lockscreen Wallpaper[?] - framework-res.apk/res/drawable-xdpi/zzzzzzzz_default_lockscreenw.jpg
On stock based HTC roms, the default wallpaper location is specified in (so the dev can either swap out the image, or change the path)
The default wallpaper path for HTC roms is /system/customize/resource/wallpapers_a_00.jpg (Thanks to CNExus)
Spinners[GB] - framework-res.apk/res/drawable-xdpi/spinner_****_**.png
(The loading circles)
Menu Icons - framework-res.apk/res/drawable-xdpi/ic_menu_**.png
These icons may also be present in twframework-res.apk for Samsung Touchwiz ROMs
Notification Toggles
(i)With lidroid 15 toggles : lidroid-res.apk/res/drawable-xdpi/
(ii)Without lidroid mod : SystemUI.apk/res/drawable-xdpi
These were some general pngs of system apps that may be used to theme the phone. You can find respective pngs to theme in their apks.
Will add more soon...
9 PNG Discussion
These are special types of pngs that can be stretched to fit the need of program or different scenarios or cases. It contains 1 pixel lines on each border of different lengths for different things
As told above, we can't edit 9 png in compiled form as it will lose these lines which define its properties. So, we first need to decompile apk in order to edit 9 pngs
So, after decompiling apk, open 9 png in Photoshop and select the part inside that 1 px border and edit anything you want (Hue, Saturation, Bevel, Emboss, ANYTHING)
Now save it (save it as a normal png and then rename it as .9.png because photoshop doesn't recognise 9 png extension and image will loose its RGB format)
Explanation of 9 png:-
You can read this for more information
If you have doubt that you have gone wrong somewhere or you have made a new png from scratch and want to test if it is correct or not:
(Check all 9 png files you edit as they can cause Force Closes or bootloops)
Go to folder where you extracted android-sdk and go to tools folder and open draw9patch.bat
A window like this will open up:-
Drop you 9 png here
A new window will open with you 9 png on it
Tick on show bad patches
If you see red rectangles, you have a bad 9 patch image. You will need to delete or add those lines in png to remove all red boxes. If you want to delete, press Shift and start moving cursor over lines you want to delete. You can choose method of hit and trial to remove all rectangles and move the lower scale to see how your image size is adjusted
Or you can do what I do:
1. Remove all lines
2. Add single dot on top centre and left centre border of image (That can be taken as stretchable area)
3. Add lines on right and bottom of image where you want to fill content. Now, click on Show Content
The purple area you see in image is the content area (Text will be filled there. Eg:- Popup Menu)
4. Now, you can adjust these lines acoording to your need that what you want for stretchable area and content area until an unless there comes an red triangle
5. When it is done. Save the file. DONE
Easy, isn't it?
That's what theming is
Batch Editing pngs in Photoshop
Well the scenario is you have 200 pngs and you want to change their color, hue, add effect to them, etc. Definitely not worth the time you will spent doing this one by one. So, here, I will cover how to batch apply same edits on to your infinite pngs. Here, I am taking example of changing color of battery png from green to purple, you can apply any attribute to your image in the same way. I repeat it is not for .9.png files. Read above guide for reference
Let's start
1. First copy all your pngs you need to edit in a separate folder. I have made a folder named Battery Base and pasted my all pngs of battery there.
Now create another folder where your edited pngs will be saved. For eg:- Battery Done. (Don't create it inside Battery Base folder)
2. Open Adobe Photoshop and Choose Window>Actions or Alt+F9
3. Click on the note like file (Create new Action)
Rename it to anything you want . I have chosen Battery_color
Then click on Record. Now, you will see that red circle is enabled and now everything you do on image will be recorded and will be applied on each image.
4. Now, do this very carefully, don't miss any step.
We will do every thing that we want Photoshop to do with each file we want to edit.
a) So, first we want Photoshop to open the image. So , click on Open and choose any png from Battery Base folder (Choose a file with more color so that you know what color exactly your file will be after editing. That is why I chose 90 percent battery here).
b) Now, after opening, we want to change Color of png from green to purple. So, choose Image>Adjustment>Hue and Saturation or Ctrl+U
A dialog box with 3 sliders will appear. Move upper slider to change color. You can move other slider to change saturation and brightness if you want. Now, if you got it right, click on OK.
Every step of yours is being recorded, so don't do unnecessary stuff you don't want to do on other images. Nonetheless, if you have done it, then Drop down the Battery Base Action in action palette and you will see your every action there, If you want to delete any action , you can delete it from there. You can also add any action before pre completed action by clicking above that action and performing it.
Now, you can do anything you want to be done on your rest of pngs.
c) Now, we want Photoshop to save this png to carry on working on others. So, Go to File>Save as... and save it as a png in Battery Done folder. Photoshop will ask you to choose, so choose smallest compression and no interlace.
d) Image is saved but we also want Photoshop to close the png so that it does not open 200 tabs for editing 200 pngs. So, click on close (Small cross on title bar of png). If, it asks that do you want to save changes to png . Say no, because if you say yes, the png in Battery Base will be changes and when batch processing is done, that png in Battery Done will be of different color that all others.And also, your all green pngs in Battery Base folder will turn purple too. But we want purple images in Battery Done and green in Battery Base.
