URGENT! HELP! Regarding AnTuTu Performance on G900H - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all!
Please help me in a simple matter regarding AnTuTu
I am currently using Samsung Gakaxy Note 3 SM-N900(Exynos) and want to upgrade to Samsung Galaxy S5 G900H(Exynos) which is available in my country.
But I am a bit confused as I love the big screen of Note 3 and the better camera os S5. I know I can't have both when I am poor.
So I ordered S5 so that I can compare it myself. Either I will return the S5 or will sell the Note 3 in next 10 days, but I am stuck somewhere.
Technically, S5 with Exynos 5422 should be faster than Note 3 with Exynos 5420. I know RAM plays important role too, but HMP should raise the flags towards S5.
However, I am getting very low AnTuTu score on S5 compared to Note 3.
Just for test, I flashed both phones with complete wipe and "NAND Erase All" with latest Lollipop ROMS available and the AnTuTu I am using is 6.1.4 with 3D Benchmarks 6.0.4
The score I am getting varies from 52000-54000 for Note 3 and 44000-46000 for S5
That is some 8000-10000 point low for S5.
HOW can this be possible? All reviews show S5 has the upper hand, but thats not in my case. Should I consider replacing my unit?
I wont be opting S5 just for Android 6. I need performance as well.
Guide me please.
Please help at the earliest.

Who cares about benchmark?
I don't get what you want to aquire switching note3 for s5.
Almost same spec with smaller screen.
That is all pointless.
Ps. You should've bought g900f snapdragon. That suposed to be a bit quicker than exynos g900h

I comfirm this
Gta sa and lcs work flawlessly on note 3 exynos 4.4.2 but they lag on galaxy s5 exynos 6.0.1

antutu benchmark of my S5 snapdragon gives me 62741

Benchmarking is not relevant, plus the Note 3 has 1 gb of RAM more than the S5.


[Q] No hope for getting HMP for Note 3 Exynos ver users?

i have got my note 3 exy ver 5months ago. and i have been searching for HMP news for note 3 octa. but i havent found enough information about it
some korean says that there probably won't be hmp update for note 3 exy ver because samsung haven't found way out to solve heat and battery issue. but in my opinion it is possibly possible since S5 exy ver has fully octa coe (HMP supported) which beats snap dragon 801. and i guess if note 3 octa gets HMP update, this big guys will beatup SD 800 or get better performance.
does the rumor that note3 octa would get HMP update end up as just a rumor? i think Samsung officially promised already?
most apps or HD games are highly optimized to Snapdragon, even asphalt is full of bugs on note 3 octa which are heating up in very short time, crashes after 2 or 3 track, screen splits into 6 or more pieces Ew -_-
is anyone who has information about hmp update for note 3 octa?
giveyouflowers said:
i have got my note 3 exy ver 5months ago. and i have been searching for HMP news for note 3 octa. but i havent found enough information about it
some korean says that there probably won't be hmp update for note 3 exy ver because samsung haven't found way out to solve heat and battery issue. but in my opinion it is possibly possible since S5 exy ver has fully octa coe (HMP supported) which beats snap dragon 801. and i guess if note 3 octa gets HMP update, this big guys will beatup SD 800 or get better performance.
does the rumor that note3 octa would get HMP update end up as just a rumor? i think Samsung officially promised already?
most apps or HD games are highly optimized to Snapdragon, even asphalt is full of bugs on note 3 octa which are heating up in very short time, crashes after 2 or 3 track, screen splits into 6 or more pieces Ew -_-
is anyone who has information about hmp update for note 3 octa?
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Its never going to happen... think about it, the note 3 is about to be replaced by the note 4 and im quite sure that samsung wont do an old phone powerfull enoght to compeate with this year models. its plain an simple markting.
Is it possible to get hmp via custom kernels now that kernel sources of N3, N3 neo are realised? ?

Galaxy Note 4 Exynos or Snapdragon? which one has more rom?

Getting a 2nd hand Galaxy Note4, which one should i pick?
Using Sony Z Ultra, switching to Note4.
Exynos & Snapdragon
Which one has more rom and do you notice any performance in real life other than benchmarks?
Thanks guys!
I've only ever used the Snapdragon variant. Although looking at them side by side you can barely notice any difference in performance.

