{Xperia Pro & ARC}[MarshMallow 6.0.1][LegacyXperia] unofficial CyanogenMod 13 builds - Xperia Arc General

{Xperia Pro & ARC}[MarshMallow 6.0.1][LegacyXperia] unofficial CyanogenMod 13 builds
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
First : I am Not a Developer, I just Sync the repos of mikeioannina 's LegacyXperia CM13 and built the Package
So all the Credits go to him and the people who involved in that Project
This is an unofficial build of CM13
This is an attempt to stay close to official cm13 and not make crazy hacks to make things working
If you need a Working CM13 on your Arc/S or Pro, Follow this Mike's CM12 Installation guide From the Beginning..
Data, Wifi, Camera, Sound.., and other features working fine
ChangeLog : https://github.com/LegacyXperia/local_manifests/wiki/Changelog
Downloads (MediaFire Folders)
Thanks to mikeioannina

Can you make one for Xperia Ray , please ?

mathewgx said:
Can you make one for Xperia Ray , please ?
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Building.. Check after ~ 4 Hours..

Thank you.
Could you upload it somewhere else ? Mediafire is too slow.

i cant install it ,
my problem is sd card cant find in recovery then format sd card , how install it ??????????????????????????????????????

mjmj508508 said:
i cant install it ,
my problem is sd card cant find in recovery then format sd card , how install it ??????????????????????????????????????
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use the adb sideload method.
rename the downloaded package as update.zip and enable adb sideload in recovery --> Apply Update --> Side Load , then run the command " adb sideload update.zip " without the quotes.
It will take around 10 minutes to completely install .

azam426 said:
use the adb sideload method.
rename the downloaded package as update.zip and enable adb sideload in recovery --> Apply Update --> Side Load , then run the command " adb sideload update.zip " without the quotes.
It will take around 10 minutes to completely install .
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how install ? step to step .......
im cant install , hellllp screenshot plz:crying::crying::crying:

What about google apps ?

Can you please remove the download links? We are close to official release but I would not advise xda release until we fix the few remaining bugs and a proper guide/FAQ is written.

azam426 said:
use the adb sideload method.
rename the downloaded package as update.zip and enable adb sideload in recovery --> Apply Update --> Side Load , then run the command " adb sideload update.zip " without the quotes.
It will take around 10 minutes to completely install .
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heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppppp plz not install heeeeeeeeeellllllp:crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:
---------- Post added at 07:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 AM ----------
mikeioannina said:
Can you please remove the download links? We are close to official release but I would not advise xda release until we fix the few remaining bugs and a proper guide/FAQ is written.
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how to install it ?????????????????/

mjmj508508 said:
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppppp plz not install heeeeeeeeeellllllp:crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:
---------- Post added at 07:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 AM ----------
how to install it ?????????????????/
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Mike wrote, not recommended for install until official LX release!

yurasik_687 said:
Mike wrote, not recommended for install until official LX release!
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what i can do it ?

Wait for a proper thread from Mike, otherwise good luck on your own...

mikeioannina said:
Can you please remove the download links? We are close to official release but I would not advise xda release until we fix the few remaining bugs and a proper guide/FAQ is written.
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Okay. Links removed.
i'll save the thread for later use..

azam426 said:
Okay. Links removed.
i'll save the thread for later use..
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ah ah ah

mjmj508508 said:
ah ah ah
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mike asked me to remove the download links until he officially release his version of CM13.

azam426 said:
mike asked me to remove the download links until he officially remove his version of CM13.
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When your officially announced?
Just like the ROM's convenient installation
Knowing sd card at cm13

Alright, waiting for urushi

so finally you guys @mikeioannina and @azam426 made it....
Thanks bros. take your time....
and what about AOSP 6.0 ?

this thread should be locked/closed ! this shouldn't be in Development in the first place at all.


