Nexus 4 CM13 Boot Stall - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm running CM13 20160204 with 20160204 Gapps and latest Xposed on my Nexus 4, although I've been having this problem with the nightlies for a few weeks. My storage is encrypted (has to be for work).
After doing a clean install, everything is fine for a few days. Eventually, the phone will randomly reboot. It reaches the PIN entry screen, and I'm able to enter the PIN with no problem. HOwever, it proceeds to the flash screen and just stays there. The flash animation continues, but it never proceeds further.
I'm able to access /data through TWRP without problem. I've tried wiping system, cache and dalvik and reinstalling with no success. I really don't like having to factory reset every week.
Does anyone have any ideas?

farside268 said:
I'm running CM13 20160204 with 20160204 Gapps and latest Xposed on my Nexus 4, although I've been having this problem with the nightlies for a few weeks. My storage is encrypted (has to be for work).
After doing a clean install, everything is fine for a few days. Eventually, the phone will randomly reboot. It reaches the PIN entry screen, and I'm able to enter the PIN with no problem. HOwever, it proceeds to the flash screen and just stays there. The flash animation continues, but it never proceeds further.
I'm able to access /data through TWRP without problem. I've tried wiping system, cache and dalvik and reinstalling with no success. I really don't like having to factory reset every week.
Does anyone have any ideas?
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If anyone is following, I went without Xposed this week and had the same problem.


Help! Stuck on "Starting Applications" during boot!

My issue is this -- my phone will be running fine for days, even weeks, and will then spontaneously reboot. The phone will then get stuck on the Android "Starting Applications" step and never get any further. I've attempted to wipe cache and Dalvik, and even gone so far as to re-flash the ROM I happen to be running at the time.
This has happened to me at least a half dozen times, and it's starting to frustrate me. I've had this issue with at least 4 different ROMS, including CM 10.1, PA, AOKP, and at least one mixed feature ROM. The only solution I've found at this point is to do a factory reset and system wipe and start from scratch.
Any suggestions on what I might try next time? I'm really at a loss.
dont wipe or clear data after you flash a rom. flash rom and if it installs correctly then clear the cache and thats it. then let it reboot
i used to get stuck in that same screen, but thats because i was clearing data after i had flashed a rom. hopefully that helps
Had this issue. Do a stock flash with the toolkit
Sent from my Nexus 4 @1.67 GHz on Stock 4.2.2
go to recovery, do a factory data reset.

[Q] Problems with Process System on PA 3.98

I recently updated my ROM to the Paranoid Android 3.98, I did a full wipe, flashed the ROM, latest Gapps (with TWRP) and ever since the tablet has been become really laggy on opening apps or doing anything. I realised something was wrong straight after I booted it up by how long it was taking to connect to the WIFI etc.
Anyway, its hanging a lot on the unlock screen and sometimes I get a "Process System is not Responding" prompt. I've tried going back into recovery and clearing the caches/data again and its still hanging. Ive also tried using CWM recovery to wipe the tablet, flash the ROM/Gapps etc and its still really slow. Lastly, I just tried a factory reset from the settings menu and again, its still the same!
Any ideas on whats up with it and how to sort it out? I was thinking about unrooting it back to stock although I think the problem will still probably happen. I came from the PA 3.95 build and did a clean flash.
I think I have fixed it by following a post by Chasmodo on how to do a super-clean install.
1) I booted into recovery.
2) Did the three wipes (Data, Cache, Dalvik) several times over.
3) Went to Mount & Storage and formatted both system & cache*.
4) Flashed PA 3.98 & latest PA-Gapps.
5) Wiped both caches again and rebooted.
As soon as connecting WIFI, signing into Google I could tell it was running a lot faster again and now the lag on the unlock screen & opening apps seems to have stopped, also haven't had the "System Process isn't Responding since."
*Chasmodos version of the super-clean install didn't say to format the cache as well although I had tried just formatting the system and it didn't fix the issue. So I thought I'd try the same process with a cache format as well and now all issues seem to have been rectified.

