Windows popping up? - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

I've randomly been having the current window pop out and start floating on the screen, and at one point it even turned into one of those Facebook chat bubble style things.... how is this happening? What's the name of this feature im.somehow activating?

Install Malwarebytes app from Google Play and check for some malware running on your phone.

Not a Spyware popup, popup as in whatever window I am using "pops out" of full screen mode and operates in window mode (for those pc guys out there)

Maybe you're activating the multi-window feature?

How would I be doing that exactly?

Your hands, or your case, are touching the bottom left edge of the screen.
Take your case off and clean it and the screen edge.
If no case, just be more careful to not touch the edge...
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Maybe it activates when you try to pull the notification shade down near a corner

Drag down and right from the top left corner of your screen. Does the same thing happen? If so, it's the pop-up view you must be activating accidentally.


Putting PPC (Harrier & iMate) app on Treo 700wx Issues

I have an application which has been running nicely on Harrier and iMate devices, well any PPC devices really because of their rectangular screen shape.
My client has gone and bought some Palm Treo 700wx devices, and they have a smaller square screen.
In the resource of my project the screens are designed to fit PPC. When it runs on the Treo the Treo automatically pops up a scroll bar to allow the whole view to be seen.
The issue is when I first go into the app I can't see the top of the screen, about 20 odd pixels heigh aren't displayed. The scroll bar still displays and I can scroll down to the bottom of the view, and when I scroll up again the top of the screen is still out of sight.
If I exit the app just by tapping on the x in the top right corner (so the app is still running, not exiting properly via my Exit button which shuts down the app), I exit the app and then when I go back into the app the screens are displayed correctly, there is no missing space at the top of the screen.
If I exit the app via my exit button and then start the app again, the top of the view is missing again.
Does anyone know why the screen isn't displayed correctly when I first enter the app, or why it should come right when reloading the view again? Has anyone else had problems with screen layout when putting PPC apps on the square Treo 700wx?
It sounds like you have a 'refresh' problem. I haven't encountered this my self and it is really hard to diagnose when you don't even tell us what language your app is written in, but basically here is what I think happens:
When your app is launched, part of its window doesn't get properly painted (not sure why exactly).
When you click the X the app isn't closed, but minimized.
When you return to it the window is maximized and repainted. Second repaint goes correctly.
The quick solution to this would be to force a window refresh just after the app is fully started.
Sorry I forgot to add the language.. it's written in eVC++ 3.0
I'll give the refresh a go, thanks
Further Questions..
I thought that minimising and then maximising the screen fixed the problem, but only partially..
Because the screen in resource is designed for regular PPC it is bigger than the Treo 700 screen size, so the OS automatically shows a scroll bar.
The new issue I'm seeing is to do with the scroll bar. The steps I take to reproduce the issue are:
1. Go to View1, and I scroll down the view (I'm using CView not CDialog)
2. Go to View2
3. Go back to View1. When I go back to the first view the scrollbar is scrolled down in the position I left it.
4. Scroll up to top of view and some of the controls in the wrong place. Some controls I dynamically create in OnInitialUpdate, and as part of the Create() I pass in CRect to tell it where to create the control.
If I set to say 10, it's created 10 down from the top of the visible screen. The problem is that because I've scrolled the view previously the view draws it 10 down on the visible portion of the view.
I had thought that the easiest solution would be to always reset the scroll bar to the top of the view before creating my controls, but I'm not sure how to force the OS scroll bar to the top of the view. I've tried SetScrollPos(0,0) or ScrollWindow(0, y). ScrollWindow moves the actual view up or down, but the OS scrollbar is still in the same position.
Any ideas on how to set my view window to the top and to reset the scrollbar?
Thanks again
How to refresh a view?
I have sorted the issue mentioned just above, by finding the scroll position and factoring in that when I set the value of CRect area of the controls I need to dynamically draw.
I'm now just left with the first issue, of when I first start up the app the top part of the window and scrollbar are covered by the Title/Taskbar at the top of the screen.
If I close the app via the x button and restart the app, the issue resolves itself. Or if I open up any dlg like the About screen or even display an AfxMessageBox, when I close the dialog the original screen is redrawn correctly, in the correct position and scroll bar fully shown.
I have tried calling RecalcLayout(), RefreshWindow(), UpdateWindow(), Sending WM_SIZE messages and a whole range of things, but I can't seem to get the screen refreshing correctly apart from when I open any dialog and close that dialog.
When you close a dialog what messages get sent to the previous view that force it to redraw? Does anyone have any suggestions how I can force a refresh myself?
Thanks again
Did you try InvalidateRect?
I am getting a bit rusty with MFC, since I now try to do things the hard way and use pure win 32, but this should work.
If you can't use it as a class member, call the API directly using you view GetSafeHwnd() function for window handle). Use NULL for lpRect to redraw the whole window and FALSE for bErase to prevent flickering.
Note that UpdateWindow() only triggers repaint if part of the window becomes invalid (the contents needs redrawing).
No I hadn't thought of using InvalidateRect(), so I should give it a go.
In the end I just wanted the issue fixed so opted for a quick 'n dirty solution of displaying a temp CDialog as soon as the app starts and calling EndDialog() immediately in the OnInitDialog() so the dialog disappears before you see it.
It worked and the original screen gets updated to correct size, layout and scroll bar.

