CM13 on G935T with flashfire? Possible or nah - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions & Answer
Will this work for us with flash fire or nah??
Posted question in that thread but no answer yet so I figured I would ask here.......
I just got the phone a couple days ago and dont wanna brick it already....hahah

jasons1004 said:
Will this work for us with flash fire or nah??
Posted question in that thread but no answer yet so I figured I would ask here.......
I just got the phone a couple days ago and dont wanna brick it already....hahah
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You're welcome to try but I'm pretty sure you need to flash the kernel too. Which you can't do.

Indeed. Just wondering if it has been tried yet...that kind of thing.

No you can not flash CM13 on the S7 with a locked bootloader.
Sent from my SM-G935U using XDA Premium HD app

As the dev, ask samsung to unlock your bootloader. Than sure you can install it

Lololol ask Samsung to unlock the bootloader

Don't worry... I will try it and let you know.... Like everything else Downloading now...need a break from the Engineer/BL hack I am doing
Actually... This might go hand in hand with what I am alredy working on.. I will hold on the blind flash right now because just thinking of the simple surface mechanisms, it won't work. BUT IF... I can get done what I am doing,then it might just work... And hell if I can get it to where we can flash roms with Flashfire and saying f-it to a custom recovery which would be possible without encryption and verity and all of that crap.. then that is a score in my book.. Just dev off of the CHN stuffs and flash through FF

We look forward to your offerings.

Why is this a poll now?

joe3681 said:
Why is this a poll now?
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BC I thought it was funny. Does the poll bother you? Lol
BTW I guess this thread can be closed or stay open for reference....

No, I have real things to be bothered by. This is not one of them.
I guess this could serve as a reference to someone. Not everybody takes 2 seconds to read about their phones before jumping on a forum asking silly questions ... Hahah


[Q] Can you help me to justify the phone is unlock able ?

hi all,
as title mention....... sorry for asking stupid question.
but i really did research from xda although its really make me confusing.......
and i did OTA update last 2 weeks, and my phone bought from singapore
come with HD dock also.
is it able to follw this thread
thanks, if someone enlighten me.....
here is my phone info
system version
Model number
Android Version
BaseBand version
Webtop version
Kernel version
[email protected] #6
APflex version
Build number
Yes. Use this thread and download the Orange/Bell/Telestra/Latin America/International users ONLY file. The file should be named IHOP_Bell.rar . Flash it with RSDLite. Done.
I know you are new, but next time, questions go in the Q&A section. Thanks!
Also @OP, make sure that you indeed want to unlock your phone, because once you unlock your phone it stays unlocked forever.
A lot of people get excited about unlocking their phones, and start a thread later on how they can lock it back up because for whatever reason they changed their minds...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
ccrows said:
Also @OP, make sure that you indeed want to unlock your phone, because once you unlock your phone it stays unlocked forever.
A lot of people get excited about unlocking their phones, and start a thread later on how they can lock it back up because for whatever reason they changed their minds...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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change it back to lock status??
i cant guess it what reason make them do that....
but for me, i just curious for unlock and trying for other roms....and may be for further ICS preparation.
and actually currently official roms quite good enough for me.
thanks for you notice....
matthew5025 said:
Yes. Use this thread and download the Orange/Bell/Telestra/Latin America/International users ONLY file. The file should be named IHOP_Bell.rar . Flash it with RSDLite. Done.
I know you are new, but next time, questions go in the Q&A section. Thanks!
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Sorry.... i will do it on Q&A section next times.
Thanks. for guidance......

Xperia z5 premium root, bl & roms!

