I managed to fix mms sending on cricket. I edited default.xml in /system/customize/MNS and Mms.apk. Now my picture message works perfectly on my phone.
So in order to install files you need to download them and then unzip
You need to place both filies inc c:\ drive.
adb push c:\Mms.apk /system/app/Mms.apk
adb push default.xml /system/customize/MNS/default.xml
adb reboot
Once your phone reboots it should work fine with picture messages.
Did anyone try this let me know how this works for you. I would post my apn settings but I use full android plan. Let me know how this works for you guys.
Now this is something we need to get the mms receive working in miui but for sprint
Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk
This for cricket it allows to receive and send picture message. I tested with verizon and t mobile customers and works realy fast.
Could you fix the one for the miui rom it only sends mms but dont receive
Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk
hmm interesting lemme try summin
Did you modify MMS.apk and fix what was causing it not to send properly? Is this a modified MMS from a Sprint rom? Or one from a Verizon roms like the rest of us have been using?
Would you mind sharing?
Also, are you capable of MMS while wifi is on by any chance?
Thanks for sharing....
I will try and repost my results I also am on the android plan this is my apn settings..
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<apns count="1">
<apn name="CDMA-MMS" numeric="46605" mcc="466" mnc="05" apn="mms" user="" server="NA" password="cricket" proxy="" port="8080" mmsproxy="null" mmsport="null" mmsprotocol="null" mmsc="" type="mms" />
Thanks to deathsled... for the apn
WHOA, Im ecstatic!
You did it!
I confirm this solution to be working on my favorite ROM solution...
VirusROM BASE SENSE RC3 with Carbon Theme...
I could not use the adb push method as I am on the road and forgot to grab my micro usb cable...
1. I used Root Explorer to first delete mms.apk from /system/app
2. I copied mms.apk to /system/app
3. Using Root Explorer I over wrote default.xml/system/customize/MNS/default.xml
4. Reboot
A. To my surprise I did not have a messaging app in the app drawer upon boot?
B. Using Root Explorer I navigated my SD card to folder I had placed mms.apk and launched mms.apk thus installing.
6. Downloaded and installed APN Backup, removed current apn.
7. I used the above posted APN.xml after modifying the "red" string with my info, thanks deathsled provided and apn.xml
8. Rebooted
I figure some of the steps may not be necessary how ever I documented the exact process and procedure in which I now have functioning MMS..
tritron777 Major props to you man!!! You just killed it man!!!!
This is from sprint rom mms.apk and default.xml. I did not try to send mms over wifi.
I believe that for someone using proxy they can use apn proxy by changing this mmsproxy="null" mmsport="null" to mmsproxy="wap.mycricket.coml" mmsport="8080"
Well I found out that modification to default.xml also changed the market. It restored download section. The problem with sending mms over wifi is that we mms server is protected by cricket or any carrier so it limited by range of ip addresses so we can't connect because we are not on a network. So the only way to make this work is to have stop wireless connection and start data the moment we eant to send mms.
What was the issue with the market download section?
I did not have an issue with it that I noticed?
tritron777 said:
This is from sprint rom mms.apk and default.xml. I did not try to send mms over wifi.
I believe that for someone using proxy they can use apn proxy by changing this mmsproxy="null" mmsport="null" to mmsproxy="wap.mycricket.coml" mmsport="8080"
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Proxy information is not needed on cricket regardless of the plan. (im on a proxy plan and don't have any in there and its fine)
Question for you, was all that you modified was the:
X-SPRINT-MDN to X-Cricket-MDN?
Or were there other internal changes to the Mms.apk file needed? reason im asking is i would like to do the same for hero users as well since this seems to plague all sprint roms and i have been digging to find the root cause for awhile
That the change I made to mms.apk wasto change X-MDN to X-Cricket-MDN I guess metropc would need X-metropc-MDN. Now default.xml I changed all sprint references to
the way ZIO shows it self. Now that gets market back to the way it was before sprint section was added
tritron777 said:
That the change I made to mms.apk wasto change X-MDN to X-Cricket-MDN I guess metropc would need X-metropc-MDN. Now default.xml I changed all sprint references to
the way ZIO shows it self. Now that gets market back to the way it was before sprint section was added
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Awesome thanks for the info. Going to try to correct this for hero's now as well
and now we know!