5. Now, we hae done what we want, so, we will stop recording the Action. Click on that square in Actions Palette.
6. Fun Starts. Now we will do the batch processing.
Go to File>Automate>Batch
In the dialog box, Choose the action to be Battery_Color (or obiviously any action you created)
Source folder: Battery Base
Destination Folder: Battery Done
Tick both Override Action 'Open' commands and Override Action 'Save as' commands
Click on OK. Sit back for 3 to 5 minutes(204 pngs) and TADA
You can apply any action in same way. Such as bevel, glossy, pale, etc to innumerous amount of pngs
Why APK-Multitool?​
Yeah, why not just apktool or VTS (Virtuous Ten Studio)
But, when working with certain system apk files, there is a feature of APK Multitool that comes in very handy and that is, making a keep folder and asking you to delete stuff which you modded to then make an apk file. Certain files in apk do not need to be touched which can be easily controlled by APK Multitool.
Note: This is no way against VTS in any form
As I was making a guide which ensured least amount of errors, I chose APK Multitool, because we can easily fix those known errors od Status Bar disappearing or this and that :victory:
apktool is very minimalistic but not too user friendly for a newbie. And it may return with huge amount of errors if not used correctly.
So, APK Multitool is a perfect balance in between simplicity and work power
Last One left
Awesome guide areeb..
Will include this guide in the index for sure
Will be a great guide for me
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Great guide.
Good info. Nice work :good:
This is a good guide, very good one. But, I've found that the latest APK Multi Tool doesn't work for Android 4.2.2 apks.
Does this one work? Any solution?
krazzyvishal said:
This is a good guide, very good one. But, I've found that the latest APK Multi Tool doesn't work for Android 4.2.2 apks.
Does this one work? Any solution?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for notifying
You can try downloading this - and replacing the previous files with the new files in others folder
It's by Rizal Lovin from his guide here
Or you can notify the bug (if it's a bug ) here
Best theming guide i ever seen
i love ur ,9 pngs method and how u explained us more deeply about them
krazzyvishal said:
This is a good guide, very good one. But, I've found that the latest APK Multi Tool doesn't work for Android 4.2.2 apks.
Does this one work? Any solution?
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Click to collapse
Try some of the suggestions in my guide. Link below.
From me to you.
great guide for starters
all hail to areeb
iamareebjamal said:
So, after decompiling apk, open 9 png in Photoshop and select the part inside that 1 px border and edit anything you want (Hue, Saturation, Bevel, Emboss, ANYTHING)
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Click to collapse
Here's what i do if i want to keep the .9.png border intact:
Open my .9.png.
Select>Modify>Border. Set width at 1 pixel.
Edit>Paste special>Paste in place.
Layer>Arrange>Send to back.
This splits the the border from the image allowing you to edit the image freely without affecting the 9patch.
I'll attach my action i created to automate the process.
Extract the action from the zip.
Select dropdown menu.
Load actions> select split.9.atn
One final thing. Photoshop has no problems with the .9.png extension. When you save your image (save for web) it will show as .png, just insert .9 into the name. I've never had a problem.:good:
Appreciate! Great guide
dully79 said:
Here's what i do if i want to keep the .9.png border intact:
Open my .9.png.
Select>Modify>Border. Set width at 1 pixel.
Edit>Paste special>Paste in place.
Layer>Arrange>Send to back.
This splits the the border from the image allowing you to edit the image freely without affecting the 9patch.
I'll attach my action i created to automate the process.
Extract the action from the zip.
Select dropdown menu.
Load actions> select split.9.atn
One final thing. Photoshop has no problems with the .9.png extension. When you save your image (save for web) it will show as .png, just insert .9 into the name. I've never had a problem.:good:
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Click to collapse
Thanks for suggestions
About last thing, I never said anything about Photoshop having problems with .9.png files
Maybe words appeared different from what they meant
iamareebjamal said:
Thanks for suggestions
About last thing, I never said anything about Photoshop having problems with .9.png files
Maybe words appeared different from what they meant
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry, my bad. I didn't mean it had problems. What I was trying to say is you can just add the .9 without any problems.
Normally I just copy the nines into a separate folder, work on them, then when saving double click and replace. Doesn't save much time with a handful, but when you have quite a lot it all adds up. Plus you still have the originals incase of an error.
dully79 said:
One final thing. Photoshop has no problems with the .9.png extension. When you save your image (save for web) it will show as .png, just insert .9 into the name. I've never had a problem.:good:
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Click to collapse
I think you're using a step or two more than you need to layer the border, and to save I just merge the layers, save and close.
XperienceD said:
I think you're using a step or two more than you need to layer the border, and to save I just merge the layers, save and close.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What steps are they? When it's automated using the action it takes less than a second.
Everyone has their own technique, personally I think merging layers and saving is redundant as they are merged when saved.

