XT-1564... has anyone heard of this model? - X Play Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I just purchase a Moto X Play on Swappa and it was listed in the XT1562 group but the seller had a pic of the "about phone" screen with the model #XT-1564 listed. I couldn't find any information anywhere on this specific model. I purchased it after talking with T-mobile and they Guaranteed it would work on their system with no issues...
Any ideas?

winter128 said:
I just purchase a Moto X Play on Swappa and it was listed in the XT1562 group but the seller had a pic of the "about phone" screen with the model #XT-1564 listed. I couldn't find any information anywhere on this specific model. I purchased it after talking with T-mobile and they Guaranteed it would work on their system with no issues...
Any ideas?
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A quick Google search and found this
Moto X Play美国LRA单卡版XT1564 Android 5.1.1全新LPD23.118-25官方底包
文件名X_Play_XT1564_LUX_LRA_5.1.1_LPD23.118-25_cid9_CFC.xml.zipMD5校验码D6BD187FD24B2D2A184D5ADD7129929B适用机型Motorola XT1564*RETLRACID区域美国 0x09Android 版本Android 5.1.1 Lollipop™Android 版本号LPD23.118-25系统版本Blur_Version.23.21.25.lux_lra.lra.en.US基带版本M8936_2020614.版本FSG-LUX-02.43Bootloader版本80.E2GPT分区表版本02
Based on the naming of the firmware, this variant is specific to Brightpoint US. Meanwhile XT1565 is specific to Verizon aka Droid Maxx 2.

That's strange since this the Moto X Play wasn't released in the states...

Xt1564 is the variant issued to regional cdma carriers in USA partnered with Verizon under their lra (LTE in rural America) program.
I work for one of the carriers that sells this phone and it's like an unbranded Droid maxx 2 which is what the play is I think? Also the accessories we sell for the phone is branded for Droid maxx 2. We tested this phone to see if gsm unlocked with an AT&T sim and it worked fine LTE and all. Unable to verify for t mobile or band 12 support. Sorry not the best reply but hope this helps those who wonder about this variant.

evilryry said:
Xt1564 is the variant issued to regional cdma carriers in USA partnered with Verizon under their lra (LTE in rural America) program.
I work for one of the carriers that sells this phone and it's like an unbranded Droid maxx 2 which is what the play is I think? Also the accessories we sell for the phone is branded for Droid maxx 2. We tested this phone to see if gsm unlocked with an AT&T sim and it worked fine LTE and all. Unable to verify for t mobile or band 12 support. Sorry not the best reply but hope this helps those who wonder about this variant.
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I was told by T-Mobile this should work without an issue. I'll let you know in the next few days, mine is arriving tomorrow. I'll set it up before I leave the States and then test it in Europe.

Well, set the phone up and used it in Switzerland for a few days. Then came back to the States and have had no issues whatsoever. Great phone with incredible battery life, I would highly recommend!

Yeap device is for Rural America is the one I received here in Puerto Rico factory SIM unlocked single sim 16gb Moto X Play XT1564

I would love to see if this worked on Verizon.

mtoomey79 said:
I would love to see if this worked on Verizon.
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It will, it's originally for Verizon lra partner carriers which run on same network types of Verizon itself. cdma and LTE band 13. Some features native to vzw may not work like VoLTE and stuff though.

Can you speak more on the price or how to get one of these @evilryry ?
Would love to get my hands on a non-bloated Play/Maxx if I could.

My carrier I work for sells full price for like 399, I'm not sure how people can get them outside of the carriers that offer it

evilryry said:
My carrier I work for sells full price for like 399, I'm not sure how people can get them outside of the carriers that offer it
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Interesting. Are you able to say the carrier or provide a website to order? Seems cheaper than a full-price Maxx.

mtoomey79 said:
Interesting. Are you able to say the carrier or provide a website to order? Seems cheaper than a full-price Maxx.
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My carrier I work for, bluegrass cellular, does not sell phones to people who don't have lines of service with us. Can't speak for other carriers. This is a list of carriers partnered with Verizon under their lra partnership, who may carry this phone. Some carriers don't have it.
Bluegrass Cellular; Cross Telephone; Pioneer Cellular; Cellcom; Thumb Cellular; Strata Networks; S and R Communications;*Carolina West; Custer Telephone Cooperative; KPU Telecommunications; Chariton Valley Communication Corporation; Appalachian Wireless; Northwest Missouri Cellular; Chat Mobility; Matanuska Telephone Association; Wireless Partners; Triangle Communications; Nemont; Mid-Rivers Communications and Copper Valley Telecom.

Thanks for the lead @evilryry Looks like the prospects of buying one outright are pretty low after searching a few websites - I need to live in a service area AND sign up for service. It's no wonder they lock down what is nearly a perfect phone hardware wise to specific location services/carriers.
If you find a way to get one, please put me on the short list of people who really want one.

mtoomey79 said:
Thanks for the lead @evilryry Looks like the prospects of buying one outright are pretty low after searching a few websites - I need to live in a service area AND sign up for service. It's no wonder they lock down what is nearly a perfect phone hardware wise to specific location services/carriers.
If you find a way to get one, please put me on the short list of people who really want one.
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Not sure if allowed to post on XDA so sorry if against rules,
Found one on eBay if you were interested still.

