Stock G928A will not boot with battery connected - Galaxy S6 Edge+ Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Long-time lurker, first time posting on this forum. I have a SM-G928A S6 Edge+ that is only a week or so old that ran down and will not boot again. No signs of life at all, and no amount or combination of buttons will get it to display anything. If I disconnect the battery (I repair cell phones professionally), and plug the device in, I get the normal charging screen, and the phone will even boot correctly and run for about 30 seconds before rebooting. I replaced the battery with a new one, and it does the same thing. With either battery connected, no button combo, charging, anything will get the display to turn on. Nothing displays - completely black. There is no accessing recovery, no logo, no safe mode; staring at a black screen. If I disconnect the battery, it operates almost completely normally. Bone stock phone. Any ideas anyone?


Is my phone dead?

Noticed my E900 was unexpectedly powered off. Tried to switch on and got the LG logo for 3-4 seconds, then... nothing. Seems to power off. Failed to boot?
Subsequently, power button did nothnig. After removing/replacing battery and powering on, I get the same LG logo for a few seconds, then nothing.
The LG logo tells me it isn't a dead screen. Connected to PC/Zune and nothing seen.
Are there any button combinations to do a reset?
I have ordered a new battery, but I think that's unlikely to help.
Any thoughts?
I had already tried charging the phone of course, and had left it plugged in for several hours. No change, still as dead as ever.
But later I connected to a PC. No sign of life from there, but I happened to leave it connected. An hour or so later I noticed it was displaying the almost-full-screen picture of a battery, with a small fraction of green at the bottom.
So it seems the battery had been totally drained to the point it was (almost) unrecoverable. Perhaps it was the low-current trickle from USB that got it going again.
Back up and running now. Glad I didn't panic and buy a new phone!

[Q] LG G2 Won't turn on, cannot get to download mode

My AT&T LG G2 (plain D800) is rooted, and has Xposed installed on it (I'm not sure if this caused the issue or not), but here's what I'm having problems with:
I was playing a game, when all of a sudden the phone froze (no biggie, it's done it before, I've held the power button to force restart it, and it works), but the phone shut off on it's own, and would/will not turn back on.
Tge LG boot logo comes up intermittently when I hold power and volume up, but only sometimes. The phone has only twice now gotten to the AT&T logo, but freezes immediately and shuts down. I've tried literally every combination of holding buttons, for up to 70 seconds at a time, both on the charger, off the charger, and while plugging into the charger.
I cannot get to download mode, I cannot get to TWRP, and can obviously not boot into the phone. I had made no changes in weeks prior to this happening, so I can't see why or how something with my phone being rooted would cause the problem.
I've left the phone charged overnight before performing the actions (the phone won't even show battery percentage), so I don't think it's a dead battery issue. Everything I've read so far seems to say that the battery chip has died and needs to be replaced. Somehow I don't think it's the problem.
I'm fully willing to completely wipe the rom, and everything on it, as long as I can get the phone working again. However I cannot boot into download mode to use ADB or anything.
Is my phone completely bricked? Or is there a chance that the battery chip really is fried? Please help!
I left the phone charging some more, and decided to try volume up and power (while plugged in). The phone actually went into download mode for about 5 seconds before shutting off again. I tried doing the same steps, but nothing will come up again. It appears to be an issue with the battery on the device. Does anyone else think otherwise? Or will I have to send it in for a new battery? (The phone is less than a year old so I don't want to void the warranty anymore than rooting, which they wouldn't be able to tell since it won't turn on anyways).
Update Again:
I can get the phone to show the LG logo/download mode on a fairly consistent basis, sometimes showing a static screen (colored noise, not monotone), sometimes a blue screen, but it will shut off after 5-6 seconds every time.
Hey, I do not want to announce bad but by your description it seems that did you mother board, go to the lab to make sure, I had something similar and I replaced the motherboard and my phone came on time, check if the device is still under warranty has a good chance to replace you under warranty, good luck.

[Q] Help with potentially bricked S4 [Xposed]

