Wake time? - Droid Turbo 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, new owner of DT2 after returning my galaxy7 edge. I'm having an issue with wake lock. When I don't use the phone for an hour or so, and haven't touched it, my battery barely loses anything and the wake time under the battery setting reflects that. But when I'm casually using it - sometimes using it for two or three mins, then not for 29-30, my phone seems to stay awake a lot when the screen isn't on. I thought this could be a rogue app, so I'm running it in Safe Mode, but I still see the same trend. Does Moto active display cause the phone to wake every time it reads motion?
Attaching screenshots. The battery charts are when I had it in Safe Mode. The gsam readout was in regular mode. Based on how active the phone was, I would've barely gotten 2 hrs of SOT

Hi. Generally, Doze, the feature that allows your phone to barely sip power when your phone is not in use, will not kick in until around an hour. Yes, Moto display will wake the display every time it thinks you are trying to use the phone but it should still use only a tiny amount of power. Also, don't put too much stock into the projected battery chart. Sometimes, it is very conservative and other times, it is wildly exaggerating. Hope this helps.

I did a factory reset on my phone and left the phone sitting for about an hour. The awake time was still represented about 30-40% of time on. My phone has been getting about 2-3 hours of SOT over the course of a 12 hour day. Seems like the awake time is really eating the battery. I wonder if others are having this issue. I didn't have the phone before the Marshmallow update, so don't know if that's the culprit.

I have noticed then when I keep the phone aside overnight.. idle condition (wifi off, location off, data off) and go to sleep.. I wake up with a drop of 8-7% drop in battery, is it normal? Because none of my previous phones showed such a drop in battery. Anyone else facing the same issue?


What sucks YOUR battery?