Thanks @evilryry just what I needed.

i bought a moto x play 1563 and the seller send me this phone... xt1564. any one knows the networks works? i need to know if works on 4g band4 and 3g in argentina... i dont want to open it. so i have to reurn it if not work
argertina bands
2G: 850 / 1900
3G: 850 / 1900
4G: Banda 4 (AWS, 1700) / Banda 28 (APT700, 700 MHz*)


My N1 gets 3G on ATT

Hey guys..my friend who hooked me up with my original N1 gave me an HD2 and another N1...when I put an ATT sim in it I get the ATT logo for service and I also have 3G. My question is what model phone do I have?
harsaphes said:
Hey guys..my friend who hooked me up with my original N1 gave me an HD2 and another N1...when I put an ATT sim in it I get the ATT logo for service and I also have 3G. My question is what model phone do I have?
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if you get 3G with the N1 with ATT sim, then it is the ATT branded one; it wasn't made specifically for ATT (i believe it was made for one of the Canadian provider), which is compatible with the ATT 3G
btw, you have a great friend to hook you up with 2 N1 and a HD2; you should hook me up with one
thanks for the quick reply...and yes, she is a great friend.
harsaphes said:
and yes, she is a great friend.
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Future wife
jblazea50 said:
if you get 3G with the N1 with ATT sim, then it is the ATT branded one; it wasn't made specifically for ATT (i believe it was made for one of the Canadian provider), which is compatible with the ATT 3G
btw, you have a great friend to hook you up with 2 N1 and a HD2; you should hook me up with one
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No, the N1 that works on AT&T was made specifically for AT&T.
The HD2 that works on AT&T was made for Telstra... or you are thinking of any 3G phone made for Rogers.
jblazea50 said:
if you get 3G with the N1 with ATT sim, then it is the ATT branded one; it wasn't made specifically for ATT (i believe it was made for one of the Canadian provider), which is compatible with the ATT 3G
btw, you have a great friend to hook you up with 2 N1 and a HD2; you should hook me up with one
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pjcforpres said:
No, the N1 that works on AT&T was made specifically for AT&T.
The HD2 that works on AT&T was made for Telstra... or you are thinking of any 3G phone made for Rogers.
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You're both wrong? The Nexus One was made and sold unlocked, it has the bands 850/1900 which at&t and some canadian providers use, not specifically made for one carrier or another
How am I wrong? The AT&T compatible Nexus One was approved by the USA FCC, with the specific intent of it being sold as the AT&T compatible Nexus One. It does happen to work with other carriers, just as the T-Mobile version works with other carriers as well.
But there is no reason they would pay the money to get it approved by the USA FCC if it wasn't being sold specifically for AT&T customers.
As well, the Nexus One is made and sold unlocked with the option of T-Mobile 3G bands or AT&T 3G bands... those bands happen to work with other carriers as well, such as T-Mobile working with a Canadian carrier as well, just as AT&T works with another Canadian provider, plus both phones work with any carrier outside the North America... so was the T-Mobile version made for O2? Was it made for Vodafone? No, it was made for T-Mobile, just as the AT&T banded device was made for AT&T, and just happens to have carry over support for other carriers.
pjcforpres said:
How am I wrong? The AT&T compatible Nexus One was approved by the USA FCC, with the specific intent of it being sold as the AT&T compatible Nexus One. It does happen to work with other carriers, just as the T-Mobile version works with other carriers as well.
But there is no reason they would pay the money to get it approved by the USA FCC if it wasn't being sold specifically for AT&T customers.
As well, the Nexus One is made and sold unlocked with the option of T-Mobile 3G bands or AT&T 3G bands... those bands happen to work with other carriers as well, such as T-Mobile working with a Canadian carrier as well, just as AT&T works with another Canadian provider, plus both phones work with any carrier outside the North America... so was the T-Mobile version made for O2? Was it made for Vodafone? No, it was made for T-Mobile, just as the AT&T banded device was made for AT&T, and just happens to have carry over support for other carriers.
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maybe you are not aware of how the FCC testing process goes, but there are phones that are never even sold in the USA, like euro phones, or phones from the far east, that still go thru FCC testing, yet they dont even have the proper bands for the USA 3G networks.
so the nexus one was not specifically made to be released for ATT. i dont know where you're getting that info.
pjcforpres said:
How am I wrong? The AT&T compatible Nexus One was approved by the USA FCC, with the specific intent of it being sold as the AT&T compatible Nexus One. It does happen to work with other carriers, just as the T-Mobile version works with other carriers as well.
But there is no reason they would pay the money to get it approved by the USA FCC if it wasn't being sold specifically for AT&T customers.
As well, the Nexus One is made and sold unlocked with the option of T-Mobile 3G bands or AT&T 3G bands... those bands happen to work with other carriers as well, such as T-Mobile working with a Canadian carrier as well, just as AT&T works with another Canadian provider, plus both phones work with any carrier outside the North America... so was the T-Mobile version made for O2? Was it made for Vodafone? No, it was made for T-Mobile, just as the AT&T banded device was made for AT&T, and just happens to have carry over support for other carriers.
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You're confusing "compatible" and "designed for".
Carrier 1 uses Frequency X
Carrier 2 uses Frequency Y
Just because a phone that works with frequency X doesn't mean it was created solely for carrier 1.
GSM is an "open" network unline sprint's and verizon's CDMA networks.
Take "world phones" as an example, they work on Carrier 1 and 2, but it wasn't designed specifically for either.
There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HW-wise in Nexus that is carrier-specific.
Nobody makes a phone for a specific carrier, carriers only brand phones. Phone is made for a range of networks, and Nexus has 2 options, basically - because it utilizes 1 of 2 chips, either QSD8650, or QSD8250, and those are adjusted for different ranges (specifically 850/1900/2100 or 900/AWS/2100). On the Google choice screen, read: "Compatible with XXXXXXXX".
There's 2100 coverage in most of the world, so both versions of Nexus can be used outside Americas and have a high probability of getting 3G signal, since they both support it. In Americas the common system appears to be 850/1900, though.
