No. 1 D5 heart rate moitor app - Other SmartWatches

Hey Hey,
here is the new version of my heart rate app for the D5. Features are:
- Always On heart rate monitoring
- defining intervals and duration of heart rate monitoring
- turn heart rate sensor on/off
- show the sensor data on your watchface
- log Sensor data
- log Accelerometer data
- chart Sensor data
Here is the link:
1.5 beta:!2tFhWBqC!FcmKdUblrOQiLDd-WRNmBOzhEZqWAEk6mp05Qulvy6s
SensorLib for D5:
Old Versions:
Knowing Bug:
- Create the chart is a little bit slow
Next version:
- classify with the accelerometer data your activity
- do some stuff at custom activities (gesture detection)
I need your help:
- First of all I improved the hr measure or I hope it. Can you share your experience with me, because there are some other measure methods which supported by the hr sensor and I haven't other devices to test the accuracy
- Second I add accelerometer measurement. I want to classify your activity like google fit and also I want to detect custom gesture with this but I fear that this drains the battery too much. Tell it me if you notice this, please
Also I want to develop a library to make the usage of sensors easy for other Developers

fisch92 said:
Hey Hey,
here is my first Test with the heart rate sensor. Features are:
- Always On heart rate monitoring
- defining intervals and duration of heart rate monitoring
- turn heart rate sensor on/off
- read the sensordata from your watchface
Here is the link:!yxUgybBI!gzSeRBMUf1V10T_ilJ5TcvJ76qrClxieOGQdKBIQWVo
Knowing Bug:
- I think the app should build the mean of the heartrate over time to improve the current value. Actually it's a little bit volatile.
- Heart rate monitoring stops when display goes off
- Turn On/Off option is not working.
Next version:
- fix the Bugs
- log the Data into a Database on your Device
- chart Data
- will come soon
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thanks for the thread, i downloaded the app to my pc and then copied it to Download folder on the watch and from the watch i tried to install it by opening it but it did'nt let me, since it is an apk file i did'nt extract it on my pc. i will download it again and see what will happpen. geat job hope others will follow you especially in the metter of better notification app that will include a way to answer calls from it.

Hey Hey,
here is the new version of my heart rate app for the D5. Features are:
- Always On heart rate monitoring
- defining intervals and duration of heart rate monitoring
- turn heart rate sensor on/off
- read the sensordata from your watchface
- log Sensordata
- chart Sensordata
Here is the link:!O9EWnRTQ!EgFhxvpK2TVSOmETOjBuuz9eUO-Q95zr7UtMvG8sfe8
Old Version:!yxUgybBI!gzSeRBMUf1V10T_ilJ5TcvJ76qrClxieOGQdKBIQWVo
Knowing Bug:
- Create the chart is a little bit slow
Next version:
- try to enrich heart rate Data (yesterday I ride my bike and I ride on a hill I needed no sensor to know that my heart rate is pretty high. So I looked at my app, it shows a hr of 54 I try the system app ... same result)
- add compass
Also I want to develop a library to make the usage of sensors easy for other Developers

Will this work with the X5?

caltomoto said:
Will this work with the X5?
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I don't know, but I think it should work. You can try it and tell us your results

fisch92 said:
try to enrich heart rate Data (yesterday I ride my bike and I ride on a hill I needed no sensor to know that my heart rate is pretty high. So I looked at my app, it shows a hr of 54 I try the system app ... same result)
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On my K8 R, D5 and X5, the HR is within 10-20 of actual. Sounds like you might have a sensor issue or there's a bug in the firmware. What are your results using different firmware?

Lokifish Marz said:
On my K8 R, D5 and X5, the HR is within 10-20 of actual. Sounds like you might have a sensor issue or there's a bug in the firmware. What are your results using different firmware?
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Oh ok, I use Imperium W812a ROM v1.2.0. Also my Docking Station has a pulse of 72 actually :silly: maybe its a sensor issue

I make some little Bugfixes:!rtMhUSLD!pwiwKxbeOTcqA9tpazhDPwoKNlLkMpdpH2ZfeHS109w

fisch92 said:
I make some little Bugfixes:!rtMhUSLD!pwiwKxbeOTcqA9tpazhDPwoKNlLkMpdpH2ZfeHS109w
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works great thanks.

fisch92 said:
I make some little Bugfixes:
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In this latest version, display remains continuously on and if I remove it from Recent apps display turns off but then HR does not work.

Any luck getting it to run as a background service or getting the stock app to run in the background? Here's the thought, background service + "On Wake" trigger = HR updating on faces when you rotate your wrist to check the time. I haven't had my coffee yet so this thought is less detailed than usual..

the app does'nt drain the battery that much but the reading are off, i do'nt get a reading over 100 when i workout but i wonder if because of the HR itself and not the app, can someone with x5 or k9\k8 check? thanks

Lokifish Marz said:
Any luck getting it to run as a background service or getting the stock app to run in the background? Here's the thought, background service + "On Wake" trigger = HR updating on faces when you rotate your wrist to check the time. I haven't had my coffee yet so this thought is less detailed than usual..
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I will fix it in next version

soniasophie9697 said:
the app does'nt drain the battery that much but the reading are off, i do'nt get a reading over 100 when i workout but i wonder if because of the HR itself and not the app, can someone with x5 or k9\k8 check? thanks
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sounds like my problem the only moment my watch shows me a HR over 100 was before my bachelor exam but when I do sport the messure is always between 50-70. But this isn't because of my app or is it? Did you get the same values with the systemapp? Or maybe the ROM thich one does you have?

