[GUIDE] 4+ hours screen on time - Nexus 5X General

Since there are no threads on how to improve battery life I figured I would make one for all the lazy people out there
Let me start by saying don't be me! Use elemental x kernel and just freaking pay 3.99 for ex kernel manger its so worth it!!! It is an amazing app and kernel combo:good:. On stock rooted I was barely pulling out 2 hours screen on time with battery tweaks and low signal all day (no signal at my school) and 2.5 - 3 hours where i had a good signal. With the tweaks i am going show you I am getting 4 hours consistently and 5 hours on a good day.
i think this goes without saying but root access...
Build.prop editor or knowledge of how to edit it
Ex kernel installed on your current rom
Ex kernel manager (3.99 on google play... just pay for it... no free version exists help the developer out)
Usb cable and computer or a file manager
1). add these lines to the build.prop
ro.ril.set.mtu1472 =1
2). Install ex kernel and wipe cache
3). Verify that you have it installed by going to settings/about phone and look for kernel version it will say elemental x somewhere in it if you installed it
4). Buy ex kernel manger for 3.99 on the play store (believe me it works)
5). Open the app and click the 3 lines on the top left and click cpu.
6). Scroll down to "Governor options..."
7). Now click save and make a name for your stock profile. (yes it is a needed step!!! it makes a folder you add files too):good:
8). Download ghost pepper or butterfly. (or any other one but those two are recommended for better battery life) You can pick which one gives you best battery life. The process is the same for all of them and its very easy to switch between them.
9). If you did step 7 right you will see a folder on the root of your internal storage called ElementalX inside that folder is a folder called gov_profiles. If it is not there read step 7 again. Copy the profile you picked here and remove the file extension. (IMPORTANT!) example instead of ghostpepper.txt you would rename it ghostpepper
10). Go back to the ex kernel app and click load. you should see the profile you just put in that folder and check it. If you want your settings to stick click apply on boot
11). Go back to the 3 lines and click miscellaneous this time.
12). Set your i/o scheduler to noop and click the power button on the right. That makes it apply noop on boot
13). Click fsync and disable it then click the power button again.
14). Download greenify from the play store its free
15). Open the app (grant it root) and click the plus button in the top right
16). Add apps that are keeping the phone awake. Snapchat and Instagram are two GREAT apps to put on this list because they eat your battery alive even with the screen off.
17). When your done click the check in the bottom right.
18). Click the 3 dots make sure it says "disable auto-hibernation". if it says "enable auto-hibernation" enable it.
19). Click the 3 dots again and click settings. make sure your working mode is root and check shallow hibernation and aggressive doze
YOUR DONE! If you have anything to add or disagree with me please don't be shy and comment. We can only improve this phones battery life by communicating

I get 5-6 hours stock rooted with no added build prop lines or governed tweaks. I didn't like the performance loss with ghost pepper and butterfly, and the battery improvement wasn't even noticeable. But everyone's results vary I guess
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

I followed your guide, except for greenify, see what happens.
Sent from my Nexus 5X using XDA-Developers mobile app

Casey Walt said:
Since there are no threads on how to improve battery life I figured I would make one for all the lazy people out there
Let me start by saying don't be me! Use elemental x kernel and just freaking pay 3.99 for ex kernel manger its so worth it!!! It is an amazing app and kernel combo:good:. On stock rooted I was barely pulling out 2 hours screen on time with battery tweaks and low signal all day (no signal at my school) and 2.5 - 3 hours where i had a good signal. With the tweaks i am going show you I am getting 4 hours consistently and 5 hours on a good day.
i think this goes without saying but root access...
Build.prop editor or knowledge of how to edit it
Ex kernel installed on your current rom
Ex kernel manager (3.99 on google play... just pay for it... no free version exists help the developer out)
Usb cable and computer or a file manager
1). add these lines to the build.prop
ro.ril.set.mtu1472 =1
2). Install ex kernel and wipe cache
3). Verify that you have it installed by going to settings/about phone and look for kernel version it will say elemental x somewhere in it if you installed it
4). Buy ex kernel manger for 3.99 on the play store (believe me it works)
5). Open the app and click the 3 lines on the top left and click cpu.
6). Scroll down to "Governor options..."
7). Now click save and make a name for your stock profile. (yes it is a needed step!!! it makes a folder you add files too):good:
8). Download ghost pepper or butterfly. (or any other one but those two are recommended for better battery life) You can pick which one gives you best battery life. The process is the same for all of them and its very easy to switch between them.
9). If you did step 7 right you will see a folder on the root of your internal storage called ElementalX inside that folder is a folder called gov_profiles. If it is not there read step 7 again. Copy the profile you picked here and remove the file extension. (IMPORTANT!) example instead of ghostpepper.txt you would rename it ghostpepper
10). Go back to the ex kernel app and click load. you should see the profile you just put in that folder and check it. If you want your settings to stick click apply on boot
11). Go back to the 3 lines and click miscellaneous this time.
12). Set your i/o scheduler to noop and click the power button on the right. That makes it apply noop on boot
13). Click fsync and disable it then click the power button again.
14). Download greenify from the play store its free
15). Open the app (grant it root) and click the plus button in the top right
16). Add apps that are keeping the phone awake. Snapchat and Instagram are two GREAT apps to put on this list because they eat your battery alive even with the screen off.
17). When your done click the check in the bottom right.
18). Click the 3 dots make sure it says "disable auto-hibernation". if it says "enable auto-hibernation" enable it.
19). Click the 3 dots again and click settings. make sure your working mode is root and check shallow hibernation and aggressive doze
YOUR DONE! If you have anything to add or disagree with me please don't be shy and comment. We can only improve this phones battery life by communicating
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Maybe giving your app usage / connectivity usage will help too.
Are you using Bluetooth / NFC / ... ?
Facebook ? Messenger ? Whatsapp ? ...
Anyway, I will try your method and give result after the weekend !

ex kernel manager has already all profiles added and built inside about governors... he added all of them somedays ago, so, no need to download each file and put them into the relatives directory as stated

timmylamoule said:
Maybe giving your app usage / connectivity usage will help too.
Are you using Bluetooth / NFC / ... ?
Facebook ? Messenger ? Whatsapp ? ...
Anyway, I will try your method and give result after the weekend !
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I do not use Facebook app or messanger. I use chrome notifications and Facebook.com. it works great like that. Don't use what's app and I just kinda of assumed people would know how to turn all that off and screen brightness down a bit

m4ssnet said:
ex kernel manager has already all profiles added and built inside about governors... he added all of them somedays ago, so, no need to download each file and put them into the relatives directory as stated
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I did all of this a while ago and didn't update the app. So I did and sure enough there they are lol

pbailey212 said:
I get 5-6 hours stock rooted with no added build prop lines or governed tweaks. I didn't like the performance loss with ghost pepper and butterfly, and the battery improvement wasn't even noticeable. But everyone's results vary I guess
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
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For sure you don't have any social media apps like messenger, snapchat etc?! I get 5hrs the days I don't use any social media apps, only browser, wifi and low brightness..

is elemental kernel necessary to add those build.prop lines? Or can i add them and still get the benefit without the kernel?

What exactly are those build.prop lines for?

joakimbo said:
For sure you don't have any social media apps like messenger, snapchat etc?! I get 5hrs the days I don't use any social media apps, only browser, wifi and low brightness..
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I use fb messenger, but not fb app. Screens 33%, wifi and LTE all-day long. The only other way I get similar battery with DU. But I always seem to have best results with stock.
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
Here's where I'm at currantly

pbailey212 said:
I use fb messenger, but not fb app. Screens 33%, wifi and LTE all-day long. The only other way I get similar battery with DU. But I always seem to have best results with stock.
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
Here's where I'm at currantly
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Not surprised du always gave me good battery. Report back with some of these tweaks I ran that rom a while ago

tlxxxsracer said:
is elemental kernel necessary to add those build.prop lines? Or can i add them and still get the benefit without the kernel?
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You just need to be rooted

jdubya42 said:
What exactly are those build.prop lines for?
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You can look them up individually but most are for battery improvement under low signal.

Thanks for the guide. I already had this set up except for the lines and greenify
What are the side effects of the lines in build prop? (will it work in pure nexus or maybe it already has something similar..?)
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

I don't know, maybe it's just a placebo effect, but before adding those lines, I had some serious drain on mobile data. Today I was quite shocked, because it drain much much less! I'll give some feedback after a while. Maybe my 5x just had a good day today haha.

is anyone using glassfish 1.2?

eLeKTroDo7 said:
is anyone using glassfish 1.2?
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My experience was excellent battery life with glassfish 1.2 but worse performance than HawkTail 1.2. Sticking with HawkTail 1.2 since battery life is still very good.
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

Can this work on N yet?
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk


[Guide][Tweaks] The Complete Guide For Maximum Battery Life V2.1 - Updated 7.10.13

