Note 4 detect SD card but can't read it! - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a very specific problem that I have been trying to solve.
I have a Galaxy Note 4.
For the past few days, my phone has not been able to read the SD card and is stuck on "Preparing SD Card"
Here are the facts I have come up with:
- My phone will not read any SD card and will continuously stay at "Preparing SD card" no matter how long any card is in the phone
- The current SD card can be read in others phones and my computer.
This leads me to believe the SD card is not corrupted and that the files may still be able to be accessed. The other info I have found from forums tells me the best way to get the phone to read an SD card again is to reset it, but I don't want to do that.
Try to use app name [ SD insight ] from the market, it can read the manufacturing of SD and all the information! But still cant browsing the file.
I would be so appreciative of any suggestions.
Thank you for any help you can provide!

I'd take your device to a Samsung Service Center as there is a chance that your device's microSDCard reader is faulty and needs to be repaired.

DarkGuyver said:
I'd take your device to a Samsung Service Center as there is a chance that your device's microSDCard reader is faulty and needs to be repaired.
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Thank you for replay, actually I take it to one phone workshop and tell me same as you say, but still I an confused if can get all information from th SD card why I cant brows, and afraid I did some thing wrong after root my phone and its the reason for this.

which brand is your SD card? try formatting it using pc and try again. sometimes memory cards get write protected after sometimes. you can read from it but can't write or delete from it anymore. I had a transcend SD card with this problem

Onimusha999 said:
Thank you for replay, actually I take it to one phone workshop and tell me same as you say, but still I an confused if can get all information from th SD card why I cant brows, and afraid I did some thing wrong after root my phone and its the reason for this.
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Actually rooting your device should cause such a problem. Unless you delete the drivers for the microSDCard reader on your device. I'd recommend reinstalling the stock firmware onto your device to see if that will fix your problem. But don't root it this time around.

DarkGuyver said:
Actually rooting your device should cause such a problem. Unless you delete the drivers for the microSDCard reader on your device. I'd recommend reinstalling the stock firmware onto your device to see if that will fix your problem. But don't root it this time around.
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I didn't delet any driver, just install some app with some editing in there files. You're right, I will reinstall stock firmware before take the phone to workshop. Thanks again

ashik6six6 said:
which brand is your SD card? try formatting it using pc and try again. sometimes memory cards get write protected after sometimes. you can read from it but can't write or delete from it anymore. I had a transcend SD card with this problem
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Thank you foe reply, its not famous brand (kingmax) but work perfectly in computer and other phone, also try another SD card and not work in the phone. I will reinstall stock firmware to make sure the problem from hardware not software especially because I root my phone and get some errors like screen not rotating and hotspots not working.

Onimusha999 said:
Thank you foe reply, its not famous brand (kingmax) but work perfectly in computer and other phone, also try another SD card and not work in the phone. I will reinstall stock firmware to make sure the problem from hardware not software especially because I root my phone and get some errors like screen not rotating and hotspots not working.
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If you are getting those errors then there is a possibility that the rooting process messed up the OS and the device drivers on your device. Reinstalling the stock firmware back onto it should solve your problems.

DarkGuyver said:
If you are getting those errors then there is a possibility that the rooting process messed up the OS and the device drivers on your device. Reinstalling the stock firmware back onto it should solve your problems.
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Done, thank you.
After re-install the stock firmare every thing return to work fine, SD card and also flash USB. it seem that driver to read external storage was delete by BusyBox or anther root app.
Any way I didn't lost any of my app or data, thank all of you guys.


SD card isn't recognized.

