cm13 wifi bug - Lenovo A6000/Plus Questions & Answers

im use cm13 .32bit and after flash phantom kernel 3.0 I got a problem in wifi
I tried to solve the problem by thes method take wlan.ko from panthom kernel zip and place it on /system/lib/modules/<here>
but i can not find modules folder in lib
If one could help me I would be grateful :angel:

kabtshino said:
im use cm13 .32bit and after flash phantom kernel 3.0 I got a problem in wifi
I tried to solve the problem by thes method take wlan.ko from panthom kernel zip and place it on /system/lib/modules/<here>
but i can not find modules folder in lib
If one could help me I would be grateful :angel:
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If you don't have one, create one. Thats what I did when I was at CM11. It too doesn't have any modules folder in /system/lib/. Well, I actually copied the whole folder from another ROM.
So, you do that too and then set permission of modules folder to rwx r-x r-x and set permissions of each .ko file in that folder to rw- r-- r--

sasukay said:
If you don't have one, create one. Thats what I did when I was at CM11. It too doesn't have any modules folder in /system/lib/. Well, I actually copied the whole folder from another ROM.
So, you do that too and then set permission of modules folder to rwx r-x r-x and set permissions of each .ko file in that folder to rw- r-- r--
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I tried but not work

sasukay said:
If you don't have one, create one. Thats what I did when I was at CM11. It too doesn't have any modules folder in /system/lib/. Well, I actually copied the whole folder from another ROM.
So, you do that too and then set permission of modules folder to rwx r-x r-x and set permissions of each .ko file in that folder to rw- r-- r--
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I tried that too, but still it's not working, don't know why I also placed "01Wlanon in system/etc/init.d/ and set permission to rw-r--r--.

kabtshino said:
I tried but not work
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Shubho20 said:
I tried that too, but still it's not working, don't know why I also placed "01Wlanon in system/etc/init.d/ and set permission to rw-r--r--.
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Since, you are on CM13, i.e., android 6.0, so I think you should copy modules folder from some other marshmallow rom.

sasukay said:
Since, you are on CM13, i.e., android 6.0, so I think you should copy modules folder from some other marshmallow rom.
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Can I Copy modules folder from cm13 64 bit ? like cyanpop?

kabtshino said:
Can I Copy modules folder from cm13 64 bit ? like cyanpop?
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Are you on 64 bit or 32 bit cm13 ???
Oh sory, didnt look at it properly..
Extract modules folder from phantom 3.0 kernel and copy that folder with the file wlan.ko to /system/lib
Your wifi should work..and if dont want to insmod at every boot...use that init script from the thread

Ztsanga said:
Are you on 64 bit or 32 bit cm13 ???
Oh sory, didnt look at it properly..
Extract modules folder from phantom 3.0 kernel and copy that folder with the file wlan.ko to /system/lib
Your wifi should work..and if dont want to insmod at every boot...use that init script from the thread
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Tried it that way too , and did not succeed

kabtshino said:
Tried it that way too , and did not succeed
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Same Problem with many. @dev_harsh1998 champion, please solve it for CM 13

kabtshino said:
Tried it that way too , and did not succeed
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Well...i am using cm13 and thats the way i fixed it..copy the modules folder to lib and...
1.svc wifi diaable
2.insmod system/lib/modules/wlan.ko
3.svc wifi enable
Try fixing it manually first after copying

Ztsanga said:
Well...i am using cm13 and thats the way i fixed it..copy the modules folder to lib and...
1.svc wifi diaable
2.insmod system/lib/modules/wlan.ko
3.svc wifi enable
Try fixing it manually first after copying
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Please explain try fixing it manually..
Copied folders to lib that much is okay
fixed permissions.. then what next.
svc wifi disable gives
Sh : SVC : Not Found

gynsharma said:
Please explain try fixing it manually..
Copied folders to lib that much is okay
fixed permissions.. then what next.
svc wifi disable gives
Sh : SVC : Not Found
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In terminal type -
su - give permissions
svc wifi disable
Insmod system/lib/modules/wlan.ko
svc wifi enable
This is manual fix...try it