Last update: 7.10.13
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This is the complete guide of how to handle your battery in the most efficient way possible.(GB/ICS/JB version).​
This guide refers to Android users in general (Samsung, HTC etc..) in addition to SGS2 users.
ROOT: Yes.
ROM: Any rom will do.
Kernel: Siyah/Dorimanx is preferred but any other will be fine.
Human features: Patience
After an extensive research regarding 'how Android OS works' and reading hundreds of pages (yes 1000 pages in 1 thread) in XDA regarding topics such as: BBS (BetterBatterStats), MagicConfig by geko95gek, Kernel Info, Kernel Governors, Modules, I/O Schedulers, CPU Tweaks, AIO App Configs by droidphile etc, I have come to conclusion that there is currently no better configuration than mine.
I almost don't have wakelocks, during the night (7 hours sleep) I have between 3-4% drain which is really good, of course, you can get better drain ,for example, 1 % during a whole night BUT users like that turn off their data connection OR switch to airplane mode, I really don't like doing that but of course you could do that too and enjoy your 1% drain.
Before I wrote this guide I tried these configurations in 5 different infinite sgs2 mobile phones of my friends and Nexus devices, they all were blown away from the results they experienced from their battery.
I wrote this guide because XDA users have helped me a lot in all the aspects of Android, so now I can help the XDA community too.
Last update:7/10/13
Step 2 updated with solutions on the go.
Step 3 is now LBE version 5 compatible.
Step 4 updated for Dorimanx users as well.
Faq Updated
Post #1​
Wakelocks: What is it ?
Monitoring the wakelocks
LBE security manager: internet permissions & prevent apps to be put in cached after a restart
ExTweaks/STweaks & governors - Siyah/Dorimanx kernel users ONLY!
Undervolting & Governors
Post #2​
Freezing google/Samsung apps using Titanium Backup Pro
Screen Brightness
Accounts & sync
Fast Dormacy - Should/Can I disable it ?
Battery calibration - Should I do it ?
Network/operator modem support - How to tell if your modem meet your network standards
Learning to read the battery graph
Post #3​FAQ
When you're done with the guide please do come back and share your results with us.
I'll try to simplify things as much as I can so the common user could understand.
Let's begin,
1. Wakelocks: What is it ?
When you develop an app in Android there are options for you (as a developer) to let the app start during a different time or a different change, sometimes it is really essential, for example our build in Alarm clock(Also: Widget/Music player), we need it to start the alarm in a specific time thus this process is important and it will open up by "it self".
Counter example is a simple game or a weather app, we only use it once in a while and after we use it we don't need the process anymore so we close it, but most of the time the developer add all sort of commands to start the process even when we don't use this exact process, for example if we boot the device/click on the media app button the app will go into cached processes (System settings->Applications->Running->Click on cached processes), but let's say it's an app we use once a week or a game we play once a week, there is no need to put this app in the cached processes (since it consumes the battery) so this is why we would like to close this option.
Notice – When you open an app and close it the process is still in the cached processes because if you open it again, it will open in a sec (since it's in the cached processes)and that’s a good and efficient thing, but if you close it from the cached processes you will only make things worse because when you open it AGAIN the Android OS will AGAIN, put the app in the cached processes and this is yet again will consume the battery.
How to tell if you can turn off or not in an app/game:
Basically the idea is this,
If we are talking about an app that the whole very existence is to do things by it self (Playing songs/Setting alarms/Auto-commands apps) then of course we won't turn anything off.
If we are talking about a type of apps that their whole process is to do something particularly which will take place only when we open the app (Bar-code scanner/Weather app/Shazam/Office apps/GPS apps/Games so of course we will turn everything off.
If we are talking about ROOT apps so I suggest not to touch anything.
First thing you will do is to download Gemini App Manager 2.6.0, this app will handle these wakelocks and as we already mentioned will give us full control over 'when to put/not to put the app in the cached processes/running services'.
After you downloaded the app, open it,
Hit the option touch key (left to the home button) and go to 'Expert Mode', you will find there, all the applications your phone contains. What we are looking for is the orange icon the says 'AUTO' under each app:
once you find an app/game with this icon, think, and ask yourself "Do I need this app/game to open up by it self?" (See the examples with the clock app above).
If your answer is "NO!" (90% of the cases the answer is no-read above when the answer is YES), then press this app/game for about 2-3 seconds, a window will open and choose 'ConfigAutorun (root)'.
A new window will appear with all sort of commands: On package added, on app widget update, After boot etc, as you can tell the name of the command does what it says for example: 'On package added' -> if you added a package to the app, the app will be put in cached process.
Change to OFF all the commands:
and there you go, this app will never fool around!
2. Monitoring the wakelocks:
Download the app: BBS
BetterBatteryStats aka BBS: Why do I need this app ?
After you managed to finish step number 1, you can now install BBS on your system.
Once your done open it and choose partial wakelocks, we will focus on this section.
Charge your device to 100% and when it reaches 10% or so, open BBS hit the options touch key and choose 'Dump to file':
this will generate a .txt file with all the apps/games that did wake your phone and caused drains.
"BUT HEY I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING FROM THIS FILE AND THIS APP IS HARD TO UNDERSTAND!!!", first you need to relax and go to the BBS thread BBS, the developer is kind enough to let you put the file there and he will look it over and tell you what is the main problem you should focus, and decide if to remove the app or maybe change something in the setting of the app.
If you want to learn about this log file and understand it better just read the thread (like I did) it contains more than 1000 pages, so after 10-20 you will have some clue about this app.
Remember, this is the BEST application that can track your battery drains and tell even if your kernel is waking up the phone, just dig in BBS and you will see, there is no other alternative than BBS, remember that and don't ask for a substitute.
Q: How can I solve BBS wakelocks on the go ?
A: Get in here.
Also, if you have EventLog wakelocks here is the solution:
Download System Tuner. open the app and go to 'Startups' and look for 'Google service framework' and over there disable both 'checkin.EventLogService'.
Be advice EventLogService wakelocks only happens with stock Samsung ROMS.
ALSO, read the FAQ.
3. LBE security manager: internet permissions & prevent apps to be put in cached after a restart: version 5+
We all know that every time we go to the inet (not via wifi) we are starting to see an immediate battery drain.
The best way is to install a firewall app (which is MUCH more than that btw and it's free) that will control our inet pipe.
The user zagzag99 was kind enough to translate the latest version (4) of that app (Notice that in Play store it's version 3 ONLY) get it here: LBE Security
After you installed the app,
Tap on More -> Permissions -> All apps
Now you are looking at all your apps/games (including system app by tapping on 'Download' on the left and choosing 'System'), by clicking on one of the app/game you would see the permissions the app wants from your phone, if it is a game that you play offline then why does this game want to go online? More-than that, why the game wants to access my call records!?
This is why you won't allow it and eventually you'll close the inet pipe and the rest for each app/game you don't want to go online or even get your precious information.
After your done we will now deal with the auto start issue.
Repeat step a, and choose a random app, as you can see the first option in every app is 'On boot permissions' so you can turn it off or back on.
Now, this is very important, I only say it once, if you see an app/game that you don't even use or use once a week 'turn it off', but if you see an app/game that you use most of the time leave it as it is, why ? Obviously you didn't read step number 1.
4. ExTweaks/STweaks& governors - Siyah/Dorimanx kernel users ONLY! **Unless you can undervolt with your kernel**
Download STweaks, if you want to understand what each command/line does please read up: Here or you can just do what I tell you to and enjoy better battery.
First of all I want to thank geko95gek who inspired me a lot regarding STweaks .
Open STweaks,
CPU tab:
CPU_UV tab:
You can undervolt here or in setCPU (See step 5).
Be advise #1: for some reason Siyah V6b5 doesn't save the changes after reboot BUT setCPU does.
Be advise #2: Dorimanx users are good to go.
GPU tab: - SGS2 users input - Different devices try to lower 1 step back.
Siyah steps:
Dorimanx steps: (Basically the default)
You're DONE!
5. Undervolting& Governors:
Be advise: If your kernel doesn't support undervolting move to the next step, but I recommend to use a kernel that has support because when the phone is in deep sleep or on 200mhz (when you're not using it) you could save a lot of battery.
Be advise #2:I am going to recommend the use of setCPU and STweaks (Siyah/Dorimanx kernel only - if you don't have siyah you can do this step also as long as your kernel support undervolt), a lot of people wouldn't recommend the use of these apps together since they MIGHT conflict with each other, BUT if you will go through this step and read carefully it wouldn't be a problem in fact, it will work just fine
Download setCPU, if you want the latest version you can buy it in the Play store (support the developer).
Version 2.2.4 would be fine too, if you want to understand what each governor means and what is cfq please read up: Here and Here or (if you’re a lazy ass user) you can just do what I tell you to and enjoy your battery:
Open setCPU,
Main screen:
change to 200-1000 Mhz (it should be like it since you already changed it in ExTweaks) and tick 'Set on boot', also make sure 'ondemand' and 'ROW/CFQ' are chosen as governor/io :
Make a new profile and choose 'Add Condition -> Screen On/Off' and choose 'Screen off' and save.
Hit next and choose 200-500Mhz, tick 'Set the CPU governor' and choose 'conservative'.
Choose priority 50.
This profile will make sure while the screen is off there won't be any jumps to high frequencies.
Make another new profile and choose 'Add Condition -> Battery level' and choose '10%' and save.
Hit next and choose 200-800Mhz, tick 'Set the CPU governor' and choose 'conservative'.
Priority is 49.
This profile will let you squeeze the last 10% of the battery like they were 20% but the UI will lag.
Tick those profiles and tick 'Enable Profiles' at the bottom.
Results of step a & b :
Voltages Screen: (Only supported kernels)
Be advice: This stage is the most exhausting, annoying and irritating stage you could ever find but in the end it's worth every second.​Since we put a range of 200-900Mhz we will focus on these frequencies only (of course if you decide to put the range between 200-1200Mhz you will focus on them only).
We will scroll down and look for 200Mhz, 1st white row represent the default mV that Samsung has put in order to max UI, and 2nd white row represent your mV change,but we are smarter than old Samy so we will start to change.
