Rooted Galaxy S5 not displaying notifications - Verizon Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I first noticed this about two or three weeks ago when I realized that I wasn't being notified that my Ring doorbell (via the app) was detecting motion or anyone was pressing the doorbell. (For those unfamiliar with the product, it's a doorbell that notifies your phone/tablet that someone is either near the doorbell via motion sensors or has rang the doorbell). When I open the app I see the whole list of motions and doorbell presses that I would have expected, but no notifications are being added to the notification panel.
Similarly, I haven't been receiving notifications for new text messages. I've used Signal (not the stock messenger) and when I open that app it will show which messages are read vs. unread. Since then I've realized that very few notifications are displaying anymore. GMail seems to be the only one, but there was one or two instances where a notification would show in the lock screen, I'd unlock the phone, and the notification would disappear on it's own after a moment (I think this happened twice).
Notifications are definitely turned on for each of these apps (both in in-app settings and in the phone settings). I also have some apps installed to my SD card, but all of the one's I've mentioned are installed on the phone's memory. I'm running a rooted Verizon G900VVRU2BPB1.
Unfortunately, I discovered this problem rather slowly, in that it came up over the course of a few weeks and not "right after I installed X app", so if a specific app or setting is effecting this, then I'm not sure which it could be. I also rooted a few months ago, but I'm 99% sure this problem hasn't been going on THAT long.


Multi-ROM Calendar Notification failure

Since I started playing with custom ROMs I've had my calendar fail to notify properly. Sometimes it vibrates but doesn't show the alert, other times it fails to do anything at all. Very often I'll receive the notification the NEXT DAY!!?? but its usually 15-20 minutes late (after the event has started anyway). A bad/non-reliable calendar caused me to dispose of my last phone, and now the Hero looks to be having problems as well.
The problem is evident on Pancake and all versions of Damage Control. I have a suspicion its a side-effect of adjusting the low-memory killer.
Anybody else experiencing this? Also I have a very strong suspicion that this is the cause of the 'ghost vibration' that has been mentioned before, its the notification process starting, vibrating once, and then getting killed.
I have noticed this, I use the Google calendar and the Pure Calendar widget on my phone, I have noticed all my reminders for my events are gone when I log into Google.
I added some back and will test today. I am on Fresh 2.0d
just to clarify, the event shows up in the calendar (and HTC widget which I'm using), but the notifications/reminders don't operate correctly.

Phonebook Crash

Several times when someone has called my X10 in the past few weeks, the phonebook app has caused problems. In all cases, the person calling was in my phonebook.
What happens is that the phone starts to ring, and the blue SE phonebook background displays, but none of the UI elements show up (no contact picture, no answer button, etc). Just the blue background. The phone continues to ring, but I seem to have no way to answer it. On two occasions, the phonebook app has actually crashed (as the "Force Close" dialog appeared eventually).
If it's my fiancée calling (who has a set ringtone), instead the default ringtone sounds. The ringtone doesn't seem to be the issue though, as I have had this happen with my parents calling (and they are set to use the default ringtone).
Has anyone else had anything like this happen with their X10?
hello, I've had similar problems but it never occurs during a call. It happens when I need to make a phone call.
I use ADW Luancher but have decided to use the X10i phone book.
What happens is that, at least two times now within this last week, is that I've gotten a blue sceen (background) with no UI elements on it after pressing the the phone book icon on my home screen. I'll be prompted to force close. After trying again the same issue occurs.
A soft reset was the only way, that I know of, to fix the problem. I wish I could tell know what the cause is.
Also, I used to have the Timescape plugin stopped from booting with Startup Auditor. Now I let the plugin start on boot, but not the actual Timescape program.
Haven't had the problem since. Hope that helped..
- Sent with my X10i
I've had this problem appear while using Zeam, HelixLauncher Donut, and now with ADW. I don't think it's homescreen related.
I used to use StartupAuditor, but stopped and uninstalled it about a month ago. Same with any task killers.
I disabled Timescape updates 2 weeks ago as it never seemed able to connect to Facebook, and have since unlinked all my contacts from their Facebook and Twitter profiles, and just today deleted my Timescape account settings for both services.
The Phonebook app seems to take quite a while (5+ seconds) to display my contacts if it hasn't been opened in a while, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. I only have 140 contacts, so I can't think that's the problem.
I had the same issue, but when I was trying to make a call.
Deleting the contact and adding it again fixed the problem.
You cold give it a try..
I deleted my fiancée and parents and then re-entered them. We'll have to see if this helps.
saltorio said:
I deleted my fiancée and parents and then re-entered them. We'll have to see if this helps.
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No luck. Happened to me again today when my mom called.