Okay, i am making this thread so people can find the answer for their questions here, some of these are the questions i was wondering too, but mostly these questions are what i think most people are wondering. And as always i want the answer to be heard from many people, so i really can be sure and know all about it!
So, anyone got any idea when custom roms like cyanogen get compatibility for xperia z5 premium? how long does it usually take? and how do i get my current stock rom on my pc so i can customise it myself, and not die in waiting for cyanogen ? When the first cyanogen comes, it will be laggy, as everyone knows... Is it worth flashing? Can flashing ROMs break my phone, even when done right? Are they too risky for my brand new flagship beast?
When do EASY one click rooting apps like kingroot, kingoroot and iroot work with the z5 premium? Does the "dirty" unlocked bootloader root made by androplus for xperia z5p work for the latest software update? When will the legendary locked bootloader root come?
Okay this is what i can answer on!
Will the camera quality go really bad?
NO, it won't. Only in low light it will be terrible, only in low light! It is EXACTLY (for me) the same as locked bootloader on normal lightning. YOU CAN BARELY SPOT THE DIFFERENCE!
is the boot loader worth unlocking??
This is a hard one. Its different for everybody, someone LIKE ME thinks its worth it, some others think its not. (tell your opinions pls)
FOR ME IT IS. As with unlocked bootloader you will be getting root before the locked boys.
What does change?
For me, nothing really. No experience has changed for me, but everyone uses it differently!
Okey so thats it for now its sunday night soon, post your questions down below, ill answer IF I CAN xd. if i don't know the answer, other people will answer it (HOPEFULLY) please ask and comment below! Thank you guys!
And by the way, will there EVER be a android 4.x rom that works on z5p?
Android 4.x ? Are you kidding me? Nooooo of course there wont be...
Unlocked bootloader exists and so does root. We dont have locked Bootloader root yet.
Cyangenmod? Wont be for while I think.
Id just be happy you have a good device, unlock the bootloader and root.
fkofilee said:
Android 4.x ? Are you kidding me? Nooooo of course there wont be...
Unlocked bootloader exists and so does root. We dont have locked Bootloader root yet.
Cyangenmod? Wont be for while I think.
Id just be happy you have a good device, unlock the bootloader and root.
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Im not kidding i would really want android 4.x on this xddd
fkofilee said:
Android 4.x ? Are you kidding me? Nooooo of course there wont be...
Unlocked bootloader exists and so does root. We dont have locked Bootloader root yet.
Cyangenmod? Wont be for while I think.
Id just be happy you have a good device, unlock the bootloader and root.
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I just asked that is it anyway possible..
fkofilee said:
Android 4.x ? Are you kidding me? Nooooo of course there wont be...
Unlocked bootloader exists and so does root. We dont have locked Bootloader root yet.
Cyangenmod? Wont be for while I think.
Id just be happy you have a good device, unlock the bootloader and root.
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I have it allready unlocked but i havent rooted because i dont know does the root work on the newest software update that i have
Of course it does, Install customer kernel and recovery and flash Super SU if required
However be aware of which model you have....
fkofilee said:
Of course it does, Install customer kernel and recovery and flash Super SU if required
However be aware of which model you have....
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build number is 32.0.A.6.200 and its the no dual E6853 xdd ok ima try soon
masaforce said:
build number is 32.0.A.6.200 and its the no dual E6853 xdd ok ima try soon
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Has anyone tried new version of kingroot?I can't because I do not have the phone yet
josephnero said:
Has anyone tried new version of kingroot?I can't because I do not have the phone yet