I was getting 40-50BPM resting rate from the app, which would be fine if I were an 18yo triathlete vs a 40-something stay at home dad after a double espresso.

fisch92 said:
sounds like my problem the only moment my watch shows me a HR over 100 was before my bachelor exam but when I do sport the messure is always between 50-70. But this isn't because of my app or is it? Did you get the same values with the systemapp? Or maybe the ROM thich one does you have?
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wait...does it not also for workout? when i do my running? i had problems with the HR build in before it never showed me the right results after a workout, i thought it because just on light was green and it should be two but many said that it is the same on their watch with BT chest belt i do'nt have this problem.

Sorry, but these indications HR D5 for nothing suited.
Now, I ran on the treadmill. According to the indications (sensors in the handles) was 108-110. I checked the hand artery and was about 100. And our d5 65-71. Terribly underestimates. I think I will buy a normal sensor on a belt, because this is not what to trust. They made the sensor as a gadget rather than something useful.

A mistake of 5-15 would be ok, but so it's more like an oracle do you think it's a sorftware issue or a hardware issue. Had somebody here better experience with the hardware sensor? Maybe on other devices or other firmware or in special situation?
Actually the measure of my app is quite simple. It do the measure like the engineermode app and my app calc the mean over time and throw bad measure (hr of 0) away. But actually I don't know how the measure calculates the hr of the sensor data. Maybe this is improveable

I have tested not on your application. I did the measurement on the system application D5. But it probably would still be the same sensor error.

New Version is here:!e5FRFAgZ!3glFDXdyZrQrKtbh22h7qHTYJ3c-AeAg0osSLlapilY
What is new:
- remove WakeLock (Screen of Watch don't turn on by each messure)
- remove always on feature (if someone is worry about this, let me know )
For Developers:
I build a library that make the usage of the hr sensor as easy as I can
The other sensors will be added later.


[APP][03•30•09][0.6.5] TrackMyRun - GPS Run/Walk tracking (Nike+ sorta)

