Bringing Moto X features over to the S5 - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm coming to the S5 from the original Moto X, and there are a lot of features I really don't want to leave behind.
From what I can tell, the S5 doesn't have any kind of "Always listening mode" that lets you launch Google Now when the screen is off through a voice command. I'm still looking to see how to get that to function correctly witout draining all the battery. But what I would really like to have again is wave to wake and active/moto display.
Is there a way if I'm rooted to change a config file or something for the "Air wake up" feature? Right now it's a few seconds of holding your hand in front of the proximity sensor on the front to turn on the screen. But is there an app out there or a way to go into /sys to tailor that to how I want it to work? Or a ROM that does it?
Same thing for an Active/Moto display. The S5 has an AMOLED, so there's no reason why it should turn on the entire screen.

MortimerR said:
I'm coming to the S5 from the original Moto X, and there are a lot of features I really don't want to leave behind.
From what I can tell, the S5 doesn't have any kind of "Always listening mode" that lets you launch Google Now when the screen is off through a voice command. I'm still looking to see how to get that to function correctly witout draining all the battery. But what I would really like to have again is wave to wake and active/moto display.
Is there a way if I'm rooted to change a config file or something for the "Air wake up" feature? Right now it's a few seconds of holding your hand in front of the proximity sensor on the front to turn on the screen. But is there an app out there or a way to go into /sys to tailor that to how I want it to work? Or a ROM that does it?
Same thing for an Active/Moto display. The S5 has an AMOLED, so there's no reason why it should turn on the entire screen.
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yes i have also used Moto G and it has moto Assist feature which i really want in S5 can u port this feature

MortimerR said:
I'm coming to the S5 from the original Moto X, and there are a lot of features I really don't want to leave behind.
From what I can tell, the S5 doesn't have any kind of "Always listening mode" that lets you launch Google Now when the screen is off through a voice command. I'm still looking to see how to get that to function correctly witout draining all the battery. But what I would really like to have again is wave to wake and active/moto display.
Is there a way if I'm rooted to change a config file or something for the "Air wake up" feature? Right now it's a few seconds of holding your hand in front of the proximity sensor on the front to turn on the screen. But is there an app out there or a way to go into /sys to tailor that to how I want it to work? Or a ROM that does it?
Same thing for an Active/Moto display. The S5 has an AMOLED, so there's no reason why it should turn on the entire screen.
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Active Display requires more than just a screen, a controller is needed. S5 lacks it.

MortimerR said:
I'm coming to the S5 from the original Moto X, and there are a lot of features I really don't want to leave behind.
From what I can tell, the S5 doesn't have any kind of "Always listening mode" that lets you launch Google Now when the screen is off through a voice command. I'm still looking to see how to get that to function correctly witout draining all the battery. But what I would really like to have again is wave to wake and active/moto display.
Is there a way if I'm rooted to change a config file or something for the "Air wake up" feature? Right now it's a few seconds of holding your hand in front of the proximity sensor on the front to turn on the screen. But is there an app out there or a way to go into /sys to tailor that to how I want it to work? Or a ROM that does it?
Same thing for an Active/Moto display. The S5 has an AMOLED, so there's no reason why it should turn on the entire screen.
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Looking to move from 2013 X to s5. How have you been liking the move? Any likes and dislikes or feedback you can share? Thanks
Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk

mario24601 said:
Looking to move from 2013 X to s5. How have you been liking the move? Any likes and dislikes or feedback you can share? Thanks
Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk
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Touch Wiz is pretty bad honestly and I wouldn't want to use it again. I ended up going with a CM build (AICP) (Rooting and unlocking isn't that hard on it) which helps alot. Stock Marshmallow has a lot of the moto features baked in, and CM adds even more. In total though, I still miss the Moto X, but they never really updated the design past the 2014 version.
After getting past the initial software issues, the S5 is great. If you're getting it new, the processor still holds up, camera isn't bad (although doesn't show as much detail in low light as current gen devices), and having an SD slot and extra battery is awesome.

MortimerR said:
Touch Wiz is pretty bad honestly and I wouldn't want to use it again. I ended up going with a CM build (AICP) (Rooting and unlocking isn't that hard on it) which helps alot. Stock Marshmallow has a lot of the moto features baked in, and CM adds even more. In total though, I still miss the Moto X, but they never really updated the design past the 2014 version.
After getting past the initial software issues, the S5 is great. If you're getting it new, the processor still holds up, camera isn't bad (although doesn't show as much detail in low light as current gen devices), and having an SD slot and extra battery is awesome.
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Thanks, appreciate the feedback! I have CM on my X now and would also want on s5. I think the version to get is the g900f. Know if I should update stock to the latest software before the CM attempt or does it not matter?
Better battery and better camera will be appreciated. I like active display on X but led notification should be just as useful. I think the overall size is what I'll miss most. The 13 x is just so easy to use one handed.
Were you happy with performance compared to X once you moved to CM?
I was waiting to get a pixel but just can't bring self to spending over $800 on a phone.
Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk

mario24601 said:
Thanks, appreciate the feedback! I have CM on my X now and would also want on s5. I think the version to get is the g900f. Know if I should update stock to the latest software before the CM attempt or does it not matter?
Better battery and better camera will be appreciated. I like active display on X but led notification should be just as useful. I think the overall size is what I'll miss most. The 13 x is just so easy to use one handed.
Were you happy with performance compared to X once you moved to CM?
I was waiting to get a pixel but just can't bring self to spending over $800 on a phone.
Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk
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The root and bootloader unlock guides here are pretty solid. From what I remember, you have to be on a PB1 bootloader to unlock correctly, which is flashed via Odin. But I don't recall all of the details.
CM 13 has active display that works with the S5's AMOLED, but it's not quite as smooth/intuitive as the X, as the X had a dedicated chipset just for its Moto Display. That said, it does work in the same way, and I've found that it's a better notification system than the LED light. Haven't checked to see if it's killing my battery life yet.
Those are the two biggest pros/cons. The performance is better on the S5. even with stock TW. It's a faster processor and even more so once TW is removed. The screen is better too, with a higher brightness output and better speakers. Just overall better hardware.
But the S5 doesn't look as good or feel as good in hand as the X. You really notice how well designed the X is and how great it feels in hand with the subtle curve in the back and the quality build construction and material when you hold the S5 which is just a slab with rounded edges. But that's the same for a lot of devices, not just the S5.
And for the Pixel, similar to what happened to the 5x and 6p, they will probably come down in price in a few months. Also similar to last gen devices, there will be a lot of software updates in the next few months to work out all the issues with N and performance enhancements. I don't really see a reason to upgrade just yet. (especially when the S5 still holds up well)