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It does not work. Only root method is with unlocked bl, WICH DID NOT WORK FOR ME! I just installed a custom pre rooted rom, that worked. If u wanna do it the unlocked bl way, its pretty hard if u have only used kingroot for rooting.. And u can easily bootloop or brick ur phone. Thank me for helpful post if i helped pls xdd. I can ofc answer more questions if u need info.
masaforce said:
It does not work. Only root method is with unlocked bl, WICH DID NOT WORK FOR ME! I just installed a custom pre rooted rom, that worked. If u wanna do it the unlocked bl way, its pretty hard if u have only used kingroot for rooting.. And u can easily bootloop or brick ur phone. Thank me for helpful post if i helped pls xdd. I can ofc answer more questions if u need info.
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thanks a lot mate.Guess I'll have to wait a bit before getting the phone
josephnero said:
thanks a lot mate.Guess I'll have to wait a bit before getting the phone
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Yea, ALSO! If your getting it. The phone has one problem........ IT BENDS... I can confirm.. So i think its the best phone ever, but its batterylife is pretty poor and it bends.. So if u get it on really bendy places your eventually gonna end up with a samsung curve tv looking phone. Mine is not bent, well slightly, u can barely see it.
masaforce said:
Yea, ALSO! If your getting it. The phone has one problem........ IT BENDS... I can confirm.. So i think its the best phone ever, but its batterylife is pretty poor and it bends.. So if u get it on really bendy places your eventually gonna end up with a samsung curve tv looking phone. Mine is not bent, well slightly, u can barely see it.
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I just bought a note 4 I will wait for Z6.thanks a ton mate
josephnero said:
I just bought a note 4 I will wait for Z6.thanks a ton mate
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No problem have a good weekend.
masaforce said:
No problem have a good weekend.
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on the sidenote.I hate my new Note 4
josephnero said:
on the sidenote.I hate my new Note 4
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Lol.. Samsung sucks. Everything they make sucks.. I got a 4000€ tv wich sucks.. I got s5 wich is ok but against my z3 or z5p it sucks baaaad m8.. My dad also had samsung tvs on work and he threw them straight to trash ... Ill never buy any samsung.. Maybe i will sometime if a miracle happens lol. But i wont reccomend buying a samsung. I hate samsung, for a good reason
masaforce said:
Lol.. Samsung sucks. Everything they make sucks.. I got a 4000€ tv wich sucks.. I got s5 wich is ok but against my z3 or z5p it sucks baaaad m8.. My dad also had samsung tvs on work and he threw them straight to trash ... Ill never buy any samsung.. Maybe i will sometime if a miracle happens lol. But i wont reccomend buying a samsung. I hate samsung, for a good reason
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To be honest I blame myself,I fell for the hype some sites like gsmarena and phonearena created about that damn AMOLED and samsung cam quality.If I post a comparison with my old Z2 you,ll see how note gets destroyed.the only positive side is deep blacks
josephnero said:
To be honest I blame myself,I fell for the hype some sites like gsmarena and phonearena created about that damn AMOLED and samsung cam quality.If I post a comparison with my old Z2 you,ll see how note gets destroyed.the only positive side is deep blacks
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masaforce said:
It does not work. Only root method is with unlocked bl, WICH DID NOT WORK FOR ME! I just installed a custom pre rooted rom, that worked. If u wanna do it the unlocked bl way, its pretty hard if u have only used kingroot for rooting.. And u can easily bootloop or brick ur phone. Thank me for helpful post if i helped pls xdd. I can ofc answer more questions if u need info.
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Actually I'm expecting a Z6 with Snapdragon 820 in mid of 2016 already...
jerryhou85 said:
Actually I'm expecting a Z6 with Snapdragon 820 in mid of 2016 already...
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Kk.. I usually buy a new phone or 2 in one year..

