[W.I.P][INDEX]OnePlus 3T Resource [12:29:2016] - OnePlus 3T Guides, News, & Discussion

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[SIZE=+7]OnePlus 3T Resource
Hey everyone!!
First and foremost, you have to understand no one is responsible for what happens to your device. No one is responsible for exploding your device and no one is responsible if you cannot get WiFi or your alarm does not go off. You take full responsibility for the well being of your device to keep it nourish with wonderful Roms, Themes, Mods and of course, to keep it functioning as you wish for it to be.
This thread will be updated during my spare times. If you see a thread you feel should be added here (Even from other variants that works with OUR phone), Please send me a quick PM HERE Or mention me with @mgbotoe and I will come running
[SIZE=+2]General XDA Threads[/size]
Forum Rules | New Users Guide | XDA Tour | Report Posts | Our Moderators​​
[SIZE=+2][INDEX][/SIZE]​Click on a Link below for More Info
Android Terminology
Manufacturer's Device Home Page
Basic Device Information
Questions and Answers, Troubleshooting
OnePlus Open Source Software
Official Stock Firmware
Device Tools, Root/Un-root/Un-brick methods
Custom ROMs
Kernels, Radios & Recoveries
MODS, GUIDES, and Misc
Please look for a similar INDEX thread when visiting another device forum.
If you would like to create an [INDEX] please Click Here.
A special thanks to everyone who contributed to the production of this INDEX
Please note: This is and will be, an ongoing WIP​

ANDROID TERMINOLOGY​Thanks to @benjamingwynn with his great quick Definitions​ADB - "Android Debug Bridge" a system that can be accessed using a computer where you can manage the device from. You need the Android SDK to use it.
AOSP - "Android open source project" a project by Google Inc. to give android to developers and manufactures for free.
APK - "Android Package" an Android application
Bloatware - Software or 'apps' that you don't need, but come preinstalled to a device's /system partition, meaning that you cannot remove them unless the device has been rooted. Usually, these are apps are sponsored by a company and included by a carrier for profit
CDMA/GSM - A type of network communication between phones and carriers. GSM phones normally are included with SIM Cards that authorize them onto the network. CDMA have this authorization built in and do not need a sim card.
Custom recovery - A modified version of stock recoveries that allow you to do more things in the recovery mode.
Cyanogenmod (CM) - A free open-source project based on the AOSP. It is a modded version of the Android firmware
Dalvik-Cache - Holds all of the pre-compiled .dex files created from installed apps. These files are static and do not change unless the app is updated.
Deodexed - Where ODEX files are moved into the actual applications modded) version of the Android firmware.
Developer - A man or woman who has created (developed) software.
Firmware - a piece of software to make hardware function correctly. This can refer to Radio Firmware, but is normally used as another name for ROM.
Governor - A system embedded into the kernel to automatically change the current working CPU frequency depending on the workload. It would only go up to what it is overclocked (or underclocked) to, this is called the maximum frequency. It would not drop below the minimum frequency.
KANG - The process of creating a code based of someone else's code.
Kernel - An important part of all operating systems that handles the CPU and other vital components. A modded kernel may be used for overclocking.
Logcat - A logging system built into the ADB
Mod - A modification to a part of the phones software. It is also POSSIBLE to mod the phones hardware but is not recommended.
OTA - "Over the air" a term used to indicate software that was sent to phones directly through the internet to their phones.
Open-source - (not to be confussed with free) A peice of software that is free to edit, use, distribute and share with no charge.
Overclock - To exceed the default maximum CPU speed. This could make a phone more powerful but may cause damage. Although no damaged has been reported so far it could still drain battery life.
Radio Firmware - A type of software that allows correct communication with the radio and the operating system. A newer firmware would normally improve battery life and call quality. The radio firmware only applies to the CDMA/GSM radio.
Radio - (not to be confused with Radio Firmware) A piece of hardware that allows communication. There are 3 main radios in your phone. Bluetooth, WiFi and GSM/CDMA.
1. A modified version of the Android operating system operating system.
2. Read Only Memory, a place where information is stored and can not be destroyed, modified or written to.​
Stock - An unchanged version of something. Example: I just flashed stock sense.
Underclock - To change your phones maximum frequency to LOWER than the default to attempt to extend the phones lifespan and battery.
WIP - "Work In Progress"
Zipalligned - An archive alignment tool that provides important optimization to Android application (.apk) files. The purpose is to ensure that all uncompressed data starts with a particular alignment relative to the start of the file. Specifically, it causes all uncompressed data within the .apk, such as images or raw files, to be aligned on 4-byte boundaries. This allows all portions to be accessed directly with mmap() even if they contain binary data with alignment restrictions. The benefit is a reduction in the amount of RAM consumed when running the application.
INTL - International
Odex - Files that are collections of parts of an application that are optimized before booting. Doing so speeds up the boot process, as it preloads part of an application.
Recovery Mode - A special environment that you can boot into for troubleshooting and upgrading purposes

Official Stock Firmware
If you need a break down of the firmwares, check HEREBy: @namanjr
Oxygen OS 3.5.3
~To be uploaded.

Device Tools, Root/Un-root/Un-brick methods
Device Recovery/Un-brick Tools
Please give proper thanks to the writers.
[UNBRICK] OnePlus 3T Factory Restore Utility By: @guisantes
Note: Need some reading
[UNBRICK] Unbrick Tutorial For The OnePlus 3T By: @LloydSmallwood
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ToolKit] OnePlus 3T ToolKit, Unlock Bootloader, Flash TWRP, Root, and More! By: @ahmedradaideh

Custom ROMs
Android Development - Marshmallow (6.0.x)
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][6.0.1]Android Open Oneplus Project By: @namanjr
[ROM][OP3T][CAF][Sultan-ized][UNOFFICIAL]Resurrection Remix ROM By: @droid.riz
[ROM+KERNEL][OP3T]Unofficial CyanogenMod 13.0 with custom kernel By: @Sultanxda
Android Development - Nougat (7.1.x)
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][OP3T][UNOFFICIAL][7.1.1]Resurrection Remix-N By: @droid.riz
[ROM][Oneplus 3T] Unofficial CyanogenMod 14.1 By: @PeterCxy
[ROM][OFFICIAL][7.1.1]Team OctOS[OCT-N] By: @ujwal.p
[ROM][OFFICIAL][7.1.1]Tesla-N By: @martinusbe
[ROM & KERNEL][7.1.1] ResurrectionRemix N [OFFICIAL][Preview Build] By: @apascual89
[ROM][UNOFFICIAL] Unified LineageOS By: @koenkk
[ROM][7.1.1] XOSP 7.1 [Unofficial] By: @droidriz
[ROM][OP3T][UNOFFICIAL] Resurrection Remix [7.1.1] By: @nicesoni_ash
[ROM][Android 7.1.1][OMS7] TugaPower 0.1 By: @danieldmm
HydrogenOS - Nougat (7.x.x) & Marshmallow (6.0.x)
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][OFFICIAL] HydrogenOS H2OS Stable Beta (Android7.0) By: @innocentwoolf
[ROM][H2OS][OFFICIAL] HydrogenOS 2nd Stable Version v2.5.1 By: @ innocentwoolf
Betas and Leaks
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM] OOS4.0 Nougat for OP3T Leaked!!! By: @ innocentwoolf

Kernels, Radios & Recoveries
Kernels - Original Android Development - Marshmallow
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[KERNEL][OOS]Tyranus Kernel By: @mdalexca
[KERNEL] Kali NetHunter for the OnePlus 3T By: @jcadduono
[KERNEL] [blu_sp★rk By: @eng.stk
[KERNEL] franco.Kernel By: @franciscofranco
[KERNEL] [Dec 20] ElementalX-3T By: @flar2
[KERNEL] [OnePlus3T] [OOS] Boeffla-Kernel By: @Lord Boeffla
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[Recovery] Official TWRP for the OnePlus 3T By: @jcadduono

MODS, GUIDES, and Misc
Please give proper thanks to the writers.
[BUILD][6.0.1][CAF][LA.HB.1.3.1] How to build Marshmallow using Arch Linux By: @namanjr
[GUIDE]How to install Xposed on OxygenOS 3.5.3 w/TL;DR By: @thesm4rt1
[GUIDE]Change your OEM splash screen By: @Jo_Jo_2000
[GUIDE]Huawei music player on One Plus 3T or other android device By: @nrod96
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[UNOFFICIAL] MultiROM v33 for OnePlus 3T ByBitOBSessiOn
Discuss away!
** OnePlus 3T Home screen thread **
Battery life with SD821 and +400mAh
Shipping and Waiting Room
Tempered Glass Screen Protector
Case Discussion

Anyone know our moderators for Op?

mgbotoe said:
Anyone know our moderators for Op?
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Stephen I guess

@mgbotoe check the development thread, there is some activity there that you can add the links that I can add yours to the q&a thread, thanks
Sent from my Darkside of Oneplus 3

xanthrax said:
@mgbotoe check the development thread, there is some activity there that you can add the links that I can add yours to the q&a thread, thanks
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I will be updating the thread today...work got way too busy lol. I will give you a shout out when I'm done

Unbrick guide can be found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-3t/help/oneplus-3t-factory-restore-utility-t3511287

All good now @xanthrax
Looking forward to the day it fills it up some!
Updated 12/03

mgbotoe said:
All good now @xanthrax
Looking forward to the day it fills it up some!
Updated 12/03
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Great! Me too...
Sent from my Darkside of Oneplus 3

I want to add some YouTube videos, any recommendation?