Issues with messaging and badges

So I've recently started having a couple issues with my AT&T S8 Plus. I've already performed a factory reset once and wanted to see if anyone else is having similar issues or has ideas.
1. When sending text messages I get a never ending spinning wheel next to the message that it is sending even once the recipient gets it. I seem to have to reboot the device to fix it. Doesn't seem to matter if I'm on wifi or LTE.
2. Badges have been all over the board. I'll have a badge for 8 emails on my home screen and will delete the emails but the badge doesn't go away like it used to. Likewise sometimes I'm getting emails and a notification but no badge. I have to clear the badge manually. This has also happened on the phone app.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Same here with s8+ about badges. Any solution?
emremutlu said:
Same here with s8+ about badges. Any solution?
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Same here as well and plus+ for anyone who could find a solution to this very annoying problem. Tried almost everything.
Disabled Badge Provider for now.
you can long-press an icon and remove the badge
---------- Post added at 11:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 PM ----------
timrock7 said:
you can long-press an icon and remove the badge
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didnt read the whole post, my apologies
I'm having the same issue with badges, but also not getting notifications at all from some apps, including no badges. This seemed to start at some point over the weekend.
just cleared badge providers data from app manager. Seems like its ok for now.
Same is happening to me. Only the last week where WhatsApp and email badges not clearing when messages read. Perhaps a bug has crept in since the recent update.
So annoying
Same prob here with badges not disappearing and messages app status is spinning although message has been sent and received and replied to...Started little over a week ago I guess...Help please...This is killing my OCD.
I am having the exact same issue, for the second time. This started happening about two weeks ago, and it lasted for about two days. Just as I was about to give in and reset the phone, it cleared up on it's own. Texts showed sent right away and badge counts stayed correct. Then it started again two days ago. Totally random. But now, new symptom: apps that were open about the time the issue started, opened by themselves again early this morning. I have NO clue whats happening.
GaresTaylan said:
So I've recently started having a couple issues with my AT&T S8 Plus. I've already performed a factory reset once and wanted to see if anyone else is having similar issues or has ideas.
1. When sending text messages I get a never ending spinning wheel next to the message that it is sending even once the recipient gets it. I seem to have to reboot the device to fix it. Doesn't seem to matter if I'm on wifi or LTE.
2. Badges have been all over the board. I'll have a badge for 8 emails on my home screen and will delete the emails but the badge doesn't go away like it used to. Likewise sometimes I'm getting emails and a notification but no badge. I have to clear the badge manually. This has also happened on the phone app.
Any ideas? Thanks.
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Same with mine. Tried switching themes back to stock which seemed to work for a while now it's doing it again. Such a pain since you have no idea if your msg sent or if it's just the phone acting up. I'm now wondering if it's part of there new battery optimization?
oh man im glad im not the only one with texting issues. its so freaking annoying. i did a hard reset today praying it would fix it, plot twist it didnt. its only the stock app tho. i was running the google app and today that decided it wouldnt recieve any texts out of the blue. im trying to find a way to uninstall or disable the stock app..
Does yours also make duplicate texts?
Samsung Badge timeout is broken
This is happening to me as well. Example WnatsApp or any other app that has a badge for unread notifications or alerts stays that way even after the messages and notifications are read. What works in my case is to keep the App open for about 10 secs or so AFTER the mails/messages etc are read. If it is a notification, just opening the notification does not work. I have to manually open and click on the individual notifications for Samsung to register that as a read. This was the case from the day I purchased the device and has remained the same ever since. Frustrating in the extreme.
Since we're all complaining... me too! Somehow, the latest update has managed to cause a clustermuck to the most basic and useful features. Since I installed it on my S8 last week, my email and whatsapp badges have disappeared so I now need to open the bloody app to see if I have messages.
Meanwhile, my email randomly shows a badge for "11" new emails. It occasionally clears only to reappear later.
Rolling back the update seems to be a royal ball-ache too. Any suggestions welcome.
Same issue here I have tried everything even have some other symptoms
Along with the same issues you're having I am also having issues with clicking on a notification it disappearing and nothing happening and hours later after setting my phone down and coming back to it trying to do something else on it then all of a sudden of the notification pops up and those badges are really making me mad when they don't disappear I tried disabling them couple hours or next day they come back I really like my phone but I'm starting to hate those badges

