Samsung Cloud on Verizon S7 Edge? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions & Answers

Has anyone managed to find or install Samsung cloud on the Verizon S7 Edge? I am a refugee from the Note 7, and Verizon hid the app on that device but a workaround was found to uncover it. That same workaround does not work on my Verizon S7 Edge, as I find no hidden app called Samsung backup that I can uncover through Elixir or QuickShortcutMaker. I had no luck finding a separate apk that I can use to install it with.
For those unfamiliar with Samsung Cloud, is a great backup system and Samsung pushed it out to carriers several months ago as part of an update to the Edge, but clearly Verizon hid it or did not included in the update. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

It's not on the U firmware either, or in the Galaxy App store. It may have only been a Note 7 thing.

Thank you, but if you do a Google search for information about Samsung Cloud on the S7 Edge, you will see numerous press reports about an update that was pushed out a month or two ago to the Edge that included Samsung Cloud, at least on other carriers. I was hoping someone could perhaps extract the apk so that we could use it on Verizon. Verizon blocked that feature on the Note 7 since it competes with their far less useful Verizon Cloud.

Samsung official site now only says Note 7 which is ironic since It's officially dead. Update wasn't pushed out for edge.
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Samsung Cloud On S7 Edge
It's listed differently on the Edge. Using the QuickShortcutMaker App, search for Personal Data Manager and you will find the Samsung Cloud backup and restre apps there and can make shortcuts to your homescreen with the app.

Awesome find, PoSmedley!

So I've made a "Backup" shortcut to the corresponding activity (in my case using Nova Launcher) and it launches, but when I attempt to perform a backup I get a notification that it "Failed to back up device data" and "A server error has occurred."
When I created a "Backup and Restore" activity, I am able to launch and enable "Backup and Sync," but when I tap "Next" I get "Download failed, failed to complete download due to network error." This may be a temporary situation, but I've tried/retried multiple times and the only way to continue is to tap "Later."
I'm wondering if I've inadvertently disabled a service that's required to make this work ... any thoughts?
---------- Post added at 07:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 AM ----------
Update: It's definitely something I disabled with Package Disabler. I saved an export of my disabled packages, re-enabled everything, and retried a Samsung Cloud backup. It completed normally. I can also launch the Backup and Restore activity and select a restore.
Looks like it's going to be trial-and-error to figure out which package it was that enabled it, unless someone else has already figured it out ... off to search for an answer

One other side effect I've seen from re-enabling all of those apps ... my battery life has improved by nearly 40%. Previously I would lose roughly 2%/hr with the phone sitting unused, with a strong wifi and moderate 4G signal. That's improved to rougly 1.2%/hr since re-enabling all but the games and dt-ignite. My Edge's battery life is now very close to what I was seeing with my Note 7s (original and replaced).

Even better when you flash the unlocked firmware.
Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk

Any updates on this?
I was just checking to see if you came to any conclusions on to what worked and why it did?
Dodge DeBoulet said:
So I've made a "Backup" shortcut to the corresponding activity (in my case using Nova Launcher) and it launches, but when I attempt to perform a backup I get a notification that it "Failed to back up device data" and "A server error has occurred."
When I created a "Backup and Restore" activity, I am able to launch and enable "Backup and Sync," but when I tap "Next" I get "Download failed, failed to complete download due to network error." This may be a temporary situation, but I've tried/retried multiple times and the only way to continue is to tap "Later."
I'm wondering if I've inadvertently disabled a service that's required to make this work ... any thoughts?
---------- Post added at 07:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 AM ----------
Update: It's definitely something I disabled with Package Disabler. I saved an export of my disabled packages, re-enabled everything, and retried a Samsung Cloud backup. It completed normally. I can also launch the Backup and Restore activity and select a restore.
Looks like it's going to be trial-and-error to figure out which package it was that enabled it, unless someone else has already figured it out ... off to search for an answer
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Debloater Tool

