Deploy a systemwide define feature in android just like in ios - Java for Android App Development

I have been an ios user for quite some time now and since english is not my first language the define feature really helps me when i read novels(or web articles) and i would really like to have that feature in my samsung tab s2.
Any ideas on how to go about it would be really helpful. Do i have to create a rom with the define feature in it or an application(with superuser support).
Thanks in advance.

As for what i know, i know core java and have created a basic call blocker(auto reject calls) aplication using android studio. If these things wont cut it i am willing to learn the language or w/e is needed to develop the ios define app

Well the Google translate app already has the feature you are asking for: you select a word from a text field and in the pop-up you select "share". Then share it to Google translate and it is automatically translated to your language
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

But you need to select the word then click share and then gotta search for Google translate outta the already available billion apps in the share dialog box


[Q] Need help for a app book programming.

Greeting Devs
I´m working for a while with Android on the HD2.
I´m looking for a reasonable app which i can look formulas and tables in the area of mechatronics.
As I had to realize, I have found nothing clever.
So I have come to the idea, to built on my own a APK
I have no idea of programming experience in Java, however, and programmable logic controllers and other little-known scripting language and consider myself quite capable of adapting a presentation app to my wishes and to compilers.
Now we come to the point can someone of you recommend a type of modular or prefabricated app in which I have a book which includes a search function in which I can then search for key words and the book is also scrollable?
A few important properties:
--->Must be in the landscape are absolutely
--->Editable bookmarks
At this point I would like to thank you in advance for any possible answer, and I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
With friendly greetings

The Communicator app: Where to start with Android app development

Hey guys
Aight so the idea is to create an app that lets the user speak to someone in a different language. You make a recording and using the same function that the voice search feature has that recording gets translated to typed words on the phone. The app then uses some translating service like google translate to convert that writing to a language of your choice. That writing will then get read* by the phone and can be heard through the speakers. So essentially you can talk to someone even if you dont speak the same language.
*I know this is possible because I used to have an app that did just this: it read out loud what you wrote down
I have no experience with android development, and not very much with programming either for that matter (ive done some python stuff). However, I thought of this, which dosen't seem too hard to create, and I thought this would be a great way for me to start off and learn about app development.
Ok so because most of the features already exist it should just be a matter of patching them all together (right?). This is where I need you guys' help. Any suggestions on where I could start?
I appreciate any help, no matter how big or small!
MODERATORS: I wasn't really sure if this was the right place to post this, so feel free to move it to where ever you find suiting if this isn't right.
I would love it if someone wanted to work on this together with me, but
I'm relatively new to Android myself. But in my understanding, I would suggest the best method to start coding this app is, to build a Service which is intended to do the network polling, and the translation for the App in Background. So I think you need a server which tracks your Messages, and serves the data for the app. U have to look at IPC (Inter Process Communication) to communicate with you service.
If you finished all these, then you can start to build an Android Activity to communicate with your user.

APPinventor noob question

I'm not a programmer, but I love to play with programming.
I wonder if appinventor can help me for creating an app like this:
1. press the button -> make a call background
2. when a message from the number i called is received I want the app read it aloud
I just want to know if it's possible to use appinventor for this project
Sorry for bad english
Yes it's possible to do both functions, but advanced programs are not possible because there isn't Java coding support.
Xda app

[Q] learning app for kids - what language should I learn to developed it ?