After attempting to follow the confusing steps in the xbmod-yuki rom my phone froze mid-update and my sd card spazzed out and now my phone says there is no sd in the slot when its in there....I can't connect to computer either.
SD Formatter can't even detect it.
nvm figured it out my self, plus i posted in the wrong section.
Sd Card Woes
pteradactyle said:
nvm figured it out my self, plus i posted in the wrong section.
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Would you mind sharing what you did to fix your SD? I'm having an issue related to Mango, don't know if it's the same as yours, but I'm trying to explore all avenues.
simpleton681 said:
Would you mind sharing what you did to fix your SD? I'm having an issue related to Mango, don't know if it's the same as yours, but I'm trying to explore all avenues.
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Care to explain what the issue is exactly with your SDcard, to keep the topic as clean and efficient as possible?
I have same problem
I have same problem.
pteradactyle said:
After attempting to follow the confusing steps in the xbmod-yuki rom my phone froze mid-update and my sd card spazzed out and now my phone says there is no sd in the slot when its in there....I can't connect to computer either.
SD Formatter can't even detect it.
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KrewsialNL said:
Care to explain what the issue is exactly with your SDcard, to keep the topic as clean and efficient as possible?
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Sorry, yes. I installed WP7 Mango (XBmod-Yuki rom V2), SD card was formatted and locked. I removed WP7 without knowing this would happen, and now I can't get the card to be recognized in Windows, Linux, OSX, or any of my other devices that support MicroSD. Been searching for a fix, but it looks like I'll need to find a Symbian device to format the card.
After I posted before, I was able to reinstall the original WP7 rom and the card was recognized after a hard reset, but I'm not having any luck getting the unlock cab to work. Actually, now, after trying to send the cab to my device, restarting with the card in the phone or doing a hard reset results in the phone just not loading the OS.
Sorry for being long winded, but I'm just about out of ideas. Thanks for any help
simpleton681 said:
Sorry, yes. I installed WP7 Mango (XBmod-Yuki rom V2), SD card was formatted and locked. I removed WP7 without knowing this would happen, and now I can't get the card to be recognized in Windows, Linux, OSX, or any of my other devices that support MicroSD. Been searching for a fix, but it looks like I'll need to find a Symbian device to format the card.
After I posted before, I was able to reinstall the original WP7 rom and the card was recognized after a hard reset, but I'm not having any luck getting the unlock cab to work. Actually, now, after trying to send the cab to my device, restarting with the card in the phone or doing a hard reset results in the phone just not loading the OS.
Sorry for being long winded, but I'm just about out of ideas. Thanks for any help
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The way I fixed that is an aweful thing to do, but it worked.
1. Flash to stock Windows Mobile 6.5 (with locked SDcard in there)
2. Task29
3. Install MAGLDR
4. FLASH WP7 (still, with that same SDcard in there)
After it's flashed, do not update, but take the card out and stick it in a card reader (hell, even the magldr >> usb storage function works).
Windows will detect 200 MB on that card. Format it with SDformatter and it will be good again.
Note: That specific card is not compatible with WP7 MANGO, so don't try to use that ever again ;-)
It took me a week to figure this out, but i successfully managed to revive my 8GB Sandisk Class 4 card, which I now will use in my camera instead of the HD2
Hope this helps!
KrewsialNL said:
The way I fixed that is an aweful thing to do, but it worked.
1. Flash to stock Windows Mobile 6.5 (with locked SDcard in there)
2. Task29
3. Install MAGLDR
4. FLASH WP7 (still, with that same SDcard in there)
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I'm going to try this, but I'm wondering which WP7 Rom you flashed. I originally was using the Yuki Update rom, then once all the badness happened, I flashed to a much older one, then back to Yuki. However, in each of those cases, I never got the 200MB partition. Anyway, I'm giving this a shot, will let you know. Thanks!
If you want only format the SD card
hautsi said:
If you want only format the SD card
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Hi hautsi, welcome to the forum.
Unfortunately the thread you posted, dated January, only works for the pre-mango ROMS (and possibly XBmod/Yuki V1)
Look here for SD format
also Krewsia1nl's method should be posted there
No Dice
Robbie P said:
Hi hautsi, welcome to the forum.
