Google text to speech - AT&T Note 7 Questions & Answers

Has anyone able to set up google text to speech on Samsung keyboard? If so,can you post directions on how to do so? I'm not able to get it to work. When I hit the Mic button on the keyboard s voice comes up.

rogerandgina said:
Has anyone able to set up google text to speech on Samsung keyboard? If so,can you post directions on how to do so? I'm not able to get it to work. When I hit the Mic button on the keyboard s voice comes up.
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Has anyone figure this out yet?

Nope, just switched to google keyboard for now.
Sent from my SM-N930P using XDA-Developers mobile app

Hope this helps.

done12many2 said:
Hope this helps.
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Already tried that and it was a no go for me.


[Q] Can I set Google Now to detect voice straight away?

Hey guys can I set Google Now to detect voice as soon as I swipe up? I can't see options and it would be much easier whilst so I can send a text with touching my phone less for safety.
Thanks guys
I tried to do that as well but I didn't find any option. I doubt it's possible with stock phone. But I really hope I'm wrong.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Setting>Voice>Hotword Detection ??
Then after swiping up to open Google Now, you just say "Google" and what you want it to do..
example: "Google, Text Someone Don't Forget the Milk"
UberSlackr said:
Setting>Voice>Hotword Detection ??
Then after swiping up to open Google Now, you just say "Google" and what you want it to do..
example: "Google, Text Someone Don't Forget the Milk"
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I don't see that option on my phone... :S
UberSlackr said:
Setting>Voice>Hotword Detection ??
Then after swiping up to open Google Now, you just say "Google" and what you want it to do..
example: "Google, Text Someone Don't Forget the Milk"
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Instead of voice its "language and input".
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Saying "Google" to start voice detection should be on by default. At least I've always had it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Hotword is a US only thing.
Rusty! said:
Hotword is a US only thing.
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This, your language must be set to "English (US)" for the hotword to work. I tried it out for a while (I'm from the UK) but I didn't use it so switched back.
James086 said:
This, your language must be set to "English (US)" for the hotword to work. I tried it out for a while (I'm from the UK) but I didn't use it so switched back.
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Good shout. This works.

Kit Kat Launcher + Note 3

Is anyone using this combo yet?
I have it installed, however, I am quite annoyed. When I hit the home button back to the home screen of the Kit Kat Launcher, the keyboard pops up. It's basically seeing google now "listening" on the homescreen and thinking that I want to type in it right away.
It would be the same function as if I hit a search button, the keyboard pops right away.
any help would be awesomeeeeeee!
BossJ said:
Is anyone using this combo yet?
I have it installed, however, I am quite annoyed. When I hit the home button back to the home screen of the Kit Kat Launcher, the keyboard pops up. It's basically seeing google now "listening" on the homescreen and thinking that I want to type in it right away.
It would be the same function as if I hit a search button, the keyboard pops right away.
any help would be awesomeeeeeee!
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See here:
Not having this problem. I have 4.4: hangouts Google now,Google services, Google keyboard, and Google services
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
I imagine that you have to be rooted?
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
XzxBATTxzX said:
Not having this problem. I have 4.4: hangouts Google now,Google services, Google keyboard, and Google services
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
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I figured it out. It's because of DPI changes...
At least for me...
XzxBATTxzX said:
Not having this problem. I have 4.4: hangouts Google now,Google services, Google keyboard, and Google services
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
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Are u able to send/receive MMS w/o crashes?
Nope. Fcs every time. When it happens I turn off data cancel the message then turn data back on
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
Mine works fine. The only problem is Google search force closing when its on english (us) setting.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Euforeik said:
Mine works fine. The only problem is Google search force closing when its on english (us) setting.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
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justsayinbro said:
Initially, Google Search kept crashing, even after trying the languages trick. Using the lib file recommended by @docnok63 worked perfectly. Saying, "Ok Google" from the any of your Homescreens or Google Now activates voice search. All search queries performed were successful and crash free.
(Rename the original to before copying.) (Tested, confirmed working! )
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Try that.
justsayinbro said:
Try that.
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Worked perfectly for me
Sent from my Verizon Galaxy Note 3
Anyone successfully get the 4.4 GoogleTTS working from this thread:
It installed fine, but force closes on me when I select it.
The .zip file method never worked for me, so I was hoping that this .apk method might have better luck
[FWIW, .zip method located here:]

"hey google" not showing up...