[ROM][Stock][2.3.5] Motorola Fire XT 530 + ROOT + unROOT

---- Must Have Tool ----
Moto Software Updater App
Do NOT proceed unless u hav it installed
---- Stock ROM ----
req. "linkingeek"
http://ul.to/oxp8sca6 - perma link - credit "linkingeek"
http://desi.info.tm/moto.fire.xt - temp link
Flash it with attached "Moto Flash Tool"
Do a factory reset before & after flashing ROM
---- unROOT ----
req. "danielex93"
Flash the Stock ROM "twice" to remove ROOT
The first flash attempt will give FAIL. Flash again for SUCCESS
---- ROOT ----
--- TO DO After ROOT ---
Install jRummy's Free BUSYbox installer & thru it install binary for BUSYbox v1.19 with symLINK(later versions wont install)
Reboot & uninstall BUSYbox installer after clearing its cache
Follow my [Giude] Unlimited INTERNAL MEMORY, Spice, Karbonn, HTC, Samsung, Moto, Micromax, ALL
sadhu_s60 said:
by request => linkingeek
hope som1 finds it useful
http://ul.to/oxp8sca6 - perma link provided by "linkingeek"
http://desi.info.tm/moto.fire.xt - temp link
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Hey man, I know people are saying in the XT 530 thread that I posted a link to your ROM without permission, but it is not so. I posted the link to another indonesian website from where I got the file. Like I mentioned, I was searching for this rom for warranty purposes and came across this on that particular website. Funny that google and even xda never threw up your post as a search result all this time.
No harm done, I did not repost your link.
overclockthesun said:
Hey man, I know people are saying in the XT 530 thread that I posted a link to your ROM without permission, but it is not so. I posted the link to another indonesian website from where I got the file. Like I mentioned, I was searching for this rom for warranty purposes and came across this on that particular website. Funny that google and even xda never threw up your post as a search result all this time.
No harm done, I did not repost your link.
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ok but support on development for this phone very less info is available on internet for this model atleast we can club all the drivers from best roms and create a package to replace manually into the system.
overclockthesun said:
Hey man, I know people are saying in the XT 530 thread that I posted a link to your ROM without permission, but it is not so. I posted the link to another indonesian website from where I got the file. Like I mentioned, I was searching for this rom for warranty purposes and came across this on that particular website. Funny that google and even xda never threw up your post as a search result all this time.
No harm done, I did not repost your link.
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no worry bro
just hoping to see some development now... but isnt it established tat due to locked bootloader, fire xt cant hav custom rom ???
thanks for the stock rom ..
can u plze tell me how u get the stock rom
BTiwari said:
can u plze tell me how u get the stock rom
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While updating my xt thru moto updater. Every updater first downloads and saves & then flashes it. So its possible to save the downloaded firmware
sadhu_s60 said:
While updating my xt thru moto updater. Every updater first downloads and saves & then flashes it. So its possible to save the downloaded firmware
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can u plze tell me the location of the folder i am using windows7
BTiwari said:
can u plze tell me the location of the folder i am using windows7
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Don't remember bro
kernel update
can we use fire xt 532 kernel to upgrade our kernel is it possible or not
as far as i know, u cant
is there any custom rom which have another battery icon with %....?
BTiwari said:
can we use fire xt 532 kernel to upgrade our kernel is it possible or not
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bootloader is locked. you cant flash any kernel.
and i didnt see a 2dnInit recovery yet.
singh_jsm said:
is there any custom rom which have another battery icon with %....?
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push systemui.apk to sdcard via root explorer,
upload systemui.apk to Ultimate Online Theme Kitchen
add your favourite %battery icon
download and repush to system/app,
change permissions to rw,r,r
Untot said:
bootloader is locked. you cant flash any kernel.
and i didnt see a 2dnInit recovery yet.
push systemui.apk to sdcard via root explorer,
upload systemui.apk to Ultimate Online Theme Kitchen
add your favourite %battery icon
download and repush to system/app,
change permissions to rw,r,r
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We have the kernel of Xt532 in XT530 but it is too laggy.
See Mr.Indigo's thread.
Sent from my XT530 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 PM ----------
BTiwari said:
can we use fire xt 532 kernel to upgrade our kernel is it possible or not
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Yes we can use but it doesn't work perfectly.
See Mr.Indigo's thread
Sent from my XT530 using xda app-developers app
Untot said:
bootloader is locked. you cant flash any kernel.
and i didnt see a 2dnInit recovery yet.
push systemui.apk to sdcard via root explorer,
upload systemui.apk to Ultimate Online Theme Kitchen
add your favourite %battery icon
download and repush to system/app,
change permissions to rw,r,r
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submit work to kitchen not working
singh_jsm said:
submit work to kitchen not working
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Here's a quick trick :
Have 7zip on your pc.
Copy systemUi.apk to desktop.
Extract using 7zip.
U'll have the statusbar icons in res/drawable...
Find new png images(any other phone's systemui.apk)
Now open 7zip locate to that .apk and replace all those files with new one.
Replace systemui.apk back into system/app.
Restart the device n u r done.
If u want me to do it for u pm me i'll do it when m free.
Hit thanks
Sent from my XT530 using xda app-developers app
hay please check my new theme.