[Guide] Xposed without recovery Locker Bootloaders

Okay so I just tried to install xposed on my Xperia Z and it was a success. All you need to do is be rooted. For that, go to this thread, The procedure mentioned here worked like a charm for me.
Once you are rooted, go to this thread: Download the .zip file and the .apk file. Install the .apk file like any other normal .apk file. Unzip the .zip file using any file explorer (I used root explorer). After you've unzipped the files, all you have to do is move and replace them in the system folders and assign correct permissions.
It's not working for me, the installer keeps saying Xposed isn't currently active
I got boot looped with this solution...bummer!
ahsan530 said:
Okay so I just tried to install xposed on my Xperia Z and it was a success. All you need to do is be rooted. For that, go to this thread, The procedure mentioned here worked like a charm for me.
Once you are rooted, go to this thread: Download the .zip file and the .apk file. Install the .apk file like any other normal .apk file. Unzip the .zip file using any file explorer (I used root explorer). After you've unzipped the files, all you have to do is move and replace them in the system folders and assign correct permissions.
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Would it be possible to explain the file copying process in more detail. My Xperia Z crashed whilst copying and overwriting the files into the LIB and now is in a boot loop. Copying the appropriate files to BIN and FRAMEWORK worked fine.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 using Tapatalk Pro
Done! Its working great! In order to work need to set the correct permissions in relevant files.
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Free mobile app
alexfra said:
Done! Its working great! In order to work need to set the correct permissions in relevant files.
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Free mobile app
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Did you copy the FRAMEWORK, BIN and LIB files over. My Xperia rebooted whilst copying the LIB files over and the went into bootloop.
Busy re-installing lollipop as we speak.
I have installed the files separately (one by one) in the relevant system's paths
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Free mobile app
alexfra said:
I have installed the files separately (one by one) in the relevant system's paths
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Free mobile app
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I reinstalled the 5.0.2 firmware. Then did the KingRoot and replaced with SuperSU. The I tried to install Xposed followin the above steps and copied file by file like you did, and if I copy the 3rd file in LIB over, the phone reboots and goes into bootloop.
adrianh_za said:
Did you copy the FRAMEWORK, BIN and LIB files over. My Xperia rebooted whilst copying the LIB files over and the went into bootloop.
Busy re-installing lollipop as we speak.
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Same, although it rebooted just fine. I then copied the files again, no reboot but also no Xposed.
adrianh_za said:
Did you copy the FRAMEWORK, BIN and LIB files over. My Xperia rebooted whilst copying the LIB files over and the went into bootloop.
Busy re-installing lollipop as we speak.
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Whizzoo said:
Same, although it rebooted just fine. I then copied the files again, no reboot but also no Xposed.
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I'm in a bootloop again, so off to re-install lollipop...again. Becoming quite a pro at installing and rooting it now This time around, I had a clean install of 5.0.2 without any updates from Play Store. Also did a KingRoot and the replaced it with Super SU before trying to install Xposed. Not sure how @alexfra got it installed...lucky bum!
Okay do the following, copy the LIB files in the root of the system folder and assign the correct permissions. After you've done that, cut and paste the LIB files in to the LIB folder. That will work for sure. Check images for further assistance. Also check image of Gravity Box attached. Everything running great. Hope it works for you too.
ahsan530 said:
Okay do the following, copy the LIB files in the root of the system folder and assign the correct permissions. After you've done that, cut and paste the LIB files in to the LIB folder. That will work for sure. Check images for further assistance. Also check image of Gravity Box attached. Everything running great. Hope it works for you too.
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Same problem. As soon as I overwrite, phone reboots and goes into bootloop.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 using Tapatalk Pro