Next up, fix MMS under AOSP/non sense roms for Cricket. Or does that work and I'm retarded? I couldn't find anywhere to set the MMS size and I think that might be the only problem.
Just in case I have a backup of the Mms.apk from a brand new Samsung epic. Just email or PM me. no I do not charge for this. And if anyone can host the file i will be more than glad to share.
the Mms.apk does remove the Mms from the phone. when i try to reinstall it from the phone using root explorer it says "Parse Error there is a problem parsing the package." does anyone know what i can do to fix this error?
Not related but... anyone get Metro MMS working yet? I have a working APN from my bros Eris and I cant get it working at all... How would one edit the Mms.apk?
morbidj said:
WHOA, Im ecstatic!
You did it!
I confirm this solution to be working on my favorite ROM solution...
VirusROM BASE SENSE RC3 with Carbon Theme...
I could not use the adb push method as I am on the road and forgot to grab my micro usb cable...
1. I used Root Explorer to first delete mms.apk from /system/app
2. I copied mms.apk to /system/app
3. Using Root Explorer I over wrote default.xml/system/customize/MNS/default.xml
4. Reboot
A. To my surprise I did not have a messaging app in the app drawer upon boot?
B. Using Root Explorer I navigated my SD card to folder I had placed mms.apk and launched mms.apk thus installing.
6. Downloaded and installed APN Backup, removed current apn.
7. I used the above posted APN.xml after modifying the "red" string with my info, thanks deathsled provided and apn.xml
8. Rebooted
I figure some of the steps may not be necessary how ever I documented the exact process and procedure in which I now have functioning MMS..
tritron777 Major props to you man!!! You just killed it man!!!!
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I keep getting application not installed for step 5B when trying to install app any way around this?
I tried with Root Explorer, App Installer, and even adb install, non worked!
I have rooted my phone and installed cwm recovery with the loki images built in. I am trying to modify my build.prop file so I can hide my soft keys manually and use lmt pie, but when I'm using Root Explorer (after I've mounted it as r/w) and when I open it with a text editor from RE it says "This file is too I large..." and displays a truncate version. It also won't let me save any edits. What am I doing wrong?
in_dmand said:
I have rooted my phone and installed cwm recovery with the loki images built in. I am trying to modify my build.prop file so I can hide my soft keys manually and use lmt pie, but when I'm using Root Explorer (after I've mounted it as r/w) and when I open it with a text editor from RE it says "This file is too I large..." and displays a truncate version. It also won't let me save any edits. What am I doing wrong?
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I can do that above with RE, very strange problem you have.
Try a build.prop editor, i used this in the link. It sets correct permissions after editing and so on. Use the pencil icon in the bottom right to edit.
Same thing for me with Root Explorer, instead I use build.prop Editor
EDIT: not fast enough :laugh:
qsec said:
I can do that above with RE, very strange problem you have.
Try a build.prop editor, i used this in the link. It sets correct permissions after editing and so on. Use the pencil icon in the bottom right to edit.
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I got it and tried exactly like you said, and while it does pull it up and my keyboard pulls up and I can feel the haptic feedback, no letters will be inserted in deleted...? Really weird.
Maybe it's related to my root access? TB is showing I'm rooted, but check out my superuser app when I try to update an install new binaries...
Get rid of Superuser and try SuperSu instead. Sometimes the old Superuser has issues on ROMs since ICS.
EniGmA1987 said:
Get rid of Superuser and try SuperSu instead. Sometimes the old Superuser has issues on ROMs since ICS.
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Downloaded and installed... Removed the old one. Still not letting me edit... Looks an feels like it is but won't enter any characters. At least RE isn't giving me the "too large" error anymore
in_dmand said:
I got it and tried exactly like you said, and while it does pull it up and my keyboard pulls up and I can feel the haptic feedback, no letters will be inserted in deleted...? Really weird.