I am not confusing anything. The Nexus One with AT&T 3G banding was made with the purpose of fulfilling Google's desire to have a Nexus One with AT&T 3G banding. Or, in other words, they made it to be the AT&T version of the Nexus One. Hence, there being hundreds of news articles and even threads on this very site using the termonology "AT&T version".
Also, from Google's official statement on the matter:
"starting today, an additional version of the Nexus One is available from the Google web store that is compatible with AT&T's 3G network. This new model can be purchased as an unlocked device without a service plan."
Why would they announce that they now have a version that works with AT&T 3G if it wasn't meant for AT&T?
At&t uses those bands, those bands do not belong to At&t. That's the difference.
The way to tell if your phone is the T-Mobile or AT&T version is by looking at the part number on the back of the phone.
P/N: 99HKE002-00 for the T-Mobile version
P/N: 99HKE007-01 for the AT&T version
Hope that helps!
JCopernicus said:
At&t uses those bands, those bands do not belong to At&t. That's the difference.
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I understand what you guys are saying, the Nexus One wasn't made specifically for any carrier, and that isn't what I am saying or did say. What I am saying is that they did actively think about which 3G bands were included in the device... and decided they wanted to make one with AT&T banding as well, and when they released it they announced they had just released their AT&T 3G compatible Nexus One, and thus it seems fair to say (and not a stretch of words, unless we want to be anal about it), that Google made it for AT&T... perhaps saying "Google made it for AT&T's 3G network" is more complete and better, but that is a potential meaning from my original statement and so forth.
And technically AT&T owns the rights to those bands in the United States. Since you like to be super specific and technical with your semantics, figured I would add that in.
They own their towers, they don't own the bands of gsm technology, those are licensed out to them.
Yes, google made a concious decision to make that phone compatible with at&t, but that's not the same are making the phone FOR at&t.
pjcforpres said:
I understand what you guys are saying, the Nexus One wasn't made specifically for any carrier, and that isn't what I am saying or did say. What I am saying is that they did actively think about which 3G bands were included in the device... and decided they wanted to make one with AT&T banding as well, and when they released it they announced they had just released their AT&T 3G compatible Nexus One, and thus it seems fair to say (and not a stretch of words, unless we want to be anal about it), that Google made it for AT&T... perhaps saying "Google made it for AT&T's 3G network" is more complete and better, but that is a potential meaning from my original statement and so forth.
And technically AT&T owns the rights to those bands in the United States. Since you like to be super specific and technical with your semantics, figured I would add that in.
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Well it was also made for the Canadian and some South American carriers. People in the USA will call it the AT&T version, people in Canada will call it for whatever carriers they have.
I think he is maybe not quite into the world of cell phones as some of us are, so when you look at it from that perspective you would think that Google made it "for ATT." That's not really the case though.
JCopernicus said:
They own their towers, they don't own the bands of gsm technology, those are licensed out to them.
Yes, google made a concious decision to make that phone compatible with at&t, but that's not the same are making the phone FOR at&t.
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I am just baffled... You don't think AT&T owns the rights to use the frequencies they are running on? Why does the FCC auction off frequencies then? Who are they auctioning them off to? What is being auctioned off? Nothing? Is it just a big sham?
And FYI, GSM and CDMA can run on the same frequencies, there is not point to even mentioning that they don't own those bands of gsm technology... the technology aspect is whether they decide to use gsm or cdma to broadcast over those frequencies, it has nothing to do with buying gsm specific.
Also, it is fair to say, like I already explained, that they made the AT&T banded device for AT&T in that they actively decided to make a Nexus One that works with AT&T. Sure, semantically speaking, it isn't perfect... but based off what Google themself said at the launch (We are proud to announce the AT&T compatible version of the Nexus One) it is easy to see that was their driving force, not Telstra.
Dude, I guess you're one of those that don't ever read what others write, and definitely don't open links.
Go to the previous page, open the Wiki link to the list of UMTS networks, and look carefully at the "Americas" section. What will you find there?
Then, perhaps, you should think again, why did Google choose the frequencies as they did. Or actually, you might understand that the only thing Google chose is Qualcomm's CPU to power the phone, and this CPU just "happens" to come in 2 versions, each supporting different bands, one optimized for Americas and one for Eurasia, both including the world's most common 2100MHz band (the choice of band support can be seen in any device using Snapdragon chipset, as far as I've checked). AT&T happens to use the same bands as 80% of Americas' providers use, so?
Maybe now the "driving force" is a bit clearer.
Oh well, wasted enough time trying to explain the obvious.
Jack_R1 said:
Dude, I guess you're one of those that don't ever read what others write, and definitely don't open links.
Go to the previous page, open the Wiki link to the list of UMTS networks, and look carefully at the "Americas" section. What will you find there?
Then, perhaps, you should think again, why did Google choose the frequencies as they did. Or actually, you might understand that the only thing Google chose is Qualcomm's CPU to power the phone, and this CPU just "happens" to come in 2 versions, each supporting different bands, one optimized for Americas and one for Eurasia, both including the world's most common 2100MHz band (the choice of band support can be seen in any device using Snapdragon chipset, as far as I've checked). AT&T happens to use the same bands as 80% of Americas' providers use, so?
Maybe now the "driving force" is a bit clearer.
Oh well, wasted enough time trying to explain the obvious.
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So you think it is obvioud Google had HTC make a Nexus One with the 850/1900 3G banding because they wanted to appease Rogers and Telstra? You have got to be kidding me. What sort of business sense does that make?
Hey, forget about AT&T and its 100 million customers, and that they are located in our home market, we want to make sure we make the Canadians and their 20 million customers happy.
I bet it is real nice to be so naive and caught up in "semantics" to believe such real world flawed ideas.