Updated 12/13

Android Development - Marshmallow (6.0.x)
Android Development - Marshmallow (7.1.x)
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Second should be Nougat

Updated 12/29/2016

ElementalX by flar2 is missing from the kernel post.

Spasticdroid said:
ElementalX by flar2 is missing from the kernel post.
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Thanks for pointing that out, will do the kernel updates today and anything I may have missed. Didn't get around to it yesterday (had another index project haha).


[INDEX] T-Mobile Note 4 Bible

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T-Mobile Galaxy Note 4 Resource Bible ​
Hey everyone!!
First and foremost, you have to understand no one is responsible for what happens to your device. No one is responsible for exploding your device and no one is responsible if you cannot get WiFi or your alarm does not go off. You take full responsibility for the well being of your device to keep it nourish with wonderful roms, themes, mods and of course, to keep it functioning as you wish for it to ​
This thread will be updated on regular basis. Mostly, on a weekly basis. If you see a thread you feel should be added here (Even from other variants that works with OUR phone), Please send me a quick PM HERE Or mention me with @mgbotoe and I will come running You have any questions for our moderators, you can find them Here​
ANDROID TERMINOLOGY​Thanks to @benjamingwynn with his great quick Definitions​
Developer - A man or woman who has created (developed) software.
1. A modified version of the Android operating system operating system.
2. Read Only Memory, a place where information is stored and can not be destroyed, modified or written to.​
AOSP - "Android open source project" a project by Google Inc. to give android to developers and manufactures for free.
Firmware - a piece of software to make hardware function correctly. This can refer to Radio Firmware, but is normally used as another name for ROM.
Open-source - (not to be confussed with free) A peice of software that is free to edit, use, distribute and share with no charge.
Bloatware - Software or 'apps' that you don't need, but come preinstalled to a device's /system partition, meaning that you cannot remove them unless the device has been rooted. Usually, these are apps are sponsored by a company and included by a carrier for profit
Cyanogenmod (CM) - A free open-source project based on the AOSP. It is a modded version of the Android firmware
APK - "Android Package" an Android application
Stock - An unchanged version of something. Example: I just flashed stock sense.
Odex - Files that are collections of parts of an application that are optimized before booting. Doing so speeds up the boot process, as it preloads part of an application.
Deodexed - Where ODEX files are moved into the actual applications modded) version of the Android firmware.
OTA - "Over the air" a term used to indicate software that was sent to phones directly through the internet to their phones.
Radio Firmware - A type of software that allows correct communication with the radio and the operating system. A newer firmware would normally improve battery life and call quality. The radio firmware only applies to the CDMA/GSM radio.
Radio - (not to be confused with Radio Firmware) A piece of hardware that allows communication. There are 3 main radios in your phone. Bluetooth, WiFi and GSM/CDMA.
CDMA/GSM - A type of network communication between phones and carriers. GSM phones normally are included with SIM Cards that authorize them onto the network. CDMA have this authorization built in and do not need a sim card.
Kernel - An important part of all operating systems that handles the CPU and other vital components. A modded kernel may be used for overclocking.
Custom recovery - A modified version of stock recoveries that allow you to do more things in the recovery mode.
Recovery Mode - A special environment that you can boot into for troubleshooting and upgrading purposes
Dalvik-Cache - Holds all of the pre-compiled .dex files created from installed apps. These files are static and do not change unless the app is updated.
Overclock - To exceed the default maximum CPU speed. This could make a phone more powerful but may cause damage. Although no damaged has been reported so far it could still drain battery life.
Underclock - To change your phones maximum frequency to LOWER than the default to attempt to extend the phones lifespan and battery.
Mod - A modification to a part of the phones software. It is also POSSIBLE to mod the phones hardware but is not recommended.
Governor - A system embedded into the kernel to automatically change the current working CPU frequency depending on the workload. It would only go up to what it is overclocked (or underclocked) to, this is called the maximum frequency. It would not drop below the minimum frequency.
Logcat - A logging system built into the ADB
ADB - "Android Debug Bridge" a system that can be accessed using a computer where you can manage the device from. You need the Android SDK to use it.
WIP - "Work In Progress"
KANG - The process of creating a code based of someone else's code.
Zipalligned - An archive alignment tool that provides important optimization to Android application (.apk) files. The purpose is to ensure that all uncompressed data starts with a particular alignment relative to the start of the file. Specifically, it causes all uncompressed data within the .apk, such as images or raw files, to be aligned on 4-byte boundaries. This allows all portions to be accessed directly with mmap() even if they contain binary data with alignment restrictions. The benefit is a reduction in the amount of RAM consumed when running the application.
INTL - International
Q & A
KERNELS AND RECOVERIEShttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=57744679&postcount=4
MISCELLANEOUS(Mods, Skimmable threads, Wallpapers, jokes?)
Downgrade to KitKat (From Lollipop)
By: @AlkaliV2
By: @Chainfire
Dual Boot
By: @aukhan
How to remove SMS from Call Log
By: @abd3mobaraki
Rooting and Flashing Custom Recovery
Bypass TMobile VPN Connection Restriction
SD Card Fix manually through permission edit.
By: @AlkaliV2
Updating Basebands and Bootloaders
By: @iB4STiD
DPI Settings With Xpose
By: @kendonsh
MMS Over Wifi
By: @Nerowoof
Sound Boost Mod
By: @em0ney14
Unlimited Wifi Tethering
By: @devynbf
Lag Fix and Frozen Apps
By: @mgbotoe
Xpose Framework Lag Fix
By @chaunold
Disable Lockscreen Security For BT/Wifi/AW
By: @kendonsh
Countless Guides!! (Awesome for Developers and Tinkers!!!)
By: @tdunham
Multi-Guides (Great for Developers and Tinkers)
By: @EMSpilot
Enabling Native Call Recording, Remove CD Installer and ASEC, Remove Lockscreen Carrier, Remove Safe Volume Warning, Enable Call and MSG Blocking, Replace Recent with Menu, Native 4-way Reboot Power Menu, Multiple Framework Mods, Remove NFC notification, Securestorage modification, Enabling Private Mode on deodexed Roms, Disable Screen Wake Plugged/Unplugged, Bluetooth Scan Dialog removal, Enable Apps Ops to settings, etc, etc...
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Samsung Firmware, KitKat NK4 4.4.4
Special Note: May need additional work to work on Canadian Devices
[4.4.4] Stock Deodex
Developer: @jovy23
[4.4.4] Dynamic Kat
Developer: @bri315317
[4.4.4] FireKat
Developer: @megalomanic14
[4.4.4] RAPTURE
Developer: @iB4STiD
Rom Review: A wonderful review by @polish_pat from the thread, Please send him some thanks!
ROMs are a thing of the present and the future, at least for us, Samsung users. I love my Samsung device, but since my first Galaxy, the S2 LTE, I have realized that there is no way to ignore the fact that TouchWiz can be a little too much at times. By the skinned nature of touchwiz, even one of the most high end phone like the Note 4 can't always handle it smoothly so people like me, thankfully, have alternatives that can close the gap in performance between the stock ROM and stock Android. I have never been a guy that enjoyed Vanilla Android, or even heavily modified ROMs so I have always been looking for a near stock TouchWiz experience with some performance improvements. If you are like me, then Rapture by iB4STiD is for you.
