Possible Sense 7 Clock Widget ? - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

is there a way to get the sense 7 clock widget on the samsung ux launcher?
i dont want another launcher, just the clock widget. searched few weeks back and i saw something but cant find it anymore.

look for "sense v2 flip clock". The app works great

Santa-Claus said:
look for "sense v2 flip clock". The app works great
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sorry but i dont want the flip clock
just the plain white or black one


HTC Flip Clock Weather Widget

Hi ok im not the brainest when it comes to my Hero. I have it rooted and im running Android 2.2 with Sense rom at the moment. Think its fantastic.
I love the Sense Weather flip clock widget, the main reason i like using sense, but is there any way to get a clear backgroung, or change the colour of the clock.
Thanks Steve
As far as I know you can't really modify Sense widgets and I doubt that will be looked in to anytime soon since most devs are trying to get a complete Sense Froyo. When that happens maybe they might look in to your question.
big_sw2000 said:
Hi ok im not the brainest when it comes to my Hero. I have it rooted and im running Android 2.2 with Sense rom at the moment. Think its fantastic.
I love the Sense Weather flip clock widget, the main reason i like using sense, but is there any way to get a clear backgroung, or change the colour of the clock.
Thanks Steve
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Its possible that I am completely off-base here, but AFAIK you can't re-sign sense .apk's correctly in a way that will work. So I don't believe you can make changes to sense widgets in this way.
Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Beautiful Widgets from the Market is the closest you'll get to a transparent Flip Clock. Once installed go into it's settings and look through the downloadable clock skins. There's loads that look like the Sense Flip Clock. It's not free, but it is pretty cool.
I use it when running ADW Launcher... and then I get bored and switch back to Sense... and then vise versa!
Error on startup with clock
I am using the the weather & toggle app on my rooted nook tablet. I have the weather and flip clock on my home screen and it works fine until I power down the device. After the power down where the clock should be it says" Problem loading widget"
I am a noob here but this string was about the clock so I hope Im posting in the right place.
Lirasina themed the clock so it is possible. Actually, I can take a look into it, shouldn't be too hard. Which Rom do you want me to do it for?
sent with love from me to you
Animated weather widget&clock is quite similar to the HTC sense.
However, in the rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1276544
there is a link for the HTC sense style clocks. I don't know if they work in other roms.
Habarug said:
Lirasina themed the clock so it is possible. Actually, I can take a look into it, shouldn't be too hard. Which Rom do you want me to do it for?
sent with love from me to you
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She changed the theme of the actual Sense clock??!! Crazy!!!!…how about trying on the Zero Hero???
---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------
rossmarc said:
I am using the the weather & toggle app on my rooted nook tablet. I have the weather and flip clock on my home screen and it works fine until I power down the device. After the power down where the clock should be it says" Problem loading widget"
I am a noob here but this string was about the clock so I hope Im posting in the right place.
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I dont have the tablet but when my flip clock (on my phone) has problems a simple "remove" and replacing of the widget generally fixes it. Then again, I don't have a tablet so maybe it's the rom…or ???
kyash said:
She changed the theme of the actual Sense clock??!! Crazy!!!!…how about trying on the Zero Hero???
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Not really crazy, what do you want me to change?
Edit: Is there an old style Sense clock in ZeroHero or only the new Sense 3.5 one?
Didnt work. I have to delete the clock from my home page and put it back everytime I power down. Could someone look into this. There has to be some way or some clock similar that doesnt have this problem.
rossmarc said:
I am using the the weather & toggle app on my rooted nook tablet. I have the weather and flip clock on my home screen and it works fine until I power down the device. After the power down where the clock should be it says" Problem loading widget"
I am a noob here but this string was about the clock so I hope Im posting in the right place.
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Which version do You have? I had similar problems and I found that I had some old version (even old line) newest one is 7.1.8 .

[Q] Can you name these widgets & launcher??