MortimerR said:
The root and bootloader unlock guides here are pretty solid. From what I remember, you have to be on a PB1 bootloader to unlock correctly, which is flashed via Odin. But I don't recall all of the details.
CM 13 has active display that works with the S5's AMOLED, but it's not quite as smooth/intuitive as the X, as the X had a dedicated chipset just for its Moto Display. That said, it does work in the same way, and I've found that it's a better notification system than the LED light. Haven't checked to see if it's killing my battery life yet.
Those are the two biggest pros/cons. The performance is better on the S5. even with stock TW. It's a faster processor and even more so once TW is removed. The screen is better too, with a higher brightness output and better speakers. Just overall better hardware.
But the S5 doesn't look as good or feel as good in hand as the X. You really notice how well designed the X is and how great it feels in hand with the subtle curve in the back and the quality build construction and material when you hold the S5 which is just a slab with rounded edges. But that's the same for a lot of devices, not just the S5.
And for the Pixel, similar to what happened to the 5x and 6p, they will probably come down in price in a few months. Also similar to last gen devices, there will be a lot of software updates in the next few months to work out all the issues with N and performance enhancements. I don't really see a reason to upgrade just yet. (especially when the S5 still holds up well)
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Fantastic feedback. Just what I needed. Thanks so much!
Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk

for the g900f there is no locked bootloader.
for cm builds to be flashed on stock fw just use odin to flash twrp 3.0.0 then flash cm klte version, done.


People who have switched from another 2013 flagship to the Moto X

I continue to hear only good things about the Moto X and I'm tempted to pick one up at the $350 sale price. I currently have a Droid DNA (which is on par with the 2013 flagships) running Sense 5 - it works well but has it's annoyances, however I don't know if it will actually be a good idea to upgrade from. My thoughts/concerns:
-Size: Going from a 5" 1080p screen to a 4.7" 720p screen is going to be a big change, especially since the Moto X screen is actually about 4.3" with the on screen buttons. However, I've found the DNA to be too big sometimes (especially with the power button on the top, it's my biggest annoyance) so I may like the slight downsize.
-Camera: The DNA takes great pictures, and I love the Sense 5 camera. The Moto X camera however sounds like its below average, so this would be a clear downgrade.
-Wireless Charging: Having a Nexus 7 and DNA I rarely plug anything in anymore. I've got 3 chargers between my house and office so this would be another adjustment with the Moto X.
-Root: I don't care abut an unlocked bootloader but I need root (TiBu, Greenify, Tasker). I wasn't planning on getting the DE (too late now anyways) but the hassles of getting root with each update worries me.
Those things are my biggest concerns. I'm very much interested in Moto X's software features and quick updates though (among other things). I've thought about just getting a Droid Maxx (keep the big screen and wireless charging) but not for $150 more and slower updates.
Also, I'm the kind of person that switches phones about every 6 months (buying/selling used usually). I get bored or I find something that annoys me about a device. The DNA's resale value is dropping real quick (from $300 a few months ago to just over $200 now) so the sooner I sell the better probably.
So, for anyone that's come from an S4, One, G2, etc - do you regret it? Can anyone sway me one way or another?
I came from an s4 and don't regret it in the least. Actually, I do miss the ir blaster a bit, but that's it.
Sent from my XT1060 using xda app-developers app
I came from an S4 and G2. I honestly don't miss those devices. They're definitely powerhouses but the Moto X is just an all around better device...for me at least. The difference from 1080p to 720p isn't that noticeable since the ppi is still high on the X. If you compare both side by side and zoom in on stuff then yea you're bound to notice something. The camera is pretty good. You can check out the picture thread in this section to see some pics. I have the dev edition so rooting is easy but I'm sure the regular ones will be rootable with future updates especially if more devs get this device with the sale.
Sent from my XT1060
Im very happy with Moto X. I have had (this year) Note 2, Razr Maxx, SG4, HTC ONE and LG G2. Size and features are what did it for me.
I think the two biggest things that are likely to disappoint people coming from a flagship phone to the Moto X are going to be the camera (mediocre, especially in low-light settings) and the AMOLED display (extremely saturated, this is moreso going to be the case for people coming from LCD screens like the Nexus 5).
I came from a Nexus 4, to a Nexus 5 for almost a couple week, then to the Moto X. I am loving it so far. Like you, I've been so used to wireless charger and this is probably the only feature I kind of miss.
Size was actually one of the deciding factor for me. Nexus 5 was slightly too big for my taste. The size and the build quality makes this a really nice phone to use.
Camera is not so great on the Moto X, but is more than what I need. The Nexus lines never had great cameras, either. Not sure how it compares to a DNA.
Ultimately for me, active notification and Moto Maker are the features that make me switch to Moto X. Maybe it should for you, too?
I bought a DE yesterday and I currently have a One. I am anxious to see as well as the One can sometimes be too large for my liking especially with the power button on top. I am thinking the screen and the aluminum body are going to be the only things I miss - the dev support on the One has been great lately too though.
I came from a Note 3, and the software on the X is just so much better. I always feel like I'm using Gingerbread when I use Touchwiz, but the X is a very nice 4.2.2 experience. The Active Notifications are wonderful as well!
I think the thing to remember about the X, is that you must look past the hardware. Its hardware really isn't great, but the software is like a testbed of all of Google's neat ideas that they didn't want to test in the Nexus line.
I ordered one of the VZW developer versions yesterday, and I am excited to switch from my GS3. However, I do hope development picks up after this sale because I can't seem to find much for this phone.
But rest assured that out of the box, due to the AOSP nature of the phone, it will feel smooth and speedy compared to many other flagship phones.
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I am kinda of afraid to switch from s4. I am on custom ROM 4.3 and kernel with all the goodies and tweaked screen colors to my liking. Camera quality is obviously good, screen is near perfect, some development in forum, battery is very good on S4, everything works with 0 bugs.
I like moto x design and feel, don't care about specs, but I do care about those too blue or too yellow screens and as well as camera quality. Some photos I've seen at link above of moto x are horrible.
I came to the X from Nexus 4/5 because of the common sense design, and I am hopeful the industry takes note of its success. It seems most phones are going out of their way to employ technology solutions that are looking for a problem.