Is atrix on amazon unlocked?

Amazon says the atrix can be shipped to outside the US
Does it mean it is unlocked?
No contract price is $599
Is it the same one as the $499 in the ATT Store?
(some thread says ATT's no-contract price is 499 or 399?)
i can't find no-contract atrix on amazon.
go to amazonwireless.com and go to the atrix. It has options on the left for Phone Only no contract. Which adds it to the cart for $599.99. Since it's labeled AT&T it is the same phone in the same AT&T box. This most likely means it is locked to AT&T at the moment.
Even if you buy instore then price will $550 anyways with tax and all.
interested to know as well
the phone is locked to at&t.
Does anyone know where I can get it unlock if I buy the phone outright.
i bought it online without contract from at&t store for 531 with taxes
was it unlocked tho (can use with another sim card)
AT&T probably won't sell it unlocked out of the box, this has been discussed in many threads. You'll have to get the unlock code from a seller(online) or call up AT&T and tell them you're going to a foreign country and need an unlock code(This has apparently worked great for previous phones).
Does the Atrix 4G support WCDMA 2100 MHz?
I am located in Germany and wanna buy Atrix 4G. My friend is coming from US in March end so I can ask him to bring it for him. I am just not sure if the Atrix 4G supports the 2100 Mhz WCDMA band.
The Motorola website mentions in its technical specifications for the Atrix 4G dat it supports WCDMA 2100 Mhz. hxxp://yyy.motorola.com/Consumers/US-EN/Consumer-Product-and-Services/Mobile-Phones/ci.Motorola-ATRIX-US-EN.alt
But the same cannot be confirmed in the AT&T website and in the other online vendors as Amazon. hxxp://wireless.amazon.com/dp/B004KZP4BQ
I really wanna have this phone. But I want to have the 3G/UMTS/HSPA working here.
Thanks and Regards
[Note] Please pardon me for the hxxp thing .. the xda forum won't allow me to post links. Replace xx with tt and yyy with www
anupash said:
I am located in Germany and wanna buy Atrix 4G. My friend is coming from US in March end so I can ask him to bring it for him. I am just not sure if the Atrix 4G supports the 2100 Mhz WCDMA band.
The Motorola website mentions in its technical specifications for the Atrix 4G dat it supports WCDMA 2100 Mhz. hxxp://yyy.motorola.com/Consumers/US-EN/Consumer-Product-and-Services/Mobile-Phones/ci.Motorola-ATRIX-US-EN.alt
But the same cannot be confirmed in the AT&T website and in the other online vendors as Amazon. hxxp://wireless.amazon.com/dp/B004KZP4BQ
I really wanna have this phone. But I want to have the 3G/UMTS/HSPA working here.
Thanks and Regards
[Note] Please pardon me for the hxxp thing .. the xda forum won't allow me to post links. Replace xx with tt and yyy with www
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i would like to know this too
I'm currently in Hong Kong and their 3G band is 2100mhz as well
GSMarena lists the Atrix 4G to have 3G 850/1900/2100
but on Walmart/Amazon it lists it only as 3G 850/1900
can anyone confirm?
if its truly a tri-band 3G phone, i would buy those phone outright from amazon right now
Thanks for any input!
Keep in mind that with an AT&T exclusive it will be monts before they offer an unlock. And even the unlocking services could not unlock the Samsung Captivate for months.
Firstly, does buying the no contract phone from Amazon, might still be not usable on other networks.
Secondly, I was digging on the AT&T website it offers a "no commitment pricing" of 499$. Should I still be worried because I wanna use the phone in Germany?
I have no idea how the US cellular plans work, so a bit of insight would be helpful.
anupash said:
Firstly, does buying the no contract phone from Amazon, might still be not usable on other networks.
Secondly, I was digging on the AT&T website it offers a "no commitment pricing" of 499$. Should I still be worried because I wanna use the phone in Germany?
I have no idea how the US cellular plans work, so a bit of insight would be helpful.
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Judging by what other people say $499 will get you the phone without any contract... you will not have to pay AT&T a monthly fee.
BUT! because this phone is currently exclusive to AT&T it will only work with their SIM cards until it is unlocked. This process took several months for the Samsung Captivate... so at the moment there is no way to guarantee that the phone you buy will be able to use your SIM card.

