Unlock LTE Bands? - Zenfone 2 Laser Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Zenfone forum 2 discovered how to unlock the lte bands. Anyone know how to do it on our laser zenfone ? I n my ​​case I have the model ze550kl (Sory my bad inglish)

arielsoyyo said:
Zenfone forum 2 discovered how to unlock the lte bands. Anyone know how to do it on our laser zenfone ? I n my ​​case I have the model ze550kl (Sory my bad inglish)
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You can try OPO guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/general/guide-unlock-aditional-bands-qualcomm-t2877031 but I dunno if it works or not so don't blame me if you'll break your phone.

LuK1337 said:
You can try OPO guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/general/guide-unlock-aditional-bands-qualcomm-t2877031 but I dunno if it works or not so don't blame me if you'll break your phone.
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Thank you very much! I read the tutorial, and is very interesting , although I have sufficient knowledge to dare to do it, I 'm afraid to leave my phone like a brick. Need to unlock the band 4 ( aws ) but I worry that the phone does not work anymore.

Has anyone tried this?


[Q] is it possible to unlock more LTE band on redmi note 4g LTE?

Got a xiaomi redmi note 4g LTE to play with but unfortunately device only supported FDD-LTE band 1, 3 only. Needed band 2, 4 and 7 to be able to work with tmobile USA LTE network. Any ideas on how to add those values to the phone?
blackysan said:
Got a xiaomi redmi note 4g LTE to play with but unfortunately device only supported FDD-LTE band 1, 3 only. Needed band 2, 4 and 7 to be able to work with tmobile USA LTE network. Any ideas on how to add those values to the phone?
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No you cannot unlock bands. Bands are hardware based.
marbss said:
No you cannot unlock bands. Bands are hardware based.
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the hardware was supported. It's a Snapdragon 410 chipset with 4G LTE world mode. it's Xiaomi who didn't add those bands into the baseband modem. I read some XDA threads about unlocking all LTE bands for Qualcomm Snapdragon chips but I couldn't understand how to add thoae NV values and how to get into the USB settings mode in my Xiaomi device. I need someone with experience to look into this and maybe make some step by steo guide for us. Its been done b4 with oneplusone, oppo, Sony, LG, Samsung phones with success so I knew it could be done.
ok i could be wrong. My friend just brought a moto x to australia and used a process or update to open up some more bands on his phone .
similar to this discussion http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=58064666&postcount=16 ???
Install mokee opensource
Sent from my HM NOTE 1LTEW using XDA Free mobile app
jagbir89 said:
Install mokee opensource
Sent from my HM NOTE 1LTEW using XDA Free mobile app
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The ROM actually unlocks more LTE bands?
jagbir89 said:
Install mokee opensource
Sent from my HM NOTE 1LTEW using XDA Free mobile app
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I'm having the same issue. Is this a solution?
gqkevyn said:
The ROM actually unlocks more LTE bands?
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Don't know if you're still wondering, I found out there are two versions of this phone. One is Chinese the other is a Hong Kong version. The Hong Kong version comes out of the box with compatible T-Mobile 4g lte band.
Sent from my Nexus 6
---------- Post added at 12:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 AM ----------
gqkevyn said:
The ROM actually unlocks more LTE bands?
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Oh, and as for ROMs unlocking lte bands. I would try the MIUI 5 global ROM. I haven't had a chance to test myself yet but, I would give it a shot. It's the ROM the Hong Kong version comes with out of the box.
Sent from my Nexus 6
Homer J. Fong said:
Don't know if you're still wondering, I found out there are two versions of this phone. One is Chinese the other is a Hong Kong version. The Hong Kong version comes out of the box with compatible T-Mobile 4g lte band.
Sent from my Nexus 6
---------- Post added at 12:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 AM ----------
Oh, and as for ROMs unlocking lte bands. I would try the MIUI 5 global ROM. I haven't had a chance to test myself yet but, I would give it a shot. It's the ROM the Hong Kong version comes with out of the box.
Sent from my Nexus 6
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how about TDD LTE version? with 2600mhz...i wondering can use it in my country...there's 2 version about our phone,FDD lte and TDD LTE...FDD LTE 1800/2100mhz...and i got TDD version...
Mayoz said:
how about TDD LTE version? with 2600mhz...i wondering can use it in my country...there's 2 version about our phone,FDD lte and TDD LTE...FDD LTE 1800/2100mhz...and i got TDD version...
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I'm sorry, I'm not too familiar with lte bands outside of the US. However you should check out this forum for the Redmi Note 4g. It's where I got most of my info from.
Sent from my Nexus 6
Can I unlock bands with Mokee?
Meerk4t said:
Can I unlock bands with Mokee?
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I'm still not sure it's possible. I've searched and most people say it's hardware based and ROMs can't change it. If you're already rooted and have custom recovery, you might as well give it a shot and report back.
Sent from my Nexus 6
Same problem here. My carrier uses a LTE frequency not supported by phone. All other carriers are supported, mine is not, frustrating. Installing Mokee (or any other custom ROM, I tried them all) doesn't change a thing. I don't know about MIUI, but don't think it would work.
blackysan said:
the hardware was supported. It's a Snapdragon 410 chipset with 4G LTE world mode. it's Xiaomi who didn't add those bands into the baseband modem. I read some XDA threads about unlocking all LTE bands for Qualcomm Snapdragon chips but I couldn't understand how to add thoae NV values and how to get into the USB settings mode in my Xiaomi device. I need someone with experience to look into this and maybe make some step by steo guide for us. Its been done b4 with oneplusone, oppo, Sony, LG, Samsung phones with success so I knew it could be done.
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How is it going now? Have you successfully unlocked B7
I want to unlock B20 and went through all the steps from this guide but no luck
But I did LOCKED B7 which is available originally on my Mi NOTE (dual-sim) to see if the value I set into 6828 is working.
you can have a go to unlock B7 I think
GeorgeZZzz said:
How is it going now? Have you successfully unlock B7
I want to unlock B20 and went through all the steps from this guide but no luck
But I did LOCKED B7 which si available originally on my Mi NOTE (dual-sim) to see if the value I set in to 6828 is working.
you can have a go to unlock B7 I think
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i need more step by step info, with pictures if can, to show me how u did it please. thx in advance......
blackysan said:
i need more step by step info, with pictures if can, to show me how u did it please. thx in advance......
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I posted a new thread here
Instruction DIAG mode for Redmi note 4g