I'm not responsible if you screw your Device up.
Just Read, Read, Read and then read somemore.
I used this to disable those unwanted BloatWare Apps on my VZW Note 7
An Excellent Tool......
It has worked for me in the Past on other devices and hasn't let me down yet.
The list I used as an example for my vzw note 7 was from the galaxy s6.. The Tool will also freeze all the Knox apps if you check them,.
The List is a Model to go by but does not mean all the same apps will freeze on vzw note 7(Experiment with list and don't freeze all apps at once) .... Very Nice,.......
I had not updated with the Latest Verizon Update but was getting the prompt to do so.
Another great thing is you can freeze the sdm.apk and you don't get the consistent Software Update alerts or an accidental clicking of the Update prompt, either way by selecting the sdm.apk it freezes it. I'm gonna hold out with hopes on root and if it never comes and I decide to I will go back in the debloater tool and unfreeze the sdm.apk....
Thanks again GatesJunior for the Debloater Tool and natypes for the use of your list(may be a newer list out there, this worked for me) it's greatly appreciated from all of us overhere in the Verizon Note 7 Community.......
1st Link is the Bloatware Removal Tool
( In our Case a Disabler Tool).
2nd Link is the List I Used as reference, it came from the S6........
Page 2 post #19 shows the actual file name of the apk, worked better for me.
Credit for Debloater goes to Gatesjunior
Credit for Apps to Freeze by natypes and bobbarker
What did you choose to block/de-bloat?
Great tool, been using it since he released it. It allows you to disable MORE than that Package Disabler Pro does because Samsung can't censor him like they can with PDP.
It gives you LESS info on the items, so you better know what you're disabling.
I posted in the Debloater thread, but thought given there might be something specific to the Verizon Note 7, I'd ask my question here as well.
I used Debloater tool (and have successfully in the past with other Note Phones) on my Note 7, but was not able to get the Software update to disappear (like it the past). Typically I just froze the sdm apk and was done. This time, the Note 7 showed 2 SDM apk's (this one and SDM Viewer I believe) and after freezing them, it did not remove the Software update category on the phone.
I wonder if it has anything to do with taking the update issued the day I got my phone?
Any thoughts?
A safe list of Bloatware to disable with EZ Package Disabler
I have attached my bloatware list.
It's not the best list. I hope you can help me make it better.
anybody make a complete set on what they disabled specifically for the note 7 yet?
Coming from someone who extensively tested package disablers on the note 5....they do more harm than good. Do not use them. Instead, manually go to your application manager and disable the apps. When it asks to "restore to previous version" hit yes, and it will disable it instead of install an older version.
The only reason to use a disabler is if you have a faulty app/disable updates or to disable the gear service to use google or other third party VR apps that need it.
ars0n said:
Coming from someone who extensively tested package disablers on the note 5....they do more harm than good. Do not use them. Instead, manually go to your application manager and disable the apps. When it asks to "restore to previous version" hit yes, and it will disable it instead of install an older version.
The only reason to use a disabler is if you have a faulty app/disable updates or to disable the gear service to use google or other third party VR apps that need it.
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The issue with that is the inability to disable things like Knox and VVM and background services that don't have app icons, don't show up in the application manager, and are of no use to the end user but still take up CPU cycles and background data. Package disablers are definitely not something to just run through hacking and slashing away without knowing what it might affect, but you'll have to explain why you say they "do more harm than good" if someone is taking the proper precautions and not disabling things the system needs to function correctly.
Thats the problem, most people dont know what to disable and what not too. This takes a lot of testing.. I know, I tested quite a bit on my note 5, enough to know that even disabling programs like knox and VZN has 0 effect on battery and in some cases causes space to be eaten up by logs and the caches of these disabled programs that build up but cant clear out, because, they are disabled. There is a huge 100+ page note 5 topic about package disabler and how it does more "harm" than good. If you have the time read up on it! Me and another guy Mr.Mike spent almost a year on it..
ars0n said:
Thats the problem, most people dont know what to disable and what not too. This takes a lot of testing.. I know, I tested quite a bit on my note 5, enough to know that even disabling programs like knox and VZN has 0 effect on battery and in some cases causes space to be eaten up by logs and the caches of these disabled programs that build up but cant clear out, because, they are disabled. There is a huge 100+ page note 5 topic about package disabler and how it does more "harm" than good. If you have the time read up on it! Me and another guy Mr.Mike spent almost a year on it..
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I skipped the Note 5 and stuck with my Note 4 until now, so I missed that whole thread. I'll definitely check it out, thank you.
Any idea if this will work for package disabler pro?
Samzebian said:
Any idea if this will work for package disabler pro?
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I'm pretty sure that's what it is for.
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Cbass15 said:
I'm pretty sure that's what it is for.
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Well I only ask because the op states this is for ez package disabler and that's made by a different Dev than ownsge disabler pro
ricoyakuza said:
I have attached my bloatware list.
It's not the best list. I hope you can help me make it better.
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Why do you call this a "safe list"? It looks like you disable a lot of core functionality with this including NFC. A better title would be "my list of disabled packaged" and mention that you will lose multiple features if you do this...
wooow. note 7 apps on roms