I have started working on an app for Windows Mobile 6 phones w/ GPS to do run/walk/bike tracking like the Nike+. Here is a little Video of the app in action:
Version 0.6.5 9s attached
- Smartphone detection is in
- Run Form updated to be smartphone happy, view log is next.
Version 0.6.4 is attached
- Calories burnt calc!!!! (put your weight in...lbs for coming )
Version 0.6.3 is attached
- 1 Mile/KM kills the app bug fixed!
Version 0.6.2 is attached
- I am not dead! I promise
- This is mostly a maintence update. All the tracking code has been pulled from the views and put off in modules (as it should have been from the get go) so I can get a Smartphone version working soon.
Version 0.6.1 is attached
- Audio updates - new sounds for mile/km passed and distance goal hit
- Audio updates - updates to how the power management is dealt with for audio, still not perfect, but better
- Center button (on your direction pad) now turns the display off and on and also it stops the phone from sleeping when you use that display off method. This is great for phones that get a bit wierd on their GPS in unattended mode.
Version 0.6 is attached
- New internal tracking code to improve performance and make new feature additions easier (this was more about me than you )
- First audible notices. Each mile/km and distance goal hit. It is just a tone right now, but I will record and add voiced stuff tonight.
- New Settings tab for audible notices
- Smartphone users can atleast start the app and track a run now! (still no settings or view log...that is coming)
Version 0.5.9 is attached
- Fix the View/Save log bug (I hope) might have to delete your Run Log (yeah for Alpha testing!)
- New way to calculate speed that is more accurate for me. This might depend on what GPS chip your phone uses...try both and see which you like more (change in the Settings Screen)
Version 0.5.8 is attached
- AppToDate bug fix
- Start of true metric support
- little bug fixes
Version 0.5.7 is attached
- I think the String->Date bug is fixed, please let me know!
- Added an "Action" menu under the left soft key for start/stop/save (silly non-touch screen phone users!)
Version 0.5.6 is attached
(that is a horrible name for the feature right now....since it just gives you a link to share...)
Version 0.5.5 is attached
- Settings screen is up and working
- Goal progress is based on settings now (not just 3.1 all the time)
- All based on miles still, KM is coming soon fear not!
- Few more bug fixes and exception catches
Version 0.5.3 is attached
- GPS unattended mode updates
- Few bug fixes
- Ignore Calories/Pace, those spots are place holders/debugging right now...they will work in a later release
Version 0.5.1 is attached
- GPS stays up in unattended mode now (screen off by time out or hitting the power button)
- Few little bug fixes
Version 0.5 is attached
- KML support is all in now
- Go to view a lot (has to be a new one) and select View in Google Maps
- Change the line in the KML file to be green since that yellow was hard to see
Version 0.4 is attached.
- Fixed a few of the stupid SubString() bugs
- Added Experimental KML support! (start a run, do some stuff, then go to options->experimental->Build KML). It will put test.kml in your devices root folder
- Working on new speed tracking code, it is far more accurate...but not done yet (so ignore that it has like 900 #'s after the decimal point)
- Ignore what it says for calories burnt...that isn't what you think it is
Version 0.3 is attached.
Looks good! I would definatly use this app!
Looks impressive. The auditory upgrade feature would be cool to add.
There are similar Apps. One in particular is also cool is:
GPS Cycle Computer v2
How would this calculate calories burned if your activity differs?
i.e. Rollerblading vs. Running vs Cycling, etc.
or is it simply based on time and distance to give a general calculation?
Nice looking app, I will definitely be keeping an eye out for this one. Keep up the good work.
Does this track coordinates? Or does it track via something else? Cause then I'm thinking that you need an active data connection for this to work :|
Kraize said:
Does this track coordinates? Or does it track via something else? Cause then I'm thinking that you need an active data connection for this to work :|
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It tracks coordinates, so no data plan is needed at all for this. Just a working GPS. Now, I plan in the future to have online features for showing your routes on google maps and storing run data online, ect...but that is in the future...
band27 said:
Looks impressive. The auditory upgrade feature would be cool to add.
How would this calculate calories burned if your activity differs?
i.e. Rollerblading vs. Running vs Cycling, etc.
or is it simply based on time and distance to give a general calculation?
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There are some standard formulats that are based on weight, time of exercise and how vigorous the activity is. For walk, jog, run that is easy (since I now your MPH's). For biking, roller blading, ect that gets tougher.
This is looking awesome. Could really do with an App like this. Keep it up and hope your "about a week" estimate is correct for a first beta.
A question though; I have a Touch HD. Has the interface been written to be able to cope with a WVGA resolution?
dom_mitchell1 said:
This is looking awesome. Could really do with an App like this. Keep it up and hope your "about a week" estimate is correct for a first beta.
A question though; I have a Touch HD. Has the interface been written to be able to cope with a WVGA resolution?
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I have only tested it on a VGA display (my Touch Diamond). I have played with it in the QVGA emulator and the Square VGA emulator. The layout is far from final (I am not happy with it at all right now), so that is in flux a lot.
Go ahead and try the current version if you like:
Please be aware this is a VERY alpha version. There are known bugs that throw exceptions that I don't be nice
If you do however have any failures or success, please let me know.
gweedo767 said:
Go ahead and try the current version if you like:
Please be aware this is a VERY alpha version. There are known bugs that throw exceptions that I don't be nice
If you do however have any failures or success, please let me know.
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Thanks a lot! I'll give it a go once I get home and give you some feedback!
AppToDate Support
Could you possibly think about having this AppToDate Support. Since this is in the early stages of development, it would be great to run AppToDate to get the current version. Thanks.
Couldn't wait until I got home so just loaded it up here. Everything seems good until I tried to View Log when it crashes out on me.Unfortunately I don't have installed installed so cannot view details.
Also +1 for Apptodate support!
dom_mitchell1 said:
Couldn't wait until I got home so just loaded it up here. Everything seems good until I tried to View Log when it crashes out on me.Unfortunately I don't have installed installed so cannot view details.
Also +1 for Apptodate support!
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Did you start and then stop a run? The log file isn't created until you do atleast one and I bet it is dying trying to read the log file (which doesn't exist yet for you if you didn't do a start/stop)
I will do some reading on AppToDate in a bit, see what all it takes to integrate it.
gweedo767 said:
I will do some reading on AppToDate in a bit, see what all it takes to integrate it.
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That would be very much appreciated. It just makes things a lot easier.
gweedo767 said:
Did you start and then stop a run? The log file isn't created until you do atleast one and I bet it is dying trying to read the log file (which doesn't exist yet for you if you didn't do a start/stop)
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Yeah I had done and paced about abit; notched up 0.003 miles. Stopped the run successfully and then tried to view the log.
I've just jogged home from a friend's house (1.237 miles). This time when I stopped the run it crashed. No error code or anything; just said I had to quit and restart.
Sorry that's probably not much good for bug finding!
dom_mitchell1 said:
Yeah I had done and paced about abit; notched up 0.003 miles. Stopped the run successfully and then tried to view the log.
I've just jogged home from a friend's house (1.237 miles). This time when I stopped the run it crashed. No error code or anything; just said I had to quit and restart.
Sorry that's probably not much good for bug finding!
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Did it do fine during the whole run though?
gweedo767 said:
Did it do fine during the whole run though?
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Yeah no problems there. Slight lag on speed changes but I guess that's to be expected/part of the suposed and much debated GPS lag on the HD!
No complaints about performance at all.
I'm really liking the look of the App, certianly looks good so far; will be awesome if/when audio feedback can be given.
Something that would be good is if you could make the data from the logs uploadable to a PC to plot onto a graph (via Excel).
Like I said, great work so far! Loving this, who needs Nike/Apple!
dom_mitchell1 said:
Yeah no problems there. Slight lag on speed changes but I guess that's to be expected/part of the suposed and much debated GPS lag on the HD!
No complaints about performance at all.
I'm really liking the look of the App, certianly looks good so far; will be awesome if/when audio feedback can be given.
Something that would be good is if you could make the data from the logs uploadable to a PC to plot onto a graph (via Excel).
Like I said, great work so far! Loving this, who needs Nike/Apple!
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The lag might be that I only update the display every 5 seconds (that is for all data). I think I might update the speed in real time (there is a call back function I can attach to for that). I do have plans for graphing/tracking/mapping in the future via an upload to a website feature...but that is a bit down the road I want to get all the stand alone client features working correctly first!
Please let us know when you have completed a final version. this program will be very useful. I know its still in the early stages hopefully you will be able to find the bugs and get them fixed, so we can download complete version.