URGENT! HELP! Regarding AnTuTu Performance on G900H

Hi all!
Please help me in a simple matter regarding AnTuTu
I am currently using Samsung Gakaxy Note 3 SM-N900(Exynos) and want to upgrade to Samsung Galaxy S5 G900H(Exynos) which is available in my country.
But I am a bit confused as I love the big screen of Note 3 and the better camera of S5. I know I can't have both when I am poor.
So I ordered S5 so that I can compare it myself. Either I will return the S5 or will sell the Note 3 in next 10 days, but I am stuck somewhere.
Technically, S5 with Exynos 5422 should be faster than Note 3 with Exynos 5420. I know RAM plays important role too, but HMP should raise the flags towards S5.
However, I am getting very low AnTuTu score on S5 compared to Note 3.
Just for test, I flashed both phones with complete wipe and "NAND Erase All" with latest Lollipop ROMS available (5.0, almost similar) and the AnTuTu I am using is 6.1.4 with 3D Benchmarks 6.0.4
The score I am getting varies from 52000-54000 for Note 3 and 44000-46000 for S5
That is some 8000-10000 point low for S5.
HOW can this be possible? All reviews show S5 has the upper hand, but thats not in my case. Should I consider replacing my unit?
I wont be opting S5 just for Android 6. I need performance as well.
Guide me please.
Please help at the earliest.
Well, the difference could be in software. Are both the phones running same version of android? If note 3 is on kitkat and s5 on lollipop then note is going to get higher scores. Also, There is a major difference because of ram too. Note 3 has 3gb of ram whereas s5 has 2 so that is probably the main reason for lower scores. And also benchmarks don't mean **** during day to day usage. Don't just buy something because of benchmarks.
htb2050 said:
Well, the difference could be in software. Are both the phones running same version of android? If note 3 is on kitkat and s5 on lollipop then note is going to get higher scores. Also, There is a major difference because of ram too. Note 3 has 3gb of ram whereas s5 has 2 so that is probably the main reason for lower scores. And also benchmarks don't mean **** during day to day usage. Don't just buy something because of benchmarks.
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I agree sir. But don't u think that the iPhone 6s will always score better than iPhone 6. Okay, it's different, but theoretically s5 should be faster and score more! All parameters are same!
ipreetmalhotra said:
I agree sir. But don't u think that the iPhone 6s will always score better than iPhone 6. Okay, it's different, but theoretically s5 should be faster and score more! All parameters are same!
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I think you have no idea how software works.
htb2050 said:
I think you have no idea how software works.
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Thanks for your valuable opinion without even properly reading anything. I clearly mentioned that both devices uses same latest lollipop updates. May be you don't know about Note 3 and S5. If you knew, you'd not have advised about kitkat and lollipop comparision.
And I know how to manage my day to day usage. But my post was about AnTuTu score only. I pretty much know how to use my devices. If I am upgrading, I will simply upgrade to a powerful model. And I cannot measure power/speed in calculator, messages or file manager.
I think you dont know how benchmark works and how much useful it can be.
No offence.

purchase galaxy s5

What is the better buy versions galaxy s5, snapdragon or exynos? (I mean the performance and battery)
Generally Snapdragon has much more roms developed for it while Exynos used to be much better in performance. As for battery - I don't know.

Best ROM's for SM-900T? LineageOS 18.1, or crDroid, or something else??

Hi all! So, I used to flash a lot years ago. I recently just decided to check and see some stuff still available for this phone! I want to flash something desperately on my phone!!
Can people please say what ROM they prefer and why? And what the differences are between the different ROMs available?
I see LineageOS and crDroid. Are there others that are good and availale for the phone?
Which would have better battery life? And faster/more responsive? More feature rich? The least buggy, and most reliable?
Also, what are the ways to backup the phone now?? I've seen full phone backup using TWRP?
What about Titanium?
Any other methods?
Thank you!
This is not the N900T forum .
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Following on from the success of the Galaxy Note 2, Samsung have managed to cram in a large amount of technology into the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Powered by a Quad-core 2.3GHz Qualcomm processor and 3GB RAM, the Note 3 is by no means a slouch. The display is 5.7" at 1920x1080 and 386ppi. The Note...