Design the phone to fit your hand, duh! Ever picked up a Samsung device?
We pull these out and turn them on a hundred times a day... one button at the top right to do this is silly. And voice commands are great, but if you have to pull out your phone and turn it on to execute them... well, you get my point.
And while we should all keep phones locked when out and about, having to always enter your pin is tiresome. Kudos to Apple fingerprint scanner, but trusted Bluetooth and nfc is even more convenient.
And I don't use my phone for photography... I have an slr around my neck when I want to take pictures. To me, phone cams are for capturing a moment you weren't planning on, and hence need to do it as quickly as possible.
These are the common sense issues the Moto X addresses that other phones don't. Hopefully the X2 will address even more.
Yes, I will miss some aspects of the Nexus 5, but I don't use any of those a dozen times a day. Wireless charging is probably the most missed. I am done with the spec race, and want a phone that works better.
While you can have a cool titanium and composite hammer, if it is not weighted effectively for the task of driving nails, it's of less use than an old steel one.
I came from a G2 and before that a S4. I don't miss the S4 one bit, I do like the G2 like its knock knock feature and its form factor is nice (big yeti hands). But other than that I don't miss either of the phones over the Moto X. I will be ordering a Moto X DE today or on the 9th so my wife can get the Moto X I currently have and I get a DE device. She is currently using the S4 and before that she and I were GNex users. She is liking the S4 but she was instantly drawn to the Moto X the evening I picked it up from the VZW store.
The display on the S4 was nice to me. The G2 is just plain sexy and blew away the S4 IMO. The Moto X screen is nothing to laugh at. I do like the G2 display over the Moto X but not enough to make it a show stopper.
The form factor of the S4 was not bad, the size was not a factor with it, the same with the G2. I did like the G2 over the S4 as it felt not as cheap. The Moto X form factor and build quality puts Samsung and LG to shame. The Moto X feels solid, they went back to their roots on this one. Makes me feel like I got the awesomeness of the Droid 1 and the Droid X and not the joke quality of the Bionic. I am not afraid of the Moto X might break when I hold it like I did the S4.
Speed wise.. The S4 blew my GNex out of the water, very fast and once I put CleanROM, Eclipse, or CM 10.2 on it the slight home stutter of the horrible TouchWiz launcher was gone. The G2 to me made the S4 feel sluggish and just not as spunky as it should be. With the G2 I am pretty much stock of the factory software but I did root it to debloat it and to also use G2 Xposed on it for the proper button placement that I like.
The Moto X is holding its own and I feel it is able to run against the G2 with everything I do in a days time. It is also able to do the gaming I like with no issues what so ever. Now if you do testing and all that then you will not see any of this based on those numbers. But if you actually use the device you will see it is not an issue.
The camera on the Moto X compared to the S4 is good. Comparing it to the stock camera on the G2 I feel the Moto X beats the hell out of it. Now with the Camera MODs for the G2 that are out then I will say the G2 is better way better. Comparing the Moto X camera to the N4 and I feel the N4 is better. But to be honest if I want a good picture then I will ask my wife to use her DSLR camera and take the picture for me. but for a camera phone it works. My smartphone camera-fu is not as strong as most but I might as well not even enter the race if you want me to talk camera with you. But for a typical user I can take a good picture and it does its job. Compare my camera shots to my wife camera shots using the same hardware and she beats me every time. Her take on the smartphone cameras are they are good for when you need a quick pic here and there but she prefers to take pictures with her DSLR camera over anything else.
You will not miss your phone when you switch to the Moto X. I am loving the near stock of Android on this device and I do like some of the features from Moto like the assist, trusted devices, active notifications, and the Motorola connect which replaced airdroid for me. Motorola is back to doing things right so far with the Moto X. Battery life is great with the Moto X as I am a pretty heavy data user with streaming media, web browsing, XDA, Reddit. I do about 10-60+ minutes of calls a day along with checking multiple gmail/email accounts. Screen is on 2+ hours everyday and I can go a full day on one charge and have just a pinch left over. With the GNex it was only possible with 3 extra batteries or a plug. The S4 could almost last the day but needed some power loving during lunch. The G2 could last till I got into the car and plug it in at the end of the day for me. The Moto X as I stated does last through my work day without the need of a charger near me as long as I don't go over a 12 hour work day with 2-3 hours in the car for driving to and from work. I am going to pick up one of the Moto battery packs as it is slim and doesnt take up a lot of room for those few days I go past 12hours.
Sorry for the wall of text but hope this helps you out.
Thanks for the responses everyone. I'm going to stop by the Verizon store today to play with one but I'm thinking I'll just try and get one tomorrow during the sale. If for some reason I really don't like it, I can always return it or sell it for near cost. Kind of makes me wish I got the DE yesterday so I wouldn't have any root worries, but I don't need the extra 16GB and I'm looking forward to having a custom designed phone. The community has always prevailed anyways.
@Ainvar thanks
although i am surprised you say N4 camera was better then Moto X, I tought N4 wasn't good at all compared to S4. I am not a fan of taking pictures with phone, but all my N4 pictures went straight to trash while some S4 pictures are keepers for sure.
I'd say the Moto X camera is between the N4 and N5 personally. Moto X camera is inconsistent and produces more grainier photos than N5 in my usage.
here is more camera comparison. (note: s4 with google camera, not TW)
PeterGunz said:
I do hope development picks up after this sale because I can't seem to find much for this phone.
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i really think part of the reason there's less development is that the phone is nearly perfect out of the box. I got my dev x before any sales and was looking for any reason to return it and couldn't find any
Well I just found out touchless controls don't work if you use a lock pattern or pin. So that's kind of a bummer. But I really liked how the phone felt in the store, and with free returns its pretty much a no risk chance to try it for 2 weeks.
Came from a DNA myself and an very pleased with my X. I'm already looking forward to a second-generation model. That said, the only thing I miss from my DNA was the burst mode picture capture which is replicated in this phone's software but not implemented as well.
I can from a DNA and a LG G2 and honestly, the only thing I really miss is the wireless charging. I still use my DNA from time to time (recently giving it to my bro since he broke his windows phone) and the screen is giant compared the moto x but for day to day use, its not noticeable.