J500fn lte band 38

Hi all,
Is this J5(J500FN) phone able of LTE band 38 ?
I sow that there is a post about unlocking all LTE bands on xda for qualcomm platforms. I am afraid of bricking so I would like to know if anyone already tried it ?
CatalinSQL said:
Hi all,
Is this J5(J500FN) phone able of LTE band 38 ?
I sow that there is a post about unlocking all LTE bands on xda for qualcomm platforms. I am afraid of bricking so I would like to know if anyone already tried it ?
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This is for Galaxy S5 not J5.

X720 with USA LTE Bands

I have an x720 and have been reading on how to unlock band 17 and 12 for at&t and t-mobile LTE service. As of right now I have some limited LTE service on band 2 and 4 (at&T) but it leaves much to be desired.
I see everyone here flashing the x720 firmware to get their x727 bootloader unlocked and then flashing back to the USA Firmware to get their LTE bands back. Is the reverse possible for the x720? Can I flash the USA firmware to get the LTE bands? Will this re-lock my bootloader?
I tried flashing the modem fix from https://forum.xda-developers.com/le-pro3/how-to/flashing-guide-roundup-leeco-le-pro-3-t3511901 on my x720 and now my sim card is being detected even after a wipe and reflashing my rom. So I'm assuming i'm gonna have to go back to stock firmware anyway. I've been a long time flashoholic and modder and I'm dedicated to getting this to work for us x720 people in the US.
What about this guide for the le max 2? I've heard all qualcomm devices can benefit from this procedure:
UPDATE: Fixed no sim error after flashing x727 modem.
Downloaded a stock version of the Chinese Firmware and extracted the zip, then booted into fastboot and flashed the modem. You need the NON-HLOS.bin file. Then run "fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin" and reboot! Voila. But still no band 17
I think unlocking the bands is not as easy as just flashing a ROM. When I was investigating OnePlus 3T, there is a long thread about it and basically band unlocking requires a lot of tools, some from Qualcomm and not easy to get, and a process that is not for noobs, not even for "professional TWRP flashers" but hardware-engineering-mode noobs anyway.
You can have a look here on how complicated it is (OP3T forum):
Initially I liked OnePlus3T more because of optical stabilizer in camera, but lack of bands (or better to say, their separation into North American and European version) was a no-go for me. I need bands 2, 3, 4 & 20 and there is not a from-factory OP3T with those 4 bands in one device. Band unlocking might be possible but I would not risk messing with a $450 hone to get bands 3 & 20 unlocked on NA version. So I went with Le Pro 3 X720 and I am a happy camper.
So unless you know what you are doing, or are an adrenaline junkie, I would not mess with band unlocking.
I would absolutely LOVE to see an answer and/or progress on this EXACT scenario being made. Both myself and my wife have Le Pro 3's because of the universal network band support and INSANE performance of this phone (I've literally never seen such a performer with such large battery AND ridiculous band support at such a cost effective price) ((I bought both for $249 each).
I would LOVE to be able to buy the Chinese version with the 6G of ram, and then unlock the NA bands, specifically and especially bands 2,4,12,17,and 20 would be needed for our phones. So I'm super interested in this. You want to do exactly what I'd like to do, although you have the Chinese phone in your hand and I don't.
Both of our phones (x727) are bootloader unlocked, rooted, and TWRP recovery installed on stock .21S done by myself. So if there's anything I can help with, let me know.
Are you rooted? Download Network Signal Guru and lock bands under the menu in the top-right. See what LTE bands are listed there.
rubiohiguey said:
I think unlocking the bands is not as easy as just flashing a ROM. When I was investigating OnePlus 3T, there is a long thread about it and basically band unlocking requires a lot of tools, some from Qualcomm and not easy to get, and a process that is not for noobs, not even for "professional TWRP flashers" but hardware-engineering-mode noobs anyway.
You can have a look here on how complicated it is (OP3T forum):
So unless you know what you are doing, or are an adrenaline junkie, I would not mess with band unlocking.
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Yeah I've read through that process before I posted. I don't know if I'd call that "hardware-engineering" just because it puts a device into serial mode and communicates with NV memory.... I used qualcomm's boarddiag tool to unbrick a nexus 5 with the serial connection... doesn't seem any different at all actually :fingers-crossed:
I'm not ruling that out as a method, however I think we may have hope to do it easier. The x727 has been many times on this forum successfully flashed to x720 firmware. Everyone who did this reports the loss of usa bands though i have not seen confirmation that they GAIN additional chinese bands. That indicated to me that the baseband/modem is the only difference between the x727 having band 12 and the x720 not having it. We just need to tweak the x720 modem with the bits from the x727 modem.
https://forum.xda-developers.com/le-pro3/how-to/flashing-guide-roundup-leeco-le-pro-3-t3511901 In this thread there are several users that say they successfully flashed their x720 with x727 firmware and had full LTE, however there are also users reporting flashing the x727 firmware gives them a "no sim card detected". The latter was my experience. I believe this has to do with the switch from dual sim cards to single sim cards, i tried several build.prop tweaks to try and resolve with no luck.
Ascertion said:
Are you rooted? Download Network Signal Guru and lock bands under the menu in the top-right. See what LTE bands are listed there.
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From my x720: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,7, 8, 20, 38, 39, 40, 41
I think that's what is officially listed online. Most people in the US would be fine with this except the notable lack of band 12(tmobile) and 17(at&t).
Scitzofrenic said:
I would absolutely LOVE to see an answer and/or progress on this EXACT scenario being made. Both myself and my wife have Le Pro 3's because of the universal network band support and INSANE performance of this phone (I've literally never seen such a performer with such large battery AND ridiculous band support at such a cost effective price) ((I bought both for $249 each).
I would LOVE to be able to buy the Chinese version with the 6G of ram, and then unlock the NA bands, specifically and especially bands 2,4,12,17,and 20 would be needed for our phones. So I'm super interested in this. You want to do exactly what I'd like to do, although you have the Chinese phone in your hand and I don't.
Both of our phones (x727) are bootloader unlocked, rooted, and TWRP recovery installed on stock .21S done by myself. So if there's anything I can help with, let me know.
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Then let's get started! Looks like all we are missing from your list is band 12 and 17.
Can you get me a dump of the baseband? I'd like to start digging into it and compare the x720 and x727.
I may try the qualcomm tools if I get the chance this weekend. If I have success and don't brick my phone I'll do a write up specifically for the LP3...
vw_diesel said:
Then let's get started! Looks like all we are missing from your list is band 12 and 17.
Can you get me a dump of the baseband? I'd like to start digging into it and compare the x720 and x727.
I may try the qualcomm tools if I get the chance this weekend. If I have success and don't brick my phone I'll do a write up specifically for the LP3...
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Sure man, I'm totally down to help however I can. I've never dumped a baseband before (never had the need) so the process eludes me, but I'm more than happy to perform whatever steps needed to do so.
Just give me a detailed rundown on how to do it or what tools/commands to run and I'll have it done for you ASAP. You can privately message me if you'd like, makes no difference to me. Give me the knowledge and I'll give you the love.
Scitzofrenic said:
Sure man, I'm totally down to help however I can. I've never dumped a baseband before (never had the need) so the process eludes me, but I'm more than happy to perform whatever steps needed to do so.
Just give me a detailed rundown on how to do it or what tools/commands to run and I'll have it done for you ASAP. You can privately message me if you'd like, makes no difference to me. Give me the knowledge and I'll give you the love.
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I'll shoot you a PM in a bit.
As far as progress on this goes, I'm trying to enable them via the DFS guide that was copied over here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/le-pro3/help/unlocking-bands-t3565979
I'm going to see how complicated it is and if that negates the time we are spending here first.
I am having the exact same issue as the OP. Any movement on a solution. I am willing to help/test. Not a noon but far from an engineer.
Question, how do I unlock the bootloader now? With the us servers down I can't get twrp files. Also, I can't unlock the bootloader with adb. I'm trying to flash Lineage OS onto my x727. All help is appreciated, thanks.
tjvaldez01 said:
Question, how do I unlock the bootloader now? With the us servers down I can't get twrp files. Also, I can't unlock the bootloader with adb. I'm trying to flash Lineage OS onto my x727. All help is appreciated, thanks.
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LTE Band Xiaomi Mi Note2