[Nand Backup]Leaked I9300XXDLI7 * BTU Version (4.1.1)

Update 14/9/2012
Download here :- https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B5NYMFut8K4iaTVab1FJX28zVTg
Note: Please use this thread for OTA leak discussions.
Old Downloads
XXDLI6 Nandbackup ( its not pre rooted)
download - https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3aYjJ7T5AA8cTdPb1ZIbEwzckE/edit
This is nandroid backup of my install.
Download :- https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B3aYjJ7T5AA8RXJnZ1l2Zjl1eVU
Mirror :- https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B5NYMFut8K4iQ0hxYUFYVkxuUEk
Steps to install
1) Unrar the downloaded file will give you a folder "2012-08-"
2) Copy the inner most folder to clockworkmod/backup of internal sd card
3) go to cwm recovery and use restore from internal sd card
4) After restoring do factory reset again.
4) done.
DLH9 modem here (cwm zip) - http://www.multiupload.nl/EPFOFEXW92 - Credits victorator
DLH9 modem.bin here - https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B3aYjJ7T5AA8d3BGVUJ3RE00eDg
Note- This backup was generated with following install steps.
1) fresh BLG8 install
2) rooted it
3) installed the leaked LH9 OTA
4) made nand backup
5) share!
Thanks to bala_gamer for testing download link for me!
thats fast !!
safepacket said:
This is nandroid backup of my install.
Download :-
Steps to install
1) Unrar the downloaded file will give you a folder "2012-08-"
2) Copy the folder to clockworkmod/backup of internal sd card
3) go to cwm recovery and use restore from internal
4) done.
Uploading --right now should be ready soon.
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Cool thanks how is it on your phone? Install fresh?? did it install with many bugs , whats the percentage of upload
Can you dump the modem and post a CWM package here?
can I instal on omega v17 directly.....
Thanks...downloading. Is it rooted version?
So none of keyboards doesn't work?
lovleshgarg said:
Thanks...downloading. Is it rooted version?
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yes its rooted.
jnr21 said:
So none of keyboards doesn't work?
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Stock keyboard worked for me .. have not tested other keyboards yet
safepacket said:
Stock keyboard worked for me .. have not tested other keyboards yet
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Ok, on lh9 ota thread some people reported that all keyboards gets fc.
jnr21 said:
Ok, on lh9 ota thread some people reported that all keyboards gets fc.
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Not sure mate .. i just sent a text using stock keyboard.. and till now its fine..
have not extensively tested the whole stuff yet was making nand backup and uploading.
Swype forcloses for sure.
Sent from my Galaxy SIII
jahmeego said:
can I instal on omega v17 directly.....
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yes all you need is cwm recovery.
Can someone please dump the XXDLH9 modem?
safepacket said:
Not sure mate .. i just sent a text using stock keyboard.. and till now its fine..
have not extensively tested the whole stuff yet was making nand backup and uploading.
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hi mate, Could you please check *#1234# and tell me if the CSC is Unknown? thanks
Repulsa said:
hi mate, Could you please check *#1234# and tell me if the CSC is Unknown? thanks
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yes its unknown i just checked it.
safepacket said:
yes its unknown i just checked it.
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Nice one Safepacket, thanks a lot!
XXDLH9 Modem CWM Flashable
---------- Post added at 09:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ----------
17mbit down 15 mbit up on a 200/200 synchronous connection, not too bad
victorator said:
XXDLH9 Modem CWM Flashable
---------- Post added at 09:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ----------
17mbit down 15 mbit up on a 200/200 synchronous connection, not too bad
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Added to the OP thanks mate!
I've been playing with this build for one hour now but only now I noticed....
There is 818mb ram available on this one and only 282mb used after you clear the ram!
Apart from that:
- new icons for 'More settings' in 'Settings'
- wifi direct / allshare icon bug fixed
- the current day is marked with a blue circle on the 4x4 calendar widget
That's all I could notice for now.