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i had the same issue, couldn't figure out why. try replacing a commented line with the code to disable the nav bar
How do I know if it's just a commented line and not necessary to the program?
in_dmand said:
I have rooted my phone and installed cwm recovery with the loki images built in. I am trying to modify my build.prop file so I can hide my soft keys manually and use lmt pie, but when I'm using Root Explorer (after I've mounted it as r/w) and when I open it with a text editor from RE it says "This file is too I large..." and displays a truncate version. It also won't let me save any edits. What am I doing wrong?
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i had the same issue any help?
If you are in stock android 4.4.2 dont do it
You will stuck on bootloop
If you still wand to do let copy your build.prop to pc and edit with notebat++ or some program and recopy overwrite to your phone
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
maxkanick said:
If you are in stock android 4.4.2 dont do it
You will stuck on bootloop
If you still wand to do let copy your build.prop to pc and edit with notebat++ or some program and recopy overwrite to your phone
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
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You are right, I have tried to edit it on pc and stuck on a bootloop.
Use build.prop editor app from playstore
_____________________________________Read more write less and be smart
Hi, first time poster here. I can usually find what I need, but I'm stumped here.
I'm running a rooted Galaxy S4 on ATT with the i337ucuamf3 build.
I've successfully installed viper4android, but it only works on and off, with Google Music.
I'm pretty sure the fix for this is to change the build.prop lines: Ipa.decode, tunnel.decode and Ipa.use-stagefright.
I've tried everything that I can think of, but I no matter how I make the changes, they will not save. I've tried mounting System R/W in Rom Toolbox, and booting into System R/W. I've made the changes with Rom Toolbox Pro and ES File Manager. Nothing works.
Can anybody tell me if I just can't make these changes to build.prop because of the build I'm running?
Please, any help would be appreciated. When viper does work, it's incredible!
synesthesiac said:
Hi, first time poster here. I can usually find what I need, but I'm stumped here.
I'm running a rooted Galaxy S4 on ATT with the i337ucuamf3 build.
I've successfully installed viper4android, but it only works on and off, with Google Music.
I'm pretty sure the fix for this is to change the build.prop lines: Ipa.decode, tunnel.decode and Ipa.use-stagefright.
I've tried everything that I can think of, but I no matter how I make the changes, they will not save. I've tried mounting System R/W in Rom Toolbox, and booting into System R/W. I've made the changes with Rom Toolbox Pro and ES File Manager. Nothing works.
Can anybody tell me if I just can't make these changes to build.prop because of the build I'm running?
Please, any help would be appreciated. When viper does work, it's incredible!
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I was trying to edit the build prop file using the ES Explorer, but the same happened to me, I could edit the file by downloading the "build prop editor" from play store.
Edit the file by pressing the button in shape of a pencil and later press the save button. If you only search for the line you want to edit in the main screen of the app you will be able to modify the line but the changes are not saved.
synesthesiac said:
Hi, first time poster here. I can usually find what I need, but I'm stumped here.
I'm running a rooted Galaxy S4 on ATT with the i337ucuamf3 build.
I've successfully installed viper4android, but it only works on and off, with Google Music.
I'm pretty sure the fix for this is to change the build.prop lines: Ipa.decode, tunnel.decode and Ipa.use-stagefright.
I've tried everything that I can think of, but I no matter how I make the changes, they will not save. I've tried mounting System R/W in Rom Toolbox, and booting into System R/W. I've made the changes with Rom Toolbox Pro and ES File Manager. Nothing works.
Can anybody tell me if I just can't make these changes to build.prop because of the build I'm running?
Please, any help would be appreciated. When viper does work, it's incredible!
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Never mind.
ES File doesn't always save, you'll just have to try a different app. Root explorer should work or fx file manager.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
Is there any way to enable MobileData toggle on 4.4.2 Canadian Galaxy s4 (i337m)
In the T-Mobile forums I found this tutorial:
But when I try to edit with SQLite Editor, it displays an Error (Error 14)
Well... I tried other way to edit via Ubuntu without success, but I have some clues based on the thread above:
In data/data/ you will find settings.db
Open with SQLite Database Browser and go to "Browser Data" tab
Select "System" in table and scroll down until you find this value name: notification_panel_active_app_list
In "value" you will find all the features enabled (Wifi;Location;SilentMode...etc.)
