I broke my axon 7 HELP!!!!! - ZTE Axon 7 Questions & Answers

Hey Guys,
recently I tried to root my ZTE Axon 7 and install TWRP on it(A2017G)(Firmware B03).
It failed and i wanted to reinstall my bootloader and my recovery (i think that i wanted this)
Before i did that i backed up my boot and recovery is i´ve been told to.
I think something went wrong there, but i realised it too late.
When it was failed i didnt know how to reinstall the backuped boot and recovry files, so i thought i could rename them to boot and recovery and flash then with ADB. This failed either and now when i want to start my phone the screen that says ZTE pops up for a second and then goes black.
I know that was silly, but now my Phone is broken and i cant do anything with it, i can not start it, i can not boot in recovery, i can not boot to fastboot.
I tried to boot into Recovery Mode, but the same thing either...
The screen flashes and goes off.
I can´t do anything.
Also when i try to turn it on the LED on the top flashes red and green. I don´t know if its related to my problem, but i need help
I don´t know what to do:crying::crying::crying::crying:

I've uploaded the A2017G B03 stock boot.img and recovery.img (both in the same zip file) to Mediafire, here's the link:

This happened once (well, more than once to be precise) to me too but there's a fix for it.
What you want to do is follow all of the steps (using axon7root.exe) and use the boot.img and recovery.img provided by razorblader.

I don't think you will have a chance to bring it back to life. It looks like you are in DFU mode but need EDL mode for using tenfars tools.
Unfortunately for the G model you can't enter this mode with hw keys.
But I also have this issue and looking for a solution.
As of now only way is to send it in for repair...

I had the exact same problem and tried pretty much everything I could think off but as Deje63 mentioned the only way is to give it back to the seller and get a refund (if you still can) or send it in for repair.

Just today an Axon 7 owner in the german android-hilfe forum got information he will get a new Axon 7 from ZTE.
He did also send it in for repair because the same issue. It seems even ZTE (europe/germany) does not have the tools/knowledge to flash a stock rom on such bricked devices.
I ask myself what the hell they did or think in reducing the features (for the G model) in fastboot/adb/firmware to that grund. I am a long time in Android but never had a device were there was no chance to (re)flash at least an official stock rom.

themarcc said:
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Try to access the FTM (Factory Test Mode) by holding the power button and the volume down button. It will say FTM on the display if it was successful.
In case you are still stuck in DFU mode you might have to hold the power button for at least 6 seconds to get the phone to try to reboot.
If you can get into the FTM mode connect the Axon 7 to your PC.
It should show up in the device manager as a Android ADB device.
adb reboot edl
Your screen should go blank and the device should show up as 'Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 com X' in device manager. If you get this far you can use tenfar's axon7root.exe to flash the boot.img and the recovery.img and the phone should boot up normally after that.

Are you sure talking about A2017G? I was able to enter stock recovery (volume up and power). All other key combination leads to DFU mode, regardless the phone was plugged in or not. And believe me, I tried even stupid ones.
But will try when it is back from repair.

DeJe63 said:
Are you sure talking about A2017G? I was able to enter stock recovery (volume up and power). All other key combination leads to DFU mode, regardless the phone was plugged in or not. And believe me, I tried even stupid ones.
But will try when it is back from repair.
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I'm talking about the G model of course, on the U version this wouldn't be a problem.
Hope other people who still have their bricked G version phones try this so we can clarify if there's a chance to get into the FTM mode and can determine which 'type' of brick could potentially be revived.
No clue if this is a possibility if the wrong kind/corrupt/whatever bootloader got flashed to the phone but it's worth a try.
Edit: Read in another thread that another user stuck in DFU mode on the G model couldn't make the FTM mode work so there's little hope for this to be working unfortunately.