[ROM][15 Jan][ZTE Blade III]Choffas V0.1

As I cannot make posts in the development forum I will post this here.
I have just bought myself a Blade 3 just for experimenting with, so I made this rom.
In this dropbox folder(Link at bottom of this post) I have also included CWM(Thanks to apeelme), and usb driver(I needed it to communicate with phone in fastboot).
Install instructions(CWM)
Enable usb debugging.
Run "recovery.bat".
Choose option 1.
Install instructions(ROM)
Copy "Choffa V0.1.zip" to SD.
Do a full wipe.
Install zip from sd.
Change log
Based on ICS_P772N10V1.0.0B09, ICS 4.0.4
Removed bloatware
My uplink is very slow but the rom will be available here as soon as it's done uploading:
(Apparently I can't post links either...)
Here you go for the link:
rufy93 said:
Here you go for the link:
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Thanks mate!
Pleeeeaaaaase read the stickies. This is NOT The ZTE Blade 2 or 3 forum. Your ROM probably belongs in miscellaneous Android development.
ZTE Blade | Asus Transformer TF300T
QuantumFoam said:
Pleeeeaaaaase read the stickies. This is NOT The ZTE Blade 2 or 3 forum. Your ROM probably belongs in miscellaneous Android development.
ZTE Blade | Asus Transformer TF300T
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I'm sorry for that, but I had no idea where to put it.
Please update your changelog to V0.3.1
@OP : Please create a thread in Miscellaneous Android Development. This is not the place
Check out UltimaTIME Clock Widgets : 200 in one
QuantumFoam said:
@OP : Please create a thread in Miscellaneous Android Development. This is not the place
Check out UltimaTIME Clock Widgets : 200 in one
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I would if I could, but I need more posts to be able to post it there.
Choffa please reupload the link of the ROM
Choffa said:
As I cannot make posts in the development forum I will post this here.
I have just bought myself a Blade 3 just for experimenting with, so I made this rom.
In this dropbox folder(Link at bottom of this post) I have also included CWM(Thanks to apeelme), and usb driver(I needed it to communicate with phone in fastboot).
Install instructions(CWM)
Enable usb debugging.
Run "recovery.bat".
Choose option 1.
Install instructions(ROM)
Copy "Choffa V0.1.zip" to SD.
Do a full wipe.
Install zip from sd.
Change log
Based on ICS_P772N10V1.0.0B09, ICS 4.0.4
Removed bloatware
My uplink is very slow but the rom will be available here as soon as it's done uploading:
(Apparently I can't post links either...)
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Hello, would it be possible to upload that rom again plz ... The link gives me 404 error when i want to download it.
StraffeHendrick said:
Hello, would it be possible to upload that rom again plz ... The link gives me 404 error when i want to download it.
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I'm sorry, the rom is no where to be found. I must have removed it while cleaning my dropbox.
Choffa said:
I'm sorry, the rom is no where to be found. I must have removed it while cleaning my dropbox.
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OOOOOwwwhh , pity, maybe someone else still has it.... i ll wait till someone will post it again. but tkx for the reply