[Q] TMo Note 3 Deciding Rebooting is the Only Solution

Ended up "solving" this by doing a stock restore via Odin, after which TouchWiz would never load an icon (crash loop). Reinstalled TWRP via Odin, then flashed ViSiON X N3 via TWRP.
Morning guys,
I've had some reboots lately and a weird situation last week where I had to do operating system surgery to get the thing to boot at all.... HOWEVER things were going quite well for some time, and it's been rooted and non-stock for months.
Nevertheless I woke up this morning and it was off, I figured the battery had died so I swapped batteries... It boots, it gets to the launcher and it loads the app icons then freezes and reboots... over and over again.
edit: to be clear, as soon as the slider bar touches the right-hand side the phone freezes, the vibration holds for several seconds, and then the device reboots. obviously not what one expects from this operation (having done it before). I was able to wipe the Cache separately... trying to wipe the Dalvik cache all by itself in an advanced wipe does this reboot thing.
OK I said, i will just clear and reflash this.
Going into TWRP, attempting to do a factory reset wipe just freezes, buzzes, and reboots immediately (to the not working OS)... in order to make this all stop I pull the battery, because now the button on the side won't seem to do a hardware poweroff for anything. Just ends up resetting the current reboot.
Any advice would be helpful now. I was just going to say forget it and grab the tiniest ROM i could find and ride it out until I upgrade the device, but now I'm just concerned with getting it active. The rebooting in recovery when trying to do a wipe does not make me feel too great. First and only problem I've had with android roms.

[Q] Nexus 4 - booting - takes a very long time

My Nexus 4 was running on Android 5.0(Stock,Rooted). I installed the Xposed framework for Lollipop and few other modules for it. Initially things were working fine, but after installing few additional modules, the boot process started taking a long time than usual(30 mins to even 1 hr). The very first time it happened, I thought that my phone went into boot loop, but after some 20-30 mins it booted into the Android runtime. But from then on, every reboot has been such a pain the ass.
When the Factory Image for the 5.1.1 was released, I flashed it using the steps mentioned in
But still I'm facing the same problem(the boot process is taking a very long time). So, I think it doesn't have anything to do with the Xposed Framework/Modules.
Has some one else faced similar problem? If so can you please provide some pointers on how I should go about solving this problem?
Try installing a custom recovery again, like TWRP, and then going in and manually doing a factory reset, along with wiping your Dalvik cache, and formatting the system partition on your phone. Then, try installing 5.1.1 again or install a custom ROM. It's possible some of the Xposed framework stuff got left on there.

[Android 8.1 Oreo] Random reboots in my second time install

I installed 8.1 last week. Everything was working smoothly. Was trying magisk youtube mod. Screwed something up. Phone went into bootloops. Reinstalled everything .Wiped data. Now my phone reboots randomly. Everything stock .Rooted with Magisk. Mainly it happens whenever i launch a new app(An app which was not launched before). After few tries, the app opens up and doesnt' result in reboot.
Any ideas what could it be ?
You should of wiped system and cache also might be your problem. Also if you where using any substratum themes remove then manually as well. Not sure if they would cause reboots.
coolsid8 said:
I installed 8.1 last week. Everything was working smoothly. Was trying magisk youtube mod. Screwed something up. Phone went into bootloops. Reinstalled everything .Wiped data. Now my phone reboots randomly. Everything stock .Rooted with Magisk. Mainly it happens whenever i launch a new app(An app which was not launched before). After few tries, the app opens up and doesnt' result in reboot.
Any ideas what could it be ?
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FC's are one thing but random reboots are a completely different animal. I would completely wipe the phone and apply the latest factory image using flash-all.bat. If that doesn't fix it you may have a hardware issue (eg. degraded battery).
Wiping caches helped
I'm running SUPERXE-8.1.0-OPP5.005_v1.5.1.
My 6P was going crazy, restarting every 5 minutes or so. It rebooted so quickly it felt like a soft restart, so I thought powering off and rebooting to recovery using the power + down volume to clear the cache in TWRP would help.
Cleared system and Dalvik and powered down. Full reboot and (for now) it feels much happier and hasn't spontaneously restarted yet. That was about 15 hours ago.
Hope I didn't just Jynx myself, but I think it helped...
I've flashed the final 8.1 images to upgrade my 8.0 unmodified system. Now I've random reboots, usually when I've leave home to go to work or vice versa. Something related to wifi, that I'm connecto on both my work and home?
Same here I had to factory reset I'm having a feeling it's going to happen again. I am on factory, rooted with magisk. I always use SuperSU not saying that is what it is however it did happen when I got home from work and just kept rebooting before I could unlock.
