[APP] Dash Home, Android HOME Launcher - Android Software Development

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Or get the APK from here
Use dash home to replace your default home launcher app, use a your car home launcher or use as a stand alone app that can be triggered to launch when connected to power and/or specified blue tooth devices.
Never leave your home screen again
Feature packed home launcher for Android let's your phone do the organizing and you do the playing.
Dash Home will automatically categorize your apps for you.
Using an extensive database of Android Apps, Dash home is able to also display app data after you long press the app icon.
Simply long pressing the category folder icons will place the category folder on your home screen, long pressing it again removes it from the home screen.
Dash home also keeps track of your app usage and places your most recently used apps in a seperate folder for easy access.
Unlike other apps, Dash home focuses on leaving your home screen for quick glances and actions.
-Swipe your finger from 6 different sections of your screen to quickly and efficiently launch Android actions.
all configurable from the settings screen. All settable to be launched from different areas of your screen.
*Swiping Areas
(Left Side Top, Left Side Middle, Left Side Bottom, Right Side Top, Right Side Middle and Right Side Bottom)
(Phone, SMS app, Navigation, Most Recent App,Voice Search, Listen For Music, Contacts, Google Now, Web Browser or Camera)
-Dash home comes with built in plugins phone/sms,music player, weather and calendar
*Clicking the date on the top bar will diplay your upcoming calendar events.
*The phone/SMS plugin displays recent call data and recent SMS information allowing quick glances at your most recent and important information.
Clicking the icon on the plugin launches either the SMS app to the most recent conversation or opens the phone dialer with the number typed in already so all you have to do is press call.
*The music plugin is among the best there is. It has the ability to display data from any music app currently playing music on your device.
It will display album art, song information and provide a shortcut to the app most recently used for music.
In other words, one widget to control them all... pause for evil laughter... Ooh ha ha
*Access your system setting right from the home screen as well. Change network settings, Change Screen rotation settings and location access settings directly from the control bar at the top.
And of course there is tons of eye candy with eye popping animations for many actions.
The ad at the top is to help compensate for all of the time I put in to developing this app.
If you feel this app needs a paid version and would be worth paying for please leave a positive comment and I will see what I can do.