Succeeded with my Xperia Z on official Lollipop ! Thanks !
To all who have troubles : take good care to the PERMISSIONS !!! If you don't change permissiosn IT WON'T WORK !
For LIB folder files use the method described before :
- extract to /system
- change permission to rw-r--r-- (or 0644 in octal)
- move files to /system/lib
For bin folder files permission are rwxr-xr-x (or 0755 in octal) and for framework folder it's rw-r--r-- (or 0644 in octal)
If you don't do EXACTLY this, Xposed won't work !
Howell said:
Succeeded with my Xperia Z on official Lollipop ! Thanks !
To all who have troubles : take good care to the PERMISSIONS !!! If you don't change permissiosn IT WON'T WORK !
For LIB folder files use the method described before :
- extract to /system
- change permission to rw-r--r-- (or 0644 in octal)
- move files to /system/lib
For bin folder files permission are rwxr-xr-x (or 0755 in octal) and for framework folder it's rw-r--r-- (or 0644 in octal)
If you don't do EXACTLY this, Xposed won't work !
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done exatly that m8...and it caused a bootloop ...flashing lollipop again now.
Howell said:
Succeeded with my Xperia Z on official Lollipop ! Thanks !
To all who have troubles : take good care to the PERMISSIONS !!! If you don't change permissiosn IT WON'T WORK !
For LIB folder files use the method described before :
- extract to /system
- change permission to rw-r--r-- (or 0644 in octal)
- move files to /system/lib
For bin folder files permission are rwxr-xr-x (or 0755 in octal) and for framework folder it's rw-r--r-- (or 0644 in octal)
If you don't do EXACTLY this, Xposed won't work !
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I did this on my third try over the weekend. Copied the LIB files into system, changed the permissions and the moved the files one by one. Reboot and bootloop occured when moving
1) What file manager did you use? I used ES File in root explorer mode.
2) Did you move file by file, or move the files all at once or per folder?
3) Do you remember any specific order when moving the files? I just went alphabetically through the folders.
4) Must the .props file also be copied that is in the zip?
5) Did you do a clean install to Lollipop, or was it an upgrade from KK?
Any help would be appreciated
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 using Tapatalk Pro
Thanks for your help guys! I figured out what the problem was for me. There were some Xposed files in my lib folder already, I assume from my installation on KitKat (I did not do a clean upgrade). So I removed those, rebooted and presto! Good to have Xposed again
Whizzoo said:
Thanks for your help guys! I figured out what the problem was for me. There were some Xposed files in my lib folder already, I assume from my installation on KitKat (I did not do a clean upgrade). So I removed those, rebooted and presto! Good to have Xposed again
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Do you know what the files were so I can check?
Should I not install the Xposed installer APK until I have copied the zipped files in?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 using Tapatalk Pro
adrianh_za said:
Do you know what the files were so I can check?
Should I not install the Xposed installer APK until I have copied the zipped files in?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 using Tapatalk Pro
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Go to /system/lib and search for all the files that are also in the lib folder in the zip and remove them. I already had the Xposed installer installed when I did it, in fact I used it to reboot the system.
I have done,,thanks for guide sir,,
Sent from my C5502 using XDA Free mobile app
Can anybody comment on which file manager they used to do the copying and setting of permissions and successfully install Xposed? I see the OP used Root Explorer. I personally use ES File Explorer with root mode enabled, but I am thinking that maybe the issue I keep having when copying the files is due to ES File Explorer and maybe I should try Root Explorer.
adrianh_za said:
Can anybody comment on which file manager they used to do the copying and setting of permissions and successfully install Xposed? I see the OP used Root Explorer. I personally use ES File Explorer with root mode enabled, but I am thinking that maybe the issue I keep having when copying the files is due to ES File Explorer and maybe I should try Root Explorer.
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I used root explorer. Yeah, use root explorer. Root explorer le best.