You can use the Moto G on a MVNO if you buy it at full price

Just finished talking to Verizon and they said that if I buy the phone in store at $199, full retail price for the Moto G, you can use it on a different CDMA carrier! So for all you people wanting to activate the G on Net10/Tracfone/Page Plus, there you go.
Walliser said:
Which carries are CDMA?
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Net10, tracfone, page plus, I think paygo, and others.
wws12 said:
Just finished talking to Verizon and they said that if I buy the phone in store at $199, full retail price for the Moto G, you can use it on a different CDMA carrier! So for all you people wanting to activate the G on Net10/Tracfone/Page Plus, there you go.
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The problem is where else can we get a CDMA version of moto-g besides BB/Verizon; it is not (yet) available from motorola.com. I just called them and the sale people said they have not info as to when/where/whether or not the CDMA version will be available beside BB/Verizon. And in my case, I'm interested in the tracfone BYOP (as opposed to net10/ST), and it's not at all clear if tracfone BYOP would allow moto-g (although it might be more of a tracfone issue as opposed to a MNVO issue).
I am excited to hear about this possibility. Please keep us informed if you (or anyone) managed to score a full-priced CDMA moto-g (esp the 16G one) and get activated.
case-sensitive said:
The problem is where else can we get a CDMA version of moto-g besides BB/Verizon; it is not (yet) available from motorola.com. I just called them and the sale people said they have not info as to when/where/whether or not the CDMA version will be available beside BB/Verizon. And in my case, I'm interested in the tracfone BYOP (as opposed to net10/ST), and it's not at all clear if tracfone BYOP would allow moto-g (although it might be more of a tracfone issue as opposed to a MNVO issue).
I am excited to hear about this possibility. Please keep us informed if you (or anyone) managed to score a full-priced CDMA moto-g (esp the 16G one) and get activated.
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I talked to Motorola on their chat and they said that they are planning on selling the CDMA version on motorola.com, presumably without any restrictions. No date yet though. If I had to guess, I would say before the end of the month, but don't quote me on that. As another wanting to activate on Tracfone BYOP, I hope it gets here soon.
This might be a stupid question, but what are the advantages of CDMA? Clearly anything I know wont apply since the last CDMA network over here was shut down in the late 90's.
I've always wondered about the CDMA/GSM war that you lot have in the US. Clearly there must be some upside or GSM would've won already.
ares93 said:
This might be a stupid question, but what are the advantages of CDMA? Clearly anything I know wont apply since the last CDMA network over here was shut down in the late 90's.
I've always wondered about the CDMA/GSM war that you lot have in the US. Clearly there must be some upside or GSM would've won already.
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There's really no advantage, especially since more and more carriers are moving to LTE. LTE kind of unifies GSM and CDMA with SIM cards. However, carriers that don't support LTE yet or ones that reserve LTE for their postpaid devices (Verizon and others) require CDMA devices.
wws12 said:
I talked to Motorola on their chat and they said that they are planning on selling the CDMA version on motorola.com, presumably without any restrictions. No date yet though. If I had to guess, I would say before the end of the month, but don't quote me on that. As another wanting to activate on Tracfone BYOP, I hope it gets here soon.
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I have serious doubts the Moto G will work with tracfone.
mrfeh said:
I have serious doubts the Moto G will work with tracfone.
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Tracfone has a BYOP program now for CDMA 3G phones.
wws12 said:
Tracfone has a BYOP program now for CDMA 3G phones.
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Yup, I know. I'd love to use the CDMA Moto G w/ tracfone, so I spent some time interacting with their user support. They would not commit to saying it would work, so I'm assuming it won't. I don't think Verizon will allow it.
wws12 said:
Tracfone has a BYOP program now for CDMA 3G phones.
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According to posts on the howards forum, except for a couple of "accidental cases" no one has been able to activative a NEW, Droid X2/Droid 3 (which are still on 2.3) CDMA 3g phone on tracfone BYOP. Now, tracfone's BYOP program is still very new and there are lots of quirks to be ironed out, and personally I really look forward to getting one myself, but for now I'm not holding my breath.
Please prove me wrong.
case-sensitive said:
According to posts on the howards forum, except for a couple of "accidental cases" no one has been able to activative a NEW, Droid X2/Droid 3 (which are still on 2.3) CDMA 3g phone on tracfone BYOP. Now, tracfone's BYOP program is still very new and there are lots of quirks to be ironed out, and personally I really look forward to getting one myself, but for now I'm not holding my breath.
Please prove me wrong.
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I was able to activate a used Samsung Fascinate with this phone number 1-800-876-5753. Don't know if it makes a difference whether it's used or not. You can plug your MEID in this website tracfonewireless.com/byop and it will supposedly tell you if it's compatible or not. Don't trust it though, as their website has never worked right for me.
mrfeh said:
Yup, I know. I'd love to use the CDMA Moto G w/ tracfone, so I spent some time interacting with their user support. They would not commit to saying it would work, so I'm assuming it won't. I don't think Verizon will allow it.
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If you buy it at $199, Verizon can't say anything about it because you are under no obligation to them whatsoever, monetary subsidy or contractual.
wws12 said:
If you buy it at $199, Verizon can't say anything about it because you are under no obligation to them whatsoever, monetary subsidy or contractual.
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I'm not aware of a $199 CDMA Moto G. I know they sell the GSM version at that price, which could be used w/ other carriers, but tracfone's byop program is for CDMA only.
I'd want some evidence that it will actually work before I buy the phone, and I haven't seen it yet.
mrfeh said:
I'm not aware of a $199 CDMA Moto G. I know they sell the GSM version at that price, which could be used w/ other carriers, but tracfone's byop program is for CDMA only.
I'd want some evidence that it will actually work before I buy the phone, and I haven't seen it yet.
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Dude, check this link.
Notice how it says "Full Retail Price" for $199.00. Again, I confirmed this with a Verizon representative.
wws12 said:
Dude, check this link.
Notice how it says "Full Retail Price" for $199.00. Again, I confirmed this with a Verizon representative.
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Thanks for the link. I clicked on it and noticed that the $199 "full retail price" version still has just 8GB of storage. That is a major bummer/ripe-off (by VZW).
wws12 said:
Dude, check this link.
Notice how it says "Full Retail Price" for $199.00. Again, I confirmed this with a Verizon representative.
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What did you confirm? How can a Verizon rep confirm it will work w/ Tracfone?
I'm waiting for either a) confirmation from a Tracfone rep that it will work or b) confirmation from a Tracfone customer.
wws12 said:
There's really no advantage, especially since more and more carriers are moving to LTE. LTE kind of unifies GSM and CDMA with SIM cards. However, carriers that don't support LTE yet or ones that reserve LTE for their postpaid devices (Verizon and others) require CDMA devices.
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If there is no advantage, why did it survive past 3G in the US when it didn't in most other parts of the the world? Here in Sweden it was abandoned in 1996, I believe. Which puts in on par with 2G GSM. I think there is still one minor carrier that operates mobile broadband on CDMA450, but that's the closest we come to CDMA. No phones. Clearly there was a reason you didn't abandon it when we did. There must've been a reason to continue to develop the infrastructure. However as far as I know, there is no advantage in speed, call quality or coverage.
Admittedly, I have limited experience with CDMA. I've use CDMA phones three times in my life and I've owned exactly one CDMA phone. And not by choice. It was pre-installed in my work truck. Part of some fancy police crap that was useless outside the US.
Walliser said:
Here are some software solutions online where you have to resort to programs that run in the background to monitor wireless activities.
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Think you missed a link there, mate. Thanks though.
mrfeh said:
What did you confirm? How can a Verizon rep confirm it will work w/ Tracfone?
I'm waiting for either a) confirmation from a Tracfone rep that it will work or b) confirmation from a Tracfone customer.
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I confirmed it can even be done in the first place. If you want to wait, go ahead. I just thought I would share what I found concerning Verizon's prepaid phones.
ares93 said:
If there is no advantage, why did it survive past 3G in the US when it didn't in most other parts of the the world? Here in Sweden it was abandoned in 1996, I believe. Which puts in on par with 2G GSM. I think there is still one minor carrier that operates mobile broadband on CDMA450, but that's the closest we come to CDMA. No phones. Clearly there was a reason you didn't abandon it when we did. There must've been a reason to continue to develop the infrastructure. However as far as I know, there is no advantage in speed, call quality or coverage.
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I can't speak for the technical aspects, but the largest CDMA carrier here (Verizon), while really evil, does have very good nation-wide coverage, especially outside of major cities. So if you live outside of major cities and/or travel a lot, then CDMA becomes a very attractive (and sometimes, the only) option.
(disclaimer: of course "very good nation-wide coverage" is subjective and there are certainly plenty of holes in the coverage map, so hold your flame please )
Has anyone tried to buy one at full retail price from Verizon? It is my understanding from talking to a verizon sales rep. they are not allowed to and have no means to do so.

what is a "verizon" version?