There are two versions of this ROM, Standard and Extreme. Because I have only used the 2.1 Extreme version, my review will be solely based on that. This ROM is what Samsung should have released in the first place. It keeps a 100% stock experience and adds many tweaks and improvements under the hood. The first thing we see when installing the ROM is it's SILKY SMOOTH; It's responsive and overall feels better to handle the many widgets and apps I throw at it. The ROM is also thinned of a lot of the cluttering apps and features imposed by Samsung. The good thing is, the dev allows the user to chose if you wants or not the features that were thinned down with a simple flash in recovery. This ROM also takes out almost all T-Mobile signature apps and feature so that it allows almost anybody with a snapdragon based Note 4 to use it. Usually after a few weeks of use, ROMs tend to clutter up and start to lose their performance, but after more that 1 month of use, this ROM shows no signs of slowing down. It's as smooth and responsive as Day 1.
The Battery life on this thing is stellar; I regularly get between 5-6 hours of SOT (Screen On Time). I usually unplug my phone around 8am and use it through out the day with medium use; some facebooking, some emails, a few calls, SMSs, some Candy Crush and Youtube during my breaks, just to name a few. By the time I get home, I have between 2 and 3 hours of SOT and have about 60-70% left. It's also note worthy that I have a Gear 2 connected at all times. I also am on LTE most of the day as my mobile connection is much faster than any WiFi I can connect to away from home. One day, I came home to a power outage; that night there was a hokey game. I used my GameCenter Live subscription to stream the game at home, thats a full 2.5 hours of screen time + streaming on LTE with 2 bars of signal and after the game, my SOT was close to 7h and still had close to 20% left.
In conclusion, if like me, you dislike the heavy visual modifications that are present in most other ROMs, and want a stock experience with all the performance and battery life you can expect from such a high end device, then Rapture 2 is for you. iB4STiD has done an amazing job. I have used his ROMs for a few years and have never been disappointed. Not only does he code great ROMs, he also takes care of them by being actively implicated in his threads and constantly trying to help his users.
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[4.4.4] Arcadia
Developer: @iB4STiD
[4.4.4] Infamous
Developer: @Jamison904 and @Mr Impossible
[5.0.x] ViSiON-X US
Developer: @AxAtAx
[4.4.4] Hyperdrive
Developer: @sbreen94
Samsung Firmware, PORTS (INTL) 4.4.4
[4.4.4]CsC/Dada Fix 4.4.4 (Aka INTL port fix)
Port Fix by: @turilo
Note: Please DO NOT use with lollipop[/b]
[5.0.x]Unmodified Port SM-N910W8
Ported By: @chenxiaolong
[5.0.x][OC3] ViSiON-X INTL
Ported By: @AxAtAx
[4.4.4][NK4] X-Note INTL
Ported By: @turilo
[4.4.4][NK5] BoBCaTROM
Ported By: @turilo
[4.4.4][NK$] Dr. Ketan
Ported By: @Misterjunky
[4.4.4][NJ7] Echo
Ported By: @jds3118
Samsung Firmware, KitKat NJ7 4.4.4
Special Note: May need additional work to work on Canadian Devices
[4.4.4] DarthStalker V-1.0
Update: [10/20/14]
Developer: @jovy23
AOSP, Lollipop 5.0.x
Special Note: May need additional work to work on Canadian Devices
[5.0.x] Unofficial CM
Developer: @fattire and @slayher
[5.0.x]Official SlimLP
By: @nicklovell23
[5.1.x] cmRemix
Developer: @ZION959
Developer: @Mod57
[5.0.x]Unofficial LiquidSmooth
Developer: @allenjthomsen
Developer: @apascual89
Developer: @spleef
Developer: @ljjehl
[5.0.x] LollipopGang
Update: Thread is closed
Developer: @danon.brown
TMO AEL Kernel V-5.4
Update: [01/03/2015]
By: @friedrich420
BioShock V-2.0
Update: [12/7/2014]
By: @Jamison904
KTweaker V-3.0
Update: [12/8/2014]
By: @ktoonsez
StarKissed Unified
Update: Constant
By: @twistedumbrella
Rather Build Your Own Kernel?
Guide By: @twistedumbrella
Building Your Own Kernel
Guide By: @Jamison904
Custom Recoveries
TeamWin Recovery Project (TWRP)
By: @bigbiff
Philz Touch Recovery
By: @Phil3759 @Chenglu
Y2Ne1 Personal Fun Mods
By: @Y2Ne1
Total Eclipse
TWRP Themes (Deviant Development)
BoBCaTRoM Inspired
By: @Raiderman
Nova Launcher Into Android L
By: @paulrgod
Air Command Themes I
Presented by: @xperiacle and @absinthesummer
Air Command Themes II
By: @sibinn
Keyboard Themes
By: @147aaron
Keyboard Themes Two
By: @Yorgo1982
Themed Tmobile Visual Voicemail
[THEME] FoReVeRLoCo'S LoBoToMy For Stock
By: @foreverloco
Inverted T-Mobile Deodexed NK4
By: @foreverloco
Unit Converter Plus
By: @plbelanger
Live Material Wallpaper
Material Wallpaper Goodness
Wallpaper One
Wallpaper Two
Wallpaper Three
Wallpaper Four​
(Mods, Skimmable threads, Wallpapers, jokes?)
Non-Root Mods / Apps
By: @iridaki
Surround Sound
By: @kevinrocksman and @sshafranko
Fixing Private Mode
Botton To Menu
By: @raw2000j
Popup Browser
Flash On Browser
Camera Mod
By: @kevinrocksman
Montblanc S-Pen & Ink Effects
By: @charlieb620
Tools / Scripts
[TOOL] Converter QMG/ASTC->PNG
By: @sorg
Seidio Capsa Case Review
By: @vectron
Ashield Military Case Review
By: @karlleuang85
Rugged Armor Case Review
By: @RavenY2K3
Diztronic Full Matte TPU Review
By: @Ducaticorse
UAG Case Review
By: @vectron
Artech21 Leather Case Review
By: @karlleuang85
Bast Case Discussion
Slickwraps Discussion
Video Review of Cases
I-Blason Unity Series Case Review
By: @ddochi11
Versus Case Review
By: @aturyan
Otterbox Alpha Tempered Glass Review
By: @vectron
Vser TPU Bumper Case Review
By: @airmaxx23
​General Case Discussion
Tempered Glass Screens
Zagg HDX Screen Protector Discussion
Zerolemon 10,000mah Battery Discussion
Armor Luxury Metal Aluminium Case Discussion
Genuine Samsung Adaptive Fast Charger Discussion
Helpful Threads
How Does Your Battery Fair Compare To Others?
The Rom Lounge (Opinions On Variety of Roms)
What Xpose Is Everyone Else Using?
What Did Root Break?
Battery Life, Part Two
SD Card Discussion
Gear VR Discussion
All Things Lollipop {Update}
Great thread mgbotoe! this is very much needed thank you
Amazing idea ? thanks for this very helpful thread
Updated Roms section with stock samsung firmware for our specific device.
Will be updating that very section with Ports and AOSP in a moment.
I'm at work, so working slow of course
And thank you @mike28, @turilo and @Dvanzutphenkann hopefully it get put to use!
This is a great thread. Don't forget the AOSP Compatible roms (ie: liquid, cm12, lolligang)
Added AOSP compatible roms and Ported roms.
Think I'm done with that section for the time being.
mgbotoe said:
Added AOSP compatible roms and Ported roms.
Think I'm done with that section for the time being.
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Maybe add odex for those that do not know as you you refer to order in the deodex description.
Done ^.^
mgbotoe said:
Updated Roms section with stock samsung firmware for our specific device.
Will be updating that very section with Ports and AOSP in a moment.
I'm at work, so working slow of course
And thank you @mike28, @turilo and @Dvanzutphenkann hopefully it get put to use!
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Your at work on Christmas? That sucks ? Hope your day isn't a bad one and thank you for creating this, great resource
Yup sadly, but hey the OT money is spanking lol
Much welcome ^.^
Nice, this was my 2500 Post count, WEWT!
Custom recovery in op from htc
Locos theme is killer for stock
em0ney14 said:
Custom recovery in op from htc
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Edit soon as I get home
Locos theme is killer for stock
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Haha I know, will add themes soon not done yet just gathering threads