Hello programmers
I would like to do learning app for kids
the app will include :
1- registration -> to show the score that he got from quizzes and also display hes friends score (like a competition between friends)
1.1 - registration can using facebook , twitter so he can invite his friends to the game and play with them.
2- voice -> to say the name of the items (numbers, alphabets, animals, foods ... etc)
3- some animations -> for the quizzes answers (correct or incorrect) and going to next quiz. Also for menu
4- moving items by user -> to move the items (answer) to the correct picture
what languages should I learn to do this app?
I know Java , also I have create some basic apps for android from android tutorials like note , Calc and many basics app
but the design is regular android design
so for my app it needs other design for kids and it need be more colorful (including with any event user make)
I'm good designer using photoshop but I don't know how to get the sizes for the android layout and items sizes
also for registration : do I need to make database using sqllite ?or I have to create database online "mysql" for example ? or if i do registration via facebook only so I'll get the database from facebook ? (I haven't try to do facebook apps before)
as I said before the registration is only to display the score between user and his friends
for moving items (answers) to the correct pictures . is it the same way when I do it using JFrame in java ? so I just need to do an object then control it wit MouseMotionListener then mouseDragged and mouseMoved . what are the names for the events, interface listener and functions in android
about the "Voice": is there a website that I can download the sound for most of Items (numbers, alphabets, animals, foods) for free ? or should I create it by myself ?
also is it better to create many sound files? Or using Text-To-Speech (TTS) ?
I know how to play a sound file in my program
but if you suggesting using TTS can you please give me a link to learn how to use it
my question again .. what exactly should I learn to do this app with the details the I gave above ?
what I mean is don't please tell me you should learn for example Java tell me what I have to learn in java for android
such as what are the names for the events, interface listener and functions in android for MouseMotionListener - mouseDragged and mouseMoved
For graphics check Google's design guidelines. You can set any image as the background of a view. So being good at Photoshop is great.
I think that you will need to use Sqlite databases. You cannot handle other ones in Android (Ok. Maybe with some libs)
However, sometimes it can be done with files, too. That would mean maybe encrypted text files.
Use Android DPI Calculator to get the translation from pixels to dip for all screen resolution. You just input a width and/or height in pixels and it gives you the translation and even tells you if you'll get half pixels
For the APIs codebase, I guess the documentation is the the best place to look if you already know java :
Here is a good tutorial on how to achieve "drag n' drop" :

[SDK] [Library] Going global without localization?

It’s a well-known fact that the most important requirement of successful international distribution of an app is to be available on local languages.
But it does not mean that you should localize your app at all!
We developed a plugin for android apps that makes possible to translate the app by its users themselves on the phone. There are always fans of your app who pleasures to contribute in anything regarding your app. They will translate the app. All the other users can download and use these translations through the same plugin.
You can understand it easily by downloading the demo android app which already contains the plugin. (“App localization demo” on GooglePlay)
The plugin is free, you can download here or can see it on GHithub.
Any question and feedback is welcome.
app translation on phone demo
See the app demo
gyuri bp said:
It’s a well-known fact that the most important requirement of successful international distribution of an app is to be available on local languages.
But it does not mean that you should localize your app at all!
We developed a plugin for android apps that makes possible to translate the app by its users themselves on the phone. There are always fans of your app who pleasures to contribute in anything regarding your app. They will translate the app. All the other users can download and use these translations through the same plugin.
You can understand it easily by downloading the demo android app which already contains the plugin. (“App localization demo” on GooglePlay)
The plugin is free, you can download here or can see it on GHithub.
Any question and feedback is welcome.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It should be interesting! I am developer from Ukraine, and now we have a problem that localization for about 4-5 lang, what we need it's very costly. I can't beleive that it will work, but i will try it...Thanks for sharing.
Hello, I downloaded your game, it should work if the app is native and all the phrases on screen use standard android resource handling. In case you have any issue you can contact me directly too.
Very impressive, I'm just a beginner. I loved the idea of your game!
Will it work with games compiled with Haxe OpenFL?
Unfortunately this time cross-platform developments are not supported, only Android.
However resources translated on Android version can be used on other platforms as well.
We prepared a plugin for Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA to provide automated integration of Nativer SDK. It is available on Github: and in IntelliJ plugin repository
In case you use Android Studio or IntellJ, you can make your app translated to 70+ languages and be ready for further translation by your users within a few minutes. Try it – you only risk only 5-10 minutes of your time to discover an exciting and suprisingly effective new technology.