200Mhz – Is usually between 825-875mV it varies between each phone (each phone has different ROM/Kerenl)
So you ask yourself, which mV should I choose?
Well my friends, that’s the 1 million dollar question, let's say you chose 850mV:
Touch the 200Mhz and change it to 850mV afterwards hit the 'Right icon' next to the save icon
if your phone is still working and didn't get stuck go back to the 'MAIN' tab and choose 200-200Mhz (yes exactly like that) and then we will go to the 'INFO' tab, scroll down and choose 'Stress test':
if 'Sress Test' ran for about 4-5 mins and everything is still working, you can stop it by pressing the back key and it means we can continue to the next stage.
Download Stability Test
Open the app and choose Classic stability test – this will ensure the test of only the 200Mhz frequency.
If after step b&c your phone is still working that means that the undervolt you chose is working great. (It doesn't mean that your phone won't freeze-it might), you can undervolt more and see what is your limit.
Do the same process to all the frequencies, of course if you're in 500Mhz you choose the main profile (setCPU) 300-300Mhz in order to test only this frequency.
When you're done, change back in setCPU'MAIN' tab to 200-1000Mhz, go back to Stability test and now choose Scaling Stability Test, let it run for 10-20mins, if there are no errors you're good to go.
Play with the phone for few days, if it hasn't frozen go to setCPU 'VOLTAGES' tab and tick at the bottom 'Set On Boot'.
Notice: My recommendation is to set on boot in the end of the process because if you choose a really low MV your phone might be stuck in an endless loop, thus you tick 'set on boot', only, if you are sure your system is stable.
Final Result:
My voltages (SGS2 Device):
200Mhz – 850mV
500Mhz – 925mV
800Mhz – 975mV
1000Mhz – 1075mV
Notice: This undervolt method is the most aggressiveness method around, if you want the easy way and you have Siyah kernel you can open ExTweaks/STweaks and in the "Undervolting" choose -25 or -50, this will undervolt ALL the frequencies together with minus 25 or 50, if your brave you can try 75.
My method gives you a specific voltage to each frequency, in 200mhz you can have minus 75mV while in 500mhz minus 50mv, this will give you the best undervolt system.​
Continued on next post...
6. Freezing google/Samsung apps using Titanium Backup Pro:
If you didn't buy the app yet, well, you’re an idiot: Titanium Backup Pro or you can use a free substitute (though I never tried it) Root Uninstaller
After you bought the app, open it and go to 'Backup/Restore' tab:
in there, you can see all your apps/games AND system apps, we will be focusing on the system apps.
NOTICE: If you're using CM rom you can skip this step since they did hell of a job in removing all Samsung/Android bloat-ware.
Our main goal is to freeze processes that common users don't use and don't even know they have, I won't write all the list of the apps you should freeze but I will write all the apps you will freeze that are consuming your battery like a *****:
Email 4.0 – this is stock mail full of bugs and infinite loops that go online and check for mail, if you don't have gmail account please use a 3rd party app like AquaMail/MailDroid that will give you minimum bugs for the check interval.
Exchane Service 3.1 – Belongs to Email 4.0
Kies via Wi-Fi – I wouldn't say it consumes your battery but it's an unsecured protocol by Samsung, use a 3rd party app like AirDroid
Maps – If you're not using it FREEZE THIS APP ASAP! If you do use I suggest unfreezing every time you need it and freeze again when you're not using it (sorry).
MAPService – Belongs to Maps.
Samsung Account – Do I really need to explain? (Including all the Samsung hubs and chats and whatever they come up)
SecPhone 1.0 – If you're using a different launcher rather than TW you can freeze it.
Software Update – We don't need it, we flash our ROMS
Street View – belongs to Maps.
Talk – I find that even if I freeze it (gtalk) it's still waking the phone so your choice.
Talkback – Samsung try to overtake Whatsapp.
Wi-Fi Direct & Wi-Fi sharing & Wi-Fi sharing manager – you don't need it.
Of course if you're using stock ROM you have A LOT of freezing to do, you can use this thread and of course this amazing list
Or you can Google for more apps that are safe to remove.
7. Screen Brightness:
If you don't know, the most battery consuming part of the phone is the screen.
Go to 'System Settings -> Display -> Brightness' and choose 'automatic brightness'.
For the users that want to maximize even more (YES WE WANT EXTREME!!) try to lower the brightness as low as you can, 20-30%.
Recently I've noticed that there are new apps that you adjust screen brightness by each pixel and a lot more, you can Google that, but I prefer to be able to see things crystal clear.
8. Accounts & sync:
Everyone is recommending, in order to save battery, to go to 'System settings -> Accounts and sync' and to turn it off, of course it will save A LOT of battery, but, if you have a gmail account and you want to be notified as soon as you get an email,you can't turn it off.
What you can do is:
Hit your @gmail.com account, and 'untick' everything except 'Sync Gmail', this will assure that you will get your emails via PUSH (PUSH is the most battery efficient protocol - at real time):
Don't forget to sync your contacts/calender once in a while or before you flash a rom.
If you don't want to get your emails instantly then remove your gmail account and download a 3rd party app like MailDroid/AquaMail and set interval for every hour or every 4 hours, this will assure that there will be absolute no wakelocks but only every 1 hour or 4 ( as you chose).
If you choose to keep auto sync there is one disadvantage:
If you don't have a good reception 'sync' option will go completely crazy and keep asking to go online and sync your email (since you're on PUSH) but it won't be able to, since you don't have a good reception and it will go like this in an infinite loop till you have a decent reception and as you can already understand while your screen is off, the phone is awake and trying to sync, so keep that in mind.
9. Fast Dormacy - Should/Can I disable it ?
First of all you need to understand that not every network/operator support FD (Fast Dormacy).
My network doesn't support FD thus if I'll disable or enable it, it wouldn't make any different, in fact if you disabled it and you think your battery is now "OMG FUKCING AMAZING" this is just a placebo effect, and yes I am 110% positive.
How do I check if my network support this tweak ?
The user JIMMYMCGEE from xda made an amazing guide you need to follow (in fact it's a video clip - which is easier).
She first explain what is FD and afterwards explains how to check if you have FD and if you do, how it can save you battery.
Follow this guide and all his steps here.
NOTICE: If the app that shows you your network stats (service mode) doesn't work and only opens your dialer, this is what you need to do:
This is the code for the service mode, write it in the dialer:
When you'r in the Service mode screen, hit: Debug screen->Basic Information and here you go, service mode.
Interested in more info regarding FD ? you can read what I have already read in here.
10. Battery Calibration - Should I do it ?
The answer is simple, if you are using ICS/JB you don't have too because every time you charge the battery to 100% all your data and stats are deleted and the service begins to collect info again from the beginning you can read all about it here and here.
As you can see for ICS/JB users it's a myth nothing more.
If your using GB then you do have to calibrate your battery, there are 2 methods:
Charge your phone untill you have reached 100% boot into recovery and delete battery stats ('Advance -> Delete battery stats').
Download battery calibration app and follow the steps that are mentioned in the 'Description' of the app and in the app.
11. Network/operator modem support - How to tell if your modem meet your network standards
Every network/operator support a specific version of modem, this means that if you will use their modem, 90% of the time your reception will be solid without any disconnections, if your modem doesn't support, then you will sure have disconnections which will lead into more battery drains (no receptions=phone will search for antennas even though there is one).
Notice: There is a chance that even though you have or don't have their modem you might have or might not have disconnections (confused ? me too.)
How to check:
Download GetRIL, Open the app and see if your RIL/Baseband (aka modem) is matching, if they are (written in green), your good to go and you can remove the app.
If they are not, here is what you need to do:
Under 'Baseband' you have 'recommended':
You can see that LQ6 & LPB are supporting my network, we will now tap this:
and look for LPB & LQ6, after we found it we will choose it and tap: 'Download & install'.
When your done restart your phone and check again (GetRIL) that now your modem is now supporting by your network, if so, remove the app.
12. Variance:
Play store app: Hit the option touch key and untick - 'Notifications' & 'Google AdMob Ads'
When the 'notification' is on, the app is consistently connecting to the server and checking for new versions.
When 'Google AdMob Ads' is on, the app is always checking your behavior and reporting back to the Google server.
'System settings -> Location services' untick everything.
'System settings -> back up and reset' untick 'Back up my data' and 'Automatic restore'.
NOTICE: I didn't apply this step for my own device since it only saves 5% battery more or less and it's a service I use, think, if you need it or not,
WiFi users: 'System settings -> Wi-Fi -> Advance -> Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep' choose - 'Only when plugged in'.
This will close the Wi-Fi connection when you turn off your screen.
Keep in mind that after you finished using your BT turn it off, since I have specific times I use the BT I use AutomateIt, it's a great app that can control even silent modes.
Don't use Facebook app, it drains your battery the most, instead add a shortcut in the desktop for facebook.com link and go to facebook via this link, it looks exactly the same as the app since Android users don't have a native facebook app yet.
Don't use live wallpaper
Don't use widgets
Don't use Haptic Feedbacks
Never ever use Task Killer or 'Clear memory' - Android has it’s own task killer that works better than your 'decision making' brain.
Screen time out - Don't forget to set it
No reception = major battery drains - use airplan mode.
Use Nova launcher or better code efficient luanchers.
Use ad-blocking app in order to prevent unnecessary network usage in downloading ads, I recommand using AdFree - Open the app and choose: 'Boot Normally' and afterwards choose 'Download& Install hosts', when your done restart your phone.
Always charge your phone untill it shows 100% and charge it only if it is below 20-30%
Automatic Date & Time option -> untick
13. Learning to read the battery graph:
This is the final step, come back to this step after you're done with all 12 steps, reading the FAQ (Post #3) and you lost at least 70% of your battery since you charged it.​
So you’re here, go to 'System settings -> Battery' and hit the graph bar.
At the bottom you can see 'Screen on' and 'Awake' we will focus on these lines.
Our goal is to achieve 100% overlap between these 2 lines, meaning, when the screen is on, the phone will be awake and when the screen is off we don't want the phone to be awake since we don't use the phone (unless we are-downloading a file).
For example if you see a blue line in the Screen on bar I would like to see at the same time the EXACT size and width in the Awake bar if not, that means we have wakelocks so we need to go to step number 2 again and see who is waking up our phone.
It's really hard to achieve a 100% overlap between these 2 bars, even for me.
Example of a minor wakelock (squared in red):
For conclusion:
You need to be able to get a MINIMUM 3 hours screen time (System settings - >battery - >screen) if not, you're doing something completely wrong.
From my experience you can't get more than 3.5 hours screen time over total use of MORE than 24 hours uptime (Maximum up time I got with the phone is 4 days with almost 3 hours screen time and 1 hour of calls.), however, if you play non-stop with your mobile, from the time you unplugged it, you will get more then 4-5 hours screen time EASY over 5-16 hours uptime:
But of course most of the users don't "act" like that and most of them just "lose" battery over uptime when screen is off.
From my vast experience with battery usage, this is it, either your get 3 hours screen time over moderate usage (long uptime-2 days +) or you get 4-5 hours screen time with aggressive use (short uptime-16 hours top).
Don't let anyone tell you different.​
• This is it for now, this thread will be updated with new tweaks and methods every now and then.
• Please, if you have any questions regarding this thread write them in this thread ONLY and don't send me a private msg.
• I love constructive criticism, so if you have any thoughts or you found a mistake (even in my grammer) PLEASE send me a private msg.
Credits and many thanks to:
droidphile – His amazing articles and threads regarding most of my steps, you helped me a lot!
geko95gek – Who inspired me a lot regarding ExTweaks.
JIMMYMCGEE - FD knowledge and guide.
If I forgot anyone please do let me know
If you love this article please do hit the Thanks button and rate this thread 5 stars,also you can hit the "Newsworthy Thread" in the first post if you think this article should get a higher exposure.
If you really appreciate this article you can always buy me some weed - makes me think clearly
Thank you.
Q: Which ROM and kernel you're using ?
A: I am using Wanam ROM (latest version) and Siyah kernel (latest kernel also) CM10.1.3 and Dorimanx 9.41.
After trying all sort of ROM's I can say that the most stable and reliable ROM's are Samsung based ROM's.
I am now recommending CM10.1.3 stable ONLY!
Q: After the tweaking and following your entire guide, does the UI will lag/Games will stuck or freeze/App will run slowly ?
A: Regarding the UI you might feel a little lag (if you were using stock frequencies and voltages) or you might not feel any lag (depends on your launcher), If you install Nova Launcher and use it instead of the TW you won't feel any lag since the Nova launcher is code efficient.
Regarding the apps, you won't feel any lag unless it's a graphic app or design/CAD app (even this is questionable).
Regarding the games, you won't feel any lag in most of the games, I played a lot of games for example Dead Trigger/Galaxy on fire 2/Shadowgun/Samuraio II and few more, I didn't feel any lag or what so ever, though I did feel that the loading steps took 1-2 more minutes.
Q: The most used (or 2nd) most used service/app in BBS is 'AuidoOut', how can I minimize it ?
A: You can minimize the 'Audioout' by unticking: 'System settings -> Sound' , under System, untick them all.
Plus, in the same window click on "Vibration intensity' and put 'Vibrate on screen tap' on the lowest (0).
Q: I keep getting "Shell have been granted superuser permissions" over and over again and it drains my battery, is there a solution ?
A: It's a known problem with SuperUser, install SuperSU give it root permissions via superuser, go to app info of superuser hit "Force Close" and afterwards hit "Disable", now SuperSU will handle your root privilege.
Q: I froze Secphone.apk and now I am having weird issues what should I do ?
A: Obviously you're an idiot since I specifically wrote next to SecPhone.apk: If you're using a different launcher rather than TW you can freeze it.
So don't freeze Secphone.apk if you are using TouchWiz launcher which is the official launcher by Samsung.
Q: How can I tell if my phone is going into Deep sleep and activates the setCPU profiles ?
A: In setCPU go to 'Info' tab and tap 'Time In State', you will find a pie chart, if your a common user-that most of the time his screen is off-, you should see that 200mhz has the biggest chunk, if it's not the case then check BBS what is waking your device.
Q: After installing Gemini App Manager I am unable to install/uninstall any app, what should I do ?
A: You are probably using Screen Filter app, for some reason the install button become unresponsive, disable Screen Filter when you need to install something and enable it again afterwards - Thanks Ryther.
Q: How can I solve BBS wakelocks on the go ?
A: Get in here.
Also, if you have EventLog wakelocks here is the solution:
Download System Tuner. open the app and go to 'Startups' and look for 'Google service framework' and over there disable both 'checkin.EventLogService'.
Be advice EventLogService wakelocks only happens with stock Samsung ROMS.
More to follow.
Great work dude. You gave me some good tips
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
gb.yolo said:
Great work dude. You gave me some good tips
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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Thank you for your positive feedback.
I can confirm getting about 3~4 hours of screen time at most during 16~24 hours of usage.
I noticed you wrote something about SetCPU working on stock kernel ... in my experience it does not work even if some people claims so.
SetCPU might be able to change between a limited amount of Governors, but setting Min and Max doesn't work even it looks so (I used some other tool to confirm this). I only tried this on rooted Stock GB, but I think it will be the same on ICS.
Does this work on jb rom?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
good tips
Ben101 said:
Does this work on jb rom?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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It work on any rom
Mittaa said:
I can confirm getting about 3~4 hours of screen time at most during 16~24 hours of usage.
I noticed you wrote something about SetCPU working on stock kernel ... in my experience it does not work even if some people claims so.
SetCPU might be able to change between a limited amount of Governors, but setting Min and Max doesn't work even it looks so (I used some other tool to confirm this). I only tried this on rooted Stock GB, but I think it will be the same on ICS.
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Thank you for confirming though you could get more.
and I didn't say what you wrote, I specifically wrote:
If your kernel doesn't support undervolting move to the next step
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Ben101 said:
Does this work on jb rom?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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I didn't try with JB, but I'd love if you could follow each step and report back with results, in my opinion it should be the same.
soso_soso said:
good tips
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Thank you for the feedback, please do try all the steps and report back for success.
great tutorial, thank you for your effort!
I followed the steps but I can't find this one in LBE security:
"c.After your done go to the first window (swipe your finger right to go to the first screen)
d.Choose 'Speed boost -> Auto-Start' you will see all the apps that will be put in the cached process EVERY restart you make to your phone, now, this is very important, I only say it once, if you see an app/game that you don't even use or use once a week 'Disallow' it, but if you see an app/game that you use most of the time leave it as it is, why ? Obviously you didn't read step number 1.
trikpa said:
great tutorial, thank you for your effort!
I followed the steps but I can't find this one in LBE security:
"c.After your done go to the first window (swipe your finger right to go to the first screen)
d.Choose 'Speed boost -> Auto-Start' you will see all the apps that will be put in the cached process EVERY restart you make to your phone, now, this is very important, I only say it once, if you see an app/game that you don't even use or use once a week 'Disallow' it, but if you see an app/game that you use most of the time leave it as it is, why ? Obviously you didn't read step number 1.
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Thank you for your positive feedback, please do come back with results and post them here.
As you can see in the picture, this is the first screen you see when you open up LBE,2nd raw is 'Speed Boost' just click it and it will show you new buttons, there you choose 'Auto-Start.
I have added pictures to the main thread for most of the steps and marked in red the specific step.
I got confused because in my app it says phone accelerate instead of speed boost
anyway, I'm using these mods since this morning so it is too early to say anything factual about battery life, but I think it is much better...
usually I would have about 60 or less % left at this time of day...
trikpa said:
I got confused because in my app it says phone accelerate instead of speed boost
anyway, I'm using these mods since this morning so it is too early to say anything factual about battery life, but I think it is much better...
usually I would have about 60 or less % left at this time of day...
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Perhaps you downloaded even newer version than mine but I can see you figured it out.
If you used to get 60% and now it's 76%, of course this is an amazing change.
Don't forget to check your screen time before you charge it and make sure it's minimum 3 hours (if the total up-time is above 24 hours).
If you did follow all the steps and did everything as I wrote, I suggest to get into Recovery mode -> Advance -> and reset battery indicators.
or wait 1-2 charges and the battery meter is supposed to acclimate.
hyperbolic said:
From my experience you can't get more than 3.5 hours screen time over total use of MORE than 24 hours uptime
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Well is that so?
Nice thread, but Gemini app manager block on "updating information" sometimes :x
MrMarques01 said:
Well is that so?
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I saw really few users like your self that actually got that time, but I had never got more then 3.5-4 hours max screen time on uptime for more then 24 hours.
I even did EXACTLY what these users told me with their exact config (from 3 different users) but again, I got only 3.5-4 hours screen time max.
So this is my conclusion.
Kigsuha said:
Nice thread, but Gemini app manager block on "updating information" sometimes :x
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Thank you.
Yea that's an annoying bug that is happening from time to time.
Just exit the app and open it again.
hyperbolic said:
I saw really few users like your self that actually got that time, but I had never got more then 3.5-4 hours max screen time on uptime for more then 24 hours.
I even did EXACTLY what these users told me with their exact config (from 3 different users) but again, I got only 3.5-4 hours screen time max.
So this is my conclusion.
Thank you.
Yea that's an annoying bug that is happening from time to time.
Just exit the app and open it again.
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I found solution, it only happens when after taping "config autorun (root)" and switching fast thing to off.
So i have to wait :cyclops:
Kigsuha said:
I found solution, it only happens when after taping "config autorun (root)" and switching fast thing to off.
So i have to wait :cyclops:
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Sometimes you just wait for too long but if you have patience for that..
hyperbolic said:
Last update:29/9/12
[*] If after step b&c your phone is still working that means that the undervolt you chose is working great. (
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hyperbolic what do you mean by step b&c ?
There just core1 sucessful
core2 sucessful
Ram sucessful