I have epic 4g now for a week. Its still not activated, just sits at home connected to wifi - while I use touch pro2, awaiting sero plus on oct 1st.
There is push sync with hotmail and google. I get home and play almost constantly with the phone from 5 to 11pm - testing new apps/games, reading twitter etc - before I get low battery warning.
My biggest surprise was that the SCREEN (supposedly high efficency AMOLED) is draining more than 40% of the battery! Not the wifi, not the cpu or whatever else is inside. This is with default power managment settings.
What numbers do you guys get in the end of the day? What are you using - 3g,4g,wifi,gps,apps?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Sometimes mine goes as high as 72%, and that's the screen alone, and i have the brightness down all the way to zero (and even at zero it's still plenty viewable).
Definitely the screen is the biggest battery drainer. I've NEVER seen anything higher usage than the Display. Its usually in the 60-80% of battery usage.
And I keep the power to the lowest setting on a daily basis.
The screen is always the biggest offender. Usually in the 70%+ range with brightness all he way down. The samoled talk is just marketing bs. Maybe better performance when the screen is black. Unfortunately all black backgrounds happen to be the minority on websites, applications etc.
Display used to be the main offender on my phone (60-70%) but since I upgraded to DI07, Cell Standby is crushing my battery. The airplane toggle doesn't do ****, had to buy a cable so I can plug it in at work just so at the end of an 8hr day I have more than 30% battery left even with JuiceDefender running. Getting pretty frustrated.
kidstechno said:
Display used to be the main offender on my phone (60-70%) but since I upgraded to DI07, Cell Standby is crushing my battery. The airplane toggle doesn't do ****, had to buy a cable so I can plug it in at work just so at the end of an 8hr day I have more than 30% battery left even with JuiceDefender running. Getting pretty frustrated.
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I have this exact same issue. Cell standby is killing my battery. Right now I have 18% time without signal... it has been as high as 25% before. I never had this issue before DI07.
Cell Standby is 41%, with Display at 32%, time without signal is a whopping 50%, and I get near-full to full bars at work and about 2-3 at home.
my cell standby was over 50% after the update. I went in and changed my call setting>System select and chose "sprint only" which will not allow the phone to roam, but it got rid of this battery drain. I have a lot more battery now. But i will have to turn it back whenever i loose service. There's got to be a better way to avoid this thing always looking for the GSM towers when it's a SPRINT PHONE and should for CDMA unless there's no signal. I don't understand how they allow such a dumb issue to haunt tihs phone.
My current numbers:
Cell Standby: 34%
Phone idle: 25%
Display: 17%
Android System: 10%
Email: 5%
Maps: 3%
Dialer: 2%
Wi-fi: 2%
Android OS: 2%
Cell standby has gone up for me since the update, but my last charge was actually the first time I saw any significant "time without signal", and I think that was because I had 4G turned on all day. I have it turned off now and that number is back to 0%.
I'm learning some tricks to keep the battery charged on this thing. Yesterday I managed to go all day from waking up to going to sleep without charging (around 18 hours, though I rebooted at one point so I'm not sure the actual total) and I still had about 1/5 of my battery gauge left.
I've found wi-fi makes a HUGE difference. I have wi-fi both at home and at work, and that's probably 80% of an average day for me. Wi-fi drains the battery *much* less than 3G.
I have my screen turned down not to 0, but probably 2 ticks over that. I use the notification bar swipe to turn it up or down, so I don't know exactly, I just set it to as dim as I'm comfortable with in any situation. Power mode and auto-brightness are turned off.
I switched my background from the default to one that's very dark. I'm convinced that makes a big difference.
I do use a task killer, but I leave my email running, along with whatever else seems like it should be kept running.
Obviously when you look at percentages, there's always going to be *something* at the top of the list, so it's pointless to constantly try to knock whatever's #1 down to the bottom. Different people use their phones differently, so if someone else has their display at the top, it just means they're looking at it a lot and maybe have it too bright. But no matter what you do, something's always going to have a higher percentage than anything else.
