Long shot for Mojo gamepad to CTRLR - M.O.J.O. General

Hi everyone, new to this section, I have a mojo gamepad that is struggling to connect and work with games on my android tv box, I read from these forums that the mojo is different and cant be upgraded to sort issues with bluetooth and games.
So my natural question is can this gamepad be flashed to a CTRLR as it has a micro usb and some programmable software presumably is there any way to do this, it could be a good general android game pad but mine has so many gaming issues that it barely works, also these profiles are there any preconfigured as I cant find any for 3d games like shadowgun, MC4 etc.
Thanks for any support or help on this.

Any ideas on hacking or updating the controller at all, trying different android apps in the hope of getting better use out of the controller.


[Q] Hdmi gaming

I want to hdmi out from my a500 to 42" and use my Lg o2x phone as the game controller to play gameloft games. Is this possible ? If not is there some controller app that I could pair with tablet and use that to control the games ?
retareq said:
I want to hdmi out from my a500 to 42" and use my Lg o2x phone as the game controller to play gameloft games. Is this possible ? If not is there some controller app that I could pair with tablet and use that to control the games ?
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you might be able to use hdmi out but i highly doubt that you could use a phone as a controller for gameloft games. the only thing i can think of is that you can buy Bluetooth controllers, but so far I've only gotten them to work on emulators (but that was with my droid x, now i have the xperia play and no longer need a Bluetooth controller )
Not from direct experience but something I thought was cool
I was experimenting with my new A500. I plugged in my usb mouse. Works great. Then I plugged in my usb floppy. What a contrast between my 32 gb pad with a 32 gb card. I couldn't even store one picture at full rez.
OK, now why I really butted in here. I got the HDMI adaptor in the mail today and found that it made my XPlane look great. Sound and graphics were great. The pad itself was the controller and the image was on both screens.
I tried a game that is portrait only and it doesn't scale for a widescreen TV. Unless I wanted to play laying down or turn the wall mounted TV on its side, there are issues with playing phone games on the big screen.
Maybe a little off topic, but maybe helpful.
On another note, I have used the google remote control app to control my Logitech Revue but it is a hardwired portrait, so it is not so great in landscape.
Hope this helps someone out there.
Some interesting info here. I was not aware of the portrait only issue.
Search on here or youtube. Somebody has a video using an android phone as a game controller playing shadowgun on a asus transformer
I just watched it. So it is possible, just need to find something with a d-pad that makes sense. The video I watched the on-screen control scheme looks nasty. I'm not sure if its possible to change that layout or not but I will look into it tonight.
Its prob just better getting a real game controller. Ps3 or hardwired xbox 360 remote since our a500s have full usb and honeycomb supports game controllers
melcali said:
Its prob just better getting a real game controller. Ps3 or hardwired xbox 360 remote since our a500s have full usb and honeycomb supports game controllers
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I agree. Sad part is I have 2 wireless 360 controllers and no wired ones. Makes me feel bad that I have two dual core devices yet still have to use wired controller.
loismustdie555 said:
you might be able to use hdmi out but i highly doubt that you could use a phone as a controller for gameloft games. the only thing i can think of is that you can buy Bluetooth controllers, but so far I've only gotten them to work on emulators (but that was with my droid x, now i have the xperia play and no longer need a Bluetooth controller )
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Are you saying you use your Xperia play as a controller for your tablet? How do you do that? I have Xperia play as well.
there is an app calles droidmote (server and client) and it is supposed to do that. control an android device with another. havent tried it yet, but if someone has money to buy it, please share your experience.

On external controllers

Hello everybody,
I like playing games on my phone a lot, yet i really don't like the touch screen controls, for lack of feedback and responsiveness, therefore i am in the market for an external controller.
I have simple requirements for it :
>Must use Bluetooth connection since my phone (OPPO find 5) does not support OTG
>Must be compatible with my windows 8 laptop
>Must be compatible with Android emulators like FPSe and NESoid emulators
>should have 2 analog sticks
>Should be easy to set up
What do you guys suggest?
Why don't you just use a PS3 controller in combination with sixaxis controller?
Odds are that you already have one, so you don't have to bother searching for one.
The only downside is that you cannot use the controller on your PS3 again, unless you restore the default bluetooth adress of the controller. So be sure to write it down somewhere before changing it.
No need to write anything down.ps3 controllers auto pair when u connect them via usb. ..
Scribed henceforth from thy G pad.

