USB Debugging. not working. - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

(Had to repost since no one replies on the sprint section of the G2)
So my friend bought an LS 980 which still has 4.4.2 Kitkat on it. but it doesnt show any networks.
Im trying to unlock this phone but somehow USB Debugging isnt showing up on the notification tab.
and yes i did a lot of research, (installed drivers both adb and LG drivers already and checked usb debugging in developer options)
I've been struggling to get it working since yesterday.
Hope someone can help me out so i can return this phone to him asap thanks
(been through a lot of pages already about usb debugging but none help though.....)


xDroidZz said:
(Had to repost since no one replies on the sprint section of the G2)
So my friend bought an LS 980 which still has 4.4.2 Kitkat on it. but it doesnt show any networks.
Im trying to unlock this phone but somehow USB Debugging isnt showing up on the notification tab.
and yes i did a lot of research, (installed drivers both adb and LG drivers already and checked usb debugging in developer options)
I've been struggling to get it working since yesterday.
Hope someone can help me out so i can return this phone to him asap thanks
(been through a lot of pages already about usb debugging but none help though.....)
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makr sure to check usb cable or changr it.
try with different cable.
check usb connection mode not to charge only.
check usb debugging option with cable pluged in and connected to mobile weither debugging option is visible or dim..

aslamjarh said:
makr sure to check usb cable or changr it.
try with different cable.
check usb connection mode not to charge only.
check usb debugging option with cable pluged in and connected to mobile weither debugging option is visible or dim..
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Thanks for the reply, but usb debugging wouldn't come out in the notification tab somehow. it grays out after i checked it in developer options and plugged in using the USB, i used Sony and samsung cables btw, is LG usb cables really required?. and i tried all modes already when i plug it in, PTP, MTP and the other ones.
Is it the cables the problem? been stuck for many days already.


Yes, another DRIVERS DONT WORK thread..

Hey guys, just got my Tab a few days ago, its unlocked and its working great. I want to root, but my PC wont recognize it (running win7) and it says the USB device has malfunctioned... wth? I searched through some threads about the drivers, and ive tried 4 different ones, restarted my PC, AND my Tab, with no luck. No, USB Debugging is not enabled. (not a noob, just, simply not working)
Any ideas? I would appreciate it
I just got my tab 3hours ago. I got it to work.
Here are what i've done
1.go to control panel and see if samsung usb driver is there. If it is, uninstall it.
2.disable usb debugging on the tab
3.connect the tab to the computer.
Thats wht worked for me. Hope it helps. And yes, samsung has really got to work on the usb thing.
Unzip and run the attached file. Delete any old unused USB device and delete any Android, Samsung or other related device then reinstall Samsung drivers.
NovaFox238 said:
Hey guys, just got my Tab a few days ago, its unlocked and its working great. I want to root, but my PC wont recognize it (running win7) and it says the USB device has malfunctioned... wth? I searched through some threads about the drivers, and ive tried 4 different ones, restarted my PC, AND my Tab, with no luck. No, USB Debugging is not enabled. (not a noob, just, simply not working)
Any ideas? I would appreciate it
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This helped me: my computer tower has front and back USB ports. Back USB ports are directly embedded in the motherboard, front USB ports are a wire run from the case plugged into the motherboard, but the front USB ports are on a different chip.
When I first tried using the ADB debugger with Android, ADB would not even find my device if I plugged the device into the front USB ports. If I move the cord to the back USB ports, everything works properly. Maybe this is your issue?
Thanks guys, I believe I got it working.

