Expert opinion on HTTP header - Networking

Hi guys,
I'm working on an app at the moment but I can't get it to work.
I am trying to load a webpage by its IP address, usually this will not work because the server doesn't know what site you want to access in the case of a shared hosting etc. So I am injecting the "host" header into the request. However the page will still not load.
Anyone got an idea of how I can do this. I know I can use the host file but I'm trying to achieve it without admin privileges. on the pc.
Using wireshark the only difference I found in the packet were GET string in the HTTP header so not sure if I'm missing something..

There is no way to help you if you don't provide any sort of source code or dump of the packages you're sending.


PocketPC program to update dynamic DNS name at

Yet another way that your device can be protected is whenever it's able to hit the internet. It would update a dynamic DNS entry on your account at with hopefully a public IP address it gets and from there, if you have a program like SOTI Pocket Controller Professional, you can instantly gain remote access to the device. That's just one program of many that could benefit from this.
Is there any program for the Pocket PC that updates a dynamic DNS name there?
Any news on programs like this?
Would be very much appreciated!
If you look up posts by OdeeanRDeathshead you will find a discussion somewhere (sorry, don't remember the exact link) that you can't get a public IP over GPRS connection, so unless the phone it self initiates a connection you can not reach it.
This means that unless you device is connected via WIFI a program like this would be useless.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
OK, I understand that.
I found an IP using For example
I'm using my phone to connect to an Exchange Server. But I only want my phone to reach te server, so I have set up my firewall to forward (NAT) certain ports from source to the Exchange Server. The rest of the IP's are going somewhere else.
But the IP changes of course, guess T-Mobile has more gateways in use. Maybe to another everytime you connect.
Is there a program that sends a query to (or another site like this) and then updates the IP address in a DNS record (like Any help would be appreciated.

Sending HTTP Header in C++

I'm developing an application for Window Mobile 2003 that will upload GPS positional data to a server which can then be displayed to an end user.
I've managed to establish a connection to the internet using the connection manager Api. I now need to send a HTTP POST header to my server in order to upload the information, could anyone give me any guidance on the best way of doing this? I've tried the HTTPRequest.... functions but the function fails, is there an alternative to this method?
Thakn you in advance

Writing a local proxy server WM6

Hi all,
I've written a proxy server in C# for my HTC Wizard running WM6 with the .NET Compact Framework. Its configured to route My Work Network through a proxy address on port 8888. My proxy program runs a TcpListener on this port and IEMobile browser requests are sent to my proxy which goes to the web, gets each required file and returns them to the browser.
It works fine for files of the type htm, html, gif, png, jpg - but whenever a page uses css or js, it will not load the pages. Any clues as to why??
The program is simply an intermediate agent that reads and writes bytes from the browser and the remote point. Does anybody know why these different types of files never load correctly??
Please, any help or debug ideas is appreciated.
etnaelk said:
Hi all,
I've written a proxy server in C# for my HTC Wizard running WM6 with the .NET Compact Framework. Its configured to route My Work Network through a proxy address on port 8888. My proxy program runs a TcpListener on this port and IEMobile browser requests are sent to my proxy which goes to the web, gets each required file and returns them to the browser.
It works fine for files of the type htm, html, gif, png, jpg - but whenever a page uses css or js, it will not load the pages. Any clues as to why??
The program is simply an intermediate agent that reads and writes bytes from the browser and the remote point. Does anybody know why these different types of files never load correctly??
Please, any help or debug ideas is appreciated.
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wow, nice.
i could really really use your source code for something im working on.
care to share?
don't worry, it's not anything im planning to publish soon, just a personal project.
and if i ever will, it will be with your full concent and you will be credited.
[email protected]
thank you!
Everybody who want to share their internet connection on the phone via wifi to their local network via a proxy on the phone raise their hands.
woohoo! me me me! xD
actually, it is the proxy itself that i need for other functionality. thats why i need the source code...
me too, the proxy not the source code
etnaelk said:
Hi all,
I've written a proxy server in C# for my HTC Wizard running WM6 with the .NET Compact Framework. Its configured to route My Work Network through a proxy address on port 8888. My proxy program runs a TcpListener on this port and IEMobile browser requests are sent to my proxy which goes to the web, gets each required file and returns them to the browser.
It works fine for files of the type htm, html, gif, png, jpg - but whenever a page uses css or js, it will not load the pages. Any clues as to why??
The program is simply an intermediate agent that reads and writes bytes from the browser and the remote point. Does anybody know why these different types of files never load correctly??
Please, any help or debug ideas is appreciated.
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You alos need to do some header parsing. If you don't want to do much work, your best bet is just converting my Java language HTTP proxy to C# - it has no problems with any special files (and also supports HTTP Post). See for the source & more info.
Thanks, Menneisyys.
I'll give it a look and hope it solves my problems. I definitely haven't done any header parsing so lets hope...
On an aside, I was wondering if anybody has any resources on the Connection Manager API for mobile device networking? I am looking for some sample code in C++ which it is native or better yet if anybody has ever ported it to C#. Or if anybody knows how to port a .h file to C#.
Any help is appreciated.

wm6+ proxy to modify urls on the fly

Is there a wm6+ proxy which has capability to modify the urls on the fly ?
For e.g. if user types it could modify it to ?
I know for most of the sites the extra parameter will be useless but I need the extra parameter to be sent to few of the websites which my friend owns..
since I need that parameter to be appended to each request (image,css,js file, form post url etc) Just manually typing the url in browser will not work for me.
any ideas ?

[SOLVED][Q] Android Login Application

Hello everyone !
I want to create an android app, that should take input username and password and then login to a website. Basically any website. Well, I am trying to create an app for a website with login page in .aspx form.
I googled regarding this but was unable to find some effective solution. Almost all websites I searched contained only login page design and a simple java code which equals username and password and then makes a toast text. I need some info regarding how to login into that particular page with active session.
Let login page be:
I am not a beginner and have developed few apps. This project is very important for me. So please help me regarding this.
Anykind of help is highly appreciated. Please do help.
Come On Guys , Show some effort
Making apps "for website" in my opinion could be easily sorted turning the app "server side"... read my comment at this post.
By following my advice you have several advantages:
Users don't need to update their app when new version comes out
Harder to crack (unless they hack your server...)
Compatibility with different platforms/os
No disk-space needed on user device
If you really really need java code for that (as it's a school project requiring java or something ...) have you considered using raw sockets (probably not the best idea, but you asked for "Any kind of help" so... ) ? You said you have experience (I don't with java so can't help with the code, but I used similar technique in python, php, etc, ...) so it shouldn't be hard to find a simple code snippet for handling raw packet sending... Use your PC and fire up Wireshark or any other sniffer and debug the communication between client-server. Look at the header informations and data sent, and it will be easy to replicate those request-response via raw socket.

