Using Volley deprecated after Apache HTTP Client Removal in Android 6.0? - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

Hi guys,
from the official Android 6 changelog
Android 6.0 release removes support for the Apache HTTP client. If your app is using this client and targets Android 2.3 (API level 9) or higher, use the HttpURLConnection class instead. This API is more efficient because it reduces network use through transparent compression and response caching, and minimizes power consumption. To continue using the Apache HTTP APIs, you must first declare the following compile-time dependency in your build.gradle file: ...
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For example here:
So do I understand right that using the library Volley is also deprecated(as for now), because it is using org.apache.http.client classes?
I think it's a contradiction, because Volley is also developed by Google. Would you use Volley in a newly developed app?
Best regrads,


New version V8 of C# IDE Mobile (MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS)

New version V8 of C# IDE Mobile (MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS)
C# IDE Mobile is an application (totally free) that I've developed to be able to develop with C#/.NET2CF directly on the Pocket PC-Windows Mobile 5/6 (it doesn't require the .NET SDK, you don't need a desktop computer).
MAJOR IMPROVEMENT : This version now handles creating new types (classes which inherit from .NET classes for example)
You can download the new version at:
or from my personal page:
This new version mainly adds the following improvements:
- The main limitation of previous versions is now history: It is now possible to create new classes and instantiate them (these can inherit from .NET types, for example Forms created from VS designer now execute with no changes)
- Added "Insert code" menu to easily insert recurring blocks of code (functions, classes, loops, …)
- Small bug fix on escape character support
- Improved expression end detection (this caused some problems in "complicated" expressions, which could need cutting down in some cases)
- Improved error location indication (in some cases the outer function was indicated instead of the line in the function)
Thanx will check it
Tell me...
I'm currently head deep in C# IDE Mobile, so if you get time to test and notice any problems, please tell me and I'll probably correct for next version ! Thanks.

New version V9 of C# IDE Mobile

New version V9 of C# IDE Mobile
C# IDE Mobile is an application (totally free) that I've developed to be able to develop with C#/.NET2CF directly on the Pocket PC-Windows Mobile 5/6 (it doesn't require the .NET SDK, you don't need a desktop computer).
You can download the new version at:
or from my personal page:
This new version mainly adds the following improvements:
- Fixed issue with declaring size of initialised array (like in "new int[2]{4,6};")
- It is no longer necessary to fully qualify locally declared class names (before you needed to write like "TestNS.MyClass" even if you were already in "TestNS")
- Fixed bug with logical operators on enum types (for example on button.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right);
- Manual casting is now supported. Usually, C# IDE Mobile auto casts when possible, but for example, in "int test = (int)AnchorStyles.Bottom" manual cast is necessary. Also, this avoids removing casts required in VS.
- Fixed bug with multiple "if"/"else if"/"else" structures
- "static" keyword now works for arrays and generics, also fixed a problem with indexed assignments
- Added support for nested classes (like System.Windows.Forms.ListView+SelectedIndexCollection)
- Added support for double type
- Improved comment and string parsing (to avoid "//" making a mess in strings)
Thanx, looks great

New version V11 of C# IDE Mobile (MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS)

New version V11 of C# IDE Mobile (MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS)
C# IDE Mobile is an application (totally free) that I've developed to be able to develop with C#/.NET2CF directly on the Pocket PC-Windows Mobile 5/6 (it doesn't require the .NET SDK, you don't need a desktop computer).
You can download the new version at:
or from my personal page:
MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS: This version includes a Windows Form Designer which greatly helps in creating your application's user interfaces. This designer is available in C# IDE Mobile via the menu "Tools/UserPlugin/ControlEditor" (and therefore works directly on the PPC). This greatly reduces the amount of written code for the application and allows getting a GUI very quickly (a few clicks)
This designer (free, like C# IDE Mobile) is developed by Jean and an introduction/presentation (although in French, but has some pictures to illustrate) is available here: Editor/Control Editor.htm
This new version mainly adds the following improvements:
- Included new Windows Forms Designer (yes, you can a Windows Form designer usable directly on the PPC) developed by Jean ( Editor/Control Editor.htm)
- Added support for compiled User Plugins (DLL instead of css)
- Added replacement File Dialog for smartphones on which the default .NET2CF FileDialog DLL is missing (this seems to be the case sometimes)
- Corrected issue with "Format document"
- Added support for user DLLs: You can now place your own CF DLLs (generated with Visual Studio for example) in the "UserDLLs" folder and call your functions within them (you can create your API for example in a native CF DLL and call these functions from your C# IDE Mobile code)
Just some infos....
In fact there's a translation on Jean's Web Site for the Form Designer and also I corrected a minor issue with the autatic code formatting (there was an ASSERT in there, but you just needed to say "ignore" to the debug dialog, so it doesn't really matter, the version is now V11b).
Great tool! Thanks.
Microsoft assemblies
This is certainly a very interesting tool and probably will keep me happily busy!! But I seem to have a problem that I cannot find relative info: I'm trying to access the camera through the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms.CameraCaptureDialog class, but the type cannon be resolved. I have verified that the appropriate GAC dll exists in the Windows directory. I cannot find the class/assembly in the MS.NETCF index either.
Any hints?
Thank you!
ps. I'm on a kaiser with CF 3.5 and Schap's WM6.1 Beta Rom.
nicely done sir
Sorry, I've only just seen the post about Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms.CameraCaptureDialog. As I post on a few forums I don't always see answers that come a long time after the posts, that's why I leave my email easily accessible on the web site... don't worry about emailing me, I'm not planning on building a "spam" database...
I'll look quickly, there's also a similar problem with DataGrid it seems. I think these are both the same problem and should be sorted out quite easily.