Hi, I'm new here. I have a question. is it possible to unlock b20 band on Xiaomi mi note 2? In Poland I need to use LTE 800 Mhz. I apologize for any mistakes but my English is not very good.
There are some ways on the internet for different Snapdragon devices and CPUs .
Never heard any Mi Note 2 user that he succeded doing such operation...
I guess you don't have the global version and need band 20 for LTE...
Maybe someone will come with a different and better answer, but as i know, you can unlock them in software but hardware does not support those additional bands that the Global version come with...
I tried to change the nvram parameters but to no avail
marcin17_18 said:
Hi, I'm new here. I have a question. is it possible to unlock b20 band on Xiaomi mi note 2? In Poland I need to use LTE 800 Mhz. I apologize for any mistakes but my English is not very good.
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Bro follow me guidelines

[CLOSED] I sell my x727 on ebay ( I definitely need B20)

if someone is interested by this excellent good
{Mod edit. Oswald Boelcke}
wait i guess it's posibble to unlock B20 band… @tsongming don't you have it ? I remember Pro 3 and Elite has it, idk about x727
D1stRU3T0R said:
wait i guess it's posibble to unlock B20 band… @tsongming don't you have it ? I remember Pro 3 and Elite has it, idk about x727
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No the US doesn't use B20. If changing firmware doesn't offer B20 then its may be possible to use the QPST tool to open the band.
I would try all working compatible firmwares first. Plus drive to someplace where other people absolutely have B20 before doing anything drastic.