[ROM][7.1.2][OFFICIAL][AOSP+CAF] halogenOS for YU Yunique

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Android, Reimagined.
For the best experience, view the thread on a web browser like Chromium or Firefox.
Desktop: Brilliant. Mobile: Good. Tapatalk: OK. XDA-Labs: Horrible.
YOU are doing modifications to your device.
YOU are responsible for what you do.
We are not responsible for any damages, data loss or any type of unexpected,
bad or damaging results! If you have **SERIOUS** problems with this software,
please contact the developers or maintainers. We are not liable for anything
bad that happens to your device.
Some people occasionally describe them as heroes.
Don't be stupid and bet on that though, please be responsible for what you do.
We prohibit you from overclocking to 1337 GHz, thinking that an OEM would
replace your glorious space heater etc.
We recommend you to take the advice above regardless.
halogenOS Checklist
Although no data should be lost or damaged by the flashing process,
we advise you to follow the following steps if you are coming from another rom:
Please take a full nandroid backup!
Please copy your back up to an external device.
Backing up your Internal Storage is also recommended.
When completed, please clean flash the build!
Although you usually can dirty flash halogenOS over other ROMs, considering the other
ROM has the same Android version, it is not guaranteed. In case of serious
crashes please do a clean flash.
If you get app crashes after dirty flashing over XOS 6 or another ROM, please just
clear the app data of those apps, and it should work fine then.
XOS is a new generation cutting-edge OS for Android based on Code Aurora Forum releases.
What is XOS?
halogenOS, also known as XOS is a new Android ROM which ships with the global aim to
become a modular ROM which keeps as high as potentially possible operating
performance on your mobile device while still maintaining a sufficient feature
base of nice, small and minimal features that would not be available via any
external feature base, extension, mod or plugin.
We hope you have a truly halogenified experience!
Internals of XOS
At core, the ROM is composed mainly of components from CodeAuroraForums (CAF),
featuring only extremely minor set of components from CyanogenMod (CM) which
have been added to source in order to allow for better cross-device compatibility.
Our LOVE to others
A huge thanks goes to those behind the CodeAuroraForums (CAF), the CyanogenMod
organization and all of its
contributors for the sources used in the development of the base ROM which we
started with inclusive of all the work and dedication their team puts in order to
keep us updated on the awesome contributions that they make.
We will be keen on ensuring that we be up to date with the code from our base sources,
with regular ROM updates hopefully coming from time to time.
Please do not ask for ETA's (else you shall be spooked by Mr Skeltal). Almost all of us are
students, and with the current lifestyles and routines we have, it is not that easy to acquire
time to develop the ROM, though we'll be sure to keep you updated and release OTAs as
soon as they are available and ready for publication. If you want to be really updated quick,
then join us on Telegram: http://telegram.me/halogenos
Visit our website for features such as: Downloads, Information etc.
(Not finished yet)
Common stuff
Known issues:
None at all
The ROM is super stable as of now and we'll maintain a clean and proper ROM.
Planned features (don't ask for these!):
Button actions
Reworked Lockscreen Visualizer
Modern Services -> Google Assistant etc.
Substratum (OMS7)
Full media support (FFMPEG, video codecs, ...)
Great Audio quality, no distortions, no crap
Optimized many portions of the system including surfaceflinger, inputflinger, System Server, and more
Super fast boot
Great battery life
Soundmod support (not all soundmods work on Nougat, it's not our fault)
addon.d support (backups your gapps etc. when flashing new build - don't wipe system before flashing!)
init.d support
Super smooth
Signature Spoofing toggle (Support for MicroG)
Support for trusted third-party WebViews like Chrome
Long press on home for assist toggle
Security Patches in kernel
KCAL support
Kernel optimizations
OpenGapps (Mini/Micro/Nano recommended) and Banks GApps support
Dexpreopt for faster (first) boot time and less space consumption on data partition
Upgrade & Boot the ROM in just 5 minutes - no more endless waiting for flashing a new build
Very high compatibility with other ROMs
How to update the ROM:
Download the latest zip
Reboot into TWRP (Please use official TWRP)
Do not wipe anything
Flash the ROM
Optional : Flash GApps and/or SuperSU
You don't need to wipe Cache/Dalvik.
You don't need to flash gapps again. There is some magic going on which keeps your GApps. Just make sure that you don't wipe system before flashing.
You don't need more than 5 minutes.
@xdvs23 (actually xdevs23, but that was already taken on XDA)
@MSF Jarvis
ROM Download Links
Download halogenOS now
ROM Sources
Can be found @ halogenOS GitHub Organisation.
Yunique's device trees are available on the halogenOS github organisation!
YU Yunique
Kernel source
Join our
Telegram group
Telegram News Channel
Telegram Off-Topic Group
And everyone else who contributed and helps us!
In case you feel left out here, please contact us!​
XDA:DevDB Information
halogenOS for jalebi, ROM for the Android General
MSF Jarvis, CurioZuk
Source Code: https://github.com/halogenOS/android_device_yu_jalebi
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
Based On: CAF
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 20170205
Stable Release Date: 2017-02-05
Created 2016-11-29
Last Updated 2017-06-23
VoLTE? Nope, not a chance. I prefer battery life over freebies.
Updates will be released on the halogenOS telegram channel linked in the OP. I may or may not be able to monitor the thread actively, ping me on Twitter or on Telegram for any queries if they remain unanswered here.
Q Why you no 7.1?
A CAF will not release 7.1 as Google has discouraged OEMs to use it as well, so we need to wait. The update for 7.1.1 is just round the corner though, but again, CAF takes some time after Google's release so it may be a month or so before you get the 7.1.1 update in halogenOS.
Q August Security patch? You ****ting me right?
A Again, CAF. CAF hasn't been really proactive with merging them and merging even one month's patches is a massive pain that we'd better leave up to the more experienced people at CAF.
7.1.1 and December Security patch baby!
Nais. :cyclops:
video recording bug was fixed in cm14.1 ?? can you merge it??
just askin:cyclops:
are there any gps bugs present in cm14.1??
CurioZuk said:
Nais. :cyclops:
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New release - halogenOS 7.0 - YU Yunique - 02/12/2016
Changelog :
* Enabled SDClang for build
* Remove YUDoze crap (Who needs Ambient display on an LCD screen anyway)
* Toggle to disable logs dropbox — Lesser read/write cycles to eMMC
* Toggle for Modern Services — Spoof Pixel XL for model to selective apps to enable Assistant and Unlimited high quality photo backups
* Toggle for Camera Shutter Sound
* Add another step to Power Notification Controls
* Improved Auto Brightness icon
* Lots of ROM source improvements
* Add build date and CAF branch to About Phone
Flashing instructions :
-- Clean Flash! SDClang will refuse to let your old data work!
-- Stock kernel is derpy, flash this kernel with the ROM otherwise it won't boot!
Download : Basketbuild
Thanks bro for great ROM.
If anybody tried this rom post some screenshots and give review
Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using XDA-Developers mobile app
dr.shahab said:
Thanks bro for great ROM.
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give review bro.battery backup,performance compared to cm13??
Great ROM in all aspects you will love it far better then cm13 overall.
Thanks MSF Jervis bro.
New release will be coming up within a day, need to get VoLTE breakage fixed. We've merged a ton of changes into the ROM which can be checked here
Phantom kernel in the basketbuild ROM directory is caf based ?
MSF Jarvis said:
New release will be coming up within a day, need to get VoLTE breakage fixed. We've merged a ton of changes into the ROM which can be checked here
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When I can expect new build today or tomorrow
Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using XDA-Developers mobile app
New release!
halogenOS 7.0 for YU Yunique (20161208)
- Improvements in smoothness and responsiveness
- Camera shutter sound toggle
- Some telephony & telecommunication improvements and fixes
- Updated Masquerade for Substratum
- OMS updates
- Turn on Power Notification Controls by default
- Fix multiple APN setting items issue
- Some italian translations
- Add Bash and GNU Nano
- Remove more old-style status bar icons
- Update device info in settings
- Little clean-up
- Optimizations
- Bugfixes & improvements
- jalebi : Fixed video recording!
- jalebi : Disabled SDClang (was giving RIL issues)
Download from BasketBuild
Flashing instructions :
-- Clean Flash!
-- Stock kernel is derpy, flash this kernel with the ROM otherwise it won't boot!
Telegram groups :
-- halogenOS (or XOS, same thing) : Join Chat
@MSF Jarvis does Volte is supported by this ROM ?
sahil_anas said:
@MSF Jarvis does Volte is supported by this ROM ?
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No I don't ship thread spam cancer with my product.
I installed your rom with phantom kernel but after that no rom can be flashed without phantom kernel and i need stock kernel zip because phantom kernel isnt stable can you please provide me a stock kernel zip please.. Without flashing phantom kernel no rom is booting up please help me how can i go back to stock and i dont have a laptop so i cant flash stock firmware right now
New release!
halogenOS for YU Yunique (20161225)
Boost initial dex2oat speeds
Fix non-booting stock kernel
Greatly improve UI smoothness
Fix late-connecting RIL
Add more QS Tiles
Add toggle for tombstones (Developer oriented change)
Clean out unused resources from SystemUI
Fix lots of potential crashes
Increase call logs limit from 500 to 5000
Add Advanced Reboot
Double tap to sleep toggle
Add -O3 optimisation at multiple places
Add custom off-mode charging screen
Downloads : SourceForge

