Galaxy i9500 Touch screen stop working after update firmware in *#2663# - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello dear forum Managers, Technicians and Developers
I have galaxy gt-i9500
i update my s4 to the latest rom stock 5.0.1 through the phone and after that return key stop working.
i saw guide that ruin my phone :crying:
i enter to samsung secret code *#2663# and update something that make touch screen not working
this is thee results
"TSP FW update"(general) PASS
"TSP FW update"(internal Storage) Failed
Phone's Touch key FW version :0x12
Part's Touch key FW version: 0x1b
Unfortunatlly after that touch screen stop working at all :crying:
I was looking for a solution in Google, at xda and unfortunately I was not able to solve the problem
to solve the problem of back\return key i know that i need to install german rom stock HOA7
but how to solve the problem of touch screen not working i don't know
Sorry fo my english
It is my first post i hope i make everything OK
Thanks to you all
Hope you can help me guys
P.S I Have otg + mouse and i can do everything with mouse so i hope it make my life easy if you suggest some solution.
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UP.. Please Help ME

Can someone help me PLEASE
Can someone help me PLEASE

I have the same problem in my s4 (i337m)
Any help

I assume flashing a stock ROM and a factory wipe doesn't help?

a stock rom and a hard reset after should solve this issue, when you flash firmware for phone, touchscreen firmware should be replaced too

No. I tried and it did not help.

up.. Any help would be appreciated

did you replaced your screen?
i have 2 i9505 and i replaced both phone screens, and after that i update the rom,and now the softkeys dont work.
Thats because the display replacements are not orginal and cant handle with the newest FW
you need do downgrade your phone and buy a new display and then dont upgrade your phone anymore

Master_44 said:
i have 2 i9505 and i replaced both phone screens, and after that i update the rom,and now the softkeys dont work.
Thats because the display replacements are not orginal and cant handle with the newest FW
you need do downgrade your phone and buy a new display and then dont upgrade your phone anymore
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I replaced the lcd with copy lcd and it working like a charm. the screen that i upgraded his firmware dead i couldn't rescue the screen.
the solution of softkey is to update to germany or russian latest rom


There is no picture in polaros camera

Hi all i have problem with camera the picture dosnt apear
in 2 roms
with UDK 8 and another rom
thats whats happen please help me
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try to update your radio. see if it helps.
thanks thats work
oaldawe said:
thanks thats work
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Hello Everybody./
I'm a new HTC user and I like it now, but i had been doing any changes to my Touch Cruise (Rom, Radio, Unlocker).
But I just got a trouble with my camera, it is no showing any image, the screen is black and I tried to change the radio already but nothing is working,
Somebody help me please.
WM 6.1. Radio Polaris is my actual, but it problem start after I upgraded to wm6.5 pdaviet and I came back to wm6.1 because that
Try putting your device in to bootloader.
Reflash the original firmware from htc and then flash a new custum firmware..and after that you can even change the radio rom again.
Sometimes the device needs to be set to original firmware to upgrade again to custom firmwares.
Why original firmware...because the radio rom and firmware are original in one upgrade proces..this is always the best method to go back to no problems.
Also you have to take your simcard and memorycard out of your device just in case.
Good luck!
Same problem with polaris Camera as initial post.
I Tried c_shekar and workrd some days... but later come back to blanck screen and unable to capture frame from device....
Reflash with original (without bootloader mode)...nothing
Tried take out the battery during several hours....nothing
I have tried again original ROM this time passing through bootloader mode and installing with original from htc site french ROM (SIM and sd card removed), the last official one according to my inicial French version.
Is my cruise rear camera Broken? Front camera works ok
Do I have anything else to test???
Pleaseeee help!
erfaldo said:
Same problem with polaris Camera as initial post.
I Tried c_shekar and workrd some days... but later come back to blanck screen and unable to capture frame from device....
Reflash with original (without bootloader mode)...nothing
Tried take out the battery during several hours....nothing
I have tried again original ROM this time passing through bootloader mode and installing with original from htc site french ROM (SIM and sd card removed), the last official one according to my inicial French version.
Is my cruise rear camera Broken? Front camera works ok
Do I have anything else to test???
Pleaseeee help!
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I think that if the front camera is working the back one is broken.
Whan i flashed it incorrect i had no screen on both camera's.
So i think you have to return it to HTC.
Don't forget to put everything back to normal..otherwise they wil ask you to pay for the repair.

Touchscreen is frozen?

hey guys
yesterday i was at work and want to check the time.. i take my phone and unlock it - no.. i cant unlock it?!
i restarted the phone (battery out of the phone) but nothing happened!
after work i drove home and reinstall the firmware with kdz updater - but nothing happened!! Phone is starting normally but without touchscreen..
what can i do?
thanks :*
darkfield said:
hey guys
yesterday i was at work and want to check the time.. i take my phone and unlock it - no.. i cant unlock it?!
i restarted the phone (battery out of the phone) but nothing happened!
after work i drove home and reinstall the firmware with kdz updater - but nothing happened!! Phone is starting normally but without touchscreen..
what can i do?
thanks :*
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Is the phone fuctional and only the screen is not working? And I couldn't understand it - is the digitizer not working, like the phone cannot respond to your touch, or the whole screen, like theres no image. And do you have backlight on the screen or only on the buttons?
I think putting the phone into fastboot mode, and flashing a new ROM could be a solution - if it's not working, then I think it's the screen's problem, you should send it back to warranty.
thanks for your answer!!
i saw anything on the phone. backlight worked too!
today i sent my phone to LG warranty service..
i'll report what they do
Hey Guys!!
On Monday morning GLS arrived my house...
LG with GLS is very fast :O
i sent my phone at tuesday with GLS to LG and on monday GLS brings me the phone back. lol, very fast!
now i've got a new touchscreen - no scratches/scars/...!!
its very nice!
while my gt540 wasnt work i used this phone:
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its really really really (....) small so i'm feeling that my gt540 is bigger than before!
but blablabla now ive got my gt540 back and i'm happy