I do have a question as well. My G model only boots til ENTER ANDROID PASSCODE. Cannot boot into recovery only FTM is possible. Device Manager indicates an adb device, but there seems to be a special driver. Does anyone know how to help?
Thanks in advance...Marcus
Gesendet von meinem Lenovo K50a40 mit Tapatalk

try it with "default_password" without the "

I just tried it several times. After some time it says: 'wrong password' , unfortunately
Gesendet von meinem Lenovo K50a40 mit Tapatalk

marcus.linkenbach said:
I just tried it several times. After some time it says: 'wrong password' , unfortunately
Gesendet von meinem Lenovo K50a40 mit Tapatalk
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Hi Marcus,
I have got the same problem. Did you find any solution since then?
Anyone give me any suggestion please ... :crying:

Yes. The solution was to set it up for a repair. They changed my device without any problems. I told them my phone entered into this state by upgrading on an ota update.
sent from zte axon 7 with tapatalk

marcus.linkenbach said:
Yes. The solution was to set it up for a repair. They changed my device without any problems. I told them my phone entered into this state by upgrading on an ota update.
sent from zte axon 7 with tapatalk
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I have finally found the solution. I have boot into edl mode via FTM and re-flash TWRP then do a factory reset. Now, it coming back !!

dolvliz said:
I have finally found the solution. I have boot into edl mode via FTM and re-flash TWRP then do a factory reset. Now, it coming back !!
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Good to know. But for that I got second cable, charger, headset and cover ??
sent from zte axon 7 with tapatalk


[Q] ZTE Blade not starting, maybe bricked...

I think my phone is bricked
When I start up my phone it just stops when it says "ZTE"
Tried to reboot but wont work, its fully charged...
Please help
Are you rooted? Do you have ClockworkMod installed? What rom were you running?
matt4321 said:
Are you rooted? Do you have ClockworkMod installed? What rom were you running?
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No. No. and none.
I weren't running any roms or anything, but i have tried to root it with z4root and gingerbreak (etc..) a million times...
Your best bet mate is to get into fastboot (should be doable since you're getting to the splash screen), flash a custom recovery and then a custom rom, although this does void your warranty, I think its worth it though. What android version was your phone on before the problems started?
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
if he installs stock rom and unroots then it should be fine and he will keep his warranty
Sent from my Blade using xda premium
matt4321 said:
Your best bet mate is to get into fastboot (should be doable since you're getting to the splash screen), flash a custom recovery and then a custom rom, although this does void your warranty, I think its worth it though. What android version was your phone on before the problems started?
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
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I dont quiet know how to do that
I was on 2.3.5 have 2gen stock rom
how do i get into fastboot then?
To get clockworkmod on, so you can flash your stock rom, which can be found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1353526
Download fastboot and adb files, grab them either from the android website but through the sdk, or just Google adb and fastboot files and you'll be fine.
Then boot into fastboot by turning your phone on with the volume up button held down. It'll stay at the splash screen, connect to the PC and it should install drivers automatically.
Download the recovery image by googling clockworkmod zte blade. You want, it's the latest.
In the command prompt change directory to where your adb and fastboot files are. Then type 'fastboot flash recovery *nameofrecovery*.img'. Then 'fastboot reboot'. Power off the device after and boot into recovery by powering on with the volume down button held. Then flash your stock rom.
Hope this helps, i know it could be better but I'm at a BBQ so on my phone and can't link stuff easily, if you need more help, i can do it tonight. Others I'm sure will help too
Sent from my ZTE-BLADE using Tapatalk 2
matt4321 said:
To get clockworkmod on, so you can flash your stock rom, which can be found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1353526
Download fastboot and adb files, grab them either from the android website but through the sdk, or just Google adb and fastboot files and you'll be fine.
Then boot into fastboot by turning your phone on with the volume up button held down. It'll stay at the splash screen, connect to the PC and it should install drivers automatically.
Download the recovery image by googling clockworkmod zte blade. You want, it's the latest.
In the command prompt change directory to where your adb and fastboot files are. Then type 'fastboot flash recovery *nameofrecovery*.img'. Then 'fastboot reboot'. Power off the device after and boot into recovery by powering on with the volume down button held. Then flash your stock rom.
Hope this helps, i know it could be better but I'm at a BBQ so on my phone and can't link stuff easily, if you need more help, i can do it tonight. Others I'm sure will help too
Sent from my ZTE-BLADE using Tapatalk 2
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Still looks way to complicated for me :/
Do u know any videos that can show me how to do it?
hi is it bricked or what?
hi all xda members, im new on this forum and i really don know were to post or something like that, sorry, and i have searched on every singel page in google and on a lots of forums, and i dont find anything that can help me with my problem..:crying:
So now to my poroblem, i have a zte blade II 2.3.6 gen3 un-rooted, i tryed but no luck... and now i think its really bricked...because i cant boot it at all, not in FTM, not in bootloader mode, not in recovery, the only thing i can boot it in is DFU but i cant flash from there, it is bricked or can this be fixed easily? Thanx in advanced guys!
ZTE Blade does not respond at all
My ZTE Blade does not respond at all.
I have tried to install the official update from android 2.1 - 2.2 using this official application from ZTE
( ztedevices official site -> downloads -> Greece -> smartphone ->Blade)
It stopped in the middle of the process and after that I cannot use neither Power&volume(+) nor Power+volume(-) nor Power.
It looks completely dead.
Battery is fully charged,
When connected to charger, back button does not get red.
When connected to computer does not show android logo.
I have copied gen1 to gen 2 image folder to sd... nothing
gen2 to gen 1 the same.
I have also tried the AIO-BLADE application no respond to any action.
I have been searching this forum and the internet for 2 days now. No one answers cases whith hardbricked phones.
I think the phone is out of warranty.
PLZ it is my only smartphone and there is no money for a replacement, I am unemployed.