But if you put "MobileData;" after "AirplaneMode" value, save and pull to the original place fixing permissions with root explorer, you will get a eternal Samsung logo after reboot... so
Is there a way to enable toogles in Quick Settings?
Added only MobileData; :good:
Pika71 said:
Added only MobileData; :good:
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Does it works in your device?
vicl89 said:
Is there any way to enable MobileData toggle on 4.4.2 Canadian Galaxy s4 (i337m)
In the T-Mobile forums I found this tutorial:
But when I try to edit with SQLite Editor, it displays an Error (Error 14)
Well... I tried other way to edit via Ubuntu without success, but I have some clues based on the thread above:
In data/data/ you will find settings.db
Open with SQLite Database Browser and go to "Browser Data" tab
Select "System" in table and scroll down until you find this value name: notification_panel_active_app_list
In "value" you will find all the features enabled (Wifi;Location;SilentMode...etc.)
But if you put "MobileData;" after "AirplaneMode" value, save and pull to the original place fixing permissions with root explorer, you will get a eternal Samsung logo after reboot... so
Is there a way to enable toogles in Quick Settings?
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What I did was replace system.apk and system.odex. backed them up and replaced with system.apk grin Maple Leaf ROM.
This showed me to use the sqlite editor method.
Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
Spacemonkie4207 said:
What I did was replace system.apk and system.odex. backed them up and replaced with system.apk grin Maple Leaf ROM.
This showed me to use the sqlite editor method.
Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
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Can you upload the apk in a server please? Did it work for you? Please send me some screenshots if you can. Thanks!
I resolved
vicl89 said:
Is there any way to enable MobileData toggle on 4.4.2 Canadian Galaxy s4 (i337m)
In the T-Mobile forums I found this tutorial:
But when I try to edit with SQLite Editor, it displays an Error (Error 14)
Well... I tried other way to edit via Ubuntu without success, but I have some clues based on the thread above:
In data/data/ you will find settings.db
Open with SQLite Database Browser and go to "Browser Data" tab
Select "System" in table and scroll down until you find this value name: notification_panel_active_app_list
In "value" you will find all the features enabled (Wifi;Location;SilentMode...etc.)
But if you put "MobileData;" after "AirplaneMode" value, save and pull to the original place fixing permissions with root explorer, you will get a eternal Samsung logo after reboot... so
Is there a way to enable toogles in Quick Settings?
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Try with this app
Superman19 said:
Try with this app
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Thanks! it worked
vicl89 said:
Thanks! it worked
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I can´t make it, maybe I´m not using correctly the SQLite Debugger app. Please help me.
altitud63 said:
I can´t make it, maybe I´m not using correctly the SQLite Debugger app. Please help me.
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In my case the SQLite app didn't work for me, try SQLite Debugger and problem solved!
vicl89 said:
In my case the SQLite app didn't work for me, try SQLite Debugger and problem solved!
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Thats the one I´m using, I do the changes, but when I restart still there is no Data Toogle ...I will keep trying.
Just wanted to share a few CSC features that are tested to work on the S6/S6 edge.
This is not my work, just sharing.
To enable these you will need root, a root explorer and text editor.
Simply navigate to system/csc/Features.xml and add the corresponding line to the end of the file but before the very last few lines that say </feature> and </Samsung>
(if this file does not exist, create the csc folder in system and a txt file within it then change the name to features.xml and add the correct lines and save) if this does not work you can try the same method with Others.XML in the same folder
*Make sure you make backups of the stock files in case there are issues.*
Enable WiFi calling in phone settings:
Enable native voice call recording(maybe illegal is some countries):
Enable shutter sound switch in camera settings(maybe illegal is some countries):
Enable camera during call:
Enable manual rotation option in gallery:
Continuous music while using camera:
Enable scheduled messaging option in messaging app:
Enable exit buttons in default browser:
Enable 2nd symbol keys on stock keyboard:
Enable VoLTE Support: Thanks to IakobosJ
Remove NFC enabled icon in the status bar: Thanks to evonc
[COLOR="Red"]Delete line[/COLOR] : <CscFeature_NFC_StatusBarIconType>DEFAULT</CscFeature_NFC_StatusBarIconType>
ADDED 21/04/15
Sort app draw alphabetically:
I Hope this helps someone out,
Big Thanks to this post for the info, there are many more in the original post but these are the only ones I've tried and have worked so far,
and IakobosJ for his help in the wifi calling thread
if anything needs adding let us know and it can be added to this post,
This is dedicated to the hard working XDA community
Thank You All
Theres also some nice tools in the play store -:- Be careful when using these!