[W.I.P][INDEX]Lineage Operating System

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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree.
a sequence of species each of which is considered to have evolved from its predecessor.
[Disclaimer] READ ME!
minz1 said:
This forum is NOT a forum for your to request Lineage for your device! It's a forum for the discussion of development of LineageOS ... This isn't a place to come and ask for people to port ROMs to your device, so please don't treat it as such. Thank you.
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Hey everyone!!
First and foremost, you have to understand no one is responsible for what happens to your device. No one is responsible for exploding your device and no one is responsible if you cannot get WiFi or your alarm does not go off. You take full responsibility for the well being of your device to keep it nourish with wonderful Roms, Themes, Mods and of course, to keep it functioning as you wish for it to be.
This thread will be updated during my spare times. If you see a thread you feel should be added here (Even from other variants that works with OUR phone), Please send me a quick PM HERE Or mention me with @mgbotoe and I will come running
[SIZE=+2]General XDA Threads[/size]
Forum Rules | New Users Guide | XDA Tour | Report Posts | Our Moderators​​
[SIZE=+2]LineageOS Community[/size]
[SIZE=+2][INDEX][/SIZE]​Click on a Link below for More Info
Android Terminology
Home Page
Lineage Blog
Lineage OS FAQ
Questions and Answers, Troubleshooting
Lineage Github
Unofficial Builds
GUIDES, and Misc
Please look for a similar INDEX thread when visiting another device forum.
If you would like to create an [INDEX] please Click Here.
A special thanks to everyone who contributed to the production of this INDEX
Please note: This is and will be, an ongoing WIP​
Android terminology
Thanks to @benjamingwynn with his great and quick Definitions​
ADB - "Android Debug Bridge" a system that can be accessed using a computer where you can manage the device from. You need the Android SDK to use it.
AOSP - "Android open source project" a project by Google Inc. to give android to developers and manufactures for free.
APK - "Android Package" an Android application.
Bloatware - Software or 'apps' that you don't need, but come preinstalled to a device's /system partition, meaning that you cannot remove them unless the device has been rooted. Usually, these are apps are sponsored by a company and included by a carrier for profit.
CDMA/GSM - A type of network communication between phones and carriers. GSM phones normally are included with SIM Cards that authorize them onto the network. CDMA have this authorization built in and do not need a sim card.
Custom recovery - A modified version of stock recoveries that allow you to do more things in the recovery mode.
Cyanogenmod (CM) - A free open-source project based on the AOSP. It is a modded version of the Android firmware.
Dalvik-Cache - Holds all of the pre-compiled .dex files created from installed apps. These files are static and do not change unless the app is updated.
Deodexed - Where ODEX files are moved into the actual applications modded) version of the Android firmware.
Developer - A man or woman who has created (developed) software.
Firmware - a piece of software to make hardware function correctly. This can refer to Radio Firmware, but is normally used as another name for ROM.
Governor - A system embedded into the kernel to automatically change the current working CPU frequency depending on the workload. It would only go up to what it is overclocked (or underclocked) to, this is called the maximum frequency. It would not drop below the minimum frequency.
KANG - The process of creating a code based of someone else's code.
Kernel - An important part of all operating systems that handles the CPU and other vital components. A modded kernel may be used for overclocking.
Logcat - A logging system built into the ADB.
LineageOS - A free open-source project based on the AOSP. It is a modded version of the Android firmware.
Mod - A modification to a part of the phones software. It is also POSSIBLE to mod the phones hardware but is not recommended.
OTA - "Over the air" a term used to indicate software that was sent to phones directly through the internet to their phones.
Open-source - (not to be confussed with free) A peice of software that is free to edit, use, distribute and share with no charge.
Overclock - To exceed the default maximum CPU speed. This could make a phone more powerful but may cause damage. Although no damaged has been reported so far it could still drain battery life.
Radio Firmware - A type of software that allows correct communication with the radio and the operating system. A newer firmware would normally improve battery life and call quality. The radio firmware only applies to the CDMA/GSM radio.
Radio - (not to be confused with Radio Firmware) A piece of hardware that allows communication. There are 3 main radios in your phone. Bluetooth, WiFi and GSM/CDMA.
1. A modified version of the Android operating system operating system.
2. Read Only Memory, a place where information is stored and can not be destroyed, modified or written to.​Stock - An unchanged version of something. Example: I just flashed stock sense.
Underclock - To change your phones maximum frequency to LOWER than the default to attempt to extend the phones lifespan and battery.
WIP - "Work In Progress".
Zipalligned - An archive alignment tool that provides important optimization to Android application (.apk) files. The purpose is to ensure that all uncompressed data starts with a particular alignment relative to the start of the file. Specifically, it causes all uncompressed data within the .apk, such as images or raw files, to be aligned on 4-byte boundaries. This allows all portions to be accessed directly with mmap() even if they contain binary data with alignment restrictions. The benefit is a reduction in the amount of RAM consumed when running the application.
INTL - International.
Odex - Files that are collections of parts of an application that are optimized before booting. Doing so speeds up the boot process, as it preloads part of an application.
Recovery Mode - A special environment that you can boot into for troubleshooting and upgrading purposes.
Unofficial Builds
Note: If there are unofficial / official threads for devices on XDA, let me know
Unofficial Builds On AndroidFileHost. Find your device!
Lineage Official Downloads, Find your device!
Please give proper thanks to the writers.
[ROM][Zenfone 2 Laser][ Z00ED/Z00RD] [Unofficial] [Unified] [LineageOS 14.1] [AOKP] By: @audahadi
[ROM][UNOFFICIAL][Zenfone 2 Laser]LineageOS 14.1[ZE550KL[Zenfone 2 Laser] By: @joshi_1996
[ROM][Zenfone 5] Unofficial LineageOS 14.1 Nightly Builds By: @flex1911
Please give proper thanks to the writers.
[ROM][OpOne][Lineage14.1]LineageOS Unofficial Nightlies
[ROM][Opt3[UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS [NIGHTLIES] By: @cyberboy_sj
[ROM][Op3T][UNOFFICIAL] Unified LineageOS
[ROM][OnePlus X][UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS Android Distribution for OnePlus X By: @ashwin007
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][Le 2][UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS Android Distribution
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][LG G5][UNOFFICIAL]LineageOS for LG G5 (H830 - H850)
[ROM][LG V20][ALPHA][H918] CM/LineageOS-14.1
[ROM][G2 MINI][UNOFFICIAL][NIGTHLIES] LineageOS 14.1 By: @mobiusm
[G3] LineageOS 14.1 UNOFFICIAL builds By: @eradicator006
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][HTC10]LineageOS 14.1 PRE-OFFICIAL Nightlies
[ROM][HTC Desire 816 A5][Qualcomm SoC]unofficial LineageOS By: @bigsupersquid
[ROM][HTC One m7] Lineage OS 14.1 [UNOFFICIAL] By: @Flyhalf205
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][Nexus 9]UnofficialLineageOS 14.1 By: @hazzer
[ROM][Nexus 5]LineageOs[Unofficial]-14.1-hammerhead By: @p4rot
[ROM][Nexus 5][NOUGAT] Lineage OS 14.1 for Nexus 5 By: @experience7
[ROM][Nexus 6p]Lineage OS Unofficial By: @razorloves
[ROM][NEXUS 5X]Unofficial Lineage By: @razorloves
[ROM][NEXUS 5]Unofficial Lineage By: @razorloves
[ROM][Nexus 4][UNOFFICIAL][Nougat] [NIGHTLY] Lineage OS 14.1 for Nexus 4 By: @milaq
[ROM][Nexus 7 2013][UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS/CyanogenMod 14.1 Nightlies By: @hazzer
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][Honor 5X]LineageOS 14.1 PRE-OFFICIAL By: @crpalmer
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][Moto E 2015][unofficial] Lineage ROM with VoLTE By: @vnai
[ROM][Moto G 2015][OSPREY] Unofficial LineageOS 14.1 for Moto G 2015 By: @EsromG5
[ROM][Moto G 2014][TITAN] Unofficial LineageOS 14.1 for Moto G 2014 By: @EsromG5
[ROM][UNOFFICIAL][7.1.1][XT16xx]LineageOS 14.1[athene][Moto G4/Moto G4 Plus] By: @rahulsnair
[ROM][MotoG4/Plus][UNOFFICIAL][LineageOS-OMS-14.1] By: @Silesh.Nair
[ROM][Droid Razr][{Un,}Official] LineageOS 13.0 (Marshmallow) By: @stargo
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][S7 Edge]UNOFFICIAL LineageOS 14.1 By: @Fevax
[ROM][Galaxy s7][7.1.1] UNOFFICIAL LineageOS By: @Fevax
[ROM][GALAXY S5][OFFICIAL] LineageOS 14.X for Galaxy S5 By: @haggertk
[ROM][Galaxy s3]Unofficial LineageOS By: @beardymarrow
[ROM][Galaxy s4[UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS nightly builds [jftexx] By: @side
[ROM][Galaxy s4][ks01ltexx] LineageOS 14.1 UNOFFICIAL for the Galaxy S4 LTE-A By: @kyasu
[ROM][Galaxy A][A3F][A3H][A3M] LineageOS 14.1 Unofficial for Samsung Galaxy A3
[ROM][Galaxy S 4][LineageOS] [CM14.1 UNOFFICIAL] [I9505] by S3Root/BenLue By: @BenLue
[ROM][Note 8.0]Unofficial LineageOS 14.1 for GT-N51xx By: @rgib
[ROM][Galaxy S II][UNOFFICIAL][7.1.1] Lineage OS 14.1 By: @SerenityS
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][Xperia V][BRINGUP]LineageOS 14.1 for Xperia V By: @Adrian DC
[ROM][Xperia T][BRINGUP]LineageOS 14.1 for Xperia T By: @Adrian DC
[ROM][Xperia TX][BRINGUP]LineageOS 14.1 for Xperia TX By: @Adrian DC
[ROM][BRINGUP][Xperia SP] LineageOS 14.1 for Xperia SP By: @Adrian DC
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][Redmi Note 3][UNOFFICIAL][UBERTC][SaberMod] minz1's LineageOS ROM By: @minz1
[ROM][Redmi Note 3][UNOFFICIAL][kenzo] LineageOS 14.1 By: @TheStrix
Please give proper thanks to the developers.
[ROM][Mate 8][UNOFFICIAL] Lineage OS 13 By: @_skypol0
~To Come
Raul Camacho said:
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Yes, Redmi Note 3 Pro (Kenzo) is there!
Galaxy S3 and LG G4 already in game! here we go again guys!
Wysłane z mojego LG-H815 przy użyciu Tapatalka
OnePlus 3 in game, of course.
Hope the LINEAGE of CyanogenMod will be CMTE lol
Guys can I flash LineageOS nightly on leatest CM nightly on i9300?
Honor 5X in game also. Running first build for almost two days now!
Is it possible to share the list of devices that will be supported by Lineage OS?
cant wait to see a fully stable build
What about the Galaxy S5 guys?
nikhilbhalwankar said:
Is it possible to share the list of devices that will be supported by Lineage OS?
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I do not have word on which devices will be officially supported by Lineage OS, once I can confirm them will post them up ^.^
Raul Camacho said:
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Thank you!
welcome to LineageOs :good:
hope to Asus Zenfone 2 Laser ( ZE500KL )
Sent from my Asus ZenFone 2 Laser (ZE500KL) using XDA Labs
Plz support GALAXY S3 INT
BilelNeO said:
Plz support GALAXY S3 INT
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If you got link to an unofficial build thread, will gladly post it
Hope you support idol 3 , idol 4
Look whose in Nexus 5 - Hammerhead aka The best Nexus device
Thumbs up for Steve "Lineage" Kondik , the Talented Devs and the Ever-Awesome Community.

