Help removing unneeded apps - Nexus 6P Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have found some zip file in the forums that removes all the unneeded google apps when you flash it. There is heaps of stuff i don't need like docs, drive ...
Is there something like that for the nexus 6p?

Titanium Backup

dosada said:
I have found some zip file in the forums that removes all the unneeded google apps when you flash it. There is heaps of stuff i don't need like docs, drive ...
Is there something like that for the nexus 6p?
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Titanium Backup allows you to uninstall system apps.

Keep in mind that after removing them with TitaniumBackup (or any other of the millions of available tools), you'll might need to reboot so that the icons disappear from your launcher.

+1 for Titanium Backup. You can also freeze apps so they don't run in the background, but you can unfreeze them later if needed.

Thanks a lot for that. Will give it a go.


Retrieve Apps

Does anyone know how to retrieve applications downloaded from market on to the phone thru the phones file system.. Which temporary or whatever directory does it saves the files when downloaded ??
thalib_atc said:
Does anyone know how to retrieve applications downloaded from market on to the phone thru the phones file system.. Which temporary or whatever directory does it saves the files when downloaded ??
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Open market, go to downloads.
I can't think of any other reason for knowing the location other than to steal apps, and if that's your intention you are asking on the wrong boards.
If you download Root Explorer on the market you can search your phone for installed apps, I'm sure you can figure it out from there, and I will leave it at that.
Good day sir.
Edit: There are plenty of backup apps that can backup your apps for you if that is your goal. I hear Titanium Backup is a good one.
got it man.. Thanks

Save apps when changing ROM?

How can I save my apps when I change ROM? I don't mind downloading the apps again but how to keep the settings and game saves there.
I could not find that info.
titanium backup
i use root explorer, there i can go to /data/app there are the downloaded apps from the market. i copy them with this progam to my own app folder to save them. when i want to use a new android rom i put my apps in the android apps folder and they will be instaled at first boot.
thanks for the reply's
zman519 said:
titanium backup
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I backup using Titanium, however, I see the option Backup/Restore, but I don't see the option to Restore? What do you do to Restore? Maybe I am just missing the option when I look at 'MORE'. Thanks in advance.

Is there a way to free up space?

I'm currently running cmylxgo stock desire rom and am loving it but have one issue. Lately I've been getting alerts that my phine is low on space. I delete any unused apps but pretty soon ill have to delete ones I use. Is there a way to be able to download as many apps as I want or delete any of the stick apps ill never use like facebbok, twitter etc.....or does anyone know if any of his other roms allow for more space?
Lots of different apps in the market for this mate do a search.
jonny68 said:
Lots of different apps in the market for this mate do a search.
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I've tried that. Searched freespace, apps, phone memory. Any other suggestions?
bx10r said:
I've tried that. Searched freespace, apps, phone memory. Any other suggestions?
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Search for 'move to SD'.
Search the Market for App 2 SD
App to sd opened up about 25% more memory. Thanks guys
You can also try Darktremor a2sd script. It should allow you to move not only apps that can be moved to SD card but every apps along with the dolvik cache and user data files.
I haven't tried it on my HD2 yet and I know its still in beta, so I can't guarantee you whether it will work or not. But at least it worth a try. If u wanna try it do a nandroid backup first, just in case it mess something...
Segnale007 said:
You can also try Darktremor a2sd script. It should allow you to move not only apps that can be moved to SD card but every apps along with the dolvik cache and user data files.
I haven't tried it on my HD2 yet and I know its still in beta, so I can't guarantee you whether it will work or not. But at least it worth a try. Do a nandroid backup and try it if u want, just in case it mess something...
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Thanks, i wish there was a way to delete unused stock apps. For example...i dont use facebook or twitter so y have it. That would free up room too.....i'll ride with app2sd for now til something else pops up later.
bx10r said:
Thanks, i wish there was a way to delete unused stock apps. For example...i dont use facebook or twitter so y have it. That would free up room too.....i'll ride with app2sd for now til something else pops up later.
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My rom doesn't come with facebook or twitter pre installed. Anyways, u can delete those from /system/app
bx10r said:
Thanks, i wish there was a way to delete unused stock apps. For example...i dont use facebook or twitter so y have it. That would free up room too.....i'll ride with app2sd for now til something else pops up later.
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You can delete unused stock apps by purchasing an app called 'Root Explorer' from the market (or install any root-enabled file explorer really, i just like root explorer the best lol) and delete the .apk file of whatever app you don't want from /system/app directory of your phone. If your rom loads the system to ram memory, you also will have to delete the .apk from /system/ram/app directory or it will re-appear
-HD2 Android-
huggs said:
You can delete unused stock apps by purchasing an app called 'Root Explorer' from the market (or install any root-enabled file explorer really, i just like root explorer the best lol) and delete the .apk file of whatever app you don't want from /system/app directory of your phone. If your rom loads the system to ram memory, you also will have to delete the .apk from /system/ram/app directory or it will re-appear
-HD2 Android-
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I got root explore and did the following. clicked on root explorer then went into sysytem then app and deleted the facebook and twitter apk. They still appear in my apps though. Is there something elseim supposed to do?
Still no instructions on how to delete stock apps via root explorer? I found this on the thread to my rom but dont know how to install it. I got it on my desktop but now what?Can anyone help?
If you wish to gain an additional 27MB for apps in /data/ you can install the my new partition layout MAX[Build.v1.1.7]. This is NOT required and you can use any of my other partition layouts with build v1.1.7. However if MAX[v1.1.7] partition layout is used with older builds your Phone will not boot. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

[Q] Is deleting files from /System/App safe?