hrlp preproduction GT-P6800 bricked

Hello people. Need help :-(
I have a GT-P6800 Preproduction version. Downloaded odin 1.85 downloaded latest stock firmware for it and decided to flash it. (the firmware on preproduction was horrible unusable) So I installed latest kies, ended kies processes entered tab in download mode. windows installed drivers n.p. saw my tab no problem but didnt complete flash :-( See attached picture :-(
After that id displayed to connect to kies to recover after an unsuccessful flash. Kies didn't recognize it. Then I desperately tried to flash cwm and YES!! It flashed and old shi**y preproduction os booted np :-(
I then decided to flash again but again and again bricked tab and reflashed back CWM.
And then I decided to clean dalvik cache from CWM and reset etc. after that android asked me for a password?!?! But I didn't apply any password :-( Then tried again and again and ruined so that download mode and CWM are still available but tab doesn't boot and is stuck on displaying galaxy tab 7.7 black screen :-( Please help! :-(
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Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Whats preproduction version?
The version before actual production version
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
hello, I'm like you, I have a pre-production model and I flashed my tablet with the following firmware: p6800 ZSLA2 ... with Odin. ... It works perfectly .... I advise you to do after you reset your tablet. ...
a hong kong version? ok thanks I will try it. Will be cool if it work
you can find the firmware in the next post .....
The same error second screenshot
sorry, I can t help more but I advice you read topics in this forum about people who brické their machines ... it can help..... You should know that every time you flash your machine ... the internal memory becomes heavier weight of firmware .... and as you have flashed your machine many times, it n 'there can be more memory spaces? this is hypothetical ...
HY people! And I need help.
My problem is same as post no 1., from maximusl
I have 6810 (WiFi only) softbrick
My unit...
Kernel v.
[email protected] #3
Build no:
In odin i get FAIL!
That firmware i can flash this unit with IR port?

[Q] Reverting back to stock from CM11

Dear friends i have one very important question .. however my SGS4's display died and i had installed a CM11 on it i need to revert back to stock firmware because of my warranty. I've found many manuals how to do this but i still don't know one thing.. Do I need to reset my binary counter after or before flashing the stock rom ?? or it will be reset by flashing the stock firmware? It will be a little difficult for me because my screen is black and the only way how to do things on the phone is by connecting MHL adapter...
And just to explain what happened to my screen... the pixels has slowly started to changing colors to blue just like on the foto attached... It was no way to stop it neither removing battery helped.. and after a few hours screen was totally black... digitizer is working fine..
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sorry for poor photo quality it was taken by my girlfriends desire C without AF in bad light conditions...
I am sorry for posting it here but I have totally no idea if it is even possible to do this with display down....
Thank you so much guys see if this link helps.
M&M AND Kitkat
There is no need to reset any counter. You can't hide it anyway these days. There are eFuses burned already. That doesn't mean you lost support though. Just send it in.
DualJoe said:
There is no need to reset any counter. You can't hide it anyway these days. There are eFuses burned already. That doesn't mean you lost support though. Just send it in.
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First of all thank you for your reply
And hmm that's not so good ... however replacing screen with digitizer would cost me 165 euros if they would say my warranty is void ... and what do you think, should i better flash the stock firmware or not ?? I can do that through odin with no problems also without screen working..
thank you
Yes, why not. Shouldn't harm.

[Q] Need some information about I9502 (Samsung galaxy S4 Dual)

I had purchased an I9502 through, last week.
Second hand.
Due to rare users, there is no dedicated thread on XDA for my device
Now, many questions arises.
I had updated to official lollipop (5.0.1), by SAMMOBILE's official ROM. After upgrading, my second SIM cant connect to network. So I revert back it to KK (4.4.2). Still the problem persists !!!!! . I couldn't use it as a dual sim phone Is PDA and CSC version is important while flashing? or we could install any PDA/CSC rom version on samsung phones? I don't know the original ROM so, I had downloaded all firmwares available at sammobile and tested. only 2 of them managed to register my SIM(first) on network. Is it a hardware issue? or by a wrong ROM ? anyway now my mobile admitted at hospital and specialized doctors have been studying his disease
Is there anyone using dual SIM without any errors?
The PDA and CSC are vital to ensure you get the right regional variant for your device. The only exception is if the phone is unlocked for use on another carrier, in which case you can use a ROM from any region. Where you have the dual SIM version however, you only have one region available to you, but with multiple Android versions. The firmware here is the latest for your device. Do a factory reset before flashing through Odin.
I am totally disappointed.
My technician said that it had lost IMEI !
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What will I do?
Is there anyway to recover its IMEI?
I had followed all guidelines available through search.
But, I couldn't...
Please help me on this....
Flash just the modem through Odin. You can extract it from the firmware download. Sometimes the modem needs to be flashed twice before everything functions correctly.
Other than that, I'm not aware of anything else software-wise that can be done. You'll need to take the phone to Samsung themselves and have them look at it.
Try this thread
I had the same situation and it worked
