Unhide/Show System/hidden USB Files + Delete Shortcuts - win7,8 - Windows 8 General

Previously my PC was affected by a virus that affected Removable Media (USB Flash) files. The original files became hidden (system attribute) and Shortcuts were created against that files.
I made a small Batch Program to unhide/show USB files + delete shortcuts. (See Attachment)
It executes a simple command
attrib -H -S /S /D /L
to show the hidden files.
And after that it deletes all the shortcuts by executing
del /f /s *.lnk
Additionally it will also delete the unwanted autorun.inf and *.vbs files.
Copy the file to the respective USB Drive and run it from there.
It works fine on a clean PC but if this virus exists in your computer, this program do its job but the virus will again hide them.
Sometimes it's the Microsoft Windows Based Script Host (wscript.exe), stop it using your task manager and Disable it in the Startup.
Bahar Ali Durrani - Vice President,
Society of IT, GPGC Charsadda.

For Windows XP
For Windows XP use the following command:
attrib -H -S /S /D

Try Krojam Soft Files Search program to find all hidden files and folders.


[App] Tiny apk installer (adb required)

A small app I wrote for my convenience. The source code is about 13 lines long, it has no advanced features, simply an easier way of typing in "adb install path/to/file".
Currently windows only, if it gains a few downloads i'll release a linux app.
If anyone wants the source feel free. It was coded in C++
Simply drag the apk file onto the exe. or set it as the default program for opening the file, then all you have to do is double click on the apk for it to install.
It won't tell you if there are any errors (though you may see it in the command window that pops up momenterilly). This was a personal project for my own convenience I just thought I'd post it here.
Nice, I created similar thing:
a little batch-script for windows
@echo off
echo Installing %1
echo ---------------------------------------------------
"C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\adb.exe" install %1
echo ---------------------------------------------------
@echo on
I saved it in my windows folder and assigned the *.apk filetype to it in Folder Settings->File types with this:
apkinstaller.bat %1
After that: double click on your apk and voila

[tip] install, sign apk, ..etc on right click (windows)

I've been hesitating on posting this for a while now (as its quite simple) but It may save you a ton of time like it continues to save for me.
1) write a batch file to do what you want, %1 is the file name+path argument passed to it
2) associate .apk files with the batch file. right click on apk-> open with-> choose program ->select the batch file
Many possibilities:
sign, install, decompile etc
here is the code for install.bat which I keep at x:\android-sdk\tools (same folder as adb)
adb install -r %1
For sign: (creates a new .apk with -signed appended at the same location)
cd "x:\path\to\signapk.jar\"
java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 %1 %1-signed.apk
For decompile: (decodes to a new folder with the same name+"-decoded" as the .apk
cd x:\path\to\apktool.jar\
java -jar apktool.jar d %1 %1-decoded
thats pretty neat, nice tip
I'm dumb. I didn't read the first part of what you typed, figured the rest didn't work, searched google to come up with my own routine, figured out yours is extremely easy once you actually read it haha.
Oh well, at least I learned a little more DOS.
APK install bat with a prompt:
@echo off
set /p userinp=Do you want to install %1 y/n:
if "%userinp%"=="y" goto ADBINSTALL
adb install -r %1
EDIT: Forgot to say thanks.
yeah simple dos batch files can automated lot of monotonous tasks, I use them a lot for work

Mac Users: hidden files on sdcard

I'm sure some if not all mac users have experienced seeing extra hidden files for every file they have transfered to their sdcard from their mac. For example, you copy desktop.jpg onto the sdcard, and along with it will be a 4kb file called ._desktop.jpg. To me that's extremely annoying, especially when I transfer a lot of files and have to delete all the hidden files. Another issue, when doing the same thing but from a mac to an external harddrive or network volume, osx creates a .DS_Store hidden file.
The solutions are here:
sdcard hidden file issue (if you don't have a .bash_profile file in your home folder, just create one and paste the code in the link)
.DS_Store issue
Actually the information in the thread I linked for 'sdcard hidden file issue' is incorrect/outdated. Here is the proper solution, depending on which version of OSX you are running:
For Mac OSX Tiger (10.4):
For Mac OSX (Snow) Leopard (10.5, 10.6):
In a terminal window, type:
sudo nano -w ~/.bash_profile
Put in your account's password and hit enter, then paste the applicable export line (Edit/Paste or CMD(apple)+'v'), then hit CTRL+'x' to write/save the file, hit 'y' when prompted with "Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ?", then hit enter when prompted with "File Name to Write: /Users/(your_username_here)/.bash_profile".
That's it. Let me know if you have any questions.
very nice tips! do you know if it will work on lion also? I really can't stand all those 4kb hidden files!! :good:

[HOWTO] Customizing webtop

For sometime now I have been meaning to write-up some of my notes and share some of the things I found can be done with webtop. I have a lapdock that I use it with my Atrix, I also have a HD dock connected to a monitor/keyboard/mouse/speakers.
Much of the following is just documenting the linux programs that are installed on the webtop and how they can be configured. You will need to have a terminal program to do most things covered in this post (not the android terminal program, but either lxterminal or xterm) and a text editor.
I use SystemR89's webtopMod to run a full debian distribution in a chooted jail (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1093790), this is not necessary for most of what this post will cover but it does install lxterminal and a lightweight text editor (leafpad) into your webtop.
AWN (the menu at the bottom of the webtop screen)
awn-manager is included in webtop and it allows you add/delete programs from the menu at the bottom of the screen. Before you use awn-manager the first time you will need to type the following command at the terminal prompt:
sudo chmod 777 /usr/share/applications/*​
Then you can just type in awn-manager and click on launchers and start changing/adding/deleting things. Alternatively you can modify the appropriate files manually.
The configuration file that has the list of menu items is:
If you make manual changes to this file you will need to reboot for the changes to take effect (if you use awn-manager all changes take effect immediately).
As you will notice the menu configuration file references “.desktop” files. I am not going to cover the structure of the desktop files, there are a lot of good references out there covering this, just take a look at what is in them, the structure it is pretty straightforward. A number of the desktop files are found here:
but the ones created by awn-manager will be put here:
If the program or command will only be run from the awn menu this directory is probably the best place to put the desktop file. If you are going to associate the program with a file type (more on this latter) you may want to put the desktop files in the following directory:
any weblinks that you create by using the plus in the right hand side of the bottom awn menu bar will be put here:
and a good place to stick any custom icons that you are going to be using is here:
the default set of icons that awn-manager accesses are found here
to launch an android program in the mobileview window (aka aiw) you will need to use androidlauncher, here are a couple examples of how to do this:
androidlauncher --action "android.intent.action.VIEW" --uri "content://com.android.contacts/contacts"​/usr/local/bin/androidlauncher --action "android.intent.action.MAIN" --cmp "uk.co.nickfines.RealCalc/.Calculator"​
you can look in the desktop files found in the /usr/share/applications directory to see some examples of how to launch various android programs you can also use the android app alogcat from the market to see what command is executed when you launch an android app on your phone.
Nautilus (the file manager)
Nautilus is filemanager used by webtop, it has been significnatly modified by Motorola so don't expect all of the normal features to work. If you look at the entry for the file manager using awn-manager you will see that the following command is used to launch the program:
nautilus --no-desktop --browser /mnt/sdcard​
In webtop the default preferences for nautilus are set up so that you can leave out the -no-desktop and -browser switches if you want. The /mnt/sdcard entry specifies which directory nautilus should start in. You can specify nautilus to start in the root (/) directory, but it won't have root privileges, so it is not a replacement for root explorer (or similar). If gksu was included in webtop you should have been able to run nautilus with root privileges by typing in:
gksu nautilus --no-desktop --browser /​
but when I installed gksu and tried this it did not work.
If you want to have additional directories listed on the left panel in nautilius you can edit the file:
You can add some functionallity to nautilus by creating scripts. After you create a script an option to run the script will appear under the files menu and come up when you right click. The scripts files are kept in the following directory:
I have attached a couple of scripts that I use, you can also check out:
You can view the preferences that are set for nautilus by using:
gconftool-2 -R /apps/nautilus/preferences​
I played around with changing some of the preferences, I tried to turn on an address bar but the bread crumbs disappeared instead, I found that you can enable move-to-trash but it only works for linux filesystems (i.e. it works for your home directory but not for FAT filesystems like sdcard or sdcard-ext, although you might be able to fix this by putting appropriate entries in fstab with uid=1000 in the entry, I wrote a move to trash script instead)
It does not appear that the motorola webtop nautilus directly supports accessing network files, but if you are using a kernel with cifs support (or cifs manager from the market) you can mount network directories and then access them through nautilus.
Nautilus has saved searches built in (ctrl-f), search by name works but search by filetype does not work (you can search by file name, such as mp3, but it you tell it to find all audio files it does nothing). I guess they figured they have their smartfolders for that (Phone Music, Phone Images, Phone Video). By the way if you freeze or remove webtop connector then items will no longer be added to the smartfolders.