badasscat said:
My current numbers:
Cell Standby: 34%
Phone idle: 25%
Display: 17%
Android System: 10%
Email: 5%
Maps: 3%
Dialer: 2%
Wi-fi: 2%
Android OS: 2%
Cell standby has gone up for me since the update, but my last charge was actually the first time I saw any significant "time without signal", and I think that was because I had 4G turned on all day. I have it turned off now and that number is back to 0%.
I'm learning some tricks to keep the battery charged on this thing. Yesterday I managed to go all day from waking up to going to sleep without charging (around 18 hours, though I rebooted at one point so I'm not sure the actual total) and I still had about 1/5 of my battery gauge left.
I've found wi-fi makes a HUGE difference. I have wi-fi both at home and at work, and that's probably 80% of an average day for me. Wi-fi drains the battery *much* less than 3G.
I have my screen turned down not to 0, but probably 2 ticks over that. I use the notification bar swipe to turn it up or down, so I don't know exactly, I just set it to as dim as I'm comfortable with in any situation. Power mode and auto-brightness are turned off.
I switched my background from the default to one that's very dark. I'm convinced that makes a big difference.
I do use a task killer, but I leave my email running, along with whatever else seems like it should be kept running.
Obviously when you look at percentages, there's always going to be *something* at the top of the list, so it's pointless to constantly try to knock whatever's #1 down to the bottom. Different people use their phones differently, so if someone else has their display at the top, it just means they're looking at it a lot and maybe have it too bright. But no matter what you do, something's always going to have a higher percentage than anything else.
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How are you able to control the brightness with the notification swipe? I've made it brighter but not dimmer.
Sent from my SPH-D700
So for all the people that have their phone on the lowest brightness, but get a Display usage >50%...are you using your phone that much?
Because I have my display on auto, and my Display usage is a 32%, and that is still enough for it to be #1 on my battery use list.
First, let me get the immature response out of the way: "What sucks my battery? Your MOM!"
Now that that's out of my system, my battery drain is generally caused by the same things as everyone else: screen and TWS. Although I mitigate TWS by using the airplane mode trick which seems to still work for me.
Iilex said:
How are you able to control the brightness with the notification swipe? I've made it brighter but not dimmer.
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I dunno, I just do. The way the thing works is a little tricky, it seems like it's absolute rather than relative, meaning if your display is already on the dim side, you need to start with your finger way over to the left to take it down the last few ticks. There's only so dim you can make it - the lowest brightness setting would look like a 4 or 5 year old phone at its brightest. That's true regardless of how you dim it. So you may just have it pretty dim and because of the way the notification bar thing works, when you put your finger in the middle, you're making it brighter without meaning to. But if you slide all the way to the left, it'll be as dim as you can make it.
jemarent said:
my cell standby was over 50% after the update. I went in and changed my call setting>System select and chose "sprint only" which will not allow the phone to roam, but it got rid of this battery drain. I have a lot more battery now. But i will have to turn it back whenever i loose service. There's got to be a better way to avoid this thing always looking for the GSM towers when it's a SPRINT PHONE and should for CDMA unless there's no signal. I don't understand how they allow such a dumb issue to haunt tihs phone.
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+1 to this, after I changed this setting my time without signal is about 3% before it was up in the 50's. Good tip right there
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I guess this is a commom issue... Unless epics hardware is sooo optimized and only sips power ;-)
Does anybody have data from other android phones - nexus, droids...?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
3-4 hours of talk time takes up 70% of my use during a 10-16 hour usage. Second would be my screen.
My screen is 79% and cell standby only 7%
My screen is all the way down, even tho with the new update I notice my screen got dimmer than before.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Battery problems?