[31st Mar 09 - Updated] MySkiBuddy (gps skiing app with instant feedback)

I've just finished an app for windows mobile specifically for skiers that allows you to view your average and top speed, as well as the distance covered for your last run. It also keeps track of your total distance traveled as well as your highest speed ever achieved.
All information is displayed on one easy to read screen. It has a "reset run" feature which allows you to clear your last run statistics ready to collect data for your next run, or to challenge your friend to beat your record.
Features Added:
* Option to use Metric system(km, km/h, meters)
* Notification will now pop-up when an Update is available
Bugs Fixed:
* Fixed bug where app wouldn't shutdown correctly on first registration
* Fixed bug where some devices were unable to display altitude
* Minor tweeks
There is a feature limited trial verion which is restricted to viewing your average speed for a run, your current altitude and your direction of travel.
Attached is a screen shot. It runs in a trial mode until registered. To register I'm asking for a donation of £1.50 to help support ongoing development.
For more information or to download my app please go to my site:
Awesome. I will definitely give this a try next time i'm on the mountain.
Logs said:
Awesome. I will definitely give this a try next time i'm on the mountain.
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If you do let me know what sort of speed you get up to 47mph is my pb so far.
Check your PM's
Is this app fast enough to keep up with a vehicle speed? It would be great for checking speed and heading in a car or motorcycle. You could change some wording and rename to something like MyAutoBuddy and release it as another app!
I'd love to have that for my phone
furry said:
Is this app fast enough to keep up with a vehicle speed? It would be great for checking speed and heading in a car or motorcycle. You could change some wording and rename to something like MyAutoBuddy and release it as another app!
I'd love to have that for my phone
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Yup It can keep track of vehicle speed easily, thats mostly how I tested the app out I've only actually been skiing with it once
For a vehicle what would you want to see? currently it shows average speed, top speed for run, top speed ever reached, distance that run, total distance over all runs, direction of travel, and altitude.
Allthough designed for skiing it can be used for running, cycling etc.
Compile Maps?
I went boarding last month and searched around for piste maps for my sat nav, but no joy.....
Think you could develop this to record the route taken and then view on google maps for example......?
If you got enough users to be able to upload data it wouldn't be long before you compiled piste routes and speed records etc......?
Just a thought......
brandall said:
Think you could develop this to record the route taken and then view on google maps for example......?
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I can add the ability to log the gps data so that it can be viewed in google earth, google maps etc.
First post updated with change history