Hey guys!
im from israel, been using NEXUS phones for the last 2 years or so and i saw this phone and knew i must have it (ffs 3,900mAh)
but then i saw it says "Verizon" everywhere, which i know is a cell provider in the US.
so does that mean that Motorola made a phone that is for ONE CELL PROVIDER IN THE WORLD?
some poeple have been writing things about "open GSM" or something? will there not be an unlocked version?
Caniv said:
Hey guys!
im from israel, been using NEXUS phones for the last 2 years or so and i saw this phone and knew i must have it (ffs 3,900mAh)
but then i saw it says "Verizon" everywhere, which i know is a cell provider in the US.
so does that mean that Motorola made a phone that is for ONE CELL PROVIDER IN THE WORLD?
some poeple have been writing things about "open GSM" or something? will there not be an unlocked version?
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The Droid series of devices has traditionally been Verizon Wireless exclusives dating back to the original Motorola Droid, to answer your question it is made exclusively for Verizon. Will there be a unlocked version eventually, most likely there will be. This being said you could purchase one for full retail price and by Verizon's Device Unlocking policy "We do not lock our 4G LTE devices, and no code is needed to program them for use with another carrier", however there is no guarantee it will work with the radio bands your carrier operates at.
shimp208 said:
The Droid series of devices has traditionally been Verizon Wireless exclusives dating back to the original Motorola Droid, to answer your question it is made exclusively for Verizon. Will there be a unlocked version eventually, most likely there will be. This being said you could purchase one for full retail price and by Verizon's Device Unlocking policy "We do not lock our 4G LTE devices, and no code is needed to program them for use with another carrier", however there is no guarantee it will work with the radio bands your carrier operates at.
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wow thank you for the awesome detailed answer.
so they CLAIM i could just buy a Verizon version and put my sim card inside and it SHOULD work?
also when u say "no gumtree it'll work with the radio bands" , do u mean these (for nexus 5 for example
"HSDPA 800 / 850 / 1700 / 1900 / 2100 / 900 - North American version
LTE 700 / 800 / 850 / 1700 / 1900 / 2100 / 2600 - North American version"
and if so, if i can CHECK with my provider what 'radio brand' they work at, and the Turbo has that band, theres really no reason for it not to work, right?
As a former VZW indirect rep, I can tell you that yes, it is possible to unlock the phone, and use a foreign sim in it, you would have to call VZW Tech Support, and have them unlock it on their end, before being able to take it to another carrier. When the device is released, or open for pre-order, they will list the CDMA/GSM/LTE bands that it will work on, listed in the specs on their website. A lot of VZW customers do travel abroad, therefore, the devices do have to work, and obviously, most of the world is on GSM. Hope this helps.

Verizon version - GSM Unlocked?