My problems with/suggestions for current HTC Sense

Not quite sure whether this is the exact location something like this should go.. but over time I've just put together a list of some issues I have with the current Sense (Mainly its apps) and changes/additions I'd like to see in further updates.
I'm using HTC Legend unrooted.
Ones with asterisk are more significant.
*Ability to select default location on sd card to be used by apps for cache/data storage (so root is not clustered with folders)
*Option to choose whether the long press home button action shows recently used apps or currently running apps - latter could be more useful.
*Built in flashlight app which uses camera flash as a torch (so I don't have to root. Don't see why HTC doesnt have this already.. very practical and useful)
Ability to change timestamp on Footprints. For creating footprints of past events/locations.
When manually selected network becomes unavailable, the screen annoyingly switches to the mobile network list to choose a new one, annoyingly interrupting any current tasks. Will continue to switch back to network list periodically if you ignore it. Show alert in notification bar instead.
Allow selecting/copying of text in sms messages. (select text in long press menu)
Allow manual selection of location for weather (seems to not update location until I'm connected to some form of internet.. even though it can figure it out from GPS/phone network)
Sometimes time on clock widget and notification bar are not synchronized (when traveling between timezones, notification bar has manually selected time of the new location, widget keeps time and weather data of previous location)
360 degree rotate angles (does not go landscape when rotated clockwise)
*Turning page animation for clock widget, hero has it, looks better (doesn't work on my Legend, seen a Desire where it doesn't turn pages either, must be because of the updated 2.1 version.. defeats the purpose of the page-looking background though)
*When pressing home button or otherwise going back to home screen, have a transition effect where current window minimizes to center of screen with home screen objects coming in from the edges when (like effects in nexus one). Currently the home screen sort of slides in from the side... the minimizing and fading into the centre looks much more appealing
*Nice looking orientation rotate effect when rotating phone (like iphone)
When in pinch zoom out mode on home screen (where you can see small versions of each home screen), allow the dragging and re-arrangement of the order of home screens. (Touchwiz is adding this feature, LauncherPro does I believe, need to keep up with the competition)
Re-do cover art display, there's room to move things and make album art larger, have a nicer looking display with maybe 3D effects, something similar to Itunes Cover Flow
Smooth, fast scrolling through cover art without changing song until actually pressing on album.
When pressing search button in library mode, search all fields not just one currently active.
Music sync capability of htc sync.
Be able to select album art from sd card/search online.
*Display color gradients better. (currently sometimes shows gradients very badly, rough and obviously ugly, same for picture set as lock screen wallpaper)
*Be able to choose which folders to find media (so it doesnt pick up all the images used by apps etc)
*Be able organize albums e.g. folders within folders.
*Separate videos from photos - have separate tab thing down the bottom, like where it has Albums, Facebook etc, for videos
Better updating when SD contents is modified, takes forever and initially leaves doubles of media and albums, shows nonexistent albums until finished.
Better caching - not show "searching for media" loading notification every time even if the album list had been loaded seconds before. Especially since it does not properly search for and detect new media.
Add option to add folders/search/refresh manually.
Allow creation of custom albums.
*Easier switch between camcorder and camera like nexus one and iphone camera app with constant visible slide toggle. The slide out options bar is laggy and inconvenient to change between modes.
*Audio record quality in camcorder is terrible - atleast at high volumes. Recording video at a concert and the sound was so distorted it was impossible to distinguish any of the music, while my relatively cheap Powershot camera recorded it fine.. a phone's mic should be better than a camera's right?
*Use volume rocker for zooming in and out (currently does nothing in camera mode), screen swipe zoom is often unresponsive
For a contact links, often does not keep selected display name.
Typing in a phone number of a contact in the global search (press search button while on home screen) does not find that contact
Ook thats it for now. I just wanted to put this up to see if anyone had similar ideas/problems, maybe ways to fix certain ones. Also is there any place to suggest this kind of thing directly to HTC? Silly I know, like they'd care about the opinions of one whiny guy, I can imagine how much emails from people begging for things in updates (see user KISS1 on these two threads:
htt p:// community.htc. com/na/htc-forums/android/f/22/t/4169.aspx
htt p:// community.htc. com/na/htc-forums/android/f/22/t/35.aspx)
yep..People widget too ambitious,but sometimes does not keep selected display name.hope HTC will fix this bugs