[Q] USB Debugging Not Working

I've googled and searched everywhere for this, but no luck. I got the S4 yesterday (AT&T) and i went through the steps to turn on developer options for the new 4.2.2 jellybean to get access to the USB debugging option. I turn USB debugging on and hook it up to my computer and it will not install the ADB interface driver (needed for PDAnet). The phone connects as if USB debugging is not turned on saying "connected as a media device" and keeps giving me the option on the computer to access storage. Anyone or everyone else having this problem?
urn357 said:
I've googled and searched everywhere for this, but no luck. I got the S4 yesterday (AT&T) and i went through the steps to turn on developer options for the new 4.2.2 jellybean to get access to the USB debugging option. I turn USB debugging on and hook it up to my computer and it will not install the ADB interface driver (needed for PDAnet). The phone connects as if USB debugging is not turned on saying "connected as a media device" and keeps giving me the option on the computer to access storage. Anyone or everyone else having this problem?
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Did you install the drivers? Did you have the phone connected when you enabled it? If so disconnect and reconnect.
urn357 said:
I've googled and searched everywhere for this, but no luck. I got the S4 yesterday (AT&T) and i went through the steps to turn on developer options for the new 4.2.2 jellybean to get access to the USB debugging option. I turn USB debugging on and hook it up to my computer and it will not install the ADB interface driver (needed for PDAnet). The phone connects as if USB debugging is not turned on saying "connected as a media device" and keeps giving me the option on the computer to access storage. Anyone or everyone else having this problem?
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I did the same thing and it worked for me tho..
Also, you may want to check your phone's screen after you connect it to the computer. I had to "accept" my computer's RSA key before adb could detect the device.
crawrj said:
Did you install the drivers? Did you have the phone connected when you enabled it? If so disconnect and reconnect.
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I've done everything and tried everything I know to. I have restarted the computer, the phone, enabled and disabled usb debugging while it's connected to the pc and no conncected. I've installed the drivers PDAnet says to, but still my phone connects as if usb debugging is not on (says connected as media and pc doesn't recognize and install the adb driver). Is there anything I'm missing?
Dare{D}evil said:
I did the same thing and it worked for me tho..
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Did you do anything different besides just turn on usb debugging?
urn357 said:
I've done everything and tried everything I know to. I have restarted the computer, the phone, enabled and disabled usb debugging while it's connected to the pc and no conncected. I've installed the drivers PDAnet says to, but still my phone connects as if usb debugging is not on (says connected as media and pc doesn't recognize and install the adb driver). Is there anything I'm missing?
Did you do anything different besides just turn on usb debugging?
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All I did was install install the S4 drivers from Samsung. Enabled USB Debugging. Plugged it into the computer. Waited for the drivers to finish setting up. Disconnected and reconnected again just to make sure drivers were loaded. And launched ADB. Nothing else.
Edit: Oh almost forgot. I got a message on the phone saying something about a computer trying to connect do you allow it. I hit always allow or something. Sorry don't remember exactly was too long ago. That is probably it because if you weren't watching the screen you wouldn't see it.
Edit2: LOL just saw captawsm's post. Yes what he said.
captawsm said:
Also, you may want to check your phone's screen after you connect it to the computer. I had to "accept" my computer's RSA key before adb could detect the device.
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crawrj said:
All I did was install install the S4 drivers from Samsung. Enabled USB Debugging. Plugged it into the computer. Waited for the drivers to finish setting up. Disconnected and reconnected again just to make sure drivers were loaded. And launched ADB. Nothing else.
Edit: Oh almost forgot. I got a message on the phone saying something about a computer trying to connect do you allow it. I hit always allow or something. Sorry don't remember exactly was too long ago. That is probably it because if you weren't watching the screen you wouldn't see it.
Edit2: LOL just saw captawsm's post. Yes what he said.
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You guys on AT&T? I never got that message. I know nothing ever popped up like that. Did you get the actual driver from Samsung website for your phone? I just tried installed the one pdanet offered.
urn357 said:
You guys on AT&T? I never got that message. I know nothing ever popped up like that. Did you get the actual driver from Samsung website for your phone? I just tried installed the one pdanet offered.
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I did not install any other drivers was all default but it did ask me to confirm the computer's RSA key
Hallelujah! I finally got it working! It must of been a driver install quirk on my pc. For anyone else with this prob who used a previous phone with pdanet on the same pc like I did ( I used a samsung infuse prior). I went and uninstalled the samsung drivers that were already on my pc and then went to the samsung site and installed the newest ones they had. Hooked the phone back up and after about 6 or 7 seconds (have no idea why it took so long) the drivers on the pc started installing again and cha ching usb debugging was working correctly. The RSA thing popped up after that.
Thanks guys for assuring me it was only my problem and not a mass-wide problem to make me troubleshoot further.
I've been having the same problem but can't seem to find the drivers on the Samsung website. Could you please post the link?
If your computer recognized (and installs drivers) when your S4 is connected via usb (not in developer mode) but does NOT recognize your S4 when connected with USB debugging this is what you might need to do. It took me 2.5 hours to find this.
Remember to have your phone set to MTP + ADB mode.
to do this:
in phone mode type *#0808#
Choose : AP on upper part and
for USB Setting, choose : MTP.

[Q] Usb Debugging enabled but not showing on phone.