Has anyone tried to use the Verizon variant on a GSM network yet? We've gotten lucky in the past with other Verizon prepaid LTE phones working.
I don't think the XT1609 is GSM capable. It has no 3G UMTS bands enabled, though it does have the full range of GSM 2G/EDGE bands enabled.
So, pretty much unless you're in a VoLTE area, you might be out of luck for voice calls if it is unlocked. I'm not even sure if this phone does VoLTE anyway though.
Sent from my Moto G Play using XDA Labs
somebody has a moto g4 play to try the same method of moto e 2º generation ?? following the steps with Network app to get gsm capable in the phone.
moto g4 play verizon
i bought one moto g4 play verizon and their coming locked i need a imei code for unlock help me
kamelsouki said:
i bought one moto g4 play verizon and their coming locked i need a imei code for unlock help me
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did you try the "network" app and follow the same method than moto e 2° verizon?
best buy have them $64.99 at the moment hurry hurry someone please completely confirm if unlockable to work on gsm lol
this is what you mean a possible unlock method?
mrw187 said:
best buy have them $64.99 at the moment hurry hurry someone please completely confirm if unlockable to work on gsm lol
this is what you mean a possible unlock method?
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It would probably be a waste of time and $. Someone already bought one in the other Verizon moto g4 play thread and returned it because it looked like a no go. And without unlocking the bootloader, how would you flash a custom or alternate ROM to use the bands needed for GSM (as mentioned above). That's if it's a firmware thing and not a hardware limitation. If we want an unlocked Moto G4 play, the only option looks like we're shelling out $100 to Amazon for the one with ads or $150 without ads.
ryanl2299 said:
It would probably be a waste of time and $. Someone already bought one in the other Verizon moto g4 play thread and returned it because it looked like a no go. And without unlocking the bootloader, how would you flash a custom or alternate ROM to use the bands needed for GSM (as mentioned above). That's if it's a firmware thing and not a hardware limitation. If we want an unlocked Moto G4 play, the only option looks like we're shelling out $100 to Amazon for the one with ads or $150 without ads.
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please show me in the above link where there is any mention of a needed bootloader unlock or custom rom? stop spreading your negative bs without any factual backup other than your negative assumptions
mrw187 said:
best buy have them $64.99 at the moment hurry hurry someone please completely confirm if unlockable to work on gsm lol
this is what you mean a possible unlock method?
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yes, i have 2 moto e 2º from verizon 4G LTE and it work completely in Movistar Mexico, but a relative bring a samsung j1 , from verizon too and it can´t be unlocked, the menu "network" is disable and if yiu try to run network app, it close..... so, i don´t know if all verizon 4G LTE can be unlocked to get gsm signal like the moto e 2 , samsung s4,etc.....
mrw187 said:
please show me in the above link where there is any mention of a needed bootloader unlock or custom rom? stop spreading your negative bs without any factual backup other than your negative assumptions
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What link do you need, the link to the product page? Did you even research this phone one little bit before posting or was it a case of post now, think later? What network are you even looking to use this phone on? I'll tell you right now that several of the bands used for other networks are completely missing for this phone (can see this clear as day on any product or spec listing for this phone). Then there's the matter of this phone being carrier locked (it's not as simple as popping in a different sim anymore - Verizon changed their policy this year). People need to stop comparing this to the Moto e from last year because this clearly isn't. What else do you need to know?
ryanl2299 said:
It would probably be a waste of time and $. Someone already bought one in the other Verizon moto g4 play thread and returned it because it looked like a no go. And without unlocking the bootloader, how would you flash a custom or alternate ROM to use the bands needed for GSM (as mentioned above). That's if it's a firmware thing and not a hardware limitation. If we want an unlocked Moto G4 play, the only option looks like we're shelling out $100 to Amazon for the one with ads or $150 without ads.
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EDIT: NEVER MIND. I just realized you were saying they'd need to flash a rom to enable the GSM 2G bands the phone hardware IS capable of. I thought you were trying to say you could magically enable 3g/UMTS bands that it's NOT capable of with a rom lol. Disregard the parts below about enabling bands the hardware isn't capable of, that's my misunderstanding!!
Original post:
I don't know what you're smoking bro. It most certainly IS a hardware limitation. You can't just enable bands that the antenna isn't capable of. SOME devices, very rarely, have antennae capable of more bands than are enabled in the radio firmware(NOT the Rom) but those are very few and far between.
Simply put, you can't make a 1609 into a 1607 just by flashing a new radio. If you could, then hell... I'd make every one of my old phones work with all carriers by turning on the bands they don't already have. Sadly, this is not possible.
As I said earlier in the thread, it's capable of EDGE (2g), and some of the GSM LTE bands that CDMA carriers use for data, BUT you wouldn't be able to call/text over LTE and it would fall back to EDGE for voice and sms (so no simultaneous voice and data) if you got a carrier unlock code from Verizon, but most GSM carriers are phasing out EDGE for postpaid accounts so if it's not a prepaid SIM it likely wouldn't register to the network at all for voice calling.
tl;dr unlocking the XT1609 for use on GSM carriers would be a very painful and unpleasant experience on prepaid where calls would go to voicemail when you're using data, and the SIM wouldn't register at all on a contract/postpaid account.
what about international use? is it possibly just locked in usa unlocked international for roaming?
mrw187 said:
what about international use? is it possibly just locked in usa unlocked international for roaming?
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I'm afraid that you're misunderstanding the meaning of "locked" in this scenario. It's probably carrier locked to Verizon prepaid no matter where you take it, but that can be remedied very easily (it was brought to my attention last night in a different forum that there are now unlock codes for these on eBay for around $2.50, so buying an unlock code takes care of that problem). But the real issue is the bands that this phone is capable of using and what is available where you're going and what network you'll be using. I believe the bands Verizon uses are more prevalent over seas, but I'm sure you can find this out with a quick web search.
ryanl2299 said:
It would probably be a waste of time and $. Someone already bought one in the other Verizon moto g4 play thread and returned it because it looked like a no go. And without unlocking the bootloader, how would you flash a custom or alternate ROM to use the bands needed for GSM (as mentioned above). That's if it's a firmware thing and not a hardware limitation. If we want an unlocked Moto G4 play, the only option looks like we're shelling out $100 to Amazon for the one with ads or $150 without ads.
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ryanl2299 said:
I'm afraid that you're misunderstanding the meaning of "locked" in this scenario. It's probably carrier locked to Verizon prepaid no matter where you take it, but that can be remedied very easily (it was brought to my attention last night in a different forum that there are now unlock codes for these on eBay for around $2.50, so buying an unlock code takes care of that problem). But the real issue is the bands that this phone is capable of using and what is available where you're going and what network you'll be using. I believe the bands Verizon uses are more prevalent over seas, but I'm sure you can find this out with a quick web search.
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I see. Need to find out what 3g bands get unlocked if any because according to gsmarena the 4g bands on this model are not applicable in my country and rolling 2g only is not worth it.
agentfusion said:
EDIT: NEVER MIND. I just realized you were saying they'd need to flash a rom to enable the GSM 2G bands the phone hardware IS capable of. I thought you were trying to say you could magically enable 3g/UMTS bands that it's NOT capable of with a rom lol. Disregard the parts below about enabling bands the hardware isn't capable of, that's my misunderstanding!!