Samsung CSC Master
CSC Feature Expert
(I own google so get a big cut of the profit made on these )
I've tried CSC Feature Expert now -and it seems to work well,
Quick tut:
I would backup original CSC folder first
Just search for the option you want to enable,
Select the value ( see pic 1)
in the popup - Input the correct value (see pic 2 - label 1)
(a few examples of values)
' RecordingAllowed ' to enable call recording,
' true ' for shutter sound menu,
' true ' for launcher by alphabet,
' true ' for rotation icon in gallery,
' true ' for support wifi call,
then click save (see pic 2 - label 2)
restart you device
Hope this helps
If only we could root, without tripping Knox.
I don't want to root my phone in fear that Samsung Pay won't work with a tripped Knox.
Nice to see you've put all of this information together
For those on EE you may also want to enable VoLTE. I know it's unlikely to be in anyones area yet, but they are rolling it out across the UK (Very slowly)
Enable VoLTE Support
Enable VoLTE
Just a quick note that the commands have to be added before the
</SamsungMobileFeauture> tags at the end of the file.
Tested the Call recording and Shutter sound edits. Worked great.
Lastly if you want to remove that ugly NFC enabled icon in the status bar, delete line
from the file and it will hide the icon.
evonc said:
Just a quick note that the commands have to be added before the
</SamsungMobileFeauture> tags at the end of the file.
Tested the Call recording and Shutter sound edits. Worked great.
Lastly if you want to remove that ugly NFC enabled icon in the status bar, delete line
from the file and it will hide the icon.
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Thats strange as I've added mine after the samsung tags and all is working fine fine on my device.
Have you had problems in the past with doing that?
No. I saw the file header and noticed they're inserting commands between those tags. The original guide also has that listed but I guess it may or may not work.
Also I believe the file may get reset when you enter stock recovery so I'm assuming this should work as a fix.
1. Open the sales_code.dat to find your csc code.
2. Open the folder above with the same code.
3. Navigate to <code>/system/csc and you'll see another others.xml
4. This is most likely the file that gets applied after a factory reset/activation.
5. Make changes to this file as well.
*Make sure you make backups of the stock files in case there are issues.*
evonc said:
No. I saw the file header and noticed they're inserting commands between those tags. The original guide also has that listed but I guess it may or may not work.
Also I believe the file may get reset when you enter stock recovery so I'm assuming this should work as a fix.
1. Open the sales_code.dat to find your csc code.
2. Open the folder above with the same code.
3. Navigate to <code>/system/csc and you'll see another others.xml
4. This is most likely the file that gets applied after a factory reset/activation.
5. Make changes to this file as well.
*Make sure you make backups of the stock files in case there are issues.*
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I would have thought it would have had to be within those tags too. Only found it didn't when i wasn't paying attention while modding it. LoL
Nice tip. Thanks. hoping there's more cool things that can enabled with this, maybe some S6 exclusives finds .
I'm on the Sprint Edge and don't have that folder. I guess I'll create and see what happens
SantinoInc said:
I'm on the Sprint Edge and don't have that folder. I guess I'll create and see what happens
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I didnt have it either . Just create the csc folder and make a txt file and change the name to others.xml. as the op states. infact ill post a copy with basic changes i the first post.
It works fine for me. hopfully you wont have any issues
I actually did have the folder. I was looking at the folder ". System" However, after adding those lines and saving it had no effect. Can you take a look at this to see if it's right?
Edit: can't upload the xml file.