OK so I have a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S4 SPH-L720T I have rooted and flashed to Page plus with no problems. I reflashed back to stock to NAF and did all the Updates to NG5. I have enabled Developer options and have usb debug enabled. I cannot for life of get the phone to show up as usb debugging enabled. So now I am having trouble with anything I do with DFS or Wireless Workshop that requires usb debugging to be used. I have tried different usb cords and different usb ports and have uninstalled and reinstalled samsung drivers and still cant get the phone itself to show usb debugging enabled in the pull down screen on the phone. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have searched and found one post with a similar problem but no resolutions to it. Mods and admins I apologize if this is posted in the wrong section/forum please move if need be. Thanks.

Unknown Device on PC

And try everything and I can not more . The phone works correctly, but does not detect the pc ( Unknown Device) even if the drivers installed , USB debugging activated and deactivated ... MTP on and off. I think it's time to change mobile.:crying::crying::crying:
Sorry for my bad English:crying:
edisondem said:
And try everything and I can not more . The phone works correctly, but does not detect the pc ( Unknown Device) even if the drivers installed , USB debugging activated and deactivated ... MTP on and off. I think it's time to change mobile.:crying::crying::crying:
Sorry for my bad English:crying:
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does it detect it shile in twrp conected? if so
but no on when you are using the phone.? i have this problem what solved mine was reformat my laptop always fix it.
I tried everything
raptorddd said:
does it detect it shile in twrp conected? if so
but no on when you are using the phone.? i have this problem what solved mine was reformat my laptop always fix it.
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the PC does not detect it in any way , only slow charge. I've tried everything but nothing works :crying::crying::crying:..... sorry for my bad English
edisondem said:
the PC does not detect it in any way , only slow charge. I've tried everything but nothing works :crying::crying::crying:..... sorry for my bad English
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Reformat computer or try different computer
Assuming, you have no problem with your USB port, USB cable, installed latest LG USB Driver 4.0.4, running Windows 7 or 10...
We need more detailed info from your part to tackle this problem. Are you running on stock rom, kitkat or lollipop? Are your rooted and do you have TWRP recovery?
Then, you need to disable "USB debugging" from the "Developer options" menu. Then replug your USB cable and you can now select MTP instead of charging only mode. Good luck.
Shout out to @raptorddd
cglegion said:
Assuming, you have no problem with your USB port, USB cable, installed latest LG USB Driver 4.0.4, running Windows 7 or 10...
We need more detailed info from your part to tackle this problem. Are you running on stock rom, kitkat or lollipop? Are your rooted and do you have TWRP recovery?
Then, you need to disable "USB debugging" from the "Developer options" menu. Then replug your USB cable and you can now select MTP instead of charging only mode. Good luck.
Shout out to @raptorddd
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i have fought the no mtp problem and everytime i lost. if you try new things they just dont work. what has worked was to reformat computer then it will work..
I had the same problem with my G2. Unknown usb device, and the error was: "unable to get device descriptor" or something similar. Tried all software solution without success, so i have started to looking for hardware defect. I've changed the usb module, but no success. So, as a last chance, tried another mainboard. And "tadaaaa"... That was the problem. So, start to look for a working g2 with cracked screen, as i did.

Pc not detecting android but charging

Hi Basically plugged my S4 i9505 in via usb. Nothing shows in my computer, but phone remains charging. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling all samsung usb drivers but it does nothing. Tried installing kies/older usb drivers, still no luck. Regardless of if there are drivers or not on my pc, there is no detection what so ever. My pc is detecting my second S4 I9505 perfectly. Anyone know the solution to this?
majorr92 said:
Hi Basically plugged my S4 i9505 in via usb. Nothing shows in my computer, but phone remains charging. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling all samsung usb drivers but it does nothing. Tried installing kies/older usb drivers, still no luck. Regardless of if there are drivers or not on my pc, there is no detection what so ever. My pc is detecting my second S4 I9505 perfectly. Anyone know the solution to this?
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Tap 5 times buildnumber in settings menu under: about phone to open developer settings. Enable USB debugging. Now you can choose what to do when phone is plugged in pc.
lekiaM said:
Tap 5 times buildnumber in settings menu under: about phone to open developer settings. Enable USB debugging. Now you can choose what to do when phone is plugged in pc.
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USB debugging is Enable still nothing happen
USB debugging is not required in order to have the phone recognized by the computer.
Have you tried different USB cables and USB ports? Is the phone detected on other computers?
i had the same problem.... and we found out that the pins or the usb connection sh1t from the phone doesn`t make good contact. si try to push a little but or force up and down the usb cable to the usb from phone maybe you will manage to find a stable connection or something.
when i connect to phone to the pc i have to hold the usb cable connected to the phone in a weird position. that works for me