[PORT/PATCH][STOCK CNE5] Patch ROM to get Active Display + quick unlock on lockscreen

Firstly, I'm not an android developer, just someone who wanted to have this feature and decided to do it myself with the help of information on XDA and google. So my thanks goes to XDA for having this wonderful forum where users can share information to benefit the entire community. I thought there would be many like me who would want to have this feature on stock ROM and decided to share this.
Secondly as this is my first post I was not sure where to post it and therefore if this does not qualify for posting here the moderator may move this to the appropriate forum.
This patch is for i9295 on stock CNE5 deodexed ROM
- Active Display
- Quick pin unlock (for pin and password)
- Double tap to sleep on lockscreen
- Wakelock for Secmms removed
Lockscreen settings for when pin selected, Quick pin unlock and Double tap to sleep for some reason default to unchecked. It is ok when password is selected though but nevertheless works fine just select it if you want it to work before exit. I am not able to figure out the issue and would love some help here
0xD34D for his thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=45736797&postcount=2 on how to port activedisplay
loserskater for his thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2279039 on how to enable quick pin unlock
Spegiliuis and Mythi for the various CM11 based ROM's with the above features from where I was able to port these
BDFreak for advanced APK tool which made decompiling and recompiling apk's from various roms simultaneously easy.
XDA and Google for helping me out in figuring and handling smali code and understanding how to debug and fix issues faced during porting.
Anyone else who I might have missed can let me know so that I can add them here
Screenshots for settings attached
Deodexed ROM
working CWM Recovery
- Download zip file ActiveDisplay_140711_0114.zip`
- Take a nandroid backup
- Flash zip using ClockworkMod recovery
- Wipe cache
- Wipe dalvik cache
- Reboot
- Enjoy!
In case any issues faced restore nandroid backup select advanced option and restore system only.
I am not responsible for bricked devices, locked phones. Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this Patch before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications.
ActiveDisplay https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByY8uLVuRKD2cGt6STMtNXBmcU0
Revert to Stock https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByY8uLVuRKD2VC1QM2VmUlFCZG8
Awesome job brother ... well done ... keep it up , i think that spegiluis needs a mention too.
sorry couldnt test this since m not thinking of tw now
mythi said:
Awesome job brother ... well done ... keep it up , i think that spegiluis needs a mention too.
sorry couldnt test this since m not thinking of tw now
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Thanks Bro, I have edited the credits to include spegilius as well
Is there a way to make this working on Odex Rons?
Thanks and nice job!
vennon! said:
Is there a way to make this working on Odex Rons?
Thanks and nice job!
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I can look inside, and may be add to my pack, if OP agree.
d8389 said:
I can look inside, and may be add to my pack, if OP agree.
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No issues, you may go ahead with proper credits
vennon! said:
Is there a way to make this working on Odex Rons?
Thanks and nice job!
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I have updated the zip at the below link which should work as I odexed my entire rom and pulled it out from there. Please try it out and confirm if working so that I can update it in the OP
I have updated the zip at the below link which should work as I odexed my entire rom and pulled it out from there. Please try it out and confirm if working so that I can update it in the OP
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Didn't work, stoped on samsung logo and doesn't nothing more...
vennon! said:
Didn't work, stoped on samsung logo and doesn't nothing more...
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Can you confirm your device if it is i9295 and you are on CNE5
Can you confirm your device if it is i9295 and you are on CNE5
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Yes, it's! Look the attachment...
vennon! said:
Yes, it's! Look the attachment...
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I have sent you a PM with the link to the revised files. Can you try and confirm if it is working
Anyone has tried the deodexed patch?
ROM MOD converted into full ROM with S5 style and apps posted in development section

