test flashable KangVIP tools - Ascend Mate 7 General

Can you test whether this works? (Sorry, I'm on KangVIP already, I just extracted the files that i think do the trick)
this replaces the settings.apk and adds the KangVip tools, if you want to ensure you keep the original settings, please do a backup.

Didn't do anything
Sent from my JAZZ using Tapatalk

You flashed it with twrp? There is no k-settings under the settings menu?

No k-setting empty poll. When try push nothing happens
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adding a few more files... updated the link.. I'm also asking some of the rom developers who're using KAngVIP tools what files are needed..

Nope still nothing
Sent from my JAZZ using Tapatalk

snake65 said:
Nope still nothing
Sent from my JAZZ using Tapatalk
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Hmm, out of ideas.. hopefully i'll hear from devs who I wrote to, but doubt it.
thanks for trying.

xd4d3v said:
Hmm, out of ideas.. hopefully i'll hear from devs who I wrote to, but doubt it.
thanks for trying.
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i read somewhere its not gonna work,
but if it works, i would love to have it on TL10

I'm sure it's possible.many roms with kangvip tools integrated for mate 8.but the devs don't want to share how

xd4d3v said:
I'm sure it's possible.many roms with kangvip tools integrated for mate 8.but the devs don't want to share how
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then carry on please,
i want it

xd4d3v said:
I'm sure it's possible.many roms with kangvip tools integrated for mate 8.but the devs don't want to share how
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Can you check kangvip rom it deodex in system/framework???


[Deodex] How To/Tools...

I made this thread in the Z section - [Info/How-To/Tools] Deodexing Made Easy... but rather than copy and paste it here I'll just link to the CWM.zip you need for the Z1 Compact.
UPDATE: [TOOL] Kamome tool for Windows - deodex tool for 4.4 KitKat
Root included?
Wysłane z mojego D5503 przy użyciu Tapatalka
skit777 said:
Root included?
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You will retain root yes.
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Is it possible to ask for deodexed Z1 Compact fw.142?
is the boatloader still locked after that?
mikk_11 said:
is the boatloader still locked after that?
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If you are talking about the bootloader: Yes, of course.
Ohhh...haha..yes i meant the bootloader!! :laugh:
I've rooted with your noob proof guide. (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2642081)
It's not deodexed after that, is it?
And if i make a Nandroid backup before I deodex the fw is the fw odexed after restore the backup?
XperienceD said:
I made this thread in the Z section - [Info/How-To/Tools] Deodexing Made Easy... but rather than copy and paste it here I'll just link to the CWM.zip you need for the Z1 Compact. These files are from a stock UK ROM so it will reinstall anything you may have already removed.
How to install...
Flash with CWM
Wipe Dalvik Cache
Reboot, done.
DOWNLOAD from Google Drive (456 MB) - 114_DXD_CWM.zip
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Is this gonna work on the latest kitkat 757? and is there a version for the latest one? thanks for your support!
santacruzdz said:
Is this gonna work on the latest kitkat 757? and is there a version for the latest one? thanks for your support!
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There is a link in the Resource thread to a tool that let's you do your own, just use that.
Sent from the app on my Z1C...
XperienceD said:
There is a link in the Resource thread to a tool that let's you do your own, just use that.
Sent from the app on my Z1C...
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..I deodexed using Deodexer-Odexer-Tool_v1.00 and tried to flash it in recovery but I got stuck in a boot loop...
santacruzdz said:
..I deodexed using Deodexer-Odexer-Tool_v1.00 and tried to flash it in recovery but I got stuck in a boot loop...
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I've posted the link in the OP now so use that one and try again.
XperienceD said:
I've posted the link in the OP now so use that one and try again.
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I tried the kamometoolv3_deodex_kitkat and it worked Thanks a lot!