I seen someone post these screen shots and I am very curious of what everything is. I am not sure if they are themed or market widgets. I like the launcher too.
Can anyone put a name to what any of these are? I would definitely like to try them out. Thanks.
The launcher is launcher pro with an icon pack
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
that looks really cool, I might look into launcher pro.
Thanks. I am already using LauncherPro Plus, and now I have yet another reason to love it even more.
Sent from EPIC using XDA App
What's the icon pack and where do I get it?
the widgets aren't part of launcher pro, as far as I know. For the clock, I think it's SiMi Clock widget for the one on the right. I'm not sure if it's also the one on the left
The battery ne is circle battery widget that is free from the market, the weather looks lke beautiful widgets which is a paid app
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Picture 1:
- Launcher: Probably Launcher Pro
- Battery: Not sure
- Weather: I'm guessing Simi Clock Widget (with the weather on) resized
- Date: Not sure
- Clock: Simi Clock Widget (with the weather off)
Picture 2:
- Launcher: Probably Launcher Pro/Plus
- Weather: Beautiful Widgets with Tick skin
- Clock: Simi Clock Widget (with the weather off)
- News Widget: Genie Widget (But not the default. Looks like a modded version to me)
The battery widget is called "circle battery widget" by cedric depoortere
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
illfrozn said:
Picture 1:
- Launcher: Probably Launcher Pro
- Battery: Not sure
- Weather: I'm guessing Simi Clock Widget (with the weather on) resized
- Date: Not sure
- Clock: Simi Clock Widget (with the weather off)
Picture 2:
- Launcher: Probably Launcher Pro/Plus
- Weather: Beautiful Widgets with Tick skin
- Clock: Simi Clock Widget (with the weather off)
- News Widget: Genie Widget (But not the default. Looks like a modded version to me)
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You hit it right on the head! You extend the lines by using LauncherPro's resizing handles. Customization at its finest.... Thanks!!!
tphillips78 said:
What's the icon pack and where do I get it?
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kenvan19 said:
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Did you mean to put a link in there somewhere?
tphillips78 said:
What's the icon pack and where do I get it?
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Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Wow I really like these too, I think I'll spend the evening trying to get my homescreen to look like this. Is that really the Dreamlyfe pack?
tphillips78 said:
Did you mean to put a link in there somewhere?
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No I just really wanted to know what those icons were. I experimented with a launcher a long time ago on my mytouch and I hated how it looked and how it slowed my phone so I just had never tried one again but jeez that picture is just exactly the clean look I've been craving for my phone. I like the stock launcherpro icons but I am the kind of person who likes (free, not warez just free) options.
nimaim said:
Wow I really like these too, I think I'll spend the evening trying to get my homescreen to look like this. Is that really the Dreamlyfe pack?
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Yea, I definitely had it looking close. That Simi widget is a mystery. I am not sure how he got that horizontal like working in there like that. For the longer vertical line tho, just use LauncherPro's resizing and stretching it downward.
Take a look at clockR in the market
Also these
Simi clock in market
Oneseven Pro in market
battstatt in market
Smooth calender in market
Desktop Visualizer
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Anyone know a good place to find free icons for launcher pro? I like the ones in the picture but I'm a broke college student. Not looking for cracks or anything like that just want some place to get some free opensource .pngs =)
kenvan19 said:
Anyone know a good place to find free icons for launcher pro? I like the ones in the picture but I'm a broke college student. Not looking for cracks or anything like that just want some place to get some free opensource .pngs =)
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If for personal use, (and if rooted) you can always download adw icon packs (tons of free ones on market), go to root explorer, find the apk it installed to your data/app folder, copy it to your SDcard. (This is easier to do on ur computer). Open up the apk with 7zip, find the folder with the pngs and copy them to a folder. I keep an "Icons" folder on my sdcard containing folders with various icon packs, for ex. Then it's easy to browse and assign them as you please (as custom icons).
There's also a paid app called launcherpro icons that does a lot of the work for u.. all launcherpro themed. They also have a website (community contributed) u can just grab em off and copy to your sd- nice launcherpro docks too.
Sent from the future.
Ahh, one more thing, you guys should check out a widget called minimalist text on the market (i think an xda dev). It's super clean, and he's been refining it like crazy. Ultra customizable.
Sent from the future.

Where can i find the default tmobile clock / weather widget?

Where can i find the default tmobile clock / weather widget?
I recently flashed to CM7 but liked the clock / weather widget that was on the stock Tmobile ROM. Any suggestions on how to get this back?
Download beautiful widgets or flip clock and weather app
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
I'm using Fancy Widget.
dapopa9 said:
Where can i find the default tmobile clock / weather widget?
I recently flashed to CM7 but liked the clock / weather widget that was on the stock Tmobile ROM. Any suggestions on how to get this back?
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I think you mean the sense clock weather widget. that commonly used widget is htc's, not tmobile's
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
Yeah. The stock clock/weather widget is part of HTC Sense. That's why you don't see it when using an alternative homescreen launcher. Also, that's why other widgets that used that style widget had to change it.
ok that must be why I cannot find it! I think the HTC Sense stock was by far the best. It had weather alaram and clock on the home screen...then it also had multiple alternate locations. Any that are comparable to that?
there are settings within both beautiful widgets and fancy widgets pro where you can set up what i believe your talking about. for instance under advanced settings you can set up when you touch the clock it open's a app, lets say you want that 2b your alarm..you can change it 2 that or any other app you wish. you can make touching the date start the calender and clicking on the sun/moon will start the weather. Both have a sence-like feel, like under settings you can check to have the clouds move when unlocking the phone. I myself like beautiful widgets a lil better but perhaps check youtube 4 a video on each b4 you decide which you may like better. well hope this helped some.