What would you like to see in the next Moto flagship?

I love my Moto X but I'm also very excited about the future of Motorola and their flagship phones. What are some things you'd like to see in the 2014 Moto superphone?
Here are some things I'd like to see:
Lower unlocked price ($400-$500)
Bootloaders unlockable for all variants
3GB ram
32GB standard, 64 & 128 optional
Faster processor
Advanced/Developer options for Active Display, Touchless Control, Connect
Fully custom color options for MotoMaker
What would you like to see?
All I want is a bigger battery. Moto X battery is the best I've seen so far and having even more would be perfect.
I came from a Galaxy S4 with 2600mAh of battery and I never got past 3h screen time whereas on the Moto X (with 2100mAh) I got 5h in the first day.
As for the rest, Motorola proved that specs are nothing if you don't optimize the system. Bigger storage would be nice though.
A better camera.
Sent from my XT1060
SupaSwag said:
A better camera.
Sent from my XT1060
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My biggest beef with the Moto X
A top of the line camera and wireless charging would be nice.
But what I really expect is something new, that others don't have like active notification and touchless control. I hope Motorola comes up with something even better.
Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
Slightly larger screen, better camera, and lower price if they stay with midrange specs
Sent from my Moto X DE
I wanna see them keep the same form factor. With a better screen, easier to unlock boot loader and even better battery life.
For me s 720p AMOLED screen is the perfect compromise for a mobile device
MaKTaiL said:
All I want is a bigger battery. Moto X battery is the best I've seen so far and having even more would be perfect.
I came from a Galaxy S4 with 2600mAh of battery and I never got past 3h screen time whereas on the Moto X (with 2100mAh) I got 5h in the first day.
As for the rest, Motorola proved that specs are nothing if you don't optimize the system. Bigger storage would be nice though.
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You just described the new droid maxx.
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I don't care for specs. I would like better battery life, possibly removable. That's pretty much. MicroSD tray is a bonus. I'm a bit iffy on the placement of the mic. On the plus side, I do like where it's placed cause I'm assured regardless of case-choice or angle that the mic is close to my mouth. However when I can't help but feel that the opening leaves for weakness.
To you guys that want a bigger screen, have you tried LMT Launcher?
I use it on my gnex. I have the pie enabled on both left and right sides, activation length set to 688 and thickness set to 20. Pie gravity is set to top so that the activation area ends before it reaches the top of the keyboard in portrait mode.
I have found it to be extremely handy and have used it for almost 2 years. It gives you extra screen space by allowing you to disable the navigation bar, and it allows for easier one-handed use.
SupaSwag said:
A better camera.
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Agreed. I'd like a better, or at least more consistent, camera especially in low light situations. I've taken some nice pix with my X, but also some pretty crappy ones. Most of the time in low light its hit/miss as to what I'll get, even when taking two or three pictures in a row.
I would also like to see Moto Assist match all the features of Moto's smart actions, including more profiles and options to create your own.
While battery life on my X has been very good, Increasing its size or how long it lasts would always be a plus.
As others have suggested, I hope it can keep the same form factor. The X feels perfect in my hand. While some of the cases I've put it in make it feel a little bigger, it still feels great.
Movable Nav buttons like the G2 and three size settings for nav bar height to, 100%, 50% and 25%.
Maybe their next big thing should be software customization. Let you customize the colors, and theme of the os?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Agreed on a better low light camera. I love this phone but the quality of some photos are very average at times.
Even more software optimization, a REAL better camera, DEVELOPER FRIENDLY (easiest as sammy's devices), and wireless charging.
That's the only need of this amazing phone.
d14gvn said:
Even more software optimization, a REAL better camera, DEVELOPER FRIENDLY (easiest as sammy's devices), and wireless charging.
That's the only need of this amazing phone.
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Can you elaborate more on 'developer friendly'? Unless you're on AT&T or Verizon, it's as easy as it gets to unlock the bootloader. The kernel source code is already available to us and it's been fun playing with it(although failing
Personally I'd prefer a 5 inch screen and an OMAP chip set. I am really hoping Google snatches up that division of TI in the worst way
Sent from my XT1056 using Tapatalk
I'd like 32gb to be standard and wireless charging. Other than that this thing is perfect for me.
Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
Personally Id a bigger screen and the lastest GPU.

From S5 to Moto X? Anybody else do it? Experience?