This thread will only contain detailed but simple and easy to understand information and broken english because I'm Mexican and I live in Mexico.
This is my first thread in XDA, this phone is my first smartphone or touchscreen phone I got it a year a go when It came out and this post will have all my knowledge about SGS2 battery saving tips I've got from this year.
Some settings might sound dumb, like why would you disable a core if you paid for two, and why would you want lower brightness if you have a SAMOLED+ screen which is brighter than SAMOLED HD, well those settings are optional and you have to find which ones will help you when you need battery badly for an emergency or something.
First let's make a list of all the apps that you need to use and what they will do, all the apps and tips are optional but if you use all of them you will have some amazing battery life!
*This thread only contains free apps so you don't need to spend $ at all!*
#1 Screen filter: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...ch_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5oYXhvciJd
This app is really useful because it allows you to go on lower brightness than what your phone allows you to! and if you have sensitive eyes it'll help at night, when I really NEED BATTERY I lower the brightness as much as I can (Don't go too low because you won't be able to see s**t.
while in use, screen filter make the install button in the package installer unusable; if you want to install an app, disable screen filter first
#2 Rescan Media ROOT: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...SwxLDEsImNvbS5hZGR6Lm1lZGlhc2Nhbm5lcnJvb3QiXQ..
This app will allow you to enable and disable media scanner whenever you want. Media scanner drains ur battery a lot specialy if you're using a JB ROM! I don't know if it'll be useful with GB/ICS because I only tested it on a JB ROM, by disabling media scanner you won't be able to see pictures or videos from your gallery but you're able to play music, use this when you really need to save battery and you're not gonna use gallery.
#3 https://play.google.com/store/apps/...sMSwxLDEsImNvbS5yb290dW5pbnN0YWxsZXIuZnJlZSJd
Titanium backup has an option to uninstall system apps but this one is free, just use it to freeze apps that you don't use and are always running, the apps I disabled are:
*Maps (I enable em when I need them)
*Movie Studio
*Apollo (I use PowerAMP)
*Sound Search
*Voice dialer (Useless IMO..)
*SIM Toolkit (I don't know if this is safe to remove for all users but I had no problem)
*Trebuchet (I use Nova Prime)
*News & Weather
And you can disable other apps that you don't use, those are the ones I disabled.
#4 Startup manager: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...wsMSwxLDEsImltb2JsaWZlLnN0YXJ0dXBtYW5hZ2VyIl0.
This is my favorite, I don't know how useful it is but I hate to have apps I don't use running or on the background.
With this app you can disable the user and systemapps that auto start when you turn on your phone, they will start without any problem when you need them!
This app will give you more free ram! I don't know if the RAM on phones consume as much energy as PC RAM but I used it anyway..
The system apps I disabled are the following:
*Download manager
*Media Storage (I guess you don't need this is you disabled media scanner already with the previous app)
Those are only the system apps, remember to disable YOUR apps that are always running on boot and you don't need them to be running (I only kept facebook, facebook messenger, nova launcher and whatsapp) I don't suggest you to disable many google apps, I think it gives problems when trying to connect to google servers (NOT SURE) disable them if you want and if it give you any problem just enable them again.
#5 FastDormancy Toggle: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...W5tb3JhbC5mYXN0ZG9ybWFuY3l0b2dnbGUuaTkzMDAiXQ..
First do a google search and check if your carrier supports FD, my carrier doesn't support it so I disabled it and you can uninstall this app after disabling it if you want.
#6 AdFree: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...DEsImNvbS5iaWd0aW5jYW4uYW5kcm9pZC5hZGZyZWUiXQ..
This app gets rid of the annoying ads, they consume battery because they use 3G to load and they're annoying anyway, just install it and after it downloads the host files and installs them you can uninstall this app if you want, if you start to get Ads again just install it again and update the host files and uninstall or you just can keep it and let it download the new host files.
#7 GetRIL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5zaWJib3IuZ2V0cmlsIl0.
Some users have better batterylife after matching their RIL with the current modem, you can uninstall this app after installing the right RIL but I think the RIL will keep changing everytime you flash a new ROM. This app is supposed to keep you away from RIL crashes, try it. and uninstall after using it.
Ok that's it now let's move to the tips, some of them might have you tired already but I'll put them for the new users.
#1 If you're not gonna browse, use facebook or any app that requieres 3G just disable it, I have 2G most of the time because I only use whatsapp and gtalk the most.
#2 Disable WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth and Sync if you're not using it.
#3 Disable google now (It improves battery a lot according to some users)
#4 If you're lazy to control your brightness just set it automatic, I use the notification bar slide brightness from CM10 and I always have it really low.
#5 Try not to have too many root apps running on start up because SU makes the phone laggy when it tries to enable too many root apps.
#6 If you have a weather app set "refresh manualy"
#7 If for some reason after using all the apps from above you still have unwanted apps running just stop them manualy, I check running apps really often and stop them.
#8 Some people have better battery life with different modems, I always use stock modems so try different modems and check which one suits you better
#10 Don't let your phone charging overnight
#11 If you're REALLY need battery and you're on a trip only listening music with the screen off, set your CPU to 200 Mhz or 500 Mhz if you want, Music player is a light app but some music players keep going from 100-200 mhz to 800-1000 ..
#12 Try to enable the skip track with volume key from CM10/AOKP, this will save battery as you won't turn the screen on everytime you want to skip track and If you use the 200 Mhz max frequency you won't have to go through the lag to skip a track (If your galaxy lags a lot at 200 Mhz, some phones don't lag that much at that frequency)
#13 Disable BLN
#14 If you're not using the internet at all put flight mode
#15 Use dark or black wallpapers and themes, our SAMOLED+ Screen saves energy if you use black/dark themes/wallpapers
#16 If you have facebook and you need more battery try to log off your facebook and facebook messenger, it'll save you some battery (credits to Obagleyfreer for this tip)
Now let's get into the ROMs and Kernel subject.
I'm using Dorimanx 7.3 and I'm using JellyBam ROM at the moment but I change ROMs really often, I think JellyBam has vsync enabled so I guess a ROM without vsync and Dorimanx 7.3 will have better batterylife.
ExTweaks settings:
Easy.. Just go to recovery and go into specific kernel options and put Battery profile.. If you have ExTweaks plus you'll be able to change the profiles from the app and you'll see the Extreme_battery profile, enable it if you have ExTweaks plus.
After you set battery profile go to the CPU tab and put second core always off if you're just chatting and listening music you don't need both cores enabled.
Oh yeah and undervolt your CPU/GPU in ExTweaks, I have CPU UV -75.
If you did a charge cycle and your phone is at 100%, unplug it and go to the MISC tab on ExTweaks and Reset Fuel Chip and charge it again to 100%, I usualy reset it like 10 times after flashing a ROM, I unplug and reset and plug and like that a few times.. I'm not sure if it helps at all but I do it anyway.
**I think some users reported that slower charge gives better battery, in ExTweaks MISC tab theres an option for charging voltages, set the lowest AC/MISC:550mA USD:450mA (I haven't tested it but I will do it soon**
I'm adding more info to this thread and giving credits in a few minutes I have to eat dinner.
As I explained I'm from Mexico and this is my first help/guide thread in XDA, If you liked how I shared all my knowledge and want to help me with a donation feel free to do it, I'm from Mexico as some of you know this country is really poor and even 30 cents or 1 USD will help me, 1 USD is like 13 mexican pesos.. feel free to donate if you want, any amount will do fine.
Ok after trying to discharge my phone using Max brightness, both cores enabled, screen on all time, PowerAMP on speakers all the time with max volume, 1.5Ghz, Extreme_Perfomance profile I got 3 hours 30 mins screen time.. I couldn't take a screenshot cause I took too long to take it and I had media disabled Now I'm going to try with my settings and post the results! Please if you tried my guide and got amazing battery life post a screenshot of your battery graph and screen on time or tell us the results!
Mexico loves xda <3
Reserved ~~~~
Great! Thank you!! I'll try it all!
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9100 mit Tapatalk 2
Netjoker said:
Great! Thank you!! I'll try it all!
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9100 mit Tapatalk 2
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Thanks If you have any question feel free to ask, I'll add a FAQ question and more details to the thread if needed, this is my first thread and I'm really noob at this I hope you guys help me to make this thread perfect and maybe even get sticky! This ALL you need for good battery life, I forgot some stuff but I'll add it once I remember it xD
I need enable the other CPU core
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Mervingio said:
I need enable the other CPU core
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
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What do you mean? Both cores will run on your Galaxy when you need them but the second core isn't enabled all the time, only when you need it.
Great instructions.I am using JellyBam ROM 20121022 – i9100 daily [OUT DA SPACE REL] with siyah v5.0b1
Well i underclocked my device to 100-500 mhz with 2 cores running all the time... voltages as low a i can... gpu 40 66 100 mhz... the only thing i took from this thread is the screen filter,thanks for that! now i usually get 7 hours screen time 2 days running
Elistheman said:
Well i underclocked my device to 100-500 mhz with 2 cores running all the time... voltages as low a i can... gpu 40 66 100 mhz... the only thing i took from this thread is the screen filter,thanks for that! now i usually get 7 hours screen time 2 days running
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Your welcome You should try the startup manager to get rid of the apps that auto start!
A handy tip to help battery life is remove Facebook app. It is a HUGE battery drain.
The best thing to do is to log onto the Facebook Mobile site then when you're on the homepage just save as a bookmark.
Now you can add the bookmark to your home screen as an icon.
It's just like Facebook app only faster, less bugs and battery friendly
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Obagleyfreer said:
A handy tip to help battery life is remove Facebook app. It is a HUGE battery drain.
The best thing to do is to log onto the Facebook Mobile site then when you're on the homepage just save as a bookmark.
Now you can add the bookmark to your home screen as an icon.
It's just like Facebook app only faster, less bugs and battery friendly
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks, I'll add it to the list of tips
Great post
One thing though: I would advice you NOT to fully drain your battery unless absolutely necessary. This will lower the full capacity of your battery. It's the same thing that happens to laptopbatteries. Many people let it run dry from time to time and this is one of the reasons people experience such a severe hit on laptop battery capacity over time.
This is also the reason why you phone will shut down before battery hits 0%. It's simply to spare the battery from degradation.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Thx !
abnesher said:
Great post
One thing though: I would advice you NOT to fully drain your battery unless absolutely necessary. This will lower the full capacity of your battery. It's the same thing that happens to laptopbatteries. Many people let it run dry from time to time and this is one of the reasons people experience such a severe hit on laptop battery capacity over time.
This is also the reason why you phone will shut down before battery hits 0%. It's simply to spare the battery from degradation.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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thanks, I removed the tip
here are some more facts about different batteries and their behavior. Remember that u have a lithium-ion battery in your smartphone:
This supports also the posting from abnesher.
//sorry for masking the url with * but im not allowed to post urls cause i am new
thx alot i'll try it
Ingesting Read! But I suggest you to add this disclaimer to the Screen Filter section: "while in use, screen filter make the install button in the package installer unusable; if you want to install an app, disable screen filter first"
Hope it's useful for you
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
PunkOz said:
What do you mean? Both cores will run on your Galaxy when you need them but the second core isn't enabled all the time, only when you need it.
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System Tuner works like a charm
Thanks for the tip!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
Ryther said:
Ingesting Read! But I suggest you to add this disclaimer to the Screen Filter section: "while in use, screen filter make the install button in the package installer unusable; if you want to install an app, disable screen filter first"
Hope it's useful for you
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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Edited, Thanks!