VDO-GUIDE (Mate8-C636-C432-How to rollback from EMUI 4.1 to EMUI 4.0- NON ROOT)

Mirror Download Link
File Type : RollBack40To41-Mate8-UPDATE.zip
(Google Drive)
File Type : UPDATE.APP
File Type : UPDATE.APP
Good new , I tested on C432B320 , it is working very well, I can downgrad to C432B152.
it can use with C636 and C432 .
all credit to @katowwe
End to all the noob headaches buddy
Thanks :good:
thanks a lot... I solved how to your method....until c900b300.
no more progress!! !.. it stop 5%.
Good new , I tested on C432B320 , it is working very well, I can downgrad to C432B152.
it can use with C636 and C432 .
Any rollback for L29C185B320 ??
Nilezcode said:
Any rollback for L29C185B320 ??
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Pls try .
Sent from my HUAWEI NXT-L29 using Tapatalk
thanks a lot! worked perfectly
Sorry for my stupid question...me on c636b321, must I rollback?...why? Thanks.
No mirrors available in first link
Wysłane z mojego HUAWEI NXT-L29 przy użyciu Tapatalka
djrattler said:
No mirrors available in first link
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It's working.
Sent from my HUAWEI NXT-L29 using Tapatalk
somboons said:
Pls try .
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Well ... you are more by far experienced in debrading the mate 8 without any issues and complication ... so please try it for C185 and till us .. like u did for c432 ... thanx in advance
It's the tax of being famous and expert
Nilezcode said:
Well ... you are more by far experienced in debrading the mate 8 without any issues and complication ... so please try it for C185 and till us .. like u did for c432 ... thanx in advance
It's the tax of being famous and expert
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OK, if you can wait a result from me.for a couple days I will test for C185.
I tried for C185 and its taking to C900 and won't flash the next firmwares.
bluheart said:
I tried for C185 and its taking to C900 and won't flash the next firmwares.
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Did you try factory reset before dload ?
Yes, I tried.
Epic Job, thank you, everything is allright. Downgrade from B320 to 192
Wysłane z mojego HUAWEI NXT-L29 przy użyciu Tapatalka
somboons said:
OK, if you can wait a result from me.for a couple days I will test for C185.
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Thanx a lot Somboons u r a good great person
bluheart said:
Yes, I tried.
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Ouch .... I was putting a lot of hope on this coz I got C185 ...:/

Z3+ or Z5 series Nougat new Ptcrb 9/02/2017

And it's now live! Now we wait...
Just flashing PH version
toncheee said:
Just flashing PH version
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Give us feedback
Wysłane z mojego E6653 przy użyciu Tapatalka
mariuszkwapien said:
Give us feedback
Wysłane z mojego E6653 przy użyciu Tapatalka
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Flashed normally, repacked kernel with rootkernel5.20, installed TWRP and supersu, for now everything is normal, I have ROOT access with writable system, will see everything else through thee day.
toncheee said:
Flashed normally, repacked kernel with rootkernel5.20, installed TWRP and supersu, for now everything is normal, I have ROOT access with writable system, will see everything else through thee day.
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So kernel is the same as 372? If so, I wouldn't waste my time to wait for new kernel source.
RyTekk said:
So kernel is the same as 372? If so, I wouldn't waste my time to wait for new kernel source.
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I don't know if it is the same, I extracted .376 kernel and run it through rootkernel tool.
toncheee said:
Just flashing PH version
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bro can i ask a favor? Can you upload The PH nougat firmware somewhere else i can't download through xperifirm download speed is so slow if it's ok thank you :good:
toncheee said:
I don't know if it is the same, I extracted .376 kernel and run it through rootkernel tool.
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Can you take a screen shot in About section?
RyTekk said:
Can you take a screen shot in About section?
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Here you are.
xaaaj said:
bro can i ask a favor? Can you upload The PH nougat firmware somewhere else i can't download through xperifirm download speed is so slow if it's ok thank you :good:
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Sorry upload speeds at my side are smaaallll, it will take ages to upload...
If you are willing to wain until tomorrow, I can try
The status bar on N looks reaaaally old and ugly lol and btw..
Did they actually fix the bugs that appeared in .372?
Did they fix the bugs lag with contacts app scrolling and speakers sound ? Anyone confirm. Thanks
DanDan_16 said:
The status bar on N looks reaaaally old and ugly lol and btw..
Did they actually fix the bugs that appeared in .372?
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GryTEcHoG said:
Did they fix the bugs lag with contacts app scrolling and speakers sound ? Anyone confirm. Thanks
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Speaker sound with 3rd in-app like SoundCloud ? Yeah, it's working like Marshmallow.
When e6603 takes the update/Beyler bende e6603 var ne zaman gelir güncelleme?
Did they increase cpu clock?? Beacause in 372 they reduce frequency to 1.56Ghz but in marshmallow it was 1.96Ghz and this made the phone laggy..
I hope they fix cpu frequency that made me to downgrade to MM.
hemre2 said:
When e6603 takes the update/Beyler bende e6603 var ne zaman gelir güncelleme?
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No one knows. Stop asking this question. It will arrive when it arrives.
L0nelyE4rth said:
Speaker sound with 3rd in-app like SoundCloud ? Yeah, it's working like Marshmallow.
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Not that.. some people reported problem with SD card encryption and lag in the sound during calls.
hemre2 said:
When e6603 takes the update/Beyler bende e6603 var ne zaman gelir güncelleme?
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benim telefonumda 6603 fakat 6653 kurdum.
Hiç bir problem yok. Çıktığı günden beri kullanıyorum.
I use e6603 and installed without problem e6653.
uri2010 said:
Did they increase cpu clock?? Beacause in 372 they reduce frequency to 1.56Ghz but in marshmallow it was 1.96Ghz and this made the phone laggy..
I hope they fix cpu frequency that made me to downgrade to MM.
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Still 1.56GHz.

