Wifi card in monitor mode, help? - Galaxy A3, A5, A7, A8, A9 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Hey guys, a week ago, I've ported kali nethunter to galaxy a5, but there is a method to put qcom built-in cards in monitor mode as bcmon with broadcom ones?


Does Kali Linux's networking mode work on MediaTek phones?

okay, I want to use Kali Linux on my MT6592 Android....
but does mediatek supports the wifi monitoring mode?
Have anyone tried it?

Can I run Kali / NetHunter on S4?

Hello friends,
I've recently found an app called "Linux Deploy" (it's available at store). They claim it supports Kali distribution.
In addition, I saw at Kali Linux's official site that they have NetHunter for the galaxy S5 (they didn't say anything about S4).
Can I use kali on a galaxy S4 GT-I9515 device using one of these methods?
If I can, please let me know how (the device is rooted and has TWRP's CR).
I think it needs kernel support, or ROM support.
While support can be added, I don't think there are any ROMs for the S4 that have it.
And development isn't what it used to be, especially for the GT-I9515 there are only a few ROMs.
Hey guys,
Watch out this thread for Kali Linux NetHunter testing for galaxy s4.
Here's the link https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=73185513&postcount=1
For different S4 model can be testing to ported with this Kali NetHunter.

[Request][Porting Kernel]Hammerhead NethunterOS 14.1 to hlte 14.1

I am trying Nethunter on galaxy Note 3.My Original plans were to get a Nexus 5 but due to shortage(Or being Nonexistant in my country)I was finding a same device with identical chipset WiFi card etc and I matched Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with identical hardware.Now I am trying the nethunter on CM 13 with Internal monitor mode support from NEXMON but the only problem is that I am getting a Kernel Panic Which Reboots the device when I enable monitor mode on any script.The kernel requires a patch to fix it.So,I wanted to request Anybody Out there to port the
hammerhead NethunterOS CM 14.1 kernel or the marshmallow Hammerheadmon to hlte Cm or lineage.Or you can Point me in direction to porting kernel but I must mention that I don't have a PC and would have to borrow one which I would've to return very soon.I can provide you with links to both kernel Imgs But I guess you can find it yourself.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Can you port it?

kali nethunter on tab s6 lite

i have kali on tab s6 lite installed by magisk
and I use lineageos
and crDroid
and twrp 3.0.4 and which has
but it does not recognize the firmware
I put the tp-link tl-wn722n v1 and v3 inada
some solution to the problem
ARIES4RR said:
i have kali on tab s6 lite installed by magisk
and I use lineageos
and crDroid
and twrp 3.0.4 and which has
but it does not recognize the firmware
I put the tp-link tl-wn722n v1 and v3 inada
some solution to the problem
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Hey, thanks for developing a kernel for tab s6 lite! I hope you can figure it out! I would be excited to test it out. I have a tab s6 lite rooted with magisk and have nethunter installed but I can't get any wlan1s to be recognized or get wlan0 to go into monitor mode. Have you gotten these to work? If so, what were your steps?

Nethunter Kernel for TB-X606F (Lenovo M10 Plus FHD)?

does anyone have a working Kali Nethunter Kernel with MAC80211 support for a Lenovo M10 Plus FHD (TB-X606F)?
I have already rooted my TB-X606F and installed the generic nethunter image,
but unfortunately I can't get an external wlan adapter to work,
and I think it's due to the MAC80211 not being supported in the generic kernel.
has anyone had any experience with this tablet and kali nethunter?
