Verizon S5 Stock debloated Rom odin flashable???!!!! - Verizon Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi All im looking for a Stock Verizon s5 Rom (latest software) with all bloatware removed, No verizon boot Logo or Banners, update disabled and flashable via odin. I dont need it Rooted. I just want to be able to flash it to any verizon s5 using odin. thanks this is a urgent project and i will pay you via paypal for your hard work. Send me PM if anything available thank you in advance!!!

Forum on XDA... Verizon Samsung Galaxy S5, Verizon Galaxy S5 General, [How-To] Update to G900V_PF4 - 6.0.1 by muniz_ri

I already looked at that post, it doesnt provide me with what im looking for. I need stock rom minus all bloatware and banners and updates disable. i want to be able to just flash the phones with odin.

I think it's impossible to flash that rom that you want via Odin


[Q] How to root Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with Sprint Stock firmware from samobile

I have tried to root my Galaxy Note 3 using the autoroot file provided by the great Chainfire ( much respect ). But it does not work. I just want to be clear, this is a phone, which I have reimaged with the Sprint stock firmware again, since I erased one file too many and could not boot it any more. Has anyone done this? btw, I got my image from SAMOBILE. Has anyone rooted a phone, ideally Galaxy Note 3, which they flashed with stock firmware after they rooted it once at least?

Verizon gs5 rom help

I am trying to use one of the roms from the unified forum. I have tried a couple that say they are for verizon kltevzw. Flash through safestrap successful but when i reboot i get a blank screen. Nothing. Then i have to restore from a backup i have. Ricks rom and optimal rom eventhough are nice and work well cant be the only 2 roms that work for verizon galaxy s5 4.4.4 ni2 rooted, right? Someone please help me
Can someone give me a list of flash able roms that work on Verizon galaxy s5 4.4 4 ni2 rooted thankyou
Cdmills said:
I am trying to use one of the roms from the unified forum. I have tried a couple that say they are for verizon kltevzw. Flash through safestrap successful but when i reboot i get a blank screen. Nothing. Then i have to restore from a backup i have. Ricks rom and optimal rom eventhough are nice and work well cant be the only 2 roms that work for verizon galaxy s5 4.4.4 ni2 rooted, right? Someone please help me
Can someone give me a list of flash able roms that work on Verizon galaxy s5 4.4 4 ni2 rooted thankyou
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There are more in the dedicated VZW S5 Android Development section -->
Cdmills said:
I am trying to use one of the roms from the unified forum. I have tried a couple that say they are for verizon kltevzw. Flash through safestrap successful but when i reboot i get a blank screen. Nothing. Then i have to restore from a backup i have. Ricks rom and optimal rom eventhough are nice and work well cant be the only 2 roms that work for verizon galaxy s5 4.4.4 ni2 rooted, right? Someone please help me
Can someone give me a list of flash able roms that work on Verizon galaxy s5 4.4 4 ni2 rooted thankyou
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If you are using a retail S5 (locked bootloader) then you can only use the ROMs in Veriszon S5 Android Development and NOTHING ELSE.. that means no Unified section. If you have a Developer Edition, then you'll have to ask in the ROM threads where you're having trouble.

Trying to revert back to stock rom N910F

Hey guys,
I'm trying to revert back to the stock rom on my N910F (UK purchase - unlocked) but no matter which firmware I download via Sammobile, it just isn't working! It says "FAILED" on Odin when flashing. The only firmware that seems to work is N910FXXU1COH4_DevBase_alexndr - but this version has constant knox notifications and I'm giving my phone to a family member who doesn't want root or anything because she's not very good with phones, she also wants the stock rom installed only.
Can anybody advise me on where I'm going wrong or the firmware I need to install? Should I attempt 5.0 instead of 5.1? Thanks in advance!
titchyyyy said:
Hey guys,
I'm trying to revert back to the stock rom on my N910F (UK purchase - unlocked) but no matter which firmware I download via Sammobile, it just isn't working! It says "FAILED" on Odin when flashing. The only firmware that seems to work is N910FXXU1COH4_DevBase_alexndr - but this version has constant knox notifications and I'm giving my phone to a family member who doesn't want root or anything because she's not very good with phones, she also wants the stock rom installed only.
Can anybody advise me on where I'm going wrong or the firmware I need to install? Should I attempt 5.0 instead of 5.1? Thanks in advance!
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Make absolutely sure you have the proper firmware, (correct country code) and so on.. you have a custom recovery installed.? IF so, you'll probably need to flash the stock recovery from the OS your needing to revert..after stock recovery is working, then flash the firmware..
sent by my: SM-531M-57 Grand Prime (or) my: SM-N910C Note 4 (Lollipop 5.1.1)
Make shure to use the genuine USB cable and don't use USB 3 port

[request] a prerooted kitkat rom

Hello it's my first day with samsung galaxy s5 verizon ( i was forced to buy verison one ) .. I know that verizon has a locked BL. I am afraid to do something that could brick my phone. looking just for a kitkat rom that i can flash with odin since it is more safe and easy. Thank you.
* smh

Samsung s7 edge Rooted HELP!

My Samsung galaxy s7 edge (G935F) Is stuck in a boot loop and doesn't have an OS installed. Bit unsure what to do. I have tried installing a stock rom and for some reason when I try to copy a zip file to team win TWRP,(and I have MTP enabled) my laptop says this device has either stopped or isn't taking files? Anyone with any ideas please respond and don't tell me try take it to Samsung and ask for a fix cuz I tried that and they said we don't fix rooted stuff. I took it to a phone shop once and they said try flashing a custom rom with Odin. Reply here with any ideas! Thanks!
hey and welcome to xda!
the best and easyiest way is to start new - flash your firmware with ODIN - that will work in every situation!
You need to download stock firmware and start afresh. Stock firmware is the image of the official firmware that came (or updated officially) with your device.
Go to Sammobile and select model number and then your country. Since you didn't mention your country, here's the link that will directly land you to your G935F firmwares:
Once you select country, you can read instructions on how to flash the image with Odin (link is also provided there).
Hope this helps Please feel free to ask any query. Happy Flashing!
Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