[S] Car camera app

Hi at all,
I am using a CarCamOne but would like to replace it with my android phone, as the quality is far better.
However, I don't know, if there is a suitable app: I need an app which captures what the camera sees (i.e. the street and the cars) while driving. It does not need to show it, but can run in the background, so that I can use GPS navigation at the same time.
It should be possible to specify a certain path in which the same video gets overwritten everytime I drive. Let's say I drive on January, 1st, so it save 010111.avi, then when I drive next time, it deletes this file and creates one of the specific date, so that I always have the latest drive on my sd card.
This whole thing is meant to be able to prove what happened when an accident has occured.
(I would also accept such a program for Windows Mobile, if there is none for Android.)
Thank you very much!
Want this, too.
I'm driving a lot. German motorways are fast, idiots all around risk is high. There were certan situations in the past where an app like this would be very helpful for evidence.
Would be great if it will work automatically when car mode is detected by snapping the device in the car mount near the window.
I try to but can't remember ... I'm sure that I have seen similar feature in another camera app ... but sorry, memory has gone.
PS: would create finest youtube stuff, too
PPS: maybe something from here: video recorder "car accident recorder" or "video loop" ?
I tried "video loop" test app with 5 seconds restriction.
In car mode app the cam stood still and stuck.
When trying the programm as a normal application it creates files without file extension (like .mp4 or whatelse). Wondering why it's available in the market.
At there is a remark, that the android version is still under development. So, still searching.
Search the market for AutoGuard Blackbox. I haven't tried it, but it sounds like what you are looking for.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Seems to be pretty well with several options like limit by video size or limit by minutes and so on. Also video quality can be changed in several way.
When linked to the carmode-app it works in my private couch potato mode. Will test it soon while driving the next days.
Some features will work in the paid app only, but the free app should be enough for testing purpose. $1.89 / €1,39 if you wanna have all features. Cheap if it works.
( Can't imaging to use the collision detector. I will recognize an accident by myself - exploding cars are very loud. )
@lamajstro, sorry, for hijacking your thread. Hope it will help you, too.
Thank you all.
Stepsch, no problem at all. Could you please give a feedback to that program after having tested it? That would be great!
Thank you!
I humbly suggest my free app: DailyRoads Voyager. You can search for it on the Android Market. More info here:
Video Road ( also seems to have decent reviews...
I tested AutoGuard Blackbox for only few km until now.
It was working from a link in the car app as expected. I used the original shipped micro USB cable with a car charger, so the phone switched immediately to car mode. The app does what it says with standard settings. It feels a little bit ... how should I say ... cumbersome or sluggish. But this could be caused by my individual phone setup.
DailyRoads Voyager: installed only, but not tested in car so far. When using at home it feels a lil bit more lightweigt, fluently than AutoGuard.
Would be great to send the videos to an hoster of your choice. Until now it can be sent to Daily Roads Website. To be honest - I am lil bit to paranoid to send it over there, I also try not to use most social hubs.
Will take a look at Video Road too.
Testing those stuff creates lots of workload, as there are so much settings available for video quality and lots more. Won't be easy to get comparable results.
So, now I am with DailyRoads Voyager, which works well in the background.
Issues: GPS position is often incorrect and km/h is always zero or much to slow.
An additional running navi app was a little bit too much for the i9000, both app slightly stuck from time to time.
Glad to hear you made the wise choice
The GPS position and speed values depend on what the GPS sensor relays back to the apps. I don't do any calculations for speed, except the conversion from m/s (what Android provides) to km/h or mph.
I've noticed that the speed readings become more accurate when the number of visible satellites increases. In the next version of the app (1.6) I show the number of satellites, and filter out speed readings obtained with 4 or less satellites.
Beta versions of v.1.6 are currently in tests, and I expect to release it to the Android Market in about a week. Will post here when this happens.
Good news! Thx a lot! Looking forward your ping.
Speed is not so important while driving. Also the position is not sooo critical. But maybe it will be helpful in case of accident as evidence, when the videos have time stamp, defined position and correct speed - when one crashes in a gasoline truck.
Indeed, the GPS info is not always important. But, video evidence is, as explained in this recent TV news: "Victim uses smartphone app to record hit-and-run"
DailyRoads said:
I humbly suggest my free app: DailyRoads Voyager. You can search for it on the Android Market. More info here:
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Man, you have *no* idea how much this app is going to help me out! *EXACTLY* what I'm looking for, thank you.
Anyone want to recommend a windshield mount?
I dont need the full blown N1 mount from google/htc, and a lot of the cheaper ones on ebay look like they would do the trick, but the bigger question is, if the mount will end up in the frame of what DRV is recording?
One prob is: most cheap mountings that I saw until now are somehow not stable. They let the phone vibrate all the time and your eyes have to vibrate in same frequency when you want to watch the vids afterwards.
Important is a stable and short neck between windshield sucker and the device itsself.
Third party products or those universal mounting need mostly one hand more to connect the USB charger in the phone. A lil bit uncomfortable, but if this isn't a issue for you, you should take care that it can't vibrate so much only.
Brodit seems to have good reputation and has lot of matching parts.
It took more than I expected to finalize the beta tests, but now DailyRoads Voyager version 1.6 is on the Android Market. Added quite a number of features, and the full changelog is listed here:
i tried DailyRoads Voyager v1.6 on my Desire HD. i'm sorry to inform you that i had no chance but uninstalled it within an hour.
with it on at the background for some minutes, my device automatically rebooted itself (knowing that it was a known issue in capturing GPS signal, i've turned off the option of using GPS signal in DailyRoads Voyager). i had to uninstalled it after auto-rebooting the third time.
Sorry for causing such problems The symptoms seem to indicate incompatibilities between video resolution/encoder/format. If you have Android 2.2 installed, it'd be best to select HQ (High Quality) in the app, and only try CQ (Custom Quality) settings if you know your device can handle those. The native camera app can also be used to manually determine what the camera is capable of.
I've tried DailyRoads on SGS 2.2.1 (JPY) with root/lagfix and i'm having strange problems with it ...
It looks like DailyRoads makes problem with cache of system or sth like that - after 1st time install and run, everything was great through about 5 mins until freeze and autoreset ... then i had all my apps settings erased (contacts, smooth calendar settings, gameloft games savegames etc.), icons/shortcuts layout set to default, menu sorted alphabeticaly and every app with account like facebook, twitter, google reader started to freeze so i've erased cache of DailyRoads and all of those freezing apps but it didn't work. I had to reinstall those apps to fix it, and configure them/other apps again ;/
Doing this i've also uninstalled DailyRoads, and since my SGS was quite well configured again i started to think to give it 2nd chance ;>
It's sad it happened again, but this time after about 10-15 mins of using DailyRoads, and it only erased cache setting of smooth calendar and extended controls so i've uninstalled DailyRoads again
I'm not 100% sure why it's happening but until today i didn't have any problems, and it happened twice while i was testing dailyroads ... maybe it's because of lagfix ?
Anyone having similar problems ?
Besides DailyRoads is gr8 and i'd even buy it if it wasn't free ... and causing such problems on my SGS