Smart Switch or Start from Scratch?

Just curious if people use Smart Switch (or similar programs/apps) to transfer all the old data/contacts/music/apps to the new phone or start fresh, re-download apps one by one, etc? When I switch to a new device, I'm usually (maybe unreasonably) fearful that some stray bit of old or unused data or file will transfer over that will affect the performance of the new device, thinking I'm making it 'dirty'. I also use it as an opportunity to purge apps I don't use enough to warrant keeping them. Over time I always collect apps I use maybe one time and I leave them there, no reason why. Time to clean house!
Coming from S7E, when I go into Best Buy to pick up the S8+ I'm sure they'll ask if I want them to OTG the data over... No thanks, I want my baby clean.
With smart switch you can chose what you want to copy. Yo
I might have to check out this smart switch. I usually back up everything with Titanium then restore on the new device. The problem is that often causes problems if you restore the data that goes with the apps (last time I did that it screwed up notifications for things like whatsapp and emails), I think it was due to going from kitkat to marshmallow on my S5 and the difference in permissions handling between them probably screwed it up when restoring data. Of course not restoring the data means I lose all my save games, old messages in whatsapp, call logs, saved wifi networks etc etc so it would be nice to restore these things without screwing up anything on the new device. I wonder if Smart Switch (never heard of it before) could do it better than trying to restore from Titanium?
I guess not, just installed Smart Switch on my S5 and it won't even run. Tap to open it, it flashes up on the screen then vanishes.
I'm going to try smart switch, loading it now on my Nexus 6.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
I used smart switch on my last couple of upgrades I usually backup to PC on the morning the new phones due to arrival.
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Well I still can't get smart switch to even load on my S5. Same thing constantly, tap the icon to load it, a smart switch screen flashes up then vanishes. No error messages and it stil shows in the recents menu, selecting it from there does the same thing, smart switch comes up, then vanishes again.
No idea why, I am using phoenix rom for my S5 which I think has bits of S7E firmware in it but that shouldnt cause an issue, the phone itself couldnt be running any better and its still a samsung android phone so smart switch should at least run, instead of vanishing without any kind of error message to give me a bluddy clue as to what i need to do to make it work.
Are there any good alternatives to smart switch? googling it just brings up the usual bunch of junk you get in these types of searches that i dont trust at all.
When I use smart switch it always gives me a rouge run away app that kills my batter and I end up factory resetting to correct it so what I started doing was sms backup and restore to restore my call logs, txt and sms messages including pictures and allowing Google to restore my apps ( no data) and go from there. Yeah I know I have to reset up my apps but I don't care at least I start from a somewhat clean slate and have everything I need . That's just my experience and opinion.
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
If we're coming from a non-Samsung device, is there another tool we could use to do the same thing? As the bootloader will be locked, I can't rely on TiBackup or anything which I've always used in the past.
sanjsrik said:
If we're coming from a non-Samsung device, is there another tool we could use to do the same thing? As the bootloader will be locked, I can't rely on TiBackup or anything which I've always used in the past.
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Helium backup and mybackup.
I like to tranfer everything because i have so much.
But funny thing is tho when i first got my s7 edge the smart switch didnt work, everything didnt tranfer.
Went to the note 7. Then went to a new note 7 (recall) still didnt tranfer my apps. Back to the s7 i went fresh and it now backs up correctly. So ill try the smart switch again.
Then box up ky s7e and ship it back
sanjsrik said:
If we're coming from a non-Samsung device, is there another tool we could use to do the same thing? As the bootloader will be locked, I can't rely on TiBackup or anything which I've always used in the past.
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Smart switch works on multiple devices on Android and iOS. I'm going to give it a go first.
I always just start from scratch. Had too many problems in the past with apps misbehaving. I'd rather just devote a few hours to reloading manually than devote days to figuring out wtf is going wrong.
Starting from scratch. Had some issues with my pixel XL when I transferred my data