is TWRP being developed for the Samsung S7 Edge?

Is TWRP being developed for the Samsung S7 Edge?
If so where can I find a copy that I may Odin?
It not bootloader is locked
serendipityguy said:
Is TWRP being developed for the Samsung S7 Edge?
If so where can I find a copy that I may Odin?
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Oh wow!
You managed to finally unlock the Qualcomm bootloader?
Please tell us how you did it!
wow another do we have twrp for this phone question.. I guess people think that if they keep asking this question, twrp will magically appear..
Binary100100 said:
Oh wow!
You managed to finally unlock the Qualcomm bootloader?
Please tell us how you did it!
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galaxyuser88 said:
wow another do we have twrp for this phone question.. I guess people think that if they keep asking this question, twrp will magically appear..
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Damn guys.. He obviously isn't as knowledgeable as some of us.. Why should every reply be so douchey? I'm sure you've asked questions at one time or another right? The election is over lol Lets all just start being nice to one another again :highfive:
serendipityguy said:
Is TWRP being developed for the Samsung S7 Edge?
If so where can I find a copy that I may Odin?
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We need more than root to use TWRP. The bootloader has to be unlocked. It's not very likely that you'll see any Samsung US versions unlocked, they've been locked down pretty damn tight for years.
I'm looking pretty hard at the Pixel XL.. I miss flashing roms every other night lol.
Binary100100 said:
Oh wow!
You managed to finally unlock the Qualcomm bootloader?
Please tell us how you did it!
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That doesn't answer his question
cruel91 said:
That doesn't answer his question
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Oh but it most certainly does.
IF the OP managed to crack the bootloader THEN we can progress on the TESTING phase of a TWRP recovery. If he didn't unlock (or crack) the bootloader then thus it is locked, right? Which only answers the question.
One could easy argue that he didn't realize that the bootloader was locked. Okay. So let's do that. We'll assume as such. So let's wonder together now. Why would a device considered the best (and most popular) Android phone on the market not have a custom recovery? Hmm. That doesn't make sense! So instead of posting the inquiry in the appropriate How To Root section... another thread is opened about it. Undoubtedly, if the OP had read about it (s)he would have found that the bootloader is locked. Right? Because what other explaination could there be for the most popular Android phone on the market?
It really just means that every question has an answer but not every answer can *only* be found by starting yet another thread.
But... maybe... just maybe... he DOES have an unlocked bootloader. Wouldn't that be neat? Wouldn't we like to know how? The absence of such is the very reason we don't have TWRP available. Again... a little reading would lead one to discover that very minor detail. Of which the OP clearly didn't do enough. So... the moral of my point is...
nugzo said:
Damn guys.. He obviously isn't as knowledgeable as some of us.. Why should every reply be so douchey? I'm sure you've asked questions at one time or another right? The election is over lol Lets all just start being nice to one another again :highfive:
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A simple search would have answered his question before he posted his/her question.. yes we all started out asking questions and we all have been told the same thing. Search first before asking questions. Its as simple as that. That is what google is for and the search options in these forums..
Binary100100 said:
Oh but it most certainly does.
IF the OP managed to crack the bootloader THEN we can progress on the TESTING phase of a TWRP recovery. If he didn't unlock (or crack) the bootloader then thus it is locked, right? Which only answers the question.
One could easy argue that he didn't realize that the bootloader was locked. Okay. So let's do that. We'll assume as such. So let's wonder together now. Why would a device considered the best (and most popular) Android phone on the market not have a custom recovery? Hmm. That doesn't make sense! So instead of posting the inquiry in the appropriate How To Root section... another thread is opened about it. Undoubtedly, if the OP had read about it (s)he would have found that the bootloader is locked. Right? Because what other explaination could there be for the most popular Android phone on the market?
It really just means that every question has an answer but not every answer can *only* be found by starting yet another thread.
But... maybe... just maybe... he DOES have an unlocked bootloader. Wouldn't that be neat? Wouldn't we like to know how? The absence of such is the very reason we don't have TWRP available. Again... a little reading would lead one to discover that very minor detail. Of which the OP clearly didn't do enough. So... the moral of my point is...
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You have the option NOT to answer instead of being harsh on him
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
cruel91 said:
You have the option NOT to answer instead of being harsh on him
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I don't get how else should do it. It prevents a load of other threads being created. If we tend to be soft on people who don't use a function that was created for a reason, we would be having threads over threads of asking for something that has been answered NUMEROUS times.
cruel91 said:
You have the option NOT to answer instead of being harsh on him
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
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How was I being harsh by inquiring to procedure in which he had used to unlock his bootloader?
Once we are all able to unlock ours then we can develop a fully functional recovery.
I know how you say it.... hey noob topic starter man (just kidding ) that question has been asked a few times already, do a search if you need more information. The same questions over and over tend to clog these threads up. But what clogs them even more, is the multiple flaming responses with no answers or guidance. . Or better yet, you can say... I have a link it's right here vvv.Heresyour
Well this is TWRP built for Snapdragon S7s but won't boot because of locked bootloader.

Interesting find Possible Eng bootloader firmware?

