Video recording problem on AICP11 on Jiayu s3 plus - JiaYu S3 Questions & Answers

Hi, i tried to post this issue on page forum
But i'm unable to post.
I found a bug:
The camera take video correctly, but at 1080p cannot reproduce correctly (neither shotted with other camera apps, neither with other player), until i send the video by whatsapp recode.
The shoot at 720 can be shoot and reproduced without any problem.
both file video can be reproduced on PC without problem.
How can we solve?
Best regards. :good:


[Q] Camera recording problem

I have a problem with my camera, but only when i´m recording and i zoom, then when i finish the video it just freeze and the video it's not stored

Video lag issue

I have an issue that I can't seem to find an answer for. I've tried searching google, but I can't seem to find anything that is similar to my problem.
I want to use the camera on my phone to record myself playing guitar. I recorded a quick video while using my PC to record audio at the same time. When I imported the video into my editor and synced up the video with the original song and my audio recording they were out of sync with the video by half way through.
It's like the video I'm recording is lagging as it records and stretching the time out longer than what I actually recorded. Is there any solution to this problem? Has anyone experienced this before?

video jumping

Hi all, I have found a problen with the video cam on the note 4. When I try to move while capturing video, the video jumps/skips. Please look at thw attached video.
I have tried saving video on the built on memory but still the same result. Also tried differwnt settings and resolution to no avail. Anyone else have the same issue?
Youtube video:
I guess Im the only one with this problem....
op updated with a youtube video. You can see the jumping strating from the middle of the video...
Just to update this thread for future reference, I have returned the phone and got a replacement N910C (instead of F). This new one has no problem with camera etc..

Video recording - split 23.07min

I have issue with the video recorder.
All videos are splitted - max time length is 23.07 ( tested in full HD )
I'm shooting video with the stock app. The phone is not rooted.
I want to have possibility to make one video file for one video recording.
How to solve the problem>?

Whatsapp videorecording

Hi all,
I searched the forum but couldn't find a direct answer, but I've got the impression it's a known issue.
It's about my sisters phone. She can't record videos from within whatsapp and the videolight(flash) doesn't work. I did set Footej as standard camera-app, but Whatsapp doesn't seem to care about that. The phone isn't rooted, might that help or is it just not possible to record videos directly from whatsapp? And is Footej the best camera-app for this phone?
Phone runs Mad-OS 8.1