Bliss OS - Pie for PCs (LTS)

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team bliss is pleased to present to you
bliss rom based on Android 9 Pie​
Our focus is to bring the Open Source community a quality OS that can run on all your devices as a daily driver, syncing your apps + settings + customizations across all platforms you run Bliss on.
Bliss ROMs comes with a wide selection of customization options from around the Android community as well as unique options developed by our team. With so many options available, you’ll find it hard not to enjoy the Blissful experience.
- READ: The OP and most recent discussions will generally help to answer any questions you will encounter. If not, we will do our best to answer your questions & concerns as soon as possible. We will also simply direct you to the OP if the answer is contained there. We encourage community minded interactions: users helping fellow users allows Team Bliss to focus on the work involved to make things Blissful.
- Please do not ask for ETA's;
- We will not tolerate any rudeness or anyone being disrespectful in this thread. Moderators, feel free to enforce anything you feel is necessary to stop bad posts;
- We encourage users to contribute towards this project, and we're openly accepting applications for others to join Team Bliss
First, a little bit about this project...
Starting in Android Pie, Bliss OS will be taking a different approach to building Android for PC's. Taking inspiration from @phhusson 's Treble methods, and Intel's Project Celadon, we have reworked a good majority of the commits from Android-x86 Project and Bliss OS's Oreo release, and packaged it up so that it can work a bit more dynamically. The result was something we could integrate into a single source, along side normal device builds. This is much like our Treble builds that use PHH's Treble methods, and Intel's Project Celadon's EFI builds. Both of which are also buildable directly from the BlissRoms-x86 source: https://github.com/BlissRoms-x86/manifest
These Bliss OS releases will be considered the Bleeding Edge of development for Android on x86, and we will be marking most of our additions to be sent down the ladder to our Android-PC project & hopefully Android-x86 Project as well. For now though, you can stay tuned to this thread for updates on all that.
ROM Porting Details:
Like we mentioned already, things this round will be done a bit differently using the patching system to build for x86 devices, making updating and maintaining far easier than before, and even lowers the bar for understanding how it all works. But things were still complicated enough for us to see room for improvement. So we have also packaged up all the x86 bits we add to Bliss OS, minus a few goodies and are making them available to the entire community to add to their ROM projects. You can find the basics on GitHub already, https://github.com/Android-PC and for those interested in adding x86 support to your own ROM, I was able to squash things down to a single commit in build/make in order to help get the ball rolling. This will also be the source we are helping out Android-x86 Project with, so don't be surprised if things change a bit to reflect that projects branding more.
I'm always open to suggestions on how we can improve upon things too, so don't be afraid to speak up, just remember to be considerate upon doing so
We will be updating our website also over the next few weeks to feature a new downloads section, as well as further information about using our source for commercial projects.
AIO Thread​
Bliss Source
BlissRoms Devices Source
BlissRoms Kernel Source
BlissRoms Vendor Source
Bliss' Android-PC Project
Open Gapps Project
These are not to be considered stable in any way shape or form. Please continue at your own risk. Developers and experienced users suggested
This release is a work in progress, and will take community effort in order to iron out all the bugs.
There are no IPTS builds for the Surface devices yet, and there won't be until I am able to fix my SurfaceBook. Sorry :'(
Read the documentation first:
Team Bliss is not responsible in any way for anything that happens to your device in the process of installing
Please familiarize yourself with available installation options before attempting to install the OS.
Please make sure you download the correct version of Bliss for your specific device. The links are labeled clearly.
Download the ISO file
Use Rufus or similar to burn to USB drive
Disable Secure Boot, Bitlocker, and any other boot security
Boot into the USB drive.
Run Bliss OS in Live mode to test things out, if all is well, continue to next step
Boot into the USB drive, and choose Bliss OS Install
Pick your poison, but please do this with caution, making sure to fully understand what you are doing.
These are beta builds, so please take that into consideration when reporting issues. We want all the info possible
Packages Manager sometimes crashes the system. This will require you to wait, then open a terminal and use $ su && svc wifi disable , and when it comes back, $ su && svc wifi enable
Screenshots aren't working yet
Video playback does not work right as of yet
Sound issues on many machines still
If you have a major bug to report that has not been reported already, please take the following steps to report it to us. It will save you and our team quite some time.
-Download the Catlog app from the Play Store.
There is also a donate version which you can purchase to show appreciation.
-After downloading the Catlog app, go to the app settings, and change the log level to Debug.
-Clear all previous logs and take the exact steps to produce the error you are receiving.
-As soon as you receive the error (probably a force close), go straight into Catlog and stop the log recording.
-Copy and paste the entire log either to Hastebin or Pastebin
-Save the log, and copy and paste the link into the forum with a brief description of the error.
-You can also open trouble tickets on our website for bugs.
A huge thanks to Chainfire, CM/LineageOS, Android-x86, Jide, @farmerbb & all the other developers who work hard to keep all the great features coming!
We really appreciate all your knowledge & hard work!
If someone takes it upon themselves to donate to us, of course it will be appreciated, and all funds will be used to pay our server and upkeep fees.
If someone wants to donate, our PayPal link is below.
PayPal Link
Very Important Information
Team Bliss will allow some minor off-topic comments in our development threads.
Please post in the general forums for off-topic comments and/or questions.
Overall, please keep comments relevant to development, as this better helps you and our team
when trying to determine problems that users are having.
We appreciate all levels of knowledge in our threads, and therefore we ask that
the seasoned members be helpful to those with less knowledge.
Most importantly, do NOT troll those with less knowledge than yourself.
Should you feel inclined to not abide by our request, the XDA Moderators may be called in to remove posts.
We thank you for adhering to our thread rules.
Thank you for using Bliss! And have as always: #StayBlissful​
XDA:DevDB Information
Bliss OS - Pie for PCs (development Beta Preview), ROM for the ROM Central
electrikjesus, ElfinJNoty
Source Code: https://github.com/BlissRoms
ROM OS Version: 9.x Pie
ROM Kernel: Linux 4.x
ROM Firmware Required: x86 Arch
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 20181018
Beta Release Date: 2018-10-18
Created 2018-10-19
Last Updated 2019-07-23
The Instructions
We have moved the instructions to be a part of our docs site
For the main instructions to get going with Bliss OS, you can check out our Installation Guide
If you get into a bind with your install, you should see our Troubleshooting section
For the few addons and other info we have for Bliss OS installs, you can check out our Extras section
And if you're ready to start building and testing new things, you can check out the Bliss OS Build Guide.
Thanks, and keep scrolling for FAQ & Updates
Build Types Explained:
Q: Bliss builds come with funny names. Why?
A: Because we felt the need to include the various branches for Kernel, Mesa, & Firmware in the build name.
So, when you see a name like this:
It can be broken into 3-4 parts.
Build ID: "Bliss-v11.1-Beta-x86_64-OFFICIAL-20181018-1457"
Kernel Branch: "_kernel-4.9"
Mesa Branch: "_m18.3.0-devel_w40_LLVM70"
Firmware Branch: "_dev-kernel.org"
Q: What do the parts of the kernel names mean?
A: When we add a batch of commits to the kernels, we like to save that version with an identifier. So the most common parts to the kernel names are as follows:
-ax86 : Means that this kernel started off from the Android-x86 repo, or has the majority of Chih Wei's commits for that kernel
-ma : Means this started out from Maurossi's repo. (https://github.com/maurossi/linux)
-gal : Means that this kernel also includes compatibility with Chromebook devices, from the peeps at Gallium OS (https://github.com/GalliumOS/linux)
-ipts : Means that we are including some specific commits for the Intel IPTS touchscreens (mostly in the Surface line of devices) These builds likely won't run well on most other devices.
Q: OK, So I have a BlahBlah CPU, with a Such'n'such GPU, what builds are right for me?
A: Well, we have a method to all our madness there. We build Bliss OS with different kernels that work as a way to make it more compatible with different types of devices. Here is the breakdown on those:
Kernel-4.9 These are considered the most "Stable" builds, they will work across most older and recent devices.
Kernel-4.12-14 builds will be hard to come by, but seem to work great for some newer Atom based devices.