3rd Party Messaging Apps will not receive text

Hello All!
I've been having this problem for a few weeks now and im all out of ideas of what to do.
Carrier: T-Mobile
Wearable: S3 Rugged
Extra Service: DIGITS
Coming From: LGV20 which never had these issues with the same plans and accesories
So to start, when i got the phone inittially during setup of the google accounts i noticed that my OTP SMS Pushes were not being received, or auto filling the information. I skipped past all of that and noticed that anywhere that OTP text were suppose to autofill in different applications, it would not even when i received the text and got a notification.
So after a while of using TEXTRA which was working fine, one day i stopped receiving ALL text not just mms. I was able to send but never was I able to get anything from anyone. I ditched TEXTRA and went back to the stock Samsung app and noticed that all text were there, even though it was not default. After using the Samsung messages app i decided to go back to textra, heres whats funny. After Textra did it's initial setup, it only showed half of the recieved text from up to that day. Messages were incomplete, some just had one reply from a user and nothing else. So I also tried this with Android Messages and it had the EXACT same message log as textra. Both were not receiving the full logs from the server. Today Android Messaging was working for a good part of the day, then it just stopped all of sudden again.
Can someone help me with this, I've wiped the cache and factory reset the phone. Ive added and removed the multi-line settings in the samsung settings. I've tried the legacy settings on textra. I've called the DIGIT's customer service to see if they could fix it but they made and interesting point that it couldnt be digit because it wouldnt interfere with 3rd part messaging apps. When i switch apps i always make them default, i wipe the app cache etc.
I have a gut feeling this has something to do with something with the default Samsung Messages app and it somehow restricting use outside of it.
I just wanted to reply and say that I've been experiencing the exact same issue and haven't had any luck Google engineering my way around it. For me, I'm seeing the issue with Signal, so I don't believe it's the 3rd party app's problem. I can send messages (SMS/MMS), but the Samsung Messages app is the only one that "receives" them. A strange workaround I found was to download Android Messenger, set that as the default messaging app, then set Signal as the default messaging app again. This worked for a while, but I think the Samsung Messages app recently updated, and it broke this again until I repeated the above workaround.
It's annoying enough that, without a fix, I'll definitely be flashing a completely stripped ROM on this phone once we have the ability to do so to get away from all of the Samsung apps that I can't disable. And don't even get me started on Bixby...
wjm3982 said:
I just wanted to reply and say that I've been experiencing the exact same issue and haven't had any luck Google engineering my way around it. For me, I'm seeing the issue with Signal, so I don't believe it's the 3rd party app's problem. I can send messages (SMS/MMS), but the Samsung Messages app is the only one that "receives" them. A strange workaround I found was to download Android Messenger, set that as the default messaging app, then set Signal as the default messaging app again. This worked for a while, but I think the Samsung Messages app recently updated, and it broke this again until I repeated the above workaround.
It's annoying enough that, without a fix, I'll definitely be flashing a completely stripped ROM on this phone once we have the ability to do so to get away from all of the Samsung apps that I can't disable. And don't even get me started on Bixby...
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I haven't had any issues with my At&t model...Been using Yaata since day one (about 2 months).
Also, there are some "package disabling" apps in the play store that will allow you to disable any app you want, you don't even need to be rooted. It cost me $1.99 (or around there), but was well worth it! You can even completely disable Bixby, so the button is even non-responsive.
Having the same issue and I may have fixed it. I logged completely out of Digits on the phone (settings/cloud accounts/multi line/hit the ... menu and choose log out.
I have this same issue. No matter which 3rd party SMS app I use I have missing text messages on the T-Mobile S8. Has anyone fixed this? It is driving me crazy. T-Mobile replaced my S8 and the new one does it (not as bad but it does it more than I'd like). How can I resolve this? My friend haf the same issue, he has an unlocked T-Mobile working on AT&T.
I don't use Digits or anything like that... any ideas?
hi guys
all you need to do
go to setings
device maintence
scrool all the way down to unmonitored apps and add your 3rd party sms app
youre welcome
This still didn't work for me and I am having the same exact issues. I have tried installing 2 different 3rd party messaging (Textra and Mood) and both were not working properly. I can send messages out just fine but when I receive them they are delayed (like 5 minutes or longer). Sometimes, I don't get the messages at all. Of course, the Samsung Messaging app (which I hate) works just fine. I have even "Force Stopped" it! What to do?
go into the stock messaging app, and turn off advanced messaging
Has anyone found a solution? I've been using textra for years & suddenly in March I started having this problem but with sent messages. All incoming texts are displayed but my sent texts aren't. I did try the 2 suggestions above. On a note 8, Android 8.0.0,Samsung experience 9.0.
SOLVED. I had the same issues and found the solution. Before you install your 3rd party sms/MMS you need to disable the default messenger. I uninstalled signal, disabled the built-in messenger, reinstalled signal. Now I can receive texts. Also my phone is not a Samsung.