So I have not been able to obtain this firmware but figured I'd share to see what you ladies/gents could figure out.
Also there is a thread in general discussion and questions section regarding an All_OYN_G950USQU1AQC8 firmware.
idk, seems pretty fishy to me, every I link I see is to pay to download sites for this file. You would think that there would be somewhere online where its free. Probably a bogus download.
lots of scams out there
Sent from my SM-N930F using XDA-Developers Legacy app
I actually paid for a damn firmware this morning All_OYN_G950USQU1AQC8 and received the download from . Later however I found it for free. Oh well. Haha.
ait1071 said:
I actually paid for a damn firmware this morning All_OYN_G950USQU1AQC8 and received the download from . Later however I found it for free. Oh well. Haha.
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Can you link it please! Where did you find the free one?
I found the free one for the 955 and 950 i was able to find the unlock bootloader option through it not sure if it will work. Was more interested in the boot.img
Not saying it isn't a scam, but romup is actually a fairly reputable site. People posting leaked firmware all the time straight from the factory. A few other Asian sites like this one have some juicy stuff, not just for Exynos/other unlocked loader models. So don't discourage it, translate it and see what they have to say and maybe even test it. I personally don't want to take the risk with my phone but someone kinda has to. Anyways, done with my little rant.
Would this Engboot be good for snapdragon variants? I remember the S7 Edge had a locked bootloader, but you could still atleast root it
Akumai said:
Would this Engboot be good for snapdragon variants? I remember the S7 Edge had a locked bootloader, but you could still atleast root it
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I was the one who rooted it looking into this now
br3w3r said:
I was the one who rooted it looking into this now
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I knew I recognized that name. Couldn't remember where, it's late and my brain is toast. Good to see you in the scene here. Looking forward to what you have in store and what you find out! Good luck
br3w3r said:
I was the one who rooted it looking into this now
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Think maybe you'll make a root thread soon? The S8 is great, and the included earphones are actually good, and I could use Viper xD
Akumai said:
Think maybe you'll make a root thread soon? The S8 is great, and the included earphones are actually good, and I could use Viper xD
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Im working on this right now. Give me a little bit had a kid last year so im trying my best to get this done right now while i have time.
Wait so do you have a copy of that firmware? I can't obtain that one bc I have no way of paying in yuan.
Also is there a way to flash a firmware where root is natively in the firmware? I always thought we had to unlock the bootloader and root and then flash recovery. Unless it was the recovery that always tripped knox.
Hi Br3w3r,
I just wanted to say thanks and ask you a little about how you coerce these engineering firmwares to allow root mode. Do you reverse engineer it? Just curious.
Found a newer version of ODIN and enabled the grayed out buttons. Maybe it could help?
ODIN 3.12.7 with UMS and USERDATA already enabled:!8WxRwDwa!seZLQVSoWTrz2CJkbdxTkQ
Interesting... so if I am reading this right. Someone is trying to work on snapdragon now?
I have purchased a copy of the firmware posted by the OP, although it was bought off of a different website. This is a factory binary, that has SElinux as permissive, OEM unlock says it unlocks bootloader, etc
More Pics
STF_TimelessGoD said:
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Good god share this please

And another to not buy from

If you heard of these guys , i highly recommend that you do not purchase anything from them! i was asking the seller a couple times if he was sure the ENG_ROOT file would root the bootloader v2 and he said the source said "YES." what a bunch of bull. So i attempted flash about 5 times and guess what? FAIL!. For the sale the person was quick to respond, for the problem and response. These guys are weasels and if i were you steer clear away unless you like making donations to bums like these. Thank you and ill post everytime i find a burnt out link like these.
Sorry but just trying to do my part and keep people away from dishonest people like these.
Thanks for the heads up.
podagee said:
If you heard of these guys , i highly recommend that you do not purchase anything from them! i was asking the seller a couple times if he was sure the ENG_ROOT file would root the bootloader v2 and he said the source said "YES." what a bunch of bull. So i attempted flash about 5 times and guess what? FAIL!. For the sale the person was quick to respond, for the problem and response. These guys are weasels and if i were you steer clear away unless you like making donations to bums like these. Thank you and ill post everytime i find a burnt out link like these.
Sorry but just trying to do my part and keep people away from dishonest people like these.
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So it failed flashing or it passed but was just the same old factory binary, combination file or eng.boot we've already seen on BL1?
Sent from my SM-G955U using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Quickvic30 said:
So it failed flashing or it passed but was just the same old factory binary, combination file or eng.boot we've already seen on BL1?
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It failed. They said it was for bootloader 2 but it's for bootloader 1. Why lie and sell things like that?
JeffDC said:
Thanks for the heads up.
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No worries. Everyone I find em I'm gonna put them on blast
podagee said:
It failed. They said it was for bootloader 2 but it's for bootloader 1. Why lie and sell things like that?
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That's beyond me but that's crooked as hell. What model phone? I have one BL2 factory binary and it's for the 955U or U1.
Sent from my SM-G955U using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Quickvic30 said:
That's beyond me but that's crooked as hell. What model phone? I have one BL2 factory binary and it's for the 955U or U1.
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Ive had those files for a whike now bro. I had em posted, pretty sure i was the first one but now its everywhere. I am looking for the root for it. Ive tried and tried rooting but nothing. I am currently on QK5 with the Eng boot so its permissive kernel. But no root i advise not to try this as now my fingerprint sensor does not work.
Are you trying that out on an AT&T S8+?
I could be wrong, but my guess would be that if there is a software method to root, it'll be found someplace on XDA. Now an electronic gadget method might be another thing.
Try flashing a rooted system image overtop of the combination firmware.

