how to obtain msl samsung tab4 sm-t237p - Galaxy Tab 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

any body know how can i obtain MSL number from my tab sp-t237p.

try calling and asking Sprint. You can also try going into General, Activate this device, there should be 3 dots at the top right which will allow you access the Service Menu, click on PST and you will see the ##DATA## and several other items, as well as MSL.

I open This menu. But there is not msl there.
Any one know, plz tel me,
Sent from my SM-T237P using XDA Free mobile app


[Q] ## Codes Programming

I am looking for the ## codes for the fascinate. I am sure that someone is able to find them. I have searched the web for hours and not found any that will work with the fascinate. I am only looking, because I am sure that just like my incredible I can change the IP settings and use the wifi tethering for free on the fascinate too.
I appreciate any and all help to get these codes.
Have you tried the codes that work on the international I9000, Samsung's first Galaxy S model?
Thanks for the link. I tried about half of those and none of them work. I think their must be a set of codes specific to the CDMA version.
I was able to get a few codes out of a verizon represenative, but not everything.
This code enables the ability to use the second code I got.
you then enter 000000 for the spc
and change to Hiddenmenu Enable and press ok.
the type **772
you then enter 000000 for the spc
This will enable you to manually program the NAM.
Now I just need the code to modify the network settings for the data portion of the phone.
candrist said:
I was able to get a few codes out of a verizon represenative, but not everything.
This code enables the ability to use the second code I got.
you then enter 000000 for the spc
and change to Hiddenmenu Enable and press ok.
the type **772
you then enter 000000 for the spc
This will enable you to manually program the NAM.
Now I just need the code to modify the network settings for the data portion of the phone.
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Verizon told me to do *228 option 2 to re-sync roaming towers to get a better signal.

SCH-i800 - I can't open programs or the settings menu

can anyone help me to get into the menu of SCH-i800 verizon galaxy tab,in other word to use only the applications in the phone.i dont want to use the network part.
as soon the phone switch on -the phone is prompting for Activation.infact i am in another contury were there is no verizon network.

[Q] Delete email address from Settings/More/About Device/Status?

I bought a s4 of off craigslist and want to active it on cricket but how do I delete the email address from Settings/More/About Device/Status? I've flashed a custom rom but its still there.
Any help will be most appreciated
You'll need msl code and then edit the data profile and enter whatever username you want in there.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
Where/how do I get the msl code and what do I exactly do with it once I have it. And where would I then find the options to edit the data Profile. A bit more detail would be appreciated.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Got it thanks for the time and effort I really appreciate it. *Two thumbs up bro*