multirom v31

This is multirom for moto x
plz download these and test
for people who dont about this
with this utility u can dual boot roms and oses
Flash all d 3 files
1. Reovery
2. Multirom
then tell me d progress
Brawn_Sg said:
Flash all d 3 files
then tell me d progress
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Touch NOT working in recovery.
Froze on boot screen (Assuming boot.img NOT working)
Will be happy to test again on the next release.
jbaumert said:
Touch NOT working in recovery.
Froze on boot screen (Assuming boot.img NOT working)
Will be happy to test again on the next release.
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same here, touch is not working on twrp
proxuser said:
same here, touch is not working on twrp
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instead of touch volume keys will work
Try doing that with volume keys
Brawn_Sg said:
instead of touch volume keys will work
Try doing that with volume keys
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volume keys do nothing, when you press power key then twrp get locked.
proxuser said:
volume keys do nothing, when you press power key then twrp get locked.
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I will compile recovery again
till then u test multirom zip with anothanother recovery
and test if boot menu is appearing
and other things r working @[email protected]
Try dat also plz and tell d results
Brawn_Sg said:
I will compile recovery again
till then u test multirom zip with anothanother recovery
and test if boot menu is appearing
and other things r working @[email protected]
Try dat also plz and tell d results
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please upload your source to github so i can try to help you out
the mutlirom zip fails in regular twrp..updater binary ..its the get prop check in the updater script
edit 2: so i edit the updater script...it trys to install the trampoline..and it automatically restarts recovery...this was a issue when i had first tryed to mess with multirom for ghost
skiwong20 said:
please upload your source to github so i can try to help you out
the mutlirom zip fails in regular twrp..updater binary ..its the get prop check in the updater script
edit 2: so i edit the updater script...it trys to install the trampoline..and it automatically restarts recovery...this was a issue when i had first tryed to mess with multirom for ghost
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Already brought multirom to falcon
Will bring it to every moto devicesoon
Will publish sources also
Brawn_Sg said:
Already brought multirom to falcon
Will bring it to every moto devicesoon
Will publish sources also
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Please please please [emoji120] [emoji120] [emoji120]
Marco Lomas said:
Please please please [emoji120] [emoji120] [emoji120]
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Maybe this month
I downloaded zip file from Google drive and the total size is 3.0 Mb ...I have flashed many ROMs on my Android devices and the zip file size is around 300Mb ....
---------- Post added at 07:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 AM ----------
This is the only device that had started getting multi ROM support... This is first time with multi rom
What does that mean....the first device ?
mac1996 said:
I downloaded zip file from Google drive and the total size is 3.0 Mb ...I have flashed many ROMs on my Android devices and the zip file size is around 300Mb ....
---------- Post added at 07:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 AM ----------
This is the only device that had started getting multi ROM support... This is first time with multi rom
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Multi ROM is not a ROM for device )) It`s just a tool.
Look here
St.Noigel said:
Multi ROM is not a ROM for device )) It`s just a tool.
Look here
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Get me latest twrp moto x tree
@DC07 Had Same Error DC07's kexec patch failed
*bump* How's it looking so far?
Can someone teach me how to flash this ..I am new to multirom...I watched couple videos and downloaded official app but says it's not supported
@skiwong20 and other devs
I am ready to work again az my exams r over tody
But I don't have I ternet and omni source which is essential
And I know the right way to begin with and i am sure it will boot
Its easy for both ghost and victara
Can do it
If someone is having a server plz share with me so that I can work on it
Brawn_Sg said:
@skiwong20 and other devs
I am ready to work again az my exams r over tody
But I don't have I ternet and omni source which is essential
And I know the right way to begin with and i am sure it will boot
Its easy for both ghost and victara
Can do it
If someone is having a server plz share with me so that I can work on it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
