Phone signal stuck showing no data icon - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

For last 5-6 days I had to restart phone about 4 times because of strangely stuck signal. Phone shows full bar, but there is no icon for data connection. And whole phone and data module is stuck, so no incoming/outgoing calls nor internet. Tried to enable airplane mode, no change. When I forced phone to 2g only mode, it showed Edge icon, but still no data. Only solution is full restart.
Took me while to notice and still trying to figure some pattern when it happens, but seems to be random. Only common thing is it happens on the move, because for last 3 days I stayed home sick and signal was fine. Today I took walk and happened twice.

I've noticed this too on my s7e...only happens when I lose data connection...but I can still make calls....subtle difference...
Airplane mode on/ data on/off doesn't do anything. Only success I've had is with selecting 3G manually , then putting it back to 4G...seems to kick back into symbol pops up immediately
Tried to simulate this at work - went somewhere with zero signal - got the "no entry" sign at the top of screen to say no signal whatsoever...then as soon as I went elsewhere...bang - straight back to H+ connection instantly..
The only difference I can figure is that at home I'm on 4G (at work is H+)...and it looks like the phone has trouble kicking a 4G connection back into life (hence the manual toggle trick).
Try it yourself and see if any of this ties in with your fault.

Same problem here. Airplane isn't helping. So fare only full reboot helped. Will try toggleing network next time.
Very annoying bug.
Gesendet von meinem SM-G935F mit Tapatalk

This used to happen to me, but last week got an update (G935FXXU1APD - UK unbranded carphone warehouse) went to my 2 favourite reception black holes at the weekend (different days) , and when I emerged the phone had connected again to the data network without any manual intervention...update seems to have done something....

December and I've been having this issue since October. The signal has gotten worse with the last update


"No service"

