Root help on the g870a . Pb3 - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Has any of you android geniuses gotten any closer to a root solution for the S5 G870A.. PB3??? I'M DYING HERE I NEED MY ROOT.. ROOT.., THANKS

the only way is to find a first release phone and never let it ota. since they are used to pay for things now rooting is history


[Q] Please help me with rooting & flashing

Hello there!
I have a Galaxy Note 3 i9005. I used to have it rooted (towelroot) but I accidentally updated the phone to version 4.4.2 which sadly removed my root. I've had my phone for about a year, and I feel it's time to spice things up with a new rom, but I find myself lost in this whole flashing jungle.
So, my questions are, is it possible for me to safely root & flash my phone? If so, could anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried searching a bunch but it's very hard to find in-depth guides explaining the process in detail. I don't even know if such a guide exists for the Note 3.
I live in Sweden so I don't think the phone has a locked bootloader if that affects anything.
Please help me.
Wisoo said:
Hello there!
I have a Galaxy Note 3 i9005. I used to have it rooted (towelroot) but I accidentally updated the phone to version 4.4.2 which sadly removed my root. I've had my phone for about a year, and I feel it's time to spice things up with a new rom, but I find myself lost in this whole flashing jungle.
So, my questions are, is it possible for me to safely root & flash my phone? If so, could anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried searching a bunch but it's very hard to find in-depth guides explaining the process in detail. I don't even know if such a guide exists for the Note 3.
I live in Sweden so I don't think the phone has a locked bootloader if that affects anything.
Please help me.
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I've rooted several new note 3 with this method..
I managed to root it with that method! Knox is 0x0, thanks for the pointer man
Now, I'd like to know how to flash a custom rom. I've been looking a lot at different custom roms, however I can't seem to decide which one I want. Besides, I don't even know if I'm able to flash my phone since I'm running Android 4.4.2. All guides takes for granted that you have some knowledge with flashing, which I don't.

HELP ROOTING G530W Android 5.1.1

Is there a way to root the Samsung Grand Prime G530W on Android 5.1.1?
I've try alot of one click root but none of them are working
Can someone help ?
As per the information i got from samsung this is the same phone as the G530T that was rooted in another thread.
Contiuniously looking.
I'm in the same boat, have been looking for a solution to this root for the past couple of months. To my knowledge the best solution would be looking to see if the lollipop 5.1.1 has been rooted for galaxy S6, as this phone has the same platform. Hopefully someone can give you more information and a possible route guide because I've tried to unroot this phone several times using different rom versions only to have to factory restore and being locked out multiple times. I've since stopped attempting and browse for answers from time to time. Wishful thinking may give us the right answer. Gl in your search if XDA is unhelpful.
I did it with this
work like a charm

AT&T S5 Active (870A) OF3 lollipop root method?

I've found root methods for previous versions of lollipop for the AT&T variant S5 Active but it seems to me that there may not be a method for the most up to date firmware. Has anyone successfully rooted the S5 Active on OF3 firmware? If so please enlighten me!
I've been searching for a few weeks now. While out of town, I found a tweet for srsroot that said OF3 IS now supported. However, I have not tried it yet.
The tweet went a little something like this: #SRSRoot: samsung SAMSUNG-SM-G870A (Build: LRX21T.G870AUCU2BOF3) #Android 5.0 Now Supported...
I hope it's real; I'm going to try it tonight. Good luck
Tell me how that goes, and send me a link to it after! Thanks clubfalco
I tried it out and it said the root was successful, but I still don't have root privileges. I'm going to try it again to make sure there isn't something I'm missing. If I can get it to work I'll send the link.
I tried srsroot as well to no avail. Tried two separate times and it said root successful, but after installing SuperSU and superuser (separately) no root... I'll keep trying I suppose. Happy with the phone regardless
I'm bookmarking this to keep abreast. I've been impatiently waiting for somebody to fix this problem. I love my AT&T S5 Active, but it is in need of warranty replacement. Nothing that hinders the phone function too much, but I want it fixed eventually. However if I send it in they will give me a Lollipop build (OF3). Mine currently runs 4.4.4. I don't care about 5.0. I just need my root. If I could get a KitKat replacement I would.
I can't send it in for replacement until somebody figures this out.
You could contact Samsung and see if there is any way for them to make sure you're sent a replacement without the latest update. Also, as you may already know, make sure you unroot and make it so you will be able to get the replacement. Warranties are typically voided with root... Good luck! I will keep this thread updated if I find a fix.
New to rooting - last phone was done successfully and golden - this new phone, not so much - any luck
I've been looking for a few weeks and haven't found a way to root my S5 Active. I'm running OF3 and nothing seems to work. KingRoot KingoRoot SRSRoot all the ones that come up with S5 and S5 active. Has anyone figured this out get? Using Odin to downgrade to AFE 5.0 gives a fused binary error for SW check so I'm stuck on 5.0 >
Is there still no method to root a S5 active on Android 5.0 at&t stuff drive me mad, I'm not on a contract just want the phone without junk on it.
Many thanks

Sm g530az

This is the first deviece i have owned with no development. The blu dash i used to have had more lol. Anyway can someone please tell me the best way to root and if i should upgrade to 5.1.1 or stay at 4.2.2? Thanks
I have been through all the threads but I want to make sure I do this the best way. Ther is a lot of uncertainty in most of the threads.
I recently purchased the same device however mine came with 5.1.1 already on it. I would say it functions really well and it is rootable on 5.1.1 for sure although its sorta a pain since you have to first use the kingroot then remove it and replace with supersu but as far as the kitkat version i cannot really say how it compares or if root can be obtained in the same fashion.
Are you rooted and if so would you share the links you used

Rooting S8

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, first time here So I'm thinking of rooting my S8, following this video https:/ / but I'm wandering if I'll still get updates from Samsung so long as I use the stock os, I don't mind if they break the root and I have to redo it, but I don't want it to soft brick my device... Is this a good idea? Should I root my S8? And Maybe once official updates stop coming out for the s8 I'll flash a custom rom onto it. Thanks
You will not get updates on a Rooted phone.
Besides this phone won't get anymore big updates. Just small security patches.
You will need to be rooted to get a custom Android 10 Rom in the future. Samsung will not provide one.