LG Nexus 5X Download mode

This is not a how-to! I just want to inform everyone that our LG Nexus 5X has a download mode just like all other lg phones.
Instructions: 1.Plug USB cable into pc 2. Hold volume up and power at the same time and plug phone into usb that's already connected to your pc.
Like I said this is not a how-to so use Google and your brain to get the kdz or tot stock nexus 5X files and convert accordingly.
I am not responsible for anything you do to your phone but I hope this helps anyone out that was not aware. After all xda is all about sharing right ?
skulldreamz said:
This is not a how-to! I just want to inform everyone that our LG Nexus 5X has a download mode just like all other lg phones.
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Well I got into it by pressing power and vol up after the phone took 5 minutes to boot back up after using a move to system an updated google play app.. Guess the move did not work. And had a hard time getting back into recovery to reflash a saved system image. But there is not much info on what else this mode is good for.. Something about not booting up the CPU but still able to flash? If so then those with problem N7 updates might be able to use this mode to clear the flash and upload a fresh firmware file to get their phones back in working order.
where we can find the official LG Nexus 5X kdz firmware or TOT? I mean not the one from XDA, but the official from LG. Tried searching but not yet found it.
Looking for same
questionquince said:
where we can find the official LG Nexus 5X kdz firmware or TOT? I mean not the one from XDA, but the official from LG. Tried searching but not yet found it.
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Man, I'm in the boot loop nightmare and am hoping there's a tool from LG that can reflash recovery using download mode. I have tried every way I can find to do that through fastboot, but it won't work. Won't boot to recovery, which is why I want to flash one. It's probably hardware toasted (some research shows this is a problem on this and some other phones using same chip), but thought I'd try everything before giving up on it. It's 2 months out of warranty. :-\
stuck in bootloop
my phone nexus 5x. It is stuck in bootloop and i haven't activated the usb debugging. I have tried entering into download mode but still it not going into download mode. What should I do?
mrsato said:
Man, I'm in the boot loop nightmare and am hoping there's a tool from LG that can reflash recovery using download mode. I have tried every way I can find to do that through fastboot, but it won't work. Won't boot to recovery, which is why I want to flash one. It's probably hardware toasted (some research shows this is a problem on this and some other phones using same chip), but thought I'd try everything before giving up on it. It's 2 months out of warranty. :-\
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Did you ever manage to solve this? I'm in a boot loop now, and it won't go into recovery mode before rebooting again and again!
stevepaget said:
Did you ever manage to solve this? I'm in a boot loop now, and it won't go into recovery mode before rebooting again and again!
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Nope. What kills me is these are still being sold by some carriers... knowing full well they are only good for a year+enough time to expire your warranty.