Several times recently (I'm not sure whether it started after I installed the OTA update or if it happened once before then) I have noticed that my phone says "No service" and doesn't pick up T-Mobile again until I power cycle.
It's not that unusual for me to see 0 bars of signal strength in my house; there are dropouts at various places, and I saw the same thing with AT&T on previous phones, so it's not a T-Mobile or Nexus One issue. The problem is that, once every few days, I will pull out my phone and see 0 bars and "No service" instead of "T-Mobile," and nothing short of a power cycle reestablishes the connection. I've tried going into and out of Airplane mode, with no effect, and I also tried using Settings -> Wireless & networks -> Mobile networks -> Network operators, and it never found any.
Maybe related is that when I try to power cycle after this occurs I have trouble doing so -- a few seconds into the shutdown sequence the circling arrow stops moving, I get some sort of notification "ping" and the trackball lights up, and the phone just sits there for a long time. Eventually it reboots -- whether because whatever it's waiting for times out and it continues the shutdown sequence or whether it's responding to my frustrated poking at various buttons while it's sitting there apparently doing nothing, I don't know.
If it's a hardware issue, it's very intermittent; I always have service after the reboot, and as I said, this only happens once every few days. I'm inclined to think it's a software or configuration problem (I'm using the stock 2.1-update1 firmware). Any thoughts or suggestions? TIA.
It happened again this evening when I had some more time to play around with it, so I have a bit more information about this problem.
When I tried Settings -> Wireless & networks -> Mobile networks -> Network operators, the circular arrow spun for a minute or two and eventually a little pop-up appeared saying, "Error searching for networks" or something like that.
It occurred to me that the SIM card might be bad or have a bad connection, so I installed an app (using wifi -- which, BTW, I had on throughout this whole process) that allows you to copy your contacts onto the SIM card and ran it. That seems not to be the problem, though, since that app could access the SIM card just fine, while I still had no service.
I toggled Airplane mode on and off, but there was still no change. I then again searched for network operators; the circular arrow appeared and stopped, then a couple of seconds later the phone spontaneously rebooted and I have service again.
Anybody have any guesses as to what these symptoms might indicate?
Every so often i got service but I cna't send text messges unless I power cycle. If I try to airplane mode cycle it won't let me get out of the mode.
wow, a bit refreshing knowing that I'm not the only one with this issue.
I'm on T-mobile and within the last week I've had 2 occassions where I looked at my phone and noticed no service, a power cycle caused it to freeze on "powering off" screen and I would have to pull the battery. After it booted it I had full bars again.
Within the last 2 weeks I have had issues where I would not be able to send a text messages until i power cycled.
The last time I had no service was 4 hours ago. I had to pull the battery to power cycle and get service again.
Thanks for the reply. I, also, pulled the battery the first time it hung in the shutdown sequence, but as I said in my first message, since then I have managed to complete the power-down after the hang, either because whatever it was waiting for eventually timed out or because something I did (e.g., holding down the power button for several seconds) overrode the wait. Next time it happens I'll try just waiting to see if it will complete the shutdown on its own.
Just out of curiosity, did you have wifi enabled at the time this happened? Bluetooth? I'm not sure whether it's relevant, but I leave both on all the time.
As for the text message problem, I don't send a lot of texts, so I probably wouldn't have noticed if I were having that problem and can't comment on any correlation.
Oh, and a couple more questions: do you have NetCounter installed? And are you in a location where you sometimes or frequently get 0 bars of signal strength?
wmm said:
Several times recently (I'm not sure whether it started after I installed the OTA update or if it happened once before then) I have noticed that my phone says "No service" and doesn't pick up T-Mobile again until I power cycle.
It's not that unusual for me to see 0 bars of signal strength in my house; there are dropouts at various places, and I saw the same thing with AT&T on previous phones, so it's not a T-Mobile or Nexus One issue. The problem is that, once every few days, I will pull out my phone and see 0 bars and "No service" instead of "T-Mobile," and nothing short of a power cycle reestablishes the connection. I've tried going into and out of Airplane mode, with no effect, and I also tried using Settings -> Wireless & networks -> Mobile networks -> Network operators, and it never found any.
Maybe related is that when I try to power cycle after this occurs I have trouble doing so -- a few seconds into the shutdown sequence the circling arrow stops moving, I get some sort of notification "ping" and the trackball lights up, and the phone just sits there for a long time. Eventually it reboots -- whether because whatever it's waiting for times out and it continues the shutdown sequence or whether it's responding to my frustrated poking at various buttons while it's sitting there apparently doing nothing, I don't know.
If it's a hardware issue, it's very intermittent; I always have service after the reboot, and as I said, this only happens once every few days. I'm inclined to think it's a software or configuration problem (I'm using the stock 2.1-update1 firmware). Any thoughts or suggestions? TIA.
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I have had similar issues with other phones...
For me it turned out to be an issue with my sim card.
wmm said:
Thanks for the reply. I, also, pulled the battery the first time it hung in the shutdown sequence, but as I said in my first message, since then I have managed to complete the power-down after the hang, either because whatever it was waiting for eventually timed out or because something I did (e.g., holding down the power button for several seconds) overrode the wait. Next time it happens I'll try just waiting to see if it will complete the shutdown on its own.