[App] Pedometer using hardware step sensor

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"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
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Hello everyone, since I received my Nexus 5 I have been working on an app that uses the low powered step counter API new in KitKat.
How this is different from most other pedometer apps is that with the hardware step sensor, this app uses almost no additional battery so you can keep it running all day. In my testing I noticed no difference in battery life between a day with Pedometer running and a day without it.
From the Google Play description:
- Set your goal! It is recommended that you take 10000 steps a day. This app allows you to set a goal that's right for you, and displays your current progress.
- Track your progress! This app will keep track of how much and how far you walked, all day, every day. History is presented neatly, both in a list and a graph for easy viewing.
- Colorful themes: choose one of 5 themes that fill your display with color, or go with the standard holo light or dark. With 7 themes in total, there's one for everyone!
- Low powered: Unlike other pedometer apps, this one will not affect your battery life at all.
- Achievements and leaderboards: sign in with your Google+ account to unlock achievements and compete with your friends in leaderboards!
- Both single-day and multi-day achievements are available
- [Pro only] Walk info: see how far you've walked today. Calorie counter coming soon.
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Often times I'm too lazy to carry my Fitbit with me, especially since having it sync to my phone drains battery. With my phone being the pedometer I feel that I've been motivated to be more active.
There is also a pro version you can buy if you'd like to support me. This pro version currently adds a distance counter, so you can see how far you've walked all day. I plan on adding more pro-only features in the future, such as a calorie counter and maybe a widget. But don't worry, the free version will still be perfectly capable of serving as your daily pedometer. If a feature is extremely popular within the pro version I'll consider adding it to the free version as well.
Downloads: Free version, Pro version ($2.99)
I have used only three permissions. One is start on boot. This is used to start counting as soon as you start the device. The other two are write (and therefore read) external storage. This is used solely for the purpose of exporting logs to assist with debugging if the need arises. Don't worry, your data is safe, and this app will not be sending away any of your information.
If you have any questions of suggestions feel free to contact me, I try to respond within the same day.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Mar. 27, 2014: v1.2.0
- Added long awaited history feature!
- Multi-day achievements for Google Play Games!
- Another attempt to fix inaccurate step count
- Added option to display imperial units (pro only)
- More UI optimizations and bug fixes for better use experience
- Preparation for new feature: activities!
Jan. 4, 2014: v1.1.2
- UI optimizations
Jan. 2, 2014: v1.1, v1.1.1
- Added Google Play Games (achievements and leaderboards)
- Low priority persistent notification
- Walk info screen [Pro]
- Bug fixes
Dec. 25, 2013: v1.0
- initial release
Gonna give this a go for the next few days. Thanks!
Ok just downloaded it. We will see how it compares to my fitbit one for a week
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I'm working on a rather big update, includes more Fitbit-like features such as history and activities. The basic features is about done, gonna make it look nice now and test it some more. Might upload a beta apk and post the Google Play beta link here for anyone interested in testing. I'm hoping to officially release the update in a week or so, so stayed tuned!
Have you thought about partnering with a rewards company or something? Would be interesting if you could get coupons or discounts from achieving the 10,000 steps or so.
Love it!
ickboblikescheese said:
I'm working on a rather big update, includes more Fitbit-like features such as history and activities. The basic features is about done, gonna make it look nice now and test it some more. Might upload a beta apk and post the Google Play beta link here for anyone interested in testing. I'm hoping to officially release the update in a week or so, so stayed tuned!
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Hi. I just got my Nexus 5 yesterday. Your app was one of the first I downloaded as I had an S4 and was looking for a low battery pedometer like the S-Health app. Yours looks great, and is pretty accurate (and NO battery drain!). One issue, I had to reboot the phone and when it started again it only showed about half of my steps??... I would love to beta test the app for you. Keep up the good work. (I also would love to have history and be able to see previous days step counts, etc.)
One of my biggest gripes is when driving, all pedometer apps keep counting. There is usually a pause feature or something similar, but it would be ideal if it could detect if you are driving or not. If this is not easily achievable, is there an intent or something else I can use with Tasker to control this app?
Thanks, and it looks really promising!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Touchless Control
Good App! thank you for building something like this. I love the statement:
Low powered: Unlike other pedometer apps, this one will not affect your battery life at all.
If its not too much, can you also look into building an app for the always listening/touchless control feature that uses the low powered core? We have another thread with a bounty on this feature.
fiftyclick said:
One of my biggest gripes is when driving, all pedometer apps keep counting. There is usually a pause feature or something similar, but it would be ideal if it could detect if you are driving or not. If this is not easily achievable, is there an intent or something else I can use with Tasker to control this app?
Thanks, and it looks really promising!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Detecting if you are driving or not would require GPS or some form of location service, which negates the advantages of using a low powered sensor. In the current version (1.1.2) there is a pause button, but as I'm removing that in 1.2.0 for something else, you could use Tasker to force stop the app to stop counting, and use Tasker to launch the app/quickly go home to start the counting service again.