I have an Samsung S5 right now and have been tempted to pick up a Moto X. I would prefer the 32GB but you can't even order them online at this time so was thinking of 16GB at AT&T store. I can freeze the bloatware so not worried about that.
My main hesitation is I can't figure out what I'm really gaining from my S5. Screen is about the same, same CPU, same RAM, camera on S5 is better, bigger battery on S5, software is better on X, build quality is better...
So it sort of comes down to better build quality and software. Everything else would be the same or not much different.
Has anyone gone from S5 to X and what's been your experience?>
I'm on the same boat. I have an unlocked S5 16gb version. I got it in hopes that the S5 google edition would be released and I would simply convert it. Totally bummed because that never happened and I'm used to Google edition or Nexus phones. The S5 is riddled with constant lag across the UI and popups everywhere. Also the bloat on the S5 is amazing. I turned off most of the apps and found that this caused errors on other apps I couldn't disable, must be due to some dependencies. So I decided to go with Moto X, which is still currently being built and I'm expecting to receive on 10/8.
Some things I'll probably miss include the bigger battery (S5 easily lasts me all day with heavy use), SD card slot (had an extra 64GB for music and pics), and the IR blaster which I used to control my TVs or simply prank people :laugh:
But I'm willing to overlook all of the above since I'll be getting a better software experience, something I miss from all of my previous nexus phones and my S4 GPE.
I just came from a Galaxy Note 3 Developer Edition (running CM11) to the Verizon Moto X.
When you consider the unlockable bootloader, 3gb of RAM, and screen size, and S pen, the N3 DE has some advantages on paper vs the X.
I'm not trying to justify anything, nor convince anyone else to change.
My needs changed, somewhat, in terms of size, and I needed something just a little smaller. At 5.2", the new Moto X was about right for me. I would have not even considered changing if the X did not have stock AOSP, and such outstanding reviews.
So far, I am not disappointed with the X. But it is definitely not a competitor of the Note Series.
It is an outstanding device, though for someone who wants stock AOSP, and a very fast, smooth responsive OS.
I made this exact switch this past weekend. The S5 is a great phone, but I simply can't resist the combination of stock android and Motorola's enhancements. I love the look, feel, and fluidity of the Moto X, and the front facing speakers are wonderful (I stream a lot of radio at work). I really did enjoy the S5, and I will miss the screen and camera there, but overall I'm really enjoying the Moto X and am happy with my decision to switch.
The 32 GB is available again. If you want a white front those are delayed. I just built one (just for fun, pure edition) a little while ago.
I'll be getting the Verizon version tomorrow and I have the S5. I'll see if its worth the switch, if not I'll send it back.
I got an update yesterday night, and my new customized Moto X arrives tomorrow morning! Good thing I work from home tomorrow so I'll have it up and running in no time! Pretty excited!
munozyoshi said:
I got an update yesterday night, and my new customized Moto X arrives tomorrow morning! Good thing I work from home tomorrow so I'll have it up and running in no time! Pretty excited!
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I got mine today and I'm not sure if I like it.
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alhadee12 said:
I got mine today and I'm not sure if I like it.
Sent from my XT1096 using XDA Free mobile app
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Can you elaborate?
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mobilehavoc said:
Can you elaborate?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
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It just doesn't have that wow factor. For me it's just a bigger screen. They're both snappy and fluid. I'm not seeing anything yet that says I'm a keeper. Is there something that you or others have seen or read that makes it stand out?
I disagree (just my opinion). I'm a phone hopper. I get the latest and greatest as soon as they come out (tablets included) and besides the battery life, which isn't the worst in the world by any means, this is hands down my favorite phone to date. My last 5 phones were the One Plus One 64g, Oppo N1 CM edition, Galaxy S5, Nexus 5, M8 and Note 3 (that's 7). I personally wouldn't go back to ANY of them from this years Moto X. It's really all about preference. I like stock android with a few bells and whistles. And the bells and whistles that Motorola has sprinkled in work flawlessly and I actually use. I'm not dogging Samsung, but the first thing I do when I get one of their devices is turn every single useless gimmicky crap off and put a Google Now launcher and Google Keyboard on it. I also have the Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 LTE with phone capabilities (to troll some people when making phone calls lol) and did all of what I said above to it before I installed anything. I hate to compare Motorola to Apple because the iphone and iPad bores the hell out of me, but Motorola paired their hardware and software as well as Apple does for the user experience. I prefer this phone over the red Nexus 5 and I'm a Nexus head. Just my two cents and my preference. If you're looking for a phone with zero lag, a beautiful screen, nice looking build, front facing firing speaker (which is dam loud BTW) and just an all around dam near perfect experience using it, then get the Moto X. If you're more concerned with battery life, removable battery, better camera and ALL the bells and whistles Samsung pours in then stick with the S5. The S5 is a great phone! And SD card support and IR blaster. Samsung's awesome.. I just prefer this Moto X.
chefdave12118 said:
I disagree (just my opinion). I'm a phone hopper. I get the latest and greatest as soon as they come out (tablets included) and besides the battery life, which isn't the worst in the world by any means, this is hands down my favorite phone to date. My last 5 phones were the One Plus One 64g, Oppo N1 CM edition, Galaxy S5, Nexus 5, M8 and Note 3 (that's 7). I personally wouldn't go back to ANY of them from this years Moto X. It's really all about preference. I like stock android with a few bells and whistles. And the bells and whistles that Motorola has sprinkled in work flawlessly and I actually use. I'm not dogging Samsung, but the first thing I do when I get one of their devices is turn every single useless gimmicky crap off and put a Google Now launcher and Google Keyboard on it. I also have the Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 LTE with phone capabilities (to troll some people when making phone calls lol) and did all of what I said above to it before I installed anything. I hate to compare Motorola to Apple because the iphone and iPad bores the hell out of me, but Motorola paired their hardware and software as well as Apple does for the user experience. I prefer this phone over the red Nexus 5 and I'm a Nexus head. Just my two cents and my preference. If you're looking for a phone with zero lag, a beautiful screen, nice looking build, front facing firing speaker (which is dam loud BTW) and just an all around dam near perfect experience using it, then get the Moto X. If you're more concerned with battery life, removable battery, better camera and ALL the bells and whistles Samsung pours in then stick with the S5. The S5 is a great phone! And SD card support and IR blaster. Samsung's awesome.. I just prefer this Moto X.
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Since you have had so many phones could you please compare the one-handed usage experience between the M8, S5, and the Moto X (2014)? How would you rank them in that aspect?
I made the switch and while I am overall happy, I am very disappointed in the way that the Moto X handles drops. The GS5 is a beast and can handle abuse butI had a small spill last night that would've left the GS5 with nothing more than a scratch, however my X got a quadruple crack at the top left corner that extended all the way across the screen. And then magically a new crack formed this morning at the bottom COMPLETELY out of nowhere. This phone is great but it's SUPER FRAGILE.