Nothing works 100% right when you transfer. It's just a fact. I've gone from S6 to S7, S7 to Note, Note back to S7, and other Android to Android transfers. Inevitably some app or setting screws something up. It might be minor, it might cause reboots. Not worth the risk. SmartSwitch is very slick, but it still can cause grief.
This is what I'd suggest based on past experiences.
1) Use an unencrypted SD card to copy photos, music, ringtones, and anything else media related between phones. There is no downside to this. You can save new pics to the SD card on the new phone while keeping all your old pics and it will just work. (Make sure and back stuff up. Phone or SD card, you never know when things will die.) You're coming from an S7, so you have that SD card option. If other users don't have an SD slot, copy the files to your computer and then to the new phone.
2) Make a list of all the apps that are relevant to you. There is likely a lot of baggage on your current phone you just left there. That app you downloaded once for one purpose that you never deleted. The app that is specific for the phone you're coming from and has no use on the new one. The picture editing app you downloaded but then started using something else. Bottom line, only bring along the baggage that you use. Adding back unnecessary stuff can just slow down a phone.
3) Set up your shiny new S8. Get it on your network. Get your Google account signed in. Go through ALL the system preferences. Turn off garbage settings you won't ever use (Edge sports for instance...). Set the timeout and security settings you will use.
4) Look over the apps that are on the phone already. Disable the ones you don't need/want. You can keep it basic and just do it in the app list settings or you can go a bit deeper and use an app from the Play Store to disable apps or go all old school and use pm on the phone's shell to do it. (pm -hide com.vznavigator.Generic for example) Once you've done that, your phone will be as pure as it can be without putting a custom ROM on it. Update the apps now or later.
5) Log into your Google account on a desktop browser and go to the Play Store. Use that list of apps you made before to bring them all up in the browser. Hit install there and choose your shiny new S8 as the destination. (This is just quicker than going into the Play Store on your phone and searching for each of them.) They'll download in the background on your phone as you choose them.
6) The crappy part. Set up the apps again. They're all installed fresh and clean so you'll need to launch them and put in passwords, accounts, settings, etc. It's painful, but it is the only way to guarantee that no gremlins on the phone came along with transfers.
7) Pop in that SD card you had with all your pics, music, ringtones, etc. on it.
8) Finish set up. Set your camera to use the SD card, choose the SD card as the storage location for offline YouTube and Netflix videos, etc.
9) Enjoy your new phone.
---------- Post added at 06:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------
sebastianraven said:
Smart switch works on multiple devices on Android and iOS. I'm going to give it a go first.
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Don't do it. It seems so nice and slick, but it's caused grief every single time I've used it. Subtle glitches sometimes, force quits other times.
Averix said:
6) The crappy part. Set up the apps again. They're all installed fresh and clean so you'll need to launch them and put in passwords, accounts, settings, etc. It's painful
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Thanks for the comprehensive list, good stuff there. To combat #6, I use a password manager (LastPass) which will autologin to my apps with a fingerprint. Saves a lot of typing, and I'll give the FPS a good workout and get used to the placement in the meanwhile.
i just use google account too download previous google store apps and populate the contacts. then get my 3rd party apk installed, that i keep on my sd card. things like unlimited skip pandora, etc.
I am coming from iOS, not sure how much it can be transferred... I guest only photo and contact, without apps...
Will missed some apps that I bought... need to buy it again on Google Store.
sanjsrik said:
If we're coming from a non-Samsung device, is there another tool we could use to do the same thing? As the bootloader will be locked, I can't rely on TiBackup or anything which I've always used in the past.
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i like to start from scratch
skyhew said:
I am coming from iOS, not sure how much it can be transferred... I guest only photo and contact, without apps...
Will missed some apps that I bought... need to buy it again on Google Store.
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I wouldn't even transfer photos. Just download Google Photos on iOS and upload them and then download them on the new device.
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[Q] Using Helium to restore apps and data? Keep getting errors.