Unfortunately the thread you posted, dated January, only works for the pre-mango ROMS (and possibly XBmod/Yuki V1)
Look here for SD format
also Krewsia1nl's method should be posted there
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Hey again all,
It's possible there's something else wrong with my card at this point. I tried Krewsia1nl's method and it seemed like it might work, but I still never got any additional partitions that my PC could recognize. I tried it a couple of times, 12st with an older WP7 rom I found in the HD2 WP7 dev section, and 2nd with the original Yuki rom I was flashing. Same issue in both cases.
What I did find is that I can see the card in the Yuki rom after flashing, BUT if I restart the device, it freezes, I have to remove the card to be able to boot it, and when it reboots, it tells me I must insert the card to continue. Great...
This also poses a problem with unlocking the card in WP7 with the unlock or partition cabs. To install them, the cab sender restarts your device. Once that happens, my phone freezes and I have to remove the card. All subsequent attempts to reboot or reinsert the card are met with either nothing recognized, or an error (It's also important to note that I can only see the card on first boot after following Krewsia1nl's method-if I try to hard reset with the card in, the phone just keeps freezing).
So, for now, that's where I'm at. I'm going to try the UBCD Killdisk method and I'll report whether or not that works, in case anyone finds themselves in this particular, sinking boat. Killdisk Method is here:
Thanks again for your help, all. Love XDA <3
Killdisk didn't work either. Guessing my card is fried, but I'll still try a Nokia if I can find one.
I also tried to install Yukis Mango 7720 but not with good result.
Does this 7720 work in any HD2...
Ubuntu doesn't do anything if you add your WP7 SD card to reader.
Win7 shows that you have "Removable Disk" but if you try to access it Windows says "unable something....".
I thought that I have also two fried SD card because this 7720 testing.
But Nokia E51 format successfully both cards )
i have an old Nokia 3650 and a few cards that mango has ruined. Now if I can just find the plug for the nokia......wonder if it will format them ?
Just got my 32 class 4 SanDisk in the mail. How do I release the card in tmous hd2 and add 32 to set up dual boot droid. Reflash from start.... Awww lawd! Took all night! Can I hard rest with no card and do it with cabssnder to partition card and card unlock and party with rum tonite?
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Btway.... Xda devs and forum participants could teach the worldwide manufacturers a thing or two about the way it's done. Thanks to all.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
hautsi said:
I also tried to install Yukis Mango 7720 but not with good result.
Does this 7720 work in any HD2...
Ubuntu doesn't do anything if you add your WP7 SD card to reader.
Win7 shows that you have "Removable Disk" but if you try to access it Windows says "unable something....".
I thought that I have also two fried SD card because this 7720 testing.
But Nokia E51 format successfully both cards )
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Can you tell me what SD Card did you manage to unlock?
I tried an E63 for my Sandisk Class 4 32Go unsuccessfully
What an absolute disaster the BTTF Yuki rom is...It is inevitable, most will lose their sd cards, it cost me $45 to replace. Could we put a BIG warning up for these roms, GUARANTEED to destroy your SD card? Because it will, at some point for sure, you will reload the rom and that's when the fun starts..AVOID AT ALL (cough) Costs...
evereste said:
What an absolute disaster the BTTF Yuki rom is...It is inevitable, most will lose their sd cards, it cost me $45 to replace. Could we put a BIG warning up for these roms, GUARANTEED to destroy your SD card? Because it will, at some point for sure, you will reload the rom and that's when the fun starts..AVOID AT ALL (cough) Costs...
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You are completely entitled to your opinion and to post it here.
Many people have successfully upgraded to Mango and have not posted here at all.
Robbie P said:
You are completely entitled to your opinion and to post it here.
Many people have successfully upgraded to Mango and have not posted here at all.
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I'm sorry, did not intend to knock the rom, the rom is excellent, the concern, it will ultimately cause you much duress as to the sd card at some point, that's my only point. Not many folk expect to lose the sd card after installing... and reinstalling...yes, there are work arounds, but, they entail, much ado and worst case, nokia.kodaj devices...there should be a MASSIVE warning as to SD card...yes, the small print offers cabs and tinkering to avoid the 'lock', but most of us don't expect any such chicanery.-)