Bricked A2017G B03 - help please

As title says i bricked my Axon :crying:
I followed http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=68738854&postcount=100 (and the german one that linked to this one) but couldnt do the fastboot unlock.
So i couldnt finish this and my phone required a pin number to start android: bootet and started up but wanted a pin code to start/enter system.
Wasnt able to fix that with googling for answers so i went back to edl mode and rewrote my backup boot/recovery images with axon7backup.
Had no errors with that but it wont start now:
After the ZTE Logo the display goes black but it connects as "handset diagnostic interface (DFU) (ComX)" to my computer.
I fiddled around with driver installing etc and forced the HS-USB QDLoader 9008 on it but no luck, axon7backup/root can not connect.
When i did the actual flashing yesterday it never connected with the hold both vol-keys and connect usb way either, always had to reboot into edl via adb.
I cant boot anything else (no twrp/recovery) it just goes to the diagnostic interface mode.
Thanks in advance
you can try to get into adb mode with this:
- power off your device
- hold the vol down key while plugin in the usb-c cable (connected to your pc)
- keep holding
- you should get a white box with FTM factory test mode
- you are free to use adb again - so you can get into edl mode as well....
for pin part that'S normal while unlocking your device encryption gets deleted and you have to abort and factory reset your device in twrp....
Starvirus said:
you can try to get into adb mode with this:
- power off your device
- hold the vol down key while plugin in the usb-c cable (connected to your pc)
- keep holding
- you should get a white box with FTM factory test mode
- you are free to use adb again - so you can get into edl mode as well....
for pin part that'S normal while unlocking your device encryption gets deleted and you have to abort and factory reset your device in twrp....
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Thanks. I tried it but it wont go to FTM. Only goes to diagnostic com port.
It seems i cant even turn it off. The little red light on the front is on the whole time .
sadly the disadvantage of a built in battery, so you have to wait till the battery is empty and try my instructions then....if it's not realy off it won't work, the mode you are currently in you usually only reach if you switch it on while holding both volume buttons, the edl mode is sadly not reachable with a key combination directly on G models.
adb don't show your device?
Starvirus said:
sadly the disadvantage of a built in battery, so you have to wait till the battery is empty and try my instructions then....if it's not realy off it won't work, the mode you are currently in you usually only reach if you switch it on while holding both volume buttons, the edl mode is sadly not reachable with a key combination directly on G models.
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Oh ok. I expected ftm to work from vol-down and power-button till restart.
@adb: sadly no connection possible since it goes straight to Comport Connection.
Couldnt make that work. It was off and i connected the usb. So it showed me the loading battery picture where i cant do anything. held the vol-down the whole time. But as soon as it had some battery it went straight to comport-connection again
im sorry to say, but ur device is bricked to a degree where you would need ZTEs Flashtool to fix it. Unfortunately we dont have that tool, so you might have to send it in
i have the same exact problem :'(
Have u been able to fix it?? I'm in a situation that i cant even send it to ZTE to fix it :'(
nsabir said:
i have the same exact problem :'(
Have u been able to fix it?? I'm in a situation that i cant even send it to ZTE to fix it :'(
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couldnt fix it myself so i had to send it in.
Unless some tool/rom was released in the last few months to fix it yourself i would guess your device is bricked.
Hi I have almost the same problem, I tried to unlock bootloader and now I don't have the recovery, I can boot and use my mobile but I can't restore it or update it because I don't have the recovery
I try whit axon7tool to restore the recovery but I got a error.
MaxRink said:
im sorry to say, but ur device is bricked to a degree where you would need ZTEs Flashtool to fix it. Unfortunately we dont have that tool, so you might have to send it in
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Hi, do you have any idea, if there will be such a flashtool to work with DFU mode? I'm thinking that there are a lot of guys have bricked their devices (including me).

[SOLVED] A2017G Hard brick, Unauthroized ADB and DFU Only.