i think the best way to say it is if you use the few features that moto has put on their phone, then you will have a much better experience over the gs5. other than that... its just a phone. there is something to be said for the beauty of the leather backs also.
I have used but not owned an S phone since the first generation (Epic with keyboard, great for its day). I use a Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet and a Moto G phone at the moment. Everything about the Samsung experience is some window dressing hanging off of android. I really like the note, but all of the touchwiz junk added to the device is irritating. With Motorola, it is all clean. Where they add, they do so through apps, so there is better control. On my G, I changed to the Nexus experience launcher, and the difference from the one packaged with the phone is almost imperceptible - I just gained a swipe to a screen of cards. The S5 and 2014 X are so technically similar, it will come down to if you like the Samsung experience or want closer to Nexus.
cam30era said:
So far, I am not disappointed with the X. But it is definitely not a competitor of the Note Series.
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It's not supposed to be imo, they are two different class of device. I think the Shamu will be more comparable, even then it's not designed with stylus in mind I think. The note is pretty much on it's own until a real stylus phone competitor come along.
chefdave12118 said:
I disagree (just my opinion). I'm a phone hopper. I get the latest and greatest as soon as they come out (tablets included) and besides the battery life, which isn't the worst in the world by any means, this is hands down my favorite phone to date. My last 5 phones were the One Plus One 64g, Oppo N1 CM edition, Galaxy S5, Nexus 5, M8 and Note 3 (that's 7). I personally wouldn't go back to ANY of them from this years Moto X. It's really all about preference. I like stock android with a few bells and whistles. And the bells and whistles that Motorola has sprinkled in work flawlessly and I actually use. I'm not dogging Samsung, but the first thing I do when I get one of their devices is turn every single useless gimmicky crap off and put a Google Now launcher and Google Keyboard on it. I also have the Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 LTE with phone capabilities (to troll some people when making phone calls lol) and did all of what I said above to it before I installed anything. I hate to compare Motorola to Apple because the iphone and iPad bores the hell out of me, but Motorola paired their hardware and software as well as Apple does for the user experience. I prefer this phone over the red Nexus 5 and I'm a Nexus head. Just my two cents and my preference. If you're looking for a phone with zero lag, a beautiful screen, nice looking build, front facing firing speaker (which is dam loud BTW) and just an all around dam near perfect experience using it, then get the Moto X. If you're more concerned with battery life, removable battery, better camera and ALL the bells and whistles Samsung pours in then stick with the S5. The S5 is a great phone! And SD card support and IR blaster. Samsung's awesome.. I just prefer this Moto X.
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I have two questions for you, because you have used other phones, so you will be able to tell better, firstly, is the camera really improved from last year's X? And secondly how much Screen On time are you getting with normal usage?
I personally am looking for a phone to upgrade from my 2013 X, and I just can't find anything worthy!
S5: Great hardware, bearable design, brilliant display, very good camera, but TouchWiz, so no way.
M8: Camera. And I hate all aluminium build too.
Z2: Self crackling body! Also screen to body ratio isn't really great!
G3: LG's UI is no better than TouchWiz, maybe slightly better but it's still awful. But fantastic design, and OIS!
And then there's the X 2014: Extremely over saturated display. Leather back has questionable durability I suppose (and when leather is available it's impossible to choose something else, for me at least). I am highly doubtful about the camera quality. 32 GB variant is still not available in my country and 16 GB without an SD card slot is unbelievable in 2014. But polished UI, and the overall UI experience is near Nexus level.
I played with the Moto X in a store for a while and came away unimpressed. Camera seems so so unless you force HDR on. Screen seems over saturated and no way to adjust like on Samsung. Build quality is nice for sure and software seems nice and stock. I really wanted to get this phone but the smaller battery, lesser camera makes it hard to switch. I also have a wireless charging back on my S5 so I'd loose that and I have wireless chargers everywhere around my house. I don't think I'd honestly use most of the Moto software either especially since my Moto 360 gives me glance able notifications already and remote voice when phone is off.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
darkgoon3r96 said:
Since you have had so many phones could you please compare the one-handed usage experience between the M8, S5, and the Moto X (2014)? How would you rank them in that aspect?
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The ergonomics of the Moto X 2014 for one handed use smoke the M8 and S5. Motorola spent some time holding this sucker because it's VERY natural one handed for me. I would put the M8 in second place because of the curved back, but the aluminum is slippery as hell and then the S5. The S5 doesn't slip in your hand, but doesn't feel as natural as the Moto X does. This is just my experience though. Everyone holds their phones differently. My wife texts on her Note 2 with her left thumb and right pointer finger and it makes me mental lol.
---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 PM ----------
devilsdouble said:
I have two questions for you, because you have used other phones, so you will be able to tell better, firstly, is the camera really improved from last year's X? And secondly how much Screen On time are you getting with normal usage?
I personally am looking for a phone to upgrade from my 2013 X, and I just can't find anything worthy!
S5: Great hardware, bearable design, brilliant display, very good camera, but TouchWiz, so no way.
M8: Camera. And I hate all aluminium build too.
Z2: Self crackling body! Also screen to body ratio isn't really great!
G3: LG's UI is no better than TouchWiz, maybe slightly better but it's still awful. But fantastic design, and OIS!
And then there's the X 2014: Extremely over saturated display. Leather back has questionable durability I suppose (and when leather is available it's impossible to choose something else, for me at least). I am highly doubtful about the camera quality. 32 GB variant is still not available in my country and 16 GB without an SD card slot is unbelievable in 2014. But polished UI, and the overall UI experience is near Nexus level.
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The camera is without a doubt better than last years Moto X and is fine for a pull out of your pocket shooter. It's perfectly fine for what I need it for and I own a restaurant and take a lot of pics of food for our social media. And I'm a bad person to ask about screen on time because I keep my screen on 100% 24/7 (I'm always near a charger). I haven't tested it consistently, but with heavy use I would say 3-4 hours screen on time and that's power using it.
chefdave12118 said:
The ergonomics of the Moto X 2014 for one handed use smoke the M8 and S5. Motorola spent some time holding this sucker because it's VERY natural one handed for me. I would put the M8 in second place because of the curved back, but the aluminum is slippery as hell and then the S5. The S5 doesn't slip in your hand, but doesn't feel as natural as the Moto X does. This is just my experience though. Everyone holds their phones differently. My wife texts on her Note 2 with her left thumb and right pointer finger and it makes me mental lol.
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So if I could just barely reach the top left corner with my right hand on the S5, will it be easier to reach the same corner on the HTC One and even easier on the Moto X?