Fascinate MIUI User Guide

Fascinate MIUI User Guide
NOTE: All features may not be available yet. Still Alpha
With the release of Fascinate MIUI I thought I would share my User Guide I wrote for the Droid. It will help keep UI questions out of the Development Thread. Feel free to post in this thread with questions and for support. I am not always available but I will try and keep up.
This guide will highlight the differences that the MIUI launcher and apps bring to your experience, and help with settings so your phone works the way you want.
I am not an expert with this or any ROM(or the English language for that matter), but I thought it might be useful to have a guide to save thread posts from redundancy.
(1) There is no App Drawer. Your apps are on your home screens(seemingly random) to the right of the clock screen. When you download a new app the shortcut will be found furthest to the right
(2) Launcher Dock can be populated up to six shortcuts by drag and drop. No custom shortcuts will drop here, but folders will! (hello app drawer)
(3) Edit Mode(long press on screen, or select from MENU). This will allow you to customize your home pages.
While in edit mode pressing the MENU button will bring up the add button for custom shortcuts, widgets, folders, and wallpapers.
Widget dropdown and wallpaper options are also accessible via buttons in the upper right and left hand corners of the screen.
(4) Folders are drag and drop(easiest in edit mode) Rename by selecting folder then press pen and paper button in top left. You can also sort your apps by dl order, alphabetically, or frequent use.
(5) Widgets- one of the coolest things about this launcher is the ability to add all of your widgets in one session. Simply drag widget from dropdown menu to desired thumbnail screen, you may have to adjust on screen placement later. Then grab the next one and repeat until you are done, AWESOME.
(6) Adding and removing home screens. You can view your homescreens in thumbnail fashion by tapping twice on the home button or pinching on the screen.
Once here you may add, move(drag and drop),remove(if it is empty)screens. I haven’t heard if there is a limit, but I think I read that someone had 20 or so.
The last screen you were at before entering this mode will be highlighted.
The defaut home screen will have just the home button highlighted. Just tap the little home button on the thumbnail to switch the default.
(7) Deleting Apps. Since there is no app drawer, when you drag a shortcut to the trash can it is going to ask if you would like to uninstall.
You may not uninstall system apps in this manner.
(8) Contacts – You may select custom ringtones for each contact if desired.
Swiping across a contact in the list will give an option to Delete.
In order to use the Favorite Contact widget that is included you need to add favorite contacts by pressing add to favorites button when you open the contact.
(9) Notification Bar - If you hadn’t noticed there is a scrollable toolbar at the bottom of the notification pulldown. It contains all of the power control widget functions plus a few more.
The CPU button, Lit= lowers cpu speed when screen is off to reduce background app power consumption. Unlit = business as usual.
(10) Battery- Settings/Battery/ Battery indicator style gives 3 options for your battery status Graphically,Percentage, Top-Bar. Select your preference.
Power Saving Mode w/ many options for saving battery. When PSM is set to auto, and your battery gets below the selected threshhold, selected functions will not be available.
There is also an option to disable auto PSM.
Low battery alarm is percentage adjustable.
(11) Lock screen - You may change the wallpaper for the lockscreen in the same menu as normal wallpaper, select lockscreen wallpaper gallery to pick image from your SD card.
There are notification counters for Phone calls and Text messages. long pressing on the phone or texting icons will preview the missed calls or texts.
Unlocking with these icons will open directly to those apps.
For now the text notifications are tied to the MIUI MMS app. You must open the messages with that app to clear the notifications. The icon can be directed to handcent or other messaging app but notifications still come from MIUI MMS.(Edit:At least one user is reporting using ChompMMS and has lockscreen notifications working)
New locksreen music controls! Double tap lock icon, or play something and return to lock sreen.
(12) Task Killer - MIUI has a built in task killer. Long pressing on the home button brings up recent apps like normal, but has a button for task killing in the lower left, and a shortcut to App Manager on the lower right.
(13) Return to call button - You can leave the call screen to do other tasks, including browsing the web (WiFi only), during a call.
When you leave the call screen a button appears across the top of your screen that will return to the call screen so you can hang up.
(14) *228 Phone activation, reprogramming can be reached by dialing *228+.
(15) Settings Menu MIUI completely redid the settings menu, giving you four tabs at the bottom. Each tab has its own menu of settings, browse around to familiarize yourself with where your most used settings are located. You can now access settings for Gmail, MMS, GTalk, Calendar, and Browser, right from the main settings Menu. Just select Programs tab. (Why didn't I think of this.....oh yeah, I'm a building contractor)
(16) Themes MIUI changes the game once again with the addition of built-in themeing. In the settings menu press Personal tab/ Theme Manager or click on the Theme Manager Icon from the launcher. There are a couple preloaded. To add theme, dl, and move to MIUI/Themes on your SD card.
MIUI Theming allows for you to mix and match theme catagories. You select a System Style which will be the base for your personal theme. From there you can add features of other themes you have in your themes folder including, icons, fonts, text style, boot animation and boot audio.
(17) Screenshots Hold down on the menu button and press volume down to take a screenshot. Pics are in the MIUI folder on your SD card.
(18) MIUI Backup MIUI comes with its own backup utility. This allows you to backup and restore both apps and settings, including Launcher layout. Its a very simple backup utility. This only works for MIUI roms.
(19) Do Not Disturb mode MIUI now has support for blacklist/whitelist communication filtering. Settings/personal/DNDmode
(20) MMS Font color/ Background editor In MMS settings select themes and you will be presented with a menu that will allow you to change font color and backgrounds for your Conversation and In-Message screens. You may also select from several general MMS Themes.
(21) Personal Password Protection You can password protect Folders, dialer, SMS/MMS, and DNDMode.
Settings/Personal/ Security and Privacy Settings
(22) Visitor Mode Hides your call log and MMS msgs if you are letting someone use your phone or just showing it off. Long press power button, select Visitor Mode.
(23) MMS Favorites Tab Long pressing on a text message pops up a menu where you can forward, add to favorites, copy, get details, or delete. Selecting Favorites will add message to your Favorites Tab.
(24)MIUI Global Search App MIUI has added thier own search app. There is a widget. You can also access it by long pressing home to bring up recent apps and app killer then swipe right, notice the page dots at the top. Odd placement if you ask me, but there it is.
(25) Launcher Settings There are Launcher settings in the personal settings tab.
Keep in memory should always be on, and will prevent redraws.
Hi-res Graphics can be disabled and smooths out the launcher considerably, without any noticeable difference in appearance.
New Transitions settings in Launcher Settings=Sweet
(26) File Explorer has some nice features including a wireless sync for your PC. No need to plug in to access your SD. Just type the ftp address in the address bar of My Computer and you are in!
MMS/SMS Incorrect Timestamp Correction In MMS Settings/Advanced, Turn off Sort SMS by date (toggle left)
This is all I can think of for now. If there is something other features you would like to see added, or find an error in my post, post below and I will check periodically and update. Thanks