pcmanfm (an alternative filemanager in webtop)
There is a lightweight alternative to the nautilus file manager included in webtop called pcmanfm. To launch it with the sdcard directory showing type the following:
pcmanfm --no-desktop /mnt/sdcard​
if you want to launch it with root privileges in the root directory type the following
sudo pcmanfm --no-desktop /​
(I know you should be using gksu instead of sudo, but this works and gksu is not included with webtop).
Some of the nice features of pcmanfm:
It can run with root privileges (see above)
It has an address bar, so you can just type in the directory you want to instead of navigating the directory tree
It has an open terminal window here function built in (tool – open terminal)
There is a bookmarks menu where you can change the directories shown in the left pannel without having to edit ~/.gtk-bookmarks
File associations
If you want a specific application to launch when you double click on an item in the file manager you can change the entries in the following files:
To have several “open with” options when you right click on a file you can put several entries on a line. The following is an example of an entry:
This enrty is telling the file manager to use gpicview.desktop to open the file if you double click on a jpep and to offer the options “open with gpicview”, “open with Mobile View” and “open with firefox” if you were to right click on a jpeg file.
The file manager will use gpicview.desktop that is found in /usr/share/applications/ unless there is a gpicview.desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/
I have attached the files that I use for
You will probably have to edit these file because some of the file associations I have set up launch programs in the chrooted linux environment.
Linux applications included with webtop
Functional and useful linux programs included in webtop
nautilus: file manager
pcmanfm: file manager
firefox: web browser
awn-manager: menu editor
xarchiver: file archive manager (zip/tar)
gpicview: a simple image viewer
epdfview: pdf viewer​
Gnome programs - most of the gnome programs are crippled/semi-functional, but the following two seem to work well:
gnome-dictionary: online dictionary
gnome-screenshot: screenshot/capture utility​
If you look at the "exec" entry in the desktop files located in /usr/share/applications you can see what other programs are included in the webtop distribution.
I am not certain if the stock atrix kernel has swap support, I am using faux123's kernel, perhaps someone could comment on if the stock kernel's swap support.
I find that I need to set up swap space if I want to use the webtop for anything more than occasional web browsing. Before I enabled swap webtop was regularly warning me that I had low memory (and you can't close the warning message, which is really annoying).
The first thing I tried was using zram for swap (fuax123's kernel supports this). I DO NOT recommend using zram for swap.
Next I looked into setting up a swap partition; however, after a little research I found out that the complexity of setting up a swap partition is a waste of time, you can get the same performance using a swapfile. Accordng to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paging#Linux):
From a software point of view with the 2.6 Linux kernel, swap files are just as fast[14][15] as swap partitions. The kernel keeps a map of where the swap file exists, and accesses the disk directly, bypassing caching and filesystem overhead.[15] Red Hat recommends using a swap partition.[16] With a swap partition one can choose where on the disk it resides and place it where the disk throughput is highest. The administrative flexibility of swap files can outweigh the other advantages of swap partitions. For example, a swap file can be placed on any drive, can be set to any desired size, and can be added or changed as needed. A swap partition, however, requires that it be set for the entire hard drive, and once the size of a swap partition is set, it can't be changed without using tools to resize the entire drive.​
To create a 512MB swapfile, type the following commands in the terminal:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard-ext/.swapfile bs=1M count=512
sudo mkswap /sdcard-ext/.swapfile​
This is probably bigger than I need, I don't think I have ever used more than 100MB of swap. I use a "." as the first part of the filename, this makes the file a "hidden" file in linux and therefore the file is less likely to get accidentally deleted or moved.
Next, turn on the swap:
sudo swapon /sdcard-ext/.swapfile​
and make sure it is working:
You will want to add the following line to the file /etc/fstab:
/sdcard-ext/.swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0​
and the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf
(you may actually want to try a value less than 10, the lower the value the less the phone will swap)
Running full debian in a chooted jail (webtopMod)
As I mentioned in the first post I use SystemR89's webtopMod to run a full debian distribution in a chooted jail (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1093790)
You can install a number of very useful and fully functional linux programs in the chrooted environment and then access them from the awn menu (or if you have the file associations set up properly in defualts.list and mimeapps.list you can launch the files by double clicking on a file in the file manager).