Mojo + moga?

Does anyone have a MOGA Pro? I noticed there are a number of games compatible out there. Even Mogas website has a list of great compatible games. Ive tried 4-5 Games out there that specifically said Moga Enhanced in their description - and those didn't work with the CTRLR in Game smart mode. Had to use Tincore if I wanted to map the controls. I had hoped it wldve worked.
So Im wondering if anyone has one and does it do what it says? How does its button mapping app work?
mherma said:
Does anyone have a MOGA Pro? I noticed there are a number of games compatible out there. Even Mogas website has a list of great compatible games. Ive tried 4-5 Games out there that specifically said Moga Enhanced in their description - and those didn't work with the CTRLR in Game smart mode. Had to use Tincore if I wanted to map the controls. I had hoped it wldve worked.
So Im wondering if anyone has one and does it do what it says? How does its button mapping app work?
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Some games need Moga Pivot app. Particularly the ones that support Moga Pocket as it connects with SPP.
In the other hand there is a significative number of games that support a few controllers only like Moga, Sixaxis or Xbox. For those you can use gamepad simulation to bridge the gap.
tincore said:
Some games need Moga Pivot app. Particularly the ones that support Moga Pocket as it connects with SPP.
In the other hand there is a significative number of games that support a few controllers only like Moga, Sixaxis or Xbox. For those you can use gamepad simulation to bridge the gap.
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gamepad simulation...like tincore keymapper? I've tried many games with tincore, not all work that great. As long as you can navigate menus in mouse mode on the CTRLR, you can usually map the games controls. If this is what you mean by bridging the gap then its really not the solution to moga enhanced games. I'm wondering if someone out there has a moga and can share there experience with it?
So I'm at work, bored. Just bought a MOGA Pro for 69.99$. The list of compatible games that I've been able to find is quite impressive and it sold me. Theres lots of games that are MOGA enhanced that aren't yet playable on MOJO so I just look at this purchase as another add-on to my MOJO
mherma said:
gamepad simulation...like tincore keymapper? I've tried many games with tincore, not all work that great. As long as you can navigate menus in mouse mode on the CTRLR, you can usually map the games controls. If this is what you mean by bridging the gap then its really not the solution to moga enhanced games. I'm wondering if someone out there has a moga and can share there experience with it?
So I'm at work, bored. Just bought a MOGA Pro for 69.99$. The list of compatible games that I've been able to find is quite impressive and it sold me. Theres lots of games that are MOGA enhanced that aren't yet playable on MOJO so I just look at this purchase as another add-on to my MOJO
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By bridging the gap I meant that if you have a gamepad that is not compatible with those games that support just some particular controllers you could use the mapper to make it work with them (gamepad simulation).
So I got my Moga Pro Power today (Thanks amazon one-day shipping option) and I have to say, It works as advertised! Downloaded some games last night in anticipation: The Dark Knight Rises, Emancy, M.U.S.E., Modern Combat 4, and Max Payne Mobile. All of these games work great with the Moga! Even the menus in each game are navigable with the controller itself!
This is great news, adds LOTS more playability to the MOJO seeing as though there are 150+ Moga Enhanced games out there. Rock on.
This is a great controller, fits nice in the hand (Xbox 360 style). A slight bit too wide, only because of the flap that flips up for holding your phone. I personally favor the CTRLR over this, but it's damn close. What also is a neat feature is that this controller is rechargeable(No batteries required) and can charge your phone/tablet while you play games. Has a 2200mah battery that supposedly lasts 15-22hrs on a charge. It even comes with a tablet stand. I recommend this to anyone who's got a MOJO looking to expand their library of games :good:
Has anybody played any two player games or emulators using a moga and the mojo controller at the same time. I'm assuming it would work but just wanting to know. Wanting to get an android gaming device and the ouya failed me in that regard.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
I've used the CTRLR with the PS3 controller on NES and SNES emulators. Worked a peach.
CTRLR with wired X360 controllers works for FPse.
jbuggydroid said:
Has anybody played any two player games or emulators using a moga and the mojo controller at the same time. I'm assuming it would work but just wanting to know. Wanting to get an android gaming device and the ouya failed me in that regard.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
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To my knowledge Moga uses it's own SDK libraries rather then google/nvidia standard.
I'm not sure what the libs do, can you use a moga on non moga games with controller support?
If the game has Moga support and standard controller support, it 'should' work with the two pads or expect the other to be the same, depends on the developer.
mherma said:
So I'm at work, bored. Just bought a MOGA Pro for 69.99$. The list of compatible games that I've been able to find is quite impressive and it sold me. Theres lots of games that are MOGA enhanced that aren't yet playable on MOJO so I just look at this purchase as another add-on to my MOJO
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Maybe mherma can speak from experience with his.
I have the Moga Power which has mode A (custom Moga SDK) and mode B (bluetooth HID compliant input). When I try to sync mode B, the bluetooth screen sees it and pairs, but the lights on the Moga keep blinking. When I put it on Mode B, it does not show up on the list of devices but the lights on the Moga indicated it was paired. Either way it was not recognized as a second controller in Beach Buggy Racing.
I didn't think to install the Moga app though, I'll try that.
Update: wiht the Moga Pivot app, I can get the Mojo to pair in A mode (Moga Mode). Quite seamless. But its recognition is app-specific I think. When I try Riptide 2, I can do split screen with two controllers. But Beach Buggy Racing from the same dev and moga-supported, does not recognize the moga. Oh well. I have not tried SNES or FPSE, but those play very nicely with the Moga, so I don't expect problems.