[Q] weather widget not in widget list?

i mean the one on our homescreen by default.
if i go to the add widget list then straight away there's the accuweather one. if i add that all i get is a 2x1 widget and not the 4x1 that's there by default. i mean, if i removed it how would i get it back?
tommo123 said:
i mean the one on our homescreen by default.
if i go to the add widget list then straight away there's the accuweather one. if i add that all i get is a 2x1 widget and not the 4x1 that's there by default. i mean, if i removed it how would i get it back?
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Its resizeble. Just tap and hold on widget
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
yea, just got it. but OMG is that annoying to resize. in LP/adw it's easy, this thing has a mind of it's own on whether i get that yellow box or not. seems freaking random!
anyhoo, what i'm trying to do is move to adw launcher and alls fine apart from the weather widget and the task manager
resizing the weather widget in adw doesnt work properly (big gap in middle) and i assume that the task manager is like HTCs apps? only shows in their launcher?
hmm, never mind. adw launcher lagged like crazy
tommo123 said:
yea, just got it. but OMG is that annoying to resize. in LP/adw it's easy, this thing has a mind of it's own on whether i get that yellow box or not. seems freaking random!
anyhoo, what i'm trying to do is move to adw launcher and alls fine apart from the weather widget and the task manager
resizing the weather widget in adw doesnt work properly (big gap in middle) and i assume that the task manager is like HTCs apps? only shows in their launcher?
hmm, never mind. adw launcher lagged like crazy
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It's exactly the same for me in TW and LP
hmm, i tried go launcher as well but that's the same.blue square in the middle that's empty. weather is forced to the far right.
The TW widgets only work properly in TW.
The trick to getting in Resize mode is simple. You just put the widget on the homescreen. Then tap and hold it for 2 to 3 seconds (you know, a long press). But dont move at all during that tap and hold. Hold it STILL for a moment, and then drop. It will then go in resize mode.
I dont know if I explained it right. But I always get to resize when I want, not random at all lol
XDA mark said:
The TW widgets only work properly in TW.
The trick to getting in Resize mode is simple. You just put the widget on the homescreen. Then tap and hold it for 2 to 3 seconds (you know, a long press). But dont move at all during that tap and hold. Hold it STILL for a moment, and then drop. It will then go in resize mode.
I dont know if I explained it right. But I always get to resize when I want, not random at all lol
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Explanation was useful ... I even will manage to learn it some day LOL
It's dammed difficult !
What ? You can resize the widgets ? But it's pretty tricky ! Well .. why make it simple ?
Dr.Sid said:
What ? You can resize the widgets ? But it's pretty tricky ! Well .. why make it simple ?
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Only very few Widgets (AccuWeather) supports resizing ... maybe that's why it's so difficult to use this feature LOL
tommo123 i think the weather widget that you are talking about is not the accuweather one. the one that comes default with the phone is a widget called "News & Weather", it will display the 1x4 widget directly. keep scrolling in the widgets towards the end and u will find it.
yea tried that too. it is the accuweather one but when you stretch that with the defaul launcher it looks ok. but not using other launchers.
using fancy widget at the mo though

REQUEST - Customizable Stock Lockscreen

Hello fellow G2-Users,
One thing that bothers me with this great phone is the lack to customize the stock lockscreen. For example display calendar and weather, changing the clock etc. I know there is WidgetLocker and other apps but i want to keep the great unlocking animation from the stock lockscreen and of course knockoff from lockscreen.
Who else wants this?
Who can make this possible?
screenager said:
Hello fellow G2-Users,
One thing that bothers me with this great phone is the lack to customize the stock lockscreen. For example display calendar and weather, changing the clock etc. I know there is WidgetLocker and other apps but i want to keep the great unlocking animation from the stock lockscreen and of course knockoff from lockscreen.
Who else wants this?
Who can make this possible?
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I'm using a PIN code for security, so that changes things a bit. On that version of the lock screen, you can swipe from the left and add widgets. Stock lockscreen.
Sent from my LG G2 using Tapatalk
SeanRinVA said:
I'm using a PIN code for security, so that changes things a bit. On that version of the lock screen, you can swipe from the left and add widgets. Stock lockscreen.
Sent from my LG G2 using Tapatalk
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Thx for your suggestion!! iam aware of that and it is also avaible without PIN security. But i want to see my next appointment and weather on the main lockscreen and change the (ugly) stock clock.
Try "Android Weather" app. It has the features you mention, you can make the widget transparent if you want, and it can be added to the lockscreen.
screenager said:
Thx for your suggestion!! iam aware of that and it is also avaible without PIN security. But i want to see my next appointment and weather on the main lockscreen and change the (ugly) stock clock.
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matthewtyson said:
Try "Android Weather" app. It has the features you mention, you can make the widget transparent if you want, and it can be added to the lockscreen.
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oh THX just realize you can remove the stock clock. wow. sometimes you dont the forest because of the trees.
mod pls close thread.