Kernel 4.15+ builds will not work on some older devices, so consider these to be a little less "All-In-One"
Kernel 4.18+ Intended for newer devices. adds some newer touchscreen support and added AMDGPU support
kernel 4.19+ Intended for newer devices. Even more touchscreen support and ACPI support
Kernel 4.20+ Intended for newer devices. Even more touchscreen support and added ARM/ATOM support and Vega GPU support
Kernel 5.0+ This is where things will start getting tricky. Even more touchscreen support, and added support for ARM/ARM64/ATOM etc, but also a ton of Android kernel commits start making their way into things.
For all other FAQ's, please check the Wiki or our Telegram Chat
Recent Update Posts:
Updates, Round 1 - 2018.10.28
Updates, Round 2 - 2018.11.07
Forgotten Kernel-4.18 build - 2018.11.01
Christmas Build - 2018.12.25
Fist Release of 2019!! - 2019.01.16
Second Release of 2019!! - 2019.01.21
Updates to kernel-4.20 - 2019.01.26
Surface IPTS build updates - 2019.01.30
Update for Bliss OS - 2019.02.05
Bliss OS Updates - 2019.02.23
Bliss OS Updates - 2019.03.10
Bliss OS 11.6 Updates - 2019.03.24
Bliss OS 11.7 Updates - 2019.04.03
Bliss OS 11.8 Updates (with GMS) - 2019.04.23
Bliss OS 11.9 Release (with GMS) - 2019.05.26
Bliss OS 11.9 (with GMS) -EXPERIMENTAL x86 (32 bit) builds - Build Date 2019-08-01
Bliss OS 11.10 x86_64 Generic Vulkan Build - EXPERIMENTAL - Build Date 2019-09-01
Announcement - Community Builds
Bliss OS 11.10 x86_64 Generic & IPTS Builds - With Vulkan - Build Date 2019-12-14/15
Bliss OS 11.10 x86_64 Generic - With Vulkan - Build Date 2020-04-11
Bliss OS 11.11 x86_64 Generic - With Vulkan and other graphics options - Build Date 2020-06-24
Bliss OS 11.11 x86_64 Generic - Kernel 4.19.122 - Build Date 2020-08-03
Bliss OS 11.12 x86_64 Generic - Kernel 4.19.122 - Build Date 2020-09-25
Bliss OS 11.12/13 x86_64 Generic - Kernel 4.19.122/5.8 - Mesa-19.3.5/20.1.0 - Release Date 2020-11-14
Bliss OS 11.14 x86_64 Generic - Kernel 4.19.122/5.10 - Mesa-19.3.5/20.1.10 - Release Date 2021-05-09
Bliss OS - Pie for PCs (LTS)
team bliss is pleased to present to you bliss rom based on Android 9 Pie Our focus is to bring the Open Source community a quality OS that can run on all your devices as a daily driver, syncing your apps + settings + customizations across all...
Downloads has been moved for now. Please use the latest link from our website:
Contributing to the project
Bliss OS is in need of contributors. People to help squash some bugs, forward port features and support, and others to help with answering the common questions here in the XDA threads, or on our Telegram chat.
Pull requests are going to be spread out a little. All the commits for the build script will go through http://review.blissroms.com While everything else will have to be in the form of pull requests from https://github.com/BlissRoms-x86 or https://github.com/Android-PC
For anyone interested in joining our team, please visit the Bliss Family page of our site for more information on how to do that
For those with even a little experience, but a lot of drive to learn more, we also offer our services to help people learn the ropes. https://t.me/Team_Bliss_Build_Support
Or for those a little more committed, look into the Bliss Family page of our site and join from there.
Ok, I will be the first to ask, is the ipts thingy compiled on this starting version? Would this be suficient to make it work on a surface? Thanks!
AllanJacques said:
Ok, I will be the first to ask, is the ipts thingy compiled on this starting version? Would this be suficient to make it work on a surface? Thanks!
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I have another kernel I have working for IPTS on the Surface devices. I will make sure to post a build with that soon
Great work. Almost everything works flawlessly but the wi-fi. It turns on but it isn't able to connect to any network.
Device is HP Pavilion X2 10.
I'll try to get the logs when I have more free time.
EDIT: a little more insight before I get the logs. The Wi-Fi will turn on, as I said, and it will see all the available networks. But when you connect one, it'll just try connecting until it shows the "Disabled" status under the network name.
EDIT2: the chipset is an Intel 3165.
Does not work on Asus t101ha (cherrytrail)
wenna.speedy said:
Does not work on Asus t101ha (cherrytrail)
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Did you try the old modprobe method? Any of the kernel command line options from Grub? Anything??? With the amount of warnings I put in the OP, I would expect a little more info than what was provided.
vEEGAZ said:
Great work. Almost everything works flawlessly but the wi-fi. It turns on but it isn't able to connect to any network.
Device is HP Pavilion X2 10.
I'll try to get the logs when I have more free time.
EDIT: a little more insight before I get the logs. The Wi-Fi will turn on, as I said, and it will see all the available networks. But when you connect one, it'll just try connecting until it shows the "Disabled" status under the network name.
EDIT2: the chipset is an Intel 3165.
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Also for your case, can you try booting up with the old modprobe method mentioned in the second post? It may handle that wifi chipset a bit differently.
Another thing to try is to disable and then re-enable wifi service:
$ su
$ svc wifi disable && svc wifi enable
electrikjesus said:
I have another kernel I have working for IPTS on the Surface devices. I will make sure to post a build with that soon
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I'm not asking for an ETA but do you think it will be a long time until it comes?
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
AllanJacques said:
I'm not asking for an ETA but do you think it will be a long time until it comes?
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
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Instead, how about I tell you about this update Microsoft pushed to the surface book that made it to where I can't test my IPTS, or any kernel currently...
So to help with quality assurance, I would rather wait until I can test a build to make sure it works as expected before passing it off to the public.
Hello. I tried to boot by using USB live cd and it worked great on Nitro 5 spin.
Touchscreen, rotation, bluetooth are working.
Wifi sometimes doesn't turn on like oreo version.
But when I tried to boot on ssd using easy install, it didn't boot and boot screen was yellow instead of blue.
It seem to be a mounting issue.
mickey36736 said:
Hello. I tried to boot by using USB live cd and it worked great on Nitro 5 spin.
Touchscreen, rotation, bluetooth are working.
Wifi sometimes doesn't turn on like oreo version.
But when I tried to boot on ssd using easy install, it didn't boot and boot screen was yellow instead of blue.
It seem to be a mounting issue.
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You got that result when using the easy installer? Did you try using the bootable USB install?
electrikjesus said:
Did you try the old modprobe method? Any of the kernel command line options from Grub? Anything??? With the amount of warnings I put in the OP, I would expect a little more info than what was provided.
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I tried all boot options - stucked on boot everytime.
electrikjesus said:
You got that result when using the easy installer? Did you try using the bootable USB install?
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Yes, I tried all boot options. Stuck at boot screen and there is some screen tearing too.
When I use debug parameter, it show mounting issue and it stuck there.
I didn't try USB install yet. But will report back when I have time.
mickey36736 said:
Yes, I tried all boot options. Stuck at boot screen and there is some screen tearing too.
When I use debug parameter, it show mounting issue and it stuck there.
I didn't try USB install yet. But will report back when I have time.
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The symptoms suggest that some of your hardware isn't being detected right on install
Surface pro 2017 touch screen
I tried all versions of this rom including this latest Android pie. Still No touch screen functionality for Microsoft surface pro 2017. Please how do i manually update the drivers or fix this issue? Will really appreciate any help. Thanks
Eljay227 said:
I tried all versions of this rom including this latest Android pie. Still No touch screen functionality for Microsoft surface pro 2017. Please how do i manually update the drivers or fix this issue? Will really appreciate any help. Thanks
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I'm just gonna ignore this and ask you to read the OP again, but slower
Eljay227 said:
I tried all versions of this rom including this latest Android pie. Still No touch screen functionality for Microsoft surface pro 2017. Please how do i manually update the drivers or fix this issue? Will really appreciate any help. Thanks
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You shall wait until we release a build that supports your ipts display, and then rejoice!
Pie is "beta preview" and we build BlissOS to run on 1000's of potential HW configurations. Then we test with the devices we possess. When deemed ready, we share. A build which supports your device specific issue: not ready yet.
The info you requested to do this manually can be found using the search function of XDA(visit the website instead of app and look in a thread for "search this thread" then type: manual driver
.....or just read the OP ?