Just out of curiosity, did you have wifi enabled at the time this happened? Bluetooth? I'm not sure whether it's relevant, but I leave both on all the time.
As for the text message problem, I don't send a lot of texts, so I probably wouldn't have noticed if I were having that problem and can't comment on any correlation.
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I usually have both bluetooth and Wifi enabled all the time...
Dont have netcounter installed.
Dunno about the SIM card issue, unless its a combo of the N1 and my SIM card, because I swap to using my BB 8900 once in a while and I never have text message or no service issues.
Im experiencing the same problem, I have dropped calls in some spots around town (when changing towers it seems), I drop service when inside my home and cant send texts (until a power cycle), horrible 3G speeds of less than 1MB/S all around town (driving and standing directly under the Tmobile Tower that across the street from the tmobile store).
NONE of this happened with my 3G speeds always sucked though but were usually around 1.5-2.1MB/S.
Im located in Fredericksburg,VA.
Im pretty sure it was the radio update, cause after i get out of a place where i get no signal at all, and i get to a open place I have to reboot the phone to get signal again
I've been busy for the last six weeks or so and haven't been following N1 news around the net. Has anyone heard of any progress on this issue? It seemed to go away on my phone for a couple of weeks, but it's back with a vengeance: it's happened to me about once a day for the last few days, which is more frequently than any time since I've had the phone, so I'd really like to get this fixed somehow.
Can you take a youtube video of it? the more the better to get Google to fix it.
Also these issues seem to be related over here too
ram130 said:
Can you take a youtube video of it? the more the better to get Google to fix it.
Also these issues seem to be related over here too
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Thanks for the link. It seems to me that several different problems are collected together there; mine is specifically the one where I go to zero bars (which happens fairly often; I have several dead spots in my house) and it never comes back.
A video of this would be pretty boring to watch; there's really nothing to see. The signal strength shows zero bars with an "x" and the home screen shows "no service." Trying to power off, or going into and out of airplane mode, shows the spinning arrow for a few seconds, then it stops; a few seconds later the screen goes blank; then a half-minute after that the multicolored "X" appears and the phone reboots itself.
No SMS Gateway
I think this is a separate issue for the phone not switching back to a connected state with the service provider. In the case of SMS, I have also noticed that you may have signal but you have no SMS gateway. No idea where it goes or why it does that.
For whatever reason you loose the SMS gateway phone number settings and become unable to send text messages without a reboot. This is evident by visiting:
dial *#*#4636#*#* (if you happen to mis-dial this start over after clearing the display or it won't work)
Phone information
Under SMSC: press Refresh.
If no number displays (in my case +12063130004) then you have no route for the SMS messages to take. Entering that number and pressing update will fix it but just restart so it can pick it back up from the SIM/Carrier configutation.
XfrostX said:
Im pretty sure it was the radio update, cause after i get out of a place where i get no signal at all, and i get to a open place I have to reboot the phone to get signal again
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I have this issue sometime in a supermarket here, if I'm in it shopping for a while I loose all signal and have to reboot, also happened with my MyTouch jut didn't have to reboot the phone, but if I'm in there for a quick purchase, it works OK
@wmm, I'm seeing exactly the same issue (zero bars + reboots) and found another guy on the cyanogenmod forum with that problem. Maybe you can add your last_kmsg to this thread, even though you're on stock.
wmm said:
Thanks for the link. It seems to me that several different problems are collected together there; mine is specifically the one where I go to zero bars (which happens fairly often; I have several dead spots in my house) and it never comes back.
A video of this would be pretty boring to watch; there's really nothing to see. The signal strength shows zero bars with an "x" and the home screen shows "no service." Trying to power off, or going into and out of airplane mode, shows the spinning arrow for a few seconds, then it stops; a few seconds later the screen goes blank; then a half-minute after that the multicolored "X" appears and the phone reboots itself.
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Damn...Lets hope the next OTA fixes this then.
robert-qfh said:
@wmm, I'm seeing exactly the same issue (zero bars + reboots) and found another guy on the cyanogenmod forum with that problem. Maybe you can add your last_kmsg to this thread, even though you're on stock.
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Yep, that certainly sounds identical to my experience. Next time I have the problem I'll force a crash by toggling airplane mode instead of trying to power off (it seemed from the thread that last_kmsg would not be saved if there is a normal reboot, and indeed I have no last_kmsg from the reboot that resulted from trying to power cycle after the last time I had the problem).
Thanks for the cross-reference.
ram130 said:
Damn...Lets hope the next OTA fixes this then.
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That would be nice, but I haven't seen any activity on the issue on the Android developers' board. Speaking as a programmer, these intermittent, once-every-few-days kinds of problems are a real pain to debug, so I can't blame people for not wanting to tackle the issue...
I had this issue but fixed it by installing the Radio Rom and OS again from the last update. Has not done it again. Now its a power button issue lol.