Snapdragon Camera V2 on N6P/N5X?

Has anybody figured out a way to install Snapdragon Camera on new nexus devices?
I have tried flashing the zip file as well as manually placing require .apk and .so files but it doesn't work. Camera app crashes as soon as it launches.
enaybee said:
Has anybody figured out a way to install Snapdragon Camera on new nexus devices?
I have tried flashing the zip file as well as manually placing require .apk and .so files but it doesn't work. Camera app crashes as soon as it launches.
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(using ES file explorer)
1. extract the zip to sd card somewhere
2. under "system/priv-app" > create a folder called "SnapdragonCamera"
3. give the folder "drwxr-xr-x" permissions
4. copy "SnapdragonCamera2.apk" to that folder and give it "-rw-r--r--" permissions
5. Create "lib" folder to "SnapdragonCamera" folder and give it the same permissions as the parent folder has ("drwxr-xr-x")
6. inside the "lib" folder make "arm" folder (give it the same "drwxr-xr-x" permissions)
7. inside that "arm" folder paste two ".so" files - give them "-rw-r--r--" permissions
8. reboot
Mikey said:
(using ES file explorer)
1. extract the zip to sd card somewhere
2. ...
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Did you actually try these steps and camera worked for you?
I had already tried both flashing the zip file and manually placing .apk and files ... but camera crashes.
Doesn't work on PureNexus rom
Mikey said:
(using ES file explorer)
1. extract the zip to sd card somewhere
2. ...
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Doesn't work for me..
Nexus 6P with CM13
Bastidn said:
Doesn't work for me..
Nexus 6P with CM13
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Same here. Moved to CM13 over the weekend hoping it would work. Tried packages from all over the place, flashable, manual install, whatever, none worked.
Just found out about this camera and was hoping to test it out since the features look great, then I came across this topic and was disappointed. Surprised no one has put this together for this phone yet. Really I'd like to know why Qualcomm doesn't release and maintain this themselves though.
Any new discoveries by any chance? Would love to have it on my angler.
Would be great for my bullhead.

[TOOL]a simple script to move .odex files (for Z2/Z3 beta_MM_ROM)