So since I cant use TB right now. I am trying to use Helium to restore from my Galaxy S6 to my S8.
I already did smart switch to get the core around, but of course as expected it didnt do all my apps since some arent on play store. So now am trying to restore from my Helium backup, but many times it gets stuck on a restore for an app.
So just wondering, how else is everyone getting around all this? Thanks.
try again.
force stop the app on both devices and try again(make sure you do a sync, they're easier and more stable than backup-restore)
the backup process can be a bit unstable, some apps took several tries for me.
also good to know, running apps can't be transferred.
so kill any app you plan on transferring.
and smart switch does sideloaded and discontinued apps too if you use a cable to do the transfer.
Mysticales said:
So since I cant use TB right now. I am trying to use Helium to restore from my Galaxy S6 to my S8.
I already did smart switch to get the core around, but of course as expected it didnt do all my apps since some arent on play store. So now am trying to restore from my Helium backup, but many times it gets stuck on a restore for an app.
So just wondering, how else is everyone getting around all this? Thanks.
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Had the same problem. The next day, I tried restoring one at a time and it worked. Then, I was able to restore the rest as a batch. I can't explain it.
thedicemaster said:
try again.
force stop the app on both devices and try again(make sure you do a sync, they're easier and more stable than backup-restore)
the backup process can be a bit unstable, some apps took several tries for me.
also good to know, running apps can't be transferred.
so kill any app you plan on transferring.
and smart switch does sideloaded and discontinued apps too if you use a cable to do the transfer.
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Smart Switch doesnt do the app data tho. So even with side loading, Id still be missing the data.
Now as for the sync. Are you doing to internal storage or google drive?
I did try restoring some apps one by one, and "says" complete, but never is. Doesnt even show it installed. So rather odd.
Just know right now. I am lil annoyed without root for a simple process to backup apps and data and restoring. Reminds me of when I do a clean windows install.... 3 days worth of setting up again vs 1 click of Titanium Backup restore. >.<
i used sync.
sync sends the backup straight to your new phone, and can only be triggered from your new phone.
you select your old phone from the restore screen, choose an app, and it will make a backup and sends it to your new phone, which then immediately installs it.
I can't get Helium to work on my S8+ at all. It says it restores apps and data, but the app is never installed. Tried one app at a time, everything. Helium worked fine going from my Note 4 to Note 7, then to my replacement Note 7, then from my Note 7 to my S7E. But from my S7E to my S8+ - it does not work. PITA and there are several apps I REALLY needed to migrate data.
did you try installing the app through the play store or smart switch first?
I didn't have any real issues, but I did go through smart switch first.
Anyone figure out the solution???? Please post
thedicemaster said:
i used sync.
sync sends the backup straight to your new phone, and can only be triggered from your new phone.
you select your old phone from the restore screen, choose an app, and it will make a backup and sends it to your new phone, which then immediately installs it.
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Would be nice if I knew how "sync" mode worked. All I get from the restore/sync list under my devices is "An error occured while retrieving your device list"
I can't get Helium to recognize that the S8 is in PTP mode. Even when it is, Helium states that the phone is in MTP mode. Anyone else experiencing this problem with Helium and their Galaxy S8 Plus?
Same issue with helium, it restores everything but then the apps simply aren't there.
I've tried everything to make Helium work - still says apps installed, but they never do. Surely there has to be an answer to this riddle.
Same here. No luck on data / settings being restored
Anyone have any updates or other solutions we can use? Helium devs never responded back to me.. so I feel like I just wasted 5$ on them.
Maybe time to give a one star rating for them on the playstore until they address the issue.
thedicemaster said:
i used sync.
sync sends the backup straight to your new phone, and can only be triggered from your new phone.
you select your old phone from the restore screen, choose an app, and it will make a backup and sends it to your new phone, which then immediately installs it.
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Is sync part of Smart Switch or Helium? Forgive me if question is obvious but since thread is about Helium, just wanted to make sure you are referring to a feature of SmartSwitch
it's a feature in helium.
i don't know exactly how the devices find each other, but in my restore screen i can see my old phone as a source and if i select it i can choose from almost any app currently installed on my old phone and have it start a backup on the old phone that immediately restores on my S8.
it is far more reliable than backup to cloud for me.
thedicemaster said:
it's a feature in helium.
i don't know exactly how the devices find each other, but in my restore screen i can see my old phone as a source and if i select it i can choose from almost any app currently installed on my old phone and have it start a backup on the old phone that immediately restores on my S8.
it is far more reliable than backup to cloud for me.
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Sync doesn't work for me. I have an error,
An error occurred while retrieving your device list. Getting this on both the new SO and the source phone.
Any secrets to getting the device to list? I am running the latest version of Helium.
Sync doesn't work with the S8. I do believe it was an option when I went from my Note 4 to my Note 7, then from my first Note 7 to my second Note 7, and also available from my second Note 7 to my S7E back in early February. But there is something not allowing sync between devices on Helium and the S8/S8+. So synicing isn't an option when the phones are not being "seen" as being available to sync. As others have said, there is an error message saying phones aren't available or something similar.
thedicemaster said:
it's a feature in helium.
i don't know exactly how the devices find each other, but in my restore screen i can see my old phone as a source and if i select it i can choose from almost any app currently installed on my old phone and have it start a backup on the old phone that immediately restores on my S8.
it is far more reliable than backup to cloud for me.
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CrozB said:
Sync doesn't work for me. I have an error,
An error occurred while retrieving your device list. Getting this on both the new SO and the source phone.
Any secrets to getting the device to list? I am running the latest version of Helium.
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Also do you have to have premium version ?