[Q] No Signal, Factory Reset

any of you had any bother with your mobile signal?
I'm on Vodafone and from this morning my signal bars are empty and I have no mobile signal.
I tried selecting Vodafone and Automatically select from the mobile signal menu, never made any difference.
I did a factory reset of the phone and it worked great, logged into google, restored my apps etc and it was all good
Then 5 minutes ago the same happened again, no signal and nothing I do makes it come back on bar another factory reset???
I've tested my sim in another phone and it is fine, no drop outs, no issues, I hope it's not a faulty phone (
Any one else had similar or can think what would be causing this?
Happened again, no signal bars, no connection
so this time rather than a full factory reset I removed the apps I had reinstalled, which were Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, Tapatalk and Whatsapp, rebooted the phone and my signal is back to full strength again???
Could one of the above apps be the problem?, is that even possible?
Its got to be some software problem.. These apps cannot cause such a problem
thats what I thought.
I've left the apps off for now, and if the signal seems ok after a couple of hours I will start putting the apps back on one by one and see if anything obvious happens.
The only App I thought maybe could cause it would be whatsapp as it ties in with your mobile number.....I'll see what happens throughout the day
happened to me once, all I did was put it into airplane mode and then back out of it again, and all was well
Same thingg happened to me. I'm on tmo though. Its defective. Waiting for replacement
I take it you've all changed your SIM cards to be on the safe side?
My experience is that the signal does have a tendency to drop out in weak reception areas and is slow to pick it back up again. I'm on vodafone in the UK.
I'm on orange and today I had nothing but problems. Dropping signal and everything I am not sure if orange is having problems. Had a HTC one s before never lost the little H above the signal bars.
Should I look at getting a replacement sorted.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I'm having the same problem with T-mobile in the US. It seems to mostly be an issue for me in areas of weak coverage. A reboot or any other way of resetting the phone connection fixes it, but still...
Been happening all day. Even now I have no mobile signal and yet I am on here using mobile data.
Usually a full reset would bring the signal back for a while then it would go again. On one occasion putting it into aeroplane mode then back again worked, but only the once. It looks like I'm taking it back this weekend unfortunately.
i had this issue when i first got the handset on o2, but after a while and me putting the o2 sim in, it picked up signal, swapped out for my orange sim and hey presto started working fine. It's been like that for a week now, but last night the battery died when i was asleep and after a charge this morning, no signal again on my orange sim. I'm in work now so cant swap out for my o2 sim as its at home, but will try and borrow somebody elses sim to test when they get in the office later this morning, Very annoying!
same issue discussed here: CLICK
Just tried another sim, o2 this time. Same issue, so back to shop on Saturday. Question is do I get another one or plump for the sIII or an htc

Mobile Data will not enable!! (Dynamic Kat)

I need help this is driving me insane!
I've been running Dynamic Kat Rom for about 6 months or so now. Everything was working fine then all of a sudden a week or two ago I noticed my mobile data is not enabling at all.
I can only connect on Wifi and only receive SMS.
I've tried
- Messing will all the data/network settings
- Turning Mobile Data on and off -- no effect
- Toggling Airplane Mode on and off as suggested in some places
- Wiping everything but Data and reflashing latest ROM
- Reseating the SIM card
- several other things I forgot..
I do see the carrier information in the top left (AT&T) and I am getting signal bars.. but not indicator for 4G/LTE/etc
I've been messing with this for a week now and it's driving me insane.. I can't get a connection anywhere unless I'm on Wifi.
Anyone have any suggestions? I'm not super phone savvy, but willing to try any suggestions anyone may have.
Hmmm.. weird.
So I called AT&T and asked them about it.. figuring it could possibly be a carrier issue.
They told me to try things I had already done 100 times.. turn the phone off and on.. turn wifi off... etc.
I turned Wifi off... (which I had done 50,000 times before) and 4G popped up.
I guess they did something. So.. guess it's resolved.
Problem has returned.. same issue. I will have 4G signal for hours and then all of a sudden it will drop completely and I can't get a data signal no matter what I do.
I see AT&T in the corner and have signal bars, so I AM getting some kind of signal.. but no data connection whatsoever.
It seems completely random and intermittent.. I can have data signal for days with no issues then I will lose it for days.
Restarting the phone 5-20 times sometimes fixes it.. but that's about it. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?
Bad signal / carrier issue?
Call them and report a fault in your area?
I have called them multiple times, they will reset the signal.. sometimes it will come back right away, sometimes it wont.
And this happens regardless of where I am. I know for a fact where I am right now has a great signal strength. I get 4-5 bars on average. But this also happens at home as well about 20 miles away, which also has a good signal, or anywhere I go really it can happen. This isn't in the middle of nowhere either, it's smack in the middle of SoCal (LA/OC)
I'm beginning to think it may be a SIM card issue or a hardware issue with the phone. I'm going to try asking them to send me a new SIM card.
Another thing I will notice is when I have a working 4G LTE connection, and I'm on Wifi... it will sometimes CONSTANTLY switch back and forth between wifi and 4G like every 10 seconds, even when I have full signal strength on Wifi and 4G.
Disable Smart Network Switching in WiFi settings
it's nothing but a buggy headache, disabling might fix most of your problems, almost certainly the constant switching back and forth
Yeah forgot to mention I have disabled that. It's disabled now. It solves the constant switching back and forth (when I actually have a data connection), but that's kind of a separate issue as the losing data connection.