*IMPORTANT* Some of the commands must be executed in the chrooted environment and some must be executed in the non-chrooted environment (i.e. the normal webtop environment). The following instructions tell you which environment you need to use for each command.
Once you have webtopMod installed I would recommend that the first thing you do is open an xterm window in the chrooted environment (click on the penguin and select the proper menu item for xterm) and install synaptic in the chrooted environment:
apt-get install synaptic​
You can then use synaptic to install other linux programs/packages, such as lxterminal, OpenOffice, mtpaint (gimp runs but it is really slow).
I have modified the script that SytemR89 uses to launch the chrooted environment (attached), you can replace the original script by following these steps in the non-chrooted environment:
Save the attached file,
Rename it from linux.txt to linux
Copy it to /usr/sbin
Set the permissions properly (sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/linux)​
If you want to launch a program in the chrooted environment you can do it by typing the following in the non-chrooted environment:
linux oocalc​
where oocalc is the name of a program that you have installed in the chrooted environment.
A couple of final things, you may want to setup a symlink in the chrooted environment for /sdcard (and sdcard-ext). If I recall correctly, SytemR89 was just mounting /sdcard (and /sdcard-ext) in the chrooted environment and I changed the script to mount /mnt/sdcard instead (why? so that the chrooted directories would be set up the same as the non-chrooted environment). To make a symlink between /mnt/sdcard and /sdcard in the chrooted environment. First launch an xterm window for the chrooted environment, then type in the following commands:
sudo umount /sdcard
sudo umount /mnt/sdcard
sudo mkdir /sdcard
sudo mkdir /mnt/sdcard
sudo ln -s /mnt/sdcard /sdcard
sudo umount /sdcard-ext
sudo umount /mnt/sdcard-ext
sudo mkdir /sdcard-ext
sudo mkdir /mnt/sdcard-ext
sudo ln -s /mnt/sdcard-ext /sdcard-ext​
You may get some errors telling you that something was not mounted or that a directory exists, just ignore the error(s).
Then reboot.
I also created a directory /usbdrive in the chroot'd linux environment and use the following command to mount a usb drive so that the chrooted environment can access it (run this command from the non-chooted environment)
sudo mount -t vfat /dev/block/sda1 /osh/opt/WebTopMOD/root/usbdrive​
Many thanks for posting this, it's an excellent guide.
tamuin said:
I am not certain if the stock atrix kernel has swap support, I am using faux123's kernel, perhaps someone could comment on if the stock kernel's swap support.
I find that I need to set up swap space if I want to use the webtop for anything more than occasional web browsing. Before I enabled swap webtop was regularly warning me that I had low memory (and you can't close the warning message, which is really annoying).
The first thing I tried was using zram for swap (fuax123's kernel supports this). I DO NOT recommend using zram for swap.
Next I looked into setting up a swap partition; however, after a little research I found out that the complexity of setting up a swap partition is a waste of time, you can get the same performance using a swapfile. Accordng to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paging#Linux):
From a software point of view with the 2.6 Linux kernel, swap files are just as fast[14][15] as swap partitions. The kernel keeps a map of where the swap file exists, and accesses the disk directly, bypassing caching and filesystem overhead.[15] Red Hat recommends using a swap partition.[16] With a swap partition one can choose where on the disk it resides and place it where the disk throughput is highest. The administrative flexibility of swap files can outweigh the other advantages of swap partitions. For example, a swap file can be placed on any drive, can be set to any desired size, and can be added or changed as needed. A swap partition, however, requires that it be set for the entire hard drive, and once the size of a swap partition is set, it can't be changed without using tools to resize the entire drive.​
To create a 512MB swapfile, type the following commands in the terminal:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard-ext/.swapfile bs=1M count=512
sudo mkswap /sdcard-ext/.swapfile​
This is probably bigger than I need, I don't think I have ever used more than 100MB of swap. I use a "." as the first part of the filename, this makes the file a "hidden" file in linux and therefore the file is less likely to get accidentally deleted or moved.
Next, turn on the swap:
sudo swapon /sdcard-ext/.swapfile​
and make sure it is working:
You will want to add the following line to the file /etc/fstab:
/sdcard-ext/.swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0​
and the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf
(you may actually want to try a value less than 10, the lower the value the less the phone will swap)
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Thanks a lot, I was just starting to configure zram right before reading your post. :good:
Please explain just two things to me:
- Did you automated this to always enable swap? If so, how (init.d scripting)? EDIT: forget about... I didn't realize what changes in /etc/fstab will do...
- You've created the swap file in the external SDCard. Isn't better to create it on EMMC? EDIT: I've created the file on EMMC cause it's much faster and seems to be Ok!!!