[Q] how do i fix an unreadable sd card

i recently flashed thors 1.7 touch recovery and when i rebooted my sd card wouldnt mount so i tried inserting it into my computer and my computer would not recognize my sd card either does anyone know how i can fix this its a 16gb sd card and I'm not trying to spend another 40$ for another one but I am thinking this one is toast.....any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!
As far as I know, there is no way to recover them. Once they are dead, they are gone. You can find the 16gb ones now for under $20 though.
eweo911 said:
As far as I know, there is no way to recover them. Once they are dead, they are gone. You can find the 16gb ones now for under $20 though.
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yea i thought so thanks man
You could try reformatting it. If that doesn't work, it's most likely dead.
if its a cheap card you might be lost.. i buy pny cards they have a lifetime warranty.. I Think the reason they do this is because i have NEVER EVER had a bad one from them. They are a cheaper memory provider that is often over looked for there superior quality.. Of course some other brands are backed just as well..
If your tab phone or computer will not read it . well i do not think anyone can help you.
erica_renee said:
if its a cheap card you might be lost.. i buy pny cards they have a lifetime warranty.. I Think the reason they do this is because i have NEVER EVER had a bad one from them. They are a cheaper memory provider that is often over looked for there superior quality.. Of course some other brands are backed just as well..
If your tab phone or computer will not read it . well i do not think anyone can help you.
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Yea its a 16 gb sandisk and I can't get it read in anything so I just went out and bought a new one but o well
Try Reformatting it through CWM recovery, then see if it mounts.
subnoize soulja said:
i recently flashed thors 1.7 touch recovery and when i rebooted my sd card wouldnt mount so i tried inserting it into my computer and my computer would not recognize my sd card either does anyone know how i can fix this its a 16gb sd card and I'm not trying to spend another 40$ for another one but I am thinking this one is toast.....any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!
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I don't know if that will work cause when I have it in my tablet and I go to install flash from zip there is nothing to choose from but I can give it a go but I doubt it will work I'll post back and let you know
Try this formatter with uSD to SD adapter.
I have been able to recover photos from a corrupted SD card using the free version of this tool from Zero Assumption Recovery. Worth a try before you reformat.
My SD card was corrupted recently after my phone rebooted. All my photos and important data were recovered successfully after using TestDisk (developed by Christophe Grenier).
After recovering my files onto my laptop, I reformatted the SD card. I did it because the recovery process undeleted useless files.
Just do a Wiki search for TestDisk.
Note: As I am a newbie I'm not permitted to post the link.
HTC Desire
Recovery: 4EXT Classic
Acer Iconia A500
subnoize soulja said:
i recently flashed thors 1.7 touch recovery and when i rebooted my sd card wouldnt mount so i tried inserting it into my computer and my computer would not recognize my sd card either does anyone know how i can fix this its a 16gb sd card and I'm not trying to spend another 40$ for another one but I am thinking this one is toast.....any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!
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I've never ever had such a bad experience but I really don't think that the card is dead unless you pushed it hard and crack the chip.If you use a windows PC ,once you plug the card (make sure it is properly placed into the micro sd adapter) then nothing happens ,as you say (it could be auto mount turned off ) press the windows key + R and type diskmgmt.msc.
This will open the disk manager of windows OS and you will be able to see all attached devices e,g HDD partitions ,USB thumb drives ,sd card and so on.If it s still not visible try to plug the card reader into another USB port.As a rule windows always informs you once you plug any USB device.If the device is not responding it gives an error
good luck.
Not always true... I had an sd card that just died... Neither Android, linux or windows pc recognised it... Windows recognised the sd card reader was attached but "was empty, attach an sd card"... 16Gb card to be tossed...
If the card is truly unmountable/unreadable and you really need to get data off of it, you could also try the service at . They start where most free data rescue and formatting software can no longer help.
You may recover data from corrupted SD card with special recovery tool, see this useful guide: corrupted sd card data recovery
hope this helps.
I tried using all kinds of different zero assumption recovery software and sd card repair software but with no look. I thought I wouldn't be able to retrieve any of the pictures I had on my sd card. That is until I found a company called, they've been able to restore the majority of the files I thought I'd lost forever. I would certainly recommend them to anyone who desperately needs files recovering from an sd card.
My SD Card had the same problem and this, all of a sudden it was unreadable! I tried every method under the sun including trying to access it through an arduino and using SPI which is the alternative way of communicating with the device. I found a company called RecoverFab who said they could read the data from the memory chip even if the erst of the card was dead! So in a last ditch attempt I sent it over to them and the day after they received it I got an email and they had recovered 100% of everything on the SD card! I have never been so happy as it was all the photos from my girlfriends 21st! Superb communication and service!

Aurora ICS sdcard problem.