Original post:
I don't know what you're smoking bro. It most certainly IS a hardware limitation. You can't just enable bands that the antenna isn't capable of. SOME devices, very rarely, have antennae capable of more bands than are enabled in the radio firmware(NOT the Rom) but those are very few and far between.
Simply put, you can't make a 1609 into a 1607 just by flashing a new radio. If you could, then hell... I'd make every one of my old phones work with all carriers by turning on the bands they don't already have. Sadly, this is not possible.
As I said earlier in the thread, it's capable of EDGE (2g), and some of the GSM LTE bands that CDMA carriers use for data, BUT you wouldn't be able to call/text over LTE and it would fall back to EDGE for voice and sms (so no simultaneous voice and data) if you got a carrier unlock code from Verizon, but most GSM carriers are phasing out EDGE for postpaid accounts so if it's not a prepaid SIM it likely wouldn't register to the network at all for voice calling.
tl;dr unlocking the XT1609 for use on GSM carriers would be a very painful and unpleasant experience on prepaid where calls would go to voicemail when you're using data, and the SIM wouldn't register at all on a contract/postpaid account.
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Part of me says that the disabled bands is a firmware thing rather than a hardware thing since it's much cheaper for moto to make "one phone" with different programming, but it's probably just wishful thinking on my part. Either way, I'm sure Verizon locked these phones down so we'll because of the whole moto e thing last year (hordes of zombies flocked to bestbuy to buy $10 Verizon branded phones only to use them on other networks). All it took was a couple of commands in abd from what I remember (there was an ultra long thread about it at the time). Probably pissed off Verizon and I hope they lost their shirts. I'm sure that these types of phones are subsidized in some way since the unbranded ones are almost always double or more in price (especially with verizon- they usually have cheaper phones but more expensive service - great way to hook you).
And I know exactly what you're talking about with using this in stock form on gsm carriers. If you're in need of a laugh, go check out the thread for Verizon moto g4 play over on slickdeals. There was one poster who got this phone unlocked (via eBay) and was going to try to use this for VOIP with Google voice or something (data only I suppose) since he claimed to have excellent LTE in his region. I believe that he's in for an underwhelming experience and constant missed/dropped calls. I guess it might work if you stand in one spot all day. To each his own. Some people would do just about anything to save a few bucks. Here's a link and their username was TheLao :http://slickdeals.net/f/9195543-16g...ipping-free-store-pickup-best-buy-ebay?page=7
Just got off live chat with motorola with 2 different csrs neither knew anything outside of public info on what bands the xt1609 has or it truely has no 3g gsm bands.
may have to wait until someone who physically has this and can confirm what bands it has once unlocked? i tried searching for an app on store that can tell you available bands on the device but gave up after about 4-5 apps.
ryanl2299 said:
Part of me says that the disabled bands is a firmware thing rather than a hardware thing since it's much cheaper for moto to make "one phone" with different programming, but it's probably just wishful thinking on my part. Either way, I'm sure Verizon locked these phones down so we'll because of the whole moto e thing last year (hordes of zombies flocked to bestbuy to buy $10 Verizon branded phones only to use them on other networks). All it took was a couple of commands in abd from what I remember (there was an ultra long thread about it at the time). Probably pissed off Verizon and I hope they lost their shirts. I'm sure that these types of phones are subsidized in some way since the unbranded ones are almost always double or more in price (especially with verizon- they usually have cheaper phones but more expensive service - great way to hook you).
And I know exactly what you're talking about with using this in stock form on gsm carriers. If you're in need of a laugh, go check out the thread for Verizon moto g4 play over on slickdeals. There was one poster who got this phone unlocked (via eBay) and was going to try to use this for VOIP with Google voice or something (data only I suppose) since he claimed to have excellent LTE in his region. I believe that he's in for an underwhelming experience and constant missed/dropped calls. I guess it might work if you stand in one spot all day. To each his own. Some people would do just about anything to save a few bucks. Here's a link and their username was TheLao :http://slickdeals.net/f/9195543-16g...ipping-free-store-pickup-best-buy-ebay?page=7
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I'm sure in some phones it is probably just a firmware thing. I remember some of the early Kindle fire models that were on the low end were really underclocked high end models with a smaller NAND. If you rooted them and flashed a new kernel, you could enable Bluetooth and set the clock speed up to match the higher end model and all you'd be missing is some storage. In the case of the Moto g4 play, though, it's probably cheaper to just leave out the physical antenna hardware for non VZW bands than disabling them via firmware. That's likely just a matter of dropping a step from the assembly process, so it wouldn't cost them any extra... Might even save a few pennies per run. But I'd imagine on high end flagship devices where it's a different model for every carrier, it's just a firmware thing. That's probably the REAL reason some phones have locked bootloaders. Like the LG G4, the only one with bootloader unlock is the international version with all bands enabled. I bet if I COULD unlock the bootloader on my sprint LG G4, I could turn it into a GSM phone.
And LOLOLOL about that link. Dude is going to hate life. When my LG G4 was in for repair and the Moto G4 Play hadn't shipped yet, I was using a LG G Pad F7 LTE tablet with Google voice, using hangouts and hangouts dialer for sms and voice. Missed calls SO many times because it would take too long to start ringing on my end, and I'm in one of the major US markets so LTE coverage is literally everywhere.
Welp, TIFU. I bought two of the Moto g4 play at walmart... got home and found out that Verizon locks 4g phones again. Paid for an unlock, found the phone doesn't allow connecting to GSM networks, but that is because even with a GSM sim in the phone it still only connects to Verizon. With my t-mobile sim in the phone, I make a call and get the "your call is being transfered to a representative who will take your credit card info to complete this call". Leave it to verizon to only allow the phone to connect to their network even after you unlock it...
Xt1609 doesn't have connection of gsm or 2g
Hi! I bought a "Moto 4G play" of Veirzon USA (XT1609). Unfortunately, My network operator in Mexico (Telcel) hasn't compatible with the VoLTE.
The cellphone doesn't have connection of GSM or 2G only LTE 4G. I did unlocked it and use everything, photo, video, WhatsApp. The cellphone recognize my SIM Card and network carrier, but I can't make, or receive, calls.
Shrraga said:
Welp, TIFU. I bought two of the Moto g4 play at walmart... got home and found out that Verizon locks 4g phones again. Paid for an unlock, found the phone doesn't allow connecting to GSM networks, but that is because even with a GSM sim in the phone it still only connects to Verizon. With my t-mobile sim in the phone, I make a call and get the "your call is being transfered to a representative who will take your credit card info to complete this call". Leave it to verizon to only allow the phone to connect to their network even after you unlock it...
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Well, that's what the Moto E 2nd gen did out of the box as well, they removed the setting to swap CDMA/GSM in the menu, but the folks over in that part of the forum figured out that using the app "Network" from the play store, and a sequence of turning on/off airplane mode, they were able to switch it from CDMA to GSM and make it stick. Otherwise, it would keep trying to connect to Verizon just like you describe.
So it doesn't mean anything that you didn't get it to work immediately after unlocking. You probably have to force it off CDMA in a similar fashion. Bigger issue is whether or not the phone will be able to actually access the appropriate bands you'd need, whether because the hardware doesn't support it or because it is disabled in firmware. We don't really know for sure yet. But if you've come this far and have a penchant for torture but don't want to give up until you know for certain, give it a try!