S Planner notifications came back from the dead

Hello all. I was disabling a few apps on my SM-T280 (no root). A little while ago I purchased a font via Samsung and was introduced to "Samsung Billing" app. After that I noticed "Samsung Music" received an update. I don't want to use it, so I uninstalled updates and cleared its data. It kept coming back, so I found out I could disable "Galaxy Apps" to fix that. So far, so good.
Storage space is at a premium on this 8GB device, so I went looking for ways to cut corners. I disabled:
Galaxy Essentials Widget
Samsung Billing
Samsung Galaxy
Samsung Push Service
S Planner
according to a detailed forum post (not for this device) on which apps can be safely disabled.
Now all my Google Calendar items are being called out by S Planner, and I can't make them stop. I've tried re-enabling the original S Planner app and clearing its data then rebooting.
A few questions:
Are there supposed to be two S Planner apps listed? One can be disabled and uncheck notifications. The other cannot.
or did Android somehow reinstall it to a new instance?
If there is a solution, do I need root? I'm willing to try again, after failing last time. I think I need to decrypt the device first.
will rooting cause me to be forever unable to get official Samsung updates? (such as a patch [hopes] for the WPA2 KRACK exploit) I did have trouble checking for updates, as "the device has been modified" or something, but all I had to do was get rid of TWRP.
This app actually woke me up in bed, so I need to kill it. Hopefully without losing all my apps & data...
I do realize that disabling those apps doesn't save any space, but keeping "Samsung Music" from updating saved quite a bit, so I went down the list, just to be thorough, potentially free up resources.
well that was quick. I figured it out... for *some* reason, I had to go into S Planner and disable notifications. yeah obvious... but I don't think I ever had to do that before... so for some reason, disabling the app caused this problem to start, so I'll leave it disabled now.
feel free to delete this thread, if it's not useful to anyone else.