First I want to thank dzo for his amazing work. Thanks to him, we now have an almost fully functional ICS port!
Now, to get to the point... I upgraded from dzo's v.1.1 to v1.2 ICS yesterday. The ROM is very nice and smooth, and it seems like everything is functioning like it should. BUT, after my first reboot after flashing v1.2, I got the message about corrupt sdcard. So I rebooted into recovery, then rebooted to recovery through recovery again P), and then rebooted normal. The message was still there, so I unplugged the sdcard from my phone and plugged it into my computer through a cardreader. The PC said I had to format it before use, so that's what I tried.. the format-window hung up, and stood still on 0% for about an hour. I got kinda bored of waiting and unplugged the sdcard, then put it back into my phone. Now my phone says something like: "blank sdcard or has an unsupported filesystem etc.). I've tried several sdcard formatting programs, but nothing seems to work :S Now my PC doesn't even recognize my sdcard as an sdcard anymore, but as an empty disk or something.
The worst part is that I actually bought my sdcard yesterday, the same day as got corrupted/blank..
any tips would be appreciated!
edit: My sdcard is a SanDisk Class 4 16GB
I have the same sdcard and in most cases my U8800 Pro does not mount correctly this microsd. I don't know if this is a kernel problem or a rom problem.
Anyway I advice you to format your sdcard with a specific format-tool, please download it here:
This is a free software developed by Panasonic (if I'm not wrong).
This tool helped me with my sdcard BUT I have to say that Huawei U8800 is a little buggy for the sdcard mount.
kalo86 said:
I have the same sdcard and in most cases my U8800 Pro does not mount correctly this microsd. I don't know if this is a kernel problem or a rom problem.
Anyway I advice you to format your sdcard with a specific format-tool, please download it here:
This is a free software developed by Panasonic (if I'm not wrong).
This tool helped me with my sdcard BUT I have to say that Huawei U8800 is a little buggy for the sdcard mount.
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Thanks for your reply! Actually I have allready tried ths program. I installed, and opened it. Then I connected the sdcard to the PC, but the program said it couldn't recognize it... So just to be sure it wasn't the program, I tried to connect another sdcard, and that one was recognized. Weird stuff...
Maybe the card is just broken?
This happened to me too. There is nothing you can do, the sd card is broken. Reformatting is impossible, since no reader will recognize the card. You'll just have to buy a new card or get it replaced via warranty.
I have the exact same problem olfyboy, I think the card is ruined
That sucks! :/
well.. time to use my good old 2gb then..
hello guys
plug you sd card in your mobile go in recovery and check did it show your sd card there if not go in advance option reboot in recovery again...
i hope this time you see your sd card
if it this method not work then put ur sd card in some Symbian phone (Nokia, sony ericsson) in symbian phone you are able to format
i hope this method work for you best of luck
maybe a software named Usboot can help you.
Pls try aurora 1.4. Dzo solved sdcard problem
Thanks for your replies guys!
Sadly I think my sdcard is completely broken. No device is able to recognize it, and those who can, says that it's completely blank or does not have a supported file-system.
olfyboy said:
Thanks for your replies guys!
Sadly I think my sdcard is completely broken. No device is able to recognize it, and those who can, says that it's completely blank or does not have a supported file-system.
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From those devices that recognize it, can you format it? Put some files on it?
Blefish said:
From those devices that recognize it, can you format it? Put some files on it?
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Those who can recognize it, and says that it needs to be formatted, doesn't do anything when I click format.
And, no, I can't put any files on it.
olfyboy said:
Those who can recognize it, and says that it needs to be formatted, doesn't do anything when I click format.
And, no, I can't put any files on it.
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I'm still in the same position too, I've tried all the suggestions here.
I can read files but can't write or format.
Read speed is VERY slow (a few bytes per second)
I can't even read my files. I tried my sdcard with 2 different pcs. And none of them recognize it. I think its ruined.
Any news? Is there anyone with solution? :/
Özgürce said:
Any news? Is there anyone with solution? :/
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No.. our sdcards are probably completely broken. Nothing to do with it :/ The only thing you can do about it, is really just to buy a new one.
I, myself, have ended up using an old 2gb sdcard..
I don't get why is happens or why it only happens to us. Any ideas what caused it? I don't care sd-card but I really want my images back in that card. =)
Maybe I can help you
Özgürce said:
I don't get why is happens or why it only happens to us. Any ideas what caused it? I don't care sd-card but I really want my images back in that card. =)
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what is the OS on your PC?
maybe I can help you. first of all you have to install a recovery software on your PC ( I prefer "Recover My Files") and extract your photos from SD to your PC.
then if you ask me I will tell you how to format your SD and use it again.
Idk is it a same situation but 2 weeks ago my sd went broke. Ics was showing its empty which i was sure it wasnt. First i tried it with my old phone but no luck. I can connect it to my comp (both win and ubuntu) via sd card reader and no luck. Then i tried fix permissions in cwm and then it recognized, all my old files were there.
I know it doesnt make any sense but if you guys didnt try this just give it a luck.
G luck.
Sent from my U8800
mca_feat said:
what is the OS on your PC?
maybe I can help you. first of all you have to install a recovery software on your PC ( I prefer "Recover My Files") and extract your photos from SD to your PC.
then if you ask me I will tell you how to format your SD and use it again.
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I think you misunderstood the situation. My phone or my pc doesn't recognize the sdcard. Thy not see ant disk when I attach it. I know what your meaning but the problem bigger than this.