So. I loaded up the Nexsys 5, Google home, PrebuiltGmsCore and Velvet apks on the Hyper 1.1 Rom. All works fine, except, I don't get the "say Google" on the google search bar.
I tried the moving off English US to UK and back.. but that didn't help.
Also, one iteration of me playing around, it was there for a brief time and then gone when I reloaded... so I know its possible, just don't know enough about the way its setup to know what to look for.
Any help would be great!
Do you have Google text to speech enable and downloaded?
Sent from my VZW Galaxy Note 3
Southern_mind said:
Do you have Google text to speech enable and downloaded?
Sent from my VZW Galaxy Note 3
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No... That's what initiates it?
I'll try and let you know..
Didn't work.. still no "hey google"
Sent from my SM-N900V using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
On the Google launcher, MENU > SETTINGS > VOICE > HOTWORD DETECTION - set Enabled.
Thanks saw that.. but it's already checked.
Sent from my SM-N900V using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
paulsg63 said:
So. I loaded up the Nexsys 5, Google home, PrebuiltGmsCore and Velvet apks on the Hyper 1.1 Rom. All works fine, except, I don't get the "say Google" on the google search bar.
I tried the moving off English US to UK and back.. but that didn't help.
Also, one iteration of me playing around, it was there for a brief time and then gone when I reloaded... so I know its possible, just don't know enough about the way its setup to know what to look for.
Any help would be great!
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Let me ask this question...
Others that have loaded these files and are using the Google launcher... Does the "say Google" come up on your search bar?
No matter what Rom. Just wanted to know if its working at all.
paulsg63 said:
Let me ask this question...
Others that have loaded these files and are using the Google launcher... Does the "say Google" come up on your search bar?
No matter what Rom. Just wanted to know if its working at all.
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OK FIXED!!!!!!!!!
This is what I did...
Under Language and Input, > Google voice typing, >settings >Offline speech recognition.
Go to the all tab and make sure English (US) is the only option and re-download it.
Thanks for all the suggestions...
paulsg63 said:
OK FIXED!!!!!!!!!
This is what I did...
Under Language and Input, > Google voice typing, >settings >Offline speech recognition.
Go to the all tab and make sure English (US) is the only option and re-download it.
Thanks for all the suggestions...
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This fixed it for me.
I finally rooted and OTA'd today and I thought I borked it somehow.
hoyter said:
This fixed it for me.
I finally rooted and OTA'd today and I thought I borked it somehow.
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Awesome.. glad it helped.
The phrase is ok Google lol
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
paulsg63 said:
OK FIXED!!!!!!!!!
This is what I did...
Under Language and Input, > Google voice typing, >settings >Offline speech recognition.
Go to the all tab and make sure English (US) is the only option and re-download it.
Thanks for all the suggestions...
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I did that and my phone would not go into deep sleep. Checked my wake locks and Google search was keeping the phone up. Un installed the language pack update and my phone is deep sleeping again. Might just be me, but you might Check. It was killing my battery.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
I updated to the newest search and now no matter what I do I can get OK Google to work. I've tried everything in the past post.
Sent from my VZW Galaxy Note 3

TMo official KK, OK GOOGLE hotword not working?