My new note's battery seem weird after I let it run to 1% and then charge up to 100%.
After that, it seems to lose battery very much faster.
Left overnight, it went from 79% to 49%!! a 30% drop!!
I checked Battery status report battery health is good and average 33-35 degrees temperature.
Bulk of battery usage is reported for Display (62%, "time on" of 1hr 30m) ...
Is this normal??
What can I do?
Maybe the battery needs some recalibration, run it down to 1% then charge the phone while its still off.
Here's the battery level profile...
Not sure what is keeping the phone awake even while screen-off??
Any help or advice to diagnose and resolve the battery issues appreciated.
planetcooler said:
Here's the battery level profile...
Not sure what is keeping the phone awake even while screen-off??
Any help or advice to diagnose and resolve the battery issues appreciated.
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Try a factory reset and then calibrate the battery.
Just woke up after the first night with the Note. I had 45% battery left when i went to bed, and now 9 hours later it's at 43%.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
planetcooler said:
Not sure what is keeping the phone awake even while screen-off??
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You diagnosed the problem correctly by identifying the device being awake while the screen is off. I suggest two tools to narrow it down:
1. Cpu Spy, Market, free, displays how much time the CPU spent in the different power states. During the night it should almost completely be in deep sleep.
2. BetterBatteryStats, Market, ~2.50$, allows to identify apps with wakelocks, apps which prevent the system to enter the deep sleep power state while the screen is off and the device basically is idleing. On CM Spareparts xan do that for free, for Samsung devices I first have to find a free alternative app that works...
No wipe needed (yet), no delete this or do that. First find the villain, then shoot em, not the other way round.
Sent from my GT-N7000
Installed BetterBatteryStats,
but there is lots of information, and I have little clue what these constitute or how to identify what apps cause the issues??
You could post screenshots of all the screens of betterbatterystats and we will try to help you.
Charge the phone to 100% and disconnect it right before you go to sleep, enter cpuspy and reset its counters. Then enter task manager and kill all the programs and clean the memory. Now go to sleep and when you wake up post screenshots of the built in battery stats, betterbatterystats and cpuspy.
I have a similar problem, my battery keeps draining entirely too much for what I think it should. Mine gets drained about 40% in about 10 hours of very light use.
BetterBatteryStats shows it is WiFi that has a humongous amount of wakelocks, but the thing here is I have WiFi disabled.
Image (BetterBatteryStats): http://antti.vahtera.org/images/SC20111221-020623.png
CPU Spy shows nothing that looks that weird to me, although I rather wonder why so little deep sleep and so much 200MHz, but that might be if deep sleep has a longer "counter" than it did on SGS/SGS2. If I use the phone to check time, or twitter from a widget couple of times per hour, does SGN enter deep sleep during those "breaks"?
Image (CPU Spy): http://antti.vahtera.org/images/SC20111221-020441.png
But, the one that caught my eye, was the stock Battery Info window. During the (almost) entire 10h time the phone was awake?! Why in the whole wide world? Does SGN really have some bug with WiFi keeping it awake even though it is disabled?
Image (Battery Info -window): http://antti.vahtera.org/images/SC20111221-020744.png
I really wanna get behind this. I love this phone, but this battery drainage begins to be a problem for me. I got about 2-5% drain per night with SGS2 and 10-15% per day on similar usage.
AnttiV said:
I have a similar problem, my battery keeps draining entirely too much for what I think it should. Mine gets drained about 40% in about 10 hours of very light use.
BetterBatteryStats shows it is WiFi that has a humongous amount of wakelocks, but the thing here is I have WiFi disabled.
Image (BetterBatteryStats): http://antti.vahtera.org/images/SC20111221-020623.png
CPU Spy shows nothing that looks that weird to me, although I rather wonder why so little deep sleep and so much 200MHz, but that might be if deep sleep has a longer "counter" than it did on SGS/SGS2. If I use the phone to check time, or twitter from a widget couple of times per hour, does SGN enter deep sleep during those "breaks"?
Image (CPU Spy): http://antti.vahtera.org/images/SC20111221-020441.png
But, the one that caught my eye, was the stock Battery Info window. During the (almost) entire 10h time the phone was awake?! Why in the whole wide world? Does SGN really have some bug with WiFi keeping it awake even though it is disabled?
Image (Battery Info -window): http://antti.vahtera.org/images/SC20111221-020744.png
I really wanna get behind this. I love this phone, but this battery drainage begins to be a problem for me. I got about 2-5% drain per night with SGS2 and 10-15% per day on similar usage.
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yeah, there's something seriously wrong with your phone. Are you rooted ? would you consider a full wipe and maybe a different ROM ?
Not rooted, not modified in any serious way either. (Using GO Launcher EX, not TouchWiz launcher, that's really the extend of modification on this phone.)
Android version is 2.3.6, Baseband N7000XXKK5, kernel
This is what was shipped with the phone. It's unbranded and unlocked.
I haven't really done anything to it but installed apps from Android Market (and a couple with Samsung Apps).
EDIT: This is my day-to-day phone with all settings as I like them and all things set, so I would like if I wouldn't have to do a full wipe. But if nothing else helps, I guess I'll have to, in the end.
I hope someone will be able to help you cause I've never seen anything like that.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
This might help...
I had the same problem. The first night my Note was dropping from 100% down to about 50% when I was asleep and the screen was off.
In the battery stats I could see that it was the Android core that used all this power.
So I tried a couple things to see if it helped:
1) I went to WiFi-settings and set it to turn off WiFi when screen off. This is a setting that is not on by default, you have to set it yourself.
2) I turned off AutoSync (Google account and so on)
Those to settings removed the overnight powerdrain problem. The next night it only went from 100% to about 98% when I slept
And since I am a serious betterysaver I also turned off autolight on screen, and set it to lowest light possible (still nice picture). I turned on the "Autoadjust screenpower), turned off all animations, turned off all kind of vibrations on the phone.
I left the"System powersetting" alone. It didnt save much power and it made the phone slower.
All in all, now my battery is great, I still have lot of juice left after a full day of using my Galaxy Note
I seem to have fixed my problem, without having to do a full wipe. I don't know which part it was that finally did it, but I'm glad it now behaves like I think it should. (about 2% battery drain in ~5h in pocket, one 1min phonecall and two or three times checking time from lockscreen.)
Anyway, I apparently ALSO had the infamous problem with Mediaserver eating humongous amounts of battery, so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with the WiFi keeping it awake or was just a separate problem.
Long story short, here's what I did:
a) installed JuiceDefender, had it manage Wifi
b) turned Wifi on, restart
c) turned Wifi off, restart
[d) installed nomedia manager and excluded most directories from mediascanner]
e) turned phone off, recharged to 100%.
Seems to be working now. No WiFi wakelocks, no mediaserver eating CPU, deep sleep ~70% of the time.