hrm5023 said:
Good App! thank you for building something like this. I love the statement:
Low powered: Unlike other pedometer apps, this one will not affect your battery life at all.
If its not too much, can you also look into building an app for the always listening/touchless control feature that uses the low powered core? We have another thread with a bounty on this feature.
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Sorry, but I don't know a thing about using hardware specific features. I'm actually quite new to programming, this project is the first big thing I made.
Sent from my Nexus 5
fiftyclick said:
One of my biggest gripes is when driving, all pedometer apps keep counting. There is usually a pause feature or something similar, but it would be ideal if it could detect if you are driving or not. If this is not easily achievable, is there an intent or something else I can use with Tasker to control this app?
Thanks, and it looks really promising!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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I don't think it kept counting when I was driving the other day. If it did it didn't count a lot.
Hey, has anybody made a accuracy test?
Any plans to have this push results to something like FitBit or MyFitnessPal?
As for the driving thing, could you add an option for bluetooth device connected?
Example Interface:
Do not count steps if the following device is connected: (check boxes)
- Car Radio
- Headphones
- Phone Radio
- BlueTooth Headset
Do not count steps if plugged into a power source: (pull down)
In this way, you could set the device not to count steps if you are in your car (connected to your car radio via blutooth or maybe plugged into a power source).
I would think the power draw of these options would be in line with your design goal of keeping it to a minimum.
I have not used the app very long (pro version), does it keep track of history? An example would be a daily summary of steps/distance.
In this way, manually importing the information into other fitness trackers is easier.
Thank you for your consideration!
maddbomber83 said:
Any plans to have this push results to something like FitBit or MyFitnessPal?
As for the driving thing, could you add an option for bluetooth device connected?
Example Interface:
Do not count steps if the following device is connected: (check boxes)
- Car Radio
- Headphones
- Phone Radio
- BlueTooth Headset
Do not count steps if plugged into a power source: (pull down)
In this way, you could set the device not to count steps if you are in your car (connected to your car radio via blutooth or maybe plugged into a power source).
I would think the power draw of these options would be in line with your design goal of keeping it to a minimum.
I have not used the app very long (pro version), does it keep track of history? An example would be a daily summary of steps/distance.
In this way, manually importing the information into other fitness trackers is easier.
Thank you for your consideration!
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What you say about charging and Bluetooth connected should be simple enough to add, I'll see if I can add it. History is also coming in the next version, here's a sneak peek at what I have so far
Of course, your full history will also be viewable and can be exported as CSV, although that part isn't quite done yet.
Sent from my Nexus 5
ickboblikescheese said:
What you say about charging and Bluetooth connected should be simple enough to add, I'll see if I can add it. History is also coming in the next version, here's a sneak peek at what I have so far
View attachment 2536576
Of course, your full history will also be viewable and can be exported as CSV, although that part isn't quite done yet.
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Thanks for such a simple app. It worked fine for the first day. However, it's not working now. I have restarted phone, still same result. After first day in the night, i press pause button. Next day i pressed play, but it's not counting steps. Do you have any update coming out soon?
It works, and the UI is "clean" and easy, but the count is not perfetc... can't it be optimized?
matteventu said:
It works, and the UI is "clean" and easy, but the count is not perfetc... can't it be optimized?
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It's difficult to differential a person physically shaking the phone versus actual walking. The fitbit series face the same problem as well
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
id4398 said:
Thanks for such a simple app. It worked fine for the first day. However, it's not working now. I have restarted phone, still same result. After first day in the night, i press pause button. Next day i pressed play, but it's not counting steps. Do you have any update coming out soon?
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Try force stopping it, clearing data, rebooting, then launch it again and press start. It worked fine for me, not sure why that happened. But yes, I do have an update coming out soon, although I've been very busy lately and haven't had time to work on it.
matteventu said:
It works, and the UI is "clean" and easy, but the count is not perfetc... can't it be optimized?
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Fixes to step count will be in next release, but not sure when that will be because as I said, very busy. Hopefully I can get it out before I leave for a band trip early February.
detdett said:
It's difficult to differential a person physically shaking the phone versus actual walking. The fitbit series face the same problem as well
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Do you mean it will also count shakes? That's normal, as how it counts by detecting the accelerate/decelerate patterns of walking. It just happens that you can replicate it by shaking. And that's not really a problem of the app specifically, I'm just catching events from when the sensor thinks it detects a step and then displaying that.
Couldnt make it work.. Will try again later tho..
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Same issues with the app picking up steps while driving as others have experienced. 20mile drive this morning, over 3000 steps.
Perhaps a simple logic could be if phone is charging then stop counting.
Other than that app seems pretty good, simple.
does it count miles/km , calories burned etc?