[APPS] Android O/8.0 Phone/TV Apks (Flashable!)

Original Roms
DISCLAIMER: Flash ANYTHING here at your own risk, I take no responsibility for ANYTHING that happens to your device before, during, and after flashing!
Like the title says, I unpacked the system.img file and made the apps into flashable zips.
If someone could please test the Android TV zip (I don't an ATV) and tell me if it works it would be greatly appreciated!
To get the Android O/8.0 Beta feel on unsupported devices.
Android O/8.0 isn't Open Source... Yet...
Get the roms from bullhead, angler, sailfish, & marlin & unpack the system.img file.
Make the unpacked file into a flashable zip.
All Downloads
I will get the rest of the roms tomorrow when I am not on trash WiFi (It took me all day to download these 2 roms and upload them)
Please leave feedback if these are not working for your device. I want to make a list of things that don't work so I can try to fix them
EDIT: Make sure you have a rom installed before flashing anything. These are not standalone roms.​
Zomb1eDude0201 said:
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YunusalievFarhod said:
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Download doesnt work
Enviado desde mi ONE A2003 mediante Tapatalk
Learsy said:
Download doesnt work
Enviado desde mi ONE A2003 mediante Tapatalk
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Yes I know I am currently working on it
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
Zomb1eDude0201 said:
Yes I know I am currently working on it
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
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In order to avoid the " links doesn`t work" or similar posts and also to avoid the placeholder threads that aren`t allowed here on XDA , i will close this one. 
 @Zomb1eDude0201 you can pm me at anytime when you have a working link
Thanks for understanding
Dan - forum moderator

Can i install previous version of android?

I want to try Android 6,5,4 or little versions on my Mi A1. This is just fantasy for me
Because i like development, and trying interesting things
yarenersonmez said:
I want to try Android 6,5,4 or little versions on my Mi A1. This is just fantasy for me
Because i like development, and trying interesting things
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Then why don't you make your own roms based on old android versions??
There are no compatible versions of old Androids, but I'd love to try KitKat on Mi a1 as well
prorooter007 said:
Then why don't you make your own roms based on old android versions??
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How can i make it?
yarenersonmez said:
How can i make it?
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Google it
prorooter007 said:
Google it
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I dont find any way or guide
yarenersonmez said:
I dont find any way or guide
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Try this
Is this even possible? I would like to see cm 11.
Wysłane z mojego Mi A1 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Just get a Nexus 5 or something like that for playing around with older Android versions. Backporting to a newer device is pretty much pointless.