[Q] Battery drain issue

I got my second android phone (LG G2 obviously) this christmas, and I haven't had time to properly use it (I don't have a micro SIM yet). I noticed that my battery is going empty pretty fast, although I heard this phone has a amazing battery. My friend got this phone too and he told he's been on one charge for about 36 hours with constant wi-fi connection, app downloading, playing games etc. so I figured something's off. I charged the device before going to bed and when I woke up (10 hrs later) battery was on 85% (only 2 MINUTES of screen time!!!!) and I had no apps running on the backround, no nothing. So now I'm thinking is there some easy fix for this or should I return it and get a replacement? Also something weird I noticed yesterday was that even though I don't have a SIM card yet, but 16% of the battery was used by the phone application. I did some screenshots of battery usage today and yesterday too if anyone's interested.
There are literally dozens of similar threads... suggest you start searching.
And I literally have gone through 90% of them so I decided to start a new thead. Do you (or someone) think that a factory reset could help? And the next question might sound stupid, but if I do a factory reset then does the warranty remain? Better safe than sorry I guess
I just played 4 minuts of hill climb racing and lost 3% of my battery, this is not normal. Does anyone even have a solution for this? All I see on other threads is questions and questions, but I don't see anyone saying "That worked and my battery life is normal now"
It's normal if screen is bright. Especially if carrier bloat is still there. Post screens, all you have, and what carrier. The phone could have been sick in a search state.
I don't think my phone is tied to any carrier, it was bought from just a regular electronics shop, but frankly I did a facory reset and didn't realize that all my screenshots will be gone too. Do you really think it's normal that 10 hrs of idling causes 15% battery loss? And it has the stock LG apps (safety care, life square, cell broadcast etc.). What do you mean by "The phone could have been sick in a search state."? My screen brightness is on 70%.
It's normal with bloat in it. They all have bloat stock. 70 is high and can eat at the battery pretty good. I mean it could have software glitched and was struck searching for activation behind the scenes. Use Wake Lock Detector and see what is keeping it awake.
This, almost 20% drop was caused by downloading 3 apps (facebook, facebook messenger and twitter), updating ~10 apps (all done via wi-fi) and rearranging my home screen.
Steamer86, are you sure? My friend told me that he has been 36 hrs on one charge without changing any settings and just downloading apps, playing games and testing the phone.
Your idle is great at that point in time. Facebook is a battery killer. That's a lot of activity with 70% brightness all the time. It's 17% and medium higher side usage and an hour+ of screen time. What are you expecting? At this rate with 70% constant screen and Wi-Fi pushing pretty good you would get almost 6 hours OST. That isn't bad bud.
Steamer86 said:
Your idle is great at that point in time. Facebook is a battery killer. That's a lot of activity with 70% brightness all the time. It's 17% and medium higher side usage and an hour+ of screen time. What are you expecting? At this rate with 70% constant screen and Wi-Fi pushing pretty good you would get almost 6 hours OST. That isn't bad bud.
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I hope you are right, but for helping and giving advice I'm going to hit that 'thanks' button
This night i lost 18% of my battery and my phone was almost all the time on deep sleep.
But i did notice something weird, battery usage shows that Android OS is using up most of my battery and when I press on it and then hit the back button then the Android OS changes to something called surfaceflinger for a millisecond (check the screenshots)
xyrrrrr said:
This night i lost 18% of my battery and my phone was almost all the time on deep sleep.
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Can you try putting your phone in airplane mode and then turn on Wi-Fi? If you aren't using a cell carrier than there's no need to keep that on.
See how this works in increasing battery life for you.
Sent from my LG-D800 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Battery is weak.