[Q] Multiplayer support in M.O.J.O.

M.O.J.O. is advertised as having "MULTIPLAYER SUPPORT – Connect two or more gamepads for multiplayer games". Has anyone ever tried this feature succesfully? Is there really any android games out there that support offline multiplayer on the same device?
boedjel said:
M.O.J.O. is advertised as having "MULTIPLAYER SUPPORT – Connect two or more gamepads for multiplayer games". Has anyone ever tried this feature succesfully? Is there really any android games out there that support offline multiplayer on the same device?
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Hey you forgot the emulators!!!!!!
I have a 2nd Ctrlr and on all emus they work fine.
I can't name a specific andriod game.. but I'm sure there are a few...
Try street fighter still games?
controller and gaming on a tv is still new to most android game devs.... but that's changing:good:
gwaldo said:
Hey you forgot the emulators!!!!!!
I have a 2nd Ctrlr and on all emus they work fine.
I can't name a specific andriod game.. but I'm sure there are a few...
Try street fighter still games?
controller and gaming on a tv is still new to most android game devs.... but that's changing:good:
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Thanks for the info, gwaldo. It never cross my mind.
Which emus did you use successfully with your 2nd Ctrlr? And how do you set it up? Did you plug the dongle into the USB 2.0 port?
boedjel said:
Thanks for the info, gwaldo. It never cross my mind.
Which emus did you use successfully with your 2nd Ctrlr? And how do you set it up? Did you plug the dongle into the USB 2.0 port?
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I mostly use the N64 (Mupen64), PS1, PSP, snes, Sega mega drive, I forget their names just google and try them out..
But emulators on android have great controller mapping, so it doesn't matter what 2nd controller you have, you can map it (configure the buttons/sticks) and play it , the N64 support 4 players!
IE as explained here:
I'm hoping gameloft can do controller mapping one day!!
The mojo controller needs the USB dongle (yes I keep it on USB2 unless I have need to use a HDD), the retail controller is BT2 so it doesn't need it, but I prefer the mojo ctrlr because the middle button activates the background apps, where as the retail controller doesn't.
I just found out that we can play Badland in coop and multiplayer mode with 2nd controller. I use Ipega PG-9025 as my 2nd controller and connect with bluetooth. Hope that more android games will support this.

[Q]Did Nvidia GameStream ever make it to the M.O.J.O.?