[Q] Help - Phone can't see sd card

I'd really appreciate some advice.
I have previously rooted my mini HD and tried a few roms but I had a boot problem the other day after a flat battery and I ended up having to restore Windows 6.5 to get the phone to work.
The problem I've got is that although the phone seems to work OK with Windows it will not see any SD card that I put in I'm a bit stuck because I want to install an Android rom again, and without access to the SD card it's impossible?
So, any ideas how I can get the phone to see the SD card?
I have already reformatted the SD card using gparted to FAT32, and it's the same card that was in the phone before. I've also tried a different card but the phone refuses to see it.
Do you think something in the bootloader is messed up...I can't think that this could be a hardware error.
Any ideas would be great!
maybe try another SDCards?
iPlasm said:
maybe try another SDCards?
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Thanks for your reply iPlasm,
I've tried 3 different SD cards, all working ones, and the result is the same...when I look in settings on WM it tells me "no SD card" and if I try to format SD card using "tools" it also tells me "no SD card present".
Something is obviously wrong with the WM system - I've tried different stock WM roms using RUU's and I get the same result....everything was working fine before my flat battery issue but being unable to recognise an SD card is a big issue for me to get around so that I can root the phone again and install an Android rom.
Is it possible to run Haret from the main device and install a custom recovery? I'd have to email myself the necessary files and cut and paste them using the file explorer on WM unless there is a different way...or is this just barking mad?
Any ideas to resolve my problem would be much appreciated.
Well.. I don't know what to say.. you were talking about battery, so how about try the old ones?
I don't have really much ideas about that, but i think it should be easy fixing or can be dirty inside the Hardware's SDCard input, you may have to clean it.
iPlasm said:
Well.. I don't know what to say.. you were talking about battery, so how about try the old ones?
I don't have really much ideas about that, but i think it should be easy fixing or can be dirty inside the Hardware's SDCard input, you may have to clean it.
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Tried all of that - still won't see card. This must be a software issue that is beyond my reach.
How can I root this if I can't use the sd card?