[Q][How to] set DNS, Freeing RAM, improove battery, set FF bookmarks widget

Hi, finally here I am with my new Nexus 4. Through different devices that i disliked (like Acer LM, Nexus S in part), now I see a very good phone that does like everything. So here I wanna clear all my (and ours) main doubts regarding settings or tools that improves it. I red a lot in this and in a great italian forum, but some matter isn' t totally understood by people so informations may be subjectives and not in the same way.
So let's start
1- in the beginning of my history with android, 4 years ago, I thougt that 3g data with a good company works perfect with normal settings. But since 2 years I'm using a good and necessary app, Rom Toolbox. It also backup apps, but here it's important the set DNS function. In the past I saw improovements tapping Google DNS, internet was fast, but now, for example, using google search, it takes 2-3 seconds for showing results.
Why this "connection freezing"? Maybe other settings may be helpful for connection ?
ex."auto apply wifi/mobile network tapped, or improove dwd speed in some way...
2- A) I see that some rom users has wonderful battery experience. I would like me too , so I tried CodeFire X + matr1x 7.5 .
It has 10 days of life, but I would like to set everything, so : I need to do the undervolt fix, in addiction to the matr1x kernel (probably already undervolted), or this isn' t necessary?
Do you think that exists better ROMs regarding fluidity/battery improovements? Here I have 0 lag, for now (with a lot of apps installed with no notifications drains).
But I'm not very happy regarding battery: 2hours 22minutes, now 79% with 38% screen (46min), 32% phone calls (18min), 6% android and 4% firefox, connected with 3g (low use).
B) I tried Easy battery saver, i'm so uncertain regarding this kind of apps, because users opinion is so differents, like the choice (EBS, JD,2xB, Green Power). I choice this one only for download and stars rating.
But also Snapdragon may be good. For now, i found on them the lolzful situations: people that talks about 24 hours improovment(!!!) and a lot of people that is very happy, but on the other side others that says that process drains a lot of battery.
I think, at the end, that probably one of this apps may be good for battery, and you? If yes, I can't understand the best one.
3- A) android assistant: I can't understand if the "clear process" widget really free RAM or not. In the past I also red that task killing isn't good for android, but freeing RAM may be good (if apps are really closed, and don't re-open after memory release).
on nexus s I loved to close all processes with it's icon on the bottom of the screen. Now isn' t included (stock included, dunno why), so I can use Android Assistant as substitute?
B) boot assistant on AA really closes all app that i tap? I have everything blocked, like 10-15 processes ,unless sms and 2 widget.
4- I passed 4 hours for understand that dolphin can't import firefox bookmarks, it can't see folders. So I tried FF for android and now oviously they sync and passed everything. But I can't understand how to set FF bookmarks widget, no apps or ways to do it. If not, it's also perfect having a FF bookmarks shortcut
I red about a way to pass them on stock browser, ok , but after I can see on the stock widget all my folders and bookmarks inside?
5- FastGPS is always useful for improoving GPS signal?
please help!!
give me knowledge!!
4 years you have been using android and you still have not got it that battery life is 99% of the time kernel related...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
persheshhater said:
4 years you have been using android and you still have not got it that battery life is 99% of the time kernel related...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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seems to be a short answer for explaining all, but it only answer a half question - 2) B
I wrote 7 questions(5 +2), so there is much more to say than 20 words.
persheshhater said:
4 years you have been using android and you still have not got it that battery life is 99% of the time kernel related...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Wrong, it's 99 % user related... (CPU settings -> overclock / underclock / undervolt / governor, brightness, sync -> mails / meteo / social network, rogue apps, data -> Wi-Fi / 3g, reception, usage -> games / browsing or just sms, etc...)...
Yes sometimes a bad battery life can be due to the kernel (bad kernel wakelocks) like sometimes a custom kernel can correct some weird little issues with battery life compared to the stock kernel, but people tend to believe that the kernel or the rom that makes your battery life and ONLY this. It's mainly the user... at least at 95 % of the time.
Don't blame the kernel if you have a rogue app, if you don't know how to use / set your phone (or your CPU) / set your apps correctly for better battery life...
viking37 said:
Wrong, it's 99 % user related... (CPU settings -> overclock / underclock / undervolt / governor, brightness, sync -> mails / meteo / social network, rogue apps, data -> Wi-Fi / 3g, reception, usage -> games / browsing or just sms, etc...)...
Yes sometimes a bad battery life can be due to the kernel (bad kernel wakelocks) like sometimes a custom kernel can correct some weird little issues with battery life compared to the stock kernel, but people tend to believe that the kernel or the rom that makes your battery life and ONLY this. It's mainly the user... at least at 95 % of the time.
Don't blame the kernel if you have a rogue app, if you don't know how to use / set your phone (or your CPU) / set your apps correctly for better battery life...
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that was the reason because i asked theese questions.... so can i have your opinion?
still need help....