Hey guys,
Guess today it was my turn ****ing up.
I apparently have completely bricked my Axon 7 after trying to go from LOS 15.1 to stock oreo beta. The only thing I seem to be able to boot to is DFU mode and for some reason, if I press the Power button + Vol Down I will get stuck on the ZTE Logo and my PC will detect my phone through the ADB interface but every time I try doing something it says my device is unauthorized. Is there any way I can authorize the device whilst being completely bricked?
The only other thing I get is the unlocked bootloader warning screen. If I don't press anything the phone will be stuck there, if I select recovery the phone will simply shut down and anything else will result in a reboot. I have also tried a deep flash cable that that only results on the phone being stuck at the unlocked bootloader screen.
I cannot access the bootloader,
I cannot access EDL mode
I can access ADB, but device shows as unauthorized.
I can access DFU mode.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have looked at the Hard brick guide that involves taking the phone apart but that's not something I really want to do.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: My phone gets detected by MiFlash but every time I try flashing I get a cannot receive hello packet and object reference not set to an instance of an object.
ZTE axon 7 EDL tool detects it in ADB mode but says ERROR! NO ANSWER FROM PHONE!. Possibly since its not authorized with ADB.
Ouh....DFU? I think this thing is totally bricked.
I can access my phone in ADB. If only I could make it reboot to edl or something like that through ADB even though my device shows as unauthorized. That is the only problem why this thing is completely messed up.. ADB works but I can't do anything with it because my phone shows unauthorized. Does anyone know if there's a workround or a bypass for that?
Victor13f said:
I can access my phone in ADB. If only I could make it reboot to edl or something like that through ADB even though my device shows as unauthorized. That is the only problem why this thing is completely messed up.. ADB works but I can't do anything with it because my phone shows unauthorized. Does anyone know if there's a workround or a bypass for that?
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Hi Victor !
Like we discussed before there is nothing much left as to use the DFU unbrick-disassemble guide or buy something like this to be sure you tried everything.
Good Luck mate !
raystef66 said:
Hi Victor !
Like we discussed before there is nothing much left as to use the DFU unbrick-disassemble guide or buy something like this to be sure you tried everything.
Good Luck mate !
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Thank you for your help . It's a risk you take when flashing phones.
Can you get custom recovery in it some recovery allow you to get in to EDM from there you can flash stock rom with Mi flash tool.......try to push both volume buttons at the same time don't touch the power button this might get you in to EDM.
stinka318 said:
Can you get custom recovery in it some recovery allow you to get in to EDM from there you can flash stock rom with Mi flash tool.......try to push both volume buttons at the same time don't touch the power button this might get you in to EDM.
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Hi. I cant get anywhere near recovery. When I press both buttons without the power button nothing happens. Thanks though!
Victor13f said:
Hi. I cant get anywhere near recovery. When I press both buttons without the power button nothing happens. Thanks though!
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The screen will be blank untill you plug in USB cable to flash on mi flash tool then you refresh button on the computer screen....
stinka318 said:
The screen will be blank untill you plug in USB cable to flash on mi flash tool then you refresh button on the computer screen....
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The moment I plug in any cable the screen turns on automatically. I've tried everything at the phone won't go into EDL. Thanks though!
Victor13f said:
The moment I plug in any cable the screen turns on automatically. I've tried everything at the phone won't go into EDL. Thanks though!
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Nothing, you'll have to use my guide for that (the one that raystef linked). Otherwise try entering FTM mode (Power and Vol-) but it's surely not gonna work. If it does, you'll see a screen with a square that says "FTM", and you'll be able to do " adb reboot edl" and flash stuff from there.
Unbricking by disassembing the phone is the most reliable method; an EDL cable just might save you the hassle but it's not guaranteed to work; some phones won't accept it for some reason. In this case just follow the guide unless you want to try your luck with an EDL cable
Choose an username... said:
Nothing, you'll have to use my guide for that (the one that raystef linked). Otherwise try entering FTM mode (Power and Vol-) but it's surely not gonna work. If it does, you'll see a screen with a square that says "FTM", and you'll be able to do " adb reboot edl" and flash stuff from there.
Unbricking by disassembing the phone is the most reliable method; an EDL cable just might save you the hassle but it's not guaranteed to work; some phones won't accept it for some reason. In this case just follow the guide unless you want to try your luck with an EDL cable
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Hello. Thank you for your advices, it is as I feared.
I have however already bought another Axon 7 which I'm using at the moment, and I have plans for mine since it was only bought new about 8 months ago and I believe I could get a replacement for a fee even if its bricked to fault of my own. So I will try that since I'm not in a rush.
This thread can be closed.
Victor13f said:
Hello. Thank you for your advices, it is as I feared.
I have however already bought another Axon 7 which I'm using at the moment, and I have plans for mine since it was only bought new about 8 months ago and I believe I could get a replacement for a fee even if its bricked to fault of my own. So I will try that since I'm not in a rush.
This thread can be closed.
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In that case you can just pretend that the phone got in that state by itself, it's not too morally correct but some people here pulled it off...
twice now i have gotten an axon 7 into this state. while mine have been a2017u models, i dont know that they are different than yours in that regard.
What worked for me the first time was letting the phone completely die. Being unable to boot into anything, it was somewhat a task to actually make it die, so i kept powering it on (which merely made the red led indicator come on). i did this over and over again over the course of a day at work whenever i noticed it had powered off.
eventually, the phone had no response at all. then, i plugged it up to my laptop, and left it, convinced i had killed it. a dialogue popped up after a minute or two on the phone screen saying to charge the phone by plugging it up. i had no access to fastboot or EDL mode prior. once i got that 'plug in to charge' screen, i switched it to the wall charger, and left it to charge a bit (50-60%) from that state, then, i unplugged it again, and somehow, i managed to get edl mode to work by unplugging it and pressing all three buttons and holding them (typical edl boot).
once there, i reflashed via MiFlash an earlier build. i rolled back using MiFlash as far back as i could. in the process, i lost my imei and serial, which i have yet to successfully recover, but i did get out of DFU pergatory. the imei thing seems to be caused by going back to MM which i did on both of my IMEI-less a2017u boards, but im only guessing. my dd axon 7 is the only one of the three boards with imei and serial, so maybe MM is a bad idea. lol.
The first time i recovered from DFU, i did it inadvertently by letting the phone die and then flashing in EDL mode as well. (i left it for a few weeks as i had given up on it.) after it died completely, and i plugged ut up to the computer and had the same experience, I flashed the beta oreo build for a2017 using miflash. the screen had stopped responding. and i ended up doing a RMA. I now know the screen response thing was bc of a faulty EDL file of B15. (happened again to another of my axon, so i retraced my steps and realized it was when i flashed b15 that it died) . the fix if your screen ever stops responding, but isnt physically damaged? re-flash via EDL a different file. it may take a few tries, but eventually a build will work. for me, it was Marshmallow. I still do not know for certain, but that possibly is what killed my IMEI. but hey, it boots and the screen works.
I genuinely hope posting my idiocy in toying with axon 7s has helped someone out there.