Hello, I received my G2 today but after reading so much about the invincible battery it has, I'm too disappointed.
It's just like my One's battery. I've turned the phone on, it was 85%. I set the brightness to 60%, and 1% drops every 3-4 minutes of nothing but turned on screen. I don't play, I don't surf.
What's wrong with it?
MaorSwan said:
Hello, I received my G2 today but after reading so much about the invincible battery it has, I'm too disappointed.
It's just like my One's battery. I've turned the phone on, it was 85%. I set the brightness to 60%, and 1% drops every 3-4 minutes of nothing but turned on screen. I don't play, I don't surf.
What's wrong with it?
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If you just received it today it's way too early to judge battery life. Use wake lock detector and/or GSAM. Check your apps battery usage and Greenify anything that uses a lot (not instant messaging apps of course). Let the phone settle over a couple days, charge it to 100% and then judge after that.
In other words, what you are seeing is completely normal when you are breaking in a new phone. If you install a new rom, expect to see the exact same thing.

LG V20 Battery drains on "Phone Idle" and Wifi is always on.

Hi guys,
Hope you all doing great.
Guys i have LG V20 n using from last year. It was working great without any issue. Battery timing was awesome. Giving me 5:30 to 6 hours screen on time. Almost day and Half on normal use. 2 days back something happened no idea what. Now phone idle using more then screen on time and wifi is always on even its off. I tired to uninstall app, then factory reset but still same.... No luck.... Any solution ??
Go to your location setting use the tab in upper right, click setting and turn wifi scanning off.
I tried this but no luck
As i mentioned i tried everything thing, like location off, wifi and Bluetooth scanning off, play services off, Almost everything is off, but still same. No luck...
shazzi said:
As i mentioned i tried everything thing, like location off, wifi and Bluetooth scanning off, play services off, Almost everything is off, but still same. No luck...
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Try to install battery monitor application (I use betterbatterystats) to find out what is causing your idle drain. But to be honest, I've never got 5-6 SOT. My idle drain is about 0,7% per hour with greenify, managed Google play services wakeup, custom kernel, kernel adiutor and about 80 apps on board.
I'll try and help the best I can..
Within the last year or so..I have been reading about this issue quite often. That is, people posting about "Phone Idle" having high percentage in battery stats. And then they are off to hunt down the culprit. The truth is, "Phone Idle" is NOT eating up your battery. Phone Idle is just that.... Time the phone has spent being idle (being still, or CPU/Battery not being used). Or in this case, percentage of total battery "usage" that belongs to "Phone Idle". In actuality, phone idle isn't "using" anything. The "usage" for phone idle is really time NOT used. A higher percentage is better. If your phone sat for 2 days straight without being used...the phone idle % will be real high. Also, you can't "Greenify" phone idle. You only greenify phone idle when you greenify other apps.....think about it.
And as for Wifi. The Wifi radio on this phone is a bit more power hungry. It doesn't even include any power saving options that some phones, like my Samsung S4 has. My S4 used on average from 2% - 6% depending on signal strength. The V20 can use from 7% - 11% ..again depending on signal strength. If you leave Wifi on overnight and it's in bad proximity to the router..10-11% is normal.
What is your average signal strength for your 4G and cellular (calls)? CDMA has 1X, I'm not sure what GSM uses. If it's in the high 90's and higher, that right there could be chewing up your battery. Phone radio often doesn't even show on the usage list.
How often do you need to charge? Also how much time between a charge and what is your usual screen on time now..after you wrote this post? Phone idle is only at the top because the "idle" time now exceeds the amount of time you have your screen on. ......don't take this the wrong way but some people think the phone idle is actually something that's draining the battery. It's not..it's just placed within the list. Ignore the Mah it shows for it. That just assumes it's some app and it tries to convert everything into mah..and I really don't know how accurate that is. But it obviously doesn't apply to Phone Idle. Speaking of...what is the amount of phone idle time?