Oreo update - not showing notifications

Hi all
I have searched everywhere and I can't find anybody else with this issue... I surely can't be the only one...?
Since updating my Nexus 6P to Oreo I appear to have some apps not show a notification icon or anything in my notification drop down menu. My phone will vibrate as normal but my screen will not show any notifications...
This happens for Outlook (I will receive a normal notification and email preview on my Huawei watch running 2.0 but nothing at all on phone apart from its vibration), FotMob (a goal alert service if anyone is unfamiliar with it) and even push notifications on Facebook (to name a few). WhatsApp and text messages, for example, are working as normal.
I have reset all my notification and permissions settings TNA and even uninstalled and reinstalled the troublesome apps. Same result
Is this just apps not being fully supported for 8.0 or is this a different issue?
I really don't want to resort to a factory reset...
Thanks in advance
The most important thing i hate about Oreo .. is that Power notification control is missing the is so important for me!!
Flicker20 said:
Hi all
I have searched everywhere and I can't find anybody else with this issue... I surely can't be the only one...?
Since updating my Nexus 6P to Oreo I appear to have some apps not show a notification icon or anything in my notification drop down menu. My phone will vibrate as normal but my screen will not show any notifications...
This happens for Outlook (I will receive a normal notification and email preview on my Huawei watch running 2.0 but nothing at all on phone apart from its vibration), FotMob (a goal alert service if anyone is unfamiliar with it) and even push notifications on Facebook (to name a few). WhatsApp and text messages, for example, are working as normal.
I have reset all my notification and permissions settings TNA and even uninstalled and reinstalled the troublesome apps. Same result
Is this just apps not being fully supported for 8.0 or is this a different issue?
I really don't want to resort to a factory reset...
Thanks in advance
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How were the apps installed? If you restored them through Titanium Backup, the device id for GCM push notifications will be wrong.
Uninstall, clear cache, then install the app from the play store.
Hi krs360
The apps were installed through play store. I am running fully stock, unrooted Android 8.0
I have the same problem. Gmail is set to blink the notification light - but it doesn't! Argh!
FloomFloomBroom said:
I have the same problem. Gmail is set to blink the notification light - but it doesn't! Argh!
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There is something sketchy about oreo notification. Sometimes the LED simply doesn't blink at all , sometimes it simply blink very very slow.
Aquamail works fine
Gmail also doesn't pop up with a notification when the screen is off. But aqua mail does, and the notification light also works.
I think I found the answer to this. Basically it's a change in the SDK that requires the app author to fix. (I know, I just discovered the same problem in apps I wrote.)
Nothing quite so heartbreaking than to find a singular post/thread on the internet from someone having the same issue as you, only to discover that no solution has been posted and that it's old.
For what it's worth, having the same exact issue. Phone updated OTA a few weeks ago, and at first I was having the battery drain issue but that seemed to get fixed during the patch update, but now I've noticed that Outlook Calendar reminders, as well as Facebook Messenger App Notifications (new messages) no longer make a sound and/or show up as a notification on my phone. This is extremely annoying/difficult especially with Outlook as I have a really terrible time keeping things straight or organized, so I rely pretty heavily on the calendar reminders I set in it for daily/weekly/monthly things.
I could be wrong but I think it's related to notification lights.I wasn't getting anything until I turned it on and suddenly I was.
Has anyone come across the solution for this issue? I have had it for over a month now and I really don't understand what the issue could be.
same issue with OREO (ZUK Z2 PRO)
also cannot edit permissions because it doesn't handle a device with plenty apps installed (+800) it hangs and crash / go back to main menu without letting you edit anything in options