change background settins

would like to change the background of my roted Note 3 SM-9005 (settings, phone, sms, etc)
- Black Background with white fonts
- White or light Background with Black fonts
In doing so I have played with Xposed and Xbackground module, but I only was able to change background, NOT fonts.
Can somebody else share his experience?
Thank you
I am willing to use a light themed ROM instead of my current one, but I found none
And yes, I do NOT care if the white background drains the battery: better short battery than unusable device (at least for my aging eyes...)
Thank you for any suggestions
I found this:
But it works only partially: there are NO apps or mods available to exploit Xposed in order to achieve the revert of the colors.
I also found this:
But I am not a complicated.
I would even pay someone to code those lines into an app:
First download framework-res.apk from here:
1. open the framework.apk with 7zip
2. Navigate to res/drawable-nodpi
3. Delete the file named background_holo_dark.png. it should be the very first one
4. Now choose any image and resize it to 512x512 using a photo editing software
5. Rename the chosen picture to background_holo_dark.png
6. Place it in res/drawable-nodpi
7. Now close 7zip and place the framework.apk onto your sd card
8. Now using root explorer copy the framework.apk into system/framework. ( remeber to delete the old framework.apk from the framework folder)
9. Change its permissions to rw--r--r
10. Reboot your phone
Thank you
no reply?

[Q] [Mod][Theme] Add new icons to LGHome theme Bunnyfairy

Hi everyone.
First, thank the developer that remake Bunnyfairy theme for G2!
I love the theme so much I want to add more icons. After able to de-compile the .apk using apktool I modified "appfilter.xml" and add a line:
<item component="ComponentInfo{}" drawable="lg_launcher_ic_filemanager" />
...and hope that will makes ES File Explorer changes its icon but after build and install new apk (already uninstalled old one) and apply the theme nothing changed... Other icons and style work just fine but ES icon doesn't change
I believe that the name of the app ( and the main activity ( are all correct, what more must I do to make it work?
Please help, thank a bunch!
PS: the icon used above already exists I haven't added new one yet.
NVM I solved the problem by adding new line into theme_resources.xml
Now I'm facing another issue... if I change ES File explorer icon size to 2x2 it looks blur. Each icon have its large version, and another icons are displayed correctly using their large image when size changed to 2x2 but not my addition icon. I am searching in the decoded source and haven't yet found any clue...
Please help, thanks!

[FONT] CyanogenMod Hexolibre font for any device

This is the official CyanogenMod's theme Hexolibre font. I have extracted all the font files from the Hexolibre app itself and put all of them in a *non flashable* zip.
I tested this on my phone (VS985 running Resurrection Remix 7.1.1 v5.8.1). I saw that the colon on the lock screen and the Dollar icon ($) on keyboard is appearing as a question mark (?). Other than that, everything is working great. All the special symbols, exponential numbers, fractions etc are working too.
1) Take a backup of all the files which are starting with 'Roboto' such as 'Roboto-Italic'.
2) Download the zip file and extract all the *.ttf files to /system/font.
3) Set permissions to rw-r-r (644).
4) Reboot and enjoy! \(^O^)/
How to fix the semi colon? Any ideas?
abefaxe said:
How to fix the semi colon? Any ideas?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I am not a developer. I just pulled the original files from CM 13 ROM, renamed and put them all in a zip file. I have no idea how to fix it. Sorry
Sorry to necro, but for anyone still looking to do this I fixed it with a font editor. The colon in the clock is in Roboto-Light.ttf, so you can patch 0xEE01 with another colon yourself for any font, or if you are trying to specifically get that awesome Hexolibre font (aka Lato, my favorite system font) just use the attached already-fixed Hexolibre fonts. If you have already replaced them all and just want to fix the lock screen colon, you just need to replace the Roboto-Light.ttf file. Enjoy!