--- This may belong in the Xposed forum, I am uncertain. ---
Hello. Please forgive my ignorance regarding the technical aspects of methods discussed on these forums.
I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 supplied by Vodafone Australia. This was received today as a replacement for a screen issue I had with my previous S4. On the previous S4, I had rooted using a Saferoot method as read about on this forum. Later I had installed Xposed to use Keepchat and everything was fine. Today I have rooted this replacement phone successfully using the same method, and then moved to install Xposed. The Xposed application required an update, the very first option in the app was red and suggested an update or a reboot, and the reboot did nothing, so I pressed update. The phone turned off but didn't restart. I tried the usual button presses and battery pulls and finally a simple power up using the standard power button started the phone up. It got as far as the lock screen I believe, before shutting down again. It is now unresponsive. It wont turn on, enter the boot menu (multi button holding method) or charge. I believe the battery is quite low at this point, and unable to charge, causing me some consternation. It has now been over 30 minutes with no response.
If anyone could provide a resolution to this issue, I would be extremely thankful.
Try and ask in this forum my friend good luck
Hello again.
I have an update on my situation.
I left the phone on charge and it eventually turned on by itself. I played around with it for a while and it seemed OK. Eventually it turned off again. I had to pull the battery to get it to turn back on. After starting up again, getting to the lockscreen, it turned off again. This process repeated many times, until I got frustrated.
The next day I thought I'd try a factory reset via volume up + power, and the device managed to stay on long enough for this to complete. After the phone reset, I used it for a while and again it turned off. The same cycle continued.
Perhaps the phone is naturally faulty, despite my rooting attempt, as it was a refurbished model. I am quite happy to return it for another replacement under warranty, however I may not be able to do it as the device is rooted. I would gladly remove the root using stock firmware and Odin, however the phone resets after a few seconds of entering download mode.
Any advice?
Sounds to me you have a faulty power button. It's somehow stuck that's why it even reboots in download mode. It's a common problem for the S4. Try to wedge it or replace it.
if it is refurbished model it might as well be dead battery.
battery sensor detects "low battery" state and shutdown phone saying battery 0% - to protect battery against fully depleted state (damaging to max capacity or even impossible to charge at some point)
if you power it on again it will boot and say it has like 1% left and you will be able to use it for few more moments, but doing so will degrade your battery.
powering it on, going to lock screen for it to shutdown on its own again sounds like weak power source
imagine above scenario happening several times (previous owner of the phone kept "reviving" it after shutdown due to battery 0%)
that would resulted in battery able to hold only fraction of its standard power - allowing you to just boot your phone before it shuts down.
I had similar situation with my laptop battery (this one was on AC all the time) - battery was so damaged that laptop was shutting down at windows login screen - if booted on battery alone.
When booted on AC and unplugged it said 100% battery, that went down to 0% in a matter of around 2 minutes, when laptop shuts down.

Samsung SM-T230NU : Won't boot, keeps flashing boot logo

So, I have a Samsung SM-T230NU. When I tried to power it on, it flashed for a split second the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 logo and then went blank. I figured it was out of juice, so I plugged it in and let it charge for an hour or so.
When I came back, it was flashing and going dark.
I tried a different cable. As soon as power was applied, it flashed and went dark again.
Now, the boot logo is showing for an even briefer amount of time.
I am suspecting the battery or USB port. I don't have parts readily available to swap, however.
It may be worth adding, when I plug in the device, without touching any buttons, the screen starts flashing the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 boot logo. I would guess a stuck power button, but the power button travels freely. When I unplug the tablet from the computer, the flashing stops.
Trying to boot it with power + volume up garners no response from the device.
Any ideas?
Having same issue here
Tried hard reset, no dice.
Tried opening the back to see if I can identify some loose connection, didn't see anything funny. I am not an electrician.
My sister's having the same issue with her T230NU. It still boots (it'll boot to the Samsung splash, but then it flashes off the screen in half a second; this repeats every 7 seconds), but only if it's plugged directly to the wall charger. She let it sit overnight to charge, and it's still got this issue. I'm pretty sure her battery was drained when the issue started occurring last night, but it doesn't look like the battery has charged much (if at all) since then.

Won't switch on, or off...

Hi all. my Samsung S7 Edge was working fine albeit a bit sluggish at times but it was okay. I was down to 14% charge and so connected it to its Samsung charger with a non stock cable which is its usual charging process. It was otherwise okay and the screen went off so it was completely black, the red charging LED came on and I left it like that for a little while. It is still in that precise state and no sequence of button pressing for any amount of time gets any response at all. Nothing, no vibrate, no charging indicator, no flicker - absolutely nothing changing. Red LED and blank screen, no response. I would like to discharge the battery asap and have clamped the Vol- and on/off button pressed for 20 minutes and it is not connected to anything. It is not rooted and there is no response if I connect it to a computer. Is it bricked? How can a phone 'brick' while working as it should?
So I removed the back, disconnected the battery for a minute or so and reconnected it. The red light had gone off and now nothing, no light at all and it is connected to the charger with the Samsung cable. I have tried a different charger - my laptop. I happen to have an unused battery I was going to replace this one with so I have now also tried another battery. The phone is just dead and no response at all so I guess there is only one option - bin it!
Well I happened to have a smashed S7 Edge so a working motherboard which I replaced and obviously cured it. Restoring as much as I can remember but can anyone still suggest anything I can do that may kick start this motherboard?
The same happened with my S7 Edge, yesterday. Just a blinking blue led and I couldn't turn it on. So I waited till the battery was empty and tried to recharge it. No red led no button combos are working, nothing. The phone is dead.
Was there an update?