[ROM][13.0][TOCO][OFFICIAL] Project Elixir 3.x

"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Project Elixir for the Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite [toco]
* Your warranty is now void.
* We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone by installing any custom ROMs and/or kernels.
* You do it at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself and you are not to blame us or XDA and its respected developers.
"This is a user-friendly thread, all your suggestions, and proper bug reports are important to us but don't be disrespectful to anyone here. Your suggestions and proper bug reports will be taken into consideration.."​
Project Elixir is another aftermarket AOSP ROM which basically offers minimal UI enhancement & close to Stock Android ROM with great performance, security and stability. Most of the OEMs' these days will provide slow and untimely updates, but we don't do that here. We closely follow Google to bring the latest updates to our users, and even prolong support for devices that have been declared obsolete by OEMs. Our ROMs' source code is open-source, secure, stable, and outstanding. Your experience while using Project Elixir will be butter smooth without compromising the quality of the Android experience. In short, it's perfectly balanced between Great Performance, Security, stability, minimal UI & awesome features including pixel goodies So do not hesitate anymore, join us now and start enjoying the beauty of stock Android. Download and enjoy Project Elixir on your respective devices!​
- Saurav - Founder / lead Developer
- Nishant - Co-lead Developer / Team
- Probir - Developer / Team
- Mayur - Developer / Team
- And Also Our Hardworking Maintainers​
// Checkout the latest changes you get //
Spoiler: Click Here to see
Latest Changelog: https://projectelixiros.com/changelog
NOTE : In Project Elixir you get all the useful features and with updating source every month it's hard to keep all the threads updated everytime everywhere so kindly visit our website for latest changes and screenshots.
// A screenshot is worth of thousand words //
Spoiler: Click Here to see
Latest Screenshots : https://projectelixiros.com/gallery
NOTE : In Project Elixir you get all the useful features and with updating source every month it's hard to keep all the threads updated everytime everywhere so kindly visit our website for latest changes and screenshots.
--------- > OFFICIAL Download Server < ---------
NOTE: Please keep in mind that these are Gapps Builds and there is no vanilla build of this rom available.
--------- > Visit Our OFFICIAL Website < --------- ​
NOTE: It is STRONGLY recommended to fully wipe your device before flashing and please avoid restoring system apps and system data with Titanium Backup (or with any backup/restore app) as this can cause stability issues that are very hard to debug, restoring regular apps is fine. If you believe you know what you're doing - then fine, go ahead, but please don't complain if you experience any strange behavior.
CLEAN FLASH (Moving From A12 to A13)
- Download the latest build
- Take a backup for safe side
- Boot to Recovery
- Format Data by typing yes
- Flash the latest build
- Reboot
What works?
Wifi | RIL | Mobile data | GPS | Camera
Flashlight | Camcorder | Bluetooth | Fingerprint reader | Lights | Sound | vibration
Almost everything
What doesn't work? or Any Bug ?
You tell me!
As soon as the problem occurs, take a logcat and please inform us via Telegram or XDA.
for more READ THIS​
- Android Open-Source Project
- Pixel Experience
- LineageOS
- Proton AOSP
- Arrow OS
XDA Banner and Template Credit goes to Amaan
- Others, I may have forgot to mention​
- Android OS version: 13.0
- Security patch: October 2022
- Build author/Device Maintainer : @AndroidHQ254
- DEVICE: Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite
---- Sources and Documentation ----
-- ROM Source Code --
-- Kernel Source --
-- Documentation & Maintainership --​
-- OFFICIAL Website and Telegram Support --
-- Visit our OFFICIAL Website --
-- Device Update Telegram Channel --
-- Support/Discussion Telegram Group --​
// Giving a little can HELP a lot //
- As you know build is free but building ROM needs server and in order to maintain the source, we need High-End Servers that are generally very expensive and need to be renewed every single month and as a student its quite difficult. To meet with our technical expenses, a cup of coffee, and the efforts of the developers we need your monetary support!
- Do consider donating or buying me a coffee on Paypal or join us on Patreon for sustainable support and rewards if you want to appreciate our work.
- Thank you for your support !
i don't know if this is a bug, but under screen fingerprint reader does not work when the screen is off
everything works so well, this rom is much better than miui hahaha, awesome work!
Hi to all. Are the banking apps works normally ?
Or do we need any hacks for security checks ?
John Crush said:
everything works so well, this rom is much better than miui hahaha, awesome work!
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Hi. What recovery did you use to flash this ROM please ?
Ps: I'm from stock Miui 13.02
teknocorse said:
Hi. What recovery did you use to flash this ROM please ?
Ps: I'm from stock Miui 13.02
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Hi, I followed the installation guide on the official website:
Project Elixir
So I used this twrp version:
[RECOVERY][3.6.2_12][TOCO][UNOFFICIAL] Stable TWRP for Android 13 AOSP Roms
Team Win Recovery Project or TWRP for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. We started from the ground up by taking AOSP recovery and loading it with the standard recovery options, then added a lot of our...
And I installed the "MIUI V13.0.2.0 Firmware" in the global version, even though my phone is from Europe
John Crush said:
Hi, I followed the installation guide on the official website:
Project Elixir
So I used this twrp version:
[RECOVERY][3.6.2_12][TOCO][UNOFFICIAL] Stable TWRP for Android 13 AOSP Roms
Team Win Recovery Project or TWRP for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. We started from the ground up by taking AOSP recovery and loading it with the standard recovery options, then added a lot of our...
And I installed the "MIUI V13.0.2.0 Firmware" in the global version, even though my phone is from Europe
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Thank you !
John Crush said:
everything works so well, this rom is much better than miui hahaha, awesome work!
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Thanks. Glad you are enjoying
teknocorse said:
Hi to all. Are the banking apps works normally ?
Or do we need any hacks for security checks ?
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SafetyNet passes out of the box without root
i flash it i follow procedure but keep on rebooting and back to recovery mode
Hey, I installed this ROM with TWRP but the camera app doesn't work. Am i doing something wrong? I installed by clean flash method.
lucy42 said:
Hey, I installed this ROM with TWRP but the camera app doesn't work. Am i doing something wrong? I installed by clean flash method.
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In addition, only the native camera app crashes. Like, if i open the google lens app camera actually opens. But, the native camera app comes with the ROM crashes. @AndroidHQ254
lucy42 said:
In addition, only the native camera app crashes. Like, if i open the google lens app camera actually opens. But, the native camera app comes with the ROM crashes. @AndroidHQ254
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I ported the BSG's GCam 8.1 with the config files designated to Mi Note 10 Lite and fixed this problem.
lucy42 said:
I ported the BSG's GCam 8.1 with the config files designated to Mi Note 10 Lite and fixed this problem.
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extremely confusing... where to get the configs? and which file to download exactly? im given like 6 different options and none seem intuitive.
MGC_8.1.101_A9_GV2b_snap.apk (org.codeaurora.snapcam) #
MGC_8.1.101_A9_GV2b_MGC.apk (com.android.mgc) #
MGC_8.1.101_A9_GV2b_ENG.apk (com.google.android.GoogleCameraEng) #
MGC_8.1.101_A9_GV2b_ruler.apk (com.samsung.android.ruler) #
MGC_8.1.101_A9_GV2b_scan3d.apk (com.samsung.android.scan3d) #
MGC_8.1.101_A9_GV2b_qcamera3.apk (org.codeaurora.qcamera3) #"
EDIT ok i got help here - any of these are fine, except the ones for Samsung, as they are esentially the same thing.
Fingerprint scanner doesnt work when in sleep, doesnt wake phone. need to hit power button then scan finger.
also, wifi button doesnt seem to toggle in the quick drop down menu. Visually.
Edit - wifi button works, just had to reboot system. maybe phone brain fart.
Any plans for a vanilla build at some point?
Idaho1911 said:
Any plans for a vanilla build at some point?
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eishey said:
i flash it i follow procedure but keep on rebooting and back to recovery mode
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Ensure you use the recommended Android 13 recoveries
maxlieb said:
Double tap to wake does not work after ~5 seconds after screen off (after the always on display dims down)
* Might be related to a broken screen replacement.
* I DID verify that the problem is a software problem - flashed xiaomi.eu rom and it DOES work there.
* I'm NOT at all sure it worked even with original screen (screen was fully functional, just a few cracks in the glass)
Tried derpfest and project elixir, same problem.
also found this on pixel-experience github issue tracker...
exactly the same issue - AOD becomes too dim and tap to wake stops working.
seems it's a known problem.
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Quoting myself from the thread for Evolution rom... same problem with Elixir and DerpFest.