Are you happy with it?

So through a whole of problems with the GS4, and a little stroke of luck, I happened upon a Moto X 2014. I must say, the phone is smooth as butter. But I still feel like something is missing. My battery isn't a great feet, my camera is poor at best. The phone however is the fastest and smoothest I've ever seen an android phone. It makes me melt. But after using the LG G2 which I had for 2 days before this....I miss it comparatively to this. Just as fast, much larger battery, beautiful screen. The Moto X doesn't even have a "power save" feature, and that would at lest be helpful. I almost want to wait for the Droid Turbo, but by then my 14 days would be up. I'm just not sure what to do. So my question to others.....Are you happy with this device? or would you switch, given the opportunity? If so, to what?
In happy, if the camera was better, I would be happier, but I'll hold out for L in hopes of improved camera performance. If not, I have another upgrade in April, maybe grab a turbo if it doesn't look as bad as it has in the leaked photos.
I'm think off going back the LG G2. The camera may be the breaking point for me.
Sent from my XT1096 using XDA Free mobile app
I don't take many pictures, but the ones I have taken have been fine. On par with a majority of the smart phones I have owned except a few that were above average. Most of them are just "meh" and any difference is still not great so I just don't let it get to me. If pictures were priority I would still be on the Lumia 930 hands down, or maybe the iPhone 6 plus, but not most of the Android handsets available that's for sure.
Overall I love the phone though. It just a great phone to use and really when it comes down to it that is what matters. There are things that could use improvement (screen brightness, camera, battery life). But none of those factors are BAD, just not exceptional. I get through a day with ease and the screen is fine except in bright sunlight. The phone makes up for it with a great feel and ease of use. Its super fast and fluid, and little things like ActiveDisplay just make it all that much better of an experience. Of all the phones I have owned in the last year (a lot) it is the first one I feel content with and not pining for a new phone (which is rare for me). I am excited for Android L .
I love my Moto X. I too came from a Galaxy S4 running CyanogenMOD and this is so smooth without having to do any tweaking whatsoever. I've had this phone for 11 days and I already try to wave my hand over other people's phones and expect it to just turn on when I pick it up. These may be new features I can't live without.
Short phone I have ever owned
I came from the HTC One, HTC One M8, and LG G3. Also had the Nexus 5 as my daily driver before leaving it for LG G3. ... This phone trumps them all (still use m8 for low light photos)
The bad......nothing really. The camera and battery are decent enough.....just nothing to brag on.
As far as performance....nothing is close. So fluid.
The phone screen looks amazing and the stereo headphone jack is provides the best sound I have heard outside of the HTCOne.
No phone is perfect.....but this phone came very close
I think it's too top heavy and not comfortable to hold. Maybe cuz I got leather and have a subconscious fear of scratching it or something. Ultimately, its fate w/me is doomed due to no root on verizon.
I'll give up the X if nexus comes out on verizon.
soundneedle said:
I think it's too top heavy and not comfortable to hold. Maybe cuz I got leather and have a subconscious fear of scratching it or something. Ultimately, its fate w/me is doomed due to no root on verizon.
I'll give up the X if nexus comes out on verizon.
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This is the only downfall for me as well. I want gravitybox so bad. Just for the PIE controls so I can hide the nav bar. That extra screen real estate along with the one handed reachability would make this phone perfect for me.
I don't care about the camera quality, not a big deal for me. And the battery life is sufficient for me.
ChristianPreachr said:
So through a whole of problems with the GS4, and a little stroke of luck, I happened upon a Moto X 2014. I must say, the phone is smooth as butter. But I still feel like something is missing. My battery isn't a great feet, my camera is poor at best. The phone however is the fastest and smoothest I've ever seen an android phone. It makes me melt. But after using the LG G2 which I had for 2 days before this....I miss it comparatively to this. Just as fast, much larger battery, beautiful screen. The Moto X doesn't even have a "power save" feature, and that would at lest be helpful. I almost want to wait for the Droid Turbo, but by then my 14 days would be up. I'm just not sure what to do. So my question to others.....Are you happy with this device? or would you switch, given the opportunity? If so, to what?
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you'll be happy that L will bring this:
1. power saver built in
2. native code for camera stuff
3. project volt, which is supposed to help in battery
4. ...and much more
right now, there is nothing on the market that I want. so no, i would not switch. next year, maybe
after a week or so of using its okay. battery life sucks, i dont care about the camera, not sure why but many apps crash on it more than my nexus 5, and i can barely just barely see some hiccups/lag when navigating through the homescreen and some apps ill wait for android L tho
after a week or so of using its okay. battery life sucks, i dont care about the camera, not sure why but many apps crash on it more than my nexus 5, and i can barely just barely see some hiccups/lag when navigating through the homescreen and some apps ill wait for android L tho
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Do you have ART enabled?
This phone is not top heavy, the center of its mass is right in the middle of the phone.
Just balance it on the index finger and you will see.
Best phone I used so far as well. But I never had any flagship devices before. Just a last years moto x, moto g, galaxy i9070... and an HTC one m8 as a phone for work, that's it.
But I saw many friends struggling with flagships while I was enjoying my moto x 2013.
I gave the HTC one m8 back to my boss and use the mx2013 now for my work and the mx2014 for private uses.
The mx2013 gave me an excellent experience, so I had no other choice than buying its successor.
BTW I hated the m8 even compared to the mx2013.
If Motorola doesn't **** it up, I'll buy their devices for a long time.
I could not be happier
Battery life could be bettet but ive yet to run out of it after a full day of work
How do you enable ART and what does it change? I assume this is the ART vs dalvik thing?
Sent from my XT1096 using XDA Free mobile app
ChristianPreachr said:
How do you enable ART and what does it change? I assume this is the ART vs dalvik thing?
Sent from my XT1096 using XDA Free mobile app
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It's in developer options. Don't enable it. Several users have reported an increase in force closes.
It's a bigger, faster, smoother moto x. If you liked the 2013 x but wanted something bigger, this will make you happy.
I like it, originally I let all the negative reviews get to me and even went back to my nexus 5 for a day. Then I realized how much nicer the moto x is. Its a great well rounded device. Unlocked bootloader with full warranty in tact, good camera, decent battery life, fast updates, near aosp and other great specs. Oh, and every time I'm on the phone I can smell wonderful leather lol.
robstunner said:
I like it, originally I let all the negative reviews get to me and even went back to my nexus 5 for a day. Then I realized how much nicer the moto x is. Its a great well rounded device. Unlocked bootloader with full warranty in tact, good camera, decent battery life, fast updates, near aosp and other great specs. Oh, and every time I'm on the phone I can smell wonderful leather lol.
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Unlocking the boot loader on the pure edition does not void the warranty? I have heard it does not but not sure.
sent from my 2014 moto X
jmtjr278 said:
Unlocking the boot loader on the pure edition does not void the warranty? I have heard it does not but not sure.
sent from my 2014 moto X
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That's what I read from the Motorola feedback network administrator, he said they are "treating the pure edition like the 2013 Dev edition."
I love it, but I am interested in seeing what the Turbo and Nexus 6 bring to table, especially since it'll be on VZW. That being said, jumping to 5.2" from 4.7" was noticeable, can't really imagine carrying around 5.96"...