Navigating through my root tree, I´ve stumbled at so many bloatware files I just want to delete to save some storage space (16GB version here) but I´m a little afraid of. They are on the /System/App folder and for every .apk there´s a .odex file, so I would like to delete them both. Is it safe? Is there any verification process at boot of these files? Some of them look like really system apps that I´ll never touch, but others are for other phone carries in my country, social networks I´ve never heard before etc.
There´s another folder called /System/Apps/Bootup that I would love to delete files from, there´s a lot of LG crapware in there that I think are loaded at boot but I have the same fear of bootloops...
Any solution to my urge to free some memory?
Delete some apps in /system/app not gonna free up your "sd card" storage... You always will have the same free amunt of memory available on your 16 Gb...
It's normal to have an .odex file under eachs system apps, your rom is odexed (search on Google if you don't know what is it).
You can delete some system apps but be careful at what apps you delete, make a backup first.
Some system apps are alright to delete along with the .odex ones too. There's a list in the general section I believe that lists off apps that can be deleted with no issue.
Problem is though unless you plan to store stuff in your system partition, deleting apps doesn't really increase your usable storage.
Sent from my LG G2
Yes there is a (brief) list here: or
Like SupaSwag said when you delete an app, delete the .odex file too. If you don't know what you are doing I recommend you to leave the system apps as there are to avoid any kind of issues. At best you'll gain a little free RAM and maybe a little battery life without some apps runing/connecting to the network in background but in any case you will not gain more usable storage. At worst some function will not work at all, Force Closes, bootloop, etc...
In any case backup first (backup in recovery if something goes wrong and you encounter a bootloop) or at least a backup with an app like Titanium Backup (and make an in Titanium).
And what do you think of the apps in the bootup folder?
And then, how van I free some space for my mp3s? Coming from a S3 with a 64gb microSD card.
sylviofurtado said:
And what do you think of the apps in the bootup folder?
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It's some LG apps, the name of the apps say all: TaskManager, FileManager, etc... Nothing very important it's LG stuff but it depends of you... I deleted all the apps in the /system/apps/bootup because I don't need them with my use, but you?
I think the best is to freeze those apps with Titanium Backup, use your phone as "normal" for a few days and if you don't have any issues or if you realize that you don't need them, then delete them...
Another solution is to rename the apps you don't want with the .bak extension, in case you need an app you can rename it by removing the .bak extension, reboot and the app is here

[MOD] Remove unnecessary built-in APKS

Hello friends this is my first contribution to this forum, this file removes unnecessary built-in apks present in, /system/app & /system/priv-app.
I will miss the applications removed?
No, because a current copy of them is running on /data/app
Remove unused applications by the system
Free up space in the device memory
Nexus 5 android 6.0.1 must have root and twrp
How to use
Installed the android 6.0.1, get in playstore and update all applications, now just flash the zip via TWRP.
Removal list click to see
This is a system partition
The deletion is useless because you can't use this space and you won't appreciate any differences
Read here, it is very very important
Personally I prefer to disable unnecessary apps
Pay attention
I do not like duplicate files, disabling an app the same will continue in the system, the idea is to not disable an app.
If I have the upgraded chrome in data\app I will not want an unusable copy of it on \system\app. My list does so with 30 Apps, if they are all updated on DATA I see no utility in maintaining obsolete unusable in the SYSTEM, and we still have the possibility to uninstall those we dislike.
ivn888 said:
This is a system partition
The deletion is useless because you can't use this space and you won't appreciate any differences
Read here, it is very very important
Personally I prefer to disable unnecessary apps
Pay attention
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If you read that post he clearly says that to modify system you need to delete things from it to be safe. He is pointing out that it is an unknown. He said even to make small changes you would need more space. I see no reason to leave unneeded files in system. Maybe you want to run an app as system app and these unneeded files are getting in the way. Nothing wrong with getting rid of them.
We can use some root enabled file app managers (like es explorer, solid explorer) to uninstall the system apps.
I just want to know if is it safe or not?
And is it different than using flashable script?
parag60288 said:
We can use some root enabled file app managers (like es explorer, solid explorer) to uninstall the system apps.
I just want to know if is it safe or not?
And is it different than using flashable script?
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File explorers with root function can enable manual removal of system apps, but it is laborious and tedious remove as many apps, It is safe if you know what you are removing, because the system is running if you give problem can fall into a bootloop... my flash file is safe removal of 30 apps, all with updated copies of the same in DATA folder so I ask you to enter the play store and update it before you use it, nothing is lost only copies obsolete and useless are removed.
The advantage here is not to miss anything, remove enough waste Rom, and return the power to uninstall what you do not want. I do not use play books, play movies, keep, Drive, Hangouts... so without losing any, then after the flash zip i have the freedom to uninstall what I want.