In the MM_beta system.img, sony adopts symlinks for .odex files ranther than real .odex files, so moving every .odex file to its right place is a boring job. thus, i wrote a simple script which will help u to move these stupid .odex files.
PS: it's a .bat file, so pls run it in windows
@echo off
set outloc=D:\Z2_MM\system\app\
set loc=\oat\arm\
For /r %%i in (*.odex) DO (
echo %%~ni
copy "%%i" %outloc%%%~ni%loc%
Steps (example: moving .odex files to '***\system\app\'):
1. put the 'copy.bat' in the '***\arm\' folder with lots of .odex files which we have just generated
2. edit it with any textediter and change the 'outloc' value to your '***\system\app\' location (do not forget the '\' in the end)
3. run it (no worries if you run it twice by mistake).
for '***\system\priv-app\' floder, just do the simliar steps again
for '***\system\framework\' floder, just copy manaully (do care the 'SemcGenericUxpRes.odex').
Download: copy.bat
Amazing! I did it manually and took 3 hours...
Envoyé de mon D6503 en utilisant Tapatalk
Yes really great work. I did it manually also but only finished 50% yet because of my limited Time at the moment. Thanks my Friend!
I tried it, but...Incorrect path
It works perfect. Did you edited the bat File with your Path?
Wolfbreak said:
It works perfect. Did you edited the bat File with your Path?
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yes, you have to change the path to your own location, the value is outloc
how to do framework files, for me...i tried it, getting error
dstrikersZ1 said:
how to do framework files, for me...i tried it, getting error
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for framework, just copy manually (do care the 'SemcGenericUxpRes.odex').
because these odex files are all in the same folder which is ***\system\framework\oat\arm\
I would recommend at the end remove odex sqsh mounts, reboot, verify it works and delete sqsh files otherwise you are wasting space in system partition.
Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 using XDA Labs
What advantage does this have on the stock MM beta?
linkazoid said:
What advantage does this have on the stock MM beta?
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Without moving odex files from squshfs you can not deodex..
Access Denied 0 files copied
Windows 10 ... help me please :crying:
ondrejvaroscak said:
I would recommend at the end remove odex sqsh mounts, reboot, verify it works and delete sqsh files otherwise you are wasting space in system partition.
Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 using XDA Labs
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is it safe to remove sqsh files on odex fw?
dex87xda said:
is it safe to remove sqsh files on odex fw?
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No as you will not be able to boot if you clear dalvik/art cache.
linkazoid said:
What advantage does this have on the stock MM beta?
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@xswxm what about z5 with 64arm?
is it needed?
Hamidreza2010 said:
@xswxm what about z5 with 64arm?
is it needed?
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If the rom has .SQSH files and you want to deodex it, yes. I'm in the middle of writing an automated deodexer and it certainly looks like you definitely need to use the files in the SQSH files or you'll get a bootloop every time.
xswxm said:
In the MM_beta system.img, sony adopts symlinks for .odex files ranther than real .odex files, so moving every .odex file to its right place is a boring job. thus, i wrote a simple script which will help u to move these stupid .odex files.
PS: it's a .bat file, so pls run it in windows
@echo off
set outloc=D:\Z2_MM\system\app\
set loc=\oat\arm\
For /r %%i in (*.odex) DO (
echo %%~ni
copy "%%i" %outloc%%%~ni%loc%
Steps (example: moving .odex files to '***\system\app\'):
1. put the 'copy.bat' in the '***\arm\' folder with lots of .odex files which we have just generated
2. edit it with any textediter and change the 'outloc' value to your '***\system\app\' location (do not forget the '\' in the end)
3. run it (no worries if you run it twice by mistake).
for '***\system\priv-app\' floder, just do the simliar steps again
for '***\system\framework\' floder, just copy manaully (do care the 'SemcGenericUxpRes.odex').
Download: copy.bat
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mmm so first we have to unsquash the folder and copy the bat file inside the arm folder isnt it? .cheers
---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------
Ticklefish said:
If the rom has .SQSH files and you want to deodex it, yes. I'm in the middle of writing an automated deodexer and it certainly looks like you definitely need to use the files in the SQSH files or you'll get a bootloop every time.
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the lordroid deodexer allready does this job if you wanna have a look. cheers
juanpirulo said:
mmm so first we have to unsquash the folder and copy the bat file inside the arm folder isnt it? .cheers
---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------
the lordroid deodexer allready does this job if you wanna have a look. cheers
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You can either copy the .odex files to the respective app arm folders replacing the links there, or copy all .odex to the folder that represents the mount point for squashfs and keep links in arm folders.

Please help, missing wpa_supplicant..