[GUIDE] Extreme Battery thread AND ADVANCE SETUP GUIDE

As we all know the battery life is a lot batter in Z2 but still some one said that "A HUMAN IS NEVER SATISFIED." We like to get a much as possible from what we have... I am one of them.
So I put up a thread giving step by step guide to set up the device the best way possible.
1. Flash the ROM that you would like to use.
2. After flashing the rom, reboot the phone and set it up.
3. Flash the kernel that you would like to use and UV it by -50 mV.
4. Go to Settings>wifi>Options>Advance> UNCHECK "Scanning always available". Also uncheck NFC services in settings.
5. If you are not using location services all the time than you can do the following as well and you can enable the location services whenever you need them.
Go to GOOGLE SETTINGS APP>Location> UNCHECK "Access Location"
google settings app>maps & lattitude. UNCHECK "report from this device"
6. Install SYSTEM TUNER PRO with GREEN ICON old version. There are other apps that can do the same thing so you guys can use any other apps that supports disabling services. I use this one because of additional features.
This is the link for the latest version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ccc71.pmw.pro
7. Follow the guide in my video. The link is below: It will remove useless wakelocks from apps like google wallet, google talk, google plus, IF YOU ARE NOT USING THEM.
Video with DISCLAIMER :
I will update the video when I am little bit free from my job.
Link (If Video is not showing here): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUBpOl77Tm4
Thread with DISCLAIMER : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2357417 Thanks to SKIPJACKS
8. Install Greenify and Greenify Donation. Links are below:
You need to install XPOSED FRAMEWORK for the Donation app to work.
Greenify: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oasisfeng.greenify
Greenify Donation: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oasisfeng.greenify.pro
Xposed Framework: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2327541
9. Greenify all user apps and some of the system apps. To greenify the system we dont need xposed framework anymore starting from latest BETA versions.
10. Go to setting>MORE> DISABLE NFC Services.
11. Open up system tuner pro.
Go to build prop>presets
TICK following:
Power saver (It will give good standby battery)
There are a lot more tweaks available that you can use as well.
And Reboot.
12. In the new greenify app there is an option to CUT the connection of the app that is waking up the services.
Now for example,
I am using swift key keyboard not the android keyboard that comes with the rom, but android keyboard also wakes up GOOGLE PLAY SERVICES and keeps it running, so I cut the wake-up path. So now android keyboard will not wake-up GOOGLE PLAY SERVICES.
SO you need to find out which apps are waking-up the system apps and cut the wake-up paths IF THE APP IS NOT IMPORTANT.
13. Disable or reduce animations from DEVELOPERS SETTING. It will give faster response at cost of less animations.
14. Use Titanium Backup and uninstall or freeze the apps that you are not using. Like : Email, ANT service, Xperia Keyboard Etc.
15. Download and install Xorware 2G/3G/4G Swticher and Interface Pro.
It automates the network mode while screen is off or on. When screen is off it will switch the network to 2G or anything you would like to be. YOU CAN COMPLETELY CUSTIMISE THE OPERATION BASED ON YOUR NEEDS.
Xorware 2G/3G/4G Switcher: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xorware.network.s2g3g.xposed.switcher
Xorware 2G/3G/4G Interface RPO : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xorware.network.s2g3g.settings
It is an xposed Module which requires xposed framework.
16. Fix for the external SD card write permissions.
1. Use Root Explorer
2. Go to System > etc > permissions
3. Open file named "platform.xml" with editing tool
4. find a line "name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" >"
5. Add line after
6. Save it and exit than reboot the phone.
After doing all of these, I am able to achieve around 6 to 7 Hours screen on time with HEAVY to normal use with total time of around 25 to 28 hours minimum.
Brightness : 10 to 30% all times
gaming for around 2 hrs.
Either wifi or mobile data ON all times.
CREDIT goes to all of the developers of ROM, MODs, and APPs...
Nice, but 6-7hours sot with z2 is nothing, you dont even have to save power, dont wanna sound rude but its true. With everything turned off, brightness on 10-30% as you said it should be upto 10hours if you have good signal.
As far as i know , Sony 4.4.2 doesn't support ART
Yes, credit for you for this guide but without root, custom roms and undervolting, just stamina mode on, I got around 6 hours 14 minutes SOT and 29% of battery remaining. This included watching around 2 hours of wifi World Cup final on the phone, lots of web browsing, a bit of skype. Brightness around 25% indoors.
feis said:
Nice, but 6-7hours sot with z2 is nothing, you dont even have to save power, dont wanna sound rude but its true. With everything turned off, brightness on 10-30% as you said it should be upto 10hours if you have good signal.
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Sorry for that point. Got confused between 2 threads that I am maintaining...
Capt. Chaitanya Patel
If my post helped you than please click on THANKS button, it might be a little for you but VERY BIG for me... :angel:
My Contribution to XDA:
[GUIDE] [MAJOR UPDATE:5-JUL-14] Extreme Batterylife thread ADVANCE SETUP GUIDE
valdigre said:
Yes, credit for you for this guide but without root, custom roms and undervolting, just stamina mode on, I got around 6 hours 14 minutes SOT and 29% of battery remaining. This included watching around 2 hours of wifi World Cup final on the phone, lots of web browsing, a bit of skype. Brightness around 25% indoors.
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Well everyone's experiences are different. I am extremely heavy user. My data is on all times, sync is on all times, kids are playing games on it etc... ?
Capt. Chaitanya Patel
If my post helped you than please click on THANKS button, it might be a little for you but VERY BIG for me... :angel:
My Contribution to XDA:
[GUIDE] [MAJOR UPDATE:5-JUL-14] Extreme Batterylife thread ADVANCE SETUP GUIDE
feis said:
Nice, but 6-7hours sot with z2 is nothing, you dont even have to save power, dont wanna sound rude but its true. With everything turned off, brightness on 10-30% as you said it should be upto 10hours if you have good signal.
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If you're only watching a video or reading an ebook maybe. Doesn't equate to the general masses with heavy online usage. The guide is very good.
nealkoy said:
If you're only watching a video or reading an ebook maybe. Doesn't equate to the general masses with heavy online usage. The guide is very good.
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Thank you...
Capt. Chaitanya Patel
If my post helped you than please click on THANKS button, it might be a little for you but VERY BIG for me... :angel:
My Contribution to XDA:
[GUIDE] [MAJOR UPDATE:5-JUL-14] Extreme Batterylife thread ADVANCE SETUP GUIDE
Thanks for the guide.
I'm confused with point 16 though? What does it achieve?
nealkoy said:
If you're only watching a video or reading an ebook maybe. Doesn't equate to the general masses with heavy online usage. The guide is very good.
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Nope, im all day on 3g/lte, using tapatalk, youtube, browsing websites and a bit of games, and brightness 50% auto, i never get less than 6-7hours sot. Im not a light user by any means
feis said:
Nope, im all day on 3g/lte, using tapatalk, youtube, browsing websites and a bit of games, and brightness 50% auto, i never get less than 6-7hours sot. Im not a light user by any means
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You're a light user(on this device) as long as you're not playing high def games.
I remember getting only 3-4 hrs SOT when playing Injustice everytime the phone would charge enough. XD

[UPDATE 4.0] Xiaomi.EU Redmi Note 4 ROM Multi Tasking Fix and Battery Improvements