SantinoInc said:
I actually did have the folder. I was looking at the folder ". System" However, after adding those lines and saving it had no effect. Can you take a look at this to see if it's right?
Edit: can't upload the xml file.
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You'll have to zip it before you can upload it... or rename others.xml to others.txt
I've attached a basic others.xml with all functions listed in the OP
and an original copy of the EE csc folder that IakobosJ uploaded in the WIFI calling thread
(it would be good if everybody could upload their original csc folders for reference and backups in case someone messes up theirs by accident.)
You can just copy and paste my others.xml into the bottom of your own others.xml(backup yours first)
I've had to do this as XDA's forum system seems to have changed at least one of the lines I've posted, and I've even tried going back and editing and it keeps putting a space in the middle of one of them, so use the upload if your having trouble,
I've deleted all but this file in my csc folder and tested it to make sure there nothing else it depends on - everything is working fine on my device.
But feel free to upload your for us to have a look at
im confused?
i can already do wifi calling and most of these things already without root
im on tmobile
tiboric said:
You'll have to zip it before you can upload it... or rename others.xml to others.txt
I've attached a basic others.xml with all functions listed in the OP
and an original copy of the EE csc folder that IakobosJ uploaded in the WIFI calling thread
(it would be good if everybody could upload their original csc folders for reference and backups in case someone messes up theirs by accident.)
You can just copy and paste my others.xml into the bottom of your own others.xml(backup yours first)
I've had to do this as XDA's forum system seems to have changed at least one of the lines I've posted, and I've even tried going back and editing and it keeps putting a space in the middle of one of them, so use the upload if your having trouble,
I've deleted all but this file in my csc folder and tested it to make sure there nothing else it depends on - everything is working fine on my device.
But feel free to upload your for us to have a look at
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Ok, I'm finally on a PC so I had a chance to zip that file and have uploaded it. IDK where I screwed up. I'm rooted, I found the System/CSC/Others file and made the proper edits and then saved it. The original file was automatically backed up. The permissions were the same as the original file. IDK what I did wrong.
SantinoInc said:
Ok, I'm finally on a PC so I had a chance to zip that file and have uploaded it. IDK where I screwed up. I'm rooted, I found the System/CSC/Others file and made the proper edits and then saved it. The original file was automatically backed up. The permissions were the same as the original file. IDK what I did wrong.
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is it just call recording and shutter sound toggle you want to add?
I want to add the NO NFC notification, CALL RECORDING, WI-FI CALLING and NO SOUND for snapping pics.
SantinoInc said:
I want to add the NO NFC notification, CALL RECORDING, WI-FI CALLING and NO SOUND for snapping pics.
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I've uploaded two versions, one with the feature you've asked for and a full featured one, both based on your original other.xml and tested on my device to be working
just copy one to your csc folder
let me know if you have any problems
tiboric said:
I've uploaded two versions, one with the feature you've asked for and a full featured one, both based on your original other.xml and tested on my device to be working
just copy one to your csc folder
let me know if you have any problems
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I really appreciate the effort but that didn't work either. I used the file you uploaded for me and made sure the permissions were the same and rebooted. None of the mods worked. It's really weird. I'm going to inquire in the Sprint thread to see if anyone can get these to work.
Unrelated do you know which folder I can find the boot sounds and camera sounds? I'm just going to delete them and that will solve part of my problem.
SantinoInc said:
I really appreciate the effort but that didn't work either. I used the file you uploaded for me and made sure the permissions were the same and rebooted. None of the mods worked. It's really weird. I'm going to inquire in the Sprint thread to see if anyone can get these to work.
Unrelated do you know which folder I can find the boot sounds and camera sounds? I'm just going to delete them and that will solve part of my problem.
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Thats a shame maybe sprint have changed something.
Sure its
Hope this helps
Killed boot sound but I must have not found the right OGG file for the camera. Do you know the name of the file?
SantinoInc said:
Killed boot sound but I must have not found the right OGG file for the camera. Do you know the name of the file?
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I believe its
P.s did you try any of the apps posted in the second post. I dont know how well the work but ghey seem to have good reviews