Really low notification volume when wired headset plugged in (stock image) - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S7 Questions & Answers

Longtime Android user here, with a Shiny New Verizon S7, stock (Android 6.0.1, model SM-6930V). However, I have an odd issue. I have the volumes for the various events set per my preferences. None are at full volume, and they all play at my preset volumes.
However, if I plug in a wired headset (connect it to the aux input jack in my car), notifications are really quiet as if at the lowest setting, regardless of the volume level I actually had set. If I'm playing music (say, Pandora) when a notification fires, the music volume is automatically lowered as usual, but the notification sound is low. Music returns to normal once the notification sound has finished playing.
If, while plugged in, I go to the volume settings, the sliders are where I left them. If I move the notification volume slider around, it doesn't change the notification volume (unless I slide it to 'off', where it does turn the volume all the way down).
I've downloaded a few different apps to try to fix this, to no avail.
Odd, and frustrating, behavior.
Has anyone seen this, or have any ideas? It's a company phone, so I can't root it. :-/



Wizard volume control: WTF?

I think I just about destroyed my hearing this morning starting up some tunes on TCPMP. With volume level at 1, it was so loud that my ears are in pain right now. I can never seem to get the volume to work properly with the headphones that came with the device.. either the music is too loud, phone too soft, system noises too loud, etc.. Has anyone had this issue? Also, what's up with only 6 volume level settings? Is there some kind of a 3rd party volume control around that might fix some of my problems?
normalise them with any wav/mp3 editors 1st...
have you tried adjusting your headphone volume? Probably it's set to too loud thats why even at volume 1 it's blasting.
1)Use the volume slider on the headphone cable
2)Set TCPMP not to use the system volume. That way I always have the system sound at max setting, and then set between TCPMP's setting and the headphones' one.
TCPMP volume etc.
I have the system volume disabled and use the pre-amp's volume on TCPMP, which, incidentally, you can set at 0%, 25%, 75% and 100%. 25% is MORE than adequate when watching movies etc. I only use MORTPLAYER for music and I also don't use the system volume.
I leave system volume at 100%.

Playing music

Hello everyone, I have some questions about listening to music I did a search on the forums, but couldn't find an answer.
How can I fix that the music player stops when I turn off the screen when no earphone is plugged in?
Is there a way to set the music volume lower when the earphone is plugged in, now I need to set the sound to the lowest sound bar (wich cannot be done by the volume buttons) and when I stop I listening music I need to put it back on the normal level (60%).
Is it possible to listen to music with my earphones when the phone is on vibrate mode?
I use sennheiser earphones.
I have already a register editor installed so editing won't be a problem.
Thank you for your time
How can I fix that the music player stops when I turn off the screen when no earphone is plugged in?
If you go to, it will show you how to set up Gyrator. One of the things which you can make Gyrator do is turn the screen off (if for example you were to turn the HD face down), but make sure you set "Turn Screen Off" and not "Suspend Device." Suspending the device is what happens when you press the power buttom which causes the music to cut off. This might be possible to obtain with Gsen and changeScreen, though i have not tried.
Is there a way to set the music volume lower when the earphone is plugged in, now I need to set the sound to the lowest sound bar (wich cannot be done by the volume buttons) and when I stop I listening music I need to put it back on the normal level (60%).
You can set the volume to the lowest bar by draging it down with your finger instead of the physical vol buttons. Another way is to go to settings (in TF3D) and then sound and set it from there. (I hope this answers this question, as I'm not really sure what you're asking....sorry)
Is it possible to listen to music with my earphones when the phone is on vibrate mode?
Yes and No, what is possible is to listen to music(at any volume you'd like) and have the phone vibrate like you want. Why no?, because technically the phone is not set to vibrate.....but the same thing is obtained; if someone calls, the phone will not ring and only vibrate.
In order to obtain this, make sure you have Ring & Vibrate (or Vibrate only) enabled as your normal Ring profile (once again in settings/configurationsTab(TF3D)>Sounds; obtainable through windows too). Then set your system sound to w/e you want the music to be playing at and the ring sound all the way down. This way the phone will not ring (0 volume) but still vibrate.
If any of this was unclear, I appologize (writing from memory)
Post if you need help

[Q] Volume changes after some events

This one has been bugging me for a while and for the most part I've just worked around it (by manually triggering the bug/fix myself first).
The situation is that X1 starts off at a particular volume level, and I start listening to music via PocketPlayer though from what I can tell it happens regardless. It sounds "ok", but noticeably flat? I dunno like a mono audio file even volume turned up, although I can't confirm that. Just describing.
OK the bug - if some kind of event happens, the volume suddenly jumps up, without actually changing the setting. So I'll be listening to music and if one of the following occurs:
1. receive or send an SMS/MMS
2. I toggle the phone function, i.e. turn off phone radio. when I turn it back on the volume doesn't change
the volume jumps up, and I have to say the music sounds much better. On the flip side, when the phone happens to ring, it's loud as hell, distorts like hell and annoys everyone in the process. The ringtone volume just sounds over-the-top.
Now I'm pretty sure it's not the music player because #2 (toggling the phone) seems to affect the volume already. The message box alert sound on toggling the phone seems louder the second time.
Anyone have or notice this issue?
The only volume threads I find are all about a low constant volume and don't sound like this one. FWIW I did try the reg changes anyway. It still varies.

[Q] Stock unrooted Nexus 4 volume question?

Could not find a thread that mentioned this issue so started a new one. If there is one, please link me. I am on stock unrooted N4 and love it. In the last couple of weeks I have noticed something odd with volume when playing google music app. I can be listening to a song and if I hit volume up. I get the ringer volume level which is already set pretty high but, moving the bar left or right does not change the volume of the song I am listening to. Other times when I am listening to a google play song and hit the volume, I get the speaker icon showing midway in the bar and I am able to raise or lower volume of song ok. The volume at midpoint when listening to music app is high and can increase even more but, when the ringer volume displays in google music app, the overall volume is half as loud and lose notification sound for incoming texts and mail.
The only way to resolve this issue is to reboot or power off the phone. I am using light flow and I wonder if the app's volume setting are causing the problem. If so, I may remove light flow lite app.
Ian B

Gmail Notifications at full volume despite volume turned down

Hi all -
Has anyone else experienced this?
For some reason, my Gmail notifications come in at full volume, despite the fact that I have my Notifications volume turned down. All my other notifications appear to be fairly quiet, as per the volume setting.
At first, I thought it might be Gmail using a different audio path (such as Ringtone). So I turned those down as well. Still came through full volume.
I'm using the same sound file from my S6, which is normal volume, so I know it's not a loud file.
Any thoughts on what else I could check?
GS7 edge on AT&T