Make ROOT Permanet / System Read and Write to all Android ROMS for Tenderloin

Extracting ramdisk image to change fstab.tenderloin to make system read and write allowing permanent root access using any ROM ever created for the HP Touchpad.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 64-bit (All the software is open source and free, you can get the packages necessary for your distro)
Create a folder in /home (root) name it hpboot ( on the PC ) all work is done on the PC.
Open the custom ROM zip file and extract boot.img to the created directory hpboot
Open Terminal in the hpboot directory, all the commands needs to be enter there.
Text beginning with –>># are for information only. Do not paste into the Linux terminal window.
–>># The following will extract images from boot.img file located in the hpboot direcory.
–>># Copy and paste each individual line in the Terminal window one by one and wait until each command finish processing.
dumpimage -i boot.img kernel.uImage
dumpimage -i boot.img -p 1 ram
dd if=ram of=ramdisk.img.gz bs=64 skip=1
gunzip ramdisk.img.gz
mkdir ramdisk; cd ramdisk
cpio -i < ../ramdisk.img
–>>#The ramdisk files are uncompress in the hpboot/ramdisk directory
–>>#Open file fstab.tenderloin using (text editor) change mnt_flags of/system ext4 from ro to rw
–>>#Look like this when change from (ro ) read only to ( rw ) read and write.
–>>#<src> <mnt_point> <type> <mnt_flags and options>
–>>#/dev/store/cm-system /system ext4 rw,errors=panic
–>># Save and close the fstab.tenderloin file
–>># The next 3 steps will repack the files into the ramdisk and merge Kernel to create the finish boot image.
find . | cpio --create --format=’newc’ | gzip > ../ramdiskRW.img
cd ~/hpboot
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none -a 0x00000000 -n “TENDERLOIN RW SYSTEM RAMDISK” -d ./ramdiskRW.img ./ramdisk.uImage
mkimage -A arm -T multi -C none -n “Tenderloin RW System” -d kernel.uImage:ramdisk.uImage uImage.Android_RW
–>>#Boot the touchpad into TWRP, connect to PC, copy uImage.Android_RW to the external Micro SDCard.
–>>#Select MOUNT and touch Boot, go back, touch Advanced, File Manager, touch external_sd, select uImage.Android_RW, touch Copy File, touch boot, touch select Current Folder.
–>>#You should have free space on your boot for both images. At the boot screen you will have the option of Android (with no permanet ROOT access) and Android_RW (RW System), you need to install SuperSu. You can use any of the two options or delete uImage.Android and then rename uImage.Android_RW to uImage.Android for one boot option.
You do not need to re flash the ROM, you can add this boot file and use it with your current installed working ROM.
The process works for all boot.img created for the HP Touchpad. If you have a ROM and would like to have system read and write access then you can do this.
Hopefully a Linux Guru will create a script for this, which will automate the process to 3 seconds!
I like tinkering with my TP but I am running @Windows 7 on a 32 bit.. any suggestions?
Android is base on Linux OS.
Install vmware player and run ubuntu as a virtual machine, both are free.
Hopefully a Linux Guru will create a script for this, which will automate the process to 3 seconds!
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Here's a shell script that automates the process (rename the extension from .txt to .sh). Put the script and boot image file in any directory and type
If it doesn't execute, it probably needs its permissions changed.. Right click the file you created, select 'properties'. In the properties window, select "Permissions" and check "allow executing as ..." or type
chmod +x rwcreate.sh
in a terminal window
Thanks for your help and dedicating your time to make it easier for others.
I made suggestion to the script on correcting an error, on DU forum.
Now is just a click to get it done, but if we were in a perfect computer world, it could be even easier as to connect the HP Touchpad to PC using USB.
Then run the script and everything is complete!
Using adb pull command to get (boot.uImage) from hp boot directory, to PC.
Changes are done as per script.
adb push command new boot.uImage to hp boot directory, all done!
But making it easier, will make it more complicated and having to install more software and confusing!
Thanks for your help and dedicating your time to make it easier for others.
I made suggestion to the script on correcting an error, on DU forum.
Now is just a click to get it done, but if we were in a perfect computer world, it could be even easier as to connect the HP Touchpad to PC using USB.
Then run the script and everything is complete!
Using adb pull command to get (boot.uImage) from hp boot directory, to PC.
Changes are done as per script.
adb push command new boot.uImage to hp boot directory, all done!
But making it easier, will make it more complicated and having to install more software and confusing!
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Done. Thanks.
shumash said:
Done. Thanks.
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The script on this forum is correct, but in the DU the file was wrong, corrected now.
Thanks for the fix and help!