So I just jumped in to google search since updating to KK, spoke out OK GOOGLE, and nothing. Checked all my settings, made sure voice is english US, hotword detection is ON, but nothing....if you hit the microphone it wakes up and works, but it no longer has hotword detection any more for me.
Any one else?
stevessvt said:
So I just jumped in to google search since updating to KK, spoke out OK GOOGLE, and nothing. Checked all my settings, made sure voice is english US, hotword detection is ON, but nothing....if you hit the microphone it wakes up and works, but it no longer has hotword detection any more for me.
Any one else?
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It does not work like that, if you are on the goggle search app and say ok google it activates the voice command but if you grab the google launcher apk from here ( ) it might work (haven't tried it so don't know)
XxZombiePikachu said:
It does not work like that, if you are on the goggle search app and say ok google it activates the voice command but if you grab the google launcher apk from here ( ) it might work (haven't tried it so don't know)
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Lol, Im sorry, I guess I wasnt clear, I mean in the google search app, you would say OK GOOGLE and it would activate. It no longer does for me. And I have cleared data/cache for google search as well as downgrading the app, still wont activate hotword detection
stevessvt said:
Lol, Im sorry, I guess I wasnt clear, I mean in the google search app, you would say OK GOOGLE and it would activate. It no longer does for me.
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have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
XxZombiePikachu said:
have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
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Sorry, I updated my last post with that info, yes I downgraded the app, didnt help. I cleared cache/data, didnt help, updated again, nothing.
I don't know what's wrong maybe someone else running 4.4.2 on t-mo can offer some help
It does work under googles 'voice search' app, but not the google search app.
Yes I know the search app
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda app-developers app
Also running 4.4.2 on T-Mobile LG G2 (D801) and having the same issue. Worked before the 4.4.2 upgrade, now it doesn't. Still works if you click the mic icon and talk, but doesn't recognize "OK google" as a hotword anymore. Hopefully there will be a patch soon, as the update was only just released 5 days ago (not even OTA yet). If anyone knows how to fix, let me know as well. I have tried the same steps (uninstalling updates, clear cache, re-install updates). Checked settings and hotword is enabled. Thanks!
Make sure to enable Google Now and Hotword Detection.
Also make sure your system language is English (US).
Already checked that. Turned Google Now off and back on as well as hotword detection to see if it fixed it which it did not. I sent feedback to Google that is was not working via the send feedback button. Hopefully it is just a bug and will be patched soon.
Fix for hotword detection!
Go to system settings/General/Accessibility,
Turn off On-Screen Phone,
Google Hotword detection will work again.
jon_williamson said:
Already checked that. Turned Google Now off and back on as well as hotword detection to see if it fixed it which it did not. I sent feedback to Google that is was not working via the send feedback button. Hopefully it is just a bug and will be patched soon.
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ejf529 said:
Go to system settings/General/Accessibility,
Turn off On-Screen Phone,
Google Hotword detection will work again.
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And I thought on-screen phone was a really cool feature. Was looking forward to using it. Until they work together I guess I will just have to make sure I turn off on-screen phone when not in use. Thanks for the tip! You are a gem to the community.
jon_williamson said:
And I thought on-screen phone was a really cool feature. Was looking forward to using it. Until they work together I guess I will just have to make sure I turn off on-screen phone when not in use. Thanks for the tip! You are a gem to the community.
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Just updated to kitkat on my Tmobile LG G2 - when to settings, general, accessibility... I don't see any "on-screen phone" to turn on or off... Anyone that can assist, I'd appreciate it.
Google now screen. Settings. Voice. Offline speech. Download the English file.
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
Sfkn2 said:
Google now screen. Settings. Voice. Offline speech. Download the English file.
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
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Thanks, but that didn't make okay google work from home screen. (Works fine if I go into google now, but that kinda defeats the purpose).
Learnerspermit said:
Thanks, but that didn't make okay google work from home screen. (Works fine if I go into google now, but that kinda defeats the purpose).
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Let me guess, you aren't using the nexus launcher, which is the only launcher that allows you to use 'OK Google' from main screen.
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
Sfkn2 said:
Let me guess, you aren't using the nexus launcher, which is the only launcher that allows you to use 'OK Google' from main screen.
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
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No, I'm not I was using the LG launcher that came with the rooted kitkat I just installed... I like the LG UI, so if it requires changing that, I'll pass. Thanks for the info.
However, I'm still confused as to why "on screen phone" doesn't show up in my settings/general/accessibility. That doesn't have anything to do with a launcher.
Learnerspermit said:
No, I'm not I was using the LG launcher that came with the rooted kitkat I just installed... I like the LG UI, so if it requires changing that, I'll pass. Thanks for the info.
However, I'm still confused as to why "on screen phone" doesn't show up in my settings/general/accessibility. That doesn't have anything to do with a launcher.
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You know on screen phone doesn't come preinstalled for non-factory 4.4.2 t mobile G2s, right? You would have to install it yourself.
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
Sfkn2 said:
You know on screen phone doesn't come preinstalled for non-factory 4.4.2 t mobile G2s, right? You would have to install it yourself.
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
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Probably sounds stupid here, but what do you mean non-factory 4.4.2?
I'm using the current OTA 4.4.2 that was just modified to allow rooting, other than that it's the same as anyone that updated OTA.
But again, if it's a required install to get, why would not having it stop the "okay google" from working on the google mic ribbon on the home page? If I click the mic it works fine.

writing message

hi, i have a note 3 with stock rom 4.4.2, i can't write messages dictation, When I bought the phone this feature was there, now I can't find the key, can you help me to solve?
In settings may u have selected hangout as default messaging app instead of stock messaging app.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Free mobile app
jdomadia said:
In settings may u have selected hangout as default messaging app instead of stock messaging app.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Free mobile app
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There is no longer the key to write from dictation.
Let's hope that fixxes it, but let us know. It might help others.
HanZie82 said:
1st: View attachment 2717852
Then: View attachment 2717853
Let's hope that fixxes it, but let us know. It might help others.
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i don't have "google voice typing"
ipernexus said:
i don't have "google voice typing"
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Hmm but that might be the problem then. I hope its available on Google Play.
HanZie82 said:
Hmm but that might be the problem then. I hope its available on Google Play.
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can you give me the link of the app?
ipernexus said:
can you give me the link of the app?
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Have you disabled Google Search?
If so, try enabling it and see if the Voice thingy is back.
HanZie82 said:
Have you disabled Google Search?
If so, try enabling it and see if the Voice thingy is back.
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i solve the problem enabling google search