Oreo battery sucks...reset? And how...?

My wife and I both have experienced sluggishness and really bad battery life since upgrading to Oreo. Outside of the basics like Facebook, I'm not sure we use anything alike (for example I use NovaLauncher, she uses the samsung default, I use the Samsung text app while she uses verizon messaging and so on). But yet we both have the same issues. So, I'm not going to try chasing apps. I've cleared the cache partition on mine with no change.
So, unless anyone has any other suggestions, I think we need to head toward a factory reset.
The big question do I do this and get all my data and apps and text messages, etc back on the phone?
I think that may help. I did a completely clean install through Odin and have experienced none of those issues really. To me, battery feels about the same
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
You can backup things with Smartswitch which does contacts, messages, images. You should also be able to backup things to the Verizon and Samsung cloud as well.
App settings depends on if the apps use Google Cloud to backup or not. You just have to make sure you've enable that setting in your settings. Go to Settings->Accounts->Backup and restore and ensure the "Back up my data" option is turned on and notice which Google account you're backup up to.
You can select the Google Account option there and look to see what active backups you have enabled and when each app was backed up.
Once you've verified all that, then you can do the factory reset. Come back to the "Backup and Restore" section after you do and make sure "Automatic restore" is turned on. Any apps it could save the settings for will be restored. But be warned: not ALL apps will backup successfully to the Google Cloud so your mileage may vary.
I didn't have to do anything with my phone. I took the update (making sure things were backed up before doing so just in case), and things have been running smooth since. One app was acting a bit flaky but they updated it and it appears to be working correctly now.
iBolski said:
You can backup things with Smartswitch which does contacts, messages, images. You should also be able to backup things to the Verizon and Samsung cloud as well.
App settings depends on if the apps use Google Cloud to backup or not. You just have to make sure you've enable that setting in your settings. Go to Settings->Accounts->Backup and restore and ensure the "Back up my data" option is turned on and notice which Google account you're backup up to.
You can select the Google Account option there and look to see what active backups you have enabled and when each app was backed up.
Once you've verified all that, then you can do the factory reset. Come back to the "Backup and Restore" section after you do and make sure "Automatic restore" is turned on. Any apps it could save the settings for will be restored. But be warned: not ALL apps will backup successfully to the Google Cloud so your mileage may vary.
I didn't have to do anything with my phone. I took the update (making sure things were backed up before doing so just in case), and things have been running smooth since. One app was acting a bit flaky but they updated it and it appears to be working correctly now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Will any of those store wifi passwords?
doncaruana said:
Will any of those store wifi passwords?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Your wifi passwords generally get backed up to Google if you select the proper options for what you want backed up.
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
doncaruana said:
Will any of those store wifi passwords?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I believe SmartSwitch does.
Just want to put it out there that I had AWFUL battery life initially, Google Music and others using waaaay more battery than normal after the in place upgrade and unbearably sluggish (Settings' search would take 30 seconds of spinning wheel at times) . Once I wiped things are finally butter smooth again Now if we can just get Google to fix Maps' bloat..
I'm also not liking the oreo update. I had just done a factory reset 2 weeks before the update came out (talk about bad timing) so i tried not doing it again. The worst has been android Auto. Is is now unusable slow (on chevy headunit). It used to work great, but i think the combination of new versions and oreo have made it to the point i don't even want to used it. Battery hasn't been good either. I guess it's another reset for me.
you can downgrade without issues since the binary stays the same...