[Q] SD Card blank or has unsupported filesystem

Hello guys,
I have a Galaxy S5 G900T running the AllianceRom 3.1 made for G900F. I use an external SD Card SanDisk 16GB and since yesterday I never had a problem.
So, now I'm experiencing this error: "SD Card blank or has unsupported filesystem" on Notification Panel. When I click on it, android asks me if I want to format the card, I click OK, and at the end the same problem occurs.
Things I already tried to do:
1) I tested the SD Card into another Galaxy S5 and it's running OK without the problem;
2) I formatted the SD card (full format) on a windows computer. Windows recognizes it, and it's running OK;
3) I checked the file vold.fstab on /etc folder and it has the same content as another Galaxy S5 that is running OK the SD card;
4) I re-flashed the AllianceRom 3.1;
[EDIT 1]
5) Tried to wipe the SD Card using TWRP Recovery (as image 1 attached)
6) Tried to partitioning using TWRP Recovery (as image 2 attached)
[EDIT 2]
7) I bought another SD Card, a Samsung 64GB and when I insert it on device I don't get this error, but also not able to mount, it doesn't even recognizes the SD card.
p.s. I searched a lot on XDA, even on Google, and those was the possible solutions I've found, but didn't work for me.
Does someone experienced this problem and was able to fix?
Does anyone knows another alternative that could work?
Thanks in advance
breni said:
Hello guys,
I have a Galaxy S5 G900T running the AllianceRom 3.1 made for G900F. I use an external SD Card SanDisk 16GB and since yesterday I never had a problem.
So, now I'm experiencing this error: "SD Card blank or has unsupported filesystem" on Notification Panel. When I click on it, android asks me if I want to format the card, I click OK, and at the end the same problem occurs.
Things I already tried to do:
1) I tested the SD Card into another Galaxy S5 and it's running OK without the problem;
2) I formatted the SD card (full format) on a windows computer. Windows recognizes it, and it's running OK;
3) I checked the file vold.fstab on /etc folder and it has the same content as another Galaxy S5 that is running OK the SD card;
4) I re-flashed the AllianceRom 3.1;
p.s. I searched a lot on XDA, even on Google, and those was the possible solutions I've found, but didn't work for me.
Does someone experienced this problem and was able to fix?
Does anyone knows another alternative that could work?
Thanks in advance
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Copy the content of the sdcard to the pc and format the card on the phone itself, that should fix the issue.
gee2012 said:
Copy the content of the sdcard to the pc and format the card on the phone itself, that should fix the issue.
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Already did... didn't fix
breni said:
Already did... didn't fix
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What is the sdcard`s format?
gee2012 said:
What is the sdcard`s format?
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FAT 32
breni said:
FAT 32
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Should be good, sure the card isn`t damaged?. Did you try it in another phone (forget it as you tried this allready)? No idea bro, hope someone else can help you to you get it solved.
@gee2012, the SD card works on computer and another cellphone... I tried several things, as explained on first post...
Tried now wipe the sd card usind TWRP Recovery, but got fail message as image uploaded
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
gee2012 said:
Should be good, sure the card isn`t damaged?. Did you try it in another phone (forget it as you tried this allready)? No idea bro, hope someone else can help you to you get it solved.
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Anyway, thanks bro... I'll keep searching and as soon as I get anything new, I'll post here...
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
breni said:
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
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Have you tried if CWM/ Philz Touch recovery works? Just an idea
gee2012 said:
Have you tried if CWM/ Philz Touch recovery works? Just an idea
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The strange thing is that I'm able to access the ext SD Card on TWRP Recovery, as you can see on the image attached... I even copied a file (backup.txt) into it.
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
breni said:
The strange thing is that I'm able to access the ext SD Card on TWRP Recovery, as you can see on the image attached... I even copied a file (backup.txt) into it.
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
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Have you tried another SD card in your phone? EDIT: Nevermind this bit
When you plug the SD card into your handset (do it while it's off) Does the SD Storage show anything?
You could try formatting it in another handset if you have the chance then try plugging it in.
Are you using stock Sammy firmware? Or have you installed a custom kernel? Could be one of those playing havoc with your device if so, back up and revert to stock if you can, retest the SD in there.
Test to see if you can retrieve data from the SD card, i've found that although SD cards show up in windows, when I attempt to copy data to the PC it fails, when I say fail I mean it stops progressing and doesn't copy, particular files appear corrupt.
You could also do a chkdsk /f /r via windows on the SD card, or even a general error check.
chances are one of these things will be the culprit, if none and it's still working in another phone and other cards are working in your device then i'm stumped.
Good luck
I would try philz recovery, i had all kinds of problems with twrp on my note 3 and s5 until switching. Not knocking twrp this is just my experience
dladz said:
