Screen time out changes from 15sec to 2min automatically - LG V20 Questions & Answers

Anyone noticed that screen out automatically changes fro 15sec to 2min? It's kind of annoying. Every time I need to change back to 15sec.

Try 30.


Phone Locking problem

I'm running jack's ROM v2.
I've set the screen-lock to automatically activate when idle for "0 minutes". I expected this to mean that if my phone dims, then it'll screen lock.
But the problem is, after 30-60 secs (I haven't counted), it will screen lock. I've set the screen to dim at 3 mins, but the lock comes on a lot sooner.
Anyone have any ideas how to change the registry so that I can make the screen lock only when I press the screen-off button at the top of the phone?? Or at least make it screen-lock only when the phone naturally dims at 3 minutes??
Any suggestions would be great
bump? someone?

Notification wakeup time / ResumingSuspend

Whenever there is a reminder, and the device is suspended,
the screen turns on for about 15 seconds.
I would like to know if there is a way I can make this time longer (lets say, 30 seconds).
I tried the HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Power/Timeouts/*ResumingSuspend
registry, but still - it remained 15 seconds.
Any Ideas ?

Delay time autolock

I'd like to know if there is a way to decrease the delay time (in my case 15 seconds) from "autolock on" to device low power (when screen is black but always on) cos I want to save battery.
So the screen locks down after 15 seconds but I want it to set (f.e.) to 5 seconds or less_
Is it possible?

Screen Display Time

My screen display time will not stay on the time I set for it. In other words if I set it for my screen to stay on for three minutes after awhile it always reverts back and somehow switches back to the fifteen second setting.

Screen timeout issue

My screen always cuts off after being idle for around 10-15 seconds. It doesn't matter what I set the timeout to, it cuts off if I don't touch the screen for 10 seconds, even when I'm moving the phone around! The only fix I found was to enable caffeine, which is annoying when my screen accidentally turns on and never shuts back off unless I manually turn it off (like when my phone is in my pocket or a bag and I don't notice the screen is on). Does anybody know what to do? I already tried resetting and that didn't work.