[GUIDE] Flash Sprint Moto X to Page Plus

Hello all! I recently won a Sprint Moto X on eBay for the shockingly low price of $130, and I decided to attempt to flash it to Page Plus. So, in order, that others may benefit from this awesomeness, I decided to post a basic guide. One thing to note is that, if you have flashed Sprint phones to Page Plus before, the process is very similar.
DISCLAIMER: This guide comes with no guarantees of any kind. If you lose personal data or service, brick your phone, or lose your arm to gangrene, I am not responsible.
Stuff You Need
A PC running Windows
Motorola Drivers (download here)
SPCUtility APK (download here)
DFS (download here)
QPST (download here)
Page Plus PRL (attached)
10.key file (attached)
Stock, rooted Moto X 4.4.2 firmware (you can try an older version, but I've only tested on this)
How to Do It
First, if you don't have one, get a Page Plus phone number and account. You'll need it for manually programming.
If you have trouble getting Page Plus to accept your ESN (which is the MEID you'll find in Settings > About Phone > Status), try live chat until someone is okay with activating a 4G phone. They will probably warn you that they offer no support for programming 4G phones.
Make sure to Live Chat with Page Plus and ask for your MDN, MIN, and SID. Most likely, your MDN and MIN will be your phone number.
Once everything on Page Plus' end is set up, dial ##DIAG# on your phone. In the screen that appears, click the overflow button and choose Edit. Then set Diag Port to Enable.
Now install the Motorola drivers so you can connect your phone to your PC. This is sometimes a tricky process, and I don't know why. Google is your friend if you have trouble. When successful, you will see this in Device Manager.
Before attempting to program, you need your MSL. Install the SPCUtility APK and use it to get your MSL.
If you haven't already, install DFS. Open the program and click the Ports button in the upper-left corner. Then double-click the Motorola QC Diag Port to select it. (If you don't see this port, the drivers are not properly set up.) Close the Ports window.
Enter your MSL in the SPC box under the Ports button. Then click the SPC send arrow. Your log window should show DEVICE UNLOCKED. (If the log window is not visible, click the Log button in the upper-right.)
(Optional) In the General tab, click Read in the SPC box. Then replace the SPC string with 000000 and click Write. This sets your MSL to all-zeroes, useful for future programming.
In the General tab, click Read in the Config box. It may already read NV_ONLY. If it does not, set it and click Write.
Go under the NAM tab and click Read at the bottom. The fields will populate with your phone's current programming. Now replace the numbers in both MIN A and MIN D fields with your MIN. Fill the MDN and PCS fields with your MDN. Finally, in the Home box, fill in your SID and click Write.
In the PRL box, click Load and select the Page Plus PRL you downloaded. Click Write.
At this point, you may click Reset and your phone should have talk/text. Try taking and sending one of each to verify that everything has gone right so far.
Now go back to DFS and send your SPC again to get back to work. In the Data tab, click Read, and then fill out all of the UID fields and the HDR AN NAI field with [email protected] (the X's being your phone number). In the PPP SIP NAI, use [email protected]. Put "vzw" (sans quotes) in all of the password fields, and make sure the authentication box is checked. Click Write.
Go to the Mobile IP tab and click Read. At this point, I admit that I do not know 100% what I am doing, but that these settings worked for me. Basically, make your settings look like these ones, but input your number where I scribbled out my own. Also, for everything in the Selected Profile Settings box, put it in both the first and second profile selections. After filling each of those out, click Write current profile settings. Then click Write in the left box.
At this point, reset your phone. You might have working 1X after a minute. Irrelevant, because we're about to go for 3G. Close DFS.
Open QPST Configuration (install it if you haven't). Click Add New Port... and select the only available port. Click Okay, then go to Start Client > EFS Explorer. Select your phone and enter your MSL. It will take a minute to read the phone's EFS data.
Once the EFS data is loaded, right click the root directory and click New > Directory. Name the new folder DMU.
Inside the DMU folder, click File > Open and select the 10.key file you downloaded. Verify the target path is /DMU/10.key.
When the file is copied successfully, click Phone > Reset Phone. When the phone reboots, wait a minute or two. You should have 3G!
3G speed test results here
Download and install 8sms from the Play Store or their website.
If you're using KitKat, be sure to set the new app as your default SMS app.
In the app, go to Settings > MMS Settings.
Now set the following:
MMS Network: Sprint
MMSC: (the X's being your phone number)
MMS Proxy: leave blank
MMS Port: 8080 (if that doesn't work, try 80)
MMS over WiFi: Off
Volia! You should have working MMS.
Now, I freely admit that there are numerous places to go wrong here, but this is what worked perfectly for me. If you have trouble, tell me and I'll try to help. Also, check out this thread for general flashing reference. Viper is an expert at these kinds of projects.
Happy flashing!
Can I flash Sprint Moto X to Verizon ? and else does you did it already with success
MrSaba said:
Can I flash Sprint Moto X to Verizon ? and else does you did it already with success
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Flashing between major, independent carriers is illegal. Legally we can only flash between MNVOs.
but what mean MNVO ? I am not USA citizen I live in Republic Of Georgia
MrSaba said:
but what mean MNVO ? I am not USA citizen I live in Republic Of Georgia
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Ah, in that case I don't know Georgian laws. Even so, I do not know how to flash to Verizon, or even if it is entirely possible.
pageplus is cdma network only? in georgia its not illegal to flash on other network. I need to make sim unlock for gsm metworks
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
MrSaba said:
pageplus is cdma network only? in georgia its not illegal to flash on other network. I need to make sim unlock for gsm metworks
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Yes, Page Plus is CDMA only.
Updated with MMS fix.
Nice guidance.. Carry on..:good::good:
When entering ##DIAG# it asks for a passcode tried 000000 it didn't work
Any ideas??
Thanks very much for the post
ac2014 said:
When entering ##DIAG# it asks for a passcode tried 000000 it didn't work
Any ideas??
Thanks very much for the post
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It wants your MSL/SPC code. Look for the app called SPCUtility.apk in the OP.
I downloaded it from an XDA page by the guy who developed it but I no longer have the URL and don't recall his handle.
It will tell you your subsidy unlock code, at least it did for me on my Moto X and for several other folks with other Android phones.
How do i get the drivers installed properly?
ac2014 said:
How do i get the drivers installed properly?
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here's how to install the driver
search for this on google it should be the 1st youtube video
"How to Install Motorola QC Diag Driver"
so i got everything working thanks very much
just few things
1) every time restarting the hone it goes to activation any way to remove it ?
2) im getting notification "Mobile IP Registration response error MIP Error 131:mobile node failed authentication" which makes me nurses cause it pops up every few seconds :crying:
any help would be appreciated
thanks in advanced
ac2014 said:
here's how to install the driver
search for this on google it should be the 1st youtube video
"How to Install Motorola QC Diag Driver"
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Which version of QC Diag Driver you have used ?
Which version of QC Diag Driver you have used ?
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The latest available. Dono exactly which 1
ac2014 said:
The latest available. Dono exactly which 1
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Exactly i want to know about your available version..
Exactly i want to know about your available version..
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Motorola Mobile Drivers 6.3.0
I successfully got talk and text with this but no data connection. Does anyone have data working?
lswiggins said:
I successfully got talk and text with this but no data connection. Does anyone have data working?
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It did took 3 minutes but showed up
It might be a bit tricky, u have to input in 2 spots. As you can see it pic provided by @Nicene Nerd
Nicene Nerd said:
Basically, make your settings look like these ones, but input your number where I scribbled out my own. Also, for everything in the Selected Profile Settings box, put it in both the first and second profile selections.
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Did u input the 2nd profile?