Droidspace: A Python Environment for Android and Chrome

Droidspace is a newly published, open source, shell based IDE. It allows you to use Python and HTML5 to hack Android and Chrome. The latest version includes...
Python3 Interpreter
Chrome based interface (hack your droid from a regular laptop)
Extensible shell
Hacker's text editor (based on ACE)
HTTPS support for untrusted networks
Very simple API for casting your own creations onto the browser
SL4A based Android API (supports webviews)
Video and audio streaming
Simple, pure Python extension system
Intuitive threading (nothing blocks unless you want it to)
Droidspace is designed to allow you to very easily and rapidly develop software on an Android device, with the option of using HTML5 to build user interfaces that can be rendered by the device directly or cast into some instance of Chrome running on the same local network. Though all the bits are there, Droidspace is not well suited to developing standalone products for publication.
Droidspace Philosophy, Article 0: Magic is essential. Portability isn't.
The project is hosted by GitHub and is GPL licensed. I can't post links here, but you can find it easily on Google. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help.
carl_smith said:
Droidspace is a newly published, open source, shell based IDE. It allows you to use Python and HTML5 to hack Android and Chrome. The latest version includes...
Python3 Interpreter
Chrome based interface (hack your droid from a regular laptop)
Extensible shell
Hacker's text editor (based on ACE)
HTTPS support for untrusted networks
Very simple API for casting your own creations onto the browser
SL4A based Android API (supports webviews)
Video and audio streaming
Simple, pure Python extension system
Intuitive threading (nothing blocks unless you want it to)
Droidspace is designed to allow you to very easily and rapidly develop software on an Android device, with the option of using HTML5 to build user interfaces that can be rendered by the device directly or cast into some instance of Chrome running on the same local network. Though all the bits are there, Droidspace is not well suited to developing standalone products for publication.
Droidspace Philosophy, Article 0: Magic is essential. Portability isn't.
The project is hosted by GitHub and is GPL licensed. I can't post links here, but you can find it easily on Google. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help.
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Great ! ... ... I'll give it a try soon ... :good:

[Library] Localization SDK on Github

Nativer SDK is a new library that enables dynamic resource handling, on-device app translation and language practicing. Currently it supports Android apps written in Java.
We created a sample Android app with the SDK built in to demonstrate the operation on user level. We put the source of this demo app on GitHub:
You can try the user experience, by downloading the sample app from GooglePlay
Please try it and comment.
If it raised your interest, you can go on to register.
If you want more info, visit our website.
app demo
You can see a demo here:
App language localization SDK is in Android weekly under Libraries & code section.
We prepared a plugin for Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA to provide automated integration of Nativer SDK. It is available on Github: and in IntelliJ plugin repository
In case you use Android Studio or IntellJ, you can make your app translated to 70+ languages and be ready for further translation by your users within a few minutes. Try it – you only risk only 5-10 minutes of your time to discover an exciting and suprisingly effective new technology.
gyuri bp said:
Nativer SDK is a new library that enables dynamic resource handling, on-device app translation and language practicing. Currently it supports Android apps written in Java.
We created a sample Android app with the SDK built in to demonstrate the operation on user level. We put the source of this demo app on GitHub:
You can try the user experience, by downloading the sample app from GooglePlay
Please try it and comment.
If it raised your interest, you can go on to register.
If you want more info, visit our website.
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