I deleted wpa_supplicant from system/bin and didn't create a backup.. and now I can't use wifi anymore.. my phone is Lenovo a6000 with 5.0.2 lollipop.
I would be grateful if someone upload it for me.. please help.
Mondrago1 said:
I deleted wpa_supplicant from system/bin and didn't create a backup.. and now I can't use wifi anymore.. my phone is Lenovo a6000 with 5.0.2 lollipop.
I would be grateful if someone upload it for me.. please help.
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Here's wpa_supplicant.conf from my device which is on CM11 right now. So, you should better replace these fields in the file I have provided with the ones suitable for your ROM. You can see the build.prop in /system for help
sasukay said:
Here's wpa_supplicant.conf from my device which is on CM11 right now. So, you should better replace these fields in the file I have provided with the ones suitable for your ROM. You can see the build.prop in /system for help
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I am missing wpa_supplicant in system/bin.. please upload it for me.. ty.
Mondrago1 said:
I am missing wpa_supplicant in system/bin.. please upload it for me.. ty.
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You mean in /system/etc/wifi/ ?
Yeah there's a "wpa_supplicant" file in /system/bin/
You can download it from the attachments.
Also, don't forget to set its permissions to rwx r-x r-x after pasting it to /system/bin/
sasukay said:
You mean in /system/etc/wifi/ ?
Yeah there's a "wpa_supplicant" file in /system/bin/
You can download it from the attachments.
Also, don't forget to set its permissions to rwx r-x r-x after pasting it to /system/bin/
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Thank you very much.. I have been looking for that file
Mondrago1 said:
Thank you very much.. I have been looking for that file
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it still not letting me turn wifi on :/
Mondrago1 said:
it still not letting me turn wifi on :/
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Did you changed its permissions after placing the file??
sasukay said:
Did you changed its permissions after placing the file??
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yes, I did.. but still having the same issue. do I give it root or system permissions?
sasukay said:
Did you changed its permissions after placing the file??
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It is solved now, thank you very much.. I had to paste wpa_supplicant.conf you uploaded to system/etc/wifi and now works properly.

Edit the SystemUI_ZTE.apk?