[Q] One-handed operation

I only tried to use this feature on my S5 a couple times, but my wife would like to use this feature on her new N4. I find that starting the One-handed operation function on both the S5 and N4 using the touchscreen gesture described in the enabling setting screen rarely works. It takes a bunch of swipes before the reduced One-handed screen appears.Very annoying and defeats the purpose of the feature as you actually have to try to enable it using two hands. I didn't even try to master using this feature given that it's so hard to get it started. I thought it was an issue with my S5, but after trying it on the N4... I had the same results. Is there a shortcut to enable this feature other than that the swiping gesture? Anyone else experiencing this issue?
Im sure you dont swipe correctly, for me it work all the time, just swipe your finger from screen edge to the middle then back to the screen edge with a horizontal way! Its not a V-like swipe, its like a hohorizontal "I" swipe just try it until you get it working!
Good luck!
midi_1996 said:
Im sure you dont swipe correctly, for me it work all the time, just swipe your finger from screen edge to the middle then back to the screen edge with a horizontal way! Its not a V-like swipe, its like a hohorizontal "I" swipe just try it until you get it working!
Good luck!
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Click to collapse
Yes, I'm swiping correctly, but it's not very reliable it works only 1 out of 6 or 7 times. I have a wallpaper with a straight line down the middle and I swipe over that straight line to the middle of the screen from the edge of the screen and back. Of course in a horizontal I. It would be nice if this feature had a toggle in the top bar pull down to turn it on/off. I'm hoping a Xposed Module developer notices this deficiency and comes up with a module with shortcut solution.
You have to start at edge of screen then finish at edge of screen, which can be a problem if you have a case. Doesn't hurt to actually go past the center either.
I can do it pretty consistently, and the times I fail I know it's because I hit the rim on the case and didn't swipe all the way to edge.

(Q) Notifications popping back onto screen after swipe down

Annoying feature to notifications so far is the forced choice of swiping left and dismissing from phone or swiping down to "keep" the card only to have it pop back up to the bottom of the screen 2 seconds later. Is there any way of avoiding the constant reappearance of cards I just swiped down? Example: I swipe weather down off my screen. A few seconds later is shows back up on the bottom of my screen and clutters my watch face. I just dismissed it, why would I want it right back?
I'm guessing this is just another area where Google is doing beta on us and will fix it down the road.
I've noticed that too... A kind of workaround is to stop the card-notifications from showing up on the clock. You'll have to swipe down to see them. Ofcourse, if something happends (a notification comes in) you'll still get vibrations etc.. The preview just wont show up on the bottom of the screen anymore.
It's in the android wear app.
Thanks. I want NEW notifications, but I don't need them to pop back up 2 seconds after I swiped down! Lol!