Unlimited hotspot/No root/Android 9

Works with any version on android even android 9
I have unlimited hotspot
This method only works if you own your phone.
Call sprint tell them you want to unlock your phone
Once they are done dial ##data#
Click edit
Pin: 000000
Click apn settings
Click add (if you can't click add, update profile and prl in setting and reboot or dial ##brand# and click yes)
Call it whatever (sprint custom)
Clone your other apn for sprint for each setting
Under apn type add dun with no spaces
EXP: default,mms,dun
Save the apn and choose it
That's it
Don't update your profile or you will have to select the custom again. You can update your prl all you want tho.
I know this says Note 9......i tried this on the Note 10+ and got nothing. Everything is greyed out so i cant even add or edit.
Wondering if theres another way. I've free hotspot for many years now....and i hope it doesnt end here with this Note 10+
Acedooncoon said:
I kynow this says Note 9......i tried this on the Note 10+ and got nothing. Everything is greyed out so i cant even add or edit.
Wondering if theres another way. I've free hotspot for many years now....and i hope it doesnt end here with this Note 10+
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This for note 8 running android 9.
Is your phone unlocked to make a dummy apn?
Used this method. It's working great for me.
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
not necessarily the equipment must be fully paid. If you have debts, you only need the MSL code. when you pay full your device, sprint unlocks it, the MSL changes to 000000
EddiePR said:
not necessarily the equipment must be fully paid. If you have debts, you only need the MSL code. when you pay full your device, sprint unlocks it, the MSL changes to 000000
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My notes msl has always been 000000, even when I was paying on it.
I own a Note 8 that was originally on AT&T I believe and unlocked.
I put a Sprint Sim in it and it has been on Sprint since January 2020.
It's on latest Android 9.
##data# just calls 3232 and "not a working number.
I have the original device unlock code.
Do I need to do something else?
Appreciate the help
I don't have Hotspot with my plan.
I hit ##3232" where it should have been ##3282# and worked fine once i5figured that out.
Thank you for the tip.
