Samsung galaxy s4 popwiz rom lite wifi not turning on - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, so i flashed popwiz s6 rom and everything is working flawless except for the wifi it just wont turn on. I tried flashing the rom with different recoveries, tried a modem fix with odin and the basic stuff like factory reset. I really like the rom and i dont wanna change it so if you guys could help me i'd be thankful. Im using Galaxy S4 I9505.

What about a different kernel?


Help samsung galaxy s4 wifi not working

i flashed back to my stock rom after omni rom and my wifi wont even turn on

[Q] How to install the AOSP rom on Samsung galaxy S4 I9505?

Hi everyone ,
Well I bought a samsung galaxy s4 I9505 and when I updated it to KitKat I was facing a wifi problem it becomes greyed , I tried to flash it with different official rom but with no success. I've rooted it and it works fine but for me it doesn't seem to be a good solution. Now I want to know if there is a tutorial to install the AOSP rom on it maybe it will solve my problem once for all.

Please Help me GPS!

Hey there, i really need help. Everytime when i got an Customrom (need version 6.0.x) i get no gps. When i go to stock rom i got gps (but for real its rll bad).
Im on Darklord s7 ported rom to s4
My device gt i9506.
Need help, tried so much roms and fixed. nothing worked, also tried fastergps and other app.

[HELP]Unable to activate wifi on galaxy s4 i9505

Hello i found my old galaxy s4, i downloaded a 5.01 rom on it , i was not able to activate the wifi.
I tried to root and delete the wifi folder same problem..
I used twrpe to wipe and reflash, same problem the wifi don't work.
I used a new rom Albe95 LolliROM 5.1.1 and i still have this problem, someone can help me?
Thanks !
Is the wifi option greyed out of does it try to turn on and then turn itself off?
Could be a hardware problem. I have two s4 motherboards that work except for wifi on stock and custom roms.

Before customizing tips needed

Hello, i currently own a samsung galaxy s3. so i know alot already about installing custom rom, custom recovery kernels etc..
i once bought a samsung galaxy s5 and customized it successfully but there are times that the phone reboots randomly for no reason. and that was a hardware issue i suppose, since after i flashed and original firmware, the reboot problem hasn't gone
any heads up i need to know before i install any custom rom or so? i am planning to buy an s5 but scared to make mistakes again.
are there any apps to test the hardware issues?
Thanks and regards