I want to edit the SystemUI_ZKE.apk, but when I use "APK Editor Pro" for instance the apk crashes after a reboot.
What would be the right way to do this? My goal is to delete the charging.ogg file that wakes my wife as I plugin a charger when I go to bed
Any other solution to *that* problem is welcome too.
I'm on a A2017G B06 btw.
Thanks in advance,
Edit: Sorry, wrong forum, should be posted in the Questions & Answers. @mods: please move it, thanks.
le_cactus said:
I want to edit the SystemUI_ZKE.apk, but when I use "APK Editor Pro" for instance the apk crashes after a reboot.
What would be the right way to do this? My goal is to delete the charging.ogg file that wakes my wife as I plugin a charger when I go to bed
Any other solution to *that* problem is welcome too.
I'm on a A2017G B06 btw.
Thanks in advance,
Edit: Sorry, wrong forum, should be posted in the Questions & Answers. @mods: please move it, thanks.
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You need to use apktool on Windows or Linux instead: You'll need Java already installed.
Your device also needs to be rooted and have TWRP recovery installed.
Put the apktool.jar and wrapper script in the system directory (C:\Windows on Windows)
Pull frameworks and SystemUI from your device with
adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk
adb pull /system/framework/framework-zte-res.apk
adb pull /system/priv-app/SystemUI_ZTE/SystemUI_ZTE.apk
Install frameworks to your computer:
apktool if framework-res.apk
apktool if framework-zte-res.apk
Decompile SystemUI_ZTE.apk:
apktool d SystemUI_ZTE.apk
Make whatever changes you want to make then recompile with:
apktool b SystemUI_ZTE
Use signapk.jar to sign the apk then put the apk into a flashable zip and flash to your device in TWRP.
If you want to make changes to smali you'll need to pull the SystemUI_ZTE odex file and deodex the apk with oat2dex and then use 7-zip or WinRAR to paste the classes.dex file into the apk before decompiling.
Gr8 tutorial. I'll try that tomorrow, hope I get it fixed. Thank you!
Sent from my ZTE A2017G using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Earlier I tried with APK Editor Pro (
What happened was (after replacing the SystemUI_ZTE.apk with the modified APK) after a reboot the system booted with parts of the UI nog working. Navigationkeys didn't work except for the home button, and I had no status bar at all. After rebooting again it only showed my wallpaper, and no matter what I did it wouldn't show me anything else. So I had to restore.
Modifying the APK with the APKTool gave me the exact same result. Only thing i did differently as to bkores guide was I signed it using ZipSigner (but that never failed me before) and I just replaced the file using TWRP, instead of flashing it through an installer zip. But I can't imagine that being the problem?
Anyways, anybody able to modify the SystemUI_ZTE.apk? All I need is the B06 (A2017G) with a replaced charging.ogg (with only silence).*Any tips are welcome.
Sent from my ZTE A2017G using XDA-Developers Legacy app
le_cactus said:
Earlier I tried with APK Editor Pro (
What happened was (after replacing the SystemUI_ZTE.apk with the modified APK) after a reboot the system booted with parts of the UI nog working. Navigationkeys didn't work except for the home button, and I had no status bar at all. After rebooting again it only showed my wallpaper, and no matter what I did it wouldn't show me anything else. So I had to restore.
Modifying the APK with the APKTool gave me the exact same result. Only thing i did differently as to bkores guide was I signed it using ZipSigner (but that never failed me before) and I just replaced the file using TWRP, instead of flashing it through an installer zip. But I can't imagine that being the problem?
Anyways, anybody able to modify the SystemUI_ZTE.apk? All I need is the B06 (A2017G) with a replaced charging.ogg (with only silence).*Any tips are welcome.
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Try copying META-INF folder from old apk to new apk. If that doesn't work try copying resources.arsc from new apk to old apk and flash the old apk. Don't sign
Can it have anything to do with the .odex file?
I'll try the meta-inf thingy and see if that works
Sent from my ZTE A2017G using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Actually try this instead. I think the apk needs to be deodexed before it can be modified like you said.
Pull the odex file
adb pull /system/priv-app/SystemUI_ZTE/oat/arm64/SystemUI.odex
Get smali folder from the odex file with oat2dex.jar here:
Open command window in directory of odex file
java -jar oat2dex.jar smali SystemUI.odex
Decompile the apk and then copy and paste the smali folder into the directory of the decompiled apk.
Make your charging.ogg change and then recompile the apk. Copy and paste the META-INF from original apk to new apk.
Push apk to your device and delete the "oat" folder in the SystemUI_ZTE folder on your device.
Thank you for your support so far, but that didn't work out eighter....
bkores said:
adb pull /system/priv-app/SystemUI_ZTE/oat/arm64/SystemUI.odex
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Assuming you made a typo (since there is no SystemUI.odex) I used this instead:
adb pull /system/priv-app/SystemUI_ZTE/oat/arm64/SystemUI_ZTE.odex
bkores said:
Get smali folder from the odex file with oat2dex.jar
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After the oat2dex command I don't have a smali folder, just 5434 smali files scattered over serveral folders, so I don't know how to proceed from there.
le_cactus said:
Thank you for your support so far, but that didn't work out eighter....
Assuming you made a typo (since there is no SystemUI.odex) I used this instead:
After the oat2dex command I don't have a smali folder, just 5434 smali files scattered over serveral folders, so I don't know how to proceed from there.
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Well then create a folder called smali in the directory of decompiled apk and paste the folders into smali
Can someone help me, i want to change framework.jar but there is no classes.dex in jar nor framework.odex in /system/framework/oat/arm64 (also arm). Because of it i can't decompile it with smali/baksmali tool. I want to change volume steps in AudioService exactly what VolumeSteps+ do but without Xposed. Any help? I'm on Nougat B10 Rom.
SkaboXD said:
Can someone help me, i want to change framework.jar but there is no classes.dex in jar nor framework.odex in /system/framework/oat/arm64 (also arm). Because of it i can't decompile it with smali/baksmali tool. I want to change volume steps in AudioService exactly what VolumeSteps+ do but without Xposed. Any help? I'm on Nougat B10 Rom.
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Perhaps this can help a bit :
If you want a decompiled framework, I can send you. Just pm me.
If you want I'll implement your mods and recompile again. Up to you to test
raystef66 said:
Perhaps this can help a bit :
If you want a decompiled framework, I can send you. Just pm me.
If you want I'll implement your mods and recompile again. Up to you to test
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I solved a problem, AudioService is not in framework.jar anymore, it's on services.jar. Check my post on your mentioned thread.
