request to add support for multirom - Zenfone 2 Laser Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

it would be very useful if zenfone 2 laser can get multirom support


How to get Multirom manager on Asus Zenfone 2 Laser ze550kl

Multirom Manager created by Tassadar is only supported by few devices
But Tassadar gave a way to port mulitirom to other devices can any one help me in porting multirom manager to Asus Zenfone 2 Laser ze550kl please

Does Zenfone 2 laser have a custom kernel???

Asus zenfone 2 laser desperately needs custom kernel with kexec-hardcore-patch to support Multirom manager
Now I am desperately looking for custom kernels
Can franco kernel be developed for zenfone laser???
You'll probably have to ask franco.

Adding wacom support to Zenfone 3 Max?

Is it possible to load kernel module in linuxwacom to android?

Xposed framework Asus zenfone 2 laser

Hi guys
My device is Asus zenfone 2 laser
Os: lineage 14.1,rooted
I need to install xposed framework in my device. Couldn't find any articles other than the one for MM. Please give me details and links for the installation. Never tried xposed before
Bro official xposed framework for naugat is not yet ready.. It will arrive soon... Pls wait. After release we get information on zenfone 2 section.

Please port Kali nethunter for asus zenfone max pro m1

Hii developers first of all thank you for making amazing roms for this device and one request please port Kali nethunter to asus zenfone max pro m1 it would be highly appreciated! thanking you