Losing Service After 1-2 mins

I have an SGH-I337M on the Bell network. After a flight, I took the phone off of airplane mode and it did not regain service. After a restart service reconnected (data and texting) but then disappeared after a minute. Generally, I do not get "No Service" errors and I have never gotten "SIM Card Removed", the bars and LTE in the corner persist although nothing seems to come through. I did some searching and found this thread:
and gave the instructions a shot. I was able to use data and text for about 5 minutes initially, but since the first boot it has reverted to the original problem (coincidence?). I also took the phone in to a repair shop and had the SIM tray replaced, which did not solve the problem either. I have tried using ODIN to return to stock (I337MVLUFNI2_I337MOYAFNI2_BMC) and have tried CM11 and unofficial lollipop releases. The issue is identical in all cases.
I'm really hoping I missed something obvious here.
Tested my SIM in another phone and it worked perfectly. Tested different SIM in this phone, same issues.
The same issue here. The service/network is lost a few minutes after reboot. When I reboot my phone everything works perfectly fine - call, sms, switching to airplane mode, navigating through Mobile Networks menu items (in Settings->Connections->More Networks->Mobile Networks). After 5 minutes all those features/apps stop working. Everything looks normal but when I start one of those apps, the app hangs/freezes and stays frozen. For example when I try to place a call, the app is stuck in 'Dialing....' process and stays like that forever. When I try to end the call the app is not responding. The same thing with all apps that need/use network. All those apps stay frozen when started. Notification bar is showing I am connected to the network and network icon is showing strong signal. I tried different roms including stock rom but that didn't help. Looks like a software issue but I could be wrong.
Any suggestions anyone?

Losing mobile network

I have a stock t-mobile s7 edge device. It's losing the mobile network. I've noticed it a couple of months ago - it happened a few times but recently the problem is getting worse. It already happened 3 times this week.
Seems like completely random. Sometimes I notice it after I go somewhere with weak signal or no signal at all. Sometimes when I get back to an area with good signal it reconnects and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it shows the bars and says it's connected to t-mobile but 4g doesn't show up at all. So you can call but no internet. Sometimes no signal at all.
When it happens the only way to connect is to reboot the phone. Nothing else helps. If you try to connect to network manually - it can find t-mobile but unable to connect. just spins. Changing from lte to 3g or 2g also doesn't work.
I even tried to create a new APN - same thing.
Please heeeeelp...........
Last time this happened to me on another device, it was the sim card that had a problem. Have you tried with another SIM card?
No, but I don't believe it's a sim card related problem. Wife's phone has the same problem although less frequently. But she also travels less.
It looks like a configuration / firmware or maybe hardware issue to me.
I'm experiencing the same issue. It seems to happen when the phone loses signal completely like when deep inside a building. Then it won't reconnect to data or the network by itself.
From the first moment when I got my edge back in April I noticed that the radio performance was weaker than other phones. Then I got the Note 7 and same issue again. Then back to an s7 edge and the problem seems to be worse on this one specially after the latest software update.
Sent from my SM-G935T using XDA-Developers mobile app
My wife (s7) and me (s7 edge), as well as a co-worker (s7) are having this same issue.
Before it was happening occasionally, but after the last update its happening WAY more often.
Wiping cache seems to help with frequency, but still did not eliminate the problem. Hopefully it gets fixed with an update. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to put up with it.
Edit: I forgot to add a "simple" fix I've found that works almost all the time is to turn off mobile data, turn on airplane mode, turn off airplane mode, wait for signal, then turn on mobile data. Those steps in that exact order work for me most of the time.
So I've been having the same issues as everyone stated. The only fix is to reboot the phone, but who wants to that every time. I even changed the sim card!! I wish T-Mobile would get out of their feelings and start selling more flagship phones.
I have made the decision to jump to LG V20. I hope this issue doesn't exist with the LG.
I've just got my s7 edge and I'm sort of having same problem at home got 2 bars and sometimes goes to 4 bars but also wen I called someone the line was crackling but person said could her me fine so done a wiped cache and think it's sorted it now for the time being
(Edit ~ it's done it again could hardly hear person I was talking to)
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA-Developers mobile app