Double tap2wake and notification LED: Two things that would do the device super!

Guys.. I'm searching the web (mostly here in xda) to make those two features work on my device, but I can't find something!
Can't we do this awesome led under the earphone works as notification led?
Sent from my XT1092 using XDA Free mobile app
Why would you want those features when you have something better, Moto Display? Pick the phone up and it will light up the device, simply unlock it like usual; no need to explain notifications I believe.
It is redudant on the X, probably you're used to it from past devices or kernels you applied before.
I could see the light if you don't keep your phone near you, but just wave your hand over the phone, just the same as the knock I had on my G3. I still had to unlock it after the knock. Just do the wave and unlock like rogeriorp said.
Moto Display is a battery hog and doesnt work right half the time. I disabled it long ago and my battery life doubled.
If ur Moto X is rooted then u can use certain apps from the Play Store to gain access to the notification light (I think one is called Light Flow). Also Im pretty sure some Devs got double tap to wake working on the Moto G so im sure it could work for ur X as long as ur rooted.
Search moto x led in the play store
If you want a smartphone, get Android. If you want a TOY, get iphone
I do like moto display but I miss the notification light. Just got my replacement phone today so I am going to use it for a little bit and then unlock the bootloader and root so I can mess with it a bit.
I never had a phone with double tap to awake but that is a nice feature, but as has been said if you use the moto feature all you need to do is wave your hand.
TokedUp said:
Moto Display is a battery hog and doesnt work right half the time. I disabled it long ago and my battery life doubled.
If ur Moto X is rooted then u can use certain apps from the Play Store to gain access to the notification light (I think one is called Light Flow). Also Im pretty sure some Devs got double tap to wake working on the Moto G so im sure it could work for ur X as long as ur rooted.
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So you're basically killing the so called best phone feature of the X line up useless, and disabled it for battery life? That is not what the Moto X is about, it is about the user experience. I read it here that people thought it would be a Nexus with extra features, but don't like them after a while and decide to use it as a Nexus device. I am fine with that, to each their own, but it is enfuriating. How would you call this phone a success if not by it's unique features out of the box, with design made to work with it with sensors and everything.. instead you're killing it in favor of battery, like what? Really? :|
That is probably the beauty of android, everyone uses the device as they see fit but I don't see the brightness of killing a phone's features as good as this over standard stuff.
I like ambient display more. But some of you dont have that as an option since you may not be on 5.0. To each their own. I would take battery life over a feature I wouldn't use any day.
I am rooted but nothing seems to work, neither the notification led, nor the double tap!
Sent from my XT1092 using XDA Free mobile app
I find the opposite. Moto Display is better on batter life than ambient display in Lollipop. Not to mention just works better. Plus I also think it is one of the unique and best features of Moto X. Much better than double tap to wake...just pick up your phone and slide...done. or pick up my phone...check the time, put it back in my pocket and never have to turn the display on. Awesomeness!
TokedUp said:
Moto Display is a battery hog and doesnt work right half the time. I disabled it long ago and my battery life doubled.
If ur Moto X is rooted then u can use certain apps from the Play Store to gain access to the notification light (I think one is called Light Flow). Also Im pretty sure some Devs got double tap to wake working on the Moto G so im sure it could work for ur X as long as ur rooted.
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Having both a xt1095 and a onePlus one I can say dt2w is just better. I find my self having to wave my thumb over the it sensor trying to wake it again. Its a PiTA one handed. Alternatively with dt2w your thumb is already on the screen.
I wouldn't mind it if I could just wave the phone over my leg screen down to trip the sensors but that doesn't work really either.
Worse yet you swipe down to unlock after swiping up on lollipop notification screen....Moto has work to do. Honestly my X is going to get benched till updates roll out. It has so many bugs on lollipop that I'm disappointed.
TokedUp said:
Moto Display is a battery hog and doesnt work right half the time. I disabled it long ago and my battery life doubled.
If ur Moto X is rooted then u can use certain apps from the Play Store to gain access to the notification light (I think one is called Light Flow). Also Im pretty sure some Devs got double tap to wake working on the Moto G so im sure it could work for ur X as long as ur rooted.
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I'd hardly call Moto Display a battery hog. Just like the 2013 X, it uses a low power core so it's designed to not use much battery. I did an experiment when I first got the phone and it literally added MAYBE an extra 1% of standby battery drain in a 24 hour period. I think you might have had other issues, honestly.
---------- Post added at 11:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------
joeavery2 said:
Having both a xt1095 and a onePlus one I can say dt2w is just better. I find my self having to wave my thumb over the it sensor trying to wake it again. Its a PiTA one handed. Alternatively with dt2w your thumb is already on the screen.
I wouldn't mind it if I could just wave the phone over my leg screen down to trip the sensors but that doesn't work really either.
Worse yet you swipe down to unlock after swiping up on lollipop notification screen....Moto has work to do. Honestly my X is going to get benched till updates roll out. It has so many bugs on lollipop that I'm disappointed.
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And that's why I'm staying on KitKat. So many people are way too quick to update just because they want to have the latest software for no other reason than having the latest software. I actually had someone on xda tell me I don't deserve my Nexus 5 because I'm keeping it on KitKat. Sorry, but I like my phone to just work, and KitKat works beautifully on both my X and N5. Just toss a few Xposed modules in there and I'm a happy camper.
I've had such a different experience. I updated to lollipop on day one and have had no major issues what so ever. Battery life is great (better than kitkat) and the phone is super fast. I really think it is a user experience and depends on what apps you have on the phone as well as how the phone is used. I love the Moto X and honestly have bought several phones this year. HTC M8, Galaxy S5, LG G3, Xpeira Z3 and the X. I kept combing back to the Moto fact I just sold all of them and kept the Moto...just feels better in hand and all around the best phone out of that bunch for me. I do wish it had the G3 camera on it though...that was the best camera of the bunch...surprisingly I thought the Z3 would have been the best camera but G3 performed better for me. I really hope Moto can issue an update fixing the poor camera quality. That is the one thing that really does bug me.
_MetalHead_ said:
I'd hardly call Moto Display a battery hog. Just like the 2013 X, it uses a low power core so it's designed to not use much battery. I did an experiment when I first got the phone and it literally added MAYBE an extra 1% of standby battery drain in a 24 hour period. I think you might have had other issues, honestly.
---------- Post added at 11:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------
And that's why I'm staying on KitKat. So many people are way too quick to update just because they want to have the latest software for no other reason than having the latest software. I actually had someone on xda tell me I don't deserve my Nexus 5 because I'm keeping it on KitKat. Sorry, but I like my phone to just work, and KitKat works beautifully on both my X and N5. Just toss a few Xposed modules in there and I'm a happy camper.
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You dont find that Moto display turns on when u dont need it? I had mine sitting on the table in front of me and randomly the screen would turn on for no reason. Happened time and time again. Plus if u use a PIN then u need to bypass Moto Display then the Android lock screen, so its like having 2 lock screens over lapping eachother. I dont know how u could think using all the sensors on front would lead to less battery usage. Ambient works way better for me. Whatever, not like I care how anyone uses their phone. So happy you guys love Moto Display! :|
If someone of you have had an LG G2 or G3 would understand why double tap and notification led is way better than this moto display or the other feature on lollipop!
In most cases I leave my phone sitting in the table and I'm some meters away, I see the led notify me and go to the table just double tap the screen and I'm ready!
Not to mention that curved back that makes it difficult to use the phone when it sits in the table.. I don't want to take the phone to my hand each time I want to type something, I want it on the table!
You'll tell me now.. "why you bought this phone??"
Honestly.. even if I don't like much of the features that "doesn't have" I love the feeling of this phone, I like it very much!!
Sent from my XT1092 using XDA Free mobile app
patik14 said:
If someone of you have had an LG G2 or G3 would understand why double tap and notification led is way better than this moto display or the other feature on lollipop!
In most cases I leave my phone sitting in the table and I'm some meters away, I see the led notify me and go to the table just double tap the screen and I'm ready!
Not to mention that curved back that makes it difficult to use the phone when it sits in the table.. I don't want to take the phone to my hand each time I want to type something, I want it on the table!
You'll tell me now.. "why you bought this phone??"
Honestly.. even if I don't like much of the features that "doesn't have" I love the feeling of this phone, I like it very much!!
Sent from my XT1092 using XDA Free mobile app
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I had a G3 and I really don't miss tap to wake as I can just wave my hand over the display and get the same result. I do miss tap to sleep though. If I decide to go back to nova launcher, I know there's apps that lock your phone when you set double tap to that app.
gotzaDroid said:
I had a G3 and I really don't miss tap to wake as I can just wave my hand over the display and get the same result. I do miss tap to sleep though. If I decide to go back to nova launcher, I know there's apps that lock your phone when you set double tap to that app.
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Also, since the phone has a rounded back, you can just tap the phone and it rocks causing the screen to turn on. Sometimes when I am playing Xbox and my phone is on the table in front of me I just lightly kick the table and the vibration turns the screen on. I have Nova and use the double tap to lock, however, doing this somehow makes the Smart Unlock not work. If I lock by the side button, then turn the phone on I can use my face to unlock. If I double tap Nova (or use any app that turns the screen off), then turn the phone on I can't use my face to unlock. It is very weird and not sure why.
TokedUp said:
You dont find that Moto display turns on when u dont need it? I had mine sitting on the table in front of me and randomly the screen would turn on for no reason. Happened time and time again. Plus if u use a PIN then u need to bypass Moto Display then the Android lock screen, so its like having 2 lock screens over lapping eachother. I dont know how u could think using all the sensors on front would lead to less battery usage. Ambient works way better for me. Whatever, not like I care how anyone uses their phone. So happy you guys love Moto Display! :|
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I was under the impression that amibent display wakes up the snapdragon, while moto display uses a secondary low power chip, which should save some battery. Moto display uses three IR emitters and one IR sensor, those should consume minute levels of current.
Getting through two lockscreens does kind of suck though.
If double-tap-to-wakeup was important for me then I had an OnePlusOne invite and I would have bought that which is way cheaper than MotoX and has got better specs on the paper. But I handed that invite to someone else and bought the MotoX instead.
But I wanted the MotoX for what its offering and now I have got so much used to of the 'touchless' Moto features that I end up replicating same gestures on other phones I come across and then it takes a bit to realize that the others aren't smart enough like MotoX, Even an iPhone costing twice the money feels ancient tech in front of the MotoX. earlier I had complains with the camera but now I even have started liking the camera also for the quicker and smarter gesture based response, afterall what is utility of a mobile camera if you can't access it on time. :cyclops:
I have praises for the MotoX becasue its got few features which suite to me. It doesn't mean that its the only best smartphone, there are other phones as well which have some other distinct features preferred by other people, just a matter of preference, but be careful while choosing.
Those who are facing issues on Lollipop, I would suggest factory reset and clean start after the upgrade, then reset/retrain the Moto features.
If you install any of the custom roms for the Moto X, the light will function as a notification light. Since you seem to not like Moto Display, this seems like a viable option for you.