Android M "doze" mode; When is it activated ...

So, I could not find the answer to this, when is it exactly the doze mode activated (becoming active).
All articles only mention, after some time when the device is stationary (no movement).
How long is that some time?
After some read, found this article:
And here is the source code of the DeviceIdleController:
It looks like, the doze mode will be activated after 1 hour (2 times 30 minutes).
But again, I am not Java developer, probably there are much more detail in the process.
What if the device is moved? Will the doze mode "cancelled"?
Well, it would be nice if custom ROM developer could add some customization in this, like shorten the activation time. Or even better, after the doze mode activated, it will stay active even if the device is moved (inside pocket), until the user do something (e.g. waking up, pressing button).
We need a developer to perform doze!!!!!
Enviado desde mi Nexus 6 mediante Tapatalk
I had these exact same questions. How long does it take to enter doze and how much does it take to wake from doze? Like if I bump my phone on desk is it going to hop out of doze mode? Would be cool to alter the time limits. Glad someone is looking into this!
And what parameters are measured for "stationary"? If the GPS is involved then truckers, EMTs, highway patrols and there like will never hit doze.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Hoyt Thompson said:
And what parameters are measured for "stationary"? If the GPS is involved then truckers, EMTs, highway patrols and there like will never hit doze.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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I would really hope Google would have considered that when making doze.
Sent from my Nexus 6
Mr Patchy Patch said:
I would really hope Google would have considered that when making doze.
Sent from my Nexus 6
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I am sure they did but it would be easier for the devs to tweak it or us to use it to its potential if a more descriptive instruction is given rather than "stationary"
inquiring minds want to know and searches are turning up few results
Hoyt Thompson said:
And what parameters are measured for "stationary"? If the GPS is involved then truckers, EMTs, highway patrols and there like will never hit doze.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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If I am not mistaken, the doze will detect "significant motion" for that stationary checking.
void startMonitoringSignificantMotion() {
if (mSigMotionSensor != null && !mSigMotionActive) {
mSensorManager.requestTriggerSensor(mSigMotionListener, mSigMotionSensor);
mSigMotionActive = true;
void stopMonitoringSignificantMotion() {
if (mSigMotionActive) {
mSensorManager.cancelTriggerSensor(mSigMotionListener, mSigMotionSensor);
mSigMotionActive = false;
However, how much significant? That's up to the manufacturer implementation. At least this is not defined in the software. That's what I understood. This is an explanation I found:
But again, I am not Android developer.
I guess, to know about that significant motion, you can install this app (FREE) and then test with some motions
From the app description:
Android Sensors is an very useful and simple application.
With Sensor Test for Android on your device you can view and read ALL AVAILABLE android-sensors. (similar to Sensor Box for Android or Phone Tester)
Additionally, you'll receive via the info button other useful information such as the sensor works and what it does.
I'd appreciate a good rating and a +1 (Google+)!
Sensor Test for Android is tested on different devices and versions.
I was not able to test all 8000 different types of Android devices, it´s possible that on some devices appear errors.
Affected people with a not working Sensor-Test-App should reboot and run it again.
Sensor Test for Android is still under construction!
If you have any troubles with your device, please send me an e-mail with the problem (Device-type, Android version, screenshot) before submitting a bad rating.
[email protected]
List of available sensors: (not all sensors will be present in your device)
About me:
Sensor Test for Android is my technicians work I programmed in the summer holidays of my training as a technician (electrical engineering).
Before starting programming, I knew just how to spell JAVA.
I only had contact with LabView, a "painting by numbers" for programmers. For this application a documentation will be created, with which following students can easily incorporated into the Java programming language.
I'd appreciate a good rating and a +1 (Google+)!
Downloaded the sensor app @gogol seems a good amount of movement is needed for significant motion be counted(walking a few steps). Gonna do some more testing... Thanks for the info!
anthonyg45157 said:
Downloaded the sensor app @gogol seems a good amount of movement is needed for significant motion be counted(walking a few steps). Gonna do some more testing... Thanks for the info!
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Good to know!
I am wondering if putting the phone inside our pocket would trigger significant motion. Otherwise, we need to put it lay down stationary on the table
Thanks for the experiment.
This is interesting, "Agressive Doze" mode from Greenify!
This isn't based on anything code related but Pebble users are reporting that on marshmallow their pebble's lose connection to the phone app almost 15 minutes on the dot after the phone screen turning off so that's my guess
Seriously 1 hour for doze mode to be activated? Sounds flawed. I'm still hesitating whether to buy Nexus 6...
How is the experiment goes?