Un-debrickable state ?

Hello guys,
I'm fairly certain I'm stuck in an un-debrickable state but I'll ask just in case. My phone is F800K.
I was toying around with LGUP in order to downgrade and root my phone. So far, so good.
I then tried to update to the latest android 9 again, but keep the root active. That's where things started to go south, so I decided to go back.
I followed a couple of "back to stock" guides but now I'm screwed.
- The phone does not boot.
- Download mode is broken, the phone doesn't connect to my computer while in download mode, so it's unusable.
- TWRP is gone. When I try to boot to recovery after yes both times I get nothing. Not the stock recovery and not TWRP, it just tries to boot as usual.
- Can't seem to go back into fastboot either. I tried VOLDOWN + plug-in the phone about 200 times now, to no avail.
Is there another way that I'm missing ?
growiel said:
Hello guys,
I'm fairly certain I'm stuck in an un-debrickable state but I'll ask just in case. My phone is F800K.
I was toying around with LGUP in order to downgrade and root my phone. So far, so good.
I then tried to update to the latest android 9 again, but keep the root active. That's where things started to go south, so I decided to go back.
I followed a couple of "back to stock" guides but now I'm screwed.
- The phone does not boot.
- Download mode is broken, the phone doesn't connect to my computer while in download mode, so it's unusable.
- TWRP is gone. When I try to boot to recovery after yes both times I get nothing. Not the stock recovery and not TWRP, it just tries to boot as usual.
- Can't seem to go back into fastboot either. I tried VOLDOWN + plug-in the phone about 200 times now, to no avail.
Is there another way that I'm missing ?
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It does sound like a hard brick... you said fastboot is hosed, do you have access to adb in any way?
Sent from my moto g(6) play using Tapatalk
None that I know of, that's the issue. If I had access to either fastboot, adb or download mode, I could most likely salvage this, but I can't seem to be able to.
The weirdest thing is the broken download mode, I couldn't find anybody with the same issue...
growiel said:
None that I know of, that's the issue. If I had access to either fastboot, adb or download mode, I could most likely salvage this, but I can't seem to be able to.
The weirdest thing is the broken download mode, I couldn't find anybody with the same issue...
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On my lg tribute HD (ls676) fastboot was removed by lg themselves on Android 6.0.1 quietly with a security update and download mode never worked right for me. Without access to fastboot, adb or even diag mode it really sounds like you have a hard brick. if i can find a solution of some kind, I'll definitely let you know.
Sent from my moto g(6) play using Tapatalk
What would "diag mode" be and how can I check if I can access it ?
Small update for people who stumble upon this thread, I managed to save my phone by using the Qualcomm Test Point, see here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=81697447&postcount=128