Have you tried another SD card in your phone? EDIT: Nevermind this bit
When you plug the SD card into your handset (do it while it's off) Does the SD Storage show anything?
You could try formatting it in another handset if you have the chance then try plugging it in.
Are you using stock Sammy firmware? Or have you installed a custom kernel? Could be one of those playing havoc with your device if so, back up and revert to stock if you can, retest the SD in there.
Test to see if you can retrieve data from the SD card, i've found that although SD cards show up in windows, when I attempt to copy data to the PC it fails, when I say fail I mean it stops progressing and doesn't copy, particular files appear corrupt.
You could also do a chkdsk /f /r via windows on the SD card, or even a general error check.
chances are one of these things will be the culprit, if none and it's still working in another phone and other cards are working in your device then i'm stumped.
Good luck
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Hello mate,
Thanks for answering
When you plug the SD card into your handset (do it while it's off) Does the SD Storage show anything?
I get the same problem: SD Card blank or has unsupported filesystem
You could try formatting it in another handset if you have the chance then try plugging it in
I tested the SD card on another device and it's working fine, also on my windows pc
Are you using stock Sammy firmware? Or have you installed a custom kernel? Could be one of those playing havoc with your device if so, back up and revert to stock if you can, retest the SD in there.
I formatted my device right now and installed Samsung stock firmware with stock kernel. I also tried to get back to stock recovery, then installed CWM and TWRP, but the same problem
I'm starting to think this is a hardware problem, because I tried everything and nothing happened.
breni said:
Hello mate,
Thanks for answering
When you plug the SD card into your handset (do it while it's off) Does the SD Storage show anything?
I get the same problem: SD Card blank or has unsupported filesystem
You could try formatting it in another handset if you have the chance then try plugging it in
I tested the SD card on another device and it's working fine, also on my windows pc
Are you using stock Sammy firmware? Or have you installed a custom kernel? Could be one of those playing havoc with your device if so, back up and revert to stock if you can, retest the SD in there.
I formatted my device right now and installed Samsung stock firmware with stock kernel. I also tried to get back to stock recovery, then installed CWM and TWRP, but the same problem
I'm starting to think this is a hardware problem, because I tried everything and nothing happened.
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Quite an odd one that, i'm a little stumped.
did you try error checking on windows? OR even a format in a different handset? OR a different card in your phone to see if to see if it reads?
On the other hand if the phone isn't that old, return it, 28 day swap should be good if you're in time, otherwise it's back to sammy.
sorry I can't be of more help m8.
Same problem with GalaxyS5 and 64 GB card
I am having the same issue with a 64GB memory card in the Galazy S5. Blank or unsupported file system.... doesn't format in phone. works great on PC and even on old Motorola Razr phone, format exFAT and FAT32 tried but the phone doesn't care.
please help, I first bought a sandisk card and returned it because i hoped the same brand SAMSUNG would work, nope nope...
Same problem with GalaxyS5 and 64 GB card
Have you found a solution to the OP?
I have an S5 too and it's doing exactly the same. I tried a 64GB Sandisk and Samsung cards, both work flawlessly in PC, MAC and even a different phone. WTH???? My 32GB Sandisk works well in the GAlaxy S5 too, I am about to see if it blends....
breni said:
Hello guys,
I have a Galaxy S5 G900T running the AllianceRom 3.1 made for G900F. I use an external SD Card SanDisk 16GB and since yesterday I never had a problem.
So, now I'm experiencing this error: "SD Card blank or has unsupported filesystem" on Notification Panel. When I click on it, android asks me if I want to format the card, I click OK, and at the end the same problem occurs.
Things I already tried to do:
1) I tested the SD Card into another Galaxy S5 and it's running OK without the problem;
2) I formatted the SD card (full format) on a windows computer. Windows recognizes it, and it's running OK;
3) I checked the file vold.fstab on /etc folder and it has the same content as another Galaxy S5 that is running OK the SD card;
4) I re-flashed the AllianceRom 3.1;
[EDIT 1]
5) Tried to wipe the SD Card using TWRP Recovery (as image 1 attached)
6) Tried to partitioning using TWRP Recovery (as image 2 attached)
[EDIT 2]
7) I bought another SD Card, a Samsung 64GB and when I insert it on device I don't get this error, but also not able to mount, it doesn't even recognizes the SD card.
p.s. I searched a lot on XDA, even on Google, and those was the possible solutions I've found, but didn't work for me.
Does someone experienced this problem and was able to fix?
Does anyone knows another alternative that could work?
Thanks in advance
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Same here. My phone already went in for repair for this and the front camera ring falling issue. Mine was preordered and shipped at launch. It worked a few weeks and now has stopped again. Simply won't recognize any SD cards. I tried an old 2GB, a Kingston 16GB, a Lexar 32GB from my GoPro, and a Sandisk 64GB. All cards work elsewhere, but my S5 never indicates anything is inserted. This is my first Samsung, and it might be my last. I never experienced issues like this on an HTC.
Any progress here? I just got a sweet 64g card Samsung because my others have worked well BUT...
S5 Blank SD card of death. ....