Quad View And Floating Windows (T111) [4.2.2]

I made this mod for my GF, and share it here in case someone is interested.
It enables both floating multiwindows, and quad view KK style (up to 4 static windows on the same screen).
I'm not responsible for anything that may happen, your Tab, your responsability
This mod has only be tested on the T111, but I'm pretty sure that it works as well on s110 and other 7 inches variants.
It may work on 8 in and 10 in variants, and in any case trying won't brick your phone so go for it!:silly:
If you do try please report here if it works.
It should work on both odexed and deodexed ROMs.
A Tab with a custom recovey.
Download the attached zip, flash it in recovery, reboot.
Enable Multi Windows from your quick settings.
Click on an app in the flash bar (the bar on the side from where Multi Windows are launched), the app will open in Floating Mode.
You will notice 3 buttons, minimize, maximize and close, and you can drag the window anywhere on the screen by dragging its upper left side.
You can resize it too, from the sides.
When an app has been minimized it becomes a small bar that you can drag anywhere, double tap it to maximize the window again.
Quad View:
Drag an app, if you put it in the center of the screen it will open in floating mode, if you put it at the top or the bottom of the screen it will open in full screen mode.
After one app is opened in full screen mode you can drag a second one to the second half on the screen, then a third to one corner and a fourth to the last corner.
The white central bar allows you to resize the windows in both length and width.
Don't touch the part where there's no bar between the windows cuz it makes the bar disappear (bug). If it happens just push home and reopen the windows.
Nope, sorry, I have no time to play with that kind of stuff.
Try this mod if you feel like it, otherwise give it a miss, no worries...
I have 2-3 things in my mind (windows templates, multiinstance) and I may implement them if I have time and if I see that enough people are interested.

oreo and Instagram issue

So far Oreo is a noticeable improvement in battery and lag. But... Something has changed when using Instagram. The home touch buttons are now too closely overlayed over the Instagram buttons. They're literally on top of each other down there at the very bottom of the phone, With each button ust slightly to the left of each other. The result is that you're constantly hitting the wrong button, no room at all for error.
As a remedy I installed the XDA gestures app but that has a new slide bar that sits right in the center of the screen when using Whatsapp so that you cant see what you're typing. I have to tilt the phone in landscape to get the bar out of the text input box. Any suggestions?
I experience the same issue in both vanilla instagram and GBinsta.
Another issue is that Google Assistant is also right in top of the LG home touch buttons so that it blocks me using the screen capture/screenshot button. I have to do the fingerprint button+volume button thing. Otherwise the related searches pull up results take up half the screen so I cant screen capture. Google must really want us to buy Pixel phone...
What models are yall using? I'm on H918 Oreo using the small display size and my instagram works just fine.
I don't use Instagram all that much but I just went to check out this issue.
The thing that I noticed right off the bat was that if you have the "Home Touch Buttons" set to hide then when you use Instagram they will almost completely overlap when dragged up.
Solution: Use the little square dot in the bottom left corner (tap to change the state) to keep the Home Touch Buttons from hiding. They will nicely reside under the Instagram app and not be overlapped. When done with Instagram just tap the square to go back to the hidden state.
Hopefully this will be of use to you.
Aintree Porsche said:
So far Oreo is a noticeable improvement in battery and lag. But... Something has changed when using Instagram. The home touch buttons are now too closely overlayed over the Instagram buttons. They're literally on top of each other down there at the very bottom of the phone, With each button ust slightly to the left of each other. The result is that you're constantly hitting the wrong button, no room at all for error.
As a remedy I installed the XDA gestures app but that has a new slide bar that sits right in the center of the screen when using Whatsapp so that you cant see what you're typing. I have to tilt the phone in landscape to get the bar out of the text input box. Any suggestions?
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Click to collapse
Tim3tripp3r said:
I don't use Instagram all that much but I just went to check out this issue.
The thing that I noticed right off the bat was that if you have the "Home Touch Buttons" set to hide then when you use Instagram they will almost completely overlap when dragged up.
Solution: Use the little square dot in the bottom left corner (tap to change the state) to keep the Home Touch Buttons from hiding. They will nicely reside under the Instagram app and not be overlapped. When done with Instagram just tap the square to go back to the hidden state.
Hopefully this will be of use to you.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
LOL. I'm over here installing apps to get over this problem that you fixed just long pressing the square! Doh!!
Messaibi said:
I experience the same issue in both vanilla instagram and GBinsta.
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Click to collapse
In case you missed it see the response above totally fixed the issue with a simple swipe.
Aintree Porsche said:
In case you missed it see the response above totally fixed the issue with a simple swipe.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
OMG this made me feel so dumb... Thanks for the quote, I would've missed it otherwise, issue fixed.
