I have purchased yureka plus (YU5510A) which is running on stock pure android 4.4.4 without cyanogen mod now I want to install cyanogen mod 12.1 thank-you
Please Help me in installing xposed framework in my yureka CM12.1 with Lollipop 5.1.1
Please reply someone
It's not compatible with 12.1 and I also gave up reverting to 4.4(CM11)
how to revert from cm 12.1 to cm 11
SandeepEmekar said:
It's not compatible with 12.1 and I also gave up reverting to 4.4(CM11)
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how to to this?is this risky?please reply
Hey guys,
I want to know whether yureka on Android ( vanilla 4.4.4) can directly upgrade to CyanogenOS /Cyanogenmod?
Sent from my YU5510A using Tapatalk
Which is the best custom ROM for yureka or yureka plus???
Currently I'm using AICP (ROM)+ Thunderzap 5.0 (KERNEL) for yureka plus and it has been great so far.
I Have Yureka Plus running on stock android 5.1.1 i want to install custom recovery how can i do so...??
If not can i install Cyanogen os
Please mail me [email protected]
Respected devs ,
I have an yureka which is currently running of stock cm12.1(5.1.1) . I have searched few forms on rooting but I am not sure about that is it specifically for cm12.1
. so if you send me a link of a form related to rooting yureka on cm 12.1 it will be helpful...
Bro...better to shift to cm13 with rooting