Disable vibration of a single app - Wear OS Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, I have an Huawei Watch. Is there a way to disable vibration for a single app? An hack, an app, a widget (even on the phone)
When I'm at pc, I use whatsapp web so I don't want tens of vibrations but, when I go out, notifications (even if only on display) are essential. But it's annoying enable/disable notification everytime from android wear app...


Wake up my phone on notifications? - Solved

Is there a setting, app, or feature that will temporarily turn the screen on to show incoming notifications? My last Motorola device did this as did one of my HTC devices. My iPhone did it. I can't seem to find the settings to make my note 3 do it....
Ok, I know it's bad karma to reply to your own post, but I think I've got the whole notifications not built in thing worked out with an app and a few settings... There still seem to be a few kinks to work out, but here's what I did in case anyone wants to replicate my "success". Note that this has a configuration tool similar to the one found on iPhone that lets you turn on/off notifications on the lock screen for each app that sends notifications.
Download and install Nils from the google play store - make sure to enable it after installing
go to settings, lockscreen and turn on multiple widgets
Set screen lock to "swipe". I didnt' test this with other lockscreens but it may work
turn off, then on your device to see the default clock lockscreen.
Press and hold the stock clock and slide down to make it bigger
Press and hold the stock clock widget on the lockscreen and drag it to the trash
Click the new "+" symbol on the lockscreen and choose the Nils widget
Play with the settings.
I tested this on a rooted cleanrom installed device and it works for messages, corporate email, and gmail. That's all I'm interested in, but this will also work on all sorts of other system messages.

Force Vibrate notification on watch

Is there an app similar to "notification center" on pebble, where I can force the watch to vibrate when I get a notification from certain applications?
For some reason I just can't get certain apps to vibrate (and I just see the notification, which is no good because I just miss it).
I don't know if those apps are poorly written or set wrong or what.
Other apps vibrate - so it's not a general problem. I shouldn't have to be screwing around with so many settings like this.
I'm fairly happy with my Moto 360, but missing important notifications is a dealbreaker, and I might be forced to go back to my Pebble.
Anyone know of an app that can do this? I don't mind paying for one.
- Frank
Found one that worked: Augmented SmartWatch Pro.
It seems that wechat doesn't send a "vibrate notification" so it breaks android wear.
Instead it just does a normal app vibration.
Augmented works similar to "Pebble notifier" where it sends a vibrate notification to Android wear.

Question about customizing notifications

I got a 6P a few days ago, after getting a Galaxy Tab S2 a few weeks ago. These are my first Android devices and I'm still figuring things out.
One of the things that I'm kinda frustrated about is notifications. I'm used to iOS where I can control all notification settings for all apps in one spot (banners, sounds, lock screen, notification center, etc). Unless I'm missing something, it seems like Android notifications are controlled individually in each app, and the granularity of control you have over what type of notifications it produces is at the mercy of whatever settings the developer decided to implement. Is this an accurate assessment? And yes I'm aware of the Notifications area in Settings that allowed to control peeking and sensitivity.
Specifically, I have an app (Flickr) that I want to get lock screen notifications for, but it makes a sound for each notification - which I absolutely do not want. There is only one setting in the app - Notifications enabled or disabled. Is there somewhere else I can go to configure it to retain a lock screen notification but disable sound? Or am I just stuck with whatever the app allows me to do?
You are correct. And feel on the app you may find you have no control over the type and frequency of those alerts.

App overrides Silent and DND mode?!

Hello, I have a certain app on my device (app for setting up home alarm system and notifying if the alarm is activated) which produces sound notification when a sensor is triggered. App works fine, BUT, when I put my phone in silent mode, or in DND mode, app still makes sound notification disregarding the mode. I've tried messing with permissions, and even disabling all notifications for that app via phone settings, but it keeps making a sound. Am I missing some option on my phone (because app doesn't have setting for that), because I really need that app, but without annoying sounds
nobody had similar situation?
fixed with media-mute app

Notification sounds

Hi! I was wondering, is there any way to turn off the sound on notifications for all apps (like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc) but still have the phone ring when someone calls me? I have either WiFi or data on all the time, and I get lots of notifications that aren't that urgent. I would like those to vibrate, but have the phone ring, since usually calls are more important than a YouTube video notification, for example. I couldn't find any way to do so in the settings nor did I find a third party app to help with my request. Any advice would be much appreciated
I would say that the most easy way is to create a sound file with total silence and use it as the default notification sound. Some apps have separate notification settings, you might need to disable sound (or select the same "silent sound") in the app itself.
If you want more customization options, autonotification app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.joaomgcd.autonotification&hl=en) is your friend
If you just long press it in the notification bar when it arrives you can set up exactly the type of notification you want from that app, it does not take log and as time goes by you get less and less, some you might want a special sound others vibrate, some show in status bar others not, its custom for each app.

