Change mobile data cycle date - Huawei P9 Lite Questions & Answers

Does anyone know how to change mobile data cycle date?

That can not be changed.
I use <My Data Manager> application for that.


Switching between data connections

My provider offers a push mail service. However to use that service a specific APN needs to be used and that data connection cannot be used for regulare internet traffic. So I would like to be connected to the push mail APN most off the time and switch to the regular APN when I wanna surf or something.
So far I haven't found a way to stop a data connection and to start a specific one. Anybody have any ideas where I could find such a thing?
Specific APN
I'm using vodafone as provider. They have an online tool to create a static that you can install on your mobile device. This dial-up connection is then selectable under active sync settings/ advanced/ connection. Instead of using the setting internet you can select dedicated. This will then automaticly use this setting for the exchange syncro and this will not affect your setting for internet. I've added the cab file. If you extract it you will see the xml and registry entries. Perhaps this can help you.

Switching data roaming on/off

Is there a way to switch data roaming on/off easily on the X2? Somehow I do not seem to find any options (it is very easy on Android phones through a dedicated menu setting in the preferences). Thanks for suggestions!
Normally if you set up ActiveSync properly and you uncheck in Schedule "use above settings when roaming" you ought to be safe. Maybe you should also check the Fast Gps settings to update satellite data manually only. This is about it when it comes to default apps. If you have installed other apps, rss readers, email clients or web browsers you should pay more attention to their connection habits.
Or you can try these apps:
No Data In Roaming: automatically restricts data traffic when roaming.
Data Controller : manually switch data connections.

Data Plan manager?

There was this app on Miui Rom that would let you select wich apps would be able to connect on data plan. Is there any app on Play Store that does the same thing? And that works on S4.
You can simply restrict background data in settings - data usage. Then choose the app then scrool down and tick the restrict background data

How can I delete/erase the data and wifi usage statistics on my device?

I checked all over the net, but could not find the answer to this. I want to know if there is a way to delete/erase the data usage and wifi usage that is saved to my device. My phone is not rooted, so I am really hoping I can do without rooting the phone (I am unable to root it at this point in time).
I was hoping there would be something under application data that I could just clear data/clear cache but I couldn't find anything!
(If not, is there a way to delete the data usage/wifi usage from individual apps? Or from removed apps?)
Thanks guys.
activ mobile data (mobile daten)
then settings (einstellung)
then data usage (datennutzung)
tick on the date (click auf die datum)
scroll down to: changecycle (runte scrollen bis zyclus ändern)
put 1 (1 eingeben)
save (speichern einstll.)
the last month still show the data, but others shoud be 0

Disable Mobile data on SECOND SIM

Hi there,
Seen many posts online, folks explaining how to do it and some ROMs have it, question, does anyone see a clear way of disabling ONLY MOBILE/DATA on 2ND SIM? It seems the enable is for BOTH SIMs... best I could find is use a dummy data-plan, and set the quota to 1MB or smaller value, trying to figure if there's a way to totally shutdown only mobile data, not the actual SIM, so it does not attempt connection (plan-b I've seen folks editing the APN with rubbish, prefer not to go there if possible)..
Thanks for any ideas..
OK, FIGURED This out. This answer is specific to MIUI ROM it might work on other similar devices to 7A..
Two options:
1) Settings-> "SIM Cards & Mobile networks" > "Set data plan" > "Data PLAN" (for SIM2), then in "Peak data limit" set to 1KB, in "When data plan is used up" set "Warn and turn off mobile data" go back one screen, in "Enter data usage" type "10GB", this will automatically EXCEED the limit, and block access to mobile.
second option is:
2) Open the Security Center app, main page will show things to fix, there is a "plugin" named: com.miui.securityadd ("Security service plugin") , however on the security center app the name is not printed, it's an icon of a DROP of WATER, on mine it's second from top on right side, click that then you get the mobile data top-level GUI view.
click "Restrict data usage", under mobile data, check the TOP sim2, the warning "Restrict sim2 mobile data connection from all apps", and clicking restrict will block all apps from sim2/mobile.. there is also a "default apps access" if u really want to account for future apps..
now u know how to disable, only hope you can remember how to REENABLE should the need arise
hopefully will help someone..

