[debrick file needed tab 4 t337a .....help - Galaxy Tab 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I need someone to help me create a debrick by flashing this file from recovery.
thanks in advance.

someone please help me


[HELP] Hboot

could someone upload hboot1.76.0013.nb0
OR extract it from the attached file
I have tried extracting it and converting it but i still cant get it
PLEASE Help as soon as possible

Need Help! akmd_set.txt

Can anybody send me this file akmd_set.txt.
From i9505.


can anyone upload the nvram.txt file ...??


I need someone that hasn't modified the following file to upload yours for me. Thanks!
Here you go

[HELP] Need stock platform.xml file

Please please please... can anyone provide me a flahsable zip with the platform.xml file located at /system/etc/permissions?
From NPN25.137-92.
I can't make it myself now cause I'm at work... I did the stupid thing of follow some "tutorial" I found and added some lines in that file. Now the phone wont boot (bootloop) but I can enter in recovery.
Thanks in advance.
Solved (kind of lol...)