I have my M.O.J.O. in my living room and I use it for SPMC(kodi)/NetFlix/Hulu/etc and not much gaming. But I was researching and came across articles such as https://www.engadget.com/2013/11/10/nvidia-gamestream-third-party-devices/
So, the question is: Did nvidia gamestream capabilities ever make it over to the M.O.J.O. or was it all just hype on Mad Catz's part to sell more units? And if it was never officially brought over to the M.O.J.O., is it still possible? Or is it just a waste of time and energy at this point?
I'm looking at wanting to possibly play some pc steam games from the comfort of my living room, so I'm entertaining all options at this point. Do I sell the M.O.J.O. and by a Shield TV? Do I buy a Steam Link? Are there other options?
Hi @greevedogg It did make it to the MOJO... only via a third party client. The project is called Moonlight
It works amazingly well, I've played for hours streaming from my PC to my MOJO
A couple of suggestions: Firstly I found my MOJO starts jittering after playing on in for anything over half an hour. I eventually found out that the MOJO was over heating. I guess it's working pretty hard with all that streaming. I found that if i stand it on it's side, leaving a little gap underneath, there will be better airflow, and it no longer jitters.
Also they suggest using ethernet instead of WIFI, I can agree with this, you get serious lag if you play over WIFI... don't even try it. I play on an ethernet over power adapter and it works perfectly.
You need at least an Nvidia 650 card, and I found it necessary to manually add some games, as they weren't always detected by the Nvidia client.
High FPS games worked perfectly - like DIRT3 but point and clicks are more fun when lying on the couch - have fun with your MOJO
You can find the play store link here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.limelight.root
And the project homepage here: http://moonlight-stream.com/
Thanks @timjharvey! Yeah, I actually stumbled upon the Moonlight option after posting this thread! I had 2 Radeon 1gb video cards in crossfire set up on my pc, but I just switched them out for a 4gb GTX 1050 Ti card, so I could try out Moonlight. Like you said, it works surprising well, from what I have tested out so far... I only tried Counterstrike: Source for a brief moment the other night with a crappy BT keyboard. In the near future, I'll hook up a better set up and load up another game. I am hard-wired with ethernet, so it's pretty snappy there. Traditionally, I'm more of a keyboard and mouse gamer, but I might try to get used to the C.T.R.L.R. if it'll map out keys correctly...I think I'll also try to hook up the good kb & m just for s & g's. Thanks again for the input!
greevedogg said:
I have my M.O.J.O. in my living room and I use it for SPMC(kodi)/NetFlix/Hulu/etc and not much gaming. But I was researching and came across articles such as https://www.engadget.com/2013/11/10/nvidia-gamestream-third-party-devices/
So, the question is: Did nvidia gamestream capabilities ever make it over to the M.O.J.O. or was it all just hype on Mad Catz's part to sell more units? And if it was never officially brought over to the M.O.J.O., is it still possible? Or is it just a waste of time and energy at this point?
I'm looking at wanting to possibly play some pc steam games from the comfort of my living room, so I'm entertaining all options at this point. Do I sell the M.O.J.O. and by a Shield TV? Do I buy a Steam Link? Are there other options?
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timjharvey said:
Hi @greevedogg It did make it to the MOJO... only via a third party client. The project is called Moonlight
It works amazingly well, I've played for hours streaming from my PC to my MOJO
A couple of suggestions: Firstly I found my MOJO starts jittering after playing on in for anything over half an hour. I eventually found out that the MOJO was over heating. I guess it's working pretty hard with all that streaming. I found that if i stand it on it's side, leaving a little gap underneath, there will be better airflow, and it no longer jitters.
Also they suggest using ethernet instead of WIFI, I can agree with this, you get serious lag if you play over WIFI... don't even try it. I play on an ethernet over power adapter and it works perfectly.
You need at least an Nvidia 650 card, and I found it necessary to manually add some games, as they weren't always detected by the Nvidia client.
High FPS games worked perfectly - like DIRT3 but point and clicks are more fun when lying on the couch - have fun with your MOJO
You can find the play store link here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.limelight.root
And the project homepage here: http://moonlight-stream.com/
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this is about four years too late to save the mojo, but it should work https://liquidsky.com it brings true cloud gaming to your phone, tablet, laptop, pc , n of course the mojo and no you don't need a pc of any sort
What firmware are you use?
I have problem with position of mouse
My PC 1080p and my TV 1080p, but mouse cursor has bad position
How i can fix it
My Android 4.2.2 - last official
wave_is said:
What firmware are you use?
I have problem with position of mouse
My PC 1080p and my TV 1080p, but mouse cursor has bad position
How i can fix it
My Android 4.2.2 - last official
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Hi @wave_js I'm running Remix OS - mainly because Netflix also works on this rom. What game are you having mouse cursor issues with? Is the game that you are having cursor issues with running at 1080?