ZRAM increase and fixes
1. Using a file manager, go to system/etc/ and rename mcd_default.conf to mcd_default.conf.bak
2. Download this file and place it in system/etc
3. Reboot
4. Go to developer options and go to memory optimizations and set to HIGH
5. Reboot.
6. Install kernel audiotor and go to LMK and change the values to medium. Remember to set on boot.
7. Reboot.
Changed the values to less aggressive ones. Minimal battery life improvement but it it better than nothing in my opinion.
1. Go to system/etc and rename perfservscntbl.txt to perfservscntbl.txt.bak
2. Download this and place in system/etc
3. Reboot
These are some cherrypicks from android 7.1.1
1. Make sure you are rooted
2. Go to su/su.d and place this file in that folder
3. Give the file 0755 permission as shown below
X -- X
X -- X
4. Reboot.
As per usual all of these require root and please do backups in case anything goes wrong. I suggest using FX file manager to do these tweaks.
The Redmi Note 4, in my opinion, suffers a lot of RAM management issues. The symptoms are as follow;
- Constant reloading of app like instagram, chrome, facebook, and others when switching apps
- Constant reloading of apps whenever you switch to a system app like phone, camera, messaging (background apps get killed when you launch system apps)
Things I have I tried to remedy the issue/problem
- Lock app
- Change memory optimization settings in developer options
NONE OF THEM WORKED. I got so frustrated because this device has like 3GB of RAM which should eliminate problems concerning apps getting killed.
So I went out and did my own research and found out that MIUI controls ram management via a service called 'mcd' and this service depends on a file called 'mcd_default.conf' in system/etc. Naturally what I did was tinker around with the contents of the file and edited it using trial and error. Each time I tested, I would launch 10-12 apps that included Chrome, Spotify, Instagram, Twitter, Color-Note, Phone, Messaging, Gallery, Google Photos and others. (YES 10 TO 12 APPS)
Yes, ladies and gentleman. 3GB of ram should be able to handle all those apps without reloading every single one of them.
Finally, after tinkering around with some values I think I cracked the code/solution to the problem by editing some lines. The lines I edited affect how zram works on our device and I think I fixed it. The file I edited is attached below.
1. Make sure you are rooted and you have the latest busybox installed (its on the playstore)
2. Download the file attached HERE IS THE FILE
3. Browse to system/etc using your root file manager of choice (I prefer fx file manager)
4. Backup the existing mcd_default.conf bye renaming it to mcd_default.conf.bak
5. Place the file I attached in system/etc
6. Reboot
7. Go to developer settings and set memory optimization to LOW and reboot
8. Test out multitasking for yourself
1. Install Kernel audiotor
2. Open, give it root permission
3. Swipe from left and go to init.d
4. Press the + button and enter name ZRAM
5. Enter these values
echo 1073741824 > /sys/block/zram0/disksize
/system/xbin/mkswap /dev/block/zram0
/system/xbin/swapon /dev/block/zram0
echo 100 (you can choose between 100 to 0. higher number better zram usage) > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
6. Save and enable set on boot
7. Reboot and test out multitasking
8. Open Kernel Audiotor and change LMK values to medium. Set on boot and reboot.
Important things to know
- It's normal for background apps to close when you use camera because the camera app uses a lot of RAM and resources to process images ESPECIALLY if you use burst mode (hold shutter button)
- Improved multitasking
- No other problem like fingerprint sensor not working bla bla bla
I noticed that the helio x20 is quite the power hungry chip so I dug around XDA MIUI devices forums for other devices and found out that Xiaomi MIUI roms use a service called 'perfservice' to control the CPU and can sometime be a hit and miss, so I did something;
What happens when perfservice is disabled is the cpu is controlled by MTK's cpu manager (not sure what it is called) and uses the stock interactive governer (which is good).
1. Make sure you are rooted
2. use your root file explorer of choice (I prefer fx file manager)
3. go to /system and backup build.prop by copying and pasting it somewhere else
4. edit build.prop and find the line ro.mtk_perfservice_support=1 and change it to ro.mtk_perfservice_support=0 and save file
5. go to /system/etC and find a file named perfservapplist.txt and rename it to perfservapplist.txt.bak
6. go to /system/etc and find a file named perfservscntbl.txt and rename it to perfservscntbl.txt.bak
7. Reboot and test out the result yourself
I hope this helps any of you in any way.
I now LOVE my phone but it's a pity that Xiaomi doesn't want to fix problems like these. Maybe they don't consider these problems as actual problems. We'll never know tbh.
Thanks for this, really great work. Definitely interested in trying the battery improvement as it had gotten better since I used the 4G fix, but still could be a bit better. Is there any way these could be made into flashable zips? I have TWRP but not using root. Thanks again.
Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
gsmyth said:
Thanks for this, really great work. Definitely interested in trying the battery improvement as it had gotten better since I used the 4G fix, but still could be a bit better. Is there any way these could be made into flashable zips? I have TWRP but not using root. Thanks again.
Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
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Twrp has a file manager within the recovery. You can rename, move, and, copy files with it. You can try it out
asusm930 said:
Twrp has a file manager within the recovery. You can rename, move, and, copy files with it. You can try it out
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Wow didn't know that! Must take a look.
Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
gsmyth said:
Wow didn't know that! Must take a look.
Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
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Its under 'advanced' but before that mount system using the 'mount' option
As for editing the build.prop file, copy it to your phone and then edit the copy, after that replace the original build.prop with the edited one using twrp's file manager
asusm930 said:
Its under 'advanced' but before that mount system using the 'mount' option
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Ah thanks, forgot to mount and couldn't see the build prop file, will try again later.
Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
Maybe we can make a flashable zip with AnyKernel 2 like CosmicDan does here http://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-4/development/tweaks-cosmictweaks-v2016-11-26-t3507291
prismk said:
Maybe we can make a flashable zip with AnyKernel 2 like CosmicDan does here http://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-4/development/tweaks-cosmictweaks-v2016-11-26-t3507291
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I prefer having people doing it manually so that people know what they're doing and know what files to backup and so on
asusm930 said:
The Redmi Note 4, in my opinion, suffers a lot of RAM management issues. The symptoms are as follow;
- Constant reloading of app like instagram, chrome, facebook, and others when switching apps
- Constant reloading of apps whenever you switch to a system app like phone, camera, messaging (background apps get killed when you launch system apps)
Things I have I tried to remedy the issue/problem
- Lock app
- Change memory optimization settings in developer options
NONE OF THEM WORKED. I got so frustrated because this device has like 3GB of RAM which should eliminate problems concerning apps getting killed.
So I went out and did my own research and found out that MIUI controls ram management via a service called 'mcd' and this service depends on a file called 'mcd_default.conf' in system/etc. Naturally what I did was tinker around with the contents of the file and edited it using trial and error. Each time I tested, I would launch 10-12 apps that included Chrome, Spotify, Instagram, Twitter, Color-Note, Phone, Messaging, Gallery, Google Photos and others. (YES 10 TO 12 APPS)
Yes, ladies and gentleman. 3GB of ram should be able to handle all those apps without reloading every single one of them.
Finally, after tinkering around with some values I think I cracked the code/solution to the problem by editing some lines. The lines I edited affect how zram works on our device and I think I fixed it. The file I edited is attached below.
1. Make sure you are rooted
2. Download the file attached HERE IS THE FILE
3. Browse to system/etc using your root file manager of choice (I prefer fx file manager)
4. Backup the existing mcd_default.conf bye renaming it to mcd_default.conf.bak
5. Place the file I attached in system/etc
6. Reboot
7. Go to developer settings and set memory optimization to LOW and reboot
8. Test out multitasking for yourself
1. Install Kernel audiotor
2. Open, give it root permission
3. Swipe from left and go to init.d
4. Press the + button and enter name ZRAM
5. Enter these values
echo 1073741824 > /sys/block/zram0/disksize
/system/xbin/mkswap /dev/block/zram0
/system/xbin/swapon /dev/block/zram0
echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
6. Save and enable set on boot
7. Reboot and test out multitasking
Important things to know
- It's normal for background apps to close when you use camera because the camera app uses a lot of RAM and resources to process images ESPECIALLY if you use burst mode (hold shutter button)
- Improved multitasking
- No other problem like fingerprint sensor not working bla bla bla
I noticed that the helio x20 is quite the power hungry chip so I dug around XDA MIUI devices forums for other devices and found out that Xiaomi MIUI roms use a service called 'perfservice' to control the CPU and can sometime be a hit and miss, so I did something;
What happens when perfservice is disabled is the cpu is controlled by MTK's cpu manager (not sure what it is called) and uses the stock interactive governer (which is good).
1. Make sure you are rooted
2. use your root file explorer of choice (I prefer fx file manager)
3. go to /system and backup build.prop by copying and pasting it somewhere else
4. edit build.prop and find the line ro.mtk_perfservice_support=1 and change it to ro.mtk_perfservice_support=0 and save file
5. go to /system/etC and find a file named perfservapplist.txt and rename it to perfservapplist.txt.bak
6. go to /system/etc and find a file named perfservscntbl.txt and rename it to perfservscntbl.txt.bak
7. Reboot and test out the result yourself
I hope this helps any of you in any way.
I now LOVE my phone but it's a pity that Xiaomi doesn't want to fix problems like these. Maybe they don't consider these problems as actual problems. We'll never know tbh.
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Really interesting post. I've been frustrated with processes getting killed for no apparent reason but I'm a little dubious about the mods. Are you able to post a before and after video or something showing the improvements?
Also, how does disabling perfservice affect performance?
spr33 said:
Really interesting post. I've been frustrated with processes getting killed for no apparent reason but I'm a little dubious about the mods. Are you able to post a before and after video or something showing the improvements?
Also, how does disabling perfservice affect performance?
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I can't post videos but I can personally that multitasking is way better now.
disabling perfservice does not affect performance at all. Its still snappy as ever
asusm930 said:
I can't post videos but I can personally that multitasking is way better now.
disabling perfservice does not affect performance at all. Its still snappy as ever
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I don't know why but I got the standby problem when WIFI is ON (I tried everything, turn off location, scanning). Here is what I have tested CAREFULLY:
Drain 1.5-2.5%/ hour
Drain 1%/ 90 minutes or even a bit more
Drain 1%/ 3-4 hours or even a bit more
It's really weird when WIFI drains MUCH MORE battery than mobile data, even the deep sleep rate is still 89% - 90% when WIFI is ON.
Do you have any idea how to fix this?
phamhuytung192 said:
I don't know why but I got the standby problem when WIFI is ON (I tried everything, turn off location, scanning). Here is what I have tested CAREFULLY:
Drain 1.5-2.5%/ hour
Drain 1%/ 90 minutes or even a bit more
Drain 1%/ 3-4 hours or even a bit more
It's really weird when WIFI drains MUCH MORE battery than mobile data, even the deep sleep rate is still 89% - 90% when WIFI is ON.
Do you have any idea how to fix this?
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my last bet is going to Additional settings > Privacy > Location > Google Location History > and turn it off for every account
I also have sync on WLAN only too in sync settings if that helps
asusm930 said:
my last bet is going to Additional settings > Privacy > Location > Google Location History > and turn it off for every account
I also have sync on WLAN only too in sync settings if that helps
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I already tried all of this, nothing change , I think the problem is because of Mediatek wifi chipset. Do you have the same problem?
phamhuytung192 said:
I already tried all of this, nothing change , I think the problem is because of Mediatek wifi chipset. Do you have the same problem?
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I dont think so. I lose like 2% like after 6 hours. I do have both wifi and data turned on though (by turned on i mean the toggles are switched on but in actuality when wifi is on, android turns off data even though the toggle shows that its on up until wifi signal is gone)
asusm930 said:
I dont think so. I lose like 2% like after 6 hours. I do have both wifi and data turned on though (by turned on i mean the toggles are switched on but in actuality when wifi is on, android turns off data even though the toggle shows that its on up until wifi signal is gone)
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Do you have any apps in background? I usually have Messenger + Chrome in background with 2 SIM. How many SIM are you using and in which sim slot (If only 1 sim)?
phamhuytung192 said:
Do you have any apps in background? I usually have Messenger + Chrome in background with 2 SIM. How many SIM are you using and in which sim slot (If only 1 sim)?
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I have 1 sim (in slot 1) and an SDcard.
Try installing Link2SD and disable "Battery Saver" and MiCloud, MiCloudBackup, Cleaner, Metok, LocationEM2, MiDrive, MiDrop, Music, Search, Video, Wallpaper Carousel AND Browser. These are the apps I have disabled.
asusm930 said:
I have 1 sim (in slot 1) and an SDcard.
Try installing Link2SD and disable "Battery Saver" and MiCloud, MiCloudBackup, Cleaner, Metok, LocationEM2, MiDrive, MiDrop, Music, Search, Video, Wallpaper Carousel AND Browser. These are the apps I have disabled.
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Yes I tried 1 SIM card with an SD Card before, the standby on WIFI was much better, really don't understand why. Can you tried to test WIFI standby with 2 SIM online?
phamhuytung192 said:
Yes I tried 1 SIM card with an SD Card before, the standby on WIFI was much better, really don't understand why. Can you tried to test WIFI standby with 2 SIM online?
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I think I read somewhere that someone else was having this problem. It could be the culprit (having 2 sims).
Unfortunately, I don't have another sim that i can use to confirm this bug, but I'm very sure that I've read other people mentioning this problem too (2 sims draining battery)
asusm930 said:
I think I read somewhere that someone else was having this problem. It could be the culprit (having 2 sims).
Unfortunately, I don't have another sim that i can use to confirm this bug, but I'm very sure that I've read other people mentioning this problem too (2 sims draining battery)
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I will try again, someone said that it is because of the wifi router, I tried this afternoon to use my laptop as WIFI hotspot and also DISABLE all the apps like you said, it drains only 2-3% / 6 hours .
asusm930 said:
I think I read somewhere that someone else was having this problem. It could be the culprit (having 2 sims).
Unfortunately, I don't have another sim that i can use to confirm this bug, but I'm very sure that I've read other people mentioning this problem too (2 sims draining battery)
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I tried yesterday and it is because of the WIFI Router, also in WIFI Advanced Setting I changed the option "Keep WIFI on during sleep" to "Never", the battery is really much better and WIFI is even not turn off during sleep, I can still receive calls from Facebook as well as messages. I think this is definitely an error.