Cover Lockscreen for Android

[YOUTUBE]<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/chUtv1kWIg8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The right apps at the right time
No more fumbling through screens of apps to find the one you’re looking for. Cover learns when and where you use different apps and puts them on your lockscreen for easy access.
What is Cover?
Cover is the fastest way to get to the right apps at the right time. It’s a free app for Android that replaces the lockscreen of your phone, adding shortcuts to your favorite apps.
What does Cover do?
Cover recognizes the places you go: home, work, car, and out. It learns which apps you use where, and puts the right ones on your lockscreen for quick access in each context. It also pays attention to which apps you use during certain hours of the day and days of the week.
Cover lets you quickly peek at apps and jump between them. With Cover’s smart settings, you can specify ringer volumes for each context too. See our demo video for more info.
Just started using this app, thought I'd share.
Missing these important features
1) Camera launch almost always fails ( on my nexus 5 with face recognition lock setup)
2) Does not bubble up apps with notifications to top
3) Does not show next meeting, battery percent and other simple info most other lock screens show ( samsung , htc ..)
4) tap on a app with notifications ( say hangout) can show the notification message ( cover already has access to notification content). swipe will still open the app

[Q] Scrolling issues with news apps

Is there some way to improve (enable?) better swipe scrolling in apps like BBC News (1.3.4) and the News/Weather app (Google?) that comes with rooting via NookManager?
I've tried both apps, in both portrait and landscape, and have one heck of a time getting anything like a scroll swipe to work. If I do manage to get almost one screen up (after removing many layers of screen molecules) then the next swipe often sends me back to the top of the page instead of further down!
If only scrolling could be ported to the hardware buttons as a general rule instead of only in a few isolated apps
So, has anyone found a solution for these two? I'm ready to ditch them.
[SOLVED] Whoa! So in playing around with these again I discovered that they have a counter-intuitive (to me) scroll behavior. The BBC app seems to require at least one upward swipe to move the page a little and then a tiny bar appears on the right edge of the screen which is like the vertical scroll bar on a desktop. This you must swipe DOWN over to continue moving the page up. The Google news/weather app is similar but there is no bar and you just go right to the upside down scroll swipe to get the page to scroll up. Who knew?

QUICKLY open most used apps

Is there a way by which apps such as dialer, messenger, YouTube and some other selected apps can open with loading as instantly as they would when they were in recents tabs without being there. That means I want them to stay awake but still not be available in the recents tabs.
Thanks and by this I want to prevent the slow loading of certain apps for example when u open dialer first there would be a white screen then a top search bar and then finally all content, although it's is there for a fraction of second but I still hate it.